> Filly Foolin' An Apple Jack Story > by Dragon Feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 Warm Apples and Introductions (Revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Warm Apples and Introductions Howdy y'all my name is Applejack of The Apple Family. I was taken a break from all that hard apple bucking and I was just thinking back to when I first met my marefriend, Savyna. You know that sexy new girl that lives in Ponyville now? The mare with purple hair and a peacock tail? Yeah you know the mare I'm talking about now. I decided to write me up a story explaining the whole thing, how Savyna and I meet, the birth of our lil filly Apple Dragon, and the craziness in between. This is where it begins.... I woke up one fine Spring morning around 5 am. as we always do on the farm and I smelled the most delicious Apple cinnamon pancakes and apple fritters cooking downstairs. I knew Granny Smith was already up cooking breakfast even though she was getting on in years Granny Smith was always the first of us up in the morning. So I yawned then rolled out of bed and when I looked in the mirror I saw what a mess my mane and tail were from all the tossing and turning I did the night before. “AJ get a hold of yourself, yer just all worked up cause y'all will be in heat soon and ya know how that messes up a mare's mind with funny thoughts and dreams,” I told my reflection with a soft sigh even though I didn't really believe it before heading to the bathroom to clean up. I hopped into the shower real quick to get my mane and tail under control before giving myself a good scrubbing. Nothing like a good hot shower to wash away the worries of a troubled mind from the night before away for a while. After I was cleaned up I got out drying both my mane and tail before I brushed them out a bit before I tied them back like I always do. I went trough the other parts of my morning bathroom routine without much trouble but I still had a nagging feeling something was off. While I was brushing my teeth in the mirror I felt something stirring up inside of me. I had been feeling this way for a few weeks now like something was changing in me. It felt like something strange and new was waking up in me, like I was a butterfly about ready to emerge from my cocoon or a rip apple waiting to be picked. I didn't know what it was but something strange or special was coming. For the last few weeks, I have been having some very strange and erotic dreams about my friend Rainbow Dash. I'm not the type of mare to indulge in filly-fooling, though Dash has. In fact, she does filly fool with a few select mares round Ponyville from time to time and she even has a lot of coltfriends with benefits as well. But in the last few days, my erotic dreams have shifted from RD to some strange but beautiful human girl with purple hair and brown eyes. I have never met her before but it feels like I know her and she knows me somehow. In the dreams though we know each other well and it feels like we love each other. She makes me feel so sexy, so wanted, so hot with desire. The way her hands caress me and the way she licks and kisses me has me calling out in my sleep. A few times Big Mac thought I was clopping and to my embarrassment, I woke up soaking wet. Although last night's dream was a Dash dream, so it didn't end with me needing to change my sheets again but I did need to take some time out to clop a bit because I was so worked up. It was a might bit strange lately that's what I had been dreaming about, being with Dash and the human girl. I was too embarrassed and too darn stubborn to talk to Twilight about it or borrow a book on the subject so I just put it off for a while. Not that Twi couldn't keep a secret or be of help I just didn't want to get her involved unless I had to as a last resort. Princess Luna was just right out even if she was the Princess of the Night and dreams. I wasn't spilling my guts or talking about my dirty dreams to her on the count of she would most likely tell Princess Celestia who would, in turn, talk to me and Twilight, then it would get a might bit awkward. Not to mention Princess Cadence might be brought into the mix as sex goes hand and hand with love after a fashion. Plus it wasn't like she didn't already know about my dreams being the Princess of the Night and all, but if she did know she hadn't shown up in them yet or stopped by one night to talk to me about them. I had to stop thinking about it and just believe that those types of dreams were something that Luna just stayed away from or just kept to herself. The thought of her watching such dreaming of other creatures as a form of own personal pleasure was far creepier and embarrassing to me then her trying to talk me through them. Soon I just pushed it all out of my mind. Better forgotten then brooded over. After a few days of having to change my sheets every morning I broke down and told Granny Smith about it, this was several weeks ago and she's been no help at all. She just told me search my heart for the answer and being honest with myself was the best way to find relief. I tried that and it didn't work, I'm not the most patient mare in Equestria, so I just been ignoring it every morning just like I was going do that morning. After finishing up in the bathroom I got dressed in my favorite outfit, my knee length blue jean skirt with the frills, the white belly shirt with brown trim, my red and green striped sweater with the apple button in the middle and my trademark stetson hat. After getting dressed I headed on down to the kitchen for breakfast and found Apple Bloom and Granny Smith in front of the stove cooking up what looked to be some mighty fine pancakes and apple fritters for breakfast. “Mornin' youngin'.” Granny Smith called to me without turning from the stove. She was wearing her usual red bonnet with a white ribbon on the back of it and her yellow sundress that was covered in red apples. I just nodded to her before I sat at the table and pulled a cup in front of me before reaching for the coffee pot. “Did ya sleep well last night?” Granny Smith asked after a few moments. “As well as can be expected with Big Mac snoring down the hall from me,” I said with a laugh as I poured myself some coffee. I knew what she was getting at but I didn't want to talk about that right now, not with AB in the room anyway. I added some apple syrup to my coffee and was stirring it slowly hoping that Granny Smith would wait until later to talk to me about my dreams but I was wrong. “Nah Ah'm talkin' bout them dreams ya said ya been havin' bout that other friend of yers, what's her name again? Rainbow Lash... uh....Rainlow Smash?” Granny Smith asked as she turned around to face me thinking as she tapped her chin with a finger. “Granny do ya mean Rainbow Dash?” Apple Bloom asked as she pulled an apple fritter from the oil then placed it on some paper towels to drain and cool before putting a few more fritters into the oil to cook. Apple Bloom was dressed in her favorite yellow school dress with frilly white trim at the bottom. Usually, she would be in a t-shirt and overalls but I guess there was something special going on at school for her to be dressed up in her yellow dress she wore to parties and fancy things. “That's the filly Ah'm talkin' bout. You still havin' those special dreams youngin'?” “What special dreams is Granny Smith talkin' bout sis?” Apple Bloom asked me as I was sipping on my coffee. I nearly choked on the hot brown apple flavored liquid when Granny Smith mentioned the filly fooling dreams I had been having about Rainbow Dash then seconds later Apple Bloom wanted to know about them too. I went wide eyed as I swallowed the hot liquid in my mouth before I burned my tongue any more than I had already. As I tried to find a way out of talking about that but I was plum out of ideas. I was still struggling to find a way to change the subject in my head as I stuttered with some fake reply. I'm not a very good lair, in fact I've never been a good lair at all, being the Element of Honesty has it's drawbacks at times. I was still stuttering when Big Mac came walking up to the table with a note in his hand. He was wearing his standard blue jean shorts with his leather belt were the buckle was shaped like his cutie mark, white t-shirt, and a long sleeve flannel button up shirt that was open with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I quickly focused on him and kept drinking my coffee hoping he would draw everypony's attention away from me. “What's that?” Apple Bloom hollered from the stove seeming to forget about asking me about my special dreams. I breathed a sigh of relief then relaxed as I waited to see what Big Mac had in his hand. “We'd better get ta work soon, we gotta another large order of that sweet ol' cider that needs ta be made. Just got this order in today from er...uh Pinkie Pie. We're gonna need more jugs sis. Ah, think two whole crates should do it.” Big Mac said as he places the order on the table for me to see. I picked up the order and sure enough, it had balloons and streamers with confetti explosions drawn on it in random places making it look like a little filly's party invitation instead of an order form, a classic Pinkie Pie move. “Well Ah reckon Ah better go in ta town ta get some after breakfast then, but y'all gotta pick up the slack on the farm while Ah'm gone, right Big Mac?” I asked with a wicked grin as Granny Smith laid down a heaping load of pancakes and a few fritters in front of me and Big Mac. Seconds later Apple Bloom turned off the oil for the fritters then sat at the table with us. Granny Smith sat a plate in front of Apple Bloom before she sat down with us with a plate of her own and a cup of coffee. “Ah know that AJ, do Ah look like a colt ta ya?” Big Mac shot back at me as he sat at the table and I slid the order back to him. “So how much we gonna need ta make this time?” I asked as I rolled my eyes at his comment before I shoveled some pancakes in my mouth enjoying the sweet apple cinnamon taste. “We need bout 20 cases AJ, that means we gotta work double time. That sure is a lot of cider fer one order.” Big Mac said back as he finished off his first pancake and started on another one. I was thanking the stars in Luna's night sky for the subject change since I was at a loss on how to make it myself. It's at moments like that I'm thankful for having Big Mac around, he always seems to have perfect timing in awkward situations. “So what's the premiere party pony of Equestria celebratin' this time?” “We gotta make twenty of the hard cider too for everypony when all of the lil' fillies and colts have ta be in bed. Ah, guess we got us some new arrivals, a whole lot from the order size.” Big Mac said in a calm and slightly bored tone. Sometimes it gets on my nerves how calm he can be when the rest of us are losing our heads. Once I'd love to see my brother lose it one time while the rest of us are cool, calm, and collected. “Oh.” New arrivals huh? My thoughts turned from my brother and his always calm attitude to a not so calm and collected pony, Pinkie Pie. I started to wonder what Pinkie Pie's up to at this moment. Probably roaming all over Ponyville working her tail off to make her another legendary 'Pinkie Parties' I told myself seconds later. That pink pony was always a ball of hyperactive energy set to overdrive when it came to party planning and having fun. She once spent a week planning a surprise party for me that took a full three days to end. I had never been that drunk in my life and I vowed to never get that drunk again the Monday after. I hoped Pinkie would keep the adult fun to a minimum this time but I had my doubts about it as I finished gobbling down my breakfast. In the back of my head something else about the fact we had new people in Ponyville had me wondering who they were. We haven't had very many visitors here in