> "To Tartarus And Back" > by KillerSteel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Heaven And Hell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A stakeout. What a perfect night for a stakeout, at that. The streets of Ponyville were barren and filled with shadow, the pale moon hanging high in the sky, blanketing the numerous alleys and streets in black. What a perfect night for sneaking about... Alright. Got my binoculars, some water and food... all good. This mystery is all mine. The stallion thought to himself, his grin shining in the dark of the alleyway. This stakeout, done on the perfect night at the perfect time, had been planned for quite a while. What inspired such furious planning? What would force a stallion, especially one with such a worrisome immune system, out into the cold, sparkling night like a common criminal? Nothing more than a story. A rather scary story, but a story none-the-less. One about the surprisingly low stallion population of Ponyville, one that had been spun into much more a foals' tale, rather than a rumor or any kind of factual story. One that the stallion, Thunderlane, had repeated in his head over and over, ever since he heard it from the few patrons of the local bar. Shadowy intrigue, mystery in the moonlight, something that could only come from a novel. It was exciting to say the least, living the life of some espionage expert, waiting in a dark alley for the 'exchange' to happen. There wouldn't be an exchange, but the scene played out in his head all the same. Two trenchcoated figures, one carrying a briefcase, the other a bag. They would simply nod to each other, trade their items, and leave, likely to never see each other again... but it was always the weight of the scene. What if something went wrong and a fight broke out? One would never return to their boss, or their home, family. He'd simply be left, bleeding, in the same darkness that made their business so safe and strong. But tonight wasn't a night for fiction played out in the mind. It was a time for fact, fact that Thunderlane planned to prove. Right. The story played out like any other, two weeks ago... I remember it like it was yesterday. "Wait, excuse me?" The Swaying Stallion, aptly named for its usually exiting patrons and how they swayed and fell over on their way home. A well-run bar with the highest business standards, and profits, in the entire village. Something that even Sweet Apple Acres had to contend with with their cider. Still, they tended to be friendly rivals, not walking over each other's hooves. At the counter sat the deep grey pegasus, his blue mane a rather shambled mess over his head, rather than the usual mohawk he was so proud of. That day just wasn't his day: another bout of intestinal trouble, and his work had taken two hours longer than usual. That rainbow-maned hothead would never let him live it down. Still, he found escape in the tales and rumors shared by the barfolk, a practice he wanted to take part in so much. Still, what kind of stories would he know? He was never much of a creative stallion. The red stallion beside him, however? Behind that quiet demeanor and very select choice of words, lay a mind so deep and creative, it would set most authors reeling. "Eeyup, y'all heard me right," Mac's deep voice grumbled, leaning over a bottle of hard cider. Thunderlane held his own, a cheap brand of whiskey that went down rough and burned something fierce. Still, it was better than thinking about that afternoon. "There's this big mystery aroun' the stallion numbers here in Ponyville." "A mystery? As if," Thunderlane rolled his eyes, swirling the chilled alcohol in his shot glass. Two ice cubes stared back at him, mere children compared to their original size when he'd first been served. "They probably just packed their bags and took off. I know I would've the first week I was here." "Yeah. If it weren't for that mare, uh... Cloudchaser, Ah think?" Mac raised his eyebrow, holding the bottle between his hooves. The tiniest hint of a blush was present on his cheeks; even the mighty Red Bull himself couldn't escape the telltale signs of being smashed. "Gave me a home for the first while, but we aren't here to talk about her. She's a friend. So, what's this about the big 'mystery' thing?" He added a few wild gestures with his hooves on 'mystery', scoffing. "I need a good laugh." "Alright, but don't tell me this ain't interestin'. Anyway, the story goes that a long time ago, Ponyville was actually pretty populated, back 'round my Granny's time. A fifty fifty divide." Mac took a sip of his cider, "Which is a whole lot better numbers than how they are now. Ah figure it's around eighty twenty, now. Probably even worse." Thunderlane merely grinned at the idea, "Hey, just means less competition, big guy." "Suppose." Mac let himself have a chuckle as Thunderlane downed his shot, a sick grimace shooting across his face. "Y'all oughta let me get you some proper whiskey. Your money's strapped as is." "Nah, it's fine. Reminds me about how I need a better job... keeps the fuel running. Anyway, continue." Thunderlane made a rolling gesture with his hoof as he refilled his glass. "Right. So, way back when, the numbers were pretty even. 'Bout, uh... hundred years ago, maybe? But somethin' came up." Mac lowered his voice, probably hoping to make the story scarier. "Stallions started t' disappear. Plucked right outta their beds, not a single disturbed sheet... like a ghost sent off by th' Reaper 'imself." A single raised eyebrow from Thunderlane noted his disinterest, but Mac pressed on. "Ponies tried to investigate, find the thing that was doin' this, but it carried right on. Settled into a pattern, actually. Every three months, a stallion'd disappear, an' every four months, a mare'd vanish. Right scary, Ah know, but the prospect of findin' this monster - along with the bounty, which back then was pretty worth the fear - just kept bringin' in more ponies." "So, ponies came into the town, not only for your family's Zap Apple Jam... but also to find this 'monster'?" Thunderlane leaned on his forelegs, staring at the stallion beside him. How much nonsense could this guy spew? "Y'all couldn't be more right, but Ah understand why they would. Who wouldn't wanna be the big hero of a village, right?" Mac smirked, taking another slug of his bottle. Yeah, think of all the widows... Thunderlane grinned at the absurd idea. Sure, it was bad, but it still brought a smile to his face. Pretty sure some of the stallions hunting this monster had that exact same idea. "Anyway. About three years in, ponies were startin' t' be sacrificed." "Sacrificed? Like one of those old legends about Zebrica?" "One n' the same, only this weren't involving any knives. The townsfolk would jus' put out convicted criminals - back then, it was still pretty lawless in this town, changed once we got some police down from the Royal Guard about forty years back - to pasture, tying 'em up outside the jailhouse. Sure enough, they'd vanish, just like the others. Every time the cycle came about, another criminal would disappear. Whether it was because that was easier prey, or the monster had some sick sense o' justice, nopony knows." "Maybe it was some crazy vigilante, like one of those cultists back during the Age of Chaos." Thunderlane chuckled, shaking his head. "Maybe. Anyways, about twenty years passed, and the disappearances jus' stopped. Dead cold. Nopony could figure out why, obviously, but the monster was just gone. Eventually, the bounty was brought down, but the ponies livin' there never forgot. The sheriff still put ponies out and tied 'em up, but they wouldn't disappear. Still, it helped crime stay down through rumor. 