Squishy Smiles

by TacoBiteToughGuy

First published

When Fluttershy comes over to taste test Pinkie's baking, she is immediately overwhelmed with delicious food! But then things go a little too far for the pair...

When Fluttershy comes over to taste test Pinkie's baking, she is immediately overwhelmed with delicious food! But then things go a little too far for the pair...

I had help with this story, http://goldmonkey64.deviantart.com/ go check him out!
Pic by http://datnaro.deviantart.com/

*Edit* Fixed paragraphs because Word wouldn't carry over my indents :/

*Update* 1000 VIEWS! Wow, you guys are the best!

Squishy Smiles

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Contains fat, sexual content, pony shipping
Proceed at own risk

Pinkie Pie was very excited. More excited than her usual “very excited.” That was because Fluttershy was coming over today! She was going to help Pinkie with taste testing her baked goods! Pinkie had made a large amount of delicious delicacies for her friend to try.
Just then, the door to Sugarcube Corner swung open and the bell made its usual ding noise. The sound of hoofs landing on the floorboards alerted Pinkie that her guest was walking up to the counter.

“Hiya Fluttershy!”

“Hi Pinkie Pie, do you have everything ready for today?”

“Of course! I got everything we need; cherry pie, key lime pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, blueberry pie, apple pie, and apple fritters straight from Sweet Apple Acres, chocolate cake, vanilla cake, chimicherries, cherrychongas, cupcakes PLENTY of cupcakes, brownies, tarts I LOVE THE PECAN ONES, donuts, muffins, and a MMMM baked just for us!”

“Uh Pinkie Pie, are you sure we can eat all of this?”

“ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE! Now what should we start with?”

Fluttershy scanned the large pile of food in front of her, before she made a decision. “Umm, I guess the MMMM…”

“Alrighty then!” Pinkie proceeded to cut a large slice and held it in her hoof “OPEN WIDE!”

“Aaaaaahhh.” Pinkie Pie then stuffed Fluttershy's mouth with cake.
“DOWN THE HATCHES!” The cake was forcefully shoved into Fluttershy’s maw. Fortunately, she did not choke on the slice of cake. She savoured the lip-smacking taste and creamy texture by chewing very slowly.

“Chew, chew, chew! We don’t have all day and I want to eat all this food!” Pinkie grabbed another slice and stuffed it into Fluttershy's already full mouth.

“Pinkie slow down…” Fluttershy managed to squeak out through a mouth full of cake.

“There's no time to slow down silly! If we want to eat all this food, we have to do it quick as a bunny!” Pinkie took 2 pieces, took a bite out of one, and forced the other down Fluttershy's mouth, again. Fluttershy decided to just listen to Pinkie and speed up her pace. As soon as Fluttershy's mouth was clear, Pinkie grabbed another slice.

“Here." Pinkie Pie held out the piece of MMMM so Fluttershy could eat at her own pace. Pinkie realized that they had to compromise somewhere.

After Fluttershy finishes her piece of cake, she soon discovers that the MMMM has a very addictive quality to it. It was as if she could not get enough of it. Fluttershy ended up shoving her face into the MMMM! Fluttershy's butt was poking straight up in the air as she was eating.

As Fluttershy devoured the cake, Pinkie saw that her plot was larger than when she first came in. It was like a magnet and Pinkie could not help herself. Pinkie started to rub it with both of her front hooves. This random act drew Fluttershy’s attention from the cake to stare at Pinkie with curiosity.

“Was there something on my plot Pinkie?”

Thinking fast, Pinkie came up with a great reply. “Umm... Yeah there was some cake on it and I just wiped it off.” Pinkie took her hooves off her and walked to her side to see her belly and legs were both larger than before.

“I don't want to stop eating; it's so good Pinkie Pie!”

“You don't have to! We have all day! Nightfall will not be for a while, so continue eating the cake!” Pinkie watched as Fluttershy ripped through the cake at record pace. Pinkie thought she could see Fluttershy's plot actually start to grow in front of her.

“Pinkie Pie, I feel a bit odd, I am starting to get tired…”

“Okie dokie follow me up to my room. You can have a nap on my bed!” She let Fluttershy go up the stairs first, for obvious reasons.

“Why *huff* is it *pant* so hard *wheeze* to walk?” Fluttershy, still oblivious to her gain, stepped on a floorboard and it creaked underneath her. She (almost) jumped at the sound and let out a small “EPP!”

“I'm not sure... “ Pinkie could barely hide her huge grin on her face.

At last, they made it to Pinkie’s room, where Fluttershy very happily flopped onto her bed. “Finally, I can rest now. I may go for that nap you said I could have.”

“Ok,” Pinkie replied, a bit disappointed but respected her friend’s wishes. “Have a good sleep!” Pinkie left Fluttershy to go get the food and bring it upstairs.

As Pinkie left to go downstairs, Fluttershy noticed a large object underneath a blanket in her closet. “I’ll have to ask her about it later…” That was Fluttershy’s last thought before drifting off into a deep sleep.

When Fluttershy awoke, she was suddenly surrounded with all the sweets from downstairs. Pinkie walked in with many pies and cakes on a cart. “I'm just bringing these up for later.”

