> Τέλος της καλοσύνης "End Of Kindness" > by Thunderbird Resurrection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Abandoned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to my friends Midnight and Sean for proofreading & editing my work, enjoy. End of Kindness By Thunderbird Resurrection Prologue Abandoned "Where are we going mommy, and daddy?" The small yellow filly said in the back seat of the carriage. In front were two adult ponies wearing expensive apparel as the carriage was pulled to an unknown location. The small filly held to her doll as the carriage went deeper into a forested area, far from civilization. "We'll be there shortly, Fluttershy..." The male pony said calmly to his daughter in the back. The male pony leaned toward his wife and whispered into her ear. "How much farther?" "About another mile..." His wife whispered back. "I can't wait that long...We have to drop her somewhere, we have to get her off our hooves..." With that, they both nodded. The male Pegasus turned and smiled. "Hey, sweetie...We're going to stop here...Can you step out of the carriage for a few minutes? We need to park the carriage someplace..." He gave off a smile. The small filly smiled. "Okay daddy." She hugged her winged doll and whispered. "I love you Flittershy." After a brief second, the carriage stopped and Fluttershy opened the carriage door to get out. Her dad looked out the window. "Now don't you move a muscle, we'll be right back." With that, the carriage moved again and Fluttershy watched as it disappeared behind the dense forest. Fluttershy sat on a log nearby and waited, holding her stuffed friend. The carriage never returned. "Mommy! Daddy?!" She called out but no one answered back. She started to get scared and hold her doll tightly. "Where did...t-they go?" Her body shook as she heard nothing but the sounds of the forest...She was all alone, in the Everfree Forest. Nighttime crept up fast upon the young filly, her heartbeat at normal pace as she sat on the log. Her parents never returned and she started to shake. She was both frightened and scared. Tears poured down her eyes as she whimpered. "F-Flittershy...I'm so scared...where are mommy and daddy?" She could not control her tears anymore. She jumped as she heard the sound of the forest getting to her. The owls and other forms of nighttime creatures started to make these noises. She got up slowly and she looked over her surroundings. She slowly turned and went the direction her parents’ carriage went. Slowly going down the darkened and gloomy road, she called out. "MOMMY!!...DADDY!!..." The voice echoed, but there was no response. The young filly breathed in at fast pace as she had sweated out of fear. "Where are they...?" She softly said. She huddled close to her doll as she continued down the path. She stopped as she noticed the tree lining in front told her it was a dead end. A dusk of wind blew through her soft pink mane as she felt shivers. She was not cold, she was scared. Alone in a place as if the Everfree will make any ponies spine tingle from fear. She managed to pull herself together and flap her wings. She only was able to lift up an inch off ground before crashing face first into the hard ground. Fluttershy was always known as a weak flier by any pony she knew, she had not even earned her Cutie Mark. Yet, during flight school, her parents put her in the advanced class. Now it made sense...Leaving her out there cold and alone. She was a weak flier and a waste of her parents’ bits. Fluttershy just dropped to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably. "I can't fly...I'm useless..." She just held her doll, and best friend closely crying harder. She felt like a waste, but she was not going to die in those woods. She perked up, and took in a deep breath. "Okay..." She said weakly wiping the tears away. "I just have to find my way out...H-how hard can it be?" She buckled down and trotted passed the tree lining into the forest. Branches, leaves, and grass rubbed against her hooves and sides. She did not know where she was heading but she tried her best to figure out her location. The Everfree, despite its name only covers a few miles of land...But Fluttershy was going to regret taking those steps when she finally realized she was lost. The terrain was too large and filled with cliff edges, obstacles, and life threatening paths. She felt hopeless without use of her wings. As she trotted through the forest, she looked up at the lunar moon as it brightened the night sky. Her focus was shattered as she heard the snapping of a twig in the far distance. "Hello?" The timid filly called softly. She slowly trotted closer to the noise. Suddenly a bat swooped down and startled her. She turned and darted, she ran until she tripped on a root sticking out, and tossed and turned on a hill. She then caught one hoof on another hanging root, the force twisted it, and a loud hollow snap was heard. She then hit the ground on a solid rock. Finally, she let out a loud ear-piercing scream of pain. She whimpered as looked at her twisted hind leg. It was facing the opposite directing and she cried out. "SOMEPONY!! HELP!!" She kept yelling. She tried to move but a flash of pain sprung up and caused her to stop. No pony was around...so she had to fix it herself. Looking around, she tried to find a piece of wood, or bark, something she can bite down on. She then spotted a flat piece of hard bark. She dragged herself on the ground and grabbed it. Not wasting time, she bit down on the bark. She counted in her head. One... She placed one hoof on the bottom. Two… She used her other to hold her knee. Three! With a powerful twist, she attempted to fix her hoof. Pain hit her body with a flash of agony. She whimpered more, biting harder on the bark. Then she pressed down hard and untwisted her leg. She spat out the bark and screamed in pain more. Her scream alerted most of the furry wildlife and they ran away scared of the scream. She breathed heavily and looked at her hoof. "At least...It's fixed..." She attempted to get up, but pain still overcame her and sat back down. "Not now...I can't...It hurts so bad...” She lay on the ground looking at the sky. Slowly she passed out due to the pain. "Where am I?" Fluttershy said calmly. She found herself in her bed. Suddenly the door was forced open. Her eyes widen at the pony. "Daddy?" The pony laughed. "Lookie here...Another fuck up of a foal...You don't deserve those wings..." "Daddy...St-stop…" Suddenly the yellow Pegasus felt the strike of her father’s hoof. The pony scowled. "You shut your Celestia damn mouth you yellow bitch..." The pony took a swig of his alcohol and threw it at Fluttershy who dodged it. "STOP IT!! Please…" The filly began to cry. A malicious grin appeared on the fathers face. "You don't deserve your wings..." He suddenly took out a knife and grabbed his daughter by the wings. "Say goodbye to your wings..." He put the knife-edge under her wing bone that was connecting her wing to the rest of her body. "You little brat!!" He made one hard slice on his daughter’s wing and the skin tore off from the rest of her bone. The father laughed at his daughter’s pain, he grabbed it and ripped her wing off, tossing it to the side as it landed with a fluff. The more Fluttershy whimpered the more her father got enraged. He brought his hoof up, as came down across her daughters face. "I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" He forcefully grabbed the other wing sliced it off too. Blood gushed out the sides of the open wound. "Please!! I beg you!!" The yellow filly cried out in one desperate attempted for mercy. The Pegasus closed her eyes and awaited her doom. She reopened them and seen she was in a dark void of some sort. Then she felt something grab her and pull her into the darkness. "No! Please stop!! I don't deserve this!!" She looked up and seen her father. "Dad?" The pony looked down with red eyes. "Just die you twerp..." With that, he raised one hoof and kicked her into the darkness. Fluttershy opened her eyes as sweat ran down her forehead and sides. She felt the sides of her body; her wings were still attached to her body. She sat back breathing heavily as she did. "What the..." She did not know what to think of the nightmare she had. It felt so real but it was not. She looked up as the suns blaze blinded her for a minute. She got up, her leg was feeling better and she did not feel any more pain. She heard the birds chirp off in the distance. She then realized how hungry she was and that she had to eat some berries very soon. She searched around the surrounding area until she found a berry bush. It did not have much but she was so hungry. Slowly trotting toward it, she picked some berries and munched down on them. She was relieved to get some food. Upon finishing, she laid back. She had a feeling she was going to be stuck there for a while. She had to find a water source. Fluttershy grabbed her doll, got up, and left to find water. To her luck, she heard the sound of a babbling brook nearby and heard the sound of water. "Oh thank Celestia..." She rushed passed the woods at fast paced. However, suddenly she halted as she found herself near a cliff edge. Looking down she seem a watering hole. Big enough to satisfy a whole village of ponies. Looking up she had a great viewpoint. Over yonder were miles as miles of trees and forestry with the exception of hills at a faraway distance. She slowly made her way down from the cliff edge and to the watering hole. Around were trees, a waterfall, and an empty cave. She dipped her head into the water and drank some. She placed her doll to the side and she drank. After drinking, she grabbed her doll and went over to the cave. Looking inside it was relatively small. She can live there. She found water, food, and a shelter...All she needed was a weapon to defend herself from predators, and something to keep her warm. She stepped outside and tried to find something that can be used as a weapon. She then spotted it...The Pegasus found a long hard stick that could be sharpened with a rock. She grabbed it and a rock that was sharp enough. Heading back in the cave, she sharpened the tip of it to a nice pointy edge. She made a few practice jabs and smiled. "...This will work perfectly...I hope...” Fluttershy hated to say it, but she had to kill an animal for its fur. Fluttershy always delved to doing the non-violent way to handle most situations...But when it came to life or death, she did not have a choice. She took the rock to cut lines into the tree bark to help find her way back. She then descended into the forest to kill an animal. She picked some berries, placed them somewhere, and climbed up a tree not too far from the