> Impossible > by Neiha > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Trip To The Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thought I had was that I was being punk'd. My older brothers have a sense of humor like that you see, mess with their little brothers and laugh straight to their faces at their aggravation. I was their favorite target in these plans even though I was nearing twenty. It wasn't often that they succeeded but that mean they didn't try. Such attempts ranged from switching out my drinks with hot sauce while I wasn't looking to leaving me behind to explain our story to very annoyed police officers after a certain firework had blown a stop sign halfway to the moon. That one luckily hadn't gotten me jail time but it had given them the giggles for a good half hour. This was probably their masterpiece. I found myself laying face down in a patch of dirt in the middle of the woods. I picked myself up, dusted myself off and started laughing. "Good one guys. Here am all trapped and alone in the woods." I called out. I shrunk down, hands over my head pleading to the skies in my best 'what a world' impression "Oh no! How will I ever escape this God-forsaken wilderness? Such a cruel thing this fate!" Silence. "I'm serious guys you can come out now. It was a great effort I'm sure but you're not getting me this time." I continued on. They really liked to drag out their pranks. I swear they were insatiable. "Better luck next time." My present company seemed to enjoy the one sided conversation. "Fine then, I'll just make my way back to the house then, cause I know for a fact these are-" the woods out past the backyard is what I was going to say but after finally trying to set my bearings I realized that these were not the same trees I grew up around. They were much wider and shorter than the oak and pine trees we had. In fact I had never seen trees quite like these, the bark looked almost as if it had been stained to a brilliant shade of deep brown. It was a dark color but it didn't keep it from being tremendously vibrant. As a matter of fact, everything seemed to be exceedingly colorful. It was quite beautiful in retrospect. At the time however I started to panic. I hadn't seen anyplace quite like this and I tended to remember places I've been. "Ha ha, really guys got me good, now cut it out!" I called again with a bit more tension in my voice. I began to move around a bit. I can't stand still when I'm nervous. I've made more than a few people antsy with my pacing but it was one of those habit I couldn't break if I tried. I unfortunately had the luck to snag my foot on a root while caught up in my habit and I fell forward. I got my hands out in front of me to support my fall and as I hit the ground I felt a sharp pain hit my left palm. "Fuck!" I picked my hand up to spot the damage. I saw a small puncture with a decent well of blood forming. "Well now I'm bleeding so I'm sure you're laughing your asses off but come on and help me out!" I heard nothing but the slight breeze through the trees. That was when I knew they weren't there. "Daniel! Christopher!" I screamed, hopelessly hoping they were there.They teased me and pushed my buttons sure but whenever I got hurt they cut the act and helped. They were assholes but always drew a clear line at violence. They would always jump in with apologies and help me out ever since the time I broke my leg they never took it to that length again. I was alone and I knew it. I started panicking for real this time, I was breathing way to deep and way to fast as I held my injured hand in other while pacing.Oh my god! I'm lost in a forest I've never seen and I'm alone Oh my fucking god this is bad, this is bad bad bad bad! I screamed internally. I saw my vision get fuzzier and a hitch started to catch with my breath. My vision was fading and I knew I was going to pass out. I shook my head back and forth violently and forced myself to calm down. "Deep breaths, deep solid breaths." I said. I planted my feet solidly and started to cool down. I stood there for a good long time getting my shit together until I finally said "Get yourself together, you're here now so deal. You take care of yourself and set up for however long it takes for someone to find you, collapsing could kill you so straighten the fuck out." I tend to talk to myself in stressful situations. I just hear this little voice of rational thought pop up in my head and instead of worrying it out I throw it straight into my mouth. It's a bit weird but it has helped me greatly throughout the years. "Now get a bandage on that hole in your hand." I instinctively searched for something I could use as a wrapping. I didn't want to risk infection from foreign plant life so instead of leaves I ripped a small section from the sleeve of my shirt and tied it firmly around my hand. Once that was set I tried to clear my head again. "Resources man, what do you have to work with?" I dove my hands to my pockets to scavenge for something useful. I dumped everything onto the ground in front of me to take account. I found some change, lint, a key-chain with the keys to my rusty old Toyota and some random junk I never payed attention to on it, my trusty six inch pocket knife, and my cellphone. Now any thought of me being smart you may have had should go out the window at this point because I did not initially see the value in my cellphone. It wasn't until I was putting everything away that it dawned on me what cellphones were used for in emergency situations. I reached down to grab it. I slammed the power button on and was met with the Verizon the playing. It got to the main menu and I immediately dialed 9-1-1 and pressed send. I held it up to my ear to hear the familiar dialing noise. I wasn't so lucky. Instead I heard another familiar noise. The high pitched pinging that informed me that the battery was dead sounded off and boop, just like that it turned off. I never thought forgetting to charge my phone might one day end up killing me. I dashed the thought quickly before I could panic and I returned it to my pocket out of habit. I quickly thought of how to use my remaining objects. My knife would keep me alive, If there was anything I learned in the Boyscouts it was the importance of a sharp object. If used improperly it can harm you but used properly it can save you from a mess of different problems. The keys were almost useless along with the change unless a vending machine dropped from the sky. The lint could help me start a fire but I'd need a spark. I picked my brain a bit. How would I start a fire? I'd need a lighter or matches or even... "Aha!" I yelled out to my invisible partner. I took the keychain out again to pay attention to that random junk on it and wouldn't you know, it still had a bit of flint on it. I had mostly bought it to make pretty sparks to either entertain myself or others and I had wasted more than a bit on that. However This was still usable and would definitely be enough to start a flame. Next on the list was shelter. The forest was fairly dense but it wasn't fully covered so I'd either need to find some coverage or make my own. I quickly made to climb the biggest tree I could find to see if I could locate a cave or a denser area of foliage. I climbed the stubby looking tree with little problem. I was shorter than the average guy but I could still easily reach the string of branches and besides, climbing trees was one of my favorite hobbies as a kid. As I glanced upwards I instinctively shielded my eyes to keep the glare from my eyes but I soon realized there was no need. There was no harshness to this scene and even the sun itself (my god! was it always that large!) strained my eyes very little as I gazed on. The view at the top was unbelievable. The sky here was AMAZING! It was a brilliant clear blue with just the slightest hint of soft pink that stood constant and seemed to shine on its own. There were what seemed to be ribbons of color intertwining back and forth among the sky that reminded me of the Aurora Borealis but this was the day and they were colors were more natural and weaved themselves almost seamlessly together with the natural sky. I had to make a genuine effort to get my mind on task. There were trees in every direction and most of them kept very consistent at both height and layout. This actually got my hopes up because that normally means a planned planting layout such as a protected forest or carefully maintained private property. I was halfway home already. Someone was sure to find me here. I did also see what I thought to be the start of a clearing a ways off but a clearing isn't always a great place to set up shop. I climbed down when I couldn't spot a place to settle down. I decided to fashion myself a makeshift home right here. I might as well not risk venturing deeper out into the woods. I was finally settled down and ready to prepare myself for the rescue team. As I started to gather wood for a fire I happened upon a thought. How did I get here anyway? A week passed. I had fashioned myself a man-sized lean-to from lashed branches and local foliage. I had a fire that I made sure to have going 24/7. The food was what I thought would be the most difficult but I was wrong, there were many recognizable berries that I knew to be edible, as well as a significant animal population. Hunting with the wooden spear I made didn't turn out well. The small bunnies and squirrels just dodged and ran away. The wolves and bears I didn't even try to go after but they didn't seem to like it when I held the spear up to brace for the worst. The deer, on the other hand, were not so kind. I got quite a few bumps, bruises and scrapes from angry bucks. My didn't need bandaging any more but I had taken some decent hits and found myself with a bit of a limp this morning. I had decided to stick to trapping but I would need to lay more to ensure I got a steady diet. Killing the animals wasn't pleasant. I had tried to be as humane as possible but all I really had was my knife. I swear it was like that first squirrel was pleading with me to stop, I had the knife at the ready and kept moving it ever so slowly to it's throat to try to work up the nerve. I had never killed anything before, I didn't even like fighting. I always had considered hunting because of my history of shooting but I just never picked up my licence. This was different though, I was right up next to another living thing as I slowly watched it die and had blood come down my hands. I need to eat, I need to eat, I need to eat I kept telling myself as the body fell limp and the creature stopped breathing. That was bad but cleaning it had been nearly unbearable. I had to carefully skin the small layer of flesh and fur from the animal as it lay still bleeding in my hands. I was good with a knife but my hand was shaking the whole time, just thinking about how this would be unbearably painful if it was still alive. From there I piece by piece I worked though it's miniature innards. I felt wrong maiming it's corpse but i.... need.... to eat.... so I continued until the scant remains of muscle tissue and bone remained on this now headless squirrel. I gagged a bit at the thought but I had been starved for meat since I got here (I got this in the first of my traps on day 3) so it went straight over the fire, skewered on a stick I prepared. After smelling it cook I felt the nausea return slightly but I consumed it anyway. I was ravenous. Since then I had done my best to snap the necks of the small animals I consumed, for both them and I. What was odd however was that the animals were visually distinct from anything else I had ever seen. They had vivid and striking coloration that mimicked what I had seen in the wild before but they were all so clear and clean-cut. Not just the lack of roughness in their coats but that their every line and shape was just fluid, and it might have just been me but I thought some of their proportions, such as their heads and eyes were out of proportion. I had also tried going to check the clearing but along the way I found that buck and well you know the rest. I just guessed that was it's grazing meadow and let it be from then on. In any case I pushed it from my mind and forced myself to think towards nothing but survival. It was imperative I stay alive until I got back home. I just needed a plane to pass by and I could light the three smoke fires I had made for such an occasion. The pilots would know that meant distress. I hadn't seen anything in the skies. My hopes were high but the bruises reminded me that I may need more than hope. It was time to lay those traps. Another week moved on. I had never been afraid of the dark but I had never heard those noises before and they didn't sound all to kind. There was a fierce snarl/growl/hiss coming from a few meters behind my hut, and from it's volume I did not want to get up to greet it. I then heard heavy footsteps approach me as I cuddled into a fetal position and started to breath as silently as possible. The beast was sniffing around, I could HEAR it sniffing around. I thought it would knock over my hut and start ripping limbs from my socket and I sat there paralyzed with fright. It walked with leaden and determined footsteps towards my fire and towards where it could see me. As it neared the fiery ring I stopped breathing and my eyes snapped open, as I lay otherwise limp and deflated. Play dead, everyone says play dead around a predator so either do it or by dead. My thoughts were even whispering. I saw something that does not exist come out into the light of my campfire. This fiend had the body of a lion with the teeth of a vampire, the wings and ears of a bat and the tail of a scorpion and in the orange-red ember glow of my fire it looked like a demon straight from Hell. I pissed myself and you would too. It lingered for eternity just stalking towards my fire until I heard a soft crack of a twig in the woods, adrenaline and panic do crazy things to your senses, and It immediately jolted straight to that noise. I was nearly just as shocked at it's immediate departure as it's slow and taunting arrival I tried to get to sleep but it was useless. I spent the night with the thought of that demon and the nights clearest and most beautiful sky you could dream of for company. Neither helped me sleep and neither filled the pit of loneliness I began to feel as I continued to long for home. Although the oddest thing was that I knew that creature was a Manticore but I had know idea where I knew it from. Yet another week passed. I was going crazy but I wasn't dying so it was acceptable. Hell, Grim was helping me more than anyone else could. Whenever I got down he'd pick me up with something cheery like "Least you're breathin' more than your meals could say." or "Stop fighting it then and do us both a favor." I met Grim when I found went to drink from a local stream. I had glanced at the water to note a moving, mirrored me stare back at me and say "Well holy fuck! You're not bear shit yet!" and despite this or rather because of it, I chuckled. This was laughter was not mine really, it was Jester's laughing which was more of a high pitched and insatiable giggle. Jester liked using my body to run so I let him and Grim liked to poke fun at Jester and use my hands to kill so I let him. Both seemed to enjoy the mean spirited and self-depraved humor so I didn't fight it. I cracked and I knew it but Grim and Jester knew the ropes and had fun doing it too. They killed for me and let me live with a smile on my face and if that's what it took to survive then I would do it. Although why did I want to survive? I don't know how long it was but eventually I took control again. Jester was checking the traps with Grim while I reminisced of the night sky. I was always a night owl so I got to the habit of sleeping just after sunset. something about the moon rising in this place kept my sanity straight. It was like a familiar story from my childhood that was forgotten, It flooded me with joy and nostalgia but I didn't know why and I didn't care. It kept the last remnant of my sanity straight. As we neared the trap we saw a struggling white hare. I had seen white ones but I mostly caught the brown. The white ones liked to stare at me from out of reach. Jester thought they were taunting him by sticking out their tongues and slapping their behinds. Turns out he had just gotten an opportunity for revenge. Though it was all a joke to Jester, Grim was his punching bag and took the affront seriously. Grim would kill this one slowly, he would flay the skin from this rabbit's hide for this offense. As grim prepped the knife and Jester giggled with glee, I caught a noise that neither of them seemed to, Jester was caught up in himself and Grim savored the look of the rabbit held helpless by the trap. Grim saw a look of desperation from that rabbit that I had never seen in my life. That noise though, it was a quick swish of a trap followed by what I could've sworn was a brief high pitched but soft spoken squeal. It was enough for me to mention it to my boys to make them aware. Jester was overjoyed and went off to the nearest trap. Grim was annoyed but knew the rabbit wouldn't go anywhere. The trap was sprung but there was just a line of small flexible branch leading into the bushes. Normally when the trap sprung it would suspend a small animal by it's caught feet in the air but this one was too heavy. Even Jester laid on