> Luna Reborn > by VedaQuila > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > At First Memory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was tired this morning. The stars had been a bit much, but it had to be done on a clear night. Celestia had tried to tell her this would happen, but Luna was stubborn for that. Luna came into the room with her sister and her court waiting for her arrival to begin. "This session may begin." Celestia announced to the room before everyone was seated. "Luna, you are late!" Celestia whispered furiously. "I'm tired." Luna snapped, "so lets get on with this." Luna sat there half listening to the conversation, half sleeping. She dreamed of a world free of politics and moon raising every night. A world were she was as free as her moon. "The meeting has ended. You may leave." Luna rose, only to have Celestia's hoof placed on her shoulder. "Luna." She sat. Celestia stood in front of her. "You are but a foal, and not powerful enough to rule by my side, but in just a few years you will be the princess of darkness. I need to begin your extensive training soon." Luna was shocked. She knew she would be ruler next to her sister, but so soon? "Celestia-" "No." Luna sighed. "I need to go to sleep." Luna rose, bowed, and left the room. "I love you Luna." Luna didn't turn, but shouted back, "I love you too." Luna was almost back at her apartment when a brown pony suddenly stood in front of her. She tried to step around him, but he wouldn't move. "Who are you?" She asked. Only certain ponies could get to her quarters. "The Doctor." Luna huffed. "Yeah, and I'm a frog." She smiled at him, a fake smile, before brushing past him. She caught traces of memories off him. Her talent wasn't perfected, but she could feel strong emotions. She gasped. His memories were so heart wrenching that she collapsed in a heap on the floor. "You." He looked down at her, shocked. "Doctor Who?" She passed out. He quickly picked her up and rushed her to her room. He reached into her memories and found his. They were some of his worst. Gallifrey's sky burning an endless red, the destruction of many different worlds, species, and companions. "Dear Celestia..." He wiped as much of those memories as he could without hurting her. "Sleep now dear..." But in order to wipe her memories of him, he would end up with hers. He turned to the the blue pony box in the corner. "The Time Lord stands alone." She whispered in her sleep. His breath caught, and he ran into the TARDIS. "No!" He said leaning against the door and falling to the floor. "No." It was the beginning of Luna's third year of extensive training today, three out of five. She went to her balcony and flew out into the almost-dawn. She used her power to allow the moon to sink out of sight, taking the stars with it. She landed on her balcony again. "Good morning sister." Celestia said. "Are you ready?" Luna nodded, and she and Celestia flew out to the hills. When the days training was over, Luna wondered the corridors in search of something to do today. All she found was a sowing set, which she took back to her room. She started knitting sub-consciously while she thought about last nights dream. The same companion, a blonde, got sucked through the wall, you could hear her crying on the other side. "Luna. I'm here." That same voice. If only she could place the face. And why did it call her name? She looked down to see her work. A blue pony box. Using her magic, she examined it. A perfect replica. But what was a pony box? "Luna!" Celestia called, while luna rushed to hide her box. "In here sister!" She called back, and stuffed the box under her bedside table. "Come, dear sister. It is time for us to pick our dresses for the party tonight." Luna followed her sister to the royal dress room, with many dresses on manikins. Her's were purple, or dark blue, while her sister's were pale yellow or like a sunflower and as gold as her crown. They were bright and were perfect for Celestia, and Luna's showed the moon, dark and beautiful. They chose their dresses and headed to their rooms to change. Luna quickly dressed before grabbing her box and holding it close, and she caught memories off it. Off the real it. "No! No." The brown pony walked to the middle of the huge room. The pony box was huge on the inside! "Did I do enough? What if she remembers? Aahhhh!" He said, angry, and kicked something. She got feelings of intense pain from the box. It was alive! "Sorry." He said, rubbing the box till the pain was gone. "Never mind. I'll just do something else with my endless life." She gasped, coming out of the memory. Endless? Another memory began. "Well, that party crasher has another thing coming!" The brown pony shouted before pulling leavers and pushing buttons. "Allons-y!" He shouted, before a comforting whirring noise drifted her out of the memory. "Luna! Time to go!" Luna put the box in a draw, locked it, and ran out to her sister in the carriage. She jumped in, re-arranged her small tiara and sat down. "Sister." Luna said, giving her hoof. Celestia put her own hoof on top of it. They smiled, drooped their hooves, and the carriage was off. At the party, they waited at the front door, greeting every guest, before entering the party. This wasn't Luna's first, but she didn't know everyone. It was getting close to dusk, so Luna headed for the platform, so everyone at the winter solecist party could see her. She stopped just before