watering hole and she waited. An animal would come by and eat the berries, and then she will strike. Fluttershy waited for what feels like forever, suddenly something came into her view. A moose slowly went up to the pile of berries. "Take the bait..." Fluttershy held her weapons close as the moose came to the pile, dipped its head down, and started eating. That was the time to act. Fluttershy jumped from the tree and landed on the Moose back as her spear dug deep into the moose. It bolted upwards and sent Fluttershy in the air, the moose the bucked its hind legs into Fluttershy and she crashed against a tree. Nevertheless, she brushed it off, Fluttershy may be timid but she is tougher on the outer shell. The moose darted away and Fluttershy made chase. She was determined to get fur. She lost sight of the moose and she stopped. "Dammit!" She yelled but suddenly she got scared as the Moose’s cry of death pierced her ears. "...What the?" She rushed to the sound and stopped as she looked at the corpse of the moose...With something else. Fluttershy's heart raced. In front of her was a wolf. The wolf was too distracted with eating to notice the filly backing up. Fluttershy then accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped. The noise alerted the wolf. It growled as it turned and noticed Fluttershy. It made a step forward. Fluttershy, doing the only thing she can do, made a run for it. The wolf darted at the frightened foal as she ran. The canine the jumped as pounced onto Fluttershy. "Get off!! Stop!" She managed to get on her back and try to push the wolf off. She reached for the spear she dropped. Looking up with tears, the wolf snapped at her. She was doomed...But finally she managed to stretch her arm good enough and grabbed the spear. "I said...get...OFF!!" She rammed the spear into its eye. The wolf shrieked in pain. Fluttershy pushed the spear deeper into its skull; it successfully pierced its brain and came out the other eye. The blood dripped out the eye sockets and drenched some of Fluttershy’s coat in the red ichor. She pushed the wolf off and sat against a tree. She just killed something...she puked out the berries she had eaten at the look of the corpse. After she did, she crawled up to the dead wolf and pulled the spear out, taking some of the eye with it. "I'm sorry..." She said softly to the wolf's body. "I'm sorry I did this to you...But don't hate me for what I'm going to do next..." She took the sharp rock and started to skin the wolf. After finishing, she was completely covered in the ichor of the wolf; its dead body stank of decomposition after an hour after death. She hesitantly went back to the watering hole with her spear, rock, and new cover. She washed the blood off and retreated back to the cave...Placing the skin on, she forgot to get rid of the top jaw that was still attached. However, when she placed it on, she felt warmer fur covering herself. The Pegasus then sat against the stonewall looking out into the sunset. Her body had other plans as she slowly succumbed to her basic instincts and slept. --- Six Years Later Fluttershy awoke with a groan due to the sunlight hitting her. She was eleven years old now and it was her sixth year in the forest. She got up and made her way out of the cave, embracing the celestial sun. Birds chirped off in the distance as her eyes adjusted to the new day's light. "I wonder what's in store for today?..." The filly said to herself. She looked back to her doll that was sitting on a rock near her. "I'll be back Flittershy...I promise." She cooed to her stained doll. A Lot has changed. She made a few new weapons to help her hunt for wildlife, and to quickly defend herself when needed. Grabbing the bow she made a year ago, she was off into the forest to hunt. She trotted through the forest that has grown a lot bigger in just a few years. Some of the trees block the skyline, and the vegetation engulfed the entirety of the ground. She slowly went through the forest as she looked for something to kill for food. The forest may have grown but the berries started to stop growing, and the wild grass was poisonous to her. She is now forced to eat meat. Over the years, she learned to hunt, and skin pretty well with the added benefit of sewing them together using all natural items, but the years do have their faults. Over time she could not help but stay in the forest, it was her home...Her only home. No matter how hard Fluttershy tried, she could not leave the forest...Her instincts kept bringing her back. She was trotting when she heard the sounds of a moose nearby. She crouched as snuck behind a tree, and then she then drew her bow. One hoof pressed down on the wooden place of it, as the other pinched down on the string and arrow to pull back. "C'mon...Where are you...?" She waited patiently. Then out of nowhere, she spotted the moose. It did not know she was there yet so it was the perfect opportunity to strike. Aiming the bow and silencing her breath, she pointed at the moose. She counted...One...Two...Three. She let go of the arrow and it shot through the air. The arrow went through the neck and piercing its Adam's apple. The moose fell to the ground dead. Fluttershy went up to the moose too take her arrow back. She ripped it out and wiped the red ichor off. She grabbed the moose and dragged it back to the cave. Upon arriving, the Pegasus dragged it inside and took out her hoof made hatchet. She then began to cut off certain parts of the moose. Hours passed and she had skinned, mutilated, and cooked the meat over the fire. She gulped as she looked at it. "Okay...You have no choice...This is survival Fluttershy..." She leaned toward the cooked meat and bit into it. She chewed and swallowed, but her body rejected the meat right away as she ran outside and threw up. She then fell to her knees as her stomach emptied. After finishing, she breathed in deeply. "No...I have to stomach it...It's theme to survival...Eating things you can't stand to survive…" She went back into the cave, grabbed the cooked moose meat, she then bit down into it again, and found she did not puke this time as her body adjusted to the taste. She surprisingly loved the taste. It had a tangy feel that delighted her taste buds. "...This is good..." She said through chews. After six years of eating berries, she tasted something different...Meat. It was unlike a pony to eat animal, considering they are one, and it was unusual to enjoy it so much after two bites. Fluttershy finished the moose and sighed in relief that she ate something that was non-berry. The sun settled over the mountains as nothing but the skeleton of the moose was left. Fluttershy watched as the sun disappeared and the moon rose. All she heard that night was quiet serenity followed by wolves howling, crickets chirping, and light bugs buzzing. Laying against the rock her doll is on, she enjoyed the scenery while sharpening another arrow. Time ticks on by as it heads into the middle of night. The fire started to burn out as time aged and killed it. At this point Fluttershy had sharpened about twenty arrows for her bow. She soon found herself wanting to go fire off a few shots at a tree. She grabbed a stick that still had some fire on it and trotted outside. She found the perfect tree in front of her to fire off an arrow she just made. Crouching she got her aiming correctly as she looked at the tree. She drew her bow out and pulled out a bow. She counted to herself silently as she stretched the arrow and aimed. "Steady...steady..." Her vision stretched and she can see the tree perfectly now. She shot the arrow and it hit the tree and sticks there. "Bulls eye!" She jumped in joy as she ran to get her arrow. She practiced her archery for about a half hour before retreating back to the cave. She lay down on the ground and yawned as she stared up at the cave ceiling. The fire was completely burned out and the cave grew dark. Yawning again, she closed her eyes and slept. Fluttershy awoke from her slumber and found she was not in the cave. "Where am I now?" The mare woke up in the middle of the forest. She got up and looked up at the sky. "Hello?" Suddenly she heard the sounds of the forest took shape as a shadow moved freely behind the tree lines. "Who's there!?" She shouted. She tried to reach for her bow but she did not have it on her. "Shit..." She got in defensive position and is ready to attack. "C'mon!" Finally, the shadow charged at her and before she can react, a knife plunged deep into her stomach. She fell to the ground as the shadow loomed over her. She used whatever strength she had left and looked into her attacker’s eyes. Her breath went numb, her eyes shrunk, and she shook at the image of the pony...in front of her...the pony that stabbed her, was herself. There was something different about her other self. The eyes were red, her mane and tail were dyed with one black highlight and the coat gave off a white glow. Her or herself grabbed the knife and forced it deep into Fluttershy. "Give...me...control..." It spoke in a demonic and sickly twisted tone. "You're mine..." Finally, she caved in and fell to the ground as her eyes shut. The Pegasus’s eyes shot open, sweat went down her cheeks as she shook in fear...She had been having nonstop nightmares once a month, for the past six years. Fear engulfed her very being as she could not seem to just shut the images of her being tormented off. She looked up to see that the moose skeleton was still there. She had to get rid of it or it will stink up the cave. Dragging the skeleton out, she kept thinking of the nightmare...The one where her evil side demanded control ran chills down her spine. She quickly pushed the thought out of her head and focused on getting rid of the body. She dropped the skeleton out far, far away from where she slept, far from her cave. She turned and went back into the cave as she felt the thought creep back in. Fear hit her in the face as she huddled against the cave wall, afraid to sleep. Nevertheless, as the time flew by she felt her instincts kick in as she slowly drifted to sleep, and the fire blew out. Before she went to sleep fully, she glanced at her flank where her cutie mark is. It was a wolf head with wings, and dual arrows crossed. She earned it the day after she killed the wolf...She then fell asleep with a smile knowing that there was one good memory left. --- Seven Years Later Fluttershy sat on the edge of the cliff above her cave. She watched as the sun rose up from the horizon. She has gotten quite big over the last couple of years. She grew to the point where the wolf cloak she wore fit her. Over the years, she explored more of the forest and found a road...A road ponies go through. The Pegasus goes to