the brakes. This had happened with a wolf once before and it did not enjoy our trap. We edged near the bushes and Grim readied the knife. Jester was ever so cautiously edging us towards the bush until we had reached arms length. Here was the tricky business. We needed to see the animal before we could effectively snap the line. As we leaned in ever so carefully I heard that squeaky squeal again and this time a bell rung in my head, I have heard this voice before. Grim and Jester continued on so I used my remaining reserves of willpower and sanity to stop them. Yes it was impossible that it was her but the Manticore was too, and besides I was insane wasn't I? Let me have my fun. Grim was not pleased. "What the fuck are you doing!? Do you want to get us killed? Seems so, dumb ass." He screamed at me which hurt my ears and my throut, "Just let me k--" "You won't do a Goddamn thing ever again If you complete that sentence." I replied calmly but fiercely. I meant it. He knew that. It was then that I heard a voice that was familiar, breathtaking, sensitive, kind, slightly tense but most of all shy come barely audible out of the bushes. "Oh.........uh......um.....ok, but I.........wasn't.......talking." I took complete control, dropped the knife, herd Grim and Jester fade past whispers, and peeled back the bushes with both my hands. Lying there with her hooves over her head and a scared, confused face was the kindest pony in all of Equestria: Fluttershy. I rose my hand and opened my mouth to speak but fell backward with the effort and passed out cold on the ground. > Chapter 1: Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke lazily, as I tend to do, stretched my arms wide and gave the the morning a hearty yawn. I plopped my head back down on the soft pillows of my bed again as I considered just lazing the day away. My mind was fuzzy as I tried to force myself to get up and get ready for work. What day was it anyway? I was able to persuade myself to take a dreaded look at my alarm clock and pray that I could sleep in just this once. I opened my eyes just wide enough to look at those familiar electrical digits that had ruined many of my mornings. This wasn't my room. In fact, this wasn't my house or any other I was familiar with. This house was rustic and woodsy with a persistent but mild musky pine smell. I took in more of my surroundings to note that there were wooden and stone shelves and furniture all neatly arranged around the abode. Many of these looked to be in a stair-like arrangement although I realized the stone was accompanied by pats and pans with a wood fire burning within it. Hanging from the ceiling there were birdhouses of all shapes and sizes as well as a continuation of those stair appliances that were tied to small wooden poles overhead. The ceiling had a division between the front and the rear of the home so I couldn't see the side towards the door but my side had a large beam of solid wood that was surrounded by wooden paneling. As I gazed downward again I took note of the solitary rug on top of the odd green wooden floor. It's centerpiece was a simple flower that was surrounded by a frame of soft reds and pinks as it made its way o the fluffy flamingo-pink lining that made up it's border. It looked soft enough for me to snuggle up on and pass out without a second thought. I returned my gaze to eye level and saw there were three exits to the room on this level and what looked to be a proper staircase leading to a second level on my right hand side. The main doorway caught my attention when I saw some accents traced in the wood around it's border. There was a bright pink heart followed by trailing butterflies all around the entrance. As I circled my gaze around I noticed a very similar theme continue around. There was a set of windows in front and behind the couch that I was resting on. Further to my left was a portrait of yet more butterflies being trailed by rainbows in the midst of a flowery scene. It was quite a cute portrait but it helped push home the whole feminine vibe I was getting from this house. Even the sitting chair in the corner had a yellow heart-shaped cushion on it. On top of that it looked like this house was set up for pets......like a lot of pets. The birdhouses were one thing but there was at least four pet beds on the floor in this room alone and I had a feeling those miniature stairs were meant for miniature feet to traipse along them. I was unnerved now to say the least but I was never terribly uncomfortable when I woke up in unfamiliar territory. What through me for a loop though was that this wasn't a run-down motel or unkempt bachelor pad after a night of partying. This was a well maintained home that seemed to prioritize the care of small creatures. I pushed the thought from my mind as got out of bed and tried to find the host that had been so gracious as to let me stay the night. When I removed the comforters from my body and stood up from the couch I had noticed a familiar feeling across my body. Sure I preferred to sleep in the nude but I didn't EVER do that in another person's home. I quickly snatched a smaller blanket from my resting place and rapped it around my waist for some slight attempt at modesty. Turned out it was in the nick of time too as I turned about to see the face of my host come in from the next room. My discovery of Fluttershy in the forest suddenly hit me like a freight train and I nearly lost consciousness again. I staggered forward as my knees trembled and began to buckle as my head felt light and my eyes began to fade. As I began to see the floor come closer to my face, a pink a yellow blur sped straight under me to keep me from falling over. With this new found support I was able to stay awake and keep my face from a nice greeting with the wooden floor, but I still found myself on my knees and face to face with a fictitious magical flying pony. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy said in the cutest and most caring way I could've ever imagined "You, um, shouldn't try to walk yet. You've been out for quite a while." I sat there and looked her dead in the face with the worst case of slack-jaw I had ever experienced. Here was the very same Fluttershy that I had come to know from watching MLP:FiM. Put simply I was awestruck and as a result was rendered temporarily mute, immovable, and dumb. "There, there. Let's get you back to bed." Fluttershy crooned softly as I felt her try to help me to my feet. At her gentle nudging I was brought back to this lovely delusion and was able to find words again. "You're a pony." I chimed. I guess the dumb wasn't gone yet. "Yes. My name is Fluttershy. Do you have a name?" she spoke softly. "Yeah...yeah my name, it's Jayson...Jayson Rascas." I pushed the words slowly out of my mouth. "Oh wow! That's an unusual name." Fluttershy said with surprise and wonder "Oh, but, um.... It's a nice name though." she assured Funny, I could say the same to her. "Thanks," I said breathlessly. She had nudged me gently back to the couch where I fell unceremoniously on the cushions. Standing up had become hard all of a sudden. I was to fixated on how I could possibly be seeing all this. My head kept getiing lighter while my vision got darker. I was sober (to my knowledge) and to my knowledge I didn't have a history of delusions. At least not until recently. The darkness was replaced with a memory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in the forest again. Jester's laughing was high pitched shrill was sounding an echo in my head as Grim was using my hands to break the wings of an unlucky bird. He let it go to writhe on the ground, hopelessly trying to fly away from it's predator. I normally tuned out when these two went to work but this time was different. This time Grim let go and gave me back the reins as Jester cackled in delight. Grim peeled a grin ear to ear as he said "I'll let you handle this one, don't let me down." to me. I obeyed as I began to grin as well. I then knelt down and slowly grasped the bird again, it's soothing chirps turned to pleas for mercy. The cries pushed me forward as I gripped one leg delicately and slowly began to apply pressure. I pulled the strength in my tendons slowly together, winding my natural vice tighter as the pain built with just as much cruel delay. It snapped at the apex with a harsh twerp to accompany it. I widen my smile and did the same to the next leg. Next came the feathers. I pulled with the same tortured patience on each feather from each broken wing was torn from the body. Each squeal from my subject impelled me to continue. I did. I continued on and on until there was barely a shred of this bird left, yet still it cried for that final mercy. It cried and cried and I knew it wanted the pain to stop. I knew it and I would let it. At this thought, Grim had started laughing in a dreadful howl alongside Jester's ever present snickering. They laughed and laughed in a callous duet while I squeezed the life from this bird. When the meager resistance under my palms had stopped, I gazed upon my work and joined them. We laughed and laughed in a wicked harmony at my initiation to madness. I laughed away humanity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was then suddenly screaming. Poor Fluttershy was scared by my sudden outburst. She leaped backwards and hide behind her pink mane. However she followed this by inching closer, ever so slowly, and uttered the most impossibly cute apology. "Oh.......oh........ oh my......I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you again. I'm sorry, please calm down." said Fluttershy. Here I was screaming my head off in a cottage owned by a Pegasus while she was trying to calm me down because she thought SHE scared ME I don't think anything else in the world could have brought me back to (pseudo-)reality at that moment but, even while I was in hysterics, Fluttershy's cuteness and genuinely kind heart couldn't be defeated. I reeled myself back with some effort. I was able to calm myself, albeit at a slow pace, and I returned to look at my concerned caretaker. This was indeed Fluttershy as I had known her but of course three dimensional and real. Now you may think that goes without saying but the realization of that at that time was astounding to me. Her head stood around four feet. Her dimensions looked so similar to that of the cartoon but it looked natural. All of her points of figure made it seem like she was just like any other fully intelligent quadruped equine. However there were very many semblances to human distinctions. I could see the soft curves of her face give way to all of her features. The display of her facial structure, the bone and muscle tissues working smoothly together underneath her fur, was both delicate and striking. Her smooth, fine fur could be seen clearly with a bright sheen that almost seemed to make her yellow coat shine independently of any lighting. Her mane was a warm pink that flowed without so much as a stray hair all the way down her neckline and hung nearly at her hooves. All of her features accented each other to reach the textbook definition of adorable. After a while I realized I was staring. "No no, I'm sorry. You didn't scare me. It was my own fault." I tried to assure her. "Are you sure?" asked Fluttershy, "This is the second time I seem to have scared you, I really feel awful about it too." The frown that crossed her face was so heart breaking you'd think that I burned her house down. What I did was automatic. I hurdled out of the bed, hugged her firmly around the neck and brought her close to my chest. "Please don't frown. I swear you didn't scare me." I promised "With a face as cute as that, I don't think you could if you tried." I thought she would be more surprised or at least protest the hug but instead she leaned in and nuzzled her soft mane into me to reciprocate. And when I soft, I mean THE softest thing I have ever touched in my life. It was ten times fluffier than the feeling I always imagined clouds would be like. Time and space just seemed to melt away. "Um, hello?" Fluttershy cooed. I snapped back to reality and removed my hands from her. I thought I saw a faint blush on her, hard to tell with all the fur. I'm pretty sure the blush I had going stomped her's though. "Well it's good to know you're not scared of me." Fluttershy muttered softly. "Sorry. I can get a bit enthusiastic at times." I explained "That's ok, .....are you all like that?" Fluttershy asked I tilted my head dumbly to the side and replied "All who like that?" "Oh well, your species. I'm sorry but you're the first I've ever seen." stated Fluttershy. This made me pause for a bit. It reminded me that I was gone, or at least lost. I didn't necessarily believe I was in a show for cartoon ponies but I knew I wasn't anywhere near my home. The landscape, the fauna, even the sky was different, and I knew after all the time struggling to survive that it was real. I was in a real place but it wasn't anywhere close to home. The thought of my family and friends being even further away than I dared imagine blew away any sense of mystical wonder I might have had at being here. I was alone, no matter how many ponies may exist alongside me. That thought brought with it a sad and hopeless feeling. I tried to shrug it off. "No.......not all of us. I...I think I might be the only human here though." I replied. "Hu-man? I've never heard of that animal before." Fluttershy pondered aloud "Not many animals speak Equestrian either." I almost laughed at the "animal" remark. She's not wrong I suppose. "Well, humans aren't like most animals, and where I come from this language is called English." " Oh! Where are you from?" She spurted out enthusiastically. This took me back a bit. Wasn't Fluttershy supposed to be......shy? I thought for sure that she should be terrified of a viscous human running rampant through the forest. She was only supposed to get along well with animals so why does she seem so....oh. Great she thought I was the equivalent of a talking hairless gorilla with skinny arms. I Maybe next she'll teach me tricks and show me off to the town. That would actually be a terrible idea. "Listen Fluttershy, I don't know if telling you much about me is a good idea. I'm a little.....complicated and some answers I give could make things........complicated." I explained. She looked at me with ever more curiosity but stayed silent and crooked her head. "That said, I don't want to lie to you and you deserve some answers for your hospitality. I don't know what would have happened to me if I was still left in those woods." Although I could definitely guess "For now you can ask your questions but if I say I can't answer then I really can't answer." I was treading a fine line. I had no idea what my knowledge of this place could do even if it was simply stated. Last thing I needed to happen was for Fluttershy to break into an existential crisis. But before she asked anymore questions I had one question for her. "Before that starts though I have to ask. Does anyone else know about me being here?" "Ah guess that's mah cue." Answered a familiar drawl from my left. I sighed, looked over and saw the face of a familiar orange earth pony donning her ever present cowboy hat over her straw blonde mane. Part of me wondered how long she had been there. I groaned a bit at the implications of her presence. Fluttershy saw my took note of my reaction and quickly uttered an assurance, "I just needed some help getting you out of the woods. After you fell.......I didn't want to drag you all the way here on my own, you were hurt." "Great......if Applejack knows.........." I mumbled to myself, ignoring the pleasant yellow mare. I learn't then that pony hearing was substantially better than I gave it credit for. "Uh, 'scuse mah interruption but......how do y'all know my name?" Applejack asked me. I froze. Another brilliant move on my part. Better try to plug the hole before the ship sinks. I shifted my mouth to autopilot as my brain scrambled for an explanation. I began with, "I actually know quite a bit more than that." That didn't help. "I can't tell you how until I know it's safe, until then bear with me and I swear I'll tell you whatever you want to know." Fluttershy seemed to understand and remained quiet, Applejack didn't quite like the message though. "Sorry pardner, but Ah'm havin' a tough time believin' that. How could yer answerin' my question hurt anythin'?" Applejack reasoned. She had me by the balls. If I didn't do something to convince her then this could get ugly. "Oh AJ, I'm sure he's got his reasons, let's hear him out ok?" Fluttershy said. Fluttershy standing up for me was possibly one of the most surreal things I had ever experienced. What made it really hit it home though was that it worked. Applejack responded with, "Ahright Fluttershy, but Ah still don' know 'bout this one. Ah mean, we don' even know what he is." "If it makes you feel any better I'm a human." I replied. AJ gave me a non-committal shrug with her front shoulders. She wasn't entirely satisfied but she would let it be for now. With that matter settled, I decided to continue. "If you already know I'm here then I might as well explain all this to the others. It'll save time that way and I'll probably need to tell you all eventually." "You wan' us to get the whole town together?" Applejack asked. The look on her face told me that this wouldn't be a feasible plan. I thought