> Bubbldust`s Doing > by huskypaw02 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow & Pinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hermes (,the princess's royal mail pony.) crossed the corner , almost taking off his wings. He ran past Derpy and fell on her muffins. He finally got to Twilight 's house. He knocked on her door. "Here! I have to go!"he yelled. Boom! The door closed. "A note?"Twilight said. It said " Dear Twilight, I feel that great evil is coming. If you don't know if Bubbledust see's a evil pony she will turn evil. Because of her power the evil ones want her on their side.So when you are done reading this note, tell me. Then I will send you her, and you will get the job to watch her. That also means watch for suspicious activity. Princess Celestia” Twilight could not help thinking about last summer. She and the elements had to defeat Discord AND Princess Bubbledust. Twilight did not want to tell the princess she was done reading, but she had to. “Sent her over” is all Twilight wrote. Instead of asking Spike to sent it to the princess, Twilight showed Spike the note. Then she fill a satchel bag. Twilight put the note, and the “Elements Of Harmony Book” .She walked out the door. The next thing she knew Twilight was at Pinkie`s place. ‘Hello,Mister and Miss Cake! Where's Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “Right this way!” exclaimed Mister Cake. He walked her up the stairs. Pinkie was dressing Gummy in a Rainbow Dash costume. Rainbow stood to the left of her laughing.”Thanks”said Twilight as Mister Cake disappeared down the stairs.”RAINBOW,PINKIE THIS AN EMERGENCY !” she protested. “Ok wait,HA HA-HA-HA!” Pinkie and Rainbow laughed. once they were done Twilight showed them the note. Then they left. Moments later the 3 ponies stood knocking on Rarity`s door. Inside, Fluttershy whispered “Rarity the door.” Rarity say in forgivefulness “Oh yes! SORRY!.”Rarity opened the door.”Rainbow,Pinkie,Twilight, come in! Fluttershy`s here.” Rarity winned. Twilight pulled out the note. “ Read this and will get Applejack. Trust you will understand when you're done.” Fluttershy and Rarity looked down for a few seconds, then nodded their heads. Applejack stood at the Apple Family 100 Years Old Well. Applejack smiled and ran to them second she saw them. “Read this.” When you're done come to my library.” Twilight said. Applejack took the note and nodded. KNOCK! KNOCK! Applejack walked in with the note. “Here.” she mumbled. “Spike,Sent it!” Twilight said as she gave it to Spike. His fire was followed by a yellowish-whitish spark. Princess Bubbledust appeared. Her wings were like her sister,Luna`s wings but her horn was very swirly. Bubbledust was small for alicorn and she wore a dress instead of a crown and boots. Last, her hair was chestnutt and she had the lightest of purple coat. The 6 elements bowed for her. Her light blue eyes twinkled. “ nopony has every bowed for me!” she said. Bubbledust when she was not evil talked in a light voice, but not as like as Fluttershy`s. ”ok, Me, Rainbow, and Fluttershy will take the first will take the outside watch. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie watch Bubbledust inside. Applejack you're in charge.” Twilight said. Bubbledust went with Twilight`s team. Fluttershy and Rainbow jobs were to watch Bubbledust. Twilight ‘ s job was to look for suspicious activity. Rainbow was happy to talk to the princess of the elements. Fluttershy felt like rainbow didn't care what their job was, but this was their job to watch her or follow her. Also you can't blame Rainbow. Anyways, Twilight was all eyes and ears.“No sign of evil ponies” Twilight mumbled. She tried to be so quiet that the princess won't hear. But Bubbledust glanced at her and wondered what she said. ” I will find out what she said,..” Bubbledust told her self. “Rainbow, want to go to the maze together? Just us.....” Bubbledust asked. “Sure but Twilight is it ok?” Rainbow wondered. Twilight wasn`t listen and she just shook her hoof to say yes. Fluttershy looked at Twilight with with wide eyes then shrugged. Bubbledust and Rainbow went flying to the maze. When they landed in center of the maze Rainbow asked the princess the lift her with the earth. She did but she slammed her down and had earth go around her hooves. Fire flashed around them both, wind blowed in Rainbow`s face. She has freaking out about what was happen to her right now .Bubbledust`s horn was spitting out power in front of her eyes.The princess` eyes were glowing red. Then everything went black. Rainbow Dash woke up Fluttershy,Rarity,and Pinkie eyes looked down on her.”SHE UP! SHE UP!” yelled Pinkie. Rainbow lend up and Rarity gave her a pillow to rest on. She noticed that had no shadow.Twilight, Applejack, and Princess Bubbledust were in the corner talking. “So her shadow just disappeared?” asked Twilight. “Ya, we were showing each other are our talents, then POOF she fell down and if went away.” Bubbledust wippered. “IS ALL MY FAULT!” “ NO! Princess its not your fault.” Applejack yelled. “Twilight need something to cheer me up, like smile.” wippered. “DID SOMEPONY SAY SMILE!” screamed Pinkie. “OK, Pinkie take her I'll be here if need help. Everypony else can go.” Twilight said. “YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”yelled Pinkie. Pinkie and Bubbledust went to Sugar Corner ,then pinkie`s room. Bubbledust scooped the room and a in the corner she saw a baby`s bed. She fell over quickly and stared at the