the road every so often to see if the ponies in carriages throw out something useful. Canned food, water bottles, and other objects. She used the canned items to make a trail back to the cave, and she used the water bottles to stock up on fresh water. "What I can find..." She looked at her wings and flapped them, but she did not catch air. She was never trained to fly, and when she tried to coach herself she failed miserably. She let out a long endearing sigh as she climbed down from the cliff and jumped to the ground with an oomph. She slowly made her way into the forest and to the path. She takes to get to the road that cuts through the Everfree. As she trotted through the forest to the road, drops of water fell at it began to sprinkle rainwater. "Damn...I didn't expect rain today...The clouds didn't give any hint it was going to..." Her sentence was cut short by a loud roaring of lightning that struck. She jumped a bit but managed to pull herself together as she got to the road. She then hid behind a tree and waited. The hours seemed to move slowly as the rain grew stronger. Fluttershy waited until she could not stand it no more...No pony was going on the road in the weather that she was in. Another roar of thunder hit and Fluttershy decided to stop for the day. She got up and was about to leave until she heard a voice in the distance...Two voices to be correct. "Celestia dammit!" The voices seemed to come from down the road. "Ah' told ya Plow, no pony is comin'!" The voices grew. "Guess we ain't smuggling food this time..." She poked her head out and spotting two earth pony stallions. One had a black mane with a blue coat, and a dagger cutie mark. The other had a white mane, orange coat, and a cutie mark that had a trinket on it. "We oughta come back when it AIN'T POURING!" The white maned pony said to the other. Fluttershy readied her bow and pointed at them. They did not know she was there yet so she slowly stepped back. However, she did not watch her hoofing and stepped on a twig causing a loud enough snap that it was headed beyond the downpour. The black maned stallion turned his attention to the direction the sound came from. "Who's there!" He shouted out. Slowly, Fluttershy descended from behind the trees but did not lower her bow. The two stallions froze still as the timid Pegasus got a good look at them. They both had their own weapons. The black maned one had a hatchet, and the white maned one had his own bow. Slowly the white maned one stepped up. "Listen...We don't want trouble..." She got her bow ready to fire. "Don't move...Or...Or I'll shoot!" Fluttershy stuttered. She was use to killing wild animals in the forest but she never shot arrows at a pony. "What are you two doing here?...I have never seen you around..." The black mane stallion was the first to speak. "My...My name is Plow...This here's my older brother Boulder...We don't want no trouble miss...We own a cabin deeper into the forest behind us..." He took the time to point it out. "If its food you're after...we have plenty..." Boulder spoke up. His younger brother nudged him. "What the hay are you doing?...can we trust her?..." "Trust me...I know what I'm doing…" The older brother smiled at Fluttershy. "So if you put that bow down...We'll be happy enough to lend food…" Like karma, Fluttershy’s stomach growled unexpectedly. She lowered the bow and nodded. "Show me your cabin..." With a smile, the brothers turned and trotted to the direction their cabin was. "Well c'mon...It's this way..." One of them called out to the wolf cloaked Pegasus who shortly followed them. As they trotted passed the forest the younger brother went by Fluttershy. "So...How long hav'ya been in the forest?" Fluttershy made a small laugh. "...Well...Believe it or not...Fourteen years...Since I was a five year old filly." The young brother gasped in shock. "No fucking way! Hay Boulder! She's survived for fourteen years by herself!" Boulder just sighed. "So tell me...How'd you do it?" Fluttershy was slow on the answer. She may have just called it one word. "Luck..." Plow smiled. "Well...You seem like a strong pony...Talk to you later...My brother probably wants me up front." With that, Plow rushed up by his brother. Plow looked back. "...That mare sure is something..." Boulder rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up...Like you have a shot..." He said, giving his brother playful punch to the arm. In no time, they reached their destination. The cabin the brothers told Fluttershy about. It was a large cabin, as took up allot of the field it had. "Welcome to paradise...What was your name again?" "F-Fluttershy..." She said shyly. Even being hardened she still was shy around certain things. Boulder let Fluttershy and Plow in first. "Thank you…" The inside was huge: numerous doors, a large kitchen, and huge living quarters decorated with animal heads. Fluttershy sat on the couch and sunk into the feel. "Make yourself at home...We’ll have some food made for you, Fluttershy." "Thank you..." Fluttershy smiled. Plow trots up to her. "Hey...Want me to show you the rest of the house?" Fluttershy nodded. Plow smiled and held his hoof out. "This way, ma'am…" Boulder watched as the two explored the house. "...Lucky bastard..." He said as he was finishing the dinner. It was still pouring water out there. The two went down a lit hallway and plow opened each room open to show Fluttershy. "Okay...So this here's my room, over there's the closet, over there at the far end is my brother’s room, and there is our skinning room for the animals we hunt..." Plow then stopped in front of a locked room that had chains bolted to it with a single lock. "What's in there?" The mare asked Plow. "Oh that?...It's out work station room...Guests aren't allowed in it." Plow smiled and turned to her. "Listen, don't go fucking with that door, I don't want Boulder to kick you out before dinner," Plow smiled. "Hay! Plow! Need ya help over here!" The voice of his brother was heard. "Well shit...Talk to you soon Flutters...I have to go help him..." With that, he was off. Fluttershy watched as he disappeared around the corner. The Pegasus turned to the door. "What could they be hiding...?" She looked at the keyhole for the door and then got an idea. They said not to go in, but not peak in. She goes up to the door and looks through the keyhole. She can barely see but inside there was a rusted bench with a hatchet stuck on it, on the wall were tools and gear. She thought that it was another skinning room until she looked to the ground. She could not see much but a hoof covered in blood stood out to the far right. The Pegasus jumped back, and fell to the floor with her heart racing. "Fluttershy! Are you okay in there?!" The voice of boulder was heard. "Y-y-yes! I'm fine!" She said as she got back up. "Whelp your dinner is done! So come back to the kitchen!" Fluttershy slowly went back to the kitchen, keeping what she seen to herself, all she had to do now was eat and get the hay out of there. Plow look up at the Pegasus who just turned up. "Hey...There she is! Here, I poured ya a bowl..." The earth pony hoofed the bowl of soup to her. "Thank you..." She sat down and drank from it. "You’re welcome, Flutters...Anything for a guest...So, what do you think of the cabin?" Plow smiled. "It was...Nice. I loved it…" Fluttershy tried to smile, despite what she seen. The brothers smiled as they finished their own food. Upon finishing Fluttershy got up. "Thank you for the lovely dinner, I must be on my way..." Plow looked up sad. "I wouldn't leave right this second...The rain is still hitting and from what I heard it'll continue for at least till the next day…" Fluttershy wanted to leave, but the rain will make it more difficult. She has to be on her guard the whole time to avoid what sick and twisted things those brothers may have in store for her. "Do you have a guest bed?" Plow smiled and had her follow him to show the guest room. As they arrived, Plow showed her the inside. "Here it is...Hope you enjoy." He smiled and walked out. "Just don't go snooping around at night...My brother hates that…" As he left, Fluttershy had to see what was behind that door by any means. She lay down, afraid to go to sleep. Later that night, the whole cabin was silent, except for the rain hitting it. The door to the guest room slowly opened and the Pegasus snuck out and into the kitchen. She opened a knife drawer, and pulled out a butter knife to break the lock. After that, she slowly crept past both of the brother’s rooms and to the massive door. "Okay Fluttershy...Let’s do this..." The Pegasus pushed the knife slowly into the locks key hole. She twisted it and turned it until a small snap was heard, and then the lock came off. She took off the chains carefully to make them not rattle. Moreover, she opened the door. She stepped inside and her eyes shrunk. There was the smell of decay, blood was everywhere, and the skin and meat of other ponies were everywhere. "What the..." She said as she went to the bench and seen some papers. They were all pounds. Each pair of pounds has a name and number by it...And at the bottom was her name. "I have to get out of…" She then was cut short as a blunt object struck her in her head, knocking her unconscious to the ground. Everything went blurry. "Ah' told you this bitch was no good..." Voices were heard as she slowly opened her eyes. "Who cares! She'll be dead soon...Oh look...She's waking up..." She felt something slap her lightly. "Wakey wakey..." She opened her eyes, she was in the secret room and tried to move her hooves but they were bounded. "Plow...Your mare friend's up..." Plow then rushed up. "Now...I told you not to try and snoop around...I talked boulder to not kill you right away..." He said as he got up in Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy scowled. "You two are sick...Doing this to other ponies..." Plow raised a hoof and backslapped Fluttershy. "Shut your mouth..." He spat. The younger brother turned to Boulder. "Let’s go get her, her last meal before we get started..." He laughed as he went out the door, shortly followed by his brother. The door shut and Fluttershy was left to her thoughts. "At least I can figure out a way out now..." She spoke gently. She tried to move her hooves together slightly, hoping it will loosen up the rope. Looking around she find that she is not attached to a wall, so while the brothers were gone she scooted near the tool wall and hit her body against it to loosen something to fall. After many tries a small cutting knife fell. She reached it and branded it with her hooves. Slowly she got back to the wall she was previously on and started to cut off the restraints. "C'mon...Break you stupid rope…" She tried