'What if that thing came back?' They'd always ask." Mac smiled, staring down into the golden liquid before him. Even in the dull lighting, it shined like something valuable... "That's a crazy story, Mac. But don't tell me you think that creature's come back?" "Ah won't speculate, but the disappearances have started up again. About ten years back, a mare suddenly vanished. Most of her friends said she was headin' out on a trip or moving away, and her house was completely empty. But, they all started worrying a week later, since they heard nothing from her." Thunderlane felt a chill run down his spine; either Mac was a really, really good weaver of stories, or this whole thing could actually be true. "Did they, uh... find anything?" "Not even a single hair. Then, a year after that... the pattern started up again. Always with ponies moving away, and the focus was put on mares." Mac shook his head, "Nothing but a ghost story if y'all askin' me." "Nine years, huh?" Thunderlane turned back to his drink, staring at the two pools of water in the whiskey that used to be ice cubes. He swirled it around, watching them swirl and vanish in the milky liquid, then downed it. Maybe it was some sense of entitlement, duty, or simply being drunk and stupid, but he turned to his friend and asked the question that he hadn't expected. "When's the next cycle for a stallion?" Mac stared back at him, rather shocked by the question. It took him a bit to find his words, but eventually he unearthed them from the confines of his stalled brain, "Uh, two weeks from now. Lane, you aren't thinkin'?" "It's just a ghost story, right? I wanna see if it's true. Call me crazy, but this sounds like an adventure I can't miss out on. Besides, with my stomach problems, I miss out on everything else in town." Thunderlane smirked, planting a set of bits down on the counter to pay for the empty bottle in front of him. "Besides, I've been wondering about it, too... and if it's true, I don't want either of us going down to that monster." "But why you, boy? It'd be better if a tougher stallion went, like me or Turner." Mac's peaceful expression turned to one of worry and agitation, staring at the pegasus beside him. "Because, if this monster has been taking away stallions and mares... where do you think that strength of yours is gonna get you? Ponyville was primarily earth pony territory back then, after all." Mac squinted his eyes in thought, simply turning back to his drink after a moment's delegation. "You're right... Ah don't wanna think it's true, but things fit together too well. Don't turn this into a suicide mission and try and bring that thing down on your own. If it comes for you, find help. Strength in numbers and everything." Thunderlane nodded, already setting out plans for that fated night. "I'll come straight to you and your sister. Your strength wouldn't help in a surprise fight, but if you see it coming, it's dead meat." "You bet. Ah'll see you later then?" "Usual time tomorrow, sure. See ya 'round, Bull." "Later, Ice." The two bumped hooves and the pegasus left, the gears in his head spinning. That fated night came faster than he'd hoped, and his excitement had no time to quell since he heard that story. Now, here he was, sitting in an alleyway. Waiting for that creature to come terrorize the town again. His eyes moved across the streets, combed the skies, even peered into a cloud or two through his binoculars. Makes me wish I was trained as a Royal Guardspony, they teach this scouting stuff! Ugh... At least he had some experience; he had to in order to watch for his boss while working. That mare had a tendency to watch him. The seconds rolled by into minutes as he continued his hunt. The minutes piled up as his eyes quested for any kind of shadow or suspicious thing. The time ground away against the cobblestone street as he began to grow bored. This really is a ghost story, isn't it? Some silly foals' tale... by Luna, I have no idea why I believed Big Macintosh in the first place. Thunderlane simply dropped his head and let the binoculars hang from his neck, groaning. He was cold, his legs were sore, his neck even more so, and worst of all, his rump was numb from sitting so long! I'm the only stallion out here! I should've been found by something if it existed! He rose to his hooves and stretched, sighing as his muscles happily moved to his command. Well, whatever. Story's false, those ponies just moved away and forgot to send letters back. The pattern is a little... creepy, but it's probably just coincidence. Time to go home! He spread his wings, and with a flap, took off to the skies and headed home. Staying up this late usually wreaked havoc on his system in the morning, and he had to get up early for the Rainbow Devil's morning shift. Couple that with taking Rumble to school and getting his own hunger under control, a harsh morning was his reward for this stupid stakeout. "Oh well. At least I can tell Mac it's nonsense tomorrow night." Thunderlane simply shrugged, gliding over the houses. The town at night looked wonderful under the light of the moon, though it was nothing like crossing the skyline of Manehatten. It wasn't that blazing yellow city-that-never-sleeps, but the town certainly had its charm... like he could feel everypony peacefully sleeping, Luna watching over them from the stars as they all dreamed their pleasant dreams. It was certainly a lot quieter than the city, at least. A yawn crawled out of his mouth as he swept over the town, picking out his house. Edge of town, but it wasn't that bad; he could use the flight time, and it let him plan out cloud control better. Gliding down towards it, he let the cool wind carry away the last of that silly story he'd heard so long ago, and started planning for the morning. Right, so. Rumble's gotta go to school, and I usually fly him there. That'll take two minutes, five or six tops if I slack. Then I've gotta get my medication and breakfast... then it's work for eight hours, hang out with Cloudchaser at home, then go pick up my brother. After that, it's an hour or two of relaxing and helping him with homework, then I go meet up with Mac at the bar. Solid day plan. He nodded as he set down in front of his meager house. It was a two-floor affair with the same styling as every other house in the town, but held a nice coat of light blue paint that made it stand out. He personally didn't like the coloring much, but Rumble adored it. And who could argue with a colt that could drop a pony at fifty paces with a single pout? He crept into his house and softly walked up to the bedroom, using his wings to dodge the notoriously squeaky steps, passing by his little brother's room on the way. Alright... gonna wake up tomorrow and take on the day as I usually do: slowly and on the verge of throwing up. With a flick of his wing, he slipped under the covers and got comfortable, quickly drifting away to slumber. His dreams awaited him, and the morning sun beyond those... I have to do this again, don't I? She sighed internally as she crept through the shadows. He did fly this way, just have to keep... ah, there it is. I think. Her mouth quirked upward at the thought as she peered at the light blue house, its color scheme clashing with its neighbors. The stallion's house certainly stood out, but whether it was an artistic statement, or a simple eyesore evaded the mare's comprehension. Maybe it's both? A simple shrug rose off her body as she quickly crossed the street, hoofsteps as silent as a master thief. She'd practiced this many times, and as her wings spread and quietly carried her up the side of the house, she executed the same routine as every other time. Her light blue eyes looked in through the window, seeing the mohawk of the stallion who'd come out to 'visit' her, and she allowed herself a small smile. "Time to work, then..." She giggled, and placed a hoof on the window sill. Her wings snapped closed and she hung from it, pulling herself up and opening the window with her dexterous wings; a skill many pegasi wish they had. She slid in through the window, the moon just barely lighting her buttercup coat as she moved to the bed's side. Her eyes moved over the silhouette against the blankets, appraising his figure and delving into her memories, what she knew of the pegasus before her. Nice stallion... has a little brother. Rumble's gonna miss him, I know it... but I need this. I waited so long for a good meal, and feeding off those bugs just didn't do the job. Her eyes fell into a soft glare, staring at the back of her target's head. Her hoof rose up to the bed, softly moving over the covers. Should create a believable story for him going away... hmm. How did I do it before? A quiet 'hm' escaped her as she looked around the room. First thing she needed was parchment and something to write with, and though it was readily accessible back home or at Twilight's, it seemed rather barren in the bedroom. A simple dresser, a mirror on the wall over a desk, a door, possibly leading to a suite, and then the door leading back out into the hall. Simple. Homely. Rather useless. Well, that's