> The Accident > by Gabriel LaVedier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Accidentally on purpose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though the six mares that represented the Elements of Harmony, and Spike, were not the type to make much of their pets, they were still very proud of them. Each one was reasonably unique, by species, talent or personality. Thus it was that the seven of them went to Canterlot to participate in a pet-fellowship event hosted at the Palace. It was a fairly informal event, with the pets allowed to be loose. After all, there was no reason to think they could get up to any mischief. “Hey baby, let's get up to some mischief. What do ya say?” Angel grinned at Opal and gave a wink. “We've never been naughty in Canterlot Palace before.” “We have never been invited to Canterlot Palace before, dear,” Opal said, with a sniff of superiority. “And should we engage, as you say, in mischief or naughtiness, I very much doubt we should ever be allowed back.” “Ahhh, come on. We won't leave any stains or anything. We'll just go see stuff and come back. They'll never notice we're gone. Our caretakers are a bit engaged with one another,” Angel noted, indicating Fluttershy and Rarity snuggled up against one another, sharing crudites and a glass of cider. “And how rude would it be! To leave all of our friends here. It is hardly a very kind thing of you to do. I, as a very proper queen, would never abandon friends while we traipsed off to explore,” Opal huffed. Angel gave his zaftig sweetheart a squeeze and a peck on the cheek. “Hey, babe... you wanna take them, they're coming. We'll just hide behind a curtain if we go at it.” “No 'going at it,' Angel. Peewee could see. We will explore places we ought not to be, sneak by secret happenings and then return none the worse for wear,” Opal said, settling into the hug. “Sure, babe, anything you want,” Angel smiled and kissed Opal's thick cheek again. “Hey! Any of you wanna go poking around the Palace?” Angel called to the other Ponyville pets. “Might be nice,” Tank said with his characteristic slow speech, lightly shaking his shell to rouse Owlowicious from his light dozing. “Want to go around the palace?” “Whoo? Oh my. Oh... my...” The normally unflappable owl actually blushed and hid his face behind a wing. “M-my word. Yes... an outing. Together. This is so sudden. I do enjoy when we do so, and to do so in Canterlot... goodness such an opportunity...” “Hey!” Angel snapped his fingers and got Owlowicious' attention. “That was me asking all of you, not your boyfriend asking you out- yow!” Angel winced and rubbed his thigh, Opal having given him a swat. “Don't be rude! I find their relationship sweet and charming. They are our friends, after all,” Opal hissed to Angel. She then turned a sweet smile on Owlowicious and Tank. “Please do use this opportunity as a date, if you like. We certainly are. Right, dear?” Opal turned a hard gaze on Angel. Angel slightly withered under the gaze and grinned. “Y-yea, babe, of course.” Angel looked down to the floor where Winona was laying out on the ground, looking pleased with all the world while Gummy walked up and down along her spine in an odd fashion that looked to be some kind of massage. “Hey you two, going to come with?” Winona looked up with half-lidded eyes and then looked back to Gummy. “Want to go? I love this a lot but I want to go. I've never been around a palace before.” Gummy halted his massaging march, staring blankly into the distance while he considered the question. “Yes. I have never had the pleasure, as much as Pinkie has been here. She does desire I come but Twilight quite rightly points out it would be inappropriate to bring me. I have long been curious about this rather charming and highly historical edifice.” “Then I'm going too,” Winona said, resolutely, nodding her head firmly and rising. “Can I come? Can I come? Can I? Can I? Can I?” Peewee flitted about the group excitedly, getting in all their faces and generally being energetic. “Looks like we got full buy in. We can go sneak around and get all spy-ish,” Angel said. “We would be well served by Twilight's spy suit. If only we had some sized for ourselves,” Owlowicious mused, hopping off of Tank's back so he could activate his propeller. The seven pets looked around at the other pets in the room. They were either supremely disinterested-looking conventional Canterlot pets such as pampered tiny dogs or languid felines, or they were interested in their own toys, beds or backsides. With their egress unobstructed, and their owners occupied by one another on the other side of the room they managed to work the door open and wiggle their way out. The pet-fellowship event was being held on the ground floor, in one of the salons that provided lots of light and space for such an event. The door to it was located by one of the small, discreet staircases leading up to the side-areas of the next floor of the palace, above the little mezzanine that surrounded the grand ballroom, which was also nearby. Rather than retread the areas about which they had heard they went up to the next floor, led by Angel's bold direction and cocksure attitude. “I must say, Angel dear...” Opal purred, cuddling close against Angel's side as the pets carefully made their way down the opulent marble halls of the palace, “I like this bold, sure attitude of yours, moreso even than when you are at home, simply because your leadership takes more nerve and the stakes are much higher.” Angel polished his claws on his chest and grinned, pressing back against Opal. “So, uh, babe... come on, you know you want to take advantage of all this hotness you're feeling. We can sneak away and get to...” He halted his suggestion when Opal put a paw against a muscular bunny thigh and flexed her claws just slightly. “Say one more word, one more dirty implication in any place Peewee could hear it and I will scratch out your eyes. And I assure you I would go and sleep like a kitten right after,” Opal threatened, speaking sotto voce. “Heh. I know you would, babe. I know you would...” Angel said, leaning in to kiss Opal on the cheek. “And you know I still have my eyes because I would never do that. But... you just turn me on so much...” “I am both flattered and scandalized. I ought to chastise you but I feel too inclined to agree, dear,” Opal said with a dark blush. “I have never looked at another feline in any way close to the way I look at you...” “They believe they are very quiet, and perhaps they are for their purposes of keeping Peewee unawares of their ribald implications but the rest of us have focus and hearing for their speech,” Gummy noted, very softly, into one of Winona's ears as he rode on her head. “Well yea but... it's so funny hearing them talk. It's like those programs on the radio that Applejack listens to with Rainbow Dash. Dash pretends she doesn't like it but I know she does. She listens and snuggles with Applejack,” Winona said, moving one ear to stroke at Gummy. “Is that how you are when I read to you the old courtly romances?” Gummy asked, looking down into Winona's eyes. “Are you disinterested in my attempts to woo you with the ancient words of love? I assure you, I mean the intention...” “No! No no no!” Winona shook her head rapidly, almost threatening to dislodge Gummy from the top of her head. “No! Oh Gummy. I love all those old romances. They're really nice. I mean... I don't understand them, they use so many big words and weird images... but you read them so well! With your smooth, sexy voice and those rolls of your eye ridges and the way you pronounce everything so sexy...” Winona blushed and focused on following Angel and Opal. “This is most exciting, is it not, my dear Tank?” Owlowicious asked, flapping placidly beside Tank, flanked by Peewee. “The heart of Equestrian governance, steeped in centuries of traditions as aged and beautiful as their majesties themselves.” “Wow! This place is really old and really big! This stuff is funny-looking!” Peewee did running commentary, zipping along as best as he could and looking at everything that passed his eye. “He's a fledgeling. He'll learn,” Tank said with a slow laugh and smile. He moved to the side in the air to touch his carapace softly against one of Owlowiscious' wings. Owlowiscious whooed softly and smiled. “You say so and I believe it, but the process of moving from fledgeling to learned bird is quite a long road. No wonder Twilight is in no mood to teach.” The pets trooped on in silence, having to hide in a dark alcove at one point as the sound of hoofsteps told them of the approach of others. By the voices and steps there were three ponies walking down the hall. “You know, I don't need an escort,” Said a male voice, very bright and full of cheer. “At this point I probably know the way better than you do. Her bedroom is my second home. First home, really, I don't quite have another one.” “Her Majesty has asked this of us, because of the reason you are here. There are... family matters that are delicate,” Said another voice, a deep and sonorous male voice. “And it breaks up the monotony of standing around,” Said a higher and brighter male voice. “Why not take a lunch break and have... a romantic encounter? Surely her Majesty would allow that,” The first one said with a laugh. Neither of the other two returned it. “That's still not funny,” The sonorous one huffed. “O-oh it is, honey... but I don't want to laugh at your... romance...” The high voice said, the first voice laughing and the second making a small, strangled sound. Winona lifted her head after the figures had passed, sniffing lightly in the hall once they were sure it was safe. “Wait wait... I smell... I smell an Apple...” Gummy tilted his head a bit and looked around. “Dear, this palace is a place of plenty. I am quite certain they have apples all over in many fruit baskets and food trays for visitors and workers.” Winona shook her head, sniffing at the ground and moving a few steps in the direction the three ponies had gone. “No! Not like a fruit. An Apple like my owners. They all have this family smell. Granny Smith is the one that all the rest smell like, because they're a family. And I smell an Apple. A male Apple. Closely related to Granny Smith” “But... that seems improbable,” Gummy said, lightly sniffing in the direction of the ground, “The only Apples that have ever come to the palace like that, so far as you have told me, have been Applejack and Big Macintosh. And Big Macintosh has been asked politely to not return to the palace, lest his head be turned around and he lose sight of his farm duties and future farm wife.” “I know that... but I still... I can smell him. It's familiar. I smelled this one once, a while ago in the kitchen...” Winona soon led the gathering, down the twisting passages. “Do you feel slighted by the fact that Winona is now leading this little outing?” Opal asked Angel, looking aside with a little grin. “Hey, I'll take any chance to get up to some mischief,” Angel noted, looking aside at Opal. “Chasing around a mysterious Apple through the palace, a guy who was talking about Majesties and bedrooms and stuff like that, now that's my idea of a good time. If we're going to get in trouble, let's get in trouble.” “Oh you are a naughty little thing,” Opal giggled, then blushed, “Perhaps not so little... but no matter, I do so enjoy this wild aspect you show.” “I'm a wild hare, baby,” Angel said proudly, then scratched his head. “Well, wild rabbit. And that's fine too.” “Honestly, dear, you've said that enough but I never understood the difference,” Opal said. “The main difference is we hate each other, we can't interbreed and they think they're sooooo superior because their leverets are born with open eyes and ears and our kittens are born blind and deaf. We're way the buck cuter, and I won't let them forget it,” Angel said, shaking a fist. “You have you ways about you, dear,” Opal said, with a laugh. Winona continued to work her way along the halls, suddenly lifting her head up and looking around. “I smell another Apple... stronger, I think I recognize this one... Braeburn. He's in a room somewhere over there.” The rest of the pets looked to one another, Angel finally speaking up to say, “Well, come on, we can't go in two different directions. Can you keep going to the 'bedroom and Majesty' path?” “Sorry, Braeburn is stronger. I was just barely smelling that other one. He leaves just a tiny trace,” Winona said, ears falling and tail tucking. “It would certainly make for a fascinating diversion no matter what. Let us proceed,” Opal said with a nod. “I concur,” Owlowiscious said, “We ought to see what the fellow is doing so far from Appleoosa.” “And maybe we can get some of the apples in the fruit baskets!” Peewee added, flittering about and licking his beak. Winona sniffed along the new scent path, all of the pets aware of a muttering sound, the noise of a small group of folks talking to one another. They hugged the walls, trying to keep themselves low and quiet as possible, though nothing much could be done to help the noise of Tank's propeller. The sound was coming from the same room that Winona was indicating held Braeburn. The fancy doors were slightly ajar, giving the pets a chance to rush in and seek a hiding spot before anyone noticed and tossed them out. They were fortunate in that the first thing they noticed were curtain-like hangings along the walls, which provided a quick hiding place. They all tucked themselves behind one of the hangings and stuck their heads out to observe the room. It was a nice place, decorated like most of the other rooms in the palace, with large, open windows looking out on the mountain and city of Canterlot. The room was not decorated, save for the hangings, which were stitched with simple, embroidered images of many different species interacting socially. That also seemed to be happening in the room itself. The population of the room was not especially large, but it was not just a couple of folks. Half the population looked to be ponies, mares and stallions both, while the rest were other members of the sentient species in Equestria: Diamond Dogs, donkeys, buffalo and zebras. Winona pointed out Braeburn and his