for a moment before starting, "No. I should only need the six of you. With any luck the Elements of Harmony should send get me back." It was a decent enough plan I suppose but I forgot about one critical element in my setup. "You know 'bout the Elements ah Harmony?" Applejack so kindly brought to my attention. I just couldn't keep myself from fucking myself over could I? "Oh......uh.....yeah." My eloquence was certainly something to behold. Applejack tried to raise more concern but Fluttershy simply gave her a gentle nudge and shook her head. I have no idea why that pony had such patience with me. "I hate to ask but I'm gonna need you're help, and hopefully afterwords I'll be out of your hair." Applejack eyeballed me for a bit. "..........Ahright." she said as she turned to leave "Ah'll go get Twi, and Pinkie. Fluttershy you go get Dash and Rarity. We'll meet back here. I don' think it's a good idea to have 'im walkin' all up 'n down Ponyville." She launched a challenging smirk in my direction. "Sound good ta you?" "Wait......you just believe me now?" I blurted out, missing everything past her agreement. She actually curled up a grin and said "Ah think you're a peck odd but I trust Fluttershy an' she believes ya. S'all I need to know." On that note she trotted out leaving Fluttershy and myself alone. I thought over the fact that I was going to actually meet the mane six. I pushed away the promising prospect, I couldn't reveal too much remember. It did remind me that I was wearing a only blanket and a I couldn't remember my last bath. I couldn't very well meet them all in my current state. I quickly asked Fluttershy where I could wash up and where my clothes were. She told me there was a basin and a spigot out back that I could use with soap and shampoo being in the upstairs cupboard. My clothes were also out to dry on the line. As she made her way to leave I thought over all that she had done for me. I felt a surge of self-loathing. Why? Why would this pony even think to help me? She didn't know me, where I was from, or even whether or not I could be a threat to others. I very well could be a threat, however she had no way to know that. I had done horrible things to keep myself alive, and maybe even worse things for no reason at all. Killing to survive had broken me. I wasn't worthy of anyone's efforts and I was a danger to those around me. I hung my head in shame and remorse. "I don't deserve any of this." I whispered to myself. I deserved punishment for my actions. Being as I was the only witness to my crimes, that left one option. I felt myself sink lower and lower into my thoughts, back to a time that I had lost all hope. It was the only other time I had even thought of suicide. "Perhaps I won't bother them anymore after all." "STOP THAT!" screamed Fluttershy in a voice that I had never heard before. I looked up and saw her face filled with a mixture of fear, concern and pure unbridled anger. I had never seen her like this in any episode and I had never heard her yell at anything besides a dragon. Needless to say, it snapped my attention straight to her as she continued on. "I don't want to ever hear anyone say that!" Say what? I only whispe- oh, pony hearing. Gotcha. Fluttershy tried to explain, "You fell unconscious and I thought I hurt you. I felt so bad, I had to help. I was able to get you back here with AJ but you wouldn't wake up." She looked to be close to the edge of tears but still held on to that angry look in her eye. There was something else there too know that I think about it. It might have been regret. She slowed down a bit, "I saw the traps. I know you... I've seen your teeth." What? What do my teeth have to do with... oh. She must have been able to guess my diet, but that would mean she knew almost immediately what I'd had to do. I tried to ask her, "So then why try to..." She cut me off, "Because you were hurt. You were alone, hurt, and you might have died." I was shocked. This wasn't like any other time I had seen Fluttershy. She wan't scared or shy or anything of the like. She was angry, not a mildly annoyed kind of angry either but I full blown 'never-do-that-again' kind of angry. I don't think this was about what I did...but what I said. She continued, "I wanted to help, you needed my help," She turned around, exit the hut and, as she closed the door, said, "Let me." With that I was alone in a fictional cabin. My thoughts had been successfully diverted as I could only think about why Fluttershy would ever act that way. I'd never even thought she was capable of something like that. I failed miserably at any solid conclusion and eventually got myself moving again. I needed to get ready for the group to arrive. It was my only solid shot at getting all of this behind me and I would surely have a lot to answer for. I washed myself as I prepared for their arrival. For the first time in a while I got a good look at myself. I got skinny. I was always thin but I had at least had enough of myself to cover my bones. I was gaunt and delicate looking. I was reminded of old holocaust photographs. I don't think I looked that bad but there was a similarity. My arms and legs were scant and my chest was narrow. I wasn't exactly a barrel-chested hulk before all this but this was extreme. My muscles were always thin and corded so that and my naturally slim physique scaled down to a point that I looked close to a human stick figure. I would need to fix that. My shirt was in ruins despite it's cleaning. I couldn't even believe it stayed on my newly narrowed frame. I opted to forget the shirt and check my pants. The jeans were torn up to be sure but they still served the job of protecting a modicum of decency. I slipped on my underwear and jeans and returned to the cottage. All that was left was to wait. Applejack came back first followed by Twlight and Pinkie. Man, I could hear Pinkie clearly even through the walls of the cabin. "-at's so important AJ? Is it a surprise? I LOVE surprises! Are there gonna be balloons and banners and-" Pinkie rambled. Twilight interrupted her "Pinkie it's probably not going to be a party, I think. Actually, AJ you didn't tell us a lot. What is it we came here for?" Before AJ could respond I decided to take the lead. "I think I can answer that." I called through the door. "I have to warn you though, I'm probably gonna startle you a bit." "Oooo! Who is that? It's nopony I know and I know everypony well ALMOST everypony I don't know him I think it's a him-" Pinkie started. I opened the door during Pinkie's rant to let them in. My oh my would you not believe the look on their faces. Pinkie let out a gasp so long that I thought she would collapse. Twilight was silent but she had a look of amazement in her eyes. I could see the questions forming behind her gaze. Before she could voice them however I held up a hand and said, "Hold on. I know this is probably got you thinking a whole bunch of things but I have to ask you guys to hold off the questions until the rest of you get here. It'll be easier if I only go over this all once. For now you can call me Jayson, pleased to meet you." I could see Twilight didn't like the prospect of waiting, and neither did Pinkie for that matter, but they agreed. Soon enough Fluttershy returned with Rainbow Dash and Rarity in tow and a similar exchange was had. Rarity was much more composed but still seemed taken aback. Rainbow however was almost violent towards me. She looked at me as if I was poised to attack. I couldn't blame her but it didn't make me feel any better about what I had to say. I sat down on the couch and ushered them all to follow. I took a deep breath and began. "My name is Jayson Rascas. I am a human and I am in a bit of a problem. I'm far away from home and I will probably need the Elements of Harmony to get me back. I understand that you've all probably got your own questions and concerns and that asking for your help in this is a huge request, so I am willing to answer any questions you may have." I said. Thank goodness I never had a problem talking to groups before. That said I was incredibly nervous. Here was THE mane six, sitting right in front of me. To my surprise, Rainbow was the first to respond. Not only a fast flier but fast with words too I guess. She asked "What are you even doing here then?" Of all the questions that I had thought they would ask, this one I missed. In fact, this one I had never even thought to ask myself. I sat down in front of a rainbow assortment of fantasy characters speaking to me but never once from the forest to this instance did I stop to think why. Why am I here? How did I get here? A faint memory came to me. A memory of my home. > Chapter 2: What They Say About Hindsight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was normal. I'm not sure what else to say about it really. You get used to day to day things and I had lived here my whole life. I knew the house, street, even the town to a tee, but if I was asked to describe them all, I'd just say "normal" or "average". I guess that's how I'll start then. I had been at home on break for almost two weeks. I had moved back in and taken up residence in the basement of the house. Yes, yes, to say I was a basement-dweller would be unfortunately accurate but in the time I had been gone my old room had been transformed into to an office and the desk didn't make for a comfortable bed. The basement had already been made into a guest room years prior to this so me staying there was only natural. Being home again brought with me feelings of nostalgia. I missed this place and it was good to be back. I'd fixed myself into a rhythm before even two days had passed and by the end of the week it was like I had never left. My parents were good and caring people. Having me back home was really a load off their chest. They never liked the idea of me being out on my own. Coming from a family of four boys, I was hardly ever alone. I was closest in age to Evan, he was my younger brother. I loved him and all but his antics grated on me quickly. We got along well besides that with our shared in-jokes and hobbies. He was my little bro and I was at his back. Dan and Chris raised me just as much as my parents did. They weren't too much older than I was but they were always there when I needed them. Dan was always always very reflective and would ask the oddest questions about the most random things. Chris was a daredevil that never denied a challenge and never backed down from a challenge. Both of them had a penchant for mischief that I never saw the end of but they always meant the best. Their pranks were harmless and, in hindsight, were fun to recall together. Well... for the most part. It was almost two years since it happened. As I thought about the incident my right leg cried a phantom pain. It was healed now but every so often it would act up; a cruel reminder of a dark time in my life. But that is a different memory. In this one, I had time to relax after finals and I was taking advantage of that opportunity. Lounging around, hanging with friends, and taking leisurely strolls to the neighborhood park had become my day to day. I was always outdoorsy and I enjoyed taking time to soak up that summer sunshine. I had made plans for that day however. Not the most official or formal type of thing but it was important, at least to me. That day I had decided to make a visit to our old family hangout. I cleared the crest of a hill just large enough to conceal the place. It was an abandoned baseball field and it was probably older than anything else in the neighborhood. The backstop was so rusted that we were always anticipating it collapsing down on us. The outfield had become overgrown to the point that you could hide a body there and no one would ever find it. There was a solitary tree off to the side of the backstop that had been dried out and barren for years. A creek flowed silently behind the ball field, establishing a further disconnect between it and the neighborhood. It's other boundary was a forest of pine, oak, and maple trees that backed up all the way to the local lake, which was a good two or three miles out. That forest was actually how we found this place. We were the only ones who hung out in the woods. There weren't many other kids in the neighborhood and most preferred the comfort of their houses. When we were all playing hide n' seek Evan was the one to find it. It was down an old path hidden by a couple downed pine trees. Eventually another old tree blocked off the path but by then we knew at least twelve other ways through. It would from then on be our place. Funny enough, we never played baseball, but every time we met up it was here, this time was no different. I was early, always was to these meetups but I was always late everywhere else. I sat up against the old tree carcass for a spot in the shade while I waited. I knew Dan would take his sweet time and Chris already said he'd run late. I looked at the blue-tinged sky with as I brought myself back to time gone by. I closed my eyes and took in the soft heat of the sun that was just about at it's peak for the day. Relaxation wasn't even a word in my vocabulary these past few moths and I just eased into the feeling. So much so that I must have nodded off. Passing figures and words came in and out of my head tin my little nap before I was awoken by a voice. "Hmmmmm, took ya long enough guys," I yawned stretching my arms over my head. "Seriously, I was gettin' some nice z's." I opened my eyes and the field as I had come to know it faded into view...with one exception. There was a figure in front of me and it was cloaked. "Bit hot for that kinda prank, huh bro?" I said dismissing it. Dan always was dramatic. "Leave," was all I heard before everything went black. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rainbow, I think you broke him," uttered what I suspected was a pink pony. I shook my head softly to bring myself back. I wondered how long that took. I hope these blackouts aren't a new habit. "No...no I'm fine. Sorry just...thinking." I assured. "Well then?" demanded Rainbow Dash. I tried to recall the question. "Uh...I...don't know," I released. She didn't seem to like that answer. She flew right up to my face and continued her interrogation, "Whaddaya mean you don't know? Don't lie to me. I can tell when people lie and I hate it. Now you got to the count of three before I-" "Rainbow, please!' cried out Twilight, "Give him some space I'm sure he'll explain." I was still a bit fuzzy so my first thought just sort of wondered out of my mouth, "I don't mind. You actually look pretty cute this close up." It was true. I her tousled mane and fur seemed added to the determined and resilient look she was giving me. She had all of her features standing out to accent her a mean face of a serious nature. I found it adorable. Rainbow cut her gaze immediately and stammered "I...I...just answer me already." Rainbow was embarrassed? Absolutely adorable. However on topic, "I already did. I have no idea why I'm here. I just woke up in the woods one day." Rainbow jumped right back into suspicion, "How do I know you're tellin' the truth?" I thought about that for a bit before I shrugged, "You don't. But if you doubt everything I say we're gonna go in circles. You're gonna have to give me the benefit of the doubt on all this. Most of it probly won't sound like the truth but it is. I got have no reason to lie to you." She glared at me furiously before saying, "Fine, but I'm still watchin' you." She lifted her hoof to her eyes before pointing at me and landing back on the ground. I don't know why she had such a bone to pick with me but it was unfortunate for her that I found it so cute. "If I may," asked Twilight. "How is it that you are speaking? I've never heard of talking monkeys before." She's asking genuinely. She doesn't know any better, chill. I took a deep sigh before I answered. "I'm not a monkey. I told you I was a human. We can all talk, but not all of us speak English." "But you're speaking Equestrian and you look so similar to a primate. Are you sure-" Twilight began. I cut her off before I could get angry. "Yes, Twilight I'm sure." God this is backwards, in any other situation I'd be asking them if they weren't really horses. "I speak English and I'm a human, it's just a coincidence that it sounds the same. Some people think we're related to primates but it's a bit of a hot topic. We don't exactly love the comparison." Twilight caught the cue, "Oh...I'm sorry," She caught another cue as well though. "Wait! how do you know my name? And earlier you mentioned the Elements, how do you know about that?" I was gonna have to explain sooner or later, "I actually know all of you. Applejack the Element of Honesty, Fluttershy the Element of Kindnes, Rarity the Element of Generosity, Rainbow Dash the Element of Loyalty, Pinkamina Diane Pie, or rather Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, and Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and student to Celestia, the ruler of all Equestria." It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Besides a mild amount of surprise from each, the only real reaction was Pinkie getting more excited. Didn't even think that was possible. "Oooooooo! Areyoupsychicorsomethingorisitjustthatyou'reaspyandknowalotaboutalotofthingsormaybeyou'rejustLyraindisgu-" I tried to stop her before she accelerated her speech to light-speed. "No, none of that. I know all this for