“Oh, ok. What’s that under the blanket over there?” Fluttershy pointed to the closet with her hoof

“That’s a surprise for later!” Pinkie winked at Fluttershy and better concealed the mysterious object. That’s when it happened…

Fluttershy was hit with a million different scents, all smelling delicious! The aroma was orgasmic, especially with the pies! The cinnamon from the apple pie could have been smelled a million miles away! “Oh my, that smells so good!”

“Here, have a pie and tell me how it is.” She handed over an apple pie to Fluttershy, who took it graciously. What Fluttershy did not realize, was that she was starting to get very fat. The more she ate, the weaker she became.

“What is wrong with me Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy asked worryingly, trying to move her hooves around. The still moved fairly freely, but it definitely required more effort with less movement.

“Nothing, nothing at all...” Pinkie jumped on the bed and started rubbing her huge belly. “We have a long way to go!” Pinkie said with much delight.

“Can you tell me now what the thing is under the blanket?” Fluttershy’s curiosity returned after finishing the pie.

“Ok, you got me. This is the Feed-O-Matic3000! What it does is it feeds you through a tube and all you have to do is lie down and relax!”

“So do nothing and it feeds you?” Fluttershy was now very eager to try it. “I would love to try it, if that’s ok with you…”

“YAY!” Pinkie inserted the tube into Fluttershy's mouth, and inserted the cakes and pies into the machine. “Which kind of treat do you want?”

There were so many choices to choose! Just thinking of all the options, it made Fluttershy blush a bit because she could not decide.

Pinkie immediately spotted her blushing. “Red like a strawberry. OH, how about strawberry rhubarb pie!” She flicked on the switch and pie filling started down the tube towards Fluttershy.

Slowly, her belly and her plot were getting larger and chunkier. All her features were beginning to mold together and grow. “OOHHH LOOK AT HOW BIG YOU ARE GETTING!” Pinkie jumped up on her and started giving her a belly massage. Her hooves kneading the playful pudge and jiggling her whole body. She started to grow a double chin as the fat continued to accumulate. Fluttershy finally figured out that she had grown a bit larger, and that it was no coincidence.

“Pinkie Pie, why do you want me so fat?”

“Because I love my friends so very much and if my friends were bigger, there would be more of them to love!” Pinkie went over to the Feed-O-Matic3000 and changed the flavour to neapolitan ice cream. She also increased the amount of food coming through.

Fluttershy looked like she was getting a bit “excited.”

“Fluttershy, are you alright? You don't look like your shy, normal self.” Pinkie rubbed Fluttershy's now gigantic plot with her hooves, which did not help calm her down.

“I... I... well, I am a bit…”

“Full? Nonsense, we still have a few more things here!” Pinkie switched the flavour again to fudge brownie.

“No, not full. I... I…”

Frustrated, Pinkie turned off the machine and pulled out the tube. “What are you trying to say Fluttershy?”

“I am, a bit, horny…”

“Huh? Sorry Fluttershy you're gonna have to speak up.”

“I said, I am, horny…”

“I still can't hear you!” Pinkie sang with a slightly frustrated voice.

“HORNY!” Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs. “Oh my…”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Well then, looks like it is time for a fiesta! Pinkie Pie immediately jumped on the bed with Fluttershy and started playing with her newly enlarged belly.

Fluttershy was embracing the moment. Pinkie’s hooves glided over every inch of her fat and pushed down on specific areas, which made Fluttershy start blushing. Pinkie started jiggling Fluttershy’s belly to make her whole body shake and wobble. This got Fluttershy’s face even more red. “Oh Pinkie Pie, you know how to please a pony!”

“Well duh, kinda the pony who makes everypony happy...”

Fluttershy started panting; it all just felt so good! Pinkie’s hooves on her body, the constant ripples of fat upon her body, and just the idea of being so large!

“SURPRISE TICKLE TIME!” Pinkie started to tickle Fluttershy's double chin. Fluttershy attempted to reach Pinkie, but her hooves had lost a lot of their movement about 100 pounds ago…

“Silly, you're far too fat to reach me!” She very slowly moved her attention from Fluttershy’s double chin to her chubby face. Pinkie leaned in and planted a kiss on Fluttershy's forehead.

Fluttershy was starting to become very turned on by Pinkie Pie’s actions. Her nipples were getting very hard and she was super horny.

“What do we have here?” Questioned Pinkie playfully after spotting her nipples. She planted a hoof on each nipple and started rubbing them while still kissing Fluttershy, now on the muzzle. Such actions got Fluttershy’s nipples really wet. Pinkie proceeded to start sucking on her nipple. A steady flow of breast milk started flowing out of Fluttershy’s nips. Pinkie eagerly sucked on the nipple to get as much milk out as possible. “There, there Pinkie Pie. There is enough milk for you.

“OH, THAT GIVES ME AN IDEA!” Pinkie jumped off Fluttershy and left the room again, just ditching Fluttershy to be in there all alone.

“Pinkie Pie? Where did you go?”