wife Little Strongheart. They were talking with a tall, red-furred, floppy-eared Diamond Dog in a formal black suit jacket and black fedora. The Dog had his hand lovingly stroking the side of a pony, a medium-gray unicorn mare with a faded green mare, who was wearing a simple but nice dress that seemed improperly sized. Her horn looked odd, somewhat shorter than other horns and looking like two horns slightly pointing away from each other at the end. “So y'all live out near Ponyville, do ya? Ah've got family out that way,” Braeburn asked the other pair. The big Dog nodded, removing his hat in a polite gesture. “Indeed. I am Jasper, of the house LaRoulette. This is my wife Centre, of the same.” Centre gave a deep, somewhat awkward curtsey, as though unused to the gesture. “A great pleasure to make your acquaintance.” “Ah gotta say, Mister Jasper sir, y'all talk better than most-a the mine Dogs we got in Appleoosa. Oh! Ah don't mean nothin' by it...” Braeburn started, looking a little nervous. “What my husband means is that your speech is very articulate, so far as we have heard,” Little Strongheart quickly interjected, giving a sweet smile to the pair. “Ah, yes. Thank you. Most other Dogs did not have the advantage of a regular and strong pony education, not in my generation, anyhow. But I was a reformed criminal, caught poaching on Patron LaRoulette's land. I was just a petty scout from a shady band I can now see were not on the up and up. Rather than going to prison I was made his daughter's valet. It was good for all concerned,” Jasper said, looking a little wistful. “And while he was there the Canterlot scientists got some good information on his species long before the formal emergence of the United Colonies as a vassal state,” Centre noted, settling against Jasper's side. “Of course, during his time there he met me... the only one to see past my deformed horn...” Jasper softly cupped Centre's chin and leaned in to slowly and sweetly kiss her lips. “Yes. Of all the many wonderful things that came of my time in the Chateau, she is the most precious and wonderful.” Braeburn laughed heartily and threw a leg around Little Strongheart's neck, pulling her in for a tight snuggle. “Ah surely do know whatcha mean. Ah went through plenty of hard times, but it was all worth it fer this lil cow here.” “Oh husband...” Little Strongheart said shyly, waving a split hoof and blushing lightly. She looked to the two and asked, “Who was your Advocate? I find it is always interesting to know who speaks for couples such as us.” “Toola Roola, Antonia LaRoulette. My young charge, grown up and married herself. She is one of Luna's favorites, a Roa,” Jasper said, with some pride. “Now ain't that somethin'... ah do believe ah've heard-a her. It's mighty kind, payin' back all yer hard work by helpin' ya have a family. As fer me, well, it was mah uncle, but we keep it quiet,” Braeburn said, with a sub rosa wink. “I... don't understand? Why do you say that?” Centre asked, somewhat confused. “He is not accepted in our family. But he did many good things for us, including getting us back into the family at a cost to himself. He is most generous,” Little Strongheart said. “He sounds like Toola's own uncle. But that is understandable. Good folk will be the supporters of those like us,” Jasper said, stroking his chin. “Do you know if there will be a buffet?” “Ah certainly hope so. Been a bit too nervous ta get any vittles in me...” Braeburn replied. All conversation suddenly ceased as a door at the far end of the room opened up. A line of royal guards marched in, pegasi and unicorns alike, fronting Princess Celestia. That got the attention of all the hidden pets. The day princess posed grandly before the assembly of pony/non-pony pairs, who all bowed down in reverence to her. Two of the guards blew ceremonial horns, which prompted the bowing folks to rise. “Welcome, all of you, to this moment which has occupied much of your minds, I am sure. A long process of wonder, worry and relief has now come to this. In marriage you became one. And now... you become more,” Celestia said in a warm, motherly voice, letting her beatific smile shine over all the gathered. “You know what this moment means. Please, all of you, embrace the one you love and prepare for this, that for which you have longed since you put quill to paper and asked family and friends for an Advocate.” The assembled ponies and others pressed in close, legs and arms pulling them in tightly against each other's bodies. Even the pets, somehow moved by the warmth of Celestia's voice pulled in, couple-to-couple, with Peewee perching on the top of the hanging. The tip of Celestia's horn glowed as a tiny point of golden light slowly grew, the great sun princess' face contorted in extreme concentration, her lips slightly trembling, either in focus or from speaking to herself as she cast what was certainly a very powerful spell. The golden orb reached the size of a large watermelon before it burst with fizzle, streamers of light snaking through all the couples in the room, leaving behind a golden trace that slowly faded. Even the pets were touched by the tingling threads of magic. Celestia slowly lowered her head once the magic had faded, very softly panting and hanging somewhat on her hooves, looking as though she wanted to lay down. She lifted her head after a moment of rest and smiled to the assembled again. “There is no pomp and gilding here. You have waited long enough. But for those who can wait a while longer, there is a provided buffet in the main dining hall. Advocates welcome.” “Yee-haw! Finally! Ah'm gonna load up on somma these fancy vittles!” Braeburn cheered, galloping wildly out of the room, with Little Strongheart hard on his heels. The rest of the company filed out in a more orderly fashion, while Princess Celestia and her guards left via he other door. None of the pets moved for a while, too focused on making sure there were no stragglers returning for any forgotten items or any guards sweeping the area for any reason. Finally, Angel stuck his wiggling nose out and motioned with his ears. “Coast is clear. Let's get back to where we were. I think that was enough mischief.” He softly rubbed his chest where one of the golden threads of magic had passed through him, on its way into Opal. “A most curious adventure. I do wonder the significance of this gathering,” Gummy said, looking to the door that Princess Celestia had used. “It seemed quite formal. And that magic...” “It made my insides all tingly. It felt like when you scratch behind my ears, but all warm too,” Winona said to Gummy. “Perhaps a bit of study back at the library will benefit us. I do so enjoy a fine bit of study,” Owlowiscious noted. “I didn't get any magic! What a rip-off!” Peewee groused, sullenly flapping beside Owlowicious. The pets managed to return to the pet gathering without being missed, considering the matter successful and fully concluded. There were a few speeches by the various pet owners, with some demonstrations of particular tricks or exhibition of fine manners or grooming. At the end of the day the Ponyville seven retired to their rooms, each couple having been given their own quarters, with Spike allowed his own space, which suited the young dragon and Peewee perfectly well. Because of the lovely weather, all the balcony doors were left open, which allowed Gummy to slip out, Owlowicious conveying him into Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's room, Owlowicious then escorting Tank into Twilight's and Pinkie's room. Angel and Opal did not need to contend with such rigamarole. They casually, languidly savored each other, consuming one another with kisses and eager heavy petting. They broke off their physical expressions of love, however, when they realized that Fluttershy and Rarity could, at any moment, wake and discover them. Furtively, the pair made their way onto the balcony. Angel and Opal looked out over the impressive view of Canterlot provided by the balcony, the awe-inspiring sight adding spice and delight to their carnal physicality. Opal scraped her claws slowly along the railing just over the bench that had been placed against the balcony edge. Though her vocalizations were mostly a huffing mass of breathless pants and keening whines she found her voice long enough to note, “We... we make this love surrep- Ah! Surreptitiously... not out of shame, but out of discretion. We must be proper! Ever proper...” Angel, despite being greatly focused on his task and doing everything to ensure he gave Opal all the delight he could muster groaned out, “I love you Opal,” beside one delicate ear. “And I you, my Angel! With all my heart!” Opal cried, the citizens below hearing nothing more than inarticulate yowls, if they heard a thing at all. On the balcony of Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's room Gummy and Winona were merely sitting beside one another, looking up to the sky. The collie's wagging tail repeatedly brushed across Gummy's, a shy blush on her cheeks. “Gummy... do you... I mean...” Gummy's reply was soft, but certain. “Lie down and roll over, if you really wish it.” Winona swiftly went down to her belly, smiling. “Thank you, Gummy...” “Do not thank me, Winona. I feel a fool,” Gummy said, with a note of bitterness. He slowly crawled up between her skyward legs, settling his snout down over her belly and giving a soft nuzzling. “I am so sorry, my darling... so sorry I may not give you what it is you truly desire... what you deserve in a mate.” Winona's legs suddenly pulled down and in, securely grasping Gummy's body while she looked down between her pulled-up forelegs. “Don't say things like that. You're what I deserve and desire and all the other fancy words you want to use to mean that I'm yours.” Gummy turned his head slowly and rubbed a scaled cheek against Winona's fluffy belly, a small tear sliding down out of a reptilian eye. “I love you, Winona. No matter how I feel, how inferior or unworthy, you have all the love I may muster.” Winona had begun to pant, a blissful smile spreading across her features while her head went back. Her tail was going a mile a minute, showing her utterly transported in bliss. “I wish you knew how much I loved you. You'd never say things like that anymore. Gummy, you make me so happy!” > Unintended Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pets of the Element-bearers never thought that much about their escapade in Canterlot palace. It was just another of the weird whirlwind adventures they had been involved in, like the Spike-led comedy of errors into the Imperium. They took such things in stride, though enjoyed them while they were going on. To them, it was just another interesting story to think on as they went about their lives. The issues came around the same time, somewhere around two weeks after the outing. Around that time both Winona and Opal began to experience a bit of lethargy, as well as strange mood swings and nausea. Both were often out eating grass in the morning, much to the worry of their owners. “Oh girls, thank you for being here for us. This is a most worrisome time,” Rarity said. She was in the waiting room of the Ponyville veterinary clinic, with Fluttershy gingerly patting her back and slowly giving Opal comforting strokes. Strangely, Angel seemed to be going the same. “It's the darndest thing. Winona ain't been doin' nothin' different but she's here same as Rarity's critter,” Applejack said, giving her dog a ruffle between the ears, having to carefully avoid Gummy, who was clinging to her tightly. Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a comforting squeeze. “It's a bit unusual,” Twilight said. She was in the waiting room with Pinkie. “I checked a few of the books I had, and while zoonotic diseases are not uncommon I couldn't find any canine/feline diseases that match the symptoms. They may just have the same illness, but a mild one.” “Oh... I do hope it is true. I could not bear the thought of Opal with a lingering disease,” Rarity fretted, lightly shivering against Fluttershy. “Ya always been a healthy lil pup, Winona...” Applejack reached down to softly pet Winona's belly, which she found slightly distended. “At least ya can keep vittles down.” Fluttershy softly pressed on Opal's belly, rubbing around the area lightly. “Oh my... Opal's belly is a little swollen. They may have a digestive issue. This could be resolved today,” she said, hopefully. “Both of them... that's certainly something to tell the doctor,” Twilight said, motioning to the door. “I guess you wanted to schedule both... Winona and Opalescence?” The Ponyville veterinarian was there with a clipboard in her hoof, looking up at the assembled mares. “Some generic symptoms?” “Yes. It might have been connected with a recent short-distance trip that we took to Canterlot when they were exposed to a large number of unknown pets, either from Canterlot or other towns and villages in the vicinity...” Twilight said, slightly pushing ahead of the others. “Twilight?” Pinkie said, gently, pulling her marefriend back slightly, “You're doing it again. Do I need to make you some saltwater taffy to keep your mouth full?” “No... sorry girls,” Twilight said, blushing and giving an embarrassed smile. “While she was a bit... forward, let us say, she was correct. My sweet little Opal has been experiencing this since just after the trip,” Rarity said. “Yea, an' the same with Winona,” Applejack concurred. “A bit unusual both have the same symptoms when they picked it up from other animals. I've seldom seen a case like that,” The vet said, peering at the two creatures. “I suspect some kind of zoonosis, and I hope not a new... emergence...” Twilight grinned sheepishly again and tucked herself behind Pinkie. “Miss Sparkle is quite correct about that possibility. But we will need to examine them,” The vet said, leading everyone into the examination room. “Um, if it changes anything... Opalescence's belly is a little swollen. Maybe it's just her stomach...” Fluttershy timidly offered. “Ah didn't think much of it, but Winona's belly is a bit big too. Might be nothin', might be everythin',” Applejack said. “I see, I see...” The vet said, leading the mares and their pets into the