to cut the best she could, it started to work as she heard snaps in the rope. She finally loosened it enough, it slid off her hooves...And just in time, the brothers returned with an apple and stuffed it in Fluttershy’s mouth. "There's your food..." Plow went up to the bench where there was a bat leaning against it, and sharp objects littering it. He grabbed a skinning knife and went up to Fluttershy, who spat the apple out. "The reason I wanted you alive a little longer...Is so I can have fun with you..." He grabbed Fluttershy by the mane and put the knife up to her throat. "I'm going to enjoy this..." He laughed. He went near her neck and licked up it. "Welcome to my world...Bitch..." On timing, Fluttershy leaned forward and bit down on his ear, plow screamed in pain as he jumped back. Fluttershy did not loosen grip and the ending result was that Plows ear tore off him completely. Fluttershy rammed into him, knife ready, and rammed it deep into his kidney. He fell and coughed blood. He looks over to his brother who was faxed in shock. "What are you doing?!" Fluttershy grabbed the bat on the bench. "Stop her!!" Boulder snapped back and charged at the Pegasus who turned and hit him on the head with the bat. The earth pony went down with a thud. He started to convulse due to the blow. Fluttershy sat on his chest and brought the bat up again. She came down again, and again...Crushing the earth pony’s skull like an eggshell. Blood ran down the bat, and Fluttershy’s coat. The ground was filled with the red ichor of boulders corpse but Fluttershy kept wailing at the dead pony. After finishing, she dropped the bat and made a wailing moan. Something snapped in her, after she brutalized the pony. She then turned her attention to the younger brother who was on the ground and losing blood. He started to cry. "You...Bitch...You killed my brother..." Tears flowed as his hatred took over. "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Fluttershy had a pained, angry look. She turned and took the hatchet from the bench and went up to the broken pony. She loomed over him and brought the hatchet up. "Welcome to my world, BITCH!!" Plow brought his hooves up to plead for mercy as Fluttershy swooped to the side and made a nice swipe of the hatchet. It was lodged into the side of his neck and blood gushed out his open sound and flowed out his mouth. She tore the hatchet out and came up and down with it again at the convulsing earth pony and the force tore his head off completely. The head rolled on the floor a few times, the red ichor from inside the corpse drained, and the pony gushed out. The ground and walls were coated with the new layer of blood, Fluttershy did not move for the next few minutes. Suddenly she snapped and started to hold on to her head, screaming...She let her dark side finally take over as she was reborn...She made her way out of the room with the hatchet, and made her way outside. The rain still flowed continuously and it washed most of the blood off. Her body shook as she made one final scream while the thunder in the atmosphere ignited. --- Two years later Sixteen years...Sixteen long years...That is how long she has lived in the forest, how long she defended herself, how long she had to survive. The world has been hard on her...changed her into a killing machine. She is no longer the kind mare...The one that would be kind...No...She is a murderous Pegasus who will defend her home...At any cost…But she did fail one time... She woke up after a long night's rest, the first one in years. She made her way out of the comfort of her cave home that had grown vegetation with age. Outside the forest had grown bigger as well. The trees got thicker, and the grass overgrown and was taller than Fluttershy. The Pegasus had her doll restrained to her side, below the hatchet. The bold mare took her first steps outside and smiled. "Let’s see what I can hunt today..." She said as she descended into the tall grass. The date was December 31...but it was odd that it was not snowing...It was cold but there was no snow. There has not been snow for a few years, but she has not let that bother her. She moved some grass slowly out of her way, no animal in sight, or heard. "This is strange...Where the hay is all the animals?" Suddenly she heard a snapping of a twig and immediately drew her bow. "Who's there!" She shouted. It was odd...It was not the sound of an animal, or pony but gurgling sound...And it was nearing. She put her bow away and took out the hatchet she had ever since she met those sick ponies. "Come out! So my blade can cut you!!" She shouted again. She then heard it come from the trees, it was louder than ever and the sound did not stop. "What the..." She was cut short when a shadow charged and tried to swipe her with a spear. "Get back!" She called out and swiped at it with her hatchet. She was suddenly knocked into the ground, and the shadow stepped into the light...It was a cloaked figure and it continued the gurgling. As it raised its spear, Fluttershy saw it as the opportunity she cannot miss. She grabbed her hatchet and got a well-placed slash across its hind legs. It fell to its knees. As Fluttershy got up she made an uppercut with the cloaked figure, slicing it across the chest and it fell. After it finished convulsing and lay dead, the Pegasus saw more detail to her attacker. It did not even look pony. It's face was deformed, it had no eyes or mouth...Just a small hole where it's muzzle was supposed to be, and it also had no mane what-so-ever...It looked like a monster. She slowly went up to it, and immediately her concentration broke as she heard a loud crashing sound. She followed in the direction of the sound and looked passed the grass. She spotted large metal creatures knock the trees down and a large group of those things following. Most of them wore armor and they were pulling cages full of those deformed ponies she seen. "What the hay..." She spoke softly and watched the display be holding in front of her. Slowly she backed up, and tried to avoid the army. She looked up the metal giant and seen a large, buff Pegasus standing on it, wearing a full suit of armor. He looked normal except for that large deformed eye. He turned and shouted. "Faster you whelps! We need to get this shipment of reapers to Discord by sundown! Now!" He huffed drawing the whip and whipped the pullers to go faster. "And where is that one that escaped the cage!!" Fluttershy gasped and looked back to where she killed that thing. Suddenly the Pegasus on the machine stopped, and lowered the whip. "I smell...Fear...Somepony is nearby..." He looked at where Fluttershy was hiding. "I think I know where..." He quickly took out his Tomahawk and threw it. Fluttershy heard it and dodged the attack as the Tomahawk hit the tree. The mare looked at the boss pony and pointed. "Kill her! Kill the heretic!!" Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she bolted up and ran. She had no idea where she was going but anywhere is better than back there. "Keep running...you can't fight them all...focus dammit..." The boss pony went behind the machine and inside was a furnace. "Archers! Light your arrows up! And burn the fucking forest and the heretic bitch to the ground!" He demanded. The archer creatures all lit their arrows up and aimed up. The boss pony counted. "One...two...THREE! OPEN FIRE!" With that, all the archers shot their fire arrows and each had hit a tree and caught fire. The forest was in flames, and Fluttershy struggled to not suck up the fumes. She coughed violently and tried to make it to the cliff and climb up to escape the smoke clouds. She got to the cliff and tried to climb it. The last archer aim up high and shot the arrow. The arrow went so far that it reached where Fluttershy was. It did not hit her but caused her to jump and fall off the cliff. She landed face first on the cold ground, she could not move. The boss roared in delight. "Ah ha! Nice shot! Now let’s go...We have to deliver these things..." With that, the group left the forest burning. Fluttershy breathed slowly and was barely conscious...She then passed out due to the trauma...And the world turned to black. > January > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Through the darkest hour of a ponies life, the light of redemption will brighten and lead them to salvation amongst the fiery star's" ~ Lord Diamond, the writer of Surviving Dark Equestria End Of Kindness: Chapter I Week I The young Pegasus slowly opened her pupils, her mane was partially burnt and she had scrapes and bruises along her yellow body. "...Errr...W...What happened?..." She got up and felt agonizing pain from the large gash to her side. "Ugh! Mother fucker!..." She swore as she dropped to her knees. She looks up and sees that the whole surrounding perimeter was covered in asphalt. She coughed violently and crawled through the endless amount ash. "What happened to the forest?..." She only asked herself, feeling a bit woozy. She makes it to a cliff and sighs. Throughout her life, she never learned to fly. She did not take the chance of plummeting down. She looks across and sees another cliff. She was looking over a gorge and looking slowly around, she spotted a tree almost losing support of the cliff. She rushed to it and stood in front. She twisted around and backed her hind legs into the tree. It seemed to be working as the tree splintered and started to timber over. Fluttershy looked over the deep gorge and closed her eyes, and took a long deep breath. "...Okay...You can do this Fluttershy, it can't be that deep, can it? Just pretend that it isn't and you can overcome anything...Focus." She stretched her front hoof onto the severed tree not opening her eyes and put one hoof in front of the other, not daring to open her eyes. With much hesitation, she made it to the other side and as soon as she touched the burnt ground, her eyes opened and adjusted to her surroundings. She looked on ahead and continued to trot forward. She suddenly stopped in front a large oak tree, which reached over fifty feet high. A thought occurred to her that if she could climb up there, she could scope out the land and see what damage those creatures did. She jumped up and latched a hoof over a branch. She then pulled herself up and began climbing the large oak tree. Five minutes passed and she successfully made it to the top. However, as soon as she got a glimpse of the damage, her eyes shrank, sweat ran down, and her mouth fell agape. "What...What the fuck is this?..." her voice was a mix between confusion and fear. In front of her, Equestria looked like it has been in a war. The towns seen in the distance were hard to spot but they looked like they were not populated