Ponyville lately. I then got a flash of the human girl from my dreams and she whispered my name. I had to shake my head to clear it before I moaned, or something more embarrassing got hot and bothered at the breakfast table. I'd never hear the end of it from Granny Smith or Big Mac. And an early morning clop wasn't on the list of things to do for today, maybe later tonight if there was time. “Heh heh, that pink filly is always got her tail worked up over a little ol' party every time. I remember back when Ah was a young mare bout her age we all had a filly friend by the name of Rose Petals that was just like her. Runnin' and jumpin' round and plannin' things fer all the young mares and stallions to do fer one thing or another. One time she even planned a harvest day party fer me and mah friends there were streamers and balloons everywhere and we ended up gettin' in trouble fer bein' too loud. Heh heh, that reminds me of that one time when....” Granny Smith started then started laughing at her own memories while Big Mac, Apple Bloom and I just stared and listened halfheartedly until she was finished. Granny Smith often goes off on a tangent sometimes when conversations get to going. Some of them from time to time pertain to the conversation and have nudges of wisdom in them but often they're just Granny remembering her long life in Ponyville. She's the oldest living pony, minus Princess Celestia and Luna of course, in Ponyville. When she goes off on one of her stories she makes it seem like you actually lived it. She's had a lot of good and bad times here in Ponyville and boy were there a lot of stories! “Hey can Ah come to the party with ya AJ? Please, I won't be any trouble, Ah promise.” Apple Bloom asked me with a bit of pancake and syrup on her cheek as I was trying to slip out of the room for a minute, after grabbing a glass of apple juice, to wait out Granny Smith's story. It was shaping up to a long one about her friend Rose Petals and I had heard it three times before. I swear each time she told it, it got longer and longer. “Now lil' filly you know you gotta be in bed early,” I said as I gulped down the glass of apple juice then washed it out before sitting the empty glass on the kitchen counter. “Awww...come on Big Sis, Big Mac said that y'all need twenty cases of regular cider fer the party fer all the other fillies and colts mah age.” Apple Bloom pleaded with me as she got up from the table and wiped her face. "Plus if Ah don't go Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will laugh at me not ta mention all of mah other classmates. Please, please, please.” She pleaded as she gave me her cute 'I wanna get my way' face. “Now, now simmer down there sugarplum. Ah said ya gotta be in bed early but I didn't say ya couldn't go. If ya get all yer chores and homework is done after school today ya can go. but ya have ta come home with Granny Smith when it's time for all the little fillies and colts ta be in bed.” I told AB before giving her a wink. Apple Bloom ran over and hugged me before I walked out the door and headed to the barn to get the cart then I headed for town. So my walk to Ponyville was a peaceful one that gave me time to think about my dreams and what I really felt. I had never considered being with another mare before other than little old kissing games young fillies play at AB's age with her filly friends. It was strange to me that I was having these feelings now since I hadn't thought about things like this since my filly school days. As I thought on the subject and my friends the only mare I would like to have a relationship with, if I was going to have a marefriend, was Twilight or maybe Rainbow Dash. But the only problem with dating RD was that she was a might bit too free with her love and wasn't the settling down type, well not yet at least. The sex would be good though but that's not enough to risk a relationship on. On the other hand, poor Twilight didn't seem like she was the type to be into filly-fooling long term that is. I mean I know about that weekend with Pinkie Pie, Bon Bon, and Lyra but that had been about testing out a whole bunch of spells she had found in Star Swirled the Bearded private collection. So that seem like a one-time thing with her. If she was the type then she was probably a virgin, when it came to mare on mare sex and things of that nature, not that it would be a bad thing it wasn't like I was all that experienced in the subject either. I mean the mare studies day and night most of the time and would want to do a lot of reading and research stuff on the subject before she would commit to a full on relationship if she would even entertain the idea of one. Plus she was a princess now and that would mean our relationship would be public knowledge from the start and any little old fight we had could reflect badly on her position as princess. I couldn't do that to her and the lack of privacy would get on my nerves after awhile. With those two out of the running for potential marefriends that left the other three girls to consider. I know for a fact Rarity wasn't that type of mare. Even if she did say she would be in a herd with other like-minded mares of her choosing if the right stallion was involved. She made that point rather clear after a drunk RD started hitting on her one night when we all had gone out to Vinyl Scratch's new night club called PON-3 for a change of pace. Never thought Rarity could swear like a dry land sailor but there's a first time for everything. That fight took three weeks to work itself out before Rainbow Dash said she was sorry to Rarity and Rarity would even look at RD let alone hear her apology. Fluttershy was way too shy to even consider plus I just don't like having to deal with all of the critters that hang around her cottage all the time. That Angel bunny is a mean little varmint when he doesn't get his way. Pinkie Pie was a might bit too crazy for me to handle, plus I know she has a lot of sex toys, weird sex costume stuff, and was into some serious fetish stuff. Most of that was a bit too much for a vanilla mare like me. I like to fantasize a bit but not live it out like “Mistress Kinkie Pie” does. Then there were the dreams about the human gal I been having, I'm still trying to figure out where they fit in. I mean I have met a few humans in my time but this gal seems different somehow and special to me in a way I can't describe. She was so beautiful, and she knew exactly where to hold me. She would be the type of girl I'd want a relationship with if only I knew who she was and where. The thought of being with another girl scared but excited me at the same time. I really had to figure something out soon otherwise, I was going to lose my mind over this sooner or later. Once I made it into town I passed by the Carousel Boutique to see Rarity to find out if she knew anything about Pinkie's party tonight. If anypony would know where Pinkie Pie was on the morning before a party it was Rarity. Rarity made it her business to keep up on such social events like parties and things. Once I was outside of the boutique I could hear Rarity yelling at Sweetie Belle about some dress making supplies she used that she wasn't supposed to touch. I knew right then and there it was best to just look for Pinkie on my way to the hardware store. Getting in the middle of a Rarity / Sweetie Belle fight was like taking on a pack of Timber Wolves with a wet napkin, something no sane pony would or should do... EVER! It only took a few minutes from Rarity's place to get down the street to Galloping Gallons Hardware store. That's when I was nearly run over by a fast moving pink pony named Pinkie Pie. “Hhh...hold it now y'all almost killed me there a second ago. Y'all should apologize for runnin' a body down like that.” “Oh soooooo sorry for that AJ. I was kinda in a hurry. I got plans, plans, plans to make and finish before the end of the day. Like when you have a whole lot to do but it doesn't seem like a whole lot to do at first. But then you start doing it all and you realize it really is a whole to do like you thought it wasn't at first and your like 'oh man I shouldn't have agreed to do all this since I'm just one pony. Everypony knows that no pony should agree to do something they can't handle.” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced up and down on her hooves like a pink pony shaped ball. “I get that Pinkie but where are ya'll off ta in such a blasted hurry?” I asked trying to keep my eyes on her which was pretty hard with her bouncing around more than usual. “Heh, heh silly billy I have to plan the party... Duh! I have to get the streamers, the balloons, the party games, the cups, the plates, the silverware, baking up like a bazillion cupcakes, get the party cake iced, and make sure all of the decorations have been placed in all the right spots before the band setup. Not to mention I still have volunteers I have to pick up before noon.” She laughed her Pinkie laugh as she rolled her eyes and didn't stop hopping up and down on her hooves like she was on a sugar rush again. After a few moments of hopping, she switched to running in place for a bit. But with Pinkie Pie when wasn't she a bundle of laughing, hyperactive, fun having pony of chaos on a sugar rush? I flicked my eyes in irritation. Should have known she would say something like that. Never ask Pinkie Pie a simple question expecting more than a simple answer. You'll get frustrated faster than a coyote trying to dig a fat gopher out several gopher holes. “Ah know that Pinkie, Ah mean where are ya headed ta now? What's with all that cider ya ordered this mornin'?” I asked her trying to keep my vision from blurring from staring at the jumping pony. “Heh, heh, I'm headed down to Sugarcube Corner to check on the cakes and things for later. I ordered all of that cider because we have like a whole lot of new arrivals today so instead of having like several small parties I decided to just gather everypony together for one big “Meet The New People of Ponyville Party”. By the way, do you know where I can find an 1816 full bore parrot cannon and colored confetti would ya?” Pinkie Pie asked me as she started hopping up and down again. “Do what now?” I should have seen that coming too but I didn't see it until its was too late. Pinkie Pie is random but sometimes those random moments have saved us, like the time the Parasprites had eaten most of Ponyville because of a spell Twilight had cast on them to get rid of them since Princess Celestia was on her way for a royal visit. Pinkie knew what to do to get rid of the little varmints the whole time but we just didn't listen since it seemed like a bad time for a random Pinkie Pie moment. The only hard thing about Pinkie Pie's random moments was figuring out which random moment you were having with the party pony. Some of them are good and can solve the problem at hand other are just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. “Ah don't think Ah have any ta spare there Pinkie Pie but Ah will keep an eye out for ya okay. Oh, and did ya get ta see any of the new arrivals? Was there any purple haired gals with 'em?” I asked her remembering my dreams, I don't know why I asked but I figured it might help me figure out the craziness in my head. After all, when you have craziness going on ask a crazy pony that seemed to live for those type of moments. “Well, thanks anyway Applejack I really have to go now but I will see you and the rest of the Apple family tonight at like 6 with the regular cider since all of the little fillies colts in town will be there and getting them drunk would be like really, really, really bad. My sisters and I did that one time when we were fillies and it was real bad. We got really sick then throw up like a million times and were all dizzy. Our mom found us while we were throwing up and she had to put us to bed and take care of us for like