examination room. “I have an idea... Please put the animals up on the table so I may try to confirm.” Fluttershy carefully lifted Opal up onto the table, while both Applejack and Rainbow Dash lifted and placed Winona. “What do you think? Too much eating? It's why I keep to a special diet,” Dash commented. “Well ain't that funny, sugarcube? Ah didn't know that 'special diets' said y'all was supposed ta eat cupcakes, ice cream an' baked apples,” Applejack said with a great deal of mirth, hugging her marefriend around the middle. “Wonder if them Wonderbolts are all luggin' round these kinda delcicious sides or a nice, big, juicy apple haunch...” “H-hey!” Dash shivered in carnal delight, her annoyed look fighting with her desire to smile. “I just eat that for lots of energy. I need to load on carbs and sugar and... electrobrights or whatever it is. And ice cream is totally high in super pantyoxidants and stuff. Besides, you're the one that keeps barbecuing those baked apples and throwing on the cinnamon and ice cream! I think you want me fat so you can keep me on the farm.” “Y'ain't much good ta me too heavy ta fly an' help out, sugarcube. But Princess Luna knows it ain't all bad ta pack some plush in the back forty,” Applejack said with a wink and a grin. “Does 'back forty' mean 'the butt'? Because Twilight loves it that I stopped running around so much and got a little big mmm mmph mph mmmm mmmph!” Pinkie started talking but was cut off by Twilight's hoof. “Now who needs saltwater taffy to keep her mouth full?” Twilight asked in a scolding tone, her cheeks burning with a heavy blush. During all the couple flirting the vet had been busy palpating the bellies of the two animals. She had carefully been feeling her frogs over the swollen areas, brows knit together in concentration. “Ahh, I see... I know what's going on here.” Rarity rushed up to the vet and practically pressed her face to the other mare's face. “Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me!” The vet backed away, slightly creeped out by the outburst. She brought up a machine with a metal cone attached to a large screen. “This is a Thaumatic Aural Imaging machine. It turns mana traces into a visible image.” “I've seen devices similar to these in hospitals for scanning non-osseous areas. They also get some use in examining some magical items as a general thaumatic engineering diagnostic tool,” Twilight said, looking the machine over with some professional interest. “It's a smaller version of those you've likely seen Miss Sparkle, you don't need a large one for an office veterinary practice like this,” The vet noted, placing the cone over Opal's belly and turning on the machine. A whine of energy was followed by the screen lighting up and showing a spread of colored outlines and some slight movement in all the lines. “This is the inside of Opalescence. This thick area here,” the vet indicated a ring of color, “Is her uterus. These small shapes here are developing kittens. Now there are only four but a small litter is not unheard of. I'm a bit concerned because they look to be a bit more developed than they ought to be...” “What?!” Rarity shot up straight and then fell backwards in a swoon, landing on her ever-faithful fainting couch. “Oh my. Opalescence is... pregnant?” Fluttershy looked on the scene with some concern, fanning Rarity to try and wake her up. “It would appear so. And if that is so...” The vet moved the cone to Winina's belly, showing a similar scene, including the band that was her uterus, and several moving shapes. “Winona is also pregnant, at around the right stage of development. But the... the fetal form is odd for a canine...” The vet twisted her head and peered closely at the screen. “Winona! Y'all been doin' things ya ought not?” Applejack asked, affecting a scolding tone. “Ah raised ya better'n that!” “Ladies...” The vet took in a long breath and looked seriously at the confused and concerned mares. “This is very unusual. It looks like a simple accidental pregnancy but... there are some questions, a few oddities. I'll need to do some additional tests and take some samples. I hope you don't have anywhere to be for a bit...” Hours later, following the taking of samples, performing more mana scans and the writing of prenatal medication prescriptions, the mares had all gone to discuss the strange happening. They had left all the pets at Carousel Boutique, Tank and Owlowicious included. The animals seemed very calm and placid, until the mares left. “Who was it?” Angel screamed at Opal, hopping around her with great thumps of his large hind feet, occasionally hitting the floor with his front paws. “Tell me Opal, who was it?!” “I don't know what you're talking about! I have been absolutely faithful!” Opal pleaded, tears pouring from her eyes. “Rat scat! That's a lie and you know it! Look at that belly!” Angel pointed to Opal's midsection, but he did not touch. “I know you cheated on me! I know! We can't... we did it every day since we started going out! We knew we couldn't have kittens no matter how much we wanted them! Well you got them now! I hope he was a good screw!” “You cease speaking to me in that manner this instant, Angel!” Opal hissed, pupils narrowing, claws flexing out to scrape at the floor. “I have never been unfaithful! It was always a pipe dream before but now... I don't know how it happened! It has happened and I am with kittens! But I swear it was not through cuckoldry!” “I don't believe you! How can I? We're a cat and a rabbit... we can't do it,” Angel's voice lost the rage, the tearful heaviness left behind. He sucked in a shuddering breath, his ears fallen, his eyes shut tight. “We can't... we can't...” “Please don't cry...” Opal said softly, reaching out for Angel and having her paw slapped away. Anger crossed her face, but one look at him made it fade away again. “I wish I knew how this happened. It frightens me to think somehow... I was not faithful...” Slightly away from Angel and Opal, Gummy and Winona were placidly looking across at each other. Winona had her ears down, her tail tucked and was on her back, looking into Gummy's inscrutable eyes. “P-please say something Gummy. Please. I'm scared.” “I am glad that you finally had what you deserve,” Gummy said, with an emotionless voice. “I wish, I dearly wish you would have asked before, or told me so immediately after. I cannot say that I would have said no. Iit would have been right to say no. But I love you, and care more for your pleasure and happiness than for my own selfish heart.” Winona whined loudly, tucking her tail more tightly, squirming on her back as she tearfully regarded Gummy. “No... no Gummy... please don't say things like that. Please don't say you don't believe me. I'm a good girl. You were my first and only. I could never be with anyone but you.” “I want to believe. I want to think that you are as pure as castor sugar. I would have thought so just hours ago. I believe you love me, but I know you have needs... whatever you may say...” Gmmy said, trailing off and turning away. “I know you think I need more. But all I need is you,” Winona quietly noted, rolling onto her belly and giving Gummy a soft lick under his snout. “We're a team, Gummy. You and me. That's how it's been forever, from the minute I saw you.” “You and I, my darling dog, forever and a day,” Gummy said, a smile curling his snout. “There is still the matter of your... condition. This is a most delicate thing. Can you imagine when such a thing would have happened?” “Well, I... I mean... the only time it could have happened was... ummm... when we...” Winona blushed deeply as she whispered, “Made puppies upside down.” Gummy chuckled warmly and rubbed his snout over Winona's own. “A most quaint turn of phrase. I so love being involved with a country lass. But it would not have been so recent. I believe the veterinarian was correct and these states are connected to our trip to Canterlot.” Opal turned her head to look at Gummy and Winona. Angel was clinging tightly to her, bawling, all of their passion turning from anger to sorrow. “I know it makes perfect sense but I don't know how! None of the cats came up to me, and I would have beaten them senseless had they tried.” “And I would have kicked them in the twig and berries for good measure,” Angel added, sniffling lightly. “We've been going at it like before. I can tell you there weren't many times when she could have done it.” “Quite a little conundrum,” Owlowicious hooted from his perch atop Tank's carapace, “You know each other to have perfect fidelity, through trust or... simply being continually intimate. The veterinarian's tests seem to be thorough, so far as I gleaned from the time taken. She should have some word for you.” “Canterlot... that magic spell from Princess Celestia,” Tank said, looking down at himself. “But... I don't feel different.” “The spell...” Opal looked down at her belly and prodded it. “But why would it happen? How?” “It does seem unusual. But as a well-read bird I know that such a spell is used to combine different species. It would explain why we saw those whom we saw,” Owlowicious mused. “Perhaps it is sufficiently generic to work in this fashion. It may not be merely for a pony and a non-pony, to knit their genes together.” The idea silenced all the creatures in the room, leaving them still and contemplative. Gummy smiled, and waved his tail. Angel looked at Opal's belly with a start. “I'm a... dad?” With that he fell backwards into a dead faint. > Inadvertent Harm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The realization of the true nature of the pregnancies of Winona and Opal were not known to their owners. They still thought of them as unexpected but mundane natural things, despite the vet telling them that there were some odd question marks. Another week went along, mostly in the normal fashion, but something was off with many of the pets. “Winona I... I must ask you a question. If it seems too personal please feel free to refuse to answer, though do understand I find the answer vital,” Opal asked. She and Winona were enjoying time outdoors in Ponyville, doing some light walking around Celestia's statue, on the advice of the vet. “Oh sure! I don't mind, especially if it's important,” Winona responded, walking about happily, high-stepping as she followed beside her feline friend. “How is Gummy treating you now that you are both aware that you are with litter, and with his litter more particularly?” Opal inquired, suddenly taking a seat to rest her dainty paws. She was quite unused to such physical exertions. “That's not too personal at all. Gummy has just been so, so sweet. He was always really nice before but now he's even more wonderful. He does more things like pillow fluffing, water getting, belly rubbing, and he even feeds me sometimes,” Winona related with a sigh and a contented smile. She looked aside at Opal and gave her a curious look. “Why do you ask?” “Oh! Oh no reason at all. I was merely curious. You know how we cats are,” Opal said with a high laugh and shifty gaze. “Applejack kinda rubbed off on me. I can tell when there are lies going on, like when Dash stammers over answering if Applejack's haunches are too big. What's wrong Opal?” Winona peered deeply into Opal's face, unable to get the cat to meet her eyes. Opal shifted uncomfortably for a time under the hard, questioning gaze before she slumped her shoulders and let out a groan. “Your owner's perceptiveness has surely passed to you. It is... my dear Angel. I know he was rather surprised by the news, and I suppose it is a hard and confusing thing to try to process. Yet... well...” “What is it?” Winona prompted. “In this passing week he has... avoided me. Despite their closeness Fluttershy is not with Rarity every day. On days when he would normally sneak by for a tryst and a bit of romance there is nothing. He fails to appear at all. And when Fluttershy comes to call, though Angel is there he might as well be a world away. He can barely look at me. Getting him to speak is like trying to get words from a stone. He responds in curt phrases and gives the most terrible false and nervous smiles while he does so,” Opal lamented, slumping slowly to the ground as she spoke. “Oh that's just terrible for you, Opal!” Winona cried, hugging her feline friend close. Opal sniffed, returning the powerful hug. She could take a lot of comfort from the iron-muscled farmdog's sturdy frame. “Thank you, Winona. It is no easy thing to bear, especially in this delicate condition we find ourselves in. Sharing concerns does help to some degree.” “I'm your friend. Of course I'll always be here to help you,” Winona said with a smile. She thought about the situation and said, “Well, have you tried just talking to him about it?” Opal's pupils closed into slits and she turned on Winona. “Well thank you for that suggestion! I never would have thought of such a thing without your brilliant mind! That is exactly my problem, Winona! That was completely useless!” Winona whimpered softly and pulled away, a paw instinctively coming over to cover and protect her swollen belly. “I-I'm sorry, Opal. I mean... I always say to talk first. Applejack does that too. I mean you say that he doesn't want to talk but... it may be mean but you could just keep asking him until he talks. It's how I get Gummy to tell me secrets like anniversary gifts, party dates and things like that.” Opal looked down at her paws, which were flexing her claws in and out. She then looked closely at Winona, guarding her growing progeny from those very claws. Opal's pupils went very quickly from slits to circles and she stepped back in shock. “O-oh my... my most sincere and profuse apologies Winona! Oh I have been so prickly lately. As if the hormones were not bad enough as well as the physical discomfort and the wild ride worrying about the origin of these kittens... Angel's reticence has not aided matters in the slightest.” Opal hung her head and let out a sigh. “I am a wreck...” Winona slowly scooted in and nosed against Opal's side. “You're just upset. Angel's not being a very good father. You need to make him talk to you.” “I suppose you are correct,” Opal mused, leaning against Winona for support, “And you may also be right