in ages. The sky was a blackened gold, mixed in with red. There were destroyed mountainsides, and on the side of the mountain was Canterlot. It looked more like ruins from a distance than the majestic and glorious palace she seen when she was a little filly. Staring for a few short seconds, she climbed off the tree. The landscape she seen: buildings destroyed, populations vanquished...And she did not even realized it. Then another thought clicked and she realized she was in the Everfree forest the whole time. When she was growing up, rumors about how the Everfree runs on its own supply of magic, nothing that happens to Equestria can happen to the forest of many secrets. The rumors were true. She had no idea what was happening. Fluttershy sighed and looked back to where her cave was. It is all gone: she lost her home, her forest, and she lost her doll. With no other option, she chooses to leave her forest behind and try to make it to the frozen north, which too had its own secrets. She kept her pace and trotted through the ash that surrounded her, she made it to the road that lead out of the Everfree. Turning, she gave one last glance at her beautiful land and turned away sadden at the loss. Continuing down the road, she did not look up once. She only glanced to see if she was closer to the exit and when she finally made it out of the forest, she looked up and saw the land of Equestria, for what it has turned into. "So..." She began to speak with her voice still sad. "This is what's you become Equestria?...Not to say it, but I'm surprised...You turned from being a beautiful country, with happy ponies with 'not giving a shit' attitudes...To becoming this, a wasteland..." The Pegasus decided to stop by the first town she seen on top of the tree, Ponyville. Beginning her journey down the road leading to the ruined town, she had so much to think of. It has been a long time since she seen what the outside of the forest looked like. She never seen what had happen and then she thought about the deformed Pegasus, leading the army of monsters. She thought about what he said about this so called ‘Discord.’ Was he the reason Equestria looks this horrible? She stopped and noticed a sign that said ‘Ponyville, the happiest...In Equestria...’ She could not map out the middle because somepony wrote, ‘Do not enter, containment zone’ in blood. Looking ahead, she can see the town that was that far ahead. "Almost there, maybe if I reach it, there will be a map I can use. It can help me get around in this crazy ass land..." The yellow pony charged to the town. She tried to make it their as fast she can before any freaks show up. She stopped when she made it to the town, then she noticed the potential death written on the sides of the buildings. On each house, it said signs of ‘danger,’ ‘hide,’ and ‘warning, do not open this door!’ All were written in blood, and the blood was aged. She looked through each of the windows. Nopony was home and yet, who would want to stay? Her last stop was at the town hall, which was in the middle of the whole town. It was boarded up tightly with plywood as if nopony wanted it open. She looked through the window and she can weakly see some movement in the foreshadow. "Holy shit, someponies alive...." She spoke sharply before turned to the door and rushing toward it. She grabbed it with her hooves and pulled hard on it. ‘Fuck!...Won't budge…" She stopped and pulled out her ax. She then came down on the plywood multiple times and heard it splinter. She then severed the wood from the door and kicked down the door. She then walked in with hesitation, looking around each and every corner. "Hello?" She started and no response was heard. "Listen! I'm not a thing, I just need a map!..." Still no response was heard. Before she said anything else, she heard something move from upstairs. She pulled out her ax and moved slowly up the squeaky staircase. "Hello?...Anypony up there?..." The noise got louder. Her heart pounded and she got more hesitant with each passing step. As soon as she finally reached the top, she poked her head out to see what the noise was. To the left was the mayor’s office, and to the right was a secretary office, but in the darkness, she heard a growl. Squinting her eyes, she saw a figure; it was a dog and it was whimpering. Sighing in relief, she got to the top floor. "Just a fucking dog..." She put away her ax and got closer, the dog figure noticed and started to step closer. The figure stepped slowly out the shadow and Fluttershy gasped before taking out her ax and say, "What the FUCK are you?!" The dog was not much of a dog. Its skin looked as if it was torn off of its body, its face split in two, revealing a long tape work tongue stretch out, and it too opened up revealing many razor sharp teeth. It leaped toward Fluttershy, but she quick dodged it in time, grasping her ax she spun and slashed the beast in the neck. She swung it with such a great force that the creatures head tore off and rolled on the ground while the body of the dog was still standing. Kicking the head away, she got up and then heard a sizzling noise coming from the decapitated head and dog. Looking at both, she noticed that the head was re-growing a new body and the dogs’ headless body was re-growing a new head. Like bacteria, it will keep multiplying. Scared for her life, the Pegasus rushed down the stairs of the Town hall and ran out the doors. She heard a loud howl escape the town and the dogs jumped out of the top story window and landed on the paws. The Pegasus got in her position. Ready to fight, the first dog was ready to charge, but before he could and arrow goes across Fluttershy's line of sight and hits the monster square in the eye. It wailed and fell down dead. Another arrow hits the second creature in the eye as well killing it. Turning sharply she seen a unicorn with a torn up hoodie and a gasmask, he turns toward Fluttershy. "What the fuck are you doing staring! Get the hell in the tree house NOW! More of them are coming!" Without a moment’s hesitation or thought, she ran toward the tree house that looked like a library. She then noticed a young filly holding the door open, she had a swirly mane and her coat was white. "Get in! Hurry before they show up!" She passed the door and looked up at the filly. "Wh...Where is Steel?" The unicorn rushed passed the door in a hurry. "Close the goddamn door! Now, Sweetie!" The white filly nodded and slammed the door shut finishing it by using her magic to put some heavy looking objects in front to make it even harder to get through. The white filly rushed to the unicorn and hugged tightly. "Uncle Steel, I thought you wouldn't make it!" Fluttershy looked around and noticed the room was filled with scared faces. The Unicorn patted the young filly on the back. "It’s okay...I’m here…Shhh..." He broke the hug and turned to Fluttershy. He took off the mask, revealing his orange eyes with a coat that was white as well, and his mane was all blue. "What were you doing out there?...Didn't you read the fucking signs?" He said with no emotion. The Pegasus looked at steel an spoke up. "Listen...I was just looking for a map, I didn't expect to be pounced on by fucked up looking dogs..." She looked around the tree house at the other ponies in the room. "What happened to Equestria?..." The unicorn looked surprised. "You...Don't know what happened?...Have you been living under a rock?!" "Try a forest that cuts all magic from Equestria..." She looked at the shocked stallion. Silence over took the room but the unicorn finally broke the silence. "Well...I think you need..." he sat down at a table and said further, "A History lesson..." Fluttershy sat in front and listened. "...Equestria, suffered from two attacks...When this all began, it all started when the pupil to Princess Celestia went and tried to defeat an Alicorn named Nightmare moon...Her plan was to use the Elements of Harmony, but what she didn't know was that she needed six ponies that all make the elements..." He paused for a second. "The elements were magic, laughter, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and finally...Kindness..." He looked at Fluttershy to make sure she had been paying attention and then continued. "When they were missing kindness, Nightmare moon killed the five ponies that tried to stop her, and she shrouded Equestria in eternal darkness...Surprisingly the only place that wasn't touched was the Everfree forest...." "So she's behind this?" Fluttershy spoke up. Steel shook his head. "Not exactly, after her victory, she made everypony into a slave, and when she felt she didn't have enough power, she turned to her stupidest move to gain it. She released Discord. She released the most dangerous creature in Equestria history. She thought if she can befriend Discord, she can use his chaotic powers to get all ponies to bow to her but Discord had other plans: he killed Nightmare Moon and took over, that's when the change started. He discorded other ponies and they just....started to change..." "It was a plague!" An elder Pegasus from the group shouted, gaining both Fluttershy's and Steels attention. "Those weren't ponies...They were monsters in pony skin!" Steel sighed and continued. "Any way...They mutated. The discorded magic infected their minds and acted like a mutation altering their bodies until they became feral, killing machines. Only a few ponies not infected are hunted down or killed, so we have no choice but to attack back..." He stood up and looked toward the group. "Cause it's either FIGHT OR DIE!!" The group around yelled fight multiple times, Fluttershy looked at the group. "Very loyal friends you have..." "Not all friends were loyal..." The white filly said. "Sweetums..." Steel reached a hoof toward his niece. "I told you Scootaloo would be back, I know she will..." The filly pushed him away fast. "SHE WON'T! SHE LEFT FOR GOOD LIKE SHE SAID! SHE DOESN'T CARE FOR ANY OF US!!" The filly had tears in her green eyes and then turned and ran into the next room. Steel looked toward Fluttershy and spoke. "Sorry for that, she gets that way from time to time..." Sitting down they can here the howling of the beasts. "You're welcome to stay in until we can get out..." "Sure..." Fluttershy spoke up, staring at the door. The unicorn opened up the lantern and then blew out the candle as everyone went to sleep. Week II The sun rose over the desolate landscape, the only sounds were the sounds of crow's. Inside the tree house library home, Fluttershy looked outside the window. "Can't sleep?..." A voice from behind startled her and she quickly looked back and saw Steel. "Me either..." The unicorn sat next to her. "...Don't ever sneak up on me like that, I don't take to kindly