two days. So we don't want that happening tonight.” She said as she smiled before she hopped off then turned around and came back for a second. “Oh yeah, I've seen a lot of new people today there were two girls with them but I was running so fast I didn't really see what they looked like but they will be at the party tonight so you can meet them both then.” With that, she was gone again in a pink cotton candy scented cloud of dust. I waved bye to Pinkie Pie, she could be random and responsible all in the same moment a rare feat even for Pinkie Pie. She was such a good friend but a bit crazy at times but if she wasn't, she wouldn't be Pinkie Pie. After watching Pinkie Pie run off and wondering where I could find an 1816 full bore parrot cannon thing and colored confetti I walked into the Hardware shop. “Hiya Plywood, how ya doin' today Partner?” I called out as I went looking around the store. Plywood was a tan and white earth pony stallion in his 40's with a gray and white mane and tail. He wore a brown and gray carpenter vest, tan pants, and had a plank of wood with a saw, hammer, tape measure, and box of nails sitting on top of it as a cutie mark. He was one of the best carpenters in all of Ponyville with a pleasant attitude toward everypony and everyone that came to his hardware store. “Hey there Applejack, long time no see. What brings you all the way to the Galloping Gallons?” He asked me with his wide pleasant grin he always wore when I came in to make my orders at the end of every month. I think he kinda liked me but since there was more than twenty years between us he never tried to pursue me out right, even when I was in heat. In fact, Plywood defended me from a gang of young colts one summer when my estrus cycle got the best of me and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Since then he's been like a father to me, he's really was a good and decent pony. “Well Ah just came in ta get some more jugs fer the cider. Ah, need 20-gallon jugs ta go,” I explained to him as I swiped my hand across the counter out of boredom. “Wow, that's a lot of jugs to go. Normally you just order a few hundred jugs and several dozen cases of soda bottles for delivery at the end of the month. That's a heck of a quick order there, what are you up to today?” He asked as he walked around the counter to fill my order. “Pinkie Pie's throwin' a party tonight, got a lot of work ta do. Bout 20 cases of cider to bottle up, there suppose ta be some new arrivals here.” I told Plywood as he loaded up five boxes with four empty gallon jugs in each then brought them back to the counter. “Oh, I see now. That bundle of pink energy was in here buying me out of wall hangers, string, nails, and a few other odds and ends for some party stand or something other she was saying. Really couldn't understand her, she was talking so fast. They’ll run ya 70 bits AJ.” The bell on the cash register rung as Plywood smiled at me. “Would you like to take them now or have them delivered later today?” “No need ta have 'em delivered Ah'll take 'em now but thank ya kindly Ply,” I told him as I fished the 70 bits out of my pack and handed it to him then I grabbed the boxes of gallon jugs out of Plywood's hands. “Alright AJ you take care and tell your family I said hi. I guess I'll see you later tonight than at the party.” Plywood said as he opens the doors for me to get out. “Ah'll let everypony know you said hi especial Granny Smith. Ah see ya later and so will Granny Smith.” I told him with a laugh as I always would tease Plywood with the fact that Granny Smith had taken a liking to him. He just laughed as I slid out of the front doors loaded up my cart then took off for the farm. LATER THAT NIGHT....... We finally got enough cider made after hours of being in the fields apple bucking trees for it. That is some hard work even with Big Mac's help and Apple Bloom running the full baskets of apples in for us after she got back from school. After we bucked the first half of the south field me and Big Mac had to get to making and barreling up cider. After that was done we had to take several new barrels of cider down to the aging room to become hard cider. The whole time we were working AB was just as busy as us with chores and homework while running errands for Granny Smith. That lil' filly really wanted to go to this party which Big Mac and I were fixing to be late for since Big Mac was taken his sweet old time again. I hated when he did that, and half the time it was just to piss me off and boy did it! If anyone knew how to get under mah skin the most it was Big Macintosh. But he was my older brother and what are brothers for, other than making you crazy and being there for you when you need them most? “Come on Big Macintosh we're gonna be late! Granny Smith, AB, and her friends have already left fer the party!” I hollered down to him as I looked down into the aging cellar at Big Mac. He was hauling two more barrels up to put on the wagon. “Hush your hoofs sis Ah'm comin'!” He hollered back up as he came up the cellar steps with two large barrels of hard cider on both shoulders. “ Shut and lock the Ageing cellar fer me and then we can get to goin'.” He said in his standard calm demeanor as he hopped on the wagon and tied down the barrels. I just rolled my eyes then quickly locked up the cellar then hopped on the wagon as Big Mac pulled the reins to get the horses to go. We made it to the party without a second to spare, all of the Ponyville had just made it to the town hall when Big Mac and I showed up. We were met at the back door by Pinkie Pie who let us in so we could set up the cider. The music had already started and it was getting really loud fast. Once the cider was set up and poured into glasses it was going like crazy. We made sure everypony had a cup and I do mean everypony, I had to tell Rainbow Dash to slow down after her ninth cup since we had hard cider for the adults for later. That mare can get cider crazy at times, in fact, I make sure to make an extra barrel for her during the peak of cider season just so she doesn't complain or whine about not getting any when we sell out for the day. I left the cider table for a bit to check on the party just to see if everypony was having fun and maybe to spot the new arrivals. I hadn't seen them yet since I had arrived. I really didn't get a chance to meet them as all of the little ones were really into drinking the cider so I had stayed and watched the table so they didn't knock anything over. I wasn't able to make it far to look when Big Mac ran into some trouble and I had to high-tail it back to the drinks table to help. All of the little colts and fillies were rushing the table for drinks and knocked a few over. After about two hours or so later, around 8 pm all the little fillies and colts had to head home for the night with all the ponies needing to be up early. After the little ones were gone Big Mac and I broke out the hard cider. About that time a funny looking man walked up to me, he was covered in more fuzzy white fur than my mane on a bad day and had a fancy get up on. I assumed he must have been a new arrival since I've never seen him around Ponyville before. I had seen a lot of strange folks in my short lifetime living in Equestria, I mean I've seen humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and even a half wolf lady named Lotus once that had passed thru Ponyville. But the fella that was in front of me was the strangest by far. He was a walking monkey like fella with a long monkey’s tail, ebony skin, and white fur. He was wearing some kinda fancy black suit thing and was smiling rather big at me. He was pretty bulky to be a monkey, at least to me. “Your Applejack, the one that makes the hard cider right?” He asked as he grinned, but it wasn't a nice grin, it was a weird looking grin like he was up to something but I couldn't put my finger on it. I tried not to pay attention to it when I answered back to him. “Yup, that's me. How may Ah be of service?” I asked with a wider grin than I usually do. Don't know why I did that but I did and seemed to make me feel a bit easier about talking to the strange fella. I always tried to be as polite as possible you never know when it could come back on you. “Can you make sure everyone at this party is drinking it, I want them to know how good your hard cider is.” His grin stayed on his face as he replied. I wasn't sure what he was up to, but this little monkey fella didn't look too harmful and he seemed to want everypony to really get a good taste of Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider. I figured I could do that since I always loved to make the Apple name known. “Why sure Ah reckon Ah can do that fer ya,” I said, then he thanked me, left me a large bag of bits, then left without even giving me a chance to ask him for his name. I'll have to track him down later and get his name to thank him properly. The party seemed to really kick off after Big Mac and I passed out the third or fourth cup of hard cider to everypony. Everpony and even our new guests to Ponyville seemed to ask for cup after cup, well everypony except for this pretty looking human gal sitting in the far corner, looking awfully lonesome. She was one of the new arrivals and I had seen her with the other new arrivals and that tall monkey fella I spoke with earlier about the cider. It seemed the lonely girl was friends with all of the other humans and people that newly arrived but was by herself. That seemed odd to me, because if she had friends then why was she sitting all alone? She just sat there watching every other pony have a good time. I didn't think she deserved to be alone on such a special occasion, plus I seemed to be attracted to her. I decided to let Big Mac run the drinks table by himself for awhile, even though I had a nagging feeling I shouldn't. Everypony had cider and seemed to be doing alright so Big Macintosh should be alright and as long as I checked on him every once in awhile things would work out. Once I made sure Big was alright and Cheerilee knew to call me if anything happened I went over to the human girl's table and had a seat next to her. I had seen her glance over at me several times that night when she thought I was looking or paying attention. Now that I was right next to her she didn't seem to even notice me at first, she just kept her glance down. “Howdy there darlin', you're looking a little lonesome over here. Why ain’t ya have havin' any fun like the rest of yer friends sugarplum?” I asked and for a few seconds it was as if I hadn't spoken at all or she didn't hear me. There were a few more seconds of pause then she looked up and seemed to be surprised about me being there. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Big Mac's overly loud and tipsy self. I really shouldn’t let him drink and serve drinks at the same time. Big Macintosh can over do it sometimes since he forgets his limits a lot of the time on a count of his size. I usually have to tell him when to stop when we decide to get the drinks out. “It’s time we showed y’all just what kinda fun we of the Apple Family have at Sweet Apple Acres!” He announced over the big speaker before he singled Vinyl Scratch to turn up the music as he did a stage dive. Soon as he said and did that the party seemed to kick into an even higher gear. At that moment it was like the party had become Pinkie Pie and by Luna's Moon, that's a very scary thought. That'll teach me to never leave my brother in charge when he's been drinking, I should've known better than that. I turned back away from Bic Mac as there was little I could do to stop him at the moment and if he got of hand Twilight and the others would get involved or come get me. When I turned back around I saw that the human gal was looking down again like she forgot what to say. I didn't know when but I start to feel that funny feeling I get when I have the filly-fooling dreams. I got butterflies in my stomach which was weird, I've never had this feeling around anyone, expected Rainbow Dash a few times. I didn't know why but I was hoping this human gal would notice me or say something to me. I liked her, I mean I liked her an awful lot, but I didn't know why at the time, and I hoped that I could maybe get her to talk to me or even go out on a date. “Aren't you the one that makes the hard cider everyone is drinking?” She asked as she looked up at me. This gal was rather pretty for a human with soft lily colored skin, medium brown eyes and long purple hair she kept in two pigtails. She looked like she could hold her cider, something I would like to test one day. I got lost in her eyes for a second and forgot how to talk and then it hit me like a sack of apples. This girl was the human girl from my dreams. My dream girl was real and in front of me and I was just staring at her not speaking. She was so much more beautiful than my dreams. I wonder if she's been having dreams of me too. “Yup, name's Applejack, what can Ah do fer ya?” I smiled hoping she wouldn't notice that I forgot how to speak and if she would tell me her name. I started blushing real hard, I looked away hoping she wouldn't notice. “You think you could hook me up with some?” She asked as she raised a pitcher that had been laid beside her. Horseapples she didn't give me her name but I had her talking at least and that was a start. I loved her voice it was so soothing, it relaxed me for some reason. She spoke calm and beautifully with a peaceful demeanor. “Why sure Ah could, it'd be mah pleasure cutie.” I wanted to be as nice as possible and maybe I could get her to talk to me some more so I could get closer to her. If all went well we could become close friends or even marefriends! Okay, marefriends was a bit much right now but I could at least see if she was into filly-fooling and go from there, after all, she was into it in my dreams. I took her jug and went back to the drinks table and filled it up. I brought it back pretty quick and I watched her drink from her gallon, she didn't even seem to be phased a bit by the hard cider neither. As I watched her drink 10-year-old hard cider without flinching a bit I seemed to notice something, it looked like a feather on her left shoulder. But what was a feather doing on this pretty gal's shoulder? Fluttershy didn't bring any of her birds. The feather on her shoulder was far too long to be a Pegasus feather. I studied the feather for a bit and notice it was a peacock feather, and there was more than just the one. A whole lot of them on her shoulders and back. What were peacock feathers doing on this gal's shoulders and back? The only peacocks I had ever seen had been in the royal garden back at Canterlot when Fluttershy had been scaring all of those wild and exotic animals at the Grand Galloping Gala. I was growing way to curious about them feathers and I was going to ask about them when the gal spoke again. “My name is Savyna, I just got here I'm one of the new arrivals. You got some really good cider, the best I've ever had.” She said in a rather bored tone but she smiled at me so I thought I had impressed her a bit, that thought excited me. Her smile and name were so beautiful. I loved that name, Savyna, it was exotic and unique in its own way. “Why thank ya kindly, Ah spent hours in the fields apple buckin' all of the apples fer that special cider. The Apple family has a long history of cider makin' along with just about anythin' you can make with an apple. We're famously known fer our Zap Apple Jam.” I explained to her trying to start a conversation with her, I really loved talking to her. “What's a Zap Apple? What's it taste like? Can you making anything else with it?” Savyna asked me as she stared at me with surprise and wonder in her eyes. I stared into her eyes, they were so beautiful. Her big brown eyes, staring at them made me melt inside. I smiled back at Savyna then told her all about the Apple Family and all of our businesses dealing with apples while we drank cider together. After a while, the party moved from the town hall to in front of the library then into the inside of the library as several ponies wondered off to go home to sleep or have some alone time with each other. One of those pairs was Lyra and Bon Bon. I made a mental note for later to talk to those two about Mare on Mare relationships since they had been together for years but had only been dating officially for a year or two now. If I was going to see if I could get in a relationship with Savyna I need to know a few do's and don'ts from a true heart couple. After all, I don't want to mess this up since Savyna is the girl of my dreams. I really wanted to make it special since she was the one, and that's something I was certain of. Once the party was safely inside the library Savyna and I was in a corner talking again I told her all about my family and the work we do on the farm. Savyna asked a whole heap of questions that I was more than happy to answer. After a while, she told me a bit about her childhood with her father and stepmother, her training to become a traveling monk-warrior, and some of her adventures. Some of the places she had been to and seen seemed really beautiful and would be nice to visit at some point in my life. I was in the middle of a funny story about the farm when I heard Fluttershy giggling rather loudly, it seemed like she was a bit drunk. I had been so wrapped up in my talking with Savyna that I plum forgot to watch Fluttershy and how much she was drinking or tell one of the other girls to watch her. Fluttershy is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, three shots of anything hard is her limit and with good reason. Fluttershy gets a bit pushy and very frisky when she's drunk and we found this out the hard way one night at a sleepover at Twilight's that Pinkie threw together last minute. That night we were drinking tequila shooters and mexicolt beers for the fiesta theme Pinkie had set up. Fluttershy had three shooters too many that night and started making sexually suggestive comments about her and RD being together. It was funny at first but one thing led to another and two more tequila shooters later and that night ended badly. The comments got worse then it hit a new level of wrong when Fluttershy made a move with some inappropriate touching of Rainbow Dash's flank. When Fluttershy nibbled Dash's ear and suggested they should share sleeping arrangements Rainbow Dash run for it then locking herself in the bathroom. A drunk Fluttershy gave chase and end up yelling 'YOUR GONNA EAT MY PUSSY DASHIE' thru the door for an hour when she couldn't get in the bathroom. After Fluttershy passed out and we put her to bed so RD could finally came back out of the bathroom, Pinkie had laughed so hard at the situation she had to pee. Thankfully Fluttershy didn't remember any of it and we all had to 'Pinkie Promise' to never tell her or tease Rainbow Dash about that night. It was hilarious and I’ll never forget that night, Twilight had wanted a sleepover with all of the girls since she had so much fun with her first one after Rarity and I stopped fighting. But after that night her second slumber party would probably be her last at least with that much alcohol involved. I took a second to find Fluttershy while Savyna was drinking from her jug just to see how bad off she was. If she was just a bit tipsy I'll stop her from drinking anymore before she did something out of character. If she was drunk like last time I would have to find Twilight and we would have to put Fluttershy to bed in the spare room upstairs before she had Rainbow Dash trapped in the bathroom again or worse. It didn't take me long to spot Fluttershy and when I did I could she was swaying back and forth a bit as she was talking to a tall kinda handsome human guy with some scars on his face and arms. This wasn't good because Fluttershy was way past the point of being able to make good decisions and I didn't know if that human guy she was talking was okay or not. I had heard his name was Tank from Savyna and she said he was an okay down to earth kind of guy that had been a freelance fighter for a few years that was traveling with her group now. He looked like an okay guy and Savyna had said he was okay but if he tried anything with Fluttershy while she was vulnerable like that I was going buck him to the moon without a second word. I turned my head a bit to listen in on what the two of them were talking about but I couldn't hear them very well from all the noise of the crowd and Vinyl Scratch playing the music way too loud. I was about to get up and see what they were chatting about but the next thing I knew Fluttershy seemed to get real angry with Tank. Then I heard the words I've only heard once at the Gala and I kind of froze in place for a long moment. “YOU'RE GONING TO LOVE ME!” Fluttershy hollered as she grabbed Tank by the legs and started dragging him out of the library. Tank seemed like a rather strong fella but Fluttershy was hauling him out of the library like he was the same weight as Angel Bunny. To save himself, from a fate most if not all stallions and colts of mating age and a few mares and fillies of mating age would gladly give themselves over to, he grabbed the leg of a rather heavy table. Everypony in the party stopped what they were doing to see the scene play out with a few laughs here and there at what was happening. Everypony thought he was safe and so did I for a minute but we were all wrong. I've never seen Fluttershy pull so much weight before ever, and neither had anypony else! Tank called to his friends for help but they all seemed to want him to go home with Fluttershy and I spotted RD laughing the hardest of all. So I knew she had something to do with it. I was going to go save Tank then yell at Rainbow Dash when Savyna stopped me. I knew I had to go save her friend from Fluttershy but she insisted that Tank was a gentle guy and Fluttershy would be safe with him. I wanted to protest but part of me wanted to just stay and talk with this pretty human gal. Plus the other girls didn't seem too worried about it and I knew Twilight was the soberest of us all right now and would be the first to put a stop to this if she felt something was wrong. I finally gave in, thinking that Fluttershy could handle herself plus I could always apple buck Tank in the face later. With a soft sigh, I just sat back down and continued to drink with Savyna as we talked long into the night. I kinda of remembered Big Mac and Cheerilee sneaking off together and I think Big Mac had her panties in his back pocket when they left the library together. I could have been wrong as I was pretty drunk by then. The rest of the night after that was kind of a blurry to me, but somehow I made it back home to the farm later that night. THE NEXT MORNING.... I woke up bright and early in my own bed with a bit of a hangover. My first stop was the bathroom where I grabbed the bottle of herbs Zecora had given me if I had a hangover like the one I had at that moment. She had given all us a bottle of the herbs after my three-day long birthday party that had the girls and me hungover for two days straight. I chewed up two of the small brown leaves then drank a glass of water and was right as rain seconds later. After cleaning up quickly I got dressed and headed on down to the kitchen to see what Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were cooking up this morning. I had just made it into the kitchen when Big Mac came stumbling in thru the kitchen door half dressed and had some glitter or edible gold dust stuck to his left cheek and in his hair, a confused looked was on his face, and smelling strongly of a mare and lime jello. “What's eatin' ya there Big Mac?” I asked with a bit of a laugh as I went to get a