annoying. Maybe I can find something else, though? Just have to be careful, that's all. She nodded to herself and moved around the room, taking steps as softly as she could. Oh, I wish I brought my furred boots... those would've let me sprint around this place all I wanted. The mere thought just made her want to scream, but she opted for simply puffing out her cheeks in frustration, turning to the door. She walked over and placed a hoof on the doorknob, giving it a turn and pulling it open, though slowly enough to not create a squeak. Admittedly, it took a rather long time to open, but the risk of waking somepony up and having to run away was far too great. I'd have to go back into hiding, or even leave again... I can't bear that, no. I'll take all the time I need to, because after that letter's written and I have him in my grasp, I can move at my leisure. A groan from behind her caught her breath, and completely stalled her thoughts. The gap was wide enough to move through, and she took the chance of catching the door on a wing to zip through it into the hall. Her speed would have made even Spitfire's jaw drop as she hid behind the corner, starting to hyperventilate as she looked back at the room. "Oh... dear Celestia... my stomach!" The groans evolved into competent words, and the bed squeaked as Thunderlane rolled out of it. "Oh no," she whispered, looking around for somewhere to hide. Her pink fetlocks hung down in front of her eyes, turning her vision into something akin to a prison cell. The hoofsteps echoed quick and loud as the stallion ran for the door, and she opted for the one hiding place she could think of. The door flew open as she moved, and Thunderlane ran right past. Don't let go don't let go don't let go... just stay on the ceiling, hang onto the walls, and if your tail drops at all, consider cutting it off once you get home. Her eyes followed the blue tail of the stallion as he ran into the bathroom. The light clicked on and the door closed, quietly, but still had a rather thunderous 'bang!' in the silence of the dark. "Oh, Princesses, why does it have to strike now!?" The voice was punctuated by a grueling groan of agony. "Toilet! Need the toilet!" What came next was a series of farts that the mare attached to the ceiling found hard to repress laughter over. Long ones, short ones, some as loud as a fire-carriage horn, all punctuated by the grunts and groans of the poor stallion suffering through it all. This really shouldn't be funny... this really shouldn't... he's suffering in there, stop giggling! She breathlessly giggled despite herself, making barely any sounds over the booms and bangs in the bathroom. "Agh, why is this happening to me!?" Another groan punctuated by the loudest bang of the bunch, and it finally came to a close. A few pants came from the bathroom before a relieving flush, and the sink running. Well, at least I can think now... breathe, Fluttershy, breathe. The mare took a few calming, quiet breaths as she scooted along the ceiling back behind the bathroom. Even if I threatened to cut off my tail, it's still gonna droop pretty far... The door soon opened, and a relaxed Thunderlane tromped out and back to his bedroom, moving back through the door and into his bed. She allowed herself another minute or so, attached to the ceiling, waiting for the sound of snoring before she continued her work. Once the sound came from the room, she dropped down onto the floor and headed through the house, checking the living room and small office - both pretty normal, though the office seemed to be built more for a colt than a stallion -, then the kitchen, where she found a few pieces of parchment. She took a piece under her wing as she looked around. Thunderlane must do a lot here, but that's understandable... well, maybe once this is done, I'll babysit for his brother. She smiled a bit. Though she was what she was, she would never allow a child to be orphaned. The families of those taken would always be taken care of, either through emotional or monetary support. Anything she could provide, they would get. With a nod to suppress the small flickers of guilt, she proceeded on through the house, searching for something to use as a writing utensil. Eventually, with the entire house searched, and a rather alarming close encounter with little Rumble, it finally occurred to her where a quill would be. It's always in the last place you look... she sighed as she crossed into the office space. Why didn't I look here first? Wait, I did... never mind. Her search for a quill and ink was thankfully short - they were both in a drawer at the writing desk -, and she moved out with the supplies tucked under her wing. The last thing to do was to write the letter, though the question remained: how? Well, how did I do it before? As she opened the door to the master bedroom, her eyes moved to the side in idle thought, quietly walking in. Well, there is the intimate approach. Something I'd much rather do... and then there's the forceful approach, which I'd rather not do. But the intimate approach... what if...? A shake of the head cast away her damning thoughts, and the paper, quill and ink pot soon found their places at the desk. The forceful approach needs him to be awake anyway, so I'd much rather do it like this. Ohh, I hope it works before things go too far... She grimaced slightly as she moved over to the bed, her eyes set on Thunderlane's slumbering face. He looks so peaceful... so happy. She gulped and leaned forward, placing her forehooves on the bed. How should I do this, though? What does he like? Maybe... is he dreaming? Her muzzle lay a few inches from Thunderlane's, eyes slowly moving over his face. I really hope he's having a nice dream... I hate nightmares. Her muzzle drew closer as her eyes slowly closed, breath tracing gently over her face. Her lips landed as softly as they could against his, a quiet squeak coming from Fluttershy as her eyes closed, drawn into the world of the yet-unknown-to-her Thunderlane. Thunderlane The Great blasted through another wall of enemies, his blade slashing to and fro as he cut down evil after evil separating him from the great castle on the horizon. They all fell in a storm of blood and metal, painting his glorious, polished armor with their tainted remains. Roars and screams fell on deaf ears as he charged forward, driven only by the cries and screams coming from the great bastion. "I'm coming, Princess! Just wait!" He shouted, cutting off another set of heads as he bolted forward. The path wasn't clear, never clear, always another zombie or black knight rising up to slow him down. They fell as they rose, but two came up to replace the one he cut down. Due to a rather damning design mistake in retrospect, his wings were caught under the glinting golden steel of his heavy armor. It did nothing to slow him down, but it was a rather bothersome error. He'd have to chastise the royal blacksmiths when he returned home. "Please, save me! He's coming!" A shrill voice called out over the roars of the army and splitting of flesh, stinging Thunderlane's ears. It simply drove him forward, and he was soon simply running forward with his sword out, not waiting for the soldiers to rise up so he could heroically strike them down. Eventually, the tide of black steel gave way to reveal the black walls of the black castle. Thunderlane furrowed his brow at just how much black there was, but quickly shook his head and charged at the doors. He slid across the drawbridge and spun on a hoof, landing a devastating buck to the main doors. They exploded inwards, the splinters and pieces of door killing several guards inside. The guards were stunned as the stallion walked inside like nothing had happened, sword levelled on his shoulder and shield upon his back, and a sickeningly proud grin on his face. "So," he started, looking around at the stunned guards, "Who's next?" The fighting carried on for another thirty minutes, proceeding up through floor after floor of halls and corridors, each of the cobblestone constructs being given a new shade of red. "This place needed a new paint job anyway!" Thunderlane The Great shouted as he appraised his work, corpses lined up against the walls in silly poses. With a confident nod, he raced up the stairwell and towards his prize, as well as his ultimate rival. With another atomic kick, the final door was torn to pieces, and the battlefield