that I need to get the truth out of him. He must explain his reluctance to speak and take his proper responsibility.” “Glad we figured that out. Want to keep walking?” Winona asked, hopping back to her paws suddenly. “It would do my belly and my mind a world of good to take my thoughts away from troubles. I may focus on the pain in my feet and not my heart,” Opal laughed, getting into place beside Winona and setting off around the statue once again, all her thoughts on her coming task. - - - “Gummy, my dear reptile...” Elsewhere in town, upstairs at Golden Oaks Library, Owlowicious was suffering from a severe bout of insomnia. He was flitting from small mess to small mess, reflexively organizing books or accessories in one fashion and later adjusting them into a different configuration. He was not there alone, Gummy sitting on a divan and watching the nervous activity with his impenetrable eyes. “I wonder if I might have occasion to tickle your ear hole for a moment, as it were.” “But of course. You seem to be in... a bit of a state. You almost seem to have siphoned away the energy of your young charge,” Gummy noted, with a polite chuckle. “Oh if only it were possible to siphon away Peewee's energy, life would be infinitely easier...” Owlowicious said, hooting and settling himself down on a chair back. “I am in a state. Quite a state indeed. All due to... these most recent events.” “Do you mean the impending birthing of Winona and Opal? It is quite a state of affairs. But you should not be burning such energy. You are not the father of either litter, unless we missed something most fundamental,” Gummy said with a light laugh. Owlowicious laughed in return, though the sound was void of any humor. “No... I am not the father of either litter. I am not the father of any litter or clutch, in point of fact, and I never will be. I... I think I may... I have found... there is a certain uncertainty in my nights and a kind of fear grips me when it ought not.” “You are a decently robust specimen of Strigiforme, and occupy an enviable niche in the food web, though I understand you are fed on purchased food. Not that you were an apex hunter in the wild,” Gummy noted. “That's your job, I know,” Owlowicious huffed, puffing his feathers in annoyance. “Were you building to something more positive?” “I live on sweets and supplements. I am the apex hunter of the sweet shop, not the riverbank. And yes, I was building to a positive statement,” Gummy said, walking himself from the divan to the chair where Owlowicious had perched. “You have a good position, socially and biologically. What could frighten you?” “I fear myself, I fear my thoughts. For the thoughts that have been coming, unbidden, are driving me mad,” Owlowicious said, rubbing his wings over his head. “I have been thinking that the life I had embraced as well and good and filled with happiness... might be lacking.” Gummy slowly did his usual winking blink, processing the statement. “What aspect of life do you now question? I have some notion but I should not presume.” Owlowicious slowly turned around on his perch, so he would not have to see Gummy. “I see Winona cheered by this pregnancy, and Opal holding herself with a glowing pride. We all went through this magical spell. All of us. But however much love Tank and I may hold, and however much we may choose to make in our own fashion, we will never be so fortunate as yourself and Angel, nor as fortunate as Winona or Opal. We will never have the pleasure of either side of this happenstance. A fluke, a quirk, an accident though it was, it seems to have been even more of an accident for the two of us. We cannot make anything of it at all. And now my mind, my traitorous, fickle, execrable mind wonders what it ought not. This distresses me more than I could possible say.” “Are you saying... had Tank been a female tortoise and you interested in females, or you been a female owl and Tank interested in females that things would have been... better?” Gummy asked, tilting his head curiously. “I will say something now, which I say most infrequently and with great hesitation...” Owlowicious' head slowly turned all the way around, looking somewhat guiltily at Gummy. “I do not know...” “The truly wise creature knows that sometimes he knows not. All questions can be hard in their own fashion. Social questions and interpersonal questions are the hardest of all,” Gummy said, regarding his avian friend. “There is no shame at all in not knowing, especially when the world is awash in ambiguity on the subject.” “Your comfort offers no comfort, friend,” Owlowicious said, turning his head back around. “I mean no disparagement of your words and do truly appreciate your help. But, and I find this a strange thing for one such as myself to say, cold rationality and the facts of ambiguity make little difference. This is a matter of the heart. This is something irrational which I feel nonetheless to be true. I think that were I a better bird, a better lover, a better match to Tank, I... I think that were I better that I would know.” “You are correct in one respect,” Gummy said, settling comfortably on the chair. “The heart will do as it will. Folk such as we, creatures of the rational mind, will ever stand in awe of the mystery and wonder of that inexplicable organ. I can offer you no other comfort, friend. I am, in some way, part of this problem. I cannot say that I am unhappy with the happening. My impending paternity fills me with a joy I cannot describe. Winona, my darling Winona, carries my clutch in her belly. This is something I never believed possible. If I may, it was inconceivable.” Owlowicious actually laughed and hopped on his perch, settling himself facing Gummy once more. “An appropriate turn of phrase and something I would have expected out of a wit such as you. You are a well-rounded reptile, Gummy. I confess my own education is a trifle dry. It may be why I am such a match as Twilight's helper.” “You do well for yourself, Owlowicious. Your capacity for deep and serious thought may be creating this uncertainty, but your philosophical nature and self-reflective way will surely provide relief,” Gummy said. “You may be right. I need only think it over,” Owlowicious said. “And talk to Tank,” Gummy added. “And talk to... oh,” Owlowicious drummed his talons on the chair, wings flapping a bit. “Yes... perhaps... the solution was simpler than I assumed. I should speak to him. If nothing else he needs to know that above all else I love him dearly.” Gummy nodded and smiled his toothless smile. “That is the most important thing of all. Love. Understanding and love. That will keep you together.” - - - Angel was sequestering himself out at Fluttershy's cottage. He had lots to do, including directing the other animals and keeping the cottage organized. It wasn't his job but he had lots of extra energy to burn and figured that as long as he was going to be spending a lot of lonely time hiding out at home he'd get the place looking nice. He was taking a break outside, nibbling at some clover her had been cultivating. Nice and tender and a little sweet. He wasn't too bad of a gardener. While he stuffed his face he noticed Opal waddling her way up from Ponyville. She looked aloof, disinterested, and haughty. Her usual manner, when she was not among friends. That was not an indication of anything, but there was something about her resolute waddle that made Angel look around for the escape route. But it was no good. He had been spotted and couldn't afford to look more guilty. He smiled a nervous smile, with a piece of clover stuck between his front teeth. “H-hey, Opal... guess you took a long walk like the vet said. I'd stay to entertain but I've got a lot of work. Fluttershy's gone so I'm in charge...” “You can take time off from this endeavor, yes? After all, you are no lowly functionary. You are the Éminence grise of this little duchy, and in absence of your charming caretaker the power to be obeyed,” Opal said, a trifle breathlessly. She also massaged her paws on the ground and occasionally shook them. Angel scratched the back of his head and idly picked the clover out of his teeth with his other paw. “You've been hanging out with Gummy and Owlowicious. It really shows. I guess I could take a break. You took the time to come out here so I ought to stick around.” “After all we have been through and all we have meant to one another you surely owe me more than that,” Opal said with a grumble. She also framed her belly with her paws. “And that is not to mention this matter...” “I know I know...” Angel scootched back a bit, looking down at the belly with a mix of emotions on his face. “I'm serious, though, I was just taking a clover break. I need to get to work.” “Of course, of course. I understand you are very busy. This is... a very sudden activeness, in comparison to all the time before when you were only too eager to rush to town and take time out for a tryst or an outing,” Opal said, with a touch of ice in her voice. “Things change sometimes. That's not bad,” Angel said, a bit too quickly, turning aside slightly. “Changes indeed, like my kitten-swollen belly. Our kittens, Angel. You cannot run away from the fact, no matter how silent and distant you become,” Opal whispered, rubbing the bulge of her belly. “Yea... look, can't we just not talk about this anymore? I promise, we'll go back to completely ridiculous amounts and types of sex and that'll be cool, right?” Angel asked, giving his most winning smile. “You can be so charming, Angel, darling...” Opal cooed with a bat of her eyelashes. Her expression turned hard in an instant and she thrust her face forward into Angel's. “Can be but are not at this moment. I deserve better!” “Don't do this to me, Opal! Come on, this isn't anything big,” Angel said, shooting Opal a scowl. “It's been fine! Things have been cool.” “It has most certainly have not been 'cool' as you would say!” Opal shouted, meeting the scowl with one of our own. “I asked for advice of Winona and she made me aware that I must pester you until you tell me what is the matter.” “You can't listen to her! She's got mush between her ears!” Angel cried. “Angel! She is our friend and as pregnant as me! She understands my frustrations and wants to help! Now, you know I lead a life of leisure and indolence. I have no need to return to Carousel Boutique, and Rarity will find it entirely appropriate that I am here. I can remain here and be your bête blanche until you give in and tell me what has been keeping you a thousand miles away when you are beside me.” “Just let it drop, Opal,” Angel said sternly, crossing his forelegs over his chest. “I don't need this aggravation right now. So, let me just get back to this...” Angel quickly whipped around, preparing to leap away. Opal grasped his shoulder with a paw, pulling hard while she flexed her claws. “No! You are not going to leap out of this! We are going to have this out!” “Ah!” Angel screamed, loud enough to scatter the animals just in front of the cottage and make the chickens start to cluck and flap about. He quickly looked down at his shoulder, and Opal's paw. Her claws were out, digging into his flesh, spots of red showing against the snowy fur. His breath became ragged as he saw the blood beading. The pain wasn't registering, nothing could push past the shock. “O-opal... what..?” Opal's eyes, slitted in anger, flicked down to her grasp of Angel's shoulder. The first sight of blood, and the sudden salty, metallic scent hitting her nose made her retract her claws from the wounds, and sent her stumbling back onto her rump. “No... what have I done?” Angel gingerly touched his shoulder, wincing as he felt the small jabs and smeared the sprinkle of blood. “I knew it... I'm becoming what I thought...” “Darling... oh Angel...” Opal reached a paw out, but drew it back after remembering how she had harmed Angel not a moment before. “I'm so sorry...” “This is all on me, babe...” Angel muttered, hopping forward while looking down at the ground. “I made this happen. I'm the bad one here...” He leaned in to kiss Opal's forehead, lowering his head more to rest his against hers. Opal shakily embraced Angel's lower body, giving him a strong squeeze. “How can you say that? I was the one that hurt you...” “Yea but I fell into the trap. I made this happen, because... I turned into what I was always afraid I might,” Angel said quietly. “My father...” > Unplanned... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence fell around Angel and Opal for a moment following Angel's statement of being like his father. After a moment, and after guiltily looking away from Angel holding his wounded shoulder, Opal asked, “What do you mean you're like your father? Who was he?” Angel shrugged his shoulders thoughtlessly, wincing a little as he moved the one that was still bleeding. “I don't know... or, I guess I should say, I had too many choices, but I didn't really know.” Opal regarded Angel curiously. “Whatever do you mean?” Angel gave his feline companion a lopsided grin. “Bunnies. We're cute, we're cuddly, we're pretty much nasty little perverts. You think I'm bad? I'm Prince Blueblood compared to the rest of my warren. I'm such an aberration, if I hadn't left they probably would have kicked me to death and left me for the timberwolves.” Opal held a paw over his mouth. “Barbaric...” She muttered. “Well, maybe not. But I've got a lot of bitterness. Don't trust me. Seriously though... mom had it with a couple of bucks. Or, more like... five. Maybe six. There was a sixth guy that maybe could have been it. Yea, well, that's my mother,” Angel had a wry smile on his lips as he scratched the ground with a foot. “So... five guys that could have been my dad. Did they give a pellet? Why would they? Between them there were about twenty does that they had put the carrot to.” “I do not understand then. If you feared being your father... would you not have come to me? Surely you are repeating your... various fathers' disinterest,” Opal said. “You don't get it, they had a bunch of does, a bunch of kittens. But each one thought their boys were the winners of the swim meet. They all wanted to be dad, for the power. That's a lot of attention to spread around. You can't be a decent parent to that many kittens. I got a lot of the back of their paws. Love takes time, discipline takes a quick smack. Just my luck, all my dads were jerks, teaching me to shut up, sit down, stay still, twitch my nose right and don't sass them, or else,” Angel related, growing more and more bitter and disgusted as he spoke. “I got the last laugh, now they can't shut me up, or stop me and I'll sass them all I want. Behind their backs.” “But Angel, dear... I was still right,” Opal said gently, “You say you wanted to avoid the mistakes of your fathers. Avoiding me hurts greatly. And it would surely hurt your kittens. Our kittens.” “I wanted to avoid being them... I know I've got some bad mojo deep down in my blood. I've got a back-paw face-slapper in me. A real jerk. Can't you tell?” Angel said, with a forced laugh. “Sure, I'm not too bad... so they tell me... but maybe... maybe having kittens could have turned me on to the real slime inside. I'd become that buck... but I didn't have to worry about that. Just staying away from you pissed you off so bad you came in here and put vents in my shoulder. I did it. I wasn't just a funny jerk. I'm one of my dads. Whichever one, I'm disgusted with myself. Here I am, a dick of a buck, just like whichever stupid pervert actually got my mother pregnant.” Opal drummed her claws against the ground. “So... you lament that you did not know your father's identity, having only a guess, and fear that in your genes lies terrible parenting and cruel coldness towards kittens?” Opal asked, regarding Angel with a neutral expression. “I think the question has been answered. I'm afraid that this is how it's going to be, always. My family curse, child-smacking bucks that just don't care,” Angel answered. “Did you ever think perhaps... I am afraid too?” Opal questioned, looking down at the ground. “What? Babe, you're afraid? Of what? You seemed totally on top of this. Way more than me, that's for sure,” Angel said, hopping a little closer to Opal. “I thought you came from one of those nice places, fancy pedigree and stuff like that, all dressed up in ribbons and lace and pellets like that. You know your mother and father, they have a record.” “Yes, you are right. I came from the finest feline breeders, and know my father and my mother very well. Though I should say that I know who they are. As to knowing them well, that could not be further from the truth.” Opal rose up and paced around, as she reminisced. “You see, Angel, the price of beautiful genes is, if not quite anonymity, is distance. I was not an accidental or unexpected birth, an act of wild debauchery as you seem to imply the members of your litter were. But I was not, in the strictest sense 'wanted' by either sire or dam. My father performed his procreative duties in a plain room after knowing my mother for a short while, both matched on the purity of their bloodlines and distance of their relationship. My mother carried us all to term, fed us milk for the appropriate length of time but did not express motherly affection for us. She purred to show where the milk was, and otherwise ignored us. I learned what it was to be a mother at her cold and indifferent paws.” “And that's what you're afraid of, isn't it? I worry I'll slap our kittens around and strut around not caring about them, not loving them and you're afraid you'll just not care at all, feed 'em, keep 'em alive, but other than that...” Angel trailed off. “We are both misfits,” Opal said, eyes staring at nothing, “Children of absent fathers and... distant... mothers. We are also together. Whatever bile may be coded deep in our bloodlines we can see through the foolishness of pretensions and culture, to undo whatever harm could come out of our respective upbringings. I support you, you support me, we both support our kittens.” Angel was silent for a long moment, softly rubbing over his shoulder. “Sorry I got you in a state. I should have talked to you first thing. I gotta say, babe, we're quite a pair. We go from not-talking to screaming match in no time flat. With these nice holes in me for my trouble.” Opal nodded slowly, finally letting herself reach out and touch the spot. The flow had staunched itself and only the small punctures remained, with the slowly-drying blood as highlight. “We are passionate creatures, love. 'Passion' does not mean sex, or love. It means passion and nothing more. Love is a passion. Sex done right is a passion. Hate is also a passion. We can invest a great deal of emotion into any mood we enter. Perhaps too much... but it is good, in the end. It means we care.” “Oh yea?” Angel asked, looking up into Opal's face. “Wait... I think I see...” “Our parents had no emotion to invest in us, by circumstance or culture. They could not be bothered to put any concern in us. But we, we can add meaning and fire to a simple misunderstanding. We will give these kittens so much love I fear we may smother them,” Opal said with a light laugh. Angel put a paw on Opal's belly, the first time he had since the news of the pregnancy had come. They were in there, moving around. His. “Hear that, bucks and does, toms and queens? We're gonna love you so much you'll eventually refuse to be seen with us in public and probably pretend you have no parents.” Both of them gave a laugh at that, Angel looking to his shoulder wound. “Now... get me to Rarity or Fluttershy so one of them can take me to the vet. I won't lie, now it's really starting to sting.” - - - “I must say it was very kind of you to choose me for this task,” Rarity said to Angel, who was sitting on her back looking smug and imperious, “My darling tells me that you can be a bit... tempestuous, in the best of times. This tells me that now you truly regard me as a member of the family. Thank you for the vote of confidence, Angel.” The mare smiled and used magic to stroke Angel's ears. Though the lapine was still looking aloof, a smile pulled at his lips. “And so brave. It would appear Opal was a trifle rough. Such is her way.” Rarity opened the door to the vet's office, which was thankfully empty. The only occupant was the veterinarian herself, sitting behind the desk in her office, which was visible through the open door. She was softly kissing a heart-shaped wooden frame, and only stopped when she realized she was being watched. “Oh my! Ah, Miss Rarity... how fortunate. I had need to contact you and the others.” “Modestly fortunate, to some extent,” Rarity said, trotting in and into the office, turning her body to indicate Angel. “I'm afraid my dear Fluttershy's Angel had a too-playful encounter with my Opalescence. It does not appear to be too terribly bad, but it would be appropriate to be tended to.” She then indicated the frame with a smile. “I see that you, too, are involved. If I may ask, are they mare or stallion?” “Mm, neither. Dog,” The vet said, turning the frame to show the photo of a Diamond Dog. He was of the smaller breed, his coat a greenish-brown color. He was smiling broadly, one large hand caught in mid-wave. “He works at the local mine. We're actually engaged, still talking over the date...” “Goodness!” Rarity said, looking utterly shocked by the revelation. “How horrid! Engaged and yet I have not seen you in the shop to get a wedding dress! To say nothing of the bridesmaids, the maid of honor, the groomsmen... there is never a date too early for such considerations.” The vet actually laughed, after a slightly-worried look passed her features. “I'll confess... I thought that you, of all ponies, would take that news a bit less well.” “Oh? Oh!” Rarity waved a hoof and shook her head. “No no no! Oh I am most broad-minded and would never let a single negative encounter color my belief about an entire species. Now about those dresses...” “I'm wearing my other mom's wedding dress. I like the style more than my bearing-mom's dress. But you're right about all the other outfits... I should make an appointment,” The vet said, rising up from behind her desk and motioning towards her exam table. “Please have him hop up there.” “Of course...” Rarity said, getting Angel close enough to the table to allow him to hop off onto it. “Ah, wait a moment... you indicated that you needed to see my self and the others...” “Oh, right. Just over there on my desk, I got reports back from Canterlot. They were sent express, so they must be important. I didn't want to open them until I got in touch with you. You can open them up and tell the rest,” the vet said, while carefully examining the small wounds on Angel's shoulder. “Not too bad. Shallow punctures but deep enough. He won't need stitches but some bandaging would be best.” “That is certainly a relief...” Rarity said, pulling open the thick envelope and tearing open the top with magic. She noted, if only peripherally, that the surface was stamped with the seal of the School of Advanced Thaumato-Biology at the Grand Royal Canterlot University. The papers were levitated out and she read them, first with casual interest then with a look of utter shock. “What?!” “Goodness! Try to keep it down, what's the matter over there?” The vet asked, jostling the bottle of alcohol she was holding. She had been in the process of dabbing each puncture with a cotton swab dipped in the liquid. “I... I cannot confess to understanding all of what is written in this impenetrable scientific cipher but the condensed conclusions seem to be... Opalescence is pregnant... by a rabbit!” Rarity looked on at Angel, who went from slight wincing to a cool and smug stance. “I... I think that Opal may have been... chastising the father of her kittens.” The swab fell from the vet's grip, and she rushed over to take up the papers, flipping through them quickly. “This is... this is certainly advanced Thaumato-Biology, more than I ever needed to study. But I see... and your friend's dog has been made pregnant by... by an alligator... this is... unprecedented!” “'Alligator'?” Rarity spluttered, snatching the papers back to find the relevant portion. “My word... that is unexpected. I never knew Gummy had such... passion. But this is impossible! Do they indicate how such a situation could have been possible?” The vet took back the papers and read on. “There is some speculation based on the timing of the pregnancies. You were in the Palace the same day that a hybridization spell was used. The consensus seems to be that they were caught up in the spell and that the raw unifying power worked on them as well as the other participants.” “It would seem likely...” Rarity said, with a stroke of her chin. She looked over at Angel again, who was still standing with his proud, smug look. She sauntered over to him and fixed him with a piercing glare, wiping the pride from his face. “So! You have defiled my precious Opalescence in a moment of compatible weakness and impregnated her outside the bounds of wedlock! You will learn the meaning of wrath when the moment presents itself! But for now...” Rarity turned to the doctor bounced her coiffure. “Please bandage this lapine miscreant. It would not do for the father of Opal's brood to fall ill before he can take a position of responsibility.” The vet stared in slightly-stunned disbelief as Rarity unleashed her rant on Angel, but regained her composure after the true absurdity struck her. She sauntered back up to Angel and dabbed at the punctures with alcohol again. “Of course. Looks like my Labradorite isn't the only fellow looking like he needs a tuxedo.” She applied a large gauze bandage with a laugh. - - - “Well how do you like that?” Dash asked, slowly circling around the ceiling of the library while Twilight dusted and arranged books below. “I thought I'd seen every weird and freaky thing I could after Nightmare Moon and Discord and the Changelings and Sombra. But this! Can you even believe it?” “I have to believe it,” Twilight said, evenly, taking a tone almost exactly opposite to Dash's manic chattering, “I've seen the reports. I did not specialize in the sort of advanced studies in those papers but I took enough mid-level courses to grasp the important points. It happened, the genetic studies confirm it and the rapid pace of Opal's gestation conforms her case. For Winona, it's the shape of her offspring.” “Winona... AJ has totally been waffling. One minute she can't believe her sweet little Winona would go get herself 'all puppied up outta wedlock' then she's glaring daggers down at her saying she's a bad girl, then she gets this idea that she's gonna throttle Gummy until he marries Winona,” Dash said, tapping her hoof on each option, “then I have to remind her animals don't get married and... she shoos me out of the house and bans me from the orchard forever. Or a day. Whichever comes first.” She looked a little sheepish and soared a little closer to the ground, to stroke Tank's head. She would have stroked his shell but that was occupied by a lightly-dozing Owlowicious. “It's an uncommon situation and seems to be stirring up all kinds of emotions. I know Pinkie has been busy planning some kind of ultra party that combines two weddings, two baby showers, a possible birthday for Opal's kittens and some kind of celebration for the first ever hybrid dog/alligator and rabbit/cat babies,” Twilight said, a smile crossing her face. “She's been letting me help with the logistics, my specialty. Planning a party with Pinkie is... magical...” “We all know you love your marefriend, old news,” Dash huffed, stroking Tank's head again and returning to a higher circuit of the room. “I saw that Rarity has been in a wedding frenzy. She practically strapped Angel to a table to get him measured for a tuxedo. Gummy... already has one, for some reason. Pinkie Pie is so random... Opal has a wedding dress, because Rarity thinks she's a stuffed animal, and now Winona is getting one. Plus I heard something about the vet getting married.” “The season of romance is upon us, and it's not even Hearts and Hooves day. Though that title is a little inapt for this situation,” Twilight noted. She had paused in her cleaning to look over the papers again. “Amazing. A basic hybridization spell, cast on a regular basis for couples that have applied, and they happened to get caught up in it. And then... oh...” a large blush suddenly sprang