a simple reason," I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and hoped I wasn't about to rend the fabric of this universe. No pressure. "First of all I'm not from this world. I'm from a place called Earth. There is a show back home, called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It features all of you as the main characters, or Mane Six as fans call you. It's all about you guys and you're adventures all throughout the land of Equestria as well as the lessons you all learn in friendship." I paused, and slowly opened my eyes. They were still there so the world hadn't exploded. One giant worry off my chest. As I looked at the ponies though I was probably more alarmed than any of them, even Fluttershy if you can imagine that. I was able to mumble out, "Huh, you guys are taking that better than I thought you would." "Well, duh silly!" piped up Pinkie Pie. "It's superdy-duperdy great! I just hope I make them smile." "I....I guess that makes sense...but the rest of you-" I tried. "Wait wait wait! Do you mean a whole bunch of ponies get to see my coolness in action?!" asked Rainbow. You have NO idea. "Humans, but yes" I nodded. Her mouth agape, she uttered "So.......AWESOME!" Who knew this would get rid of her suspicion of me. "Surely such folks would take care to notice my elegant designs?" inquired the elegant as always Rarity. I nodded again. She gasped with delight, "Well then they must have decidedly good taste," Debatable Applejack simply shrugged "I don' see why anypony would wanna watch what Ah do, If'n they learn somethin' I ain't gonna complain 'bout it." Twilight had her eyes snapped open and her gaze fixed on mine. "If that's true then I have a whole set of questions: How many of you are there? Where do you settle? What kind of eating habits do you-" I figured that would be a good point to stop her. "Twilight, as I said I don't mind questions but I can't answer that fast. Slow it down a bit." I urged her. She didn't slow down,"But there's so much to learn, so much to report, so much to-" REPORT!? I needed a bit of clarification. "Hold on! You're gonna report me to the Princess?" She tilted her head to the side as if to say 'Well duh,' before saying, "Well duh," called it "If you know about the lessons we learn you should know I file a report for each and every one. You said there's another world that I don't know about. I'm going to make sure to rectify that as soon as possible. In that I must also report this finding to the Princess. I'm sure she'd like to be informed." I became both excited and frightened at the prospect of me becoming an item of importance for the being whom controls the sun. Finding words to use suddenly became very difficult, "Twilight...I...you...can't," I took a break, resumed breathing, and started again. "I don't know if that's a great idea....but if you really have to then let me help with it." This was my kind way of saying that I don't want Celestia to be informed of an (semi)intelligent carnivore with a recent history of impulsive sadism. Twilight was beaming at the prospect, "OH! Of course! I'm going to need your help with this all throughout and it will have to be extensive!" I'm sure. I cringed a bit as I thought of the interrogation that was to come. I turned to look at Fluttershy. I was absolutely amazed by her reaction to all this. In fact, she looked like it hadn't fazed her in the slightest. "What about you, Fluttershy? I would think the prospect of so many people watching you would be a scary thought." Her response was simple and yet I'm still not sure I understand it. She told me evenly, "You're the only human I've ever seen and I'm not scared of you, Jayson." That's a terrible way to think about it! She doesn't know what we're capable of. The slaughter, the self-mutilation, the atrocities committed every day, hell even most humans fear other humans. If she even knew what I- She did and she still wasn't afraid. Was this really the same Fluttershy I thought I knew? As if in answer to my query Rainbow had given her a soft nudge saying only, "Atta girl, Fluttershy." This proved enough to propel her to the ceiling and back, while causing her coat to stand up on end. I couldn't help but giggle and the others couldn't either. She was the same Fluttershy, but something about her was starkly different. I was still unsure as to why I had the privilege of bearing such trust from Fluttershy but I chose to drop the matter. Best not to break things for the sake of fixing them. I heaved a sigh of relief at the small success. At least now I knew I could tell them things without threat of global or personal meltdown as a reaction. I still wasn't to keen on what I would have to answer but I got over it. "Alright, Twilight, and Rainbow have had a turn so who's next?" I invited. Pinkie Pie then began jumping up and down with her hoof raised in the air saying, "Oooo! Me! Me! Please pick me!" I couldn't help but grin, "Yes, Pinkie?" She immediately stood straight, looked me dead in the eyes, and asked her questions in a deadpan and serious manner, "Do you like cake, do you like parties, and when is your birthday?" I would've laughed but her expression was one of the utmost serious. I answered completely, " In order: Greatly, usually, and January 6th." She simply nodded in reply as she brought her big beaming smile back to her face. That made it harder to continue "Although, I don't think any of that will be necessary. I have to get back home, remember? I don't anticipate staying very much longer." Pinkie giggled and replied, "Oh, silly! You can just pop on back when your birthday comes. No friend of mine will go Pinkie-partyless on their birthday! Especially not my first human friend." What she said was so kind and genuine that I almost didn't correct her. Unfortunately I did, "Pinkie, I can't come back after I go. Getting here was a fluke and I'm still not even sure what caused it. Hell, there isn't even magic where I'm from." Every pony's jaw hit the floor on that one. "NO MAGIC?!" Twilight was the first to respond, "How is that even possible? How do you raise food? How do you write? How do you control the weather? How....how...how do you do anything?" I sighed, cursing myself again for dropping a culture shock bomb. "Nothing in our world needs magic," I began "Humans use ingenuity, tools, and willpower to work through their necessities. We've made things that seem like magic, but they all have a firm and tangible basis. Besides, look at me, Twilight. I don't have a horn. I couldn't use magic if I tried." Twilight was still incredulous, "So no other humans have horns or wings?" "Nope," I answered plainly. Before she could continue, Pinkie chimed in, "So...you're just gonna leave us...forever?" This pony was incredible. I had no sooner met her than she began to call me her friend. She didn't hold even an ounce of suspicion towards me at all. To top it off, she knew just how to dig into my soft spots. It didn't change the facts though. "I'm sorry, Pinkie, but I need to go home. What if you were torn from Ponyville and put into a place that was strange and foreign to you and the only way to get back was a one way ticket? Even if you made new friends, would you abandon you're true place of belonging?" I stopped myself to think. My life was nothing special back home but I knew I could never belong here. At the end of the day I'd always be the odd one out, no matter how well I was accepted. As fantastical as this all was, I belonged on Earth. All the looks in the room had turned dour. It wrenched at my soul to have brought on those looks. I wanted to fix that. I didn't want to leave on that note. A thought popped into my head so I gave it a voice. "I promised Twilight that I'd help her report so I won't be leaving right away. Besides, you don't have The Elements on you and I haven't had time to rest for a while. I tell tell you what, I'll stay for a week longer. In the meantime, Pinkie, you can prep me the best sendoff anypony's ever had while me and Twilight do Q 'n' A." Pinkie's beaming face rose to meet mine as I witnessed the success of my words, "Okie-dokie-lokie! It's gonna be one KA-Razy party!" Of that I was sure. Spirits restored, I stated, "With that, I believe we're down to Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy." Rarity stepped forward, "Pardon me darling but, those, er, 'clothes' you're wearing, are they the fashion where you come from?" I looked down at myself to once again realize I was dressed solely in the tattered remains of my denim blue-jeans. I couldn't keep the laughs from flowing out when I imagined people casually going about their day, clad my attire. "Ha, ha. No no, no," I tried to steady myself with a bit of success, "These rags aren't typically what I wear. My wardrobe since I've got here has been limited to what I had on me and unfortunately the forest wan't kind to them." Rarity gasped as if I said something abhorrent, "Why, in Celestia's name, would you wear your clothes through such harsh living? Don't you take proper care of your garments?" Another speed bump, great. Well here I go. "Actually, Rarity, humans almost always wear clothes. Some of us choose to "go without" but they're a large minority. We do so for a multitude of reasons ranging from warmth to modesty." Don't ask about modesty, don't ask about modesty. I wasn't so lucky. "Modesty?" Rarity asked with genuine curiosity. I could feel my cheeks redden. I really didn't want to tread this path at all but I promised them answers. I took a deep breath before I tried to answer. "Well...humans...are...like...sometimes," I stopped, focused, took several calming breaths and tried again. "Humans have a tendency to find naked bodies arousing. Wearing clothes helps to prevent any...uncomfortable situations." I wasn't the only one blushing after I was finished. Each pony seemed to look away from me for a bit. "Oh," muttered Rarity. After a pause that felt like an eternity, I found myself craving a change in topic. "So, Applejack, Do you have anything you wanna ask?" It's not gonna get worse than that. Thank GOD I was right for once. "Oh! Uh, sure. Uh, well, when was the last time ya had a bite ta eat?" Applejack was able to stammer. It was a good question. I had no idea really but I knew what my stomach was telling me. "Man I'm so hungry, I could eat a-" Let's not be that stupid. "Whole buffet." I was going to have to watch my choice in turns of phrase. That was very close to disaster. "Well then, Ah hope ya like apples," Applejack replied with a grin. "We got the finest in all of Equestria down on Sweet Apple Acres. Ah'll be sure ta cook up somethin' real nice for ya." The prospect of a real meal was enough to make my mouth water almost to spilling point. I wasn't sure what had changed these ponies attitudes so fast. AJ wasn't very keen on my presence just a few hours earlier. Rainbow was at my throat right out of the gate but somehow they had warmed up to me seemingly at the drop of a hat. I had never, in my entire life, seen anyone or anything drop their suspicion so quickly. Ironically it made me a bit suspicious. Why all the trust? I was no one special. In my current state I was someone whom I myself would have suspected or, at the very least, shunned. I didn't really want to press my luck though so I just continued as normal. "Sounds great! Haven't had a home cooked meal in ages," I answered truthfully "However, I have one last pony that I owe her questions." I turned to face my rescuer, "Well, Fluttershy?" She thought for a moment before she inquired,"Where are you going to stay during the week you're here?" I was caught off-guard for that. These ponies really had a knack for that. "Oh, uh, I hadn't thought about that. I have a hut in the forest I've been using but I'm not sure I could make it back from here. I don't think I can stay in Ponyville either." Fluttershy looked downcast at that statement. "Why not?" She asked. "I'm not sure having me wandering around Ponyville would be a good idea. I'm not sure the whole town would be quite as receptive to me as you all have been," I explained. I gave a brief grin to Rainbow and was slightly entertained to see her huff in reaction. I knew she didn't mean anything by it but if her initial reaction was to be repeated in a more public setting, I'm not sure I could properly defend myself from suspicion. Fluttershy then suggested her alternative, "Why don't you stay here then?" She couldn't be serious,"Oh...no...I couldn't possibly ask more of you. You've already helped so much-" "Really, it's no trouble. I don't live in the town so you won't startle anyone. There's also plenty of room, you won't be a bother at all." "I....I......" I was at a loss for words. Why the hell did these ponies care so goddamn much? "I really don't know if-" "Please? I wouldn't feel right if you didn't have a proper place to sleep." She pleaded as she looked into my eyes with the most innocent and adorable puppy-dog eyes. Fuck me. Why can't I say no to cute? "...fine, but only if you're sure I won't be a bother. I'm also gonna earn my keep. Whatever you need done, I'll do it. I'm no freeloader." Her expression broke into a vision of joy (seriously, what was with these candy-colored ponies?) as she excitedly replied, "Good, good! I'll go make sure the bed is prepared." "And Ah'll get ta bringin' ya'll somethin ta eat," said Applejack. "Oh and I absolutely must do something about you're wardrobe," chimed in Rarity as she readied her measuring tape. I still have no clue if she had brought it with her or if she magicked it from nowhere. She took a few quick measurements and was off in a flash, "Ah, but don't worry, darling, no charge. It's the least I could do to help you back on your feet." Before I could stop her, Twilight piped up saying, "I should prep my supplies. Oh! Do I have enough Quills? I should ready a check list, I'll need quills, parchment, ink, and I should probably..." she trailed off getting more and more distracted by her prospects. She then quickly bid farewell and rushed out off the cottage. "I have a party to plan! Dashie, you're with me. I'm gonna need speed to make a through a KA-RAZY PARTAY in only a week!" Pinkie then grabbed Rainbow's tail in her mouth, bringing them both outside before Rainbow could object. I was left dumbfounded at the speed of their exit. I didn't even realize my mouth was agape until Fluttershy had returned from upstairs. "Everything is set. I just need to make sure all the little animals are settled in for the night, then I'll be right back. OK?" Fluttershy told me in a slow and caring tone. I nodded and before I could speak she trotted lightly out of the rear door. I was once again alone in a cottage and instead of any dread or anticipation, I was left with confusion. Why were these ponies so fixated on helping me? My brain had decided it had worked hard enough as a wave of exhaustion hit me hard. I decided to make my way upstairs to try out that bed I heard so much about. Despite my unconsciousness and my blackouts I still found myself tremendously tired as I went up the wooden staircase to the top floor. I had been so wound up about how they all might react that I had worn myself out completely. I plopped down on the first bed I saw and told myself I would just take a brief nap before Applejack returned with something for me to eat. I closed my eyes slowly as I thought of how well things had gone. I hadn't scared anyone, or rather, anypony away. I seemed to have actually invited the care and friendship of these mares and I had not the foggiest clue how I had managed it. I would muse on that later however as the soft down comforter sucked me into a trance. I had survived the woods and was now in a safe place with those who genuinely seemed to care about what happened to me. That was enough to ease my mind from it's troubles. As I felt my consciousness slip once again into darkness I had just two thoughts left to me. The first was a bright reminder that, within a week, I would be home. The last was a shot to the gut; how would I say goodbye? It was on this grim note that my mind dove into it's subconscious. The nightmares it made for me, washed away my good cheer. > Chapter 3: Actively Waiting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was my mistakes. All of them. They just played over and over as I sat watching them happen. All the pain and regret that came with failure hit my core. I knew it was a dream but it didn't change what was happening or the fact that it was my past. Lost friends, crumbled relationships, spited loved ones, personal failures; they all revisited me with a vengeance. It then came to my two largest regrets. The first had started this dream but it was only the one time. It was my high school years again, my senior year specifically, and I was running. I was a sprinter and I was good. Typically I liked to be lazy, lounging around and goofing off. When it came to running, it was different. I was hard set and determined to better myself and push my limits. By senior year, I was the team's best sprinter and had a scholarship that would let me pay my own way into my dream school. I was prepping for the start of the season. My coach had told me to work on my stride and acceleration in the off-season and that's what I was set on doing. I had made myself some hurdles and made found a good stretch in the abandoned field for me to practice my form. The distances were measured, the heights were set and I was going through my routine. Dan and Chris were there as my spotters. Chris was a great Half-Back and Dan spent a fair share of time as a medium distance runner so they would give me pointers on my training routine. I had done maybe three repetitions before they stopped me. This is where it began. "You look great out there but you're too comfortable," said Chris. "He's right. You're not challenging yourself enough," Dan added "I think you should adjust the distances." "Just up the speed! Don't mess with your stride!" I tried to scream at myself but instead I heard myself say "Yeah, I'm really not feeling anything. Let's fix the intervals." "Here, we got it," Dan offered nudging Chris to join in. I shrugged, "Sure. I'll do some 50 meter sprints to stay warmed up." They went to fix up my improvised running track as I dropped into my running stance. I set my hands down on the ground just above my shoulders and shifted my weight onto the balls of my feet. 