> Super Wings > by The Metroid Tamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > We're going to die! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WHOOSH* Near the outskirts of Ponyville Frostbite was grinning ear to ear while sitting on her brother's back. For Mender's his once light brown coat was turning into ghostly white color. "Uh-uh sis? Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean spinning blades and logs along with flamethrowers how did you obtain all this stuff?" Mender asked in a shaky voice. Frostbite giggles resting her head onto of Mender's, "Well I had to convince Dad really well enough so that he thinks we are not trying to kill our self's with this obstacle course!-" *FOOOOOSSSSHHHHHH* "-Plus! Pinkie Pie helped me as well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Besides if your spell works we should be invincible! Then get our cutie marks! " Mender face-hoofed, "Sis you play too many video games with Luna sometimes. I don't think these 'Wonder Wings' will work." Frostbite shook her head, "Nonsense my brother! If you use your Healing spell along with Dad's Charge-Combo spell it should make us...um how does it go oh right! We will be SUPER PONIES!" she said raising a hoof in the air. Mender sighed and shook his head, "We are not going to have a full body invulnerability plus I don't even know if it's possible! WE HAVEN'T EVEN TESTED IT OUT! Wait is that a kazoo in your mouth?" Frostbite spitted out her kazoo then smiled, "Maybe, anyways that's where we come in! We are going to test it! Now start healing my wings!" Frostbite unfolded her wings and covered Mender's face which he pushed a little forward. Mender then casted his healing spell, a long transparent golden beam connected to both wings. "Now use the Charge-Combo spell!" Mender did that and was surprised on what he saw, Frostbites wings began to sparkle gold. "It feels tingly!" She said giggling. She pointed a hoof forward, "Alright lets go!" But they didn't, Frostbite looked at her brother who was trembling very badly. She frowned, "Mender you okay?" she asked. Mender sniffled a bit, "No I'm not, I'm scared sis. Scared that this will fail and we will die! I don't even know if this spell will work..." Mender was holding back his tears. Frostbite leaned her head to her brother's and nuzzled him, "I trust you Mender, you're the best healer in all of Equestria!" she said. "R-really?" Frostbite nodded with a beaming smile, "Now lets go do this!" Mender began to feel confident and the spell grew stronger. Mender let out a cry and began to gallop towards the course only to realize what he was doing, he closed his eyes hoping it would be quick and painless. Frostbite for her part screamed joyfully. The first rotating blade missed the duo but the second one hit them, *DING!* The blade broke off embedding itself into a nearby tree leaving the two unharmed and Mender kept galloping, "WHOA! Keep going Mender!" Frostbite cheered, "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" The two passed the blades leaving a trail of broken, dull and chipped blades. They approached the swinging logs. One log hit the two only for it to blow up in a million pieces, Mender grunted a little but kept his balance and moved forward. Frostbite made mental note to bring goggles next time they try an experiment like this, 'That is if Dad doesn't see us...' Mender was beginning to sweat as Frostbite tightened her grip around her brother's neck, 'It's working so far! All Mender has to do is keep his focus!' she said to herself mentally. Then the unexpected happened, "Oh dear...uh Mender keep running forward!" Frostbite yelled "Wha-What? Why?" "TRUST ME!" Some how a few Timber wolves got on the track. One of them saw Frostbite and Mender running towards them, seeing as it didn't have lunch yet it decided to pounce the two foals. At this point Frostbite closed her eyes hoping the Timber wolf won't get them. *CRASH* Frostbite shot her eyes open and looked back to see the remains of the Timber wolf, she grinned seeing as nothing can touch them at all. The remaining Timber wolves tried the same thing as the first one only to end up like the first one, pile of fire wood. Soon the wolves reassembled themselves and scurried off back into the forest, "Yea! Eat it you stupid mutts!" Frostbite taunted. "What? What happened?" "Nothing!" Next came the flamethrowers which they passed with ease. The two of them felt the heat but not enough to bother them or burn them, the flames simply brushed them like nothing. The deflecting flames spread around the flamethrowers making their tanks explode as well as burning a nearby tree. Frostbite made another mental note to put the fires out later. Soon the two made it out of the course and the spell wore off, "Um Mender you can stop running." Frostbite said giggling. Mender did stop then opened one eye, "Are we dead?" he asked. Frostbite laughed and rolled off her brothers back, "No silly we survived! IT WORKED!" Frostbite was jumping up and down cheering, she then looked at her flank only to be blank as usual. Mender turned to the death course to get a good look at the result, his pupils shrunk. "Uh...Sis..." Frostbite turned and wasn't surprised, the course was completely destroyed. The spinning blades were chipped and broken, no logs were left and the flame throwers? Lets just say the only thing burning the stuff around it. Around them were ponies who watched the whole thing, luckily they were no where near Ponyville and no one got injured but most of them either fainted or to shocked to what they just witnessed. Mender came up to her sister's side rubbing the back of his neck, "Wow, Dad's going to be mad when he sees his Flamethrowers destroyed. I never knew why he has them he hates fire." he said. Frostbitle looked at her brother, "Well, at least Mom and Dad aren't here." She said grinning sheepishly "MENDER! FROSTBITE!" "Run!" "You had to Jinx it!" -The End-