up on Twilight's cheeks, which drew Dash down to her level. “What? What? What? I know that face! AJ gets it when I tickle her neck with my wings in public. What is it?” Dash asked, hovering upside down before Twilight and staring into her eyes. “Well, uh... it's not like the spell creates babies in the female. The... generally known fact is it allows genetic compatibility, and induces ovulation. That's why twin births are common in the first hybridization. But the couple still has to go make the children. The... physical way.” Dash contemplated the notion for a moment then dropped out of the sky, landing on the library floor with a solid and painful-sounding thud. “Ow! Wait... so... Angel and Opal... and Gummy and Winona... they both had to...” Dash gave a shake of her head and rubbed the spot which had hit the ground. “Wow... hey! Gummy and Winona were in different rooms! They had to find one another.” “Or they had to immediately do the procreating after the spell and before they came back from the excursion to it... which is not a comfortable thought,” Twilight said with an uncomfortable grin, “I think it would be more pleasant to imagine they somehow got from one room to the other. Which shows it wasn't a true accident. At least in their case, they wanted to be together. Does that mean they... had been?” She considered, tapping her hoof and flipping through the papers again. “This is starting to get way into Creepytown. But you know... I always thought there was something with Opal and Angel...” Rainbow Dash said, conspiratorially. “They're just a little too alike for it to be a coincidence. I think they masterminded the whole thing.” “Really, Dash? A cat and a rabbit orchestrated a plan to be hit by a hybridization spell and have children?” Twilight asked, giving Dash an incredulous look. “Fine, ignore the signs, you saw them too!” Dash shouted, petulantly winging her way over to Tank and rubbing him under the chin. “Well, at least Tank and Owlowicious got lucky.” “'Lucky'? How do you figure that?” Twilight inquired, gazing over at the contented tortoise and napping owl. “Maybe they didn't wander off and get hit by that spell. And even if they did it doesn't really matter. They don't have any of the complicated, messy 'love' stuff to mess up their hangout time. They can just chill and be pals.” “'Complicated, messy love stuff'...” Twilight repeated, a smile crossing her face. “Speaking of that, I think it's about time for you to stop hiding out in the library pretending you're waiting for a new Daring Do book. Time to go supplicate yourself before a certain earth pony and hope she feels mushy enough to let you back onto the property.” Dash let out a loud, hollow laugh, eyes darting quickly around to scan for witnesses. “Ha-ha! Twilight. What? Hiding out? More like hanging out with one of my best friends. Can't a mare hang out with her Daring Do buddy while their pets, um... chillax? Seriously though... it's time to, ummm... do something totally not farm-related. I'll just leave Tank here for a bit. He can get home on his own. Okay bye!” With that, Dash zipped out the door and left Twilight with the pets. “She's about as transparent as the clear blue sky, isn't she?” Twilight asked Tank, giving him a wink. “Guess I should go help Pinkie some more. Owlowicious you're in... oh... you're asleep. Um, just don't let anything happen.” She gave the owl an air-kiss and sedately trotted out the door. As soon as she was gone Tank slowly lifted his head and shook his shell. “Owlowicious?” The owl's talons clicked softly in rhythm on Tank's shell and his eyes slowly opened. “I only feigned slumber. The topic of conversation was cutting close to home. Too close, I think. I can hear concern in your normally unflappable basso tone. I know what makes your mind tremble. Don't be afraid. She did not know. None of them do.” “'Pals.' As if we were only friends. That we were lucky not to be 'affected' by the spell. No 'love stuff'...” Tank said, his deep, slow tone adding extra graveness to the sad speech. “She did not know,” Owlowicious repeated, hopping off of Tank's back stand before him. “Their blindness to our relationship is our doing. We prefer it this way, our love known only to our small band of devoted and understanding friends. It has always suited us... but I suspect you... are unsatisfied?” “I'd... maybe... maybe I want what they have. A sign they are together,” Tank said, turning slightly away from Owlowicious. “Does that may me... bad?” It took Owlowicious a moment to answer; he was reminded rather significantly of his conversation with Gummy. He let a smile spread across his beak and he fluffed up just a touch. “No. Not at all. It's normal to want such nice things. But circumstances have made it so that is not in the cards. It may hurt but... it is. This love we share more than pleases me. I am enriched and energized by it. I hope you feel the same.” Tank took a while to respond, beyond his usual natural slowness. Her carefully ruminated on the subject before replying, “It always made me happy. It does. But now there is more for others. And I don't like that fate did this. That we get left out just because we happened to be in love with each other.” Owlowicious tapped his claws on the ground, considering a statement. “I am... a rational bird. I do not believe in fate or destiny. The fault, if any can be said to exist, lies only in what we make of the working of the world.” Tank looked up at Owlowicious, eyes just lightly shining with tears. “You... don't believe in fate? You don't think we were meant to be together?” A faux pas. A serious one. Owlowicious cudgeled his brain to think of how to make it right. He was not belittling Tank's belief in the twists and turns of fate. He only had a different idea of what such a thing meant. “If I may be said to believe in anything, it is serendipity.” “What?” Tank's head slowly turned in confusion. “Serendipity,” Owlowicious repeated, leaning himself in to touch his forehead to Tank's. “That confluence of happenstances as they twist and wend through the world, which comes together most beautifully. Or handsomely, as you like...” Tank held the close contact for a long while, drinking in the warmth and adoration of his avian love. He eventually pulled back and gave a playful smile. “Which book was that in?” Owlowicious gave a hooting laugh and stroked a wing lovingly over Tank's head. “I confess, none. That was purely extemporaneous. You move me to profundity, and I so seldom get the opportunity to show you or thank you.” He leaned in to give Tank a soft touch of his beak on top of his head. “Thank you.” Tank walked forward slowly, pressing himself against Owlowicious' feathery body and rubbing his head against the soft warmth. “Thanks for putting up with me.” “Funny...” Owlowicious whispered, squeezing himself down as much as he could to snuggle with Tank's head, “I was about to say the same to you.” With a shared laugh both of them slowly drifted off to sleep. > Surprise! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now seems as good a time as any for this, I suppose,” Twilight said, a trifle uncertain as she looked to Pinkie. “Are you loco in the coco?” Pinkie gasps, throwing a leg around Twilight's neck and motioning towards the scene they were both observing. “It's perfect.” The party space at Sugarcube corner looked like it had been attacked by a mad party monster. Pinkie was eccentric but not mad, so the ideas was not precisely correct. Still, the space was made to look as though several separate parties had exploded and sort of merged together. Baby items and soft pastels for a baby shower ran into the formal lace and crepe of a wedding, which blended into more generic decorations celebrating an engagement. Though the decorations were mismatched, Pinkie's special touch made it work. Her special touch also worked in the food, from tiny cupcakes in blue and pink to two miniature three-tier wedding cakes to more normal veggie snacks. Drinks looked to be either one type of punch, another type of punch or yet a third type of punch. Plus some reserved Sweet Apple Acres cider, graciously donated by Applejack and coveted by Rainbow Dash. “It's a lovely gesture, and understandable considering Gummy's a dad... with Winona...” Twilight shook her head to clear away the slowly-appearing image of how that came to pass. “But you know, in animal species courtship is usually a matter of ritual display, challenges and simply appearing to be the dominant animal. Mating is taken care of and they could stay together or not. Marriage is not really known, except in the sentient species.” Pinkie giggled softly and planted a kiss on Twilight's forehead, below her horn. “Silly. I know there's no such thing as a wedding for them. Where would Gummy even get a ring? I suppose I could buy him one. But then it's not really from the heart. A ring is supposed to be really special. That's why yours has to be made to really super precise specifications. Oh! But I can't tell you! It's a surprise. I just needed...” “Pinkie...” Twilight said, blushing a touch and pressing a hoof on Pinkie's lips. “You were talking about how animals don't get married?” “Oh! Right...” Pinkie grinned and fixed one of the streamers. “They're not getting married married. But... we're like their moms, and we have to make sure they know that they need to stay together. We're having the party for us and for them. Maybe it'll make sure they remember. Gummy usually learns things really easy.” “It's not a bad idea,” Twilight mused, softly rubbing her chin, “It might encourage the proper actions. Not all of them are social creatures, or even fully domesticated. However, they can be taught to a degree. Proper positive reinforcement just might make the lesson stick. Pinkie, I have a good feeling about this party,” She proclaimed. “Cider!” Rainbow Dash shouted, bursting into the room and zipping straight for the large, tempting cask. Her forward momentum was suddenly arrested by two grips on her tail. Twilight had automatically cast a spell to hold her, but she needn't have bothered. Applejack was holding Dash's tailtip tight in her mouth. “You ain't drainin' that thing dry on yer own, missy,” Applejack mumbled around the rainbow of hair. “Yer gonna be a good guest an' a good marefriend and yer gonna let yer other friends and the pets have somma that before ya guzzle it down.” Dash struggled in the air, hooves outstretched, eyes wide and focused on the wooden body of her desired prize. She let out a sigh and slumped suddenly, wingbeats slowing to a simple hover. “Yes, AJ. I'll be good.” “Yer always good, sugarcube,” Applejack said with a wink as she released the tail. “But ah gotta train ya up ta be polite.” “Speaking of positive reinforcement...” Twilight giggled, while the others gave her a deadpan look. Rather than being annoyed by the lack of response she just cleared her throat and sighed. “Ahhh... egghead humor. Anyhow... we have the party space set... though it looks fairly confused. Now we only require the guests of honor and their accompaniment.” “Fluttershy's taking care of that,” Rainbow Dash announced, settling on the ground beside Applejack in a properly contrite posture, “She and Rarity are getting them groomed, dressed and down here. She's even preening Owlowicious. I hate preening my own feathers, I can't believe she's doing it for an owl...” “Ah know well enough ya hate ta preen yer feathers less'n it starts ta affect yer trick flyin',” Applejack noted, with a bit of a smile. “But land sakes can yer feathers look mighty scruffy before ya start havin' troubles in the air. Good thing ah can always wrestle ya to the ground after chores is over and take the time ta preen ya right so Granny don't start thinkin' she needs ta get me courtin' some other mare.” “I totally let you wrestle me to the ground and stuff your face in my wings to pick out my loose feathers with your teeth,” Dash said, proudly thumping a hoof on her chest. “Remember, I never lose.” “Given that y'all get ta keep datin' me and don't hafta pay fer the spa, and that ah get ta ruffle yer feathers the nice way and ah get a presentable marefriend outta the deal, ah'd say we both win,” Applejack noted, nodding her head sagely. “She's good,” Pinkie whispered across to Twilight, looking a trifle conspiratorial. Sensing an opportunity to be a proper marefriend, like the books always said, Twilight wrapped a leg around Pinkie's shoulders and brought her in for a hug. “You're better.” “Page fifty-five, You and your mare: A Reference Guide,” Pinkie said, cheerfully. Twilight looked a bit stunned by the accurate reference. “Y-yes, that's it exactly! How did you know?” “Silly, I've read all of those books. I remember so I can tell when you're really being you,” Pinkie replied, kissing Twilight on the snout. “I assure you, it's from the heart. And the head. And from me, both my head and heart are important, and they both agree you're amazing,” Twilight said, leaning against Pinkie's body. “Now that was all you,” Pinkie noted, giving Twilight's cheek a kiss. The two sets of mother-figures settled comfortably into an embracing silence as they waiting for the others to show up, with Applejack only having to stop Dash's subtle attempts at getting the cider about three times. Eventually the door opened wide and Rarity strolled in, dressed in a magnificently designed gown that flared beautifully and glittered with various inlaid gems. “May I have your attention! Here we have them, our fabulous matrimonial menagerie. Brides, grooms and groomsmen, ready for this... eh...” She finally noticed the smashed-together design aesthetic, “W-wonderfully unique celebration of love, commitment, and keeping your bunny bits in line. Do you hear me, Angel bunny?! In line!” Rarity shouted the last line, noticing that the others were all staring blankly at her. She daintily cleared her throat and motioned to the door. “And here they are now.” With soft encouragement from Fluttershy all the pets moved in a single-file line. Heading the procession was Opal in a wedding dress that matched her white fur. It was composed mostly of lace and included both a veil and a long, chiffon train. Winona was next, in a dress that was much