> Big Sister > by DeeJay Pon3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Sister By DeeJay Pon3 “Welcome Fillies and Gentle-Colts! Today is the day of the new Ponyville Park Grand Opening! I would like to thank the Apple Family for generously giving us the land to use for our new park! Everypony, I declare this park, open!” Yelled the Ponyville Mayor, cutting the yellow ribbon at the new Park entrance. Ponies swarmed in, setting down picnic blankets over the gentle hills and gullies. White oaks and maple trees dotted around the park, offering shade to the noon-time sun. Scootaloo sped down the winding path on her scooter, gazing around at the new park. There was a playground near the center for the little fillies to play on, and a pony-ball field near the eastern edge of the park. To the southwest there was a stage, where DJ Pon3 had set up her gig, and was playing some Darude. She raced off to the western area, spotting her friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, both hanging out with their sisters in the hilly area setting up to watch tonight's meteor shower. Scootaloo sped toward Sweetie Belle and Rarity, who were sitting on their red and white checkered blanket. She skipped over to sit by Sweetie Belle. “Hi Sweetie Belle! What are you and Rarity doing?” Scootaloo asked. “Sweetie and I are spending some bonding time together. I rarely get time to myself, and I couldn’t watch the meteor shower tonight without my little sister.” Rarity told Scootaloo, looking over her shoulder to face her. “Oh. Ok, I’ll leave you two to your bonding. Sorry...” Scootaloo picked up her helmet and scooted over near Apple Jack and Apple Bloom, but they too were sitting on their own little blanket. I guess they don’t want me to ruin their time together either, Scootaloo thought. She scooted away from them, heading deeper into the park. Scootaloo found a smooth-trunked oak tree on a hill, and decided that it would be a good spot to hang out. She set her backpack down at the base, and folded up her scooter. In her backpack was her green and blue ball that she had brought, in case her friends wanted to play. They are busy with their sisters though. I wish I had a sister. Scootaloo sat on a root of the oak, the ball between her legs. “Hey squirt, that ball isn’t gonna play with itself, ya know. Buck it over here.” Scootaloo looked up and saw, “Rainbow Dash! Omigosh!” Scootaloo got onto all fours, tossed up her ball, and spiked it. The green-blue ball whirled over Rainbow Dash, as she took flight. She did a barrel roll around the ball, scooping it up in a wing. Rainbow Dash skidded on the ground to a stop. “Oh my gosh! That was awesome Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo had no time to say more as Dash bucked the ball toward her. Doing a 180, she got up on her fore-hooves, and caught the ball with her hind legs. The force of the throw caused her to topple over onto her back. “Wow, not a bad try squirt. Buck it over!” Scootaloo tossed the ball up once more, and kicked it as high and fast as she could, hoping Rainbow Dash would show her a cool new trick. Rainbow Dash glanced quickly at Scootaloo, giving her a challenging face. Dash took off at ninety degrees. She did a flip around the ball, kicking it higher. She caught the ball and juggled it with each beat of her wings while flying, and kicked it downward. Rainbow Dash sped down toward the ball, and did her Buccaneer Blaze before catching it, and landing next to a jaw-dropped Scootaloo. “Wow! That was so awesome Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo squealed, hopping around Dash. “Yeah, maybe you can do it one day. Hey, I gotta catch up with the weather crew, it’s supposed to be cloudy tonight. Catch ya later squirt.” Scootaloo watched as Rainbow Dash took off, and shouting, “Bye! And thanks for playing with me!” Rainbow Dash’s only acknowledgement was throwing Scootaloo’s ball down from up high, looking down at her for the catch. Scootaloo hopped onto her fore-hooves, and caught the ball with her hind legs. She walked a few steps forward on her front hooves to balance out and then sat down, watching Rainbow Dash wink before she flew off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo packed up her bag, hugging her ball that had been played with by the coolest pony in Ponyville before stuffing it in with her things. She unfolded her scooter, and blazed down the path to the exit, her wings humming in the night air. After a few minutes of racing down the path, she noticed that she was coming up to the entrance of Ponyville. Scootaloo veered towards the Apple Family’s forest, following an earthy, yet smooth pathway. She sped past the outskirts of Ponyville, gazing at the happy ponies entering their warm homes for the night. As she reached the Apple Family’s forest, she jumped a fallen tree, one of the markers to find the Cutie Mark Crusaders hideout. Nearing the next marker, a rock, she hopped up and did a grind along its smooth top. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have big sisters and a home... All I have is our hideout. Beats sneaking into Sugarcube corner and sleeping in Pinkie Pie’s room. Even though she didn’t mind, I don’t want to mooch off of other ponies. The hideout is nice, but it’s so awkward when I sleep too long and Apple Bloom finds me. She said she wouldn’t ask me about it. She’s a great friend, keeping a secret that she doesn’t even know about. Do sisters keep secrets for each other, even if they don’t know what the secret is about? Scootaloo stopped her scooter in front of the hideout, and folded it up. She hauled herself up the walkway, and slipped inside the clubhouse. Laying her scooter and backpack down, she pulled out her pillow and blanket. Good night Scootaloo, I love you. Rang a voice in her ears as she lay down, the last words she heard from her mother who had died of a terrible sickness. Her father had died long before then, in an accident during a lightning storm. Scootaloo’s eyes started to tear as she grieved for her past losses. Sleep finally took her, and the world around her went quiet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Scootaloo! Scootalooooo!” Scootaloo opened her eyes with a jolt. Apple Bloom was prodding her side, stuffing Scootaloo’s things into her bag. “You over slept again. Sorry if I hurt yer head pullin yer pillow out, but Apple Jack was right behind me. I told her there was a tree she missed buckin’ yesterday so she didn’t see me head over here. Get up, you gotta go before she wonders why you’re here at five in the mornin’!” Scootaloo was so drowsy that she couldn’t reply. She picked herself up, and packed her things into her saddle bags. She slipped out of the door, looking around to make sure Apple Jack was no where in sight. The way was clear, and she headed for the forest.Trotting through the woods, she stopped near the fallen log, and fell sleepily onto her belly. Apple Bloom is such a great friend. It has to be hard to keep a secret from your sister, I know it is, but I can’t ever thank her. It wouldn’t be enough. I wonder, maybe Rainbow Dash can teach me to fly today! My wings have gotten bigger over the last few seasons. Thought Scootaloo, now getting back up to look for Dash. Scootaloo unfolded her scooter, and strapped her helmet on. I can go so fast now, I need some goggles. Maybe I can find some in Ponyville. I wana scoot around for a bit though, maybe I can find Rainbow Dash out doing the clouds again. She thought to herself before zipping off. She followed the path out of the forest until houses and shops appeared on the horizon. Scootaloo raced around the outskirts of Ponyville, the wind blowing through her mane like water. There was no sight of Rainbow Dash in the sky, or outside of Ponyville. She doesn’t hang inside Ponyville much. Unless shes at Sugarcube corner. Ugh! What if Pinkie asks where I was sleeping? She’ll be so upset and tell Mr. and Mrs. Cake all about it. Okay, no Sugarcube corner for now. Scootaloo thought out. She noticed she was coming up on Fluttershy’s little grove. Maybe Fluttershy knew where Rainbow Dash was, because she’s a pegasus as well. Scootaloo folded up her scooter, unstrapped her helmet, and laid all of her gear down next to the outside of the door to Fluttershy’s home. Scootaloo knocked gently on the door, so she didn’t spook Fluttershy. Fluttershy was a great friend of the Crusaders, and Scootaloo always loved visiting her if she needed help with something. “Oh, hello little one. Come on in.” Fluttershy softly spoke as she opened the door. “Hi Fluttershy! Umm,” Oh. What if Rainbow Dash is busy? Or still thinks I’m still too small to fly? I’d just be wasting her time. “I was just wanting to stop in and say hi, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Scootaloo said, changing the subject of her thoughts. “Oh, that’s very nice of you! Would you like some tea? I just started to make some. It’s you’re favorite too, black raspberry.” Fluttershy led Scootaloo into the kitchen, and Scootaloo sat down on one of the soft, pink pillows around the table. “You know, there aren’t much black raspberry plants left. The weather has been really hard on them, and there was a plant disease last wee-” Fluttershy stopped as she looked over at a sad Scootaloo. “Oh, what’s wrong Scootaloo? Is it the raspberries? I-I’m sure they will grow back. I can always plant more.” Fluttershy hovered over to Scootaloo, and sat next to her with her flank brushing the little filly. “Well, it isn’t the tea. I wanted to find Rainbow Dash today and ask if she’d teach me to fly. My wings got a bit bigger since last time, but she’s so busy. Or she might think I’m still too small. I also wanted to find some cool goggles because I go so fast on my scooter my eyes start to burn, but I don’t know where to find any.” Scootaloo half mumbled out, yet not inaudible to Fluttershy. “Oh, little one. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t mind you asking. She’s just up at Cloudsdale for the morning. Try to find her again this afternoon. You look tired. How bout you sleep for a bit and I’ll wake you up when Rainbow Dash should be done in Cloudsdale? Does that sound good?” Fluttershy said quietly to the sad little filly. “Ok then. I am really tired.” Fluttershy scooped up the little pony, and slowly hovered up the stairs to her bedroom. She gently laid the filly down on her bed and covered her with a soft, warm blanket. Scootaloo had already fallen asleep by then, quietly whinnying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo slowly rose from her sleep, hearing voices downstairs. That was the best sleep I’ve had since... I think since Pinkie Pie made me that awesome nest of pillows. She has a lot of pillows. Like, a- Scootaloo’s thoughts were cut short by a familiar voice. “Oh, Squirt’s here? Yeah I can take her out for today. Her wings did get a bit bigger, so she should be fine.” Scootaloo jumped out of bed, and zipped down the stairs. “Oh, hey pipsqueak. Fluttershy says you want to learn to fly, eh?” Rainbow Dash was sitting next to Fluttershy, giving Scootaloo a face saying ‘I know you can do it, kid.’ “Oh, yes! that would be awesome Rainbow Dash! Can we start now? Please please pleeaaase?” Scootaloo was bouncing around the little table by the couch were the two mares sat. “Yeah, we can start now. See ya Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash got onto all fours, and started for the door. Scootaloo bounced over to Fluttershy, and embraced her tightly “Thank you so much Fluttershy! You’re the best!” She she said softly. “I knew that was going to make you happy. All you have to do is ask her, see? Please be careful, flying can be scary at first before it becomes fun. But do try to have fun, ok? Come and see me again sometime.” Said Flutteryshy, as Scootaloo started for the door. Scootaloo closed the door gently behind her, and saddled up her things. “Come on kid, hop on. I'll fly us to a field where you can have plenty of room to learn.” Scootaloo tried to put her scooter in her saddle bag, but something else was on the bottom. “Huh...” She opened the bag up, and there on the bottom were some flight goggles, about the same color as her hair. Fluttershy! She adjusted the strap, and fit them onto her head. “Rainbow Dash look!” She said, climbing onto the pretty mare’s back. “Fluttershy’s old flight goggles? Looks good on ya squirt. Alright, lets go.” Rainbow took off, heading to a wide field south of Fluttershy’s house. There was a single, large maple in the center, with gentle dips about the land. Rainbow Dash craned her neck around, making sure Scootaloo was holding on tight. “Hold on tighter, were gonna do some fun stuff before we land!” Scootaloo held on as tight as she could without choking Rainbow Dash, as Dash did some cork-screws. Dash looped around, and sped towards the ground. “Oh my gosh, are you trying to do the-” Scootaloo was cut off by the wind in her mouth. Rainbow Dash flew a few feet above the ground, slowing herself down to a stop. “Sorry squirt, no Sonic Rainbooms today. I’m too tired for that. Now, put yer stuff over by that tree, then we’ll start. You can keep the goggles on if ya want.” Scootaloo laid her things down by the tree, and scurried back over to Rainbow Dash for a lesson. “Ok, first thing is first...” Rainbow Dash lectured her on how to beat her wings properly, not just to zoom forward how she does on her scooter. She taught her how to take off, by jumping with her hind legs for a good head start, and then beat her wings slowly but powerfully for beginners. “Ok kid, you know the basics. Lets see you take off.” Dash watched expectantly as Scootaloo reared onto her hind legs, and launched herself up. She shot her wings out and beat them how she was told too. She levitated in the air for a while, and looked at Rainbow Dash with a big grin. “Good! See if you can get higher!” Rainbow challenged her as she flew up to a low-level cloud. Scootaloo beat her wings, trying to remember how to climb. Suddenly, she hit a large updraft. She soared up, doing some circles, and clumsily landed next to Dash on the cloud. “Oh, right, landing. Tilt your body back a bit, and back pedal your wings. Then land hind legs first, ok?” Rainbow Dash leaped up and showed her an example. The two pegasi flew quickly from cloud to cloud, boosting Scootaloo’s confidence in heights she had never been at before. Rainbow taught her to do simple dives, loops, and cork-screws along the way. As the day grew longer, Scootaloo was tired out from all the exertion of learning to fly. She landed softly