bowl to have me some Apples and oats. “Ah, d.... Ah, don't remember.” His confused look turned to worried then he hurried up the steps and I heard the bathroom door shut and lock as the water turned on full blast. That made me laugh even harder, out of all the times I've seen Big Mac hungover this was by far the funniest. “Heh, heh, that teacher of yers youngin' must'a been playin' with Big Mac all night Ah reckon.” Granny Smith said as she sat down at the table with a cup of coffee. “Whatcha talkin' bout Granny? Miss Cheerilee wouldn't play games with Big Macintosh. All those two ever do is sit around starin' at each other with goofy grins.” Apple Bloom said from beside me at the table as she looked at me for some help with confusion on her face. “Granny Smith! Y'all can't be sayin' things like that in front of Apple Bloom. A filly her age shouldn't hear things like that.” I said as I spooned some cooked oats into my bowl and placed on some fresh apple slices. “Besides Cheerilee is a full grown mare and Big Macintosh is a full grown stallion, so they can play whatever games they want. As long as they do it behind closed doors and don't talk about that stuff in front of lil ears.” I said to Granny Smith. “AJ what are you and Granny talkin' bout? Ah don't get it. Miss Cheerilee never talks about big brother in class but sometimes she does call out his name with a dreamy look in her eyes as she stares at his picture when she's at her desk while we're at lunch or playin' on recess. What games could those two play that Ah wouldn't know bout?” AB asked still looking confused. I laughed at her not knowing what going on. “Really youngin'? I say she has real good reason to call out his name now. Bet ya they played doctor or farmer's wife last night.” Granny said then laughed after taken a sip of her coffee. Granny Smith could be a really naughty pony at times and she didn't care what pony was around to hear it. “Ah know of a lot of games that yer teacher and big brother could play that a lil' filly like ya wouldn't know bout. There’s a few that a mare as old as Apple Jack wouldn't even know bout either Ah reckon. Judge by the way he looked and smelled this mornin' he was playin' a number of those games with Cheerilee last night. Heh heh heh.” “Granny Smith, y'all stop it right now! Stop that before you put any weird ideas in AB's head before she goes off ta school. Ah, don't want her repeatin' anythin' and everythin' we said this mornin', especial ta Cheerilee.” I said after stifling a laugh about Big Mac and Cheerilee playing sexy games last night. It would make sense with the smell of mare on him but the lime jello is a whole another bushel of apples. I figured it'd be best not to get the answers to those questions at least not while Apple Bloom was still in the house. Apple Bloom was going to ask a question about what was going on but Big Mac had come into the kitchen at the moment cleaned up and dressed for a long day of work apple bucking. So we ended the conversation there before Big Mac got mad at us poking fun. We had to finish the rest of the south field before we got started on the north one today. After he sat down and was worriedly eating his breakfast I had to see what was wrong with him. Big Mac acting all fidgety and nervous irked me for some reason. He was as jittery as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs and I had to know what was wrong so we could solve the problem before it added more work to my list of chores. I already had enough to do as it was and I wasn't looking to do more than what I had to not with me on the hunt for a marefriend now. “Big Macintosh what in tarnation is eatin' at ya today? Y'all do something wrong last night? Ya look more worried than a grasshopper at a frogs only picnic.” I said to him with a laugh at my own joke. Big Mac didn't laugh, his expression stayed the same so I knew whatever it was it must have been bad or very embarrassing. “Ah already told ya AJ, Ah do not want to talk bout it. Nooope, not at all.” Big Mac said then went back to his breakfast. Him being stubborn pissed me off more than anything. Apples are stubborn, the most stubborn of anypony in Equestria at times and he wasn't budging like always. So I just gave up. “Hey, Big Mac if you tell me what happened last night Ah can help ya make it up to Miss Cheerilee. Ah know fer a fact she likes flowers that grow on Sunset Hill by the park.” Apple Bloom tried after Big Mac had told me he wasn't talking about last night. She put on her super cute face that would melt your heart from the inside out, she was hoping her super cute face would win him over. I was half hoping it did too maybe if I couldn't get him to budge her cute face would. No pony could resist her baby face, that's how she won me over half the time. “I'm not tellin ya either AB. This kinda thing isn't for a lil filly and you're not goin' ta say nothing ta Cheerilee bout this either.” Big Mac said without even flinching at the super cute face. I would have broken and talked but Big Mac was a rock today, not moving an inch without some type of extreme external force applied. After hearing that Apple Bloom just gave up on getting anything out of a stubborn stallion like Big Mac, that made me even more frustrated. I hated not knowing something especially when it was bothering another pony. Sometimes he really reminds me of our father when he's stubborn like that but I'm the same way and so is Apple Bloom. Granny Smith just gave another laugh then went back to her coffee as she mused about something from her past. I resolved that Big Mac would talk about it when he was ready and until then there was nothing I could do to change his mind so I dropped the subject altogether. We finished our breakfast in quiet then Apple Bloom ran to get ready for school. I finished my oats and went to the sink to wash my bowl and spoon then sat them on the counter. Then I heard Big Mac grumble from the table behind me. “Well, I guess we'd better get ta work, Big Mac. We got a lot of work ta do, we have ta finish apple buckin' the south field then we gotta get started on the north one today.” I said to Big Mac who was looking down at the table thinking about something that he had done or said at the party. I sure wish I could read minds Like Pinkie Pie cause that would come in handy right about now. Big Macintosh and I headed to the fields but little did I know that I would soon find out what Big Mac did last night and why he really didn't want to talk about it with me. He knew it would piss me off more than anything and that would be his doom. > Ch. 2 Filly Foolin' and Merry Mulin' (Revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Filly Foolin' and Merrily Mulelin' But before I even got one apple off a tree I heard Apple Bloom and what sounded like another gal. I was wondering if some more new arrivals had shown up to town and wondered by the farm to check it out. Been getting a lot of people passing thru since the Princesses open up the borders for free travel into and throughout all of Equestria. It's been pretty good for business for the farm during our off season with tours and such. But lately not many people have been coming thru Ponyville during the apple season any way not since Savyna and her friends showed up yesterday. I was secretly hoping it was Savyna coming to pay a visit to the farm since we had a long talk about it last night. I had been wondering how her night went after I staggered home to sleep it off. She seemed pretty interested in the apple cider for some reason, I loved our time together last night. I was so happy when I was around her and I didn't know why. She gave me butterflies and made me overly excited. “Yeah, her and Big Mac are out back there by the barn. They're just bout ta go out inta the fields. Ah'll show ya the way but Ah have ta hurry fer Ah'm late fer school.” I heard Apple Bloom saying as she came around the house towards the barn and I was surprised to find who followed behind her, Savyna! I had been hoping she would come by some time soon but then it hit, what's she a doing here? I hope that she had came to see me, I'd really like to tell her about the feelings I had building up for her and the dreams I've been having about her before I met her. I also wanted to see if I could spend a little more time with her before she left on another one those adventures of hers. It was hard telling how long she'd be gone or if she was even coming back. “Hey Apple Jack this gal's lookin' for Big Mac, Where is he?” Apple Bloom asked as she looked around for our older brother, who was in the barn grabbing a load of baskets for the apples, as she was dancing on her hooves. “Could ya help her out sis she said she really needs ta find him. It's kind of important too, she said. Ah got ta get goin' for Ah'm late fer school.” AB yelled then took off for school. Before she got out of sight Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle caught up with her and Cutie Mark Crusaders were off to school. When the CMC were gone from sight I was still at a lost for words at what I had just heard my little sister tell me just moments ago. Then I came to realization that Savyna had asked for Big Mac...Big Mac... ? Of all pony's to be looking for why Bic Mac? If this was about last night I was going to.... I never fished the thought as my angry rose like a raging forest fire. I need Big Mac out to answer a few question and soon before I did some really stupid. Apples can be rather stupid when angry and I was getting real angry. “BIG MAC?!” I yelled for him with anger in my voice. There was several questions running thru my head that was making me extremely angry by the second. Questions that I needed answers to before I did something crazy. Why in Sweet Apple Acres was Savyna wanting Big Mac for?! What in Celestia's sun were they doing last night?! Why had he come home early this morning smelling like a fetish party and why didn't he want to talk about it?! Before I could get over my shock and seconds after I had time to imagine the worst possible things about last night Big Mac showed up. “Eeyup?” Big Macintosh asked as he came from behind the barn over to see what I was hollering for. Once he spotted both Savyna and me his expression was blank at first then it quickly changed to confusion. Seconds after it had become confusion it changed to surprised, then a look of absolute terror over took his face as he looked from Savyna to me which made me think he knew why she was here. In that moment I think he saw his life flash before his eyes and he saw Death motioning to him that it was his time to join him on the pale horse for the final ride. Iin that moment of of pause I relived all of the horrible things I had thought he had done with and to Savyna in my head in the short span of time it took him to look from her to me. It's bad when I get angry cause I can take things way too far in a short period of time, but it's far worse when I get angry and I have a whole lot of strange or powerful feelings wrapped in it. In this situation I had powerful conflicting feelings wrapped up in it. I had just met Savyna but I felt like I knew her forever, like I loved her. I was so confused and didn't know what to think. I was getting angrier the long I waited for answers and it seemed the angrier I got the more conflicted those feelings about Savyna got which were fueling my desire to hurt my big brother. So I was fixing to get right nasty with the amount of hurt I was going to put on Big Macintosh if in the next few minutes I got some right bad news. So for his sake the right answers to important questions needed to come soon otherwise a certain red coated stallion was going to get his flank kick by his lil' sister. “Did we do anything last night? I mean did we do anything last night?” Savyna asked with a confused expression on her face that mirrored Big Mac's. My heart