she was visible, and let Celestia lower the sun. Then she stepped forward and stood on hind legs in front of the crowd, head tilted back, horn glowing. The moon rose and everyone clapped and cheered at Luna's first solecist party. She heard cheering outside too, as she dropped back to all fours, and flew over the balcony to the ground. All in a night's work. Lots more ponies talked to her after that show. She was getting claustrophobic with all these ponies talking to her, so she walked outside when no pony was looking. Just as she went outside, Celestia put her hoof on Luna's shoulder. "We shall depart soon sister, for you to get your rest." Luna turned to look at her sister, nodded, and Celestia left. Luna began wondering the gardens, her guards just out of sight. She stopped and lay down on a grassy patch, in the middle of very tall flowers. Only if you came into the small area, would you see her. Just as her eyes began growing heavy, the whirring noise began again, getting slightly louder as a pony box appeared. Luna jumped back, suddenly filed with anger at the noise and who she suddenly realised it could be. Horn pointed at the door she charged knocking the brown pony to the ground, and causing the door to close silently. Luna put her horn to the pony's throat, her hooves on either side of his body. "What!?" He exclaimed. "WHAT?" A smile touched Luna's lips for a second. "WHAT!?" Then he tried to push her off, and those dreams hit her, except as memories. She fell to the ground next to him, eyes closed tight, the pain of the memories too much, making her curl into a ball to protect herself from the monster before her. "The Time Lord stands alone." She whispered. She heard his breathing quicken, and he fell to his knees. "I remember you, Doctor." Luna said, just before a powerful head ache made her gasp for breath. "The memories. They're too much for you." Luna shook her head, causing more pain inside her skull. "I will win this internal battle, Doctor. You alone cannot fix everything." He helped her up, letting her lean on him, withholding his memories. "Outside. Now." She said between gulps of air. He opened the door and took her outside, and laid her on the grass. She kept her eyes closed. "Leave, let me call my guards." Luna whispered. He shook his head. "I will not leave your side till your ordeal is done." She sighed inwardly. "Then they shall arrest you." Luna hissed quietly. "Last chance Doctor." He sighed and stood. "I will see you soon, my dear." He walked to his TARDIS before stopping at the door. He didn't turn, but he said in a whisper as he opened his door to step in, "I stand alone, I walk with you." And he, and his box disappeared. "Guards!" Luna said in her most commanding voice, standing on shaky legs, before looking tall and proud as her guards appeared. "Tell my sister I am ready to depart." They nodded before teleporting to her sister. Luna walked to the edge of the flowers, teleported to the other side with the last of her strength and started walking back to the party. Celestia appeared next to her as the building came into view. "Sister. Take me home." Luna said, before falling into her sisters hooves. She was still awake, but all she could see was the Doctor's life. Endless life. "Luna?!" Celestia cried. Luna had just been walking, strong and proud, until she noticed Celestia's presence, and she passed out in her hooves. Now their guards came, and they tried to take Luna to the carriage, but Celestia put her on her back instead. When in the carriage, she put Luna's head in her lap. That's when her eyes began glowing behind their lids. "Luna!" She called, terriably afraid. "Faster!" She called to the stallions, and their journey was quickened. Then Luna's whole head began glowing. "The battle is won." She said in a voice that wasn't hers. "Doctor." Celestia growled. Luna's whole body was glowing now, and Celestia let go of her, and in a flash of white light, she was Luna again. > Our Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Luna!" Celestia called, before entering her room. "Sister, you look beautiful!" Luna was wearing a long, purple gown covered in diamonds that represented stars, and at the tail, the dawn. Celestia wore a golden gown that had blue feather print that represented the birds, and at the tail dusk. "Are you ready?" Luna put on her childhood crown for the last time, before following her sister to the alcove behind the throne room. All that separated them was a curtain. Celestia went out to greet the people and then begin the ceremony before Luna was to join her. She was nervous. Would he get her message? That was when she heard hoof steps behind her, and she turned to see the Doctor. She tackled him in a hug. "I've missed you." She whispered into his mane. "But I've been gone all of two minutes." She laughed. "You mean all of two years?" She said letting go of him. He gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry." He smiled as he took in her appearance. "An important event?" He asked curious. "You should brush up on your pony history." He snorted. "Pony history! Hahaha!" She sighed. "Take a guess then." He stopped laughing, and looked deep in thought. "You're getting married?" It was Luna's turn to laugh, "No, silly! It's my coronation!" He gaped. "Coro-coronation?" She nodded. "Silly doctor. I am the Princess Luna, Princess of Darkness, ruler of the moon, next to my sister ruler of the sun." Luna