on a cloud, and Rainbow next to her. “Good landing! I can teach ya some more tomorrow if ya want.” Scootaloo let out a happy squeal, “Yes! Thanks so much Rainbow Dash! Today was awesome!” You’re awesome! Oh man, I wish I could tell her. I wish that she... “Alright then, see ya later squirt. I’m guessing you can get down from here, right?” Dash said to her affectionately. Not needing an answer, she winked as Scootaloo said good-bye, and took off. I hope I can, I need you tell me what I do wrong all the time and how to tweak something. Tomorrow though, you said tomorrow like, the next day! This is going to be sweeeet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo glided down to her tree, and gathered her stuff up. She tried to take off, not expecting her stuff to be so heavy, and plummeted back to the ground with a soft thud. “Okay, well, I’m not that big yet...” She scolded herself. Scootaloo got onto her scooter, having to use her legs to pedal because her wings were sore from all the new movements. She passed Fluttershy’s house, wishing she had some of that delicious looking tea. Scootaloo skimmed over the smooth path towards Ponyville, and let out a long yawn. As she came up to the village, she watched forlornly as the ponies once again entered their warm, safe homes for the night. She rode slowly through Ponyville, watching as lights started to drown into the darkness. As she reached the outskirts on the other side of the village, she took the path to the private part of Apple Jacks farm. She sped along the way, wanting to get into the safety of the Crusader’s hideout. She reached the forest just as the twilight ended, a pale white moon rising slowly over the horizon. Jumping the log along the path, she made for the next marker. She was too tired to grind across the rock, but she stopped and sat on it for a while. Everypony has a real home. With their own food. I feel bad when I eat things Apple Bloom leaves me in the morning and at night. It’s not my own food. Their home has real beds, and pillows. And isn’t cold in the winter like the clubhouse. Oh well, it’s still shelter, and Apple Bloom said there’s always enough food to go around. I should get going, I have more training tomorrow! Scootaloo folded her scooter, and trotted down the pathway to the clubhouse. She tottered up the walkway, her tiredness overtaking her muscles’ strength. She slid through the door, unpacked her pillow and blanket, and promptly fell down asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Something was prodding her side. She shot up neighing in fear, and looked to her side. In the pale moonlight she saw a familiar figure, “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?” Oh no! Whats she going to think of me, that I’m homeless... “I followed you, actually. I wanted to see if you made it down alright, and then I saw you heading into the forest. Oh Scoots, why are you here? Don’t you have yer own place? I mean this place isn’t bad but...?” Scootaloo looked down, obviously a disappointment to Rainbow Dash. “I... My parents died a while ago. So I used go to Pinkie Pie’s to sleep cause she didn’t mind. Then when Apple Jack gave the Crusaders this place, I decided to sleep here instead of mooching off of other ponies. Apple Bloom was the only other one to know. She’d leave me a small breakfast and dinner every day. And...” Scootaloo’s eyes were welling up from her emotions, built up over her short life. “Aw kid, don’t cry. Come fly with me, I wana take you somewhere. Bring yer stuff.” Scootaloo launched her self up with Rainbow, and they headed off over Ponyville. “Wow, it’s really pretty flying at night Rainbow Dash. This is so awesome!” Scootaloo squealed, admiring all the stars. “Hey kid, look up. Shooting star!” I wish upon a star that I could have somepony... Oh whats the use... Wishes don’t work. They soared on for about half an hour, stopping now and then on a cloud to let Scootaloo catch her breath. They flew onward, and a large object in the sky was silhouetted in front of the moon. “What is that?” She asked Dash, but Rainbow Dash said nothing, only giving Scootaloo a small grin, her eyes softly laid on the filly. As she flew closer, she could make out the shapes. In front of her was a tower of clouds, shaped into a house. A rainbow colored stream melted down from the spire, flowing over the edge of the cloud. “Rainbow Dash, what-” Scootaloo cut off as Rainbow Dash scooped Scootaloo into her belly with a wing, laid them both down on the cloud, and nuzzled Scootaloo affectionately. “Welcome to your new home, squirt.” Scootaloo squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming, and hugged Rainbow Dash as tight as she could. I have Rainbow Dash! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hope y'all enjoyed reading! Special thanks to Zev and Pinkie Pie for editing and critiquing.