dropped as soon as she got the two questions out. That look on both their faces had me red hot with anger at my big brother. I was thinking of the worst things I could do to him at the moment and that was a rather long list in a short amount of time. I was more then ready to buck him in the face as hard as I could to break his nose, if and when he said he had taken advantage of my sweet lil' Savyna, for starters. I looked from Savyna to Big Mac with smoke blowing out my ears. ”Big Macintosh?!”I yelled as my angry green eyes fell on him with evil intent. He had a worried look on his face and stuttered as he tried ta find a excuse. “N-now Aaaa-Apple Jack it's not what ya think!” He backed up in to the barn as I closed in on him near the barn door. I didn't want to hear any of his excuses just yet, I just wanted to hear him holler in pain for a bit. Savyna was just standing there looking a might bit confused at my anger and Big Mac's fearful look as I got ready to beat him senseless. I was beyond mad and the feelings I had for Savyna didn't make it no better. “Excuse us fer a second,” I said to Savyna with a calm tone but I was anything but calm. “We'll be back after Ah have a lil' old chat with mah big brother about his doin's last night.” I chased Big Mac into the barn leaving a confused Savyna outside as I shut and locked the doors behind me. “BIG MAC! WHAT DID YA DO LAST NIGHT!? AND DON'T YA TELL ME IT WAS HER!” I was beyond angry now! I was ready to buck him into the middle of next year, if he had did something to her while she wasn't in full control and that's the reason why he didn't want to talk about last night. Before he could answer me I kicked him in the leg pretty hard making him fall to the ground as he cried out in pain. “AOOWWWW!” He hollered holding his leg in pain. “Apple Jack just calm down, let me explain what happen... Ahhhaaa!” Big Mac hollered again as I kicked him in the ribs a bit harder then I had planned to, but I was hopping mad and his pain, excuses, and what ever apology he had for me about the whole situation were the last things on my mind I just wanted him to regret whatever he did to her. Also I wanted him to know what the consequences were for crossing me when I had somepony I was after. “AH TOLD YA TA LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE'S MINE!” My anger turned into fury as I looked down at my cowering brother. I thought about him touching Savyna in all the places I would like touching her, kissing her, and even him making love to her. Him making her moan and holler his name instead of mine. All of it just made me so anger I just lost control and I bent over Big Mac and went into a punching spree. I just kept on punching Big Mac in the face and chest while he tried to stop me and get up but all he could do was just protect his face as best he could and wait for me to stop. Which would be a while, when I was mad it took a lot to tire me out. After what seemed like forever I started to get a bit tired from all of the forceful blows I had rained down on him and Big Mac saw a way out of getting hit farther. Big Mac rolled to the right side of me then jumped up from the ground in the mist of me punching him out causing me to fall on my left side. I was only on the ground for a second or two before I was back on my hooves ready to fight still. I retaken my fighting position when he cut me off. “HOLD IT A DARN MINUTE!” he hollered at me. “Ah didn't do anythin' ta her or with her ya darn love crazed mare!” His words seemed to cut thru my fury a bit as I stood there panting hard from all of the fighting so far. I stopped to hear what he had to say, but only just because if he was about to lie to me I was going to light him up again tired or not. He rubbed his jaw to see if it was broken but it wasn't. I was a bit upset that I hadn't broke it since he deserved whatever I gave him at that moment, or that's what I felt at the time. In my fury I had done a number on Big Mac's face. He was gonna have some rather nasty bruises come tomorrow in fact his face was already starting to swell up. I had done more damage to his face in our short one sided fight then most of the colts and stallions he fought with over the years. We were gonna have a hell of a time explaining what happened to his face to Granny Smith come lunch time. I didn't care at the moment I was more interested in what went on last night after he left with Cheerliee and I left for home. “Get ta talkin' ya mare stealing polecat fer get Ah back ta swelling yer face some more!” I yelled at him as I balled up my fists for another round of punching. He only had a few seconds to get a talking before I was gonna be back on him like a pack of wolves on a wounded deer. I've never been so mad in my life and right now there was nothing that would make me feel better expect that this was all a misunderstanding and I was the bad guy here. “That hurt AJ, ya got a harder right hook then most stallions twice yer size. Like I was sayin' before ya started beatin' the hay out of me Ah didn't do anythin' with your marefriend out there. I was purtty drunk when ya seen me leave with Cheerilee...” He started before I cut him off in mid sentence. “So what else is new on that front. Y'all shouldn't drink the cider if y'all can't hold yer cider. Plus y'all got a marefriend or have ya forgotten about Cheerilee? Or was it that Cheerilee wasn't enough fer ya, huh Big Mac? Or did ya not get ya fill with Cheerilee and had ta try ta get a piece of strange from a non mare fer a change of pace?” I spat at him from the deepest part of my anger. I knew it probably hurt him but I didn't care I was so pissed off that I was willing to do or say anything to make him hurt the way I was right then. “Now that was uncalled fer. You know I love Cheerilee and wouldn'tna do anythin' ta mess that up. Like Ah was sayin' before you rudely interrupted me, Me and Cheerilee was out behind the library gettin' intimate with each other when a more then drunk Pinkie Pie was out front organizing a naked jello race. Well Cheerilee said she wanted ta be a bit more open and have fun every now and then since she seemed like a vanilla mare all the time. Or that what she feels like with all the talk you and other mares in Ponyville do behind her back.” Big Mack told me. He was right about that, many of the mares in town myself included that of Cheerilee as a vanilla mare when it came to being sexy or showing of her more dominant feminine side. I mean even as tom coltish as Rainbow Dash was she still show the she was all mare when a stallion was around. I'm glad that Cheerilee is mare reserved the the average mare about things of a sexual nature since she is a symbol of authority and respect to all of the colts and fillies of town. I rather her her teaching Apple Bloom and the other children about there bodies and natural urges the a mare as prudish as Rarity or one as blunt and brazen as Rainbow Dash. “What as that got ta do with anythin' bout last night?” I asked with an angry snap. Everything, Ya see with all of ya mares sayin' and thinkin' that bout she had somethin' ta prove, that she can be a sexy wild mare too. She asked me ta being the race with her and Ah agreed ta make her happy, though all the hard cider Ah had had eariler had somethin' ta do with answer of yes. So me and Cheerilee joined in on the race and that pretty human gal of yers was the judge fer it. After the race Cheerilee and I got together fer a bit of adult fun at the Ponyville Inn since it was closer then her place or the farm.” “That still doesn't explain why Savyna showed up ta ask yoa what y'all did last night?” I yelled at Big back. “Ah'm getting ta that part, at some point Ah blacked out from more hard cider and the intimate fun with Cheerilee. When Ah finally woke up Ah found myself in the bed with your marefriend but she was dressed. Ah was at the foot of her bed still naked and smelled of sex with Cheerilee. The first I did was look for Cheerilee but found she was already gone. She had mostly woken up earlier and ran ta get ready fer school. After Ah got my bearings Ah got dressed and left her room in a hurry fer the farm this mornin'. I didn't stick round long enough ta talk with yer marefriend since Ah knew you liked her from the way the two of ya had talked all night. Ah didn't want to tell ya bout it cause I knew ya would act like this and Ah was goin' in ta town later to find out what happened from Cheerilee and then Savyna before I said anythin' ta ya bout it.” He told me then shielded his face as if I was gonna hit him again. I stood there fer a few minutes to take in what he just said. At that moment I felt lower then a snake's belly. I had jump to the worst possible conclusion about last night and I had angrily attacked my big brother for no good reason other then my own petty jealousy. If my parents could see me now they would be plum ashamed of me for going off like that without all of the facts first. “Awww, Ah’m awfully sorry Big Mac! Ah didn'tna know and Ah really like this gal so much that Ah just went plum loco. Ah'm awful sorry for hitting ya like that. It's just that this is the first time Ah've ever had such strong feelings fer another female. It's all so new ta me.” I said with my head down. I was feeling so bad I was ready to cry. I was so confused, I didn't even know if I loved this girl or was just lusting after her and I just beat the hell out my brother over her. “Its okay AJ just let me figure things out first then tell ya what happened next time somethin' like this comes up before ya go all savage mare on me. Ah know what it's like ta have strong feelin's fer a mare and not know if she feels the same way. AJ just talk ta her and find out before ya do somethin' crazier then this.” Big Macintosh told me as he patted me on the shoulder. I looked up at him still on the verge of tears before I hugged him tight, he winched a little since he was still sore from the beating I gave him earlier but hugged me back. He was a good big brother and I loved him for being so understanding even when he should very upset with me. No matter how bad the situation he always understands me and believes in me even when I don't. “Thanks Big Macintosh really, thank ya fer understanding yer stubborn and foalish sister. Ah know Ah need to talk to her but Ah just get so dang nervous and Ah really don't want ta hear that she doesn't like me the way Ah like her.” I said softly. My feelings for Savyna were strong and getting' stronger, hearing her reject me was something I couldn't take. I get so excited around her and she made me melt, weak at the knees. To loose those feelings now would just destroy me. “That's the risk ya take when ya want ta get in ta a relationship. You got ta try otherwise you're liable ta do somethin' more crazy then beatin' the snot out of me. The next crazy thing might be in front of everypony in Ponyville, the Princesses in Canterlot, or worse somethin' crazy in front of Apple Bloom and her little friends.” Big Mac told me putting his arm around me. “Ah know, Ah know, but y'all know how stubborn an Apple family member can be.” I said and I hugged him tight again before going outside to talk to Savyna. In the middle of me and Big Mac's tumble I almost forgot she was out there. “I' ll try ta talk ta her soon fer this gets out of hand again. I'm powerful sorry about yer face, but what are we gonna tell Granny Smith bout it when she asks what happened?” I asked quickly. “It's all right AJ, Ah will tell Granny Ah got in ta a fight with the stallion that was with Cheerilee before we got together. She'll believe that as long as ya don't say anythin'. Y'all know how bad a liar ya are and all.” Big Mac said looking down at the ground kicking a bit of hay across the dirt floor. He never liked lying to Granny Smith even when we were little but there times we or really he had to lie to her otherwise the trouble