to being scared like that..." Fluttershy said as dull as ever. Steel chuckled and smiled, slowly his smile dropped. "How’d you do it?..." "Huh?" Fluttershy looked at the white unicorn. "How did you manage to survive in the Everfree? Since a filly, might I add?" Steel gave a questioning look toward the unicorn. "Well, nopony screws with an orphaned filly with no place else to run to...I learned to adapt, that's all..." Fluttershy leaned back and stared out. "Why save me? I seem like a waste..." Steel sighed. "I'm trying to form a rebellion, gather as much of the pony population, get big ass weapons, bust the doors to that fucking castle down, and take back our land." Fluttershy giggled. "Seems like allot of problems to just take back a land..." Steel groaned. "Not just a land, our land, that bastard discord took it, and we want it back...What’s your plan? Where are you heading?" Fluttershy grinned. "The Frozen North. It seems like a good place to go." Steel got up. "Well, I wish you luck on that, but to tell ya the truth, it's a waste...Discord’s army patrols the whole north boarder...No way in, no way out..." Fluttershy got up and leaned close toward Steel while whispering, "I like to take chances..." Steel smirked after the whisper when all of a sudden Sweetie comes in… "GUYS! GUYS!" Sweetie rushed through and both Fluttershy and Steel concentrated on her. "Guys...Patrol is on its way..." The white filly was literally out of breath. "What! They weren't supposed to be here at this time..." Steel rushed and stared out the window of their tree house nearby. There was a group of five heavily armored and deformed ponies that looked like the ones from the forest. "Shit...The Necron's weren't supposed to be here this early..." Steel turned to the group. "Everypony, stay...Quiet..." With that, the others hid fearing they would be found out. Shadows passed the window, groaning sounds were heard outside. "How long do we have to wait?" One of the earth ponies in the crowd said. "Until they pass..." Suddenly the growling stopped, Steel gently trotted toward Fluttershy and motioned his secondary look out to watch the window. "They should be gone in a few hours...." As Steel continued, his look out looked dangerously close at the window. "What are those things?" Fluttershy added. Steel let out a sigh. "Discords private army, they’re sent when…" Before he drew his next breath, a hoof went through the window shattering it. The lookout was forcefully pulled out screaming in pain. Steel stepped back in shock. "FUCK! They’re in!!! Everypony get ready to fight!" He turned and his look out, with all his strength tried to pull his way back in and out of the creatures grasp. Tears formed in his eyes, and with his last ounce of life, he looked up at Steel and the others. "...Ru...Run…" His life was cut shorter then suspected when a spear came out of nowhere and went through the back of his skull and out his eye. He was dead. The liquid black fluid dripped out of the dead pony’s eye and with him no longer fighting to survive, the creatures pulled him out completely and tossed him aside on the ground. The creatures attempted to crawl through the opening where the shattered window was. An arrow shot and hit the first creature square in the face, but it did not stop the others from trying to get in. Steel tried to reload another arrow but it was too late, they were already inside the library. Steel tripped back and one of the creatures pounced on top of him. "Get off!" He yelled attempting to fight it. "HEY! ASSHOLE!" The creature looked up to who yelled and Fluttershy smirked and with a powerful downward slash with the ax on top of the creatures head, she had split the head in two and the two half's of the brain slid out and creature was nothing more than a corpse. Steel pushed it off and got up. "Thanks...” He looked at the window. "Everypony! Out the back!" The other survivors ran out the back of the Library home and Fluttershy and Steel were left to hold the other monstrosities back. Each one that came close to Fluttershy felt the steel taste of her ax, and those that were coming in felt the arrow of Steel's bow go through their heads. "Dammit! How many are there!?" Fluttershy yelled. "Don't know!" Steel yelled while he reached around his back to grab another arrow only to find his quiver empty. "I hope there aren't many...I ran out of ammo!" Steel and Fluttershy proceeded to back up. "We're fucked...." "I hope my niece and the others got out safely..." Steel added. The white unicorn used whatever aurora he had left to charge up his horn. "Okay, on three...We hit these cocksuckers with everything we got!" He turned to Fluttershy who quickly understood and nodded. "Okay...ONE!" The creatures were nearing. "TWO!" Fluttershy readied her sharp bladed ax. "THREE!" They both shouted and charged at the discorded minions. Before they struck a filly, a voice was heard on the outside. "HEY!" The whole wall of the tree house blew open and a reign of arrows shot out repeatedly and tore through the creatures like tissue paper. They all fell down dead. The sunlight shined through and blinded the mare and stallion for a second. Finally, the light cleared and on the other side was Sweetie Belle and the group, each had their own bows and arrows that they took with them. "Hey you two." Sweetie giggled. The two ponies stood dumbfounded but they shook their heads and looked at the floor covered in corpses. "I love you're niece already." Fluttershy added before stepping around the dead bodies surrounding her and Steel, the stallion soon followed and sighed. "It'll be a while till we find a new hideout...." Fluttershy laughed. "Hey, from what I learned from watching you and your group is that y'all are tough as bricks." Steel smirked slightly. "Hehe, I can see that. Still, I got to start over with the group..." "Hey, you're a great leader, just try and keep it that way, another place will come..." The two looked back and seen the nearly destroyed tree house. "I hope you're right Fluttershy...I hope you’re right..." Steel added. Week III Fluttershy was on top of the Town Hall in Ponyville, looking over the land. Is this what her future is going to be? A continuous struggle for survival? She kept thinking but a voice below called out. "Fluttershy!" She looked down and saw both Steel and Sweetie Belle. Smiling, the Pegasus climbed down and landed in front of the two. "Hey, the group is going to search for a new fortress we can hide out...You sure you don't want to tag along?" Fluttershy nodded. "I have business I need to do..." "Still? Well, I can't force ya, mainly because you'll kick my ass, but because I respect your decision too." He hugged Fluttershy and patted his back. "Take care..." Breaking the hug, he turned. "Sweetie Belle has a parting gift for you." Sweetie smiled and reached in her bags and pulled out a map. "Here, I heard you needed one to get around." Fluttershy grabbed the map and looked over it. "Hmmmmm...The map tells me to go up here but all the mountains are in the way...My safe bet is to go..." She then pointed her hoof on a nearby town. "Here." Steel looked at it and he gasped. "Baltimare?....." Looking at the concerned stallion, "What’s in Baltimare?" "It was hit hard with Discords reign, it’s a fucking mess...." Steel then looked over and saw that one of the group members fixed up a wagon. "I have a safer solution…DUSTY!" Within the group, an elder, but buff looking mule walked up. He looked up. "Eeyup?" Steel smiled. "Help this nice lady to Baltimare, when you do, meet us near Manehatten." "Gotcha boss." Smiling he goes to the wagon and is fitted later to help pull it. Steel turned. "Guess this is goodbye Fluttershy, for now at least...We probably will meet again, someday in the future." After the mule was ready, Fluttershy said her final goodbyes and loaded herself on into the wagon. As the wagon took off, the group waved to her goodbye. Turning, she tried to get comfortable on the hard seats. "How long till we get to Baltimare Dusty!" She yelled out to the mule. "Five hours!" He said back as he pulled the carriage. Fluttershy yawned and closed her eyes as the wagon was being pulled. As Fluttershy slept, she began to dream again. Fluttershy opened her eyes and her angered look was justified. She was at a table in the middle of a bright colorful forest, on the opposite side was a creature, made out of multiple animal parts, with the head being that of a pony. The creature sipped some tea. "Why hello there, dear Fluttershy. Fancy seeing you for the first time." Flutters looked at the butler that was walking toward her, it was one of the Discorded ponies. "I take it you're Discord, am I right?..." Discord yawned. "Why do you ruin this for me?..." Fluttershy, fed up, had slammed her hooves on the table. "Are you Discord or not!" Discord groaned. "Yes, I am...Why is that so damn important, what is important is tea...Which needs more sugar..." The deformed pony poured more sugar into the tea. "Introductions are always important..." The two stared awkwardly at each other, Discord drank his tea but Fluttershy refused to touch it, not knowing if the tea turns out to be lethal. "So, this is him, the chaos lord himself...." The Pegasus thought to herself. Discord cleared his throat. "Well, if you want my truth, you should turn back now and avoid death my dear Fluttershy...But it's your choice." "I'm no goddamn coward..." Fluttershy straightened in rebellion of the chaos overlord. "Cute..." Discord said plainly. "Well, I should be going, just remember...You can't defeat me. Goodbye Fluttershy..." Fluttershy's eyes opened and she yawned as she wakes up. The wagon she was occupying was going through a bumpy roadside. "Dusty! What’s going on?" "We're almost there! The road is allot rougher here than anyplace we're use too!" Dusty pointed out. Fluttershy sighed and laid back. "How long till we..." "A few minutes!" Dusty already knew what she was about to say. After about five minutes, the whole wagon shuttered to a halt. "Shit!" Dusty swore. "What is it Dust?..." Fluttershy asked. "You, uh...You may want to check this out..." Fluttershy was confused and opened the door to the outside. She looked at the road ahead, Baltimare was a few miles up but a large chunk of the roads had broken and destroyed Carriages and wagons. Dusty looked toward the mare. "What now..?" Fluttershy looked ahead, then to the sides, no other way in. "...Fuck it..." She jumped out and walked ahead. Dusty the shouted. "You won't last a day on hoof..." Fluttershy turned and gave a smile. "I survive a long time in the Everfree...I think I can handle it...Go ahead and head back to your herd Dusty..." Dusty tried to argue but chose not to, he just groan and turned around and trotted out. Fluttershy was alone again while she looked ahead of her. "Well...out of the frying pan, into the shit..." She then made her way into the city limits and passed the carriages. The more carriages she passed, the closer she was to the city itself, and the more remains of some poor fool she seen. Looking over each carriage, she saw nothing but death. "There are so many...What the fuck happened?" She looked at one corpse with some skin left, a crow flew on it and pecked at the skin. When she got closer to the city, she saw a sign that said ‘Manual Evacuation.’ Looking close, she sighed and said to herself, "Shit...I feel bad for these poor bastards..." Looking up, she saw it was getting dark and she needed to find shelter. An hour passed and she spotted a hung pony, trotting toward it, she inspected it. "Fucking sick...Who did this, can't be the creatures I'm fighting..." She continued down until she reached the other side of the carriage scrap yard. Baltimare was a few feet away, and as she trotted into the city, she glimpsed at all the buildings that had shattered windows, decaying walls, and destroyed architecture. Her focus was shattered as soon as she heard a noise in front of her, it sounded far away but she did not take the chance, and hopped into a nearby-destroyed building and hid. Fluttershy peaked out and saw an earth pony running for his life, following up with some screaming. "WHERE YA GOING SWEET HEART!" Then a heavily armored carriage with a Minotaur logo on the side rushed through, it almost ran the pony over but it startled him and he fell back. "AWE! LOOKIE HERE! We got our fresh meat!" One of the unicorns on top levitated a crossbow and shot a bolt between the earth ponies eye's, essentially killing him. Fluttershy stood hidden and watched as the unicorn hopped off the tank-like carriage and slowly walked toward the dead body. "HAHA! Sharpie! You see that shit! Clean shot!" The unicorn laughed and kicked the body. "Yeah! Try that with a target miles away, we lost allot of ammo." The griffin pulling the carriage pointed out as the unicorn carried the corpse to the back and packed it in. "Hey, shut the fuck up!" The unicorn climbed back on top. "We have more stragglers to find!" The griffin sighed. "Whatever, Sharp Shooter..." With those final words, the carriage lifted off and left. Fluttershy saw the whole thing but the carriages logo was strange to her. She had not seen anything like that monstrosity. Fluttershy got out of the building she was in. "This place is bad...They weren't fucking kidding..." She said quietly. She began her journey by walking down the road, slowly to avoid capture. She stopped and seen the path in front was blocked with a collapsed building. "Damn, no way through here..." The toughened mare looked around for options. She then saw it, a door on the least damaged building that could lead somewhere. She thought if she can get up top, she could glide to a separate building using a cable, She rushed toward the door eager to get it open. She reached out with a hoof and tried to open it. It was locked for some reason but she spun around and kicked at it. The door began to splinter from the frame. Fluttershy focused the might of her blows on the hinges, and with one more kick, the door fell and she can now go through. As the door fell, a cloud of dust and wind hit her. The bright yellow mare coughed violently due to the dust entering her lungs. She managed to pull it together and trot through the dusty building. Each step she took, she can hear the echoes of her galloping hooves slamming on the ground. She was walking down a hallway and at the end of the hallway were stairs. As soon as she reached them, she took a deep breath and slowly placed one hoof in front of the other, slowly making her way up the steps. The wooden staircase started to creak and splinter from the framework, showing how old and decayed it was. When she reached the top step, there was a barely lit hallway with broken windows and walls that were deteriorating. The mare left behind the stairs, went across the hallway, and at the end was scaffolding that leads to a building at the opposite side from the building she was just in. Making progress toward the scaffolding, she made sure to check her six to make sure there weren't any ‘surprises’ ready to jump her. She made it to the scaffolding with no problem, but the real challenge was getting across due to the metal floor of the scaffolding looked like it was rusted and worn out. Quickly pulling herself together, she slowly made her way across. With each step, Fluttershy took, the metal floor shook. Her sweat was dripping from her brow, as her heart raced. She was about half way until she heard some roars from a faraway distance followed by somepony yelling "Dragclops!" Fluttershy looked out and saw that chariot from before flying by burning. It crashed into a side of a building and got lodged into a small window as the other half was sticking out. Before the Pegasus seen anything, a large stream of black fire engulfed the entire chariot in flames. Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she stood back as the ground shook. Unfortunately, the shaking caused the support wires to snap and cause the scaffolding to start collapsing. "Shit!" She ran toward the other side while the scaffolding started to fall. She could use her wings, but to her it will be a lost cause. She sprinted and before the whole thing fell, she lunged forward and landed on the floor that was on the other side. The whole scaffolding fell and hit the ground while the sound drew the ‘Dragclop's’ closer. Fluttershy quickly got up and hid behind some debris. The footsteps got louder and shook the ground harder. A blackened and gigantic object blocked the sun from the opening. Then an eye appeared. It stared in the building for a few seconds. Then just like that, the creature stopped looking and continued back. Fluttershy breathed harder and harder while saying to herself quietly, "Damn...Oh damn, th...This place..." She turned to escape out of the condemned building. "This place is ba…" As soon as she turned, somepony hit her with a lead pipe and knocked her out of consciousness. Week IIII As she was out cold, she still heard voices. "Got her, I say we eat her now..." One voice said. "We can't we need as much slaves as we can, and it looks like she would be perfect as our sex slave." Another voice spoke up while the other voice sighed. "Fine, put her in the prisoner transport...The one with that annoying filly..." They both laughed. "She'll do perfectly with her. Hahaha..." Then she heard nothing more but the sound of her being thrown into a cage. Fluttershy started to groan in her slumber. "Wake up, you have to wake up!" Slowly her eyes opened and an orange filly greeted her. Her mane was purple and her eyes were grayish purple. "You're actually breathing, your heart was rushing fast..." Fluttershy blinked her eyes and held her head. "My head...Wh...What happened...?" The amber filly sat in the corner as Fluttershy got up, looked around, and found herself outside of Baltimare in a prisoner cart. "We're the sex slave's for the leader of these cannibals...." Fluttershy stared around and saw a bunch of ponies wearing skullcaps of dead ponies and using bones to pick their teeth and wear as their armor. There were also mares of those heavily armored Chariots. Fluttershy stood up and stared at a few of them huddled around a campfire getting drunk and eating the meat of other ponies. "Who the hell are these ponies?...And what do we want from me?..." The Pegasus sighed. "These are the Manticore's, a group of malicious and psychopathic cannibals. As for why you’re here, they only eat the stallions and force the mares into sex labor. Anypony that doesn't do what their leader asks of or if their leader has no more use of us, the others will execute and cook the useless equine in front of the other prisoners." Fluttershy was sickened to the stomach by these ponies, eating animal meat is one thing, but eating their own kind and raping innocent mares is quite another. She thought of an escape plan staring at the metal bars and with enough force, she could beat them down. "HEY!" One of the cannibals shouted. The skull pony with a white coat walked up to the cage and smirked. "Not so tough that we take your weapons, Eh?" Fluttershy had not noticed but she did not have weapons, or her gear, or her wolf cloak on. They took everything. The Pegasus got angry and pounded at the bars. "WHEN I GET OUT, I'M GONNA!..." The skull pony laughed at Fluttershy. After attempting to break the bars, Fluttershy wore herself out. The laughing pony leaned in, and gave a toothy grin. "Not so tough, are ya?" Fluttershy lunged out, her hoof passed the bars, she grabbed the skull pony, and repeatedly slammed his face against the bars before letting go and causing him to fall on his back. The pony slowly got up as other skull ponies rushed to him. The pony on the ground spat some blood and looked at the Pegasus. "You...BITCH!" The others tried to hold him back as he just wanted to kill the aggressive yellow mare. "When you're time comes! I'll enjoy your death you fucking cunt!" Horns started to go off and the pony that Fluttershy attacked stopped trying to kill her and got ahold of himself. At the other side was a larger chariot with large black doors, the doors swung open, and an older black stallion with a red mane came out. He was smoking a pipe, and has a robe made out of pony skin. "What...Is the problem?..." He calmly said. The pony with the split lip walked up. "Boss...T-The prisoner attacked me...And did this to me..." The pony was shaken, as if he was fearful of this unicorn. The black unicorn looked at Fluttershy. "Hmmm...She? Attacked you? And you attacked back...huh..." The pony nodded. The Boss shook his head. "This won't do..." It happened fast. The black unicorn levitated a sword hidden on his side and made a quick swipe across the white pony’s neck before putting it away. It was silent for a second before the white ponies eyes went to the back of his head as his head slid right off the rest of his body. Blood squirted out of the open wound and the skull pony fell on the floor dead. "Now that he is gone, let's take a closer look at you..." The unicorn walked closer to Fluttershy and leaned in. "What's your name?" Fluttershy looked directly at his eyes with no emotions. "Fluttershy..." Smiling, the white unicorn laughed. "Well, Fluttershy, my name is Anarchy...I was given that name for obvious reasons..." He looked back and seen his group prepping their dead comrade to be cooked. "So..." The yellow Pegasus said. "This is what you do to you're dead?" Anarchy