> Chrysalis buys Taco Bell > by Moniker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chrysalis buys Taco Bell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis buys Taco Bell by Dancing With Discord Chrysalis buys Taco Bell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Chrysalis screamed as she flew off in a random direction. Her and her changeling swarm finally landed somewhere. They aren't too sure where they are all they know is that they are not near their hive. Chrysalis sighed as she looked around the plain, it had a few houses, and a few restaurants, Chrysalis looked at her swarm and stared to the sky feeling terrible since she failed her mission she walked around the town looking at ponies a few times, she loved seeing them squirm and close their eyes tight. Chrysalis was unsure what to do she could easily tell she won't get directions from these ponies, they were too scared of her. "Hmm, what should we do now?" Chrysalis asked her swarm One changeling opened it's mouth and gave a inaudible sound "Well, that makes since but where are we going to get a canon in this town?" Chrysalis told the changeling. Another changeling did the same. "Alright, but answer me this where are we going to get a magician hat?" Chrysalis asked clearing her throat. Another inaudible voice started. "Please, this no time to...um...play around..." Chrysalis tried to find the right appropriate words when there was a young filly in front of her. The inaudible voice raised it's voice at Chrysalis "Now, there is no need for such harsh language sir!!" Chrysalis snapped. Another inaudible voice caught her ears. "Well I would if, we what? I...I'm sorry do what with my what? No oh no I told your friend I'm not feeling it right now," Chrysalis told them. All the changelings dropped their head. "Oh now come on don't be discouraged maybe when we get back to our hive," Chrysalis looked at the heads perk up all the changelings opened their mouths, all the changelings asked the same thing at the same time with no voice itself. Chrysalis rolled her eyes "Yes, I promise," Chrysalis sighed. All the changelings perked up and looked around the town. One changeling walked up to her and poke inaudibly "What's that? Oh your hungry, well I can go for a bite to eat my self actually," Chrysalis blushed slightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chrysalis walked with her Changeling swarm close behind. "Where to go?" Chrysalis wondered looking at every restaurant the street had. "Do any of you have a preference?" asked Chrysalis. The changelings exchanged looks the inaudible sound began. "Okay, so maybe there?" asked Chrysalis pointing at a restaurant called Olive Garden the changelings shook their heads and pointed at the window showing the price for the food it was twenty bits each. "Oh...there?" Chrysalis pointed at a McDonalds the changelings shook their heads. Chrysalis nodded "Okay, then what do you want?" she asked. he changelings pointed at a Taco Bell "Oh, okay then, let's go," Chrysalis leaded the changeling swarm inside. She waited in line patently as others got their food. finally she heard. "Next, can I help the next pony in line," asked the stallion cashier. Chrysalis sighed "Finally, hello sir, I'd like-" She stopped realizing he was cowering in a corner. The stallion kept by the corner "Wh...What are you doing here?" he asked. Chrysalis nodded."I'm here for dinner," Chrysalis said. The stallion gave a feminine squeak. "G...G...Get away from me!" he yelled running out the door. "Wait, my swarm is hungry!" she screamed out at him, That only made him go faster though. "huh, why can't any-pony take our orders?" sighed Chrysalis. "What's the problem?" asked a stallion. Chrysalis sighed "Oh, your employees are just scared of me," Chrysalis smiled yet frowned a little. The stallion sighed. "Now I wonder why that is?" he opened his eyes. "AH!" the stallion cleared his throat "Sorry, now what would you like," the stallion said slightly nervous. Chrysalis tilted her head. "Your not going to run away?" asked Chrysalis. The stallion shook his head. "No, that's racist," the stallion shrugged. "Well then we'll take fifteen Doritos locos boxes," Chrysalis said. "Alright that'll be one hundred and eleven bits please," the stallion said. "What! th...that's to high," Chrysalis groaned. The stallion looked at her. "Well then your out of luck," the stallion added. "Do you know who I am? I can eat you in one bite," Chrysalis clamed. The stallion didn't seemed amused. "Go ahead look at the policy I quote "A employee shall not give free meals to any-pony even if they can eat you in one bite," it also saws "It's policy that you must pay for every meal," So I'm sorry but your out of luck," he added. Chrysalis stared at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chrysalis walked out of Taco Bell in the background was a blood covered stallion. "So are you happy now?" asked Chrysalis. The Changelings nodded. Chrysalis smiled and looked away from the road. She looked back and saw their hive. "We found it," Chrysalis said happily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three hours later The Changelings stood over Chrysalis who was fast asleep. She opened her eyes and was startled. "Yes?" Chrysalis asked wiping some dry drool off her mouth. The Changelings smiled sheepishly "Now?" she asked. The changelings nodded. Chrysalis sighed "Fine come over here," All the changelings did some...stuff in...bed. "Now are you happy?" Chrysalis asked. The changelings replied inaudible "Good," Chrysalis smiled. > Alternate ending. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis buys Taco Bell by Dancing With Discord Alternate ending ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Changelings stood over Chrysalis who was fast asleep. She opened her eyes and was startled. "Yes?" Chrysalis asked wiping some dry drool off her mouth. The Changelings smiled sheepishly "Now?" she asked. The changelings nodded. Chrysalis sighed "Fine come over here," All the changelings did some...stuff in...bed. "Now are you happy?" Chrysalis asked. The changelings replied inaudible "Good," Chrysalis smiled. "You know this probably won't have happened if we didn't go to Taco Bell," Chrysalis sighed. The Changelings nodded quickly. The inaudible voices spoke. "Yes that's true, I do love that but well, I say let's just rest now, we'll go to Taco Bell again later, maybe we'll try the Cool Ranch Dorito taco only at Taco Bell." Chrysalis snickered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So what did you think Rick?" Gabriel asked. Rick hummed as he tapped his chin. He knew Gabriel was new to the whole making commercials for Taco Bell, though he expected it to be fairly serous. "Well, Gabriel, it was AWESOME!" Rick yelled. "You really think so?!" Gabriel asked jumping out of his chair. Rick nodded as he took the sketch to his boss. "Hey Mister Malcolm, can I give you this commercial idea?" Rick asked looking at his boss. Mister Malcolm nodded and began to speak. "Sure let's see it," Rick's boss said. Soon as he finished reading the idea he put down the paper. "So what did you think it was thought of by our new guy Gabriel," Rick said excitedly. "Can you send him in?" Malcolm asked. Rick nodded. "Gabriel come in here!" Rick exclaimed.. Gabriel ran next to Rick. "So what do you think?" Gabriel asked teeth chattering. "I...think...your fired," Malcolm declared. "Go clean out your desk," he added.