I would have been would have been far worse. I can't count all the times Big Mac has gotten the switch in my place for saying he was in a fight that I started over somepony saying something bad about our dead parents. Even then he was reluctant to tell the lie to keep me out of trouble. I was a right ornery filly in my younger years but thankful college settled me down but I can still be a stubborn mare at times, just like now. “Right, right, Ah'll try ta stay out of the conversation when it comes up.” I told him then I unlocked the barn doors and walked out the barn. Once outside I gave Savyna a slightly embarrassed smile before I explained to her all about the misunderstanding and all of the fighting she probably heard between me and Big Mac in the last 20 minutes or so. She returned the embarrassed smile, it was like she didn't know what to say and I was at a lose for words too. It was so cute when she blushed, I felt myself start to blush too. “I'm so, so sorry for the fight I caused between you and your brother. I was just wondering why he was naked in my bed this morning. I should have explained myself a bit more.” She said as she glanced up at me with the same embarrassed smile on her face. It was so cute to me for some reason I just smiled back then placed my hand on her shoulder. This seemed to make her rather happy and that made me smile inside too. I had forgot all about making a darn fool of myself just a few minutes ago and she seemed to like the closeness of the moment so it was win-win for everyone. “So this is where the cider comes from?” She looked around the farm trying to change the subject before our touching moment turned in to an awkward one. I pulled my hand away and put on my proudest 'welcome to Sweet Apple Acres' smile as I got ready to give her the grand 10 bit tour, for free of course. “Yup, this is where anything apple in Ponyville comes from,” I explained pointing out the must see sights of the farm.”I can give ya a tour of the farm if ya have time fer it, that is.” I was hoping I could since it would give us some close alone time so I could get to know her a bit more and tell her what I had to tell her. “I don't want to be a bother, if you have work to do I can come back later and take the tour.” Savyna said with a bit of apprehension in her voice. It seemed like me mentioning the tour seemed to make her uncomfortable. “No, it ain't a problem. There's really not much ta do today. We just have ta finish up one field and start on another. It's not a problem really if y'all want ta take the tour Ah can give it ta ya real personal like.” I said with a bit more enthusiasm then I had wanted or intended to. After I told her that she seemed to get a little fidgety about being alone with me as she thought it over rather hard. After a few moments she looked at me with a kinda sad look before she spoke. “I have to go find my friends. I'll have to take the tour some other time but maybe we can see each other later tonight or something. I'm sorry.” Savyna said quickly then began to leave. I blew it, I totally blew it. I guess I did come off a bit strong, now she really won't wanna spend time with me. I should have played cool and been like it didn't matter if she took the tour or not. I had to say something, anything to turn this around before I completely lost my chance to talk to her. Then it hit me about what she said last. What a minute, how did she not know where her friends were? I thought they were all staying at the Ponyville Inn together. Did all of them end up in some other pony's bed too? What the hay was going on in town? What else happened last night that I missed? And did I really want to know since it involved a naked jello race organized by Pinkie Pie while she was drunk? I thought it would be best to leave the last two questions unanswered since the knowledge of the answers to those two questions was far more dangerous then just not knowing what happened last night. A great pony philosopher once said 'Knowing when to leave well enough alone isn’t just a good thing, its a virtue!' I was going to do just that so I concentrated on the first question about her friends that came to mind since it seemed the safest one. “Ya don't know where y'all friends are?” I asked her but she flashed me a confused look before she turned back to talk to me. “No, I woke up in my room with Big Macintosh but everybody else was gone this morning. When I checked our meeting room for them I didn't see them there or even a note so I decided to come here first to find out what happened with Big Mac and why he was in my bed this morning.” She said to me the confusion in her voice matched her face about were her friends all where. “Well if'n Ah see 'em I’ll be sure to tell 'em ya was looking fer 'em. Ah think they'll all be back at the Ponyville Inn by the time you get back to town though. Not much to do in the morning after an all night Pinkie Pie party 'cept recovery. Ah hope ta see ya in town later though, okay?” I asked Savyna. I hoped she would want to see me again. “Umm... yeah I hope to see you too.” She said back as she flashed me a smile then began walking toward town again. Her words made me so happy I was full of energy all of a sudden. Her smile made me melt, she was hoping to see me too. Maybe she did have feelings for me too, but it was hard to tell with someone as beautiful and powerful as her. She didn't seem like would be in to other females and if she did she wouldn't go for a mare like me. I was just a plain old earth pony mare, a farmer and nothing more, nothing less. Savyna seemed like the type to be into high class mares like Rarity or even the princesses. See as she been all over the world. But I don't know what it was, her presence was so powerful and seem like she was so far out my league I would need to be as high class as Rarity or Princess Cadence to even get her to look at me let alone date me. We waved goodbye to each other and she walked back towards town. As she walked off the farm I lingered in place to watch her leave. As she made her way down the road towards town she looked like she was thinking about something awful hard. That lingered in my mind a bit but the thing that had most of my attention was the swish of her hair, the sway of her hips, the bob of that dang Peacock tail, it all screamed sexy to me and my hunger for Savyna got much more powerful. My only problem was I need to get over this dang shyness I had when it came to talking to her first. “Com'on AJ! We gotta get ta work!” Big Mac hollered from the side of the barn as he was heading for the fields. He was limping some what and his lip and face were mighty swollen now from our ordeal in the barn. I wouldn't have been surprised if his right eye was swollen shut before lunch time came. Horsefeathers, I had really messed up big this time and Big Macintosh was gonna cover for me again. I really did owe him big and I was going make it up to him some how and real soon. I stopped feeling sorry for myself after a few minutes of pouting over what I had done and went to work with the fervor of a pony possessed, and I did a good job of it if I do say so myself. I bucked what was left of the south field by myself, I cleared 230 bushels of apples just from the trees left in the south field. All the while Big Mac was resting up with an ice pack on his face. Luck for us Granny Smith was in some other part of the house when Big Mack went for the ice pack. Lunch time came and Granny Smith showed up to call me in to eat. Once she got a look at Big Mac's face and how swollen it was she was a mother hen on a war path looking out for her chicks. She chewed Big Mac out something fierce for fighting on the farm especially when Apple Bloom or the other members of the CMC could have seen it and told Cheerilee about it. Big Mac just took the chewing out with his calm demeanor and apologized to Granny Smith and told her it wouldn't happen again. I stayed out of the way and just nodded my head at the right times and said I didn't see anything when the fight with other stallions broke out. It was the truth for the most part and I promised Big Macintosh I would stay out of the conversation when it happened so Granny Smith wouldn't find out what really happened. Even though I said nothing Granny Smith still eyed me like she knew I knew something but I just wast saying it. I keep my eyes elsewhere since one look in to Granny Smith eyes when she was in 'mother mode' and you would spill your guts about everything bad you had done even if it was about the thing she was asking about. I felt powerful bad about letting Big Mac take a yelling from Granny Smith for something that wasn't his fault, how hurt Big Mac was, and for lying to Granny Smith so I decided I would give Big Mac the rest of the day off. It was a start to the making up I need to do but I still a long way to go before this was set right. So after lunch I bucked the whole first half of the north field myself. Let me tell you that was some hard work. I had done it once before when Big Mac got laid up fer a few days once after he had an incident with some mares in heat in the back fields one apple harvest. I tried to apple buck every last tree on the farm myself while still helping out all my friends all over Ponyville. I was completely exhausted by the third day but still being as stubborn as a mule as always, par the course for me, and still I tried to do it all by myself. After a few days of that as well as being a bit of a minus around town I had to ask for help. After my friends showed up and told me that I should have asked for help in the first place. It's like I said before I can be a stubborn pony, sometimes too stubborn for my own good. After getting all the apples put away I was plum tuckered out but I went inside and baked 10 apple pies for the food stall in Ponyville for tomorrow's sells since we didn't need any more apples bucked till the weekend. The whole time I worked on the pies I couldn't shake the powerful feelings of longing I had for Savyna. As the late afternoon become the early evening and I got more tired the feelings for Savyna got stronger. My thoughts kept moving back to her and what she up to. Was she thinking about me too? Did she find her friends? I wanted to feel her body on mine, I want to hear her voice, and feel her love surround me and me alone. Just the two of us, I was a leprechaun and she was my pot of gold and it was about time I got greedy with it. I was on my way to take a long hot soak in the tub since my legs were like jello, my shoulders and back were sore than all get out and I was covered in flour and things from all the baking and cleaning up the kitchen just before Granny Smith went into the kitchen to cook dinner with Apple Bloom's help. I had made it as far as the hallway between the living room and the kitchen when Big Mac came running in to the house with a note from Pinkie Pie. This really didn't surprise me at all until he got close to me and I got a good look at his face. This shocked the hay out of me since his face wasn't bruised any more, the only thing wrong was that his right eye was a lil' black and a bit puffy. “HOW IN BUCK DID YOUR FACE GET BETTER SO QUICK?!” I shouted as I pointed to Big Macintosh's face. “Apple Jack, hush that foul mouth of yers fer Ah come in there and wash it out with a cake of soap and take ya cross my knee youngin'.” Granny Smith called from the kitchen just seconds after my outburst. “Yer not to ol' fer me ta whip now.” Seconds after Granny Smith yelled I heard Apple Bloom laughing loudly at me getting threatened with a whipping and a cake of soap in my mouth. “Sorry Granny Smith Ah was just surprised at seein' Big Mac's face fixed is all. Won't happen again.” I yelled back to the kitchen hoping that Granny Smith wouldn't come at me with soap and a switch. I was to old for that but knowing Granny Smith she could easily prove