'Ready.' I straightened my legs and leveled my head to view the stretch in front of me. I kept my muscles prepped but relaxed as I rocked m weight, ever so slightly, back and forth. 'Set.' I pushed my weight more forward in my rocking motion as I prepared to launch myself. I brought my weight back again as I used the momentum to dig my feet into their starting position while I bent my legs and coiled the muscles within. 'Go!' I was off. The rhythmic pounding of my feet and steady swing of my arms paired so naturally with my heavy breath and surge of adrenaline. This rush was my drug and I was an addict. Every moment of this was a euphoric reminder of what it was like to be alive. I relished every second of it. The trade-off was that the more intense the sensation, the quicker it came to a close. This was especially brief but I quickly set in to repeat my performance. This time I was met with an unpleasant tugging sensation on my last step. I would later find out that on my deceleration had lead me to roll my left ankle, hyper extending a tendon in my foot. Caught up as I was in my practice, I thought it was just a bad landing. A mark of bad form and frustrating, but not serious. "Yes! It IS serious! Call it a day. Quit while you're ahead and recover!" I shouted to myself in a drowned silence and to no avail. I couldn't change the past but I still needed to try. My brothers had finished their set up and I walked up to my starting point. "Alright, it's set up so that the intervals are constant but the distances are longer than before. Keep your eyes open and use the first stretch to set your stride," Dan instructed. "Be aware of the difference and keep your eyes open," Chris added. "You need to be able to react to changes as they happen." I nodded back to them and dropped once again into my stance. The only difference was that feeling in my foot. "Stop it now! You have time, don't push this!" I continued pointlessly. I readjusted my stance and the pesky little nuisance went away. 'Ready.' "No!" 'Set.' "Don't" 'Go!' Stop! I was off. The first hurdle was a ways out but it felt my stride matching up with the length before me. I leaped over the first hurdle with only the slightest correction. After that I was perfect, I cleared every jump cleanly and solidly, until the last leap. I had been to caught up in my rhythm to notice the slightly increased distance in the last hurdle. It was no more than a half-stride further but it was enough. I jumped too early and on my decent my lead foot caught the top of the hurdle. I had taken falls before but this one caught me by surprise. I had continued to pull my other leg up over the hurdle and the result meant I had no leg to land on. I thought quickly to try and save myself from a face plant. "Roll into it! Take the fall!" I brought my left leg to land but it couldn't support my weight and forward momentum. Phantom pain began into flood me as I twisted violently to the right. My ankle emitted a soft snapping noise and I fell into a twisted heap, entwined with the hurdle. There was a surge of piercing pain followed shortly by a dull throbbing pain upon my impact, but just before I started screaming I looked down at my legs and went numb. My left foot lay limp and failed to respond to my attempts at movement. That wasn't what had my attention however. My right leg would not be outdone so it decided to partner up with the hurdle and make me a special deal. My leg fell so that it was stuck in between the sidebar and the crossbeam. The fall had put my full weight into the crossbeam and that acted as a fulcrum. The result was that the entirety of my right leg, from the middle of the shin to the sole of my foot, was independent from the rest of my skeleton. I was in a trance. I could hear only muffled voices, as if they were speaking through miles of cotton, and I could see only blurs and streaks. I was told later that I had sustained a compound fracture to my right fibula and tibia. My left foot had a torn tendon. I had no idea what that meant and I was too confused to think clearly. I needed to get up and do the run over again. I would do better on the next run for sure. There was no next run. The breaks were clean and they were set without incident, even the surgery for the tear went off without a hitch. The problem was I could never heal back to my previous condition. Besides the fact that I had missed months of practice with my recovery time and physical therapy, my bones didn't heal quite right. My leg couldn't take high amounts of pressure without the adds of micro-fractures which would only worsen my condition. The doctors told me I wouldn't be able to run again. I didn't want to believe them but I came to realize it was just a fact. I lost my scholarship and had to rely on my grades to get my into college. I missed the entire track season and our team fell in ranking. My brothers felt responsible since they had set the hurdles. I tried to tell them that it was my fault but they didn't listen. They always handled me with kit gloves after that. Let me tell you straight, this isn't a sob story. I fell down and I picked myself back up, nothing special. I missed some opportunities but life goes on. It was my mistake and I lived with it. That was until my next chapter of torment began. This, I wouldn't try to correct. This I wouldn't try to watch. This was my life's biggest failing and the consequences were not as simple as losing an opportunity. This memory was the loss of family, that I could have prevented. I tried my hardest to force this time from my mind but in these segments of flashback I would never stop all of the images. An evening out, cold air stinging my lungs, a grin from the dark, a flash of a knife, the smell of blood, a stream of tears, one last ragged breath, cold, scared, helpless eyes. I felt all these things flood my memory and I tried my hardest to wake up or to force them away. After an eternity of struggle they faded and I was surrounded by darkness. In a flash I found myself in a familiar scene, you might remember. As Grim prepped the knife and Jester giggled with glee, I caught a noise that neither of them seemed to, Jester was caught up in himself and Grim savored the look of the rabbit held helpless by the trap. Grim saw a look of desperation from that rabbit that I had never seen in my life. That noise though, it was a quick swish of a trap followed by what I could've sworn was a brief high pitched but soft spoken squeal. It was enough for me to mention it to my boys to make them aware. Jester was overjoyed and went off to the nearest trap. Grim was annoyed but knew the rabbit wouldn't go anywhere. The trap was sprung but there was just a line of small flexible branch leading into the bushes. Normally when the trap sprung it would suspend a small animal by it's caught feet in the air but this one was too heavy. Even Jester laid on the brakes. This had happened with a wolf once before and it did not enjoy our trap. We edged near the bushes and Grim readied the knife. Jester was ever so cautiously edging us towards the bush until we had reached arms length. Here was the tricky business. We needed to see the animal before we could effectively snap the line. As we leaned in ever so carefully I heard that squeaky squeal again and I....I....did nothing. Grim let loose a wicked grin as he parted the bushes to see what looked like a a small yellow equine with a pink mane. I thought to myself how strange this creature looked. It wasn't quite a horse, it was smaller and had wings attached to it for starters. The number one thing I thought however was how strange it was that it could talk. "Um.....hi," The yellow creature greeted. I was perplexed but payed no real heed. Jester had found this unbearably hilarious and was splitting his seams inside my skull. Grim was very pleased. He brought my hand with the knife up but it was not set to release the trap. With a flash the knife was at it's throat and a peep of terror escaped it's lips. It managed to stutter out, "Pa-pa-please! I don't ma-mean-" "Shhh. Quiet now little one. We're going to play," uttered Grim in a cruel satire of pity. "No!" I shouted at him. I would be heard on this and I would let him know my thoughts. "This one can talk." Grim chuckled darkly, "All the better. I finally have a plaything that can tell me how it feels." "I said no." I began again as I wrested control to my limbs. "Not this one." Upset he snarled, "Why? Grown another voice that speaks as your conscience?" I shook my head slowly, "No, because this one is mine." Upon this Grim joined Jester's cacophony as I set about to playtime. I did unspeakable things to that creature, all the while her screams and shrieks of pain and terror echoed through the wood. As the fun wound on, my toy got softer and weaker with it's pleas of mercy until the point that it lay in a huddled heap of it's former self quivering. "Time to end the fun," I spoke as I brought down the knife for the final stroke. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start and threw myself out of the bed. I landed unceremoniously on my ass and scrambled into a corner. What was that? What did I do? Why did I do that? Why- I had to concentrate hard on stopping the flow of questions. I heaved deeply as I huddled myself more tightly into the fetal position. It was just a dream. I repeated over and over again to myself in order to calm down. I had experienced the dream before of course but that last part....that last part was new....and it was vivid. It was almost as if it really was a memory like the rest. I had to throw it from my mind so I continued my inward mantra until I was sufficiently calm enough to gather my thoughts. The whole experience couldn't have been longer than 5 minutes but even after I was calm I was still shaken, I needed a distraction. My stomach provided the perfect opportunity. I heard the familiar grumbles and felt the pangs of hunger emerge. Hmm, let's see what I can scrounge up for myself. I shifted my thoughts to my pursuit as I surveyed my surroundings. I was still in Fluttershy's cabin. The second floor seemed to be a single room with the intent of keeping a single, albeit very comfortable and spacious, bed. This was where I had slept and my mess from the brief scramble had it in a bit of a disarray. There were two windows, one one either side of the bed, and what seemed to be a small writing area on the left. The chimney seemed to continue up through this room on the off on the right. The whole vibe seemed to give off a simplistic yet cozy atmosphere and it helped to ease my worried mind even further. "I'd better fix up this mess. Wouldn't want to be an ungracious guest," I mused aloud. I quickly set about to making the bed. It didn't take me very long and I afterwards continued down the stairs to hopefully get some food together. I remembered that Applejack said she would bring something by, so after I made it downstairs I went about looking for said food. I made my way to the small dining/kitchen area off to the right of the stairs and was met by a beautiful aroma. The smell reminded me of days when I was younger and I used to go pick fresh fruit. It was a fresh and sweet smell that redoubled my efforts to find it's source. I turned to a small table in the room to find it. The culprit turned out to be a wrapped basket with a note on it. By this time my stomach had become quite vocal and I the desire to tear into the baskets contents without a second whim was my first idea. I did however look back to the note and corrected my behavior, I could wait an additional 15 seconds. I opened the page and read it's contents aloud, "Dear Jayson, found you were asleep and I didn't want to wake ya. Not sure what you like to eat so I gave ya a bit of the works. You can bring the basket back whenever yer finished with it. Hope ya enjoy. Applejack." A smile came to my face as I finished reading. It was nice of her to go through the effort of all this. I'm gonna have to repay her somehow. Just as I closed the note, a thought struck me. I quickly opened the note again to look at the words. There it was all written out like I had just seen, but this time I realized the oddity in front of me: this was English. Totally clean and clear, albeit informal and quickly written, English script. I scratched my head as I thought of how this was possible. I had seen writing in the show, and there was some English here and there if I remember correctly, but seeing it here in front of me, as a reality, made me think on how this was even possible. I had to shake my head a couple times before I could focus back to the gracious food, but the ideas were left swirling without answers. I didn't see myself coming to any conclusions on my own so I thought of asking Twilight. She was bound to know more about all this than I did......right? In any case I had since redirected my sights to the basket and lifted the lid. Inside was an assortment of tarts, scones, breads and jams. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, some berries I couldn't even recognize but looked absolutely enticing, and of course apples were in a wide range of attendance in this menagerie. My eyes widened, my mouth dropped open, and my hands reached out for one of these marvelous treats. I wasn't even sure what I grabbed, but boy oh boy when it reached my mouth I knew I chose right. The delightfully light and fluffy pastry had been filled with a small reserve of complimentary filling and I had a generous helping of that as I chewed away at it. In my hunger, I sadly had devoured a good portion of these treats before I even started to slow down. When I began to slow down I cursed myself for wasting the flavor of such creations. I picked up a final piece of bread and gave it a coating of blackberry jam and began to work my way slowly to it's end crust. This was a decidedly slow process so as to cherish every bite. This may be the near starvation and nostalgic reflection talking, but that was the absolute best set of cooked creations I had ever had. Caught unexpectedly drowning in an ocean of bliss, I had missed when Fluttershy had walked into the room. "Morning, Sleepyhead." Called her delicate voice. My reaction was a tad extreme. "JESUS CHRIST AND ALL THAT IS HOLY!" I screamed as I was awakened so suddenly from my trance. My body shot like a up straight as I leaped high enough to bounce my head off the ceiling beam. You could say I was a bit startled. "Oh! Ohmygosh are you alright? I'm sorry. I scared you again," Fluttershy blurted as she flew over to see if I was, indeed, alright. My head began to throb and a slight dizziness came over me, "I'm f-fine, Fluttershhhy. Y-ya just caught me off...off...." The dizziness was a bit stronger now. "....guard," My legs then seemed to fade to jello and I slumped to the floor. "Oh no!" cried Fluttershy. She had immediately set about checking my head for any external injury. "Just take some long deep breaths. I don't see any marks but that bump looked like it hurt." I glanced towards the ceiling lazily. From my sitting position it looked so far up. Had I really jumped that high? "It's not that bad, I swear. I'm just...just a bit stunned." This was the truth. The throbbing had already dulled, my head seemed to stabilize a bit, and my legs had started listening to me again. She landed in front of me and lifted a wing out in front of her. "How many feathers am I holding up?" She asked with a look of concern. "Hmm, didn't know you could do that, and three by the way." I was correct and this made her heave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, I had really hoped I didn't hurt you again. Am I really that scary?" She asked me......with an absolutely straight and worried face. I lost it. I broke into hysterical laughter. "F-f-Fluttershy. Fluttershy the Big Yellow Meanie! Oh yes, who will possibly help me?" I pleaded to invisible onlookers. "I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't think I was being mean," Fluttershy stammered out. I saw her eyes start to water. Goddamn it. Thanks brain, make fun of Fluttershy. Great job I quickly sobered myself. "No you weren't I swear. It was just a bad joke. I'm sorry please don't cry. You've been nicer than I deserve, my terrible luck is just rubbing off on you," I apologized, reaching to the basket and grabbing a remaining tart. "Forgive me?" I offered the tart as a peace treaty. Fluttershy quickly wiped away her tears and brought a delicate smile to her features. She nodded and took my peace offering. I rose up to my feet and rubbed my head. Well that's a tragedy avoided. Now onto business. I stretched out a bit to get my blood flowing. I have a long to do list and plenty of ponies to thank. As I was stretching I finally took a look at the window. It was still night.....or it had turned to night.....or...how long had I been out? I hadn't noticed the darkness, well, because it wasn't really that dark. The sky was alight with a dazzling moon and vibrant constellations that illuminated the sky and the surface of this world incredibly well. I used to account this to being away from all the light pollution, what with being in the middle of the woods. I now assumed however that this could have something to do with Luna's nighttime displays. I was unsure exactly but it wasn't terribly important. One thing was however. "Fluttershy, what time is it?" "Um, I think it's close to 5." "Wow, that's pretty early. Did I wake you?" "Yeah, but I'm normally up around now anyways. The bats and owls are going to settle in soon and the early risers are gonna want breakfast." "Guess it turned out alright then. If you need any help I can lend a hand." "Hmm? Do you mean 'lend a hoof?'" "Well I'd offer if I had one but hands are what I'm working with here," I held out my hands and wiggled my fingers back and forth. "Oh, my bad. No need though, it's not a bother." As she said this I couldn't help but notice she avoided my gaze. It was brief though and she immediately followed with another suggestion. "It's still pretty early but Applejack should be getting up soon as well. Nopony else will be up for awhile so you could probably return the basket without anypony noticing." "What about Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith?" I edged cautiously. "Ah!" she seemed a bit startled for a moment before continuing. Seems I hadn't quite made clear what I knew about this place. I was going to have to watch that. "Don't worry. AJ likes you fine and I'm sure they will too.". "That's....not entirely what I'm worried about." I tried to explain. "Don't worry, they'll treat you fine." She smiled at me with such genuine assurance that I just dropped my worries. How bad could it possible turn out? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty bad. I had gotten to the farm without much hassle. Fluttershy told me the way, it wasn't far, and it was a fucking FARM. Really would have been sad if I couldn't find my way to a massive apple orchard. No, the problem began when I tried to return the basket to the main homestead. I recognized it's outline and made my way to the front door. I then commenced knocking but, after some time I came to the conclusion that no one was available. Now here's what I should have done. I should have left the basket on the front porch and called it a day. Instead I had the brilliant idea to test and see if the door was open so I could leave it inside. Wouldn't ya guess it, the door was open and I began to find my way to the kitchen. Found it, left the basket, and went back to leave, no problems. That was until I crossed back through what I believe was the living room and heard a very loud, very distinct, very familiar, start yelling. "BURGAHLUR! BURGAHLUR!" yelled the voice of Granny Smith, whom had apparently been asleep in this very room up until this point. "No no no no no! I'm not a burglar I'm just-" I hushed trying to explain my stupid justification. I was interrupted by a charging mass of pony slamming into me and rushing my body into a nearby wall. He came out to be just under my own height but to say that he was well muscled would be an understatement. I wouldn't be surprised if every ounce of him was pure muscle. The force that hit me once on impact and once more into the wall was absolutely incredible. The first hit knocked the wind out of me and caused me to lose function of the muscles required to stand. The second was rich enough to not only slam my entire body solidly against the wall but I could hear some snapping noises that weren't from the wall. I didn't feel The second impact though because as my head smashed the wall, everything went numb and my vision faded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The good news is that I woke up again. My sight returned to me and I saw a soft purple glow . As details came back I recognized the face of Twilight Sparkle. "Heyya Twilight....how ya doin?" I muttered. seems my brain wasn't quite on yet. "That's my line. That was one incredible hit you took." She responded. I could tell she was concerned but she didn't have to be. What was odd was that I didn't feel pain, just a fuzzy head. "Ah'm GAREAT! Never better!" I pronounced as I readied to leap to my feet. Twilight put a hoof on my chest to stop me. "Hold on there. Let me finish up this spell before you fall over." She did so and almost instantly my mind was clear and I had recalled what happened. "Gah! How am I not dead?! It felt like I was run over by a freight train!" In answer a deep and firm yet quiet voice said,"That, would be mah fault." "Should've guessed," I sighed and turned to my assailant. There stood Big Macintosh and, my god that name doesn't lie. Even through his red coat I could see the bulging lines of muscle that he wore over his large frame. He had his head hung just a bit so that his mane came down to cover his eyes slightly. "Not sure if we've been introduced so hey there. My names Jayson pleasure to meet you. Am I to assume you're the one who...er... greeted me at Sweet Apple Acres?" He nodded, "Eeyup. Ah'm a might bit sorry bout all that." I shook my head, "No need. I'm a strange unknown figure who was lurking through your house in the dark. Situations reversed I would have done...well...not the same thing but I would have protected my family." I shot him a grin to drive the point. "No harm, no foul." He looked me dead in the eyes. It seemed so deadpan that I didn't have a clue what was going on behind his gaze. His stare lingered before he said, "Nnope. T'aint right what I did. I gotta make it up to ya somehow," That took me aback. These ponies were great at throwing me off, and I didn't really need help to begin with. I thought for a moment before I came up with a proposition. "I really don't think you owe me anything, but if you're dead-set, then fine. You owe me one favor, on the books. Twilight, your a witness to this," "Same here," said Applejack, which got my attention. I brought myself to sit up and take in my surroundings. I was in Twilight's tree library. Almost spot on from the show, there were books from floor to ceiling and all the floors, shelves and appliances had a lovely and bright natural wooden(duh) finish to them. I took in a deep breath as I came to a full sitting position and the scent of old pages and oak flooded my nostrils and filled my lungs. Twilight, Applejack, and Big Mac were the only attendees I could note so I continued my proposal. "Then there you have it. Do you accept, Big Mac?" "Eeyup," was all I needed. "Settled. Now I bet you a million bucks that you got something better to do than talk to me. Don't let me hold you up any longer." This statement got me some extremely unusual glances from all parties involved, but soon after AJ and Big Mac made their exit. I turned slowly to face Twilight "Um...well...that was awkward. What'd I do?" Twilight flushed before telling me that "bucks", in that context, did not mean what I had been raised to believe it did. "What you basically said is that you're interested in...ehm...mating with Big Mac...in a very 'enthusiastic' way." "I...I...I...wait...when...but...what?" Noticing how distraught I was getting, Twilight tried to help calm me down. "N-Not that there's anything wrong with that! A colt can be love whomever but I'm just not sure if Big Mac sees you that way," "He...HE doesn't see ME that way? I'm human! He's a pony! I don't even... plus... he's...he's a he! I gotta correct this. Bucks means money...Dollars. I'm not even... I don't like ponies," Oops. I see your hitting consistently brain. Congrats. Twilight looked as if I had slapped her. "I...didn't know you were like that, Jayson. I mean I know he hurt you bad but he really didn't mean to. And then you assume that we all-" Damage control to deck 9. "No no that's not....I didn't mean it like....like..." Multiple hull breaches sustained, life support failing. "It's just...it's not like..." Mayday! Mayday! Code Red! Commence emergency evacuation protocol! I heaved a large breath and let loose. "I'M NOT TURNED ON BY PONIES!" Twilight just blinked at me a bit. Awkward doesn't even cover the feeling that had frozen this moment in time. Suddenly I was wishing that Big Mac had hit me a bit harder...NO NOT LIKE THA-...forget it. Eventually, after a new galaxy had formed, Twilight asked, "Why not?" It was my turn to blink at her, "We're...not even the same species...?" Her utter bewilderment as to my sexual preferences was enough to make me doubt anything I said. "So?" This isn't happening. I'm dead and this is hell, explaining why I don't want to bang pastel colored verbal equines TO said equines. I decided to flip this conversation around, "So are you saying I turn you on?" How do you like it Twilight? "Not at the moment, but, aesthetically at least, there's nothing preventing my attraction to you." "This conversation is over. Any more of this and I will very literally die of embarrassment, in fact I'm nearly welcoming it. That'd be less painful." This worked, but now she was angry again. "Don't ever say things like that!" I tried to ease her down. "Easy, Twi. I was just kidding." Swing and a miss. "It was not funny. I didn't just save you to have you throw your life away!" "Come on it wasn't that bad. Look I'm up and about already." "Because I was able to perform a very difficult, intricate, and risky spell that repaired your spinal cord and brain tissue! I didn't even know if the spell would translate but we were lucky!" "...my spine...and brain tissue?" I heard her but there was no way...right? Wrong. "Why do you think Big Mac was so adamant on letting him help you?" I just thought it came with the whole honesty, never leave a debt, southern dignity thing. Turns out he just didn't feel comfortable over the fact that he nearly killed me. "Huh," was all I could utter. Twilight shook her head. "Just, be more careful. What would your friends think if you never made it back home?" I thought a bit on that. I didn't have any true, stand-out friends but that doesn't mean I din't understand what she meant. I knew my brothers and parents were probably already freaked. How long had I been gone? I needed to change the topic. "So what about that report to Celestia about humans?" I suggested. This lit Twilight up like a Christmas tree, "Oh you're ready? Follow me to the study then!" "Sure thing. Got any topics you're curious on?" "Actually, now that you mention it, let's start with human breeding behaviors." And I shit you not she turned right around and fed me the biggest shit-eating grin you could imagine. I sighed, but it was this or reflection on my own mortality. Lesser of two evils I suppose. I will say though, my opinion of Twilight had increased tremendously after all this had happened. I always knew she was smart but she was able to analyse the anatomy of a completely foreign species and convert a a spell to fix injuries fast enough to keep me from dying, and she didn't let anyone distract her from what she wanted to know when she was curious. I took a seat on a bench inside the study as Twilight prepped for her interrogation. This was gonna be a long day. > Chapter 4: Questions and Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I took a deep breath. Alright, better throw all shame and hesitation out the window. You said you would help and you already dug yourself into a hole. Best not to make it any worse. I let loose a long exhale and steeled myself. As Twilight magicked up her quills and ink, I magicked up my best poker face. Acting with a straight face was never really my forte, but as for keeping things impersonal, you could say I had a special talent for it. I flipped a switch in my head and suddenly all that concerned me was facts. I was not going to let her drag me personally into this report. It was about humans on the whole remember. The last thing I needed was a report of myself, in all it's glory, going out unabridged to the God-Ruler of a magical nation. I would answer any questions as long as it pertained to humans as a whole. For personal details, she'd have to torture me. "Eh hem," Twilight cleared her throat. "Ready?" I smirked, "Let the inquisition begin," Time for a battle of wills with possibly the smartest individual I would ever come to know. I was actually fairly excited. I always loved a challenge. I think she could tell. She returned my look with a defiant one of he own, "With pleasure. To begin, as promised, what is the mating disposition of your species?" Easy start, just keep yourself out of it. "Humanity only possess the capability of reproducing with other humans. There are certain individuals that take pleasure with indulgence in perversions involving separate species, but this is a minority and it is looked upon as a taboo." After jotting down some notes, Twilight turned around and looked confused. "That seems quite elitist, unless you're telling me there aren't any other sentient species where you come from?" Entering enemy territory, beware of traps! "In fact, humans are currently the only known species that possess a known and completely developed sentience." "Really? Across your entire world? I find that difficult to believe." Twilight jabbed. I retorted with a shrug and a rebuttal "I assure you this is the case, to the best of my knowledge. Unless you believe me to be lying to you?" She hinted ever so slightly at a wincing motion. Gotcha! She recovered instantaneously however and returned my counter. "Of course not, I just find it difficult to believe. Do you have any idea how that could have happened?" I wasn't sure where she was going with this so I put in my two cents. "No one is really sure. Humans as a species have been around for tens of thousands of years. Some speculate that when we started developing societies, we created an evolutionary hurdle of sorts that other species still have yet to overcome." She nodded and continued "Would you say that means your species inhibited the progression of other species?" Ouch. That stung. "Perhaps. Although I would say that it was less as a deliberate effort and more a means to keep our fragile existence going. It's only very recently, in our relative timeline that we've had a semblance of self-awareness. Until then we sort of did what we had to do to stay alive." "That seems odd. Wouldn't other species be able to aid you in that venture? The Griffons, especially have aided us throughout history." Huh? Would never have guessed that. Gilda didn't seem the most helpful sort. I then thought of how it might seem to categorize an entire species based on one individual. Wasn't that what I was trying to avoid right here? I shook my head and clarified, "Humans have tried to lessen our own shortcomings by making certain, "partnerships" with other animals. We care for and use animals to facilitate for certain needs while we take care of them and protect them from predators. As I said though, humans were barely able to keep their own societies alive early on. They didn't have the forethought to consider alternate species as possible allies." I pondered a second longer. "In fact, I'm not sure anyone truly considers the possibility today." I received an almost icy look that spoke, "Anyone?" "Present company excluded of course." Twilight turned back and wrote something down before returning. "What were the primary dampeners that threatened your early societies then? If there were no adversaries then what was the danger?" I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "As you could see from earlier, humans are a fairly fragile sort. Natural predators could easily overpower us physically. We had to think smart and adapt to stay alive and even then we're still pretty vulnerable. Also, it is worth mentioning that humans have never been like ponies. We've always been divided by culture, language, beliefs and so on. This has lead to years upon years of war and adversity." This actually seemed to shock Twilight a bit, "Do you mean to say that you have no central leadership for your species?" I shook my head. "Nope, never had and never will as far as I can tell. Humans have deep rooted hatreds and biases that keep many people from ever reconciling. There have been multiple attempts to create worldwide establishments to unify us but so far no luck." "That's...a bit unsettling. Although it might explain a bit..." she began to take yet more notes. I raised an eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing, nothing." She muttered. Before I could object further she brought another topic into play, "About these 'partnerships' with animals, do care to explain further? For example, how could you communicate with different species if your own doesn't even share a language?" I attempted to dodge around this issue, mostly because I didn't want to have to explain horseback riding. "You guys have cows and sheep as well, same basic thing." She wasn't even the slightest bit surprised by my knowledge of that, "Yes but we can communicate with them. You told me that you don't possess the same capabilities." Damn. She's got me there. "We take animals into our care and raise them but it's more of a subjugation of feral and wild animals into a more tame and docile condition. Through generations of training, care, conditioning, and breeding, we have certain species of animals that have acclimated to humans. Certain ones have taken to it better than others and the purposes of such animals vary. We have pets, such as dogs and cats, but then we also use cows for food." ...wait did I just say- "You mean cows milk, right?" Shit. I wasn't going to lie. I breathed deeply, "Yes, but we also raise cows to be eaten. Humans are omnivorous." Twilight wrote this down but then set her quill down. She got up and walked right over to me and asked her next question. "We are familiar with omnivorous species. Griffons and dragons tend to be such. However I must ask, is this going to be a problem?" I knew this question was inevitable. It was unfortunate that I didn't catch her serious tone. "I dunno, pony meat is looks pretty deliciou-" Like that I was pinned to the bookcase behind me. "Oof, Kidding! Twilight, kidding! I swear. I've never once eaten a pony and nor do I plan to." Horn still glowing, Twilight leered at me, "Promise?" I couldn't see anything holding me back but I could definitely feel it. There was a strong and constant pressure being applied across my entire body that pinned me straight upwards. Not only was the physical sensation unpleasant, but I also felt a very uncomfortable emotional pressure. It was as if I was suddenly being plagued by seeping suspicion, dread, fear, and...sadness? Needless to say I was not in a very appealing or favorable situation. "PINKIE promise! Very few humans eat horses and ponies and they're not popular fellows. I am not one of them." Twilight let me down but kept her horn glowing and a challenging visage upon her face. "Do it then." I didn't object. I made the familiar vow with the accompanied pantomimes. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. And remember, no one breaks a Pinkie promise." Despite what I'm sure seemed to be a satirical event, Twilight dispelled her magic and smiled happily. She seemed genuinely reassured that I meant no harm. "Of course. Sorry about all that-" I held up my hand, "Twilight, you were asking me whether or not I was a murderous carnivore that would devour your species, and I made that a joke. I'M sorry." Her smile widened and she went back to her desk. "Apology accepted, now let's continue." I sighed a bit, this was getting exhausting. "I'm sorry to crush the momentum you've got going, but could we take a break from this? I'm gonna need some time to collect myself." She didn't even flinch. "Great idea! I think I've got enough here for an overall analysis but I'd like more a more physical description. I didn't exactly have a lot of time to examine you before." I sighed heavily, "That's not exactly what I meant by a break." Twilight persevered, "You won't have to answer any questions. It'll just be a quick little scan, that's all I ask. I groaned quite audibly. The last thing I imagined I would ever be doing in my life would be performing a strip show, in the name of science, for a violet sentient equine. Needless to say I was against the sentiment. "There's no way I can get away with just describing my....anatomy, is there?" I pursued fruitlessly. "No way," Twilight confirmed. "You're the only specimen of your species I've ever seen. I would never be able to live it down if I wasn't thorough." My chest sank and I drooped my head in defeat. "If there's now other way, then I suppose I'll grin and bear it." I followed this statement with a brief muttering of, "At least I get to show off for all of Equestria now, immortalized through text!" as a little in-joke to steel myself. I again, had forgotten my new found acquaintance's hearing ability. "Actually, I only expect that the Princesses and a few royal librarians will ever see these documents. Still what's important is the knowledge itself!" "How did you possi...oh, yeah you guys got super great hearing. Not a lot of use in muttering to myself is there?" I asked rhetorically. Twilight still answered with a short grin and a brief shake of the head. "If you'll follow me, my inspection equipment is located in the basement." I heeded her request and was brought down a short spiral of stairs that lead to a lower level. The top of this new room was a ways up but the arch above the entrance was lower than I expected, which resulted in a nasty impact. The pain was dull and faded quickly but I would have to take note of such things if I wanted to keep my skull intact. I'd been making a terrible habit of head injury so far. I don't think I dained my bramage so I is ok. I shook my head Or maybe not Twilight was so transfixed in the prospect of my examination that she hadn't even noticed. She simply continued forward and set about her contraptions. I could only assume she was adjusting them to fit me as best she could. I watched her set about her task, absorbed in her own thoughts and calculations. Her face was lively but thoughtful as she contemplated the best possible modifications and settings to use in for my "unique" form. I couldn't help but feel almost illuminated by her passionate pursuit, and her glowing horn of course. When I saw her moving expediently and efficiently it surprisingly calmed my anticipation and set me more at ease for proceeding. Twilight really did mean to use this information as factually and usefully as she could. No part of this was for the purpose of shaming or humiliating myself. It was solely for the furthering of understanding between our two races. This actually brought a thought to my mind just as Twilight returned to face me. "All set. The table should fit your frame comfortably and I think the anodes have been attuned closely enough to-" I shook my head. "Save the technical jabber, Twilight. If you're set I'm set. However I have one condition before we get this show on the road." "What is it?" "If I'm going to help you figure me and my species out, then I want to get to know more about you." She pursed her lips and scratched her chin, "But I thought you already know quite a bit about us." I gave a crooked smile and replied, "I'm a curious guy. I may know some things but I'm always willing to know more." I shrugged "I'm sure you can relate." She returned my smile, "Alright then. Because you're helping me out so much, I'll return the favor. Just let me get the machine hooked up first." Twilight turned back towards her devices quickly before giving me a peculiar look in the span of an instant. It seemed to say, 'Should I?' before it was replaced by her continued inquisitive gaze. "Brace yourself." "For wh-" and I was in the air. I felt that familiar pressure upon my body although instead of pinning me, I was now seemingly floating through the air. As Twilight's horn continued to glow I felt that familiar impart of emotion, although this time it was not as extreme and seemed to feed me a calming and benign atmosphere. A few second's later I found myself on Twilight's aforementioned table. "Oh. Cool. You gonna take my clothes off with a magic trick too?" I said with a tad of sarcasm and a tad of worry. "If you insist," she replied straight faced and without hesitation. I was then met with an embarrassing draft as I saw my pants and undergarments appear folded in the corner of the room. A quick blush and brief shake of my head accompanied my thoughts to treat demands for magical action far more seriously in the future. "I'm going to need you to lie down so that I can affix my equipment properly." Twilight explained. I nodded curtly and positioned myself to be as comfortable as possible for this procedure. The table wasn't uncomfortable but despite this, I couldn't quite convince myself to be cool-headed while naked on an observation table. Deep breaths, calm down. What's the worst that could happen? Perhaps that wasn't the best question to ask but it did distract me from the odd sensations of attachment across my body. Twilight's voice brought me back after she affixed a contraption of a helmet as the finishing touch. "Now that everything's in place we can begin. The process might take a little bit so if you want, you can ask me some questions to pass the time." Quick before you have to think about what you're doing! "Let's start with magic, obviously since we don't have any we wouldn't know the first thing about how it works." Twilight turned to me with a look that said 'Are you serious?' and asked, "You want me to explain in passing what I've basically set my life to understanding?" "Yup. I'll take the shorthand version if you prefer." Twilight sighed and facehoofed. (What do you want from me?! they don't have palms!) "You're going to have to be a bit more specific." "Oh fine. Then why is it that unicorns are the only ones that use magic? "What are you talking about? Everyone uses magic. Everything uses magic...except you apparently." "Then how is it that only unicorns cast spells and Earth Ponies and Pegasi can't? Seems a bit unfair if everyone can use magic." This caused Twilight to giggle. "You think spells are the only use of magic? You weren't kidding when you said you didn't know everything." "Hey, that's borderline hurtful to your poor ignorant test subject!" "Sorry, it's just that even the littlest fillies and colts know how magic works." She halted her giggling and then started her explanation. "There are two basic forms of magic use, Passive and Active. Passive magic use is an innate ability that varies based on the species of pony. It's the reason for a Pegasus's flight capabilities and an Earth Pony's durability, strength, and endurance. These vary in power from individual to individual but the principle is the same. Active magic is more difficult to nail down. Unicorn's are typically the most in tune with it's use but Earth Ponies and Pegasi can use active magic as well. They just don't have a focal point for magical extension. This results in a necessity for externalization of magical accumu-" "You're losin' me with the lingo again Twilight." Twilight huffed and began again, "Are you aware that Earth Ponies are most inclined to the production of food?" "Yeah." "This is because of their predisposed inclination to the active magic required for creating food. The same can be said for weather control for Pegasi. Unicorns can use these magics but normally in an indirect and more inefficient form. These aren't all the possible kinds of magic, of course, but it should give you a better idea of how it works." "Hmm, and here I thought that Friendship is Magic- "But it is! Friendship is an extremely vital source of magic that allows for the use of both passive and active magic." "I was actually going to say something about the show you all are in. Although it doesn't do nearly as in depth job of explaining as hearing it from you." Twilight gave a genuine grin. There also seemed to be a slight rise in color around her cheeks. "Well, I've been reading about it for a while. Not a lot of people actually take the time to listen to what I learn, except for the Princesses. Thank you." A weakness for flattery huh? Good to know. "I should be thanking you but you're welcome. There is something else I that struck me as odd though. You all seemed to really roll along with the notion that a completely, foreign world has a show detailing your adventures. If an interstellar stalker told me that he had been watching me, I'd be a bit more distressed than you all seemed to be." Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "I'm not sure I understand." I mimicked her reaction,"What do you mean? Stalkers, bad, right?" She shrugged, "I guess but you said that we have a show right?" I nodded. "Then that's not stalking. I don't consider myself a stalker of Commander Hurricane after I watch the play's done on Hearth's Warming Eve. The actor isn't the actual person, and the stage isn't the actual place, they're both just representations." "But.....wait......what?" She's talking like the show is just a play. That couldn't be right....right? These ponies exist because of the show...don't they? "I do find it odd that you know about us and we know nothing about you, especially without the use of magic." Twilight supplied. WHAT?! This doesn't add up! Does she think we based the show about them, as if they existed? But we had no idea they existed...did we? No...that's crazy. So we didn't base the show on them, but we made a show that parallels them incredibly well. That can't be a coincidence. I "Gahhh!" I just couldn't put together. "Are you alright? What happened?" Twilight inquired, in a manner that conveyed both her interest and concern for my condition during this proceeding. "Yeah...no don't worry I'm fine. I'm just incredibly confused now." "Why are you confused?" I needed a springboard for my ideas. Who better, am I right? "First off, I, nor anyone that I know of, actually knew Equestria was a real place. I was under the impression that somehow the show had...made...you?" "That's ludicrous. A fictionalization can't just create a whole new world, at least not in a literal sense." "Then how is Equestria real?" "I'd imagine it's the same way you are, or I am. Would you say you were created by some story?" "I...don't think so. Though now I can't help but-" "Let me stop you there." Twilight insisted. "You're here right?" I decided to go along with her, for the sake of my brain. "Yeah." "And you see me here, in my lab, in Equestria?" "Yes." "And do you think that you being here would be affected in the least by the stories of our adventures being told in your world?" "I....don't know." Twilight gave yet another sigh. It was like I was back in school, frustrating a teacher with my lack of understanding. "We didn't know about you and you're here." She said. "You're just on the other side of that. The stories have nothing to do with how we came to exist, or how you exist. We both exist and no story made that happen and that's the facts." There was nothing so surreal as hearing those words from what had been nothing but a fictionalized character to me. However she was right. I had been thinking of this all wrong. She wasn't fiction come to life, she was life that has been put to fiction. How that happened was a mystery to me but it didn't matter. "Huh, I guess you're right. Though now I got a whole new slew of questions. Most of them are just for me though." My opening to existential questioning had apparently been cause enough to make Twilight laugh again. She followed it with, "So does that mean you don't have any more questions for me?" "Ah now I never said that. In fact you didn't answer the question that began it all. I'm still curious as to why you all would be so comfortable with others seeing what you do." "It's no big deal really. The girls and I just do what we have to. If others learn from that then it's worth a small loss of privacy." Now it was my turn to laugh, "I wish I could think that way. Must be another 'pony mentality is different than human mentality' thing." Twilight smiled a bit, "I suppose so." "I mean, I would NEVER be able to deal with someone seeing me tweak out over a deadline, or worry about an impending apocalypse that won't happen." Twilight stopped smiling. The look that replaced it was one of extreme panic. "WHAT?!" I stopped laughing immediately. Wait, she didn't know...oh, of course she didn't know. Who would think that qualifies as an adventure? And if she doesn't know then that means... Suddenly their reactions made a lot more sense. Twilight was frantic. "I thought you said our adventures! Those were just...just..." Think fast or you're gonna have a Lesson Zero V2 up in here. Unfortunately I was still processing what this all meant at the same time as Twilight. I don't think I have to tell you that she thought through it all before I did. "What else do you know!?" There was not an ounce of bemusement in her voice. I needed to hone in and make sure I answered these questions right or I might be on the receiving end of some unbridled rage. "Nothing!" Really? "Really." "Really!? You expect me to believe that?" I thought I saw the beginning of a glow in her horn. That didn't pair well with the constant subconscious reminder that I was completely exposed. Really? "Honest. It was just a moral based episodic kid's show. Sometimes It would show you guys in your daily lives, doing what you do." "Kids show?" She questioned, a bit disarmed. I nodded. "Yeah, it's a bit complicated but it's true. The show was made for kids and it was meant to be entertaining before being dramatic. So a lot of the time you guys would be shown in dramatic moments but from a comedic light." "So you just found us all to be amusing?" She continued. "Not...really. This is where it gets complicated, hell a lot of other humans really don't get it either. Suffice to say, there was more to it than that. As a result, the show detailed this world and many a fan followed it into it's details." "So more people than you know about my...uh...meltdown?" She was calming down but still seemed vulnerable. Bring it home and pray to god she doesn't vaporize you. "Well...yes." Twilight didn't scream or cry or whine. She just hung her head and uttered "Oh." "What?" was all I could think. She had just deflated into a sad heap of a pony. I thought for sure that she would go volatile or