more plain, though it suited her country-style looks. The material was taffeta, and her train was actually a long strip of orange gingham. Behind the two brides came their grooms. Both males wore a basic tuxedo, but while Gummy, fourth in line, had only his shirt and coat, along with the hat and monocle, Angel had a top hat, a cane, and pants, which looked to be secured with a small lock. Completing the nuptial train were Tank and Owlowicious. The slow-but-steady tortoise was giving his all to keep a reasonable pace while Owlowicious perched proudly atop his shell. Both were dressed in heavily modified tuxedo jackets. Owlowicious had extra-spacious sleeves with holes to admit his flight feathers. Tank had a jacket that was fitted to his carapace and plastron, with no sleeves, which would allow him to freely pull in his legs. “Oooh, they look so cute,” Twilight cooed, reaching down to stroke an appreciative Winona. Her attempt to do the same to Opal was met with a claw swipe and threatening growl. “They certainly do. I can't believe this is happening,” Fluttershy said, fixing Angel's tie for a while before he waved her off with his typical annoyed look. “Well, it must happen. For I am a proper mare, and will have you being a proper buck. Are we clear?” Rarity asked Angel, glaring daggers down at him. For her trouble she got the evil eye right back. “Well... this ain't what ah expected at all, but life's sure funny like that,” Applejack said, strolling over to Pinkie and sweeping off her hat. “Madame Pie, seems like our two critters got mixed up in somethin' delicate. Well, now here ah am on behalf of mah lil Winona ta ask if yer Gummy's gonna do the right thing.” “I think he already is,” Twilight said, preempting comment from Pinkie. As indicated, Gummy had made his way up to Winona, who was looking coy and sheepish. Though the ponies couldn't understand what was being said, they could freely speak. “Winona my darling, you know that I love you. As much as any creature has ever loved any other. From the first moment I met you I was in love. I grew only deeper in my affection and adoration with every passing day. Had I any notion that our caretakers would allow us even the veneer of matrimony I would have asked for your beautiful paw in marriage immediately. So, now that it is a possibility, in this happy time when you carry my brood within you, and our love may be known... Winona, will you do me the supreme honor of becoming my wife?” Winona had seen, in dramas and such, how the game was played, how the asked party played coy and held off to increase the import and impact of the moment. But she couldn't do it. It not only wasn't in her nature but the moment had already washed over her and made her extra excited. She was being asked to marry the alligator she loved! And his words had been so... him! Sweet and erudite and everything she loved about him. “Yes! Yes Gummy, I'll marry you! Oh Gummy this is like a dream!” She attacked her new-minted fiance with licks and affectionate nuzzles, disheveling his tuxedo and knocking away his monocle and top hat. Applejack whistled softly and shook her head at the very physical scene. “Can't say as ah speak gator 'r dog, but ah surely know a 'yes' when ah see it. That's exactly how Dash acted when ah asked.” “Hey! I asked you!” Dash cried. “Ah turned ya down, by way of family tradition. Then ah asked ya, and, well, ya went off like that...” Applejack said, indicating Gummy and Winona. “Not true! You weren't wearing a tuxedo, I didn't have a dress and I was licking-” Dash was silenced by an orange hoof firmly pressing over her mouth. “That's enough outta you, missy. It ain't our day, it's Winona's day,” Applejack said, a blush burning on her cheeks. She regretted giving the garrulous Dash an opening to talk too much about private matters. Over with Angel and Opal, things were a bit more restrained. “Come on, I've really gotta actually ask you to marry me? They can't even understand us,” Angel complained, thumping a rear foot impatiently. “I understand you perfectly well. Better than I have in a while,” Opal said with some malice. She then broke into tears and turned away. “You don't want to marry me! I knew it! You hate me! You have another queen on the side, and maybe a doe too! Oh I'll be shamed forever while you run off with your hussies!” Angel looked stricken and prepared to give Opal a comforting hug and reassuring words, when a sudden thought struck him. He gave her a deadpan look. “Really? Here? This is the best place for that?” “What could be a better time and place for histrionics?” Opal asked, her tears ending quickly, a paw coming up to wipe her face. “I'm pregnant, full of hormones and you need to be kept in line. Rarity says so.” “Since when do you listen to her? You barely tolerate her,” Angel noted. “But it is only right and proper that we do this. She's not all bad, you know. I'm sure you will grow to enjoy her presence. Secretly I do enjoy being her companion... difficult as she may be at some times. Now, as I said...” Opal said, clapping her paws together and sitting in a demure posture. “Sun and Moon take me, I've gotta do it...” Angel grumbled, before he slapped a smile on his face. “So, babe, I knocked you up pretty good. Wanna get hitched?” “Angel!” Opal hissed, threateningly unsheathing her claws at him. “Alright! Alright! Sorry, babe...” Angel took a deep breath and got some focus. “Look, babe, you know I'm bad at this. I'm no Gummy over there, with his slick words and stuff. We were just knocking around at first, thinking it was nice we got along, even if no one else thought were were that great. We've been kinky together, we've been good together and now, we're gonna be parents. That scares the pellets outta me. But only because I want to be a perfect dad. I won't be. And that really messes with my head. But... I want it. I wanna be your buck, now and always. So, Opal... Opalescence... will you... marry me?” Opal seriously considered the question, looking on Angel with a smile hidden behind the paw stroking her chin. He would have been drowning in flop sweat had he been capable of it. As it was he was as nervous as she had ever seen him. A complete wreck, all because his future happiness was riding on what she said to him. But as well, she could only be happy with him. It was true, they were a uniquely... passionate couple, and very experimental. But they were also joyous and free and in love. Real love. “Oh my Angel... of course I'll marry you.” Opal and Angel both wrapped each other up in the tightest possible hug, rubbing snouts and kissing occasionally. Angel thumped his foot in delight while Opal purred up a storm. Fluttershy and Rarity regarded the scene with matching smiles, both mares pressed together, close and comfortable. Fluttershy's foreleg get Rarity's middle a squeeze as she asked, “Don't they just look so sweet together? I'm so happy they found each other.” “Yes, darling... much as I hate to admit that that roguish little rapscallion of yours has positive traits, he does seem to know how to make my Opal happy...” Rarity replied, a blush suddenly darkening her cheeks and the bridge of her nose as the statement emerged. “Perhaps a bit too happy. But now we at least give them some veneer of respectability.” Over in the corner, away from most notice, Tank had settled down comfortably on a book, to keep his tuxedo from getting dirty. Owowicious was still perched on his back, and they were both watching the engagements. The owl spoke first, as ever. “These are beautiful sentiments. And appropriate. Their unions may be largely ceremonial but they matter greatly...” “Owlowicious?” Tank queried, interrupting his lover's ramble. “Yes, Tank?” Owlowicious responded. “I'm no good with talking. Would you marry me if they had something set for us?” Tank asked. A smile curled Owlowicious' beak. “My love, I would marry you even if only the two of us knew.” He hopped down from Tank's back and stood in front of him, so that they could softly kiss. “I wasn't sure what to do about... the ceremonies. While I thought there was a book for everything it turns out there isn't a book on weddings between non-sapient animals, and even if there were, pairings of mixed species are... unusual... to say the least,” Twilight said, looking on the scene of the snuggling couples that wanted notice. “That's perfectly fine, darling. We can simply do something extemporaneous. We have the creativity, after all,” Rarity said, trotting out to the middle of the room. “Let us have both of them step up. Even if they do not understand it will be as official as it can be, certainly it would be to us.” “Seems as good a plan as any. I guess technically we're all civil servants, what with being the bearers of the Elements. And I guess I'm sort of more official, being an abdicated princess and all,” Twilight said with a slight blush, snuggling Pinkie to her. “Perfect! You stand over here...” Pinkie dragged Twilight to a spot near Rarity, around the center of the room, “Now Rarity, you, me, Fluttershy and Applejack can stand with our pets, and Dashie, you can stop sneaking over to the cider before Applejack locks you out of the farmhouse for a night. Again,” Pinkie noted, all eyes shooting over to Dash, who was at the snack table trying to surreptitiously uncork the container of cider. “H-hey now, let's not get all crazy and do something we'll all regret. Especially me. I was totally just making sure it was still alright. I worry about quality. I sample batches all the time to make sure it's up to the high standards that you love and which make you popular,” Dash said to Applejack, slowly making her way back to the group. “And Dashie can also throw rice,” Pinkie noted, reaching into her mane and pulling out small bags full of rice. “This would be so much more interesting if I had a pet in the... hey, look at them,” Dash said, pointing to Tank and Owlowicious. Tank was walking slowly towards the gathering, Owlowicious still on his back. They settled themselves near Twilight, looking dignified. “I guess that's cool. They look pretty good there.” “With the groomsmen up, it's time for our... oh! They're already here,” Twilight said, looking down to find the other four already gathered around at her hooves. “I... am really at a loss for words.” “That's a first,” Dash noted. She got a stetson to the back of her head for the remark. “Be nice, she's yer friend,” Applejack said with a hard, restrained voice. “I know, I know... and I know it's Winona up there. Sorry,” Dash said, pulling closer to Applejack. “My friends... we are here for a most unique purpose. We are here to offer our support, admiration and approval of bonds between these creatures with whom we share our lives. Through means we need not imagine, they are now merged, preparing to bring forth truly new life. This is a beautiful thing, a rare thing, and a wonderful thing. So, insofar as we may, we offer them marriage. Marriage, it is a beautiful commitment...” Twilight said, in her usual dry and pontificating voice. A sudden yowl interrupted the speech, Opal pawing at her belly and trembling. “H-hey, babe, what's wrong? It wasn't that bad of a speech...” Angel said, patting his wife slowly on the back. “It's not that... they're coming! Right now!” Opal cried, clutching her belly again and falling over onto her side. “Ahh! They're on the move...” “Oh my dear! Opalescence! What is the matter?” Rarity stroked at Opal's head and looked quickly up to Fluttershy. “Oh dear, it looks like she's gone into labor. I forgot the vet gave us a date based on averages. This is right in there,” Fluttershy said, dropping down and slowly working Opal's dress off. “Guess that Angel gets away with this without having to marry her. Bet he's feeling lucky, aren't ya, hare?” Dash asked Angel. “Rabbit,” Fluttershy said, casually. “Whatever,” Dash groused. “It was bad enough when you kept giving me turtle/tortoise over Tank, you gonna make something out of this too?” “There's a real difference between rabbits and hares,” Fluttershy noted, having gotten Opal stripped with Rarity's help. She was probing at Opal's belly and watching her closely. “A lot of it is in the structure, but the big difference is, hare babies are born able to see and hear. Rabbit babies are born with their eyes and ears closed. They need lots and lots of love and care. Cat babies are also born like that. So... I think both Angel and Opal can take care of their babies.” “Angel, dearest! Angel! Where are you?” Opal cried, her eyes shut tight as she trembled and panted. “I'm here! I'm here babe, I'm here...” Angel grabbed Opal's head and gave her a hug, stroking softly over her ears. “Don't worry, I'm right here...” “Before... before I give birth... the wedding was so... ah...” A contraction hit and Opal's train of thought went away, forcing her to concentrate on pushing. “I... do...” “I do!” Angel screamed, slapping his feet down emphatically on the ground. “I do, I do, I do, I do, we're hitched, I'm your husband, we are! These are my kittens and nobody's gonna say pellets about it!” “So eloquent under pressure dar- Ah!” Opal's small smile vanished as she pushed again, and felt herself expelling one of her children into the world. The first of the new breed. She was not trained but she knew what to do, biting open the sac containing the small, blind, deaf kitten, and licking her. She licked the little figure clean and ate the caul, as was traditional. The other three hybrid kittens were birthed without any incident, with the help of Fluttershy and the encouragement of Angel. Though blind and deaf, they knew their mother when she purred, and were against Opal's warm middle immediately, softly sucking their first meal. The small, helpless creatures were lean, lithe little things, with the long ears and strong hind limbs of their father, with the facial features and forelegs of their mother. Their tails were short but exceptionally cottony. Fluttershy softly stroked one and motioned toward Rarity, who had fallen back onto her fainting couch. “Come here and see their babies. They're perfect.” Rarity eagerly hopped off of the couch and rushed to Opal. She caressed one of the squeaking, nursing little kittens and cooed, “Such sweet little ones... so beautiful, so perfect...” She turned her gaze on Angel, who was lovingly kissing and caressing Opal. “Angel... I think you will make a fine father. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the family.” Pinkie had snuggled up with Twilight during the birth, and had a huge smile on her face. “Opal really made it a surprise party! Now it's a birthday too.” “Does this mean we can break out the cider?” Rainbow asked across to Applejack. Applejack sighed in her long-suffering manner but had a smile on her face. “Yes, sugarcube, we can have some cider...” > Epilogue: Telos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That's it, dearest. Another push and the task will be complete,” Gummy said encouragingly, stroking Winona's head as the farm dog panted and let out little yaps. “Mama never told me it would be like this. But... mama just had puppies,” Winona whined out between strains, finally sighing as her last child was brought into the world. She quickly reached around and brought her teeth to bear against the caul. Her children had been born in sacs, with thicker lining than normal for a dog. Likely, they were meant to imitate the tough eggs of alligators. Once the child had been released she licked it clean and let it join the others. The six little hybrid children had a very interesting look. Their feet were very like dogs, as were their heads, but with elongated and slightly-flattened snouts. They had a low profile about them, and tufts of hair around their joints, in Winona's color. Their tails were shorter by proportion than an alligator's might be, and were smooth. Only the slightest hint of scale pebbling was visible on them, their skin being light green where that was the case. They all nursed softly, eyes open but ears closed. “My dearest one... my sweet, gentle pastoral maid, parenthood is upon us. Life has sprung forth from you and dear... they are magnificent,” Gummy said, in a mix of awe and happiness, rubbing his snout against Winona's muzzle. “My babies... our babies...” Winona whispered, giving Gummy a few tired licks on the snout and rolling a little more to let her new litter nurse. “We'll be good parents, won't we, Gummy?” She looked to Gummy in uncertainty. A smile spread over his long snout and he placed a comforting kiss on her nose. “Quite good, dear. Quite good indeed.” “And that, Rainbow, is why ah love farm life. The miracle of new life, right there ta be seen...” Applejack said, as she and Rainbow stood over the whelping box, with Pinkie nearby looking gushy. “Wow... that was weird...” Rainbow said, getting a bonk to the back of the head for her trouble. “Ow! I didn't say it was bad but, come on, AJ. Those are some... well, they're not the kind of puppies I'm used to is all.” “True, true, it ain't so usual. But that's life. Life's got some twists and turns. Surprises even. Jes gotta roll with 'em,” Applejack said, still looking down at Winona and Gummy, mother and father both seeming to be resting in the glow of a successful birth. “I guess. I just like doing things on purpose, like a perfect trick, or being engaged to the most awesomest mare in Equestria, besides me,” Dash said, nuzzling Applejack's neck. “Alright, alright, ya ain't been banned from the homestead, no need ta be so mushy,” Applejack laughed, waving off Rainbow's attempts at romance, with a blush crossing her cheeks. “There's always a reason... but maybe not when Pinkie's here looking down at cute baby animals,” Rainbow said, reaching over to give Pinkie a nudge. “Hey, what's going on? I thought you'd be...” “That was amazing!” Pinkie suddenly shouted, bouncing all around the whelping box and throwing confetti everywhere while she tooted on party horns and spun noisemakers. “I can't believe it! It's only been about ten days since Angel and Opal had their babies and now Winona and Gummy had them too! I love birthdays that are really close! I can make up big, coordinated parties! This is gonna be great!” “Uhhh, sure. That's great, Pinkie,” Dash said, still slightly in awe of Pinkie's outburst. Shaking her head she took a look around. “So there's Twilight? I thought you two were joined at the hip.” “That was an accident, Dashie! She was trying too much, too soon. I told her that taffy making isn't for the irresponsible new cook but she told me she could handle it. Then it happened... the magic.... so much taffy, so... much... taffy...” Pinkie stared off into the distance and stroked at her mane. “Right... anyway, where's she at?” Dash asked once more. “She's at the library!” Pinkie chirped, immediately recovered. “When we found out about this she stayed to write a letter to Princess Celestia. They'll probably send out some more Canterlot scientists to see the babies, like they did for Opal and Angel.” “Guess ah better tell Granny we'll be havin' guests over. She won't hear of no visitors comin' 'round and not having some vittles with the family. She's got an image ta maintain,” Applejack said. She reached down and stroked Winona's head. “Be a good lil momma, now. Ah've gotta go fer a bit. Dash, yer in charge 'til ah get back.” “In charge of what? It's Winona, Gummy and a few babies in a box. That's not exactly a Wonderbolt squad,” Dash said. “But ya'd better act like it was. If any of them babies is so much as whimperin' then ah'll see to it ya gotta do another formal dinner. The big formal one, where ya gotta carve a squash,” Applejack threatened, fixing Dash with a stern gaze. “Okay, okay! No need to threaten me, I can take care of this,” Dash said, settling down and staring intently into the box. “Just don't make me do that. I never know if I'm supposed to carve or let Granny Smith carve.” “That's half the point, sugarcube. So watch yer flank,” Applejack warned, as she made her way out of the barn, leaving Dash and Pinkie with the box. “Ugh, so many weird rituals,” Dash sighed, still looking into the box. “I'll bet Twilight doesn't put you through this. She's probably really normal. Which is weird to say.” “Nope! Just a lot of reading. And her parents want me to wear lederhosen or fancy dresses and a lot of Zebra accessories,” Pinkie said, reaching into the box to softly stroke Gummy, trying not to interrupt his rubbing on Winona's head and snout. Dash blinked at that revelation and huffed loudly. “Pinkie Pie... Twilight's parents are so random...” - - - Twilight was not writing a letter at that moment. When the birth had started she had dashed off the letter and had it sent immediately. She then spent a bit of time brushing up on the anatomies of dogs and alligators. She wanted to be prepared for pup-sitting duties. She had been foalsat by the best foalsitter in Equestria and the Crystal Empire. She was the natural choice to look after the new little hybrids. She was also keeping an eye on Tank, though what that really meant was watching him resting placidly while Owlowicious perched happily on his shell. She knew when he was happy, and when he was more than happy. Being around tank brought out more than a passing bit of joy to him. Twilight left her studies for a moment and care Owlowicious an affectionate rub on the head. “You really like being with Tank, don't you?” A fluff of feathers and a very high 'whoo' answered the question. “I thought so. The others don't have my perception... and I know you. You're never quite so happy as when you're perched on his carapace.” She placed a light kiss on his feathery head. “I'm glad you found someone, too. Take care of him. He's really special.” She gave Tank a stroke on the head, a smile greeting her efforts. “Who's really special?” Spike asked, coming down form the upper area of the library with Peewee in tow. “Owlowicious,” Twilight responded, returning to her books. “I was just telling Tank... well, it's not important. I need to get back to studying this for pup-sitting later on.” “Why do you think they'll let you? I mean, there's a very mature, responsible, reasonably-priced pet-sitting dragon in town. Not mentioning any names...” Spike said casually, polishing his claws on his chest. “Didn't you end up squandering your pay on increasingly desperate schemes that ended with you stowing away to the Crystal Empire in a desperate bid to keep the pets from getting lost?” Twilight asked, with a smug grin. “That happened once.. Once!” Spike said insistently, a dark blush coloring his cheeks. Peewee seemed to laugh at that and flittered his way over to Tank and Owlowicious. “Hey, hey, hey, what's happening? I heard that Winona's having her babies! Can I see the babies, let's go see the babies, Opal had hers but she's mean and Angel always ties to swat me!” Peewee said in rapid-fire chatter, winging his way around Tank and Owlowicious. “We are attempting to rest now, Peewee. There are no lessons planned for this day. You may freely engage in any silliness that you like with Spike,” Owlowicious noted, giving Peewee a little smile. He stroked a talon along Tank's carapace and hooted lightly, “Did you hear? She sees... and she approves. I never thought I could be happier. But to be known and supported... perhaps he did have something for us at that party...” “What do you mean? Who knows what? Who approved what?” Peewee asked, suddenly finding himself hugged in against Owlowicious' chest. “Calm yourself, my young charge, try to relax and just enjoy this opportunity to rest. We will be busy enough, with a flurry of caretaker duties in the future. You are no longer the youngest of our group, now you will need to learn responsibility,” Owlowicious said to the squirming phoenix. “Alright! Alright! I'll learn! Just let me go! You know I hate being still!” Peewee whinged, struggling until he popped out of the grip and fluttered over to perch on top of Spike's crest. “He is a young bird. But he has a long life to figure out what is best and most proper in life. He will find bliss in these simple moments of relaxing calm with the one he loves. Sooner or later,” Owlowicious said softly, stroking a talon over Tank's carapace again. “Hopefully sooner. He's too charged up,” Tank said blandly. “That he is. But I applaud his exuberance, if nothing else. He must, after all, be a match to our resident would-be Lothario and keep him on a proper path besides. I do not envy him his duty,” Owlowicious hooted, ruffling his feathers and then settling down to a light doze, his drooping wings stroking gently over Tank's back. - - - “I know I said I hated my dads. But maybe they were onto something. Kittens are hard work,” Angel noted, hopping off of his cushy pillow to lift one of his children and deposit them back against Opal's side. “Four are hard work, I can't even imagine more.” “Then do not imagine more, you certainly won't be having more with me anytime soon,” Opal said, regarding Angel with a mirthful expression. “You bring this on yourself, you know. This is either supremely endearing or just a bit obsessive. I have not decided which.” “What? I said I was going to be a totally involved dad and I'm gonna be that. No question,” Angel said, stamping a foot down firmly and setting the little kittens to mewling. He rushed over to them desperately, stroking their ears and patting their backs softly, working on getting them calm. “There are involved fathers, and then there are the crazy ones who worry if they still see milk in a teat,” Opal said with a roll of her eyes and a smile. “If there's still milk it means one of them is going hungry, and none of my kittens are going to go hungry as long as I'm around,” Angel said resolutely, almost stamping a foot again but managing to hold himself back. “Such a good father you are, indeed. But if the kittens wish to wander, let them wander, let them explore, get bumped, mewl for a bit, and generally be kittens. I know you want to, but you cannot protect them from everything. Be there to soothe their hurts and deflect the dangers you do find, when appropriate. That is how one may be a proper father, and a proper mother,” Opal said, inviting Angel into a hug. Angel accepted the hug with a sigh of releasing tension and a slow nod. “You're right. How did you get to be such a big expert on parenting all of a sudden? Has that egghead Owlowicious been lending you books?” “Not at all, though it could hardly hurt. I simply thought on what my mother and father did... and advised the opposite,” Opal said, burying her face in Angel's neck. “That'll work, babe. That'll work...” Angel said, repeating the gesture. “Now, don't we make the most lovely family, darling?” Rarity asked, cuddling up warmly against Fluttershy. The two mares were sitting placidly beside one another in the sewing room of Carousel Boutique, watching Angel, Opal and the kittens. “Oh yes. The two of us, and our pets, who have little ones all their own,” Fluttershy sighed, soft eyes drifting across the prosaic scene. “And look at Angel and Opal... I've never seen them so calm. They really must be in love.” “Yes. While I never expected it out of that tempestuous bunny of yours I must say, he has proven himself quite the gentlehare...” Rarity began. “Rabbit,” Fluttershy corrected. “Of course, rabbit. My apologies. Gentlerabbit. He is such a thing. Kind, attentive, responsive. The perfect father. He reminds me of my own, in his overprotective manner and great, real love for his family,” Rarity said, lightly rubbing her head against the side of Fluttershy's own. “And mine,” Fluttershy concurred. “His work kept him so busy, but he spent every minute he could with me, just to try and make me feel less afraid. I always appreciated that.” “Good fathers are seldom good fathers by chance,” Rarity said, watching Angel relax against Opal, “They have some drive, some impetus. Skill or honor or something of that nature. They want to be good fathers.” “It looks like Angel bunny wanted to be a good father,” Fluttershy noted, laughing softly at a thought, “But I don't think he ever thought he'd be one.” “No, I suspect not. I suspect he thought he could have unlimited, no-consequence relations with my Opal,” Rarity said, with a rising anger that faded as she took a deep breath. “They made each other happy and that was good. But by circumstance, he became one. He became a father by accident. But a good father... he did that on purpose.”