was set. Upon the great throne at the end of the room sat his ultimate enemy, and they faced each other with an equally heated glare and grimace. Chained up beside the throne was Princess Cloudchaser, struggling against her binds and shouting for help. "So, you've arrived, Thunderlane." Queen Rainbow Dash growled, moving off her throne of bones and steel. "Though that does not matter. You will fall here, knight, by my hoof!" With a flash of her wing - oh, Thunderlane envied the use of wings right then -, she drew her greatsword, still dripping with the blood of heroes before him. Many had tried to strike her down, and just as many had failed, turning the black, rotten steel of her sword red. "Come, and meet your end!" "It'll be your end, Queen! Revenge for Equestria, and for the Princess!" He screamed and charged, the two clashing with a mighty shockwave. Their foreheads smashed together, trying just as hard to tear each other's heads off as they did trying to break their limbs, their glares trying to burn holes into each other. The two leaped back and onto the walls, racing around the room at such a speed, that the only spectator in the room found it hard to track them. They jumped from each point they got to, crashing together in mighty bangs and clangs, sometimes connecting with a punch or a kick, each one carrying the sound of shattering bones. Neither side relented as the beating carried on, neither sword finding purchase on the enemy's armor. Their chest plates received a new dent with every clash, though it was clear that Rainbow Dash was losing. Satisfaction poured into the hero with every punch that connected against her face or chest, even as he was hit by her. It was simply more pain driving him to his goal, more agony that was added to the road, and that would make the reward so much greater. "Fall, great Queen! This land has no need for your taint!" "Silence, hero! I'll strike you down and take this Princess as my own!" Another bone-shattering punch landed against Thunderlane's cheek, quickly returned by smashing his hoof into Rainbow's helmet, splintering it apart. They finally returned to the ground after several more clashes, panting as they glared at each other. Their armor was in tatters, completely destroyed, and their weapons fared no better. "Weapons and armor simply slow us down, don't they?" "Yes, they do." Thunderlane grimaced, casting the remains of his armor aside. The Queen responded by chucking her own away, impaling the wall with its remains. They shared a grin as their wings spread, though, while Thunderlane's were brand new, Rainbow's were damaged beyond repair. This next clash would end their twenty year battle, and declare whether Equestria would be peaceful again, or be overtaken by Rainbow Dash and her rampant army of followers. "Come." The word was spoken in perfect sync, and the flap of their wings followed suit. Every tiny movement, every gust of wind played by so slowly to Thunderlane. The two warriors wound up their blows, no scrap of hatred being lost in it. Anticipation swelled in the hero as they drew closer, their hooves flying forward. The air visibly split past their hooves, flying away like land-shredding tornadoes, but their eyes remained locked on each other. No regrets. No fear. Today would be the end. And as their hooves found their marks, planting themselves in the other's chest, they both felt something rather... unexpected. Finality. The clash would end this fight, of course... but after this, there would be nothing left. Thunderlane's expression changed from pure hatred to regret, as Rainbow's twisted from rage to agony. She flew back from the blow, screaming... and went straight through the wall, the bricks exploding as they tried to hold her back. Thunderlane raced to the ledge and watched her fall, the entire scene playing out in slow motion as her fell army assembled below. She reached out to him... but he returned no gesture. Simply watched as she fell... and fell... and she received the same mercy from her army, that she received from Thunderlane, as twenty spears pierced up through her like a great spike pit. No thought raced through her mind at that point... only the image of her worst enemy, and a pained expression on his face as she was impaled. "And so, we've reached the end..." Thunderlane sighed, feeling true regret. It was a strange time, killing your worst enemy. A piece of him died as she did, however small... and though Equestria would live on in peace and prosperity, his purpose to the monarchy was gone. His eyes turned away from the grim scene below to the bound Princess, eyes locked on his own. "Apologies, Your Highness. Let's get these undone..." He quickly walked over and took his teeth to the chains, trying to pull one off the crumbling wall. "Wait." The knight stopped tugging and turned to her, brow furrowed slightly. "What do you mean 'wait', Princess? If this wall comes away, you'll fall." Despite her objections, he continued pulling at the chain, eventually wresting it from its iron loop. He repeated the process for the other end, panting with the effort as he rubbed at a chipped tooth. "There we go... erm, apologies for disobeying an order..." "It is alright, brave knight." Princess Cloudchaser sat up and wiggled in her chains a bit, still finding them quite tight. "Thank you for saving me." "It is my honor and duty, Princess." Thunderlane bowed with a smile, gaining a slight blush from the Princess. "Raise your head, knight." She spoke with a gentle tone, Thunderlane following her order. The two glanced at each other awkwardly before the knight shook his head and went to the chains binding his highness. Hmm... he's dreaming about Cloudchaser? The second observer in the room thought, hiding up in a corner of the ceiling, using her robe to conceal herself. And he fought so hard... well, maybe I can offer something up in return? Well, Cloudchaser anyway... She moved her hoof forward slightly toward the Princess as Thunderlane came close, and with a slight gesture of it... knocked her over. "Oh!" Cloudchaser squeaked as she fell onto her side, the chains clinking against the stone floor. "My apologies, Princess! I, er," Thunderlane's voice fell off as he looked over her, quickly closing his eyes. The sight before him was something he only thought about when he was alone, mere fantasies. Granted, some of his weirder ones... The observer giggled quietly to herself, moving her hoof again. Well, 'Princess' Cloudchaser... how about we reward your knight, mm? She smiled as her hoof rose, Cloudchaser's hind leg responding by rising with it. And a slight change to her mindset... Her other hoof moved forward, turning so the back of it faced the Princess. The mare gasped as she felt something run along her vulva, as if a gust of wind had just blown through... but, despite setting off a warning light in her head, it tickled slightly, a... very welcome feeling against the clinching of the chains around her. "What...?" Another feeling ran back across it as the observer drew her hoof back, moving into a smooth, gentle rhythm. The feeling was alien, but... pleasant, calming. A smile slowly crossed her face as the pleasure spread through her body, relaxing her muscles and calming her mind, a small moan coming out. That's it, my little Princess... The observer continued her motions, pressing in slightly as she pulled her legs apart more. Her royal lips separated under the pressure, the sensitive walls exposed to the air, and the fuzzy sensation gently running across them. Just bend a little bit... hm, actually, if I want the big hero to join in, I'm going to have to move... erm... She stopped her motions and started crawling along the wall, keeping quiet as Cloudchaser whined. "Erm... i-is something the matter, Your Highness?" Despite his want to check on the Princess, he dared not open his eyes from the sight he'd received before. "Uh... mm..." The Princess kept her legs spread, not really able to do much on her own, and allowed the gentle wind to blow in from outside and across her. "K-Keep... doing what you..." "Doing?" Thunderlane's brow furrowed slightly as he slightly opened an eye. The sight before him stalled his mind completely, his eye transfixed on the mare before him. "D-Doing, er... what, exactly?" The mare humped against the air slightly as another breeze drifted by, sending a shiver up her spine. "Keep rubbing," she