“Here I am!” Pinkie walked in with a plate of chocolate chip cookies (Pinkie Pie's favourite). “Who wants some milk and cookies?”

Just then, Fluttershy’s tummy growled very loudly. Sheepishly, Fluttershy squeaked out “Umm, I do…”

Pinkie jumped on Fluttershy, and started sucking her nipple again. She got a mouthful of milk and grabbed a cookie. Pinkie proceeded to stuff such cookie into Fluttershy's mouth. She then went to kiss her and emptied her mouthful of the milk into her maw as well. “Delicious?”

Fluttershy shook her head yes. “Good, because there's a lot more cookies where that came from!” Pinkie stuffed another cookie into Fluttershy's mouth, which was now awaiting another treat.

Fluttershy realized how fat she had gotten. She took up most of the bed and had rolls everywhere. If she stood up to walk, her belly would be hanging so low that it would brush against the ground. She jiggled with every breath she took, even while lying on the bed. What struck Fluttershy the most was that Pinkie had not gained any weight. Even when surrounded by sweets, Pinkie still managed to lose a few pounds. Fluttershy decided to ask her about it. “Pinkie Pie, you look very skinny. How do you not gain so much weight when surrounded with pastries all day?

“Hmm, I’m not sure… I have lost a bit of my pudgy pudge haven’t I?” Pinkie took another cookie and popped it in her own mouth. Her voice sounded like she longed to be fat, but just could never achieve her dream.

“Pinkie, how about you get as fat like me?”

“I'd LOVE that!” She ran over to Fluttershy to give her a huge hug! Pinkie then proceeded to take an apple pie. “I can't wait!”

“Ok, let’s get started then.”

“Alrighty!” Pinkie stuffed her face into apple pie, getting pie filling all over her face.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie switch positions. While Pinkie munched away on a sweet, Fluttershy was right there with the next one. It was like an assembly line, but with only two ponies and they were eating the food instead of packaging it. Before they knew it, Pinkie started to grow larger and larger. Her belly stuck out a decent amount now, and was super soft. Her plot had also grown in size as well. Rolls had appeared on her sides and the start of a double chin was forming. Her legs had plumped out a bit, as cellulite was starting to form on each one.

As Pinkie finished the pie, Fluttershy hooked up the Feed-O-Matic3000. She inserted the tube into Pinkie Pie’s mouth and turned it on to key lime pie, another favourite of Pinkie’s. As the delicious filling flew through the tube, Pinkie laid down on her back, legs spread wide. Fluttershy took this as an invitation; she walked (waddled) over and started licking her pussy.

“Ohhhhhh, keep doing that! It feels SO GOOD!” Pinkie said, after seeing Fluttershy walk over. Fluttershy caused Pinkie Pie’s eating pattern to become abnormal; she just could not eat while Fluttershy was pleasuring her.

“Is something wrong Pinkie?” Asked Fluttershy, concerned something was not right with her friend.

“No, no nothing is wrong; it's just that it feels so amazing, that I am having a bit of a difficult time eating my pie filling!” Pinkie's face turned from the normal pink to a tinge of red.

“Pinkie, are you blushing?”

“Heh, maybe...” Pinkie replied, very playfully. Pinkie’s gut was slowly getting bigger. She was getting very excited over it. It has been a while since Pinkie was this fat. “Ooooo, look at all my pudgy pudge!” Pinkie Pie continued to stuff herself silly full of key lime pie.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy continued to lick her pussy. Her rhythmic strokes almost put Pinkie in a trance. “That feels, so good, keep going!” Pinkie felt Fluttershy's tongue lick the bottom of her sex and felt her caressing her belly with her free hooves.

Fluttershy started licking faster, faster, faster!

Pinkie started getting really excited, and started releasing quiet groans that got louder as Fluttershy increased her speed. She could tell that she was going to climax soon.

Out of nowhere, Fluttershy asked a very horny question. “Pinkie, can you cum on my face?”

“Doesn't look like I can object...” Pinkie Pie was so sexually aroused she could barely move, as the tube slid down her body off to the side, as she could not even hold onto it anymore.

Fluttershy was playing with Pinkie's belly, while licking her pussy at impressive speeds. Pinkie Pie just could not keep up with her. “Heh, haha, AHHHHHHHH!” Pinkie arched her back as much as she could and released her juices all over Fluttershy's face, then went limp on her bed, completely exhausted. Fluttershy was tired as well; it was a lot of work for such an overweight pony.

“So now what Pinkie Pie?” Asked the now sticky pony.

“Maybe we should take a break for the day... Why don't you come back tomorrow after all the food has digested?”

Pinkie got off the bed to show her guest to the door. She could tell it was night by the sight of the moon through her window. That would make it very unlikely for Fluttershy to run into anyone on the way home.

“Ok Pinkie Pie, I'll see you tomorrow!”

Okie dokie, see you tomorrow! Pinkie watched as Fluttershy squeezed her huge plot through the doorway, her whole body jiggling with every move she made. As Fluttershy finally made it through the door, Pinkie realized that they were gonna do this all over again tomorrow! “I had better get ready…” Pinkie said as she thought about how much fun they were gonna have tomorrow.