cutest ponies ever, babies. “That`s Mr. and Mrs. Cake`s baby`s Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.” said Pinkie. When Pinkie wasn't looking Bubbledust shot laser out of her horn, it hit Pound Cake, but nothing?..... When Pinkie came back Bubbledust turned around and shot her. Her hair unpuffed and she fell down. Then her shadow disappeared. Pinkie got up and the Princess said “you should probably puff your hair.... “ Pinkie did then followed Bubbledust out. But Bubbledust ran back and put Pound Cake in her pocket, its a big pocket. > Rarity Give In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bubbledust was sure at one point someone would ask her is she knew anything. But she had dealt with this before. Her art of evil learned by the best villains in Celestial`s life time and she had her own power too. She walked with a smirk. "It ends now." The words rang in her head. Bubbledust breathed in the sweet smell of victory. It was coming close. It has been years since she has seen the light. Bubbledust was put prison for her acts with Discord. She was good by then but something happened. No one knows and she has her lips sealed. The hard part was getting [most] of the elements of harmony around her hoof. She had Pinkie and Rainbow but she need magic. Unicorn magic. Twilight was too hard to get, so her best chance was Rarity. Unicorns them self where hard to 'get' anyways. So she had to save up power. Bubbledust looked at Twilight`s house. "This way Pinkie, now smile....." Pinkie smiled to try to act more like her self and not Pinkieamena. Bubbledust knocked Twilight`s door. "TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT!" Bubbledust yelled in fear. Applejack opened the door. "What`s the matter princess?!" AJ asked. Bubbledust started cry and she point to Pinkie with her wing. No shadow. "IT KEEPS HAPPENING!" Bubbledust cried. Twilight looked up from a book. "Princess it`s not your flaunt, im sure ill find a cure." Twilight lied. Bubbledust sniffed. "Here bring her here looks like shes gonna faint.." Bubbledust flapped her wings down and Pinkie fell. "Ah! I got her" Bubbledust sniffed. *Her horn glowed the same color as her eyes. A rim of magic glowed around Pinkie, she floated next to Rainbow in the bed. Bubbledust set her down and turned off her magic. "Im sorry..." "Don't be darling, here come with me and we can you a new outfit" Rarity urged. AJ and Twilight nodded to get Bubbledust out of her house while they found a cure. "O-ok" Bubbledust made out. She followed Rarity as she walked. "Now that's a cute dress of yours" Rarity smiled. Bubbledust smiled trying to seem 'helpless'. Finally they got to Rarity`s house and work place. "Ooo! you know I have a wonder fabric that would lovey with your eyes!" Rarity yipped. "May I see it Miss Rarity?" Bubbledust said. "Only if you don't want a surprise. And darling just call me rarity." Rarity answered. "Ok, I want a surprise" Bubbledust answered back. Rarity began to make the dress on and not on Bubbledust. Bubbledust keep waiting for the right time to strike. After the dress was made she tried it on. It was a meadow green dress with a pinkie flower on the collar. It has matching flower shoes and headband. Bubbledust smiled, for real. But her shadow turned around with her not moving. She then was flipped around. She shook her head. "Are you ok darling?" Rarity asked. "That's it! Its your turn now!" Bubbledust horn glowed. Rarity slowly stepped back , she reached for the door but she was too late. Bubbledust shot her hoof, and shadow disappeared. Rarity looked up slowly. "Im sorry my" Rarity shook her head and finished saying "my lord" Now Bubbledust isn't a colt, or a head princess but Bubbledust smirked. "Good I thought Bubbledust messed here" Bubbledust said, but this wasn't her voice. It was more hypnotizing. She coughed and it was her voice again. "Now lets see what little Twily things of a third shadow missing" Bubbledust responded. > Watch It Missy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity looked at Bubbledust, her eyes. Their sky blue color was now a rich red color. Rarity was around her hoof now, but something was uneasy. Bubbledust looked back at her. "Let`s go. Stop looking at me like that..." Rarity got up but fell back down. Bubbledust`s horn glowed at carried Rarity in magic to Twilights house. When they got there Fluttershy opened the door slowly. "H-hello..." She said. Bubbledust laid her down. "Another pony......" Applejack said sadly. Fluttershy not one to argue but she was starting to believe Bubbledust was still evil. They way she took Rainbow away from her and Twilight. And every time see returned her friends shadows were gone. Twilight looked at friends sleepy quietly, unshadow-less. "Fluttershy can you ,.... show Bubbledust your um animals for a couple minutes" Twilight asked her. She looked down and nodded. After leaving Twilight`s house and coming to her cottage. Fluttershy finally found the power to tell Bubbledust "I think you stealing the ponies shadows." It just came out, she covered her mouth. "I`m I`m so-" "Look I didn`t think you`d be a problem, your to shy and timid, but see you do have some , what's the word, courage in you." She walked Fluttershy to her wall. "But don`t try to use ok? Cause do have ways to deal with you....." Fluttershy was to scared to say anything. Bubbledust glanced back a her. "Then we are good." She flew up and smirked. "Now was that animals little Twily was saying you`d show me?"