attack me in rage or call the Princesses. Instead my eyes had to intake the visage of Twilight Sparkle...depressed. "So they laugh?" "What?" I said. "They laugh? Do they laugh at me?" "I...don't kn-" "Did you laugh?" "I...yah." She turned and looked me straight in the eyes. She wasn't mad or upset, she just wanted the truth. "Do you think it's funny?" I saw something there. It was from how she said it. This wasn't the first time she'd had this conversation. There was something about her stare that resonated with me...something that I was familiar with. It was sadness and regret of how she is bottled up and held deep down inside. It made me think something for the first time since I had arrived in this place. They weren't an embodiment of some fictional environment. What I saw before me was a genuine feeling living person. They're real. She's real. I removed myself from the table and walked over to her. All the while staring back into those cold and hurt eyes. "No. It's not funny" "But you said you laughed?" "I did, and it's not funny." She had a question I knew poised on her lips but I wasn't done. I knelt down to her height and looked at her as hard as I could. "It's wrong and I'm sorry." And then I think she saw something from me. Tears came from her eyes as she reached out to me. I returned her embrace because I needed it as much as she did. She had known struggle and difference in her life. She had felt alone and discarded in her past. She had a pain of loneliness within her, and so did I. That's why I sat there with her weeping and my own silent tears coming from my eyes. In this Tree-house library basement, we were huddled together and grasping close to another person just so that we could feel they were there. Eventually we separated from each other, got up, and my story continued on. But we didn't have anymore questions for each other. > Chapter 5: Possibilities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days have a funny way of running past you without you noting the time gone by. It was nearly five days after "first contact" yet I could swear I was living second to second. After my debacle with the Apple family and the following interaction with Twilight, I resolved to maintain as isolated as possible to prevent any further dramatic confusion. My own fragility within this place had made it's point quite clearly. The less I expose myself to danger, the less danger can affect me and the more likely I am to actually get home. To this end I decided to impose upon my courteous host a bit more. Fluttershy was more than enthused to extend her home to me and I tried my best to be as unimposing as possible. Helping with her daily routine and caring for the animals wasn't difficult and it actually helped to ease the tension I had built up over my time in this place. The animals themselves seemed to much favor attention from Fluttershy herself and some of the smaller ones would outright avoid me. Fluttershy assured me that they would warm up to me but as time went by I could tell that she was simply ushering kind words. Something told me that they had taken note of a creature very much like me that preyed upon them in the forest not so long ago. Can't blame them for being antsy. In the days gone by there were occasional visitors to the cottage. Big Mac had made a point to bring food for me in the morning. I tried to assure him that this was unnecessary but he continued all the same. It seemed to be a matter of pride to the stallion and as such he remained steadfast in his deliveries. The other frequenter was Rarity. She stopped by in order to deposit the clothes she had promised. She had ended up creating a line of stylized pieces especially for me. My upright figure had apparently inspired her into composing an idea for a show. She wanted me to model the focus pieces. I disagreed. "Oh, but you must, darling!" She playfully begged. I rolled my eyes and shrugged, "Look, I appreciate all this, but there's just no way. Never mind what everyone would think about seeing me, I don't do well with crowds." I ruffled my hair as I thought of a way to ease her out of her idea. "What you've made really is incredible. I never had clothes this well made back home. I owe you-" "Then you absolutely MUST do me this favor!" Rarity implored. "I mean, it's not like anyone else even could. You were BORN to do this!" That made me loose another sigh. "Rarity, I think you mean the clothes were made for me to do this." She didn't even flinch at my accusation and continued her relentless pitch, "It would be MOST kind of you to do this, incy-teensy favor for me." She batted her long lashes and swept her eyes up to plead into my soul. I sighed deeply one last time, "Alright. You've got me. I'll prance myself about to show off your work. But after this we're even." Rarity smirked coyly in recognition of her victory. "Oh by no means! I must repay you for for such a generous arrangement. Now if you'll excuse me I must continue to prepare for the show. A fine evening to you!" I smiled begrudgingly back to her, "To you as well." She shut the door. "Fuck." I no more than whispered to myself. "What's the problem?" came a delicate and familiar tone that I had grown to recognize as coming from Fluttershy. Startled, I turned to face her as she came in through the rear entrance to the living room. "Ah, it's nothing really," truthfully it wasn't but things had already begun stirring in my head. "Rarity just seems intent on embarrassing me to death while simultaneously scaring the town into mania with my presence." "I know what you mean, but it won't be that bad." She said. Ever since the time I clarified my extensive knowledge to Twilight, I decided not to clue anyone else in. I was sorely tempted to bring up Fluttershy's own modeling career. I settled on saying, "I'm not so confident." "Are you worried that you'll mess up?" "No, not really. I'm more concerned with what everyone will think. I was never great with crowds back home and this is gonna be my intro to the whole town." "Don't worry, they all seem very excited to meet you." "Pardon?" "Well, Pinkie has been sending invitations to your party all around town. She's been describing you to everyone she's met." My blood froze. "A-and exactly what has she told them?" Fluttershy furled her brow and brought a hoof to her chin to think. "Nothing bad really. Just that your really tall, don't have that much fur, only walk on your rear hooves, and have really pointy teeth." She huffed, clearing her thoughts. "Oh! And that you come from another world." I let out a weak laugh "Is that all?" I hung my head. "Greeeeeaaaaat." "It's ok. I'm sure you'll get along great with everypony. In fact, Lyra has already been asking quite a bit about you." Yeah, I bet she has "I still don't know about all this. Can't I just sneak on back through using the elements and leave without so much of a fuss?" Fluttershy brought her head down a bit and her mane came in front of her eye. She softly said, "Then you just wanna leave?" She was acting as if I had just yelled at her. Taking a seat on he couch, I slowed my frantic thoughts down a tad. I had been gone for a long time, I missed my home, I missed my family, my friends. What did they think happened to me? I could have died, I needed them to know I was alright I couldn't keep them worrying. "Wish I could, but..." I thought about what happened after I had been found in the forest. All these ponies...I owed them. More than I could repay in my short time here. "...there's people here that need me a bit longer." I glanced over at Fluttershy. She still had her one eye covered in her soft pink mane but the other was trained squarely on me. I cut her a crooked smile. "Thank you." Was all she said before flipping her mane out of her vision and continuing on to the kitchen. "Want any help making dinner?" I called ahead. "No, that's alright." She calmly assured. Leaning back in the couch I closed my eyes and tried to relax as much as I could. It was going to be an interesting next few days. Two more days huh? I took a deep breath. Guess I'll just pretend like it's a role in a play. Here's hoping I'm a half-decent actor. Releasing my breath, I was finally able to calm my nerves. Just two more. After a brief meal I excused myself and headed to the edge of the Everfree for my routine. No one ever came that close to the edge of the forest and it was getting late anyways. It was mostly in an effort to keep myself active so that I could regain a healthy physique, or at least that's how it started. In the brief time I had to recuperate, not only had I regained my health in incredible time, but I actually began to gain muscle mass that I never had. What had begun as a delicate physical therapy rapidly transformed into a full blown workout. I even started doing running exercises again, though I was sure to favor my bad leg. The point was to make sure I kept active so that I didn't regress to what happened in the forest. So far it was working, and better than I expected. Using branches as distance markers, I set up an interval distance course and readied myself for a jog. My pleasant pace picked up bit by bit until I was in a full run on my second lap. Faster still, I went around the next mark and pounded my legs into a sprint. Just as I neared the end, a familiar flair brought my speed down and I jogged back across my finish line.Guess exercise ain't enough to heal that. I nursed my leg briefly and started upon the rest of my routine. By the end of it I was tired and worn but impressed. Since just yesterday I had almost done half again of my repetitions. I'd never heard of progress like that before but I just chalked it up to endorphins or adrenaline. Having worked up a decent sweat, I turned back to the cabin, planning to wash up and crash. My plan was interrupted by a late night guest. As I approached the rear entrance, there was Fluttershy talking with Twilight in the light of the living room. "So they'll be making the trip?" Fluttershy asked politely. "Yeah, and they'll be here by tomorrow afternoon! There's so much to do, but I thought I should let him know." Twilight explained in a rushed manner. I decided to jump into the conversation. "Who's this then?" Twilight turned to me without surprise or hesitation, "There you are, how have you been?" Giving a light smirk I said, "Holding up, but now I'm itching with curiosity. Who's on their way?" Twilight smiled widely before answering, "Not only did I hear back from Celestia on my report, but Luna and Cadence also penned me back in time. They're all headed down for your little goodbye party and even Shining Armor said he could make it. I'm gonna have to talk to Pinkie about making arrangements but they all seemed excited to pay a visit." All the blood in my brain quickly rushed away, as I murmured "They're...all...coming to see...me?" "Yup! Aren't you excited?!" Catching on to what was fast becoming recurring symptoms for me here, I sat down on the couch and resumed breathing while trying to calm myself. You're not fainting again man, control yourself. "Excited is one way to put it," was all I could manage at the moment "Something the matter?" Twilight asked. Where to start? "All of the Princesses, and the Captain of the Royal guard want to meet me?" "Mmhm," She answered briefly. "Huh, well I'm honored and all but..." I hesitated trying to phrase my worries properly. "...did I do something? Are they worried I might do something?" Realization dawned on Twilight's face, "Oh of course not! I had just told all of them about you and they seemed to want to introduce themselves first-hand." She smiled and shook her head "Trust me, if they were worried about you, you would know." "Well that's encouraging," Somehow my worries remained. "I guess I shouldn't fret that the highest authorities in Equestria want to all come take a look at the new kid on the block." In fact, they might have been getting worse. "I mean, like, what's the worst that could happen, right? Only like, Lunar banishment, sleepless nights for the rest of my life, or lifetime incarceration. No you're right, I'll be fine." It was by now that I was quite visibly afraid, rocking ever so slightly back and forth and darting my gaze to and fro. Fluttershy came over to pat my leg and try to center me a bit. Twilight also took note of my worry and tried to calm me a bit. "They wouldn't do that. You've done nothing wrong and they seem to really enjoy the thought of meeting someone new to Equestria." She said it so plainly and evenly that I couldn't help but believe her. "You're right...no, of course you're right." Deep breaths man "I'm being stupid, sorry." I was easing down now but was still a tad anxious. "It's just that they're powerful. I can't think of a single person or even thing that is as strong as any one of them in my world and they're all are focused on me. See where I''m comin' from?" I sent them a glance to punctuate my statement. "I promise you have nothing to worry about," assured Twilight "I'm sure they'll love you," stated Fluttershy "I hope so," I replied finally reaching a place of relative calm. I stood up slowly and walked towards the back door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to practice my strut so as to not disappoint my new adoring fans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After I had taken a quick bath and headed in for the night I was once again met with Twilight's presence just outside the entrance to the quaint shack. "Still worried about me? Or did you just wanna sneak a peek?" I smirked "NO! I just..I was...you know I-" I had learned quickly that this was the quickest (and funniest) way to fluster the purple pony. I decided to play nice. "Just a joke Twi. I'll be fine though so you don't have to worry." She sighed and continued, "It's not about that, there was something else. Do you remember when you told me there was no magic in your world?" "Course, what of it?" "Are you sure about that?" "Pretty sure yeah, not like I have dragons or unicorns where I come from." She bit her lip softly for a moment before continuing her thought. "Then this is a bit complicated." "Certainly is, considering I don't know what you mean there Twi." She closed her eyes, exhaled deeply then looked keenly up to my face. "Those tests I gave you earlier this week, some of them were used to determine your magical aptitude, resilience, and structure." I caught on. "Twi, I don't mean to throw out your tests or anything but I can guarantee you that I am in no way magical." She gave me a bit of a frown, "You're sure?" "Yeah. Firm hundred percent on that one." She sighed, "Then this is more than a bit complicated." Turning back to me she continued, "My tests showed that you're body had no form of magical inclination, and that you had no source of magical power." "Then what's so complicated?" "The tests did say that you possessed a magical aptitude." "Huh, weird but what does that mean precisely?" "Well, magical aptitude is one's ability to control magic." That gave me a chuckle, "I guessed that much, I meant what does that mean for me?" Twi scoffed a bit before answering, "It usually is meant to examine what species can and can't interact with magical forces and to what degree each member can influence the force of magic. There's a whole spectrum of relative magical aptitude and no one really knows all about every form it takes." "Interesting," I raised an eyebrow and brought a hand up to my chin while thinking. "So if I don't make magic, and my body can't hold magic, how can I have magical aptitude?" "That's why this is complicated. Through all the research I've done, I've never heard of a creature with no magical source but possessing magical aptitude." It all seemed simple enough to me, "Sounds like I have a gun without bullets or a bow without arrows." "Not quite, see it's more than just whether or not you can cast spells or fly around. Lack of a magic source wouldn't necessarily prevent you from interacting with magic, but there's no way for us to know what might happen." "What do you mean?" "It could mean nothing, but it could be more...severe. It could overwhelm your body or change your form completely, or anything really." "Twi, I was just feeling calm again for the first time today, and now your telling me...what? I might spontaneously explode if someone casts a spell on me?" Twilight shook her head vigorously, "No, well at least not necessarily-" "Oh well that's encouraging," It's almost like Twilight, Rarity and even the Princesses, were all determined to keep me from passing by the next few days with ease. "It would have to be your action that triggers it, your magical aptitude." "But I can't use magic, so I'm safe right?" "If you're right, then yes. I certainly hope that you are." She attempted a small smile, "I just thought you had a right to know and it should turn out to be nothing, but just in case..." Her smile faded as she continued to look at me. I gave myself a second to think over what she just told me. Just two more days. "Thanks Twi, seriously. Better know now rather than when it could happen. I'll be careful." I gave a strong smile to assure her that I appreciated what she told me. She gave a small smile of her own in return and we said our goodbyes. I returned to the cottage and settled in for the night. Against all odds, I fell soundly asleep, with unclear dreaming of vague memories and possibilities. Two more days then I can go home. Right?