said. He staggered. "For one so wise, you know so little." She said, cocking her head to one side. He tried to smile. "I-I-it was so obvious." Luna nodded. "And now you can never return." She said, seeing it in his eyes. His head fell. Tears came to Luna's eyes. "Stay for the party. Please." He lifted his head, tears showing, and nodded. She walked forward and pulled him into a hug. His memories didn't effect her any more, but it didn't make them any less horrific. "Luna I'm-" He tried to say before she cut him off. "No, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. I don't need to know." She felt his tears on her shoulder. "Ok." He sniffed. Luna let go and turned to the sound of hoof steps. "Go now." She said, and he walked away behind her. "Princess Celestia is awaiting Princess Luna." Luna nodded, all evidence of tears gone. She went through the curtain out into the throne room, where hundreds of her ponies stamped as she entered. "Luna." Her sister greeted her. Luna stood beside her sister, promising and vowing off by heart, and out of the corner of her eye, searching for the doctor. "I pronounce you my sister, and Princess of the Darkness!" The ponies around her cheered and stomped their feet, and she beamed at them as she spotted the doctor at the back of the room. Her sister lead her to the balcony, where her childhood crown was removed, and her official crown placed on her head. A faint blue glow outlined her body and hair, as the crown's magic began working. It turned her a few shades darker, and gave her a more adult looking body, and made her hair like a night sky, many constellations glowing brightly. "You are beautiful." Her sister whispered. The crowd went wild. "To everypony, I make my commitment, to serve you, through times of hardship, and through wars* and famine. I make my commitment to you, which is a promise I shall keep till my final breath! And I shall trust you all completely, unless a reason is given not to. Your needs are mine. I swear on Celestia, that I will protect you till my final day, and shall never betray you. I am your servant, forever and always." The crowd cheered as she walked to the party, greeting ponies here and there. She smiled till her jaw hurt, but she could not stop. And as she arrived at the party, her smile widened as she saw the Doctor. But Celestia's fell. The Doctor averted his gaze, and left the room, followed closely by Celestia and a cautious Luna. When out of ear shot, Celestia turned on him. "Why are you here!? I thought I told you, not to return unless the time was right!?" Luna hid behind her sister, knowing the day this punishment was given like the back of her hoof. "Celestia, I can explain." The doctor said, calm. "You better." He sighed, sitting in the Princess's presence. "He doesn't need to." Luna whispered, but they both heard. "Sister, he is my friend, and I invited him here. Does he need a better excuse?" Celestia growled. "After all the things he has done to you, he is still your friend? He has given reason to not be trusted, and so was told to leave Equstria to go to-" "Wherever the time took him." Luna ended. Celestia was shocked. "How-how?" "It was an accident, that day, many years ago. I was a foal, I met him in the corridors, and asked him how he had found me. When his answer was inadequate, I pushed past him, finding horrific memories, that he took most of back." "Then I met him again, two years ago. You remember the rest, sister. I know him more, than he knows himself." Celestia was sad. "You may stay for the party, but Luna shall never see you again. Do I make myself clear?" They nodded, and she walked away. Luna hugged him again. "I shall miss you sorely, my Doctor." He nodded. "And I shall miss you too, my moon. But I will always watch the stars." She pulled away, and kissed his nose. He turned red. She laughed. "You look like a tomato!" They laughed together, for the last time, Luna thought. "Come, dance with me." She grabbed his hoof, but he stopped. "I, um, can't dance." Luna sighed. "I'll show you! Now, come along!" She pulled him to the dance floor, and showed him how to dance. "There, now you have it." The Doctor smiled. As the song ended, Luna was snatched up by most of her subjects. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Doctor pull Celestia to the side. She made her way over, listening in. "... Celestia, she is trying to get back, or at least will be soon. She will go straight for her, once you are gone. And you don't have a choice either. This must happen. Don't trust her after it. I know how it will tear you apart, but you can't. For both of your safeties." Celestia was close to tears. "What is going on?" Luna asked. The Doctor sighed as Celesia turned away. "Luna, I'm so sorry. I can't tell you." Luna growled at the stubborn pony. "I am your Princess and you will tell me what upset my sister!" The Doctor just shook his head. "I cannot and that is final!" He stormed off leaving Luna to her thoughts. Shortly after Celestia told her they would be leaving soon, so Luna raced off to find the Doctor. She spotted him, head hung, tail down, heading for the exit. "Stop." She said. He turned his head to look at her, not raising it. "Doctor." She pulled him into a hug. He tried to wriggle away, but she held him tight. He stopped struggling, and returned her hug. "Goodbye." She backed away, bowed, and left, her sister behind her, head high. "I love you." She whispered