whispered, desperate for the contact that once occupied her mind. The sight bewitched the knight, locking his muscles as only one reacted to the sight before him. The observer stopped in her tracks and looked down at the pair as the knight slowly approached his princess. Hm, maybe I won't have to interfere? I won't be able to flip her over though... well, maybe he'll enjoy it this way. She opted to sit down and watch, calm eyes surveying the scene. What set her off? Thunderlane wondered as he stared down at the wet lips of the mare, legs still locked up. "You mean, um..." "Please, j-just... this wind is so cold," she thrust gently against the air, the chains constricting her like a giant boa. Her hero managed to get leg function back and lean down, lying on his belly, her eyes turned down to look at him. His eyes met hers as he reached forward with his hoof, "Wait!" Thunderlane froze in his tracks, "I-I'm sorry..." "No, no, just... y-you were using the back of it..." She nodded as Thunderlane turned his hoof around, showing the softer back, "Yes, that side... please." "O-Of course," Thunderlane mumbled as he moved forward and pressed against her, feeling the damp lips coat his hair as he started moving, eliciting a moan from the princess. I-I can't believe this... it's really happening? S-Some crazy fantasy of mine leaked into a dream, and n-now I'm living it? His jaw thankfully stayed closed as he pressed into her, separating her vulva and stealing a gasp from her. "Yes, that feels... oh, Thunderlane..." a grin crept across her face as her eyes closed, submitting to the feeling. Her legs separated further, allowing the hoof better access as it pushed in during strokes. This feeling... it puts my mind at ease. A single focus... and it feels wonderful... Though Cloudchaser was locked in her calm sea of pleasure, Thunderlane simply felt pain, something that the war outside hadn't brought about. He wanted to get more out of it all, instead of just soaking the back of his hoof in something that smelled... kinda nice, actually. His mind swam in the warm scent as another moan fell over him, a shiver running beside it down his spine. My crotch hurts something fierce... His eyes drifted away from his task and to the face of his dream mare, eyes closed with a pleased grin on her face. I don't want to disturb her, though... With a quiet sigh, he returned to his task, widening the strokes of his hoof, pressing a little harder into her. His act was answered by a sharp gasp and a twitch of her rump, eyes snapping open and rolling back. "That... d-do that again!" Thunderlane blinked, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sudden response. His worry that he'd hurt her was quickly quelled by the request, and his eyes turned back to her legs. A tiny rivulet had drawn its way down from her vagina to the cobblestone floor, shimmering in the limited light from outside, like a pure pond in the middle of a tainted landscape. He pressed back into her, making a wide stroke to the top of her, tapping something hard as she moved against him. "Mmm! Yes, t-that's..." Cloudchaser's mouth hung open as she surrendered completely, the pinching chains seeming to vanish entirely from her senses. The only thing that held her was what her knight was doing, the amazing things he was doing to her... the world swam in front of her half-closed eyes, carrying her on the slow waves of pleasure. Oh, poor Thunderlane... so focused on pleasing his princess, no attention is being given to him. How sad... The observer softly shook her head, But what can I do? If things don't go according to the dream's design, he might notice... or even worse, wake up. Her hoof moved slightly, moving over the back of the stallion's head. He felt a tingle run down his scalp and neck, a soft breeze petting him. He shivered, letting out a pleased sigh. Well, given the conduct of the pretty lady there, I suppose he wouldn't be too objective to some... help. She smiled and moved her hooves up, planning out how to interact. Maybe... ah, got it. With a nod, she moved her right hoof and made a poking motion, a few prods felt by Cloudchaser. "Oh, er... s-something, mm... t-the matter, my h-hero?" Cloudchaser sighed out, moving herself against Thunderlane's hoof. She licked her lips, loving the delicious, slick wall pleasuring her. "Oh, um... n-nothing's the matter..." He responded, but he felt a poking voice in the back of his head... a silent whisper that sounded like a more... feminine version of himself? No... you'd like to ask her to stand up on her hind legs and rest near your mouth. It would be more comfortable, the voice whispered. He couldn't really argue with the logic; it was getting rather painful, lying down on the cobble stone, and Cloudchaser's leg was probably getting sore with staying up like that. "A-Actually, Y-Your Highness..." "Cloudchaser... please, call me Cloudchaser." Thunderlane gulped, nodding to accept the change of address. "Cloudchaser... could you, um... stand up on your hind legs?" The princess bit her lip to regain some manner of focus, stopping her gentle humping to think. It would be more comfortable, yes... Biting a little bit harder, her legs shifted and moved as she rolled over. With a bit of effort, she made it onto her hind hooves and stood up, presenting herself to the brave knight. "There... is that better?" "Holy C-... uh, y-yeah, it is." His jaw couldn't stop from falling at the sight in front of him; a tiny stream had built up from his work, adding a sheen to the precious gem hidden from so many stallions, reserved only for her prince. The prince lying just behind her... Oh, if this is a dream, don't let me wake up, please! He stood up slightly to allow his penis some growing room, thankful to get it off the ground. Their spectator grinned as he leaned in and took a quiet sniff, letting the scent conquer his senses and melt his mind. "You smell wonderful..." "Please, brave knight... return to that wondrous service you were doing," she whispered as Thunderlane rolled over onto his back, scooting in under her. Gently placing his hooves on her flanks, he guided her down to a comfy position over his mouth, allowing a few drops to fall onto his tongue. E-Even his breath is... I've never been so excited before! If her thoughts were already swimming, the feeling of his tongue lightly separating her lips sent them down into the depths, her eyes rolling back as a blush fired up on her face. "Mmmmm..." Excellent work, Thunderlane... and now, you get to have a bit of fun, too. Their spectator allowed herself a wide grin as her hooves moved, gently pressing against Thunderlane's clenched hind legs. His forehooves wrapped over the princess' rump and pulled her down, planting kisses along the small area of her slit that he could reach, too absorbed in his task to notice the small pressure against his legs. Oh dear... His dick sprang to attention, a bit larger than Fluttershy had anticipated. Sure, there had been far larger ones in the past; Thunderlane was no amazing specimen. Maybe it's his dream? Oh well, time for a little bit of fun. She giggled as she used one hoof to hold his left leg, and the other... Thunderlane suddenly gasped as he felt something wrap around his member, as corporeal as a limb, but airy as a breeze. His muzzle twitched and nicked Cloudchaser's clit, grabbing a sudden squeak from her. "D-Don't... i-it's sensitive there!" "Apologies, Pri— er, Cloudchaser... ngh," he groaned as the air gripped him a little more tightly and moved down to his base, then dragged back up towards the tip. The warm air moved effortlessly over him, more easily than anything he could think of, even magic. Well, if it's helping quell the pain... He let out a calming sigh and went back to work, his tongue pushing lightly into Cloudchaser's folds. He reached in as far as he could, listening to the mare's sharp intake of breath as he did, and used his nose to tap against her clitoris. "Yes, t-that's good... very good! K-Keep... ohh, Thunderlane," she groaned, her willpower just strong enough for her hindlegs to not give out and crash down on the poor knight's face. She shook with each wave of pleasure, eased into an air of lust that melted her heart and made her vision swim. "So nice... deeper..." her whisper was answered by a grunt of effort from the stallion between her legs, and she felt his tongue wriggle just a little bit further inside