looked back and laughed again. "You're funny, this is what everypony has to do to survive. It's natural." "It's sick…" Fluttershy scowled. She looked around at the group. "You all are fucking sick! It's cannibalism!" "IT'S SURVIVING!" The white unicorn shouted. "We live each day trying to fucking survive out their! We can't eat much! And before you ask we don't know any vegetables gardens around!" "And the rape?! Care to explain how ‘THAT’ fits into you're surviving!" Fluttershy began to shout back, the little filly huddled in the corner and covered her ears. "If you haven't noticed! My group has needs!" Anarchy got angrier and angrier. "You won't hold me here forever..." Fluttershy said coldly. Scowling, Anarchy leaned closer. "Is that a threat?..." Fluttershy said no more. "...Tomorrow, you're first..." Moreover, with a huff, the unicorn boss left back to his carriage and slammed the door shut. Fluttershy scooted back and leaned against the back of the cage. "T...That was ballsy..." The amber filly spoke up finally. "I think I saw any prisoner talk back to him like that..." Fluttershy lazily looked at the smiling filly. "Thanks, I never got your name." "My name's Scootaloo...I've been part of the work labor for a month..." Scootaloo said softly. Fluttershy gasped and looked at her filly friend. "You're Scootaloo?..." The amber Pegasus nodded. "Your friend Sweetie Belle misses you..." Scootaloo's smile dropped and she frowned. "I don't need them..." The filly pouted. "I don't need all of them...All the shit that happened, I'm glad I left..." Fluttershy looked at the filly with a questioning look. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking?" Scootaloo looked toward her pony friend. "Well, for once Steel and Sweetie are damn slave drivers...And not only that, the other fillies laugh at me not being able to fly. They make me do the harder work and they blame me for everything!..." Scootaloo began to tear up. "I just wanted them to appreciate me more, but...They don't..." Tearing up little, Scootaloo turned around and closed her eyes. Fluttershy sighed and laid back. Her head rested on the metal floor and closed her eyes. Mumbling, she said, "You're not the only one kid..." As she drifted off to sleep. "WAKE UP!" Loud banging was heard on the bars of the prison cart. Fluttershy woke up and looked around before rolling on her hooves. Outside of the cage, one of the skull ponies was banging an ax against the cells of the other prison carts. "WAKE THE FUCK UP, YA SKANKS!" "Scootaloo..." Fluttershy kicked at the filly, waking her up. "It's morning..." "H...Huh, what?" Scootaloo yawned. Her eyes then shot open and started to panic. "Shit! It's morning." The doors to the cage opened, standing front was a blue Pegasus. "Yes, it is..." A group bombarded in and forced Fluttershy out while holding Scootaloo back. Fluttershy kicked and punched some of them off but they over powered her and dragged her across the ground. "Okay, boys! Rape time!" The group cheered as they reached the carriage. "FLUTTERSHY!" Scootaloo yelled as the others pinned her. Smiling, one skull pony walks to the door and knocks. "Boss! Like you wanted! The fresh meat...hehe...” The group smiled evilly. The door opened and it revealed the unicorn. "Why hello again..." He laughed. "Okay guys, get back to work...I'll be done with this whore in a couple of minutes..." The group cheered and threw her inside, the doors slammed behind her. There was no way out. Inside the chariot, it was really spacious with a bed for two in the back. "HA! Now, get in the bed...Now..." He demanded. "...No..." Fluttershy simply said. "What....Did you say....Bitch?" The boss pony was getting irritated and angry. He punched Fluttershy in the muzzle, knocking out a tooth. "I said...Get. In. The. Fucking. Bed!" Fluttershy got up and had some blood dripping from her mouth, she had to figure out a way out. She then had an idea. The Pegasus turned and looked up at the menace. "Why don't you sit down? Let me suck you off first...." The white unicorn was about to hit her again but with much thought he lowered his hoof. "Fine..." He removes his robes and tossed it to the side, then he took his sword off and placed it to the side as well. The unicorn then sat at a nearby chair and revealed himself to the pink-manned pony. She sighed and went to him, and knelled down to his shaft and started to suck it. The unicorn closed his eyes and moaned at his cock being sucked. That was Fluttershy's queue; she bit down as hard as she could and tore his member off. Blood went everywhere while the unicorn screamed in agonizing pain. Fluttershy spat the mutilated member to the side and ran to the sword. "Where do you think you're going!" Anarchy yelled out and lunged at her. He tackled her before she got the sword and pinned her down. "You're going to pay for that slut...You think you know me?...I can break your fucking neck..." Fluttershy struggled and when she had the chance, she elbowed him in the face. The mare took the sword and before the boss could do anything to stop her, Fluttershy rammed the sword down the pony’s throat and went out the back. Breathing heavily, she noticed the keys on the table and quickly grabbed them. Looking at the exit, she remembered that there are at least ten of them out there and that she needed to take them all out if she took that way. Looking around, there was another door that led out the back. She crouched and made an attempt to not make any noise while making it to the door. When the Pegasus got to the door, she looked back to make sure nopony was following her and to make sure the unicorn was actually dead. She then opened the door and made her way to the other side. "Okay, slow and steady Fluttershy..." She said to herself. The pink manned Pegasus pressed her body against the carriage and started to walk slowly up. When she made it to the edge, Fluttershy peeked to see how many there were. There were three and it looks like the rest went hunting. All three were huddled around the fire while one of them spoke up. "Fuck, how long does it take to screw that slut?..." The other sighed. "Don't know...Old man is taking a long time, probably making sure he didn't kill this one..." Fluttershy just made a close call and she would have been dead if she did not fight back. Keeping quiet, she noticed her ax against the chariot right by her. Looking toward the three, she slowly made her way to the chariot. When she got to it, she grabbed her ax and turned toward the three unexpected ponies. She stopped being sneaky and walked slowly toward all three while one of them said, "You know...I'm starting to think the bitch is dead..." She stopped right behind one, each one had their backs turned. She then raised her ax. "Well, at least we got that little filly to keep us satisfied...Ha ha ha..." Fluttershy came down with the ax on the first skull ponies head, startling the other two and splitting the skullcap. She quickly pulled the ax out of the first one's head and slashed at the other one, getting it deep into the other skull pony’s neck and slitting his throat. Fluttershy found herself staring the other in the eyes while her blood lust increased. The last one attempted to run but Fluttershy acted quick and stomped on his legs. A loud snap was heard and a loud scream was heard. "Don't...Run..." Fluttershy said coldly. "Wh-What the fuck! You broke my legs! Shit!" The pony was in great pain while he looked up at her with anger. "You bitch!" Fluttershy kicked the pony in the face and pinned him down with a hoof. "Where is the rest of my gear...?" The pony was laughing. "Why should I tell you?..." Fluttershy breathed in and applied pressure on his neck with a hoof. The pony started to gag, the hoof essentially choking him. "You gonna tell me? Or do I have to choke a bitch?!" The pony gave in and spoke as much as he can. "I...I give! Dammit! I give!...It's in the carriage over there!..." Fluttershy smiled to where he pointed. "Thank you..." Fluttershy then stomped down hard on his neck and broke it. She rushed toward the cage and broke the lock. "Scootaloo?..." The amber filly was on the ground, beaten to a pulp. "...Fl...Fluttershy?..." The yellow Pegasus rushed in. "What the hell happened to you?..." She knelled in picking her up. "A...After they took you, they thought it be fun to beat the crap outta me...I...I can't feel my body..." Scootaloo breathed in one last time then passed out. "Shit..." Fluttershy lifted the filly over and onto her back. She then made her way to the carriage the skull pony pointed to and opened the doors. Inside were her gear and some other items that sparked interests. Fluttershy gently laid Scootaloo on the ground and got her gear. After putting it on, she overlooked the other items in there. One was a crossbow and bracelet combo weapon. She took it and placed it on and loaded an arrow in. Going back to the amber filly, she picked her up and carried her again. She was about to leave but another item caught her eye, she turned and saw a familiar doll with wings but it was burnt. "Flittershy?..." She said softly. She quickly snatched it and rushed as far away from the camp as possible. An hour passed and it was pouring water as Fluttershy was sitting on a hillside, looking at what remains of Baltimare. That creature inside the city made her wonder how dangerous this Discord can be. She held her doll closely to her and sighed. "So...I guess getting to the Frozen North would be harder than I thought..." "You're going to the North?..." A weak sounding voice said from behind. The yellow pony looked behind her and seen that the filly awoken. She stared at her for a second through her black eye. "It's actually more dangerous then you thought, are you going to join the rebellion their too?..." "Rebellion?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "You're not from the south are ya?" Scootaloo said. "Well...There is rumored that the remaining military formed a rebellion in the North...They started small and their trying to recruit as much strong arms as possible to over throw Discord...But it all sounds like crap...." Fluttershy stood up. "I'm still going to try to make it their though...You..." She said stretching. "Can tag along if you please. But it's going to be a hell of a travel..." Scootaloo laughed. "Well, I see no reason not to try!" Fluttershy looked out and tied her doll to the side of her wolf skin pelt to make sure it does not fall off. She took one last look at Baltimare before turning and leaving. "Come on, we don't want to burn sunlight..." Scootaloo was eager as she rushed by Fluttershy and smiled both of them not noticing the sign that said ‘Go back.’ "Road to the Frozen North! Here we come!"