under her breath. > Two Lives Meet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I love you Princess Luna." He said under his breath once the sisters were gone. He turned and ran from the party, through the streets of Ponyville*. Reminders of her were everywhere, even the moon. He ran till he was surrounded by trees. He collapsed in a heap on the ground, shaking and breathing heavy. "What's wrong?" He looked up to see a grey pegasus, with a blonde mane staring down at him. "Doctor?" She said. "No!" He jumped up and fled into a deeper part of the forest. He would not replace Luna. Never. "Doctor!" She said following him. "Never. Never, never, never!" "Please! Just stop!" He tripped over a root and fell on his face. Tears spilled down his cheeks. "Luna..." "Please Doctor. Just listen." He looked up at her, and she lay next to him. "Who are you, my companion?" He asked. She shook her head. "Assistant. Do you really not know who I am?" She said, tears in her strange eyes. "Not here." He sighed, realising what must of happened. She cocked her head. "Not here?" He shook his head. "I am a different version of your doctor, I guess." She gasped. "So why are you crying?" He put his head down, preparing himself to tell her the story. "You know the mare in the moon, I believe." She nodded. "The coronation." He sighed. "I a- was, Luna's friend. She knew everything about me. Now I must leave, because of her sister" "But Luna is the mare in the moon!" He shook his head. "I couldnt tell her because it would muck up the time lines and I don't want to accept it because I-I I love her." "Y-you what!?" He faked a smile. "I am different from him, but I do know he would follow his companions to the ends of Equstria." "Derpy?" The doctor gave a small smile. "Goodbye assistant. And look after me." She nodded and ran off. "Doctor?" "Ah, Derpy. Where were you?" "Ummm, talking to a doctor from a different universe." "What!?" "He was crying." "Oh, Derpy. We all cry sometimes. Did he say why?" "Why don't you ask him?" "No." "Why not?" "It is impossible, Derpy, for each one of us to see the other. It might cause a rift in the space time continume or even a paradox!" "What's a pair of boxes got to do with it?" "What? I said- oh never mind. Come along Derpy." And they set off for the TARDIS. Luna and her sister ruled well for 100 years to come, and they never saw the doctor again, for which Luna was grateful. She couldn't cope with seeing him again if she couldn't have him. They never left each others side, and Equestria was peaceful. Then the changelings came, and Celestia had to go and fight them, leaving Luna to defend the city. "Sister!" Luna had cried, hugging her sister, remembering the doctor's every word, now understanding what he meant. "I love you, I love you..." "Sister, I shall see you again. Do not believe the Doctor." But she sounded unsure. Now the silent assassin crept through the hallways, knocking guards unconscious. "I love you, I love you!" Luna wrote letters to her sister. She wrote them to the Doctor too, missing him almost more than her sister. Tears fell down her face, as the monster entered her room. She raced for the balcony, and flew into the air. But it followed. She came crashing down on its back, and smacked it across the face. It hit the ground, before bouncing back up, and using its deadly hooves, cut her face and shoulders. She kicked it and tried to fly away, but the pegasus caught her. She screamed so loudly, that Celestia in the dry lands could hear her. But it was too late. Now she was being dragged by the tail down corridor after corridor, till they reached the throne room. A black version of herself growled at her as she entered the room. "Nightmare Moon, and you are?" The dark one shot as the pegasus brought her in. "Luna." Luna said trying to fake confidence. "Couldn't I come up with something better?" Nightmare laughed. "I had a while to choose, but I thought this one fit best. But you won't have to wait long to find out why..." "Ok, but I don't really want to know so I'll just go now..." Luna dashed for the balcony, but the pegasus caught her. "Celestia will be here soon, so we should get started." Nightmare lowered her now glowing horn and began a steady walk towards Luna. "No!" She screamed, as nightmares began trickling into her brain. They were worse than the Doctor's memories, but only because he died in them. And Celestia, and the ponies of Equestria. "NO!" Nightmare cackled, as Luna struggled to fight back. And then she assaulted the nightmare with the same memories. They both screamed, one evil, one tortured. "Celestia! Dear sister Celestia!" And with that Luna fell unconscious. Nightmare fell to the ground, no strength left. Luna had found her weakness. Now she must return. And as she thought that, the moon appeared below her hooves. A single sigh of defeat was the last trace of nightmare moons first return to Equstria. Luna woke to find the Doctor looking into her eyes. He had been crying again. She pulled him into a hug, taking him by surprise. "Luna! I thought you were dead, if I didn't know better, I would say I was dreaming!" He hugged her back. "Doctor, did you find my letters?" She felt his head shake. "I didn't look. I think Celestia might be wondering around though." She breathed out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Why? Was there something important about them?" She sighed. Should she tell him, should she not?