her. "Is this... i-is this what it feels like...? I feel hot..." While the mare's fire burned around the stallion's tongue, his shaft had received its own bout of attention as he felt something like a warm rain drop fall on it. It spread with the assistance of the air, adding an almost delirious fog to his mind. He felt like he was inside somepony, locked in an intimate embrace with a lover. Holy Celestia, that's fantastic... a-almost can't think...! "And now for the main show..." Fluttershy whispered, and she lowered her head, sticking out her tongue. She felt the air twitch against her as she moved up, leaving a slick trail against the stallion's shaft, smiling to herself. She continued stroking and licking, adding a kiss or two against the shuddering air. Hmhmhm... he must really like it. Too bad he's never had a mare before. I'm going to be his first... the melancholy thoughts were pushed aside by an increase in her efforts, suckling at different parts of the air. One particular spot received a loud grunt of pleasure from Thunderlane, stunning him. "Gh...!" He grunted before getting a mouthful of vagina, tightening his grasp on the princess. "Don't stop, please! I-I can feel it!" She let out a loud moan as his tongue rushed back into her, clit pressing down against his nose. She felt every movement as a bolt through her loins, her eyes rolling back in her head. Every little twitch of the tongue along her virgin walls, every harsh gasp of air through her hero's nose, every near-sneeze as she leaked over his face; it all felt so wonderful, so entrapping! "Mmm, harder, move it more! Please!" Demanding... can't reach much farther than this! Thunderlane's eye twitched as he felt the tip of his shaft move, something suckling against it. His mind froze as the wet air licked over him, rubbing against his testicles in something akin to a swim in a hot spring. Fighting to take his mind back, he started thinking of ways to satisfy his love further. Well, I'm not using m-my— by Luna, what is sucking against me? Ngh, so... soft, like... i-is somepony sucking me off? D-Doesn't matter, Cloudchaser comes before me! His eyes moved from one blue thigh to the other, not able to see much more than her belly and the two erect teets just over his eyes. M-Maybe... well, it's something, I guess. Are they even sensitive, though? With an adjustment of his hooves, he moved his mouth away from the drenched slit, much to the chagrin of his lover, and locked his lips around one of her erect teets. Alright, let's see if I can remember... how I did this as a foal! "Mmm~!" Cloudchaser shuddered as she felt a tongue brush over her nipple, a moderate suckle tugging at it. Jackpot! Alright, they are sensitive, and what I was doing before was pretty good... j-just gotta— bloody Celestia, stop sucking my cock! It's hard to f-focus! His grunt was muffled by the breast in his mouth, but he managed to widen the area he was working with with a few movements of his hooves, spreading the princess' glorious thighs a little further. A-Alright, hoof up here... Cloudchaser gasped as she felt his soaked hoof push into her again, just enough that the hairs tickled her sensitive walls. And the other... here! When she felt three of her sensitive areas all go off at once, Cloudchaser lost her restraint and screamed in the throes of her glorious lust. "Yes! Yes!! Harder, my hero! Please, get me off! Make me come!" She grinded against him, moaning harder and harder as the pressure in her built. W-Why does this buildup have to be so slow!? I'm going crazy! Well, well, well, Thunderlane. Seems you have a way with mares, mm? Fluttershy's tongue ceased its service as her hoof clenched a little tighter, attention stolen by the lustful cries of the pegasus down below. I'll let him work her over, then I'll show him he's not the only one with a magic mouth. The screams and shouts of his love only drove him harder, but his efforts grew gently. It was a thin line between making a mare scream in blinding lust, and making her cry in agony, after all. He left the first teet alone, a red, slightly swollen circle around it as he moved to the second, giving it his oral treatment while he pressed just a little harder with his hooves. The moans and cries acted as his gauge, adding more pressure, more speed, feeling her body shiver through his very being as she lost herself completely. "Yes, yes, yes, yes! More! J-Just, a little..." The words grew quieter as she felt the pressure mount, her grinds only gaining more strength, her moans turning into effort-filled grunts as she drove herself faster and faster to the edge. "Moremoremoremoremore... MMM!" With a final press against his hoof, she crushed down on Thunderlane's snout, a quickly moving hoof from her slit pushing her back up before he could suffocate. He moved his hoof in circles over her clit as she rode out her orgasm, the darkness behind her closed eyes providing her a silent isolation where she could simply focus on the feeling. The feeling of her first orgasm, at the hooves of her brave hero who struck down so many to save her life. "Ohhhh... Thunderlane..." she whispered, her breathing coming slow and desperate. And here's my time to shine. Fluttershy thought, and she parted her lips, her hoof pulling the twitching shaft of air towards her. Before the knight could answer, she planted her mouth around the tower of warm air, moaning gently against it as he suddenly froze. Her hoof moved, providing more pressure as she guided her mouth down, her other hoof moving to stroke the air of his flank. Oh... d-dear... Celest... his thoughts cut off as the heat threatened to stop his breathing, slowly moving down his slick shaft. He could feel the tingling of a moan - her moan against it, eyes rolling back. "Mmmnn..." Fluttershy's eyes closed as she reached back into her memories, calling up whatever knowledge she had on the art of fellatio. Slow and deliberate, she bobbed her head as her hooves applied a small amount of pressure, gently coaxing the hero along. Not bad for something I haven't done in three years. She almost giggled around the shaft, drooling over it as she pulled back and pushed down, her tongue running along the bottom, teeth hiding behind her lips. He's already twitching so much. Don't tell me he was unlucky enough to be born with a hair trigger? Thunderlane's hooves fell away as the heat consumed his very being, focus locked on the air around his shaft. Pressure built quickly within his pelvis as the movement sped up, sucking against him as another circle of air clenched the base. "Ngh..." he grunted, feeling the pressure trying to pass the base of his penis, but stopped by the pressure around him. Oh no... i-is that... t-that's gonna hurt i-in a bit... "Mmmm..." Fluttershy put a bit more soul into her moan, speeding up the bobbing of her head, losing herself in a vision of the last time she had a stallion's shaft in her mouth. The taste, the feeling, the groans and grunts as he surrendered to her every whim. She felt a tingle in her loins at the memory, hearing the stallion whisper her name as he rushed to the edge under her expert guidance. Good times... She smiled, pushing down even further. With only the sea of a blue coat in front of his eyes, the scent of his spent lover, and the pressure and heat around his cock, Thunderlane was simply lost. No thoughts came to him, not even any grunts. He simply struggled to keep his breathing even as the delicious feeling took him away. The pressure only built and built, feeling something more corporeal than air pressing against him... W-Whoever has... m-my shaft in their mouth... you are... my hero... He felt a smile cross his lips as he happily sighed, taking in a deep whiff. Ok, loverboy, time to finish things up... I'm getting hungry. Fluttershy pulled off the air in front of her, a sloppy slurp coming of the disconnection as she quietly lept off the wall. Thunderlane only felt the gust of wind from her landing before the heat took him again, hearing the lustful moans of whatever had him in its grasp. Whatever it was, the heat only doubled and the pressure felt alive... he could feel everything in the interaction; the tongue pressing up against him, the soft lips trapping him, the gentle sucking as the heat moved quickly over him. Even the slick substance left behind, acting so well as lube... "Mmmm..." "Oh Celestia... more... j-ust..." his eyes rolled back as he was taken by the mouth of an angel, moving faster and harder against him. Finally, before the pressure became too much to bear, the hoof let go around his base. "Oh no... c-comeing!" In response, he only felt the heat take him right down to his base as he came, feeling his ejaculate fill the small space around him. "Mm!" A surprised moan hit his ears, only adding to the blazing feeling in his loins as he felt her throat press up against his head, swallowing everything he had to offer. Darkness slipped a little further into him with every twitch, and with the last of his white offering spent and swallowed, he finally slipped into a heavy slumber. Fluttershy opened her eyes with a happy sigh. Well, she tried to, before she looked down and found a softening cock in her mouth. She quickly pulled off with a frustrated frown. "Ohh, darn it... not again," she whispered, turning her eyes back up to the slumbering Thunderlane. Well, at least he's still asleep. Ok... time to write about his trip to Cloudsdale with the love of his life, Cloudchaser. She put on a happy grin and only just suppressed her giggle as she went over to the desk and set to work, feeling the offering he gave to her swish in her stomach. But that's the last time I fall asleep with a dick in my mouth... those are dangerous! Her hoofwork was quick with the quill and ink, and soon, an expertly written note lay on the desk, ready to impress anypony who set their eyes on it. With a satisfied nod, she moved away from the desk and over to the side of the bed. Sometime during the dream, the covers had been moved off the now-quite-slick deep grey body, small spots where sweat had collected present on the sheets under him. Her hooves crept along his body and pulled him into a gentle hug, her mouth leaving behind a trail of kisses up his neck to his ear. "Alright, my hero... time to go to the castle." "Yes... Cloudchaser..." he whispered, unconsciously returning the hug as a silly smile crossed his lips. The smile was supported with a quick kiss, before the two ponies stole away into the night, Fluttershy's exit as quiet as her entrance. The journey back to her cottage was short; she wished it was longer, but it was hard to hold back the strength of her wings when carrying a pony. Setting down at the door, she opened it with her teeth and a slow tilt of her head. Owowowowow... r-really have to stop opening this with my head! It doesn't tilt like this! She made a grunt of effort as the door finally opened. Well, half of it. "Ohhhh..." she sighed, rolling her eyes. "That's the last time I listen to Twilight about doors..." Taking the lower half in her wing, she kinda sidestepped to get the whole door open, nearly banging the slumbering stallion's head against it. Finally, with the overly-difficult battle against her door finished, she quickly moved inside and closed the door behind her. The dark of her living room was simple to see through, but seeing it never brought her any less guilt about what she was about to do. C'mon, Fluttershy... they're happier this way. You know they are... it's a show of kindness to take them. With a shivering intake of breath, her wings guided her to the bedroom. The site of her usual rituals... the most private place that could be thought of. "Mmmngh... C-Cloudchaser..." The stallion whispered, forelegs moving about in search of a ghost. "My princess..." With a slight frown, Fluttershy gently lay Thunderlane down on the bed, legs sticking up into the air. She placed herself over him, locking her lips with his as she lay down on him. The act rarely required her to be aroused, but a little bit of roleplay never hurt anypony. She rubbed along him and broke the kiss as her knight's legs wrapped around her, trailing her tongue along his face and up to his ear. "Yes, my knight...?" "That... what you did... t'was wonderful..." "I can do it again... anything for you, my sweet, loving hero..." her lips clamped down on the edge of his ear, sucking on it slightly. She felt it twitch and his body shiver under her, but the feeling she wanted to get just didn't come. Typical... it's too bad stallions can't get it up so quickly. It would make this easier... I could send him off in his sleep. Peacefully, in the embrace of his love. Another twinge of sadness gripped her before returning to her service, planting kisses along his ear. She felt his hooves run down along her sides, trailing along her wings before stopping at her flanks, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Mmm... so gentle, but you brought down those soldiers so... roughly, my knight." Her tongue fell along the rim of his ear as he pressed down on her flanks a bit harder, rotating along her Cutie Marks. It brought a spark along her spine, her legs shivering. Good, it's working... I don't want this to hurt either of us. Mmm, his grip is so strong, though... She felt the two hooves run along to her rump, moving over her generous backside and down her legs. Her moans seemed to drive the stallion on further, repeating his motions and adding more pressure. "That's it, take your princess in your big, strong legs... make me yours..." She squeaked as he squeezed her cheeks hard, the tip of his hoof delving into her slit. Woah, that's rough! H-He doesn't really take care of his hooves, does he? She let out a small moan despite herself, the attention given to her cheeks being a much better feeling than the rough hoof running through her that moment. "Enjoying yourself...?" Thunderlane groaned in his dream, Fluttershy rubbing herself against him. Her brow twitched as she felt something poke against her entrance, a small smile quickly following. "B-Because... I am..." "Oh yes, my knight... it was cruel of me to only focus on myself." "Anything for you, my love..." Thunderlane's eyes opened, glazed over as the dream held his mind. To him, the bedroom was a magnificently warm room belonging to the most beautiful mare he'd ever known, that same mare laying against him and moaning into his ear. "There's so much we didn't do, Thunderlane," Fluttershy whispered, planting her lips on his neck, biting on the small area of skin she could pull into her mouth. "I'm still so naive, so innocent... I've never had a stallion hold me like this." As far as she knew, Cloudchaser was a virgin, but it was a bold-faced lie concerning herself. She'd had more partners than most mares on Los Pegasus could claim, but each one enjoyed themselves all the same. It was the whole point of the roleplay; let the stallion enjoy themselves and live out their fantasies. A kindness she extended to them. "Y-You mean...?" He was silenced by his love's lips closing around his own, a trembling moan and a shiver running through the mare. I'm her first? A mare as great as Cloudchaser? Impossible... At the few first taps against his lips, he welcomed Fluttershy with a gesture of his tongue, the two moving over and exploring each other. A low, sultry growl was his reward, sending lightning down his spine. Ok, if nothing else worked, that would've! The two broke their kiss and stared into each other's eyes, grinning in the heat of the moment. "So, my brave hero. How do you wish to take your princess?" "Uh..." The same pain from earlier rose from his pelvis, feeling his tip pressing against his love's rump. C'mon brain, work! He blinked and cleared his throat, trying to kickstart his mind so he didn't look like a complete fool. Soon, his eyes found the edge of the bed, and a flaring image became his answer. "G-Got it..." Fluttershy's eyes followed, and she grew a rather impressed grin. "Going to press me down into the bed and take me, mm? Ooo, that's good..." She let herself have a small laugh and rubbed her stallion's cheek with her own, "I'm going to enjoy this..." "S-Same here," Thunderlane groaned as he felt the mare tease him with her own nethers, a single grind running from the base of his cock to the tip. Cruel mare. The weight soon left him as his lady moved off him and off the bed itself, giving him a tantalizing wiggle of the hips as she moved. The simple movement in her, so feminine and... dare he say it, sexy? She turned and hefted her forelegs up onto the bed, pulling forward until her belly was firmly on the sheets. A lick of the lips, a smoldering stare from her eyes, and a single phrase whispered to him, "Take me." Did I almost come from that? The stallion quickly shook his head and moved off the bed, finding his legs moving a bit more sluggishly than usual. Maybe it's just my excitement... I'm a little bigger than most stallions, so maybe the blood's not getting where it needs to be? He grimaced, worried his legs would give out before he took his prize. Still, his body found the power to get where it needed to be, though not quite enough to stop before his muzzle pushed into the delicious slit in front of him. "Mm! S-Starting already?" Fluttershy's brow shot up at the half-intrusion, looking back to find Thunderlane's face between her cheeks. A mischievous smile crossed her lips as she moved, grinding against his face as the poor stallion tried to find the inspiration to move. "Well, if you want to do it like that..." "N-No... holy Celestia, this... nngh," He groaned, not feeling very capable of in the thinking department. He simply opted to focus on his legs, pulling away from her grinding slit and, planting his forehooves on her flanks, pulled himself up onto her back. When his chest landed down on her, the mare let out a surprised squeak; he was pretty heavy! "Oh, s-sorry, uh. Hang on." Quickly adjusting himself, he pushed back up off the bed, simply staring down into the light blue sea below him. "Like the view?" She giggled, rubbing her rump against him. He realized that, in his effort to get over her, he really did: he was kinda stuck. "Oh, darn it." A grimace and quick adjustment later, and he'd finally found himself aiming properly. Well, I hope I'm aiming properly... doesn't help that this is my first time, too! Still, finding his lover pushing back against him, making little squeaks and moans every time his head pressed into her, it was enough to evaporate his fears and set his mind on the task at hoof. "S-Should I just...?" "Just having you inside me is enough for me..." she whined; actually whined! "Please, d-don't leave me waiting!" She took a part of the sheets in her mouth and spread her legs. Fluttershy was actually thankful for that last bit of magic she knew; re-knitting her hymen. Thank goodness for that spell. Besides the dream-lock and that kiss, it's the best spell for this kind of roleplay! Keeping to her role, she kept her bedroom eyes locked on the stallion over her and continued pressing back against him. "Please, Thunderlane, do it! Make me a mare!" "Say no more, Princess..." With a thrust forward, he moved past her vulva and, surprisingly, another inch or two moved in with no resistance at all. By Luna, she's turned on! A-Am I really that good!? Pushed on by his new spark of confidence, he took one of her ears in his teeth and bit down slightly, pressing in further. Soon, he found his first obstacle, a wall that gave quite easily against him. Oh shoot, that's right... Gulping, he released her ear to speak, getting a mind-frying whine in return, "Er, y-you don't mind if I... no, that's not right. Just, want me to go slow, so it won't... hurt as much when I get through?" "Just stay still, I'll do it." Thunderlane nodded, figuring Cloudchaser would know better how to break herself in, and stayed stock still. Every urge to thrust forward and satisfy himself was suppressed with all the willpower he could muster as she started moving back, groaning in effort as she felt herself crack open. It's never... any less... painful when I do this! She thought as, with a final hump back, her hymen tore open. The sting stuck around as she bled, biting down into the blanket to quell the agony. "Owww..." A hoof reaching down and around, rubbing against one of her teets quickly shifted her mind away from the pain, and her blush only grew hotter from the sparks running through her. "Yes... a-alright, you can move. Make me cry your name to the heavens, Thunderlane... make your princess a mare!" "Y-Yes, Cloudchaser." With a stern nod, he took her ear back in his teeth and slammed forward, a loud groan of pleasure marking his first movement. Whether or not it was really him, his mind couldn't sort out; too distracted with the heat and compression around him. "Oh dear Princesses..." With a groan, he pulled back and thrust into her again, world swimming and exploding in front of him as the easily greatest thing to ever happen, well, happened to him. He soon lost himself to the action, thrusting in and out of his lover, her tunnel pressing down and dragging against him as her excited moans pressed him on. Well, n-not the greatest dick I've ever had, but it's definitely up there... Fluttershy grinned as she felt him fill her over and over, his hooves pulling her into a gentle hug. So loving... "Mmm!" She lost her train of thought with a particularily pleasant thrust, his testicles hitting her clit, Woah, kinda... right, g-gotta find... Cloudchaser after all this... g-get this fantasy to really happen. But, w-what happens aft— "Hmm!" Her eyes rolled back with another hard thrust. He's a virgin, darn it! Stop losing it. She inwardly scowled as her face was tied up in pleasure, lying in the strong grip of her knight. Right, Cloudchaser... I'm not really that hungry, so maybe... i-is that— oh dear, he's twitching! Thunderlane growled as his eyes shut, moving faster as he felt the pressure build. S-She hasn't come yet, though! He felt horrible for going so fast and not giving her enough time to catch up, slowing down his pace. C'mon, last, you stupid body, last! He clinched down on her ear just a little harder and moved his hoof down, teasing her clitoris. A high squeak was his reward, the combined pleasures of being filled and teased pushing Cloudchaser on. "Yes, t-that's it... press me down!" Fluttershy licked her lips as she felt her own pressure build up, the wondrous waves of pleasure growing in size as her stallion worked away. He really does love her, doesn't he? Paying so much attention to her when he's right on the verge of coming himself... I-I couldn't bear to keep these two apart for long... The bed creaked in protest as the thrusts grew in strength, her gasps coming with each crash against her. "Harder, harder! I-I'm so close, Thunderlane!" "M-Me too!" He grunted, trying to focus on any manner of things other than the wondrously slick tunnel currently milking him for all he was worth, trying to stop his intruding member from escaping her heat and wetness. It was all too much for him, eyes rolling back as his pressure built and built. "C-Can't hold much longer!" Fluttershy's hoof found his and pressed him down against her clit, rubbing hard to shove her that extra distance. "Come inside me! Do it! So close, so close...!" With a final thrust, she sprang up against his chest as her body froze, her channel dragging along the member inside her as she came. The feeling was easily overshadowed the second her stallion came, and she felt herself swell in pleasure as he filled her completely. Every spurt was joined by her own clench, and it all combined into a manic twister in her mind, stealing away everything except for the crazed pleasure running through every inch of her body. It took a few seconds afterwards for her to remember she had to breathe, taking a large gasp to fill her pained lungs. "Thank you, brave hero... my hero..." "I s-should be thanking you, Cloudchaser... that felt great. Sorry if I c-came too soon..." His worries were soon sealed away by a gentle kiss, one he happily returned. Though, this felt... different to him. What the...? Is something l-leaving me? Maybe I'm just... yeah, getting... tired... His eyes slowly drifted shut as the kiss grew more passionate, something indeed passing from him to the mare below him. Fluttershy finally felt full again, her hunger vanishing. Still, she left a piece of his soul behind to run the body, maintaining an amount of thought; the rest could join with Cloudchaser once the time came. The act never got any easier for the poor succubus, her hunger coming in pangs from time to time, but getting most notable once three or four months had passed. She held the kiss for a long while, granting the soul a quiet passage into her stomach. Sweet dreams, my prince... live out your fantasies within me. It's the only thing I can do in return for you keeping me alive... The two lovers passed into slumber after a while, still connected as Thunderlane softened and lay on top of her. My one gesture of kindness to you, as well as all the other stallions and mares over the many years I've lived in Equestria: An escape from the cruelties of the world.