me wrong about that. “It better not happen again especially with Apple Bloom bein' in the house ta hear ya use that type of language.” “AB it's not that funny!” I yelled. “Yes it is!” She hollered back. “Okay the next time Granny Smith hits ya fer cursin' Ah'm gonna laugh at you.” I shot back at her. “Horsefeathers- ooww! Ah'm sorry Granny Smith.” Apple Bloom said loudly in the kitchen followed by Granny Smith fussing her out for cursing right in front of her. Both Big Mac and I laughed before I turned to him and continued where I left off. “Big Mac what happened ta yer face? How did it heal so dang fast?” I asked just barely above a whisper so as not to anger Granny Smith again. “While ya was goin' plum loco in the fields doing all the work after lunch on the count ya beat the tar out of me, Ah slipped inta town and went ta see Miss Twilight Sparkle about a book on some medicine ta heal my face a bit faster. Ah didn'tna want Cheerilee ta see me like this and ask questions bout what happened. Ah never want ta lie ta her bout anythin', ya know. Well when Miss Twilight seen me she kind of freaked and healed me on the spot. She asked me all kinds of questions bout what happened ta mah face so Ah had ta tell her bout the fake fight Ah had and she promised not ta say a word ta Cheerilee. She thought it was rather brave and lovin' of me ta defend Cheerilee's honor like that. But that's not the most important thing ya see, this is.” Big Mac handed me another order form for cider and a lot of it. “Got stopped by Pinkie Pie on mah way back ta the farm from the library. There's 'nother party tonight and all of the Princesses and the princes are coming this time and a few of the nobles too Ah think. This party's just fer the stallions and mares of Ponyville and the lil' fillies and colts get tomorrow off on account of most of the adults will be a bit hungover tomorrow. And it ain't just no normal party either it's a Rave party, all ponies have ta have somethin' sexy on.” Big Mac informed me. I was at a loss for words, another party to supply hard cider for and Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor and that stuff shirt Blue Blood were going to be there. There were going to be a few nobles there too which could be a very big break for the farm. This was a big moment for the Apple Family but all I could think about was if Savyna would be there and maybe see her in something sexy for the Rave. I had plum forgot about being tired and sore for some odd reason I was full of energy and ready to get a going then I remember I still needed a bath. “Well this is gonna be one fer the record books. Pinkie Pie has really out done herself this time by puttin' a party this big together in only a few hours last minute. Soon All of Equestria will know about the Apple family brand of hard cider and the name of the legendary party pony, especially after tonight. Well Ah need ta get cleaned up, so start loadin' the carts Big Mac and when Ah get out of the shower and Ah'm dressed Ah'll come help finish up before we go ta the party.” I said as I galloped to the steps. “Take all the time ya need sis Ah'll get everything ready while you're busy.” Big Mac said as he walked ta the kitchen to explain everything to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. “Thank ya kindly Big Macintosh.” I yelled from the top of the steps before I race to my room to get my best party duds out, then straight to the bathroom for a bubble bath. I was on cloud nine at that point, I was going to get to see Savyna and I didn't care that I had to work the drinks table tonight either. I was in love, and tonight I was going to tell her the truth of my feelings and find out if she like me back. Big Mac was right I need to face this head on and tonight I was going to do just that. I was gonna grab a quick shower so I could help Big Mac out as much as possible but he had told me take all the time I need so a good hot soak was in order if I was to be fit to court a pretty lil' human gal named Savyna. I quickly filled the tub with very warm water and add some of that froufrou bath oil stuff Rarity got me for my last birthday. The stuff smelled of roses and wild orchids with hint of lavender or at least that’s what the bottle said on it. I poured a cap full in to the tub water like the bottle instructed and it smelled rather good to me once it hit the hot water I just hopped that Savyna liked the smell of it. The effects of the oil was what won me over on it. Its effects on me made sure I keep at least one bottle of it around for emergency relaxation or special nights when Savyna was in town. It relaxed every tired and aching muscle I had and filled me with pleasing warmth that bordered on, dare I say it, sexual pleasure. I was in heaven as I leaned back in the tub surrounded by pinkish-white bubbles soaking my aches and tired pains away. I lay there with a warm rag over my face enjoying what Rarity says is a “special home spa relaxation bath” my mind began to wonder back to the feelings of longing I had for Savyna all day long. As I thought about her and pictured her long soft purple hair the she kept in two pigtails, soft lily colored skin, the soft curve of her cheeks, the lean fit look of her body, and those sexy dark brown eyes that just made me melt inside. Just thinking about getting to stare in to those eyes had my temperature rising and my mare-hood swelling with anticipation. I felt my mare's center melt and my nipples hardening just under the surface of the water as I let out a long low moan. “Oh by Celestia's Sunnnn... yesss, touch me some more sugarcube...” I moaned as I fantasized it was Savyna's hands running down the sides of my body to my flank were she massaged my cutie mark a bit before drawing her nails across it slowly. The fantasy was so powerful that I could hear her voice call to me softly then I saw her take form in front of me. “Apple Jack... I've wanted you so bad.” Savyna said to me as she offered me her hand. I took her hand and she pulled me in the sitting position in the tub then she softly stroked my cheek. “I want you to finish your bath dry off then come back to your room and disrobe for me. Once you've done that I'm going to lay you down on your bed and ride that flank of yours hard and put you away wet.” She whispered softly then kissed me. I moaned again as I sat up then pulled the rag from my face. I was so worked up and if I had any hope of getting ready to leave on time I need to clop and I need to clop bad. I got out of the tub quickly but left the water in it since I was gonna still need it after I took care of a desire that I rarely indulged outside of my estrus. I didn't bother with drying off I just threw on the bathrobe and slipped out the bathroom making sure to leave the door shut so everypony would think I was still soaking in the tub. I quietly walked back to my room and closed the door then went to the closet. I opened it and dug in the very back were I kept the very special toy that Pinkie Pie had given me a few years ago. She had given it to me when I was in heat and didn't have time to get to the pharmacy to get estrus medication to help deal with my urges. Boy howdy did the lil' ol' toy chase away the urges when used on full blast! I pulled the long thick brown and light pink silicon replica of stallion's pride with built in magical vibration functions from the long black box it rested in. Pinkie Pie was a rather kinky pony, but hides it well. In fact during her heats she works at the local fetish club as Mistress Kinkie Pie helping mares and stallions alike during an awkward and rather instinctive time in everyponies life. At that moment I was mighty grateful she had given me this as a 'helping out a friend in need' present. “Howdy ta ya Mare Breaker 1200 or as Ah call ya, Apple Lancer. Ah know Ah only take ya out when Ah’m in heat but tonight is a real special occasion. Well Ah need ya powerful bad Apple Lancer, so saddle up partner Ah need ya ta break me real good tonight.” I said softly to my toy before I carried it to the bed and laid it down before I dropped my bathrobe and climbed in to the bed next to it. I laid on the bed rubbing my nipples and massaged the inside of my thighs working myself back up in to a frenzy. It was long before My finger found my wet honey pot overflowing with nectar. I licked my lips softly it was time and my fantasy picked up were it had left off in the tub. FILLY FOOLIN' FANTASY BEGINS.... Savyna was watching me from behind the door in the shadows as I entered the room and shut the door behind me. I walked to the bed and pulled my robe off like she told me to. The second it hit the floor I felt warm hands encircle my waist then felt the softness of her C-cup breasts brush against my back. She was so quiet and swift, like a shadow in the night. “Ummhmm... you smell so good right now, I can't wait to fill this hot little rump with a thick toy and watch you squeal with desire.” She whispered to me as she nibbled on my ear while one of her hands found my hot, wet mare-hood overflowing with desire for her. “Oh, so wet already my sweet little apple. You must want it really bad don't you?” “Ahhh... Ah want ya real bad Savyna... Ah've wanted ya ever since we met, no even before then.”I whispered back with quiver in my voice as I bucked my hips into her hand making her fingers slide deep in to me. She rubbed the outer fold of my pussy so softly and she licked and kissed at my neck. “I've want you just as long. I've want to touch you, to taste you to drive to the highest of ecstasy, to hear you cry out my name in true blissful pleasure.” She whispered to me. Her free hand found my nipples then began to tug and pinch at them. I reach up and caressed the side of her face as I moaned long and hard, the feeling of my body close to hers was more electrifying then all the times I had been with a stallion combined. The feeling of another female touching you, caressing you in all the right places is hard to describe. Its like being a young filly or colt trying to describe seeing Princess Celestia raise the sun in person for the first time in their life. My body was on fire and freezing, I was alive yet dying in the same moment, it was like day and night all at once, as if I was everywhere and everything at once yet Savyna and I were the only souls in the entire world. I felt happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and tears all at the same time yet in the moment, they were the pabulum of my life. There was a nothingness that lingered at the edge of it all. The nothingness that would come when our closeness, the contact of our flesh and souls would end, orgasm then separation to rest. Even with that loom in the distance I didn't care but for the long moment of pure bliss I was in,that long moment of forever in between the start of love making and its final conclusion. The sky could fall and the world turn to ash and I wouldn't have cared as long as Savyna was with me. So long as she was holding me, caressing me, loving me. I was getting so close to my melting point that my moans got higher and higher when Savyna pulled away from me and pushed me on the bed. I fell flat on my belly and I was panting pretty heavy completely shocked that she stopped when I was so close to cumming, I laid there and slowly turn to the side to stare at her. “Ww-w-why... did ya stop?” I asked in a frustrated huff. “I told you I was going to ride that flank hard and put you away wet. Prepare your wet flower my sweet little Apple I am about to pollinate this apple tree until it bears ripe, sweet, wet fruit.” Savyna said as she pulled the rest of her outfit off before she reached in to her backpack and pull out a rather long and thick brown and light pink silicon replica of stallion's pride. I had never seen something so big that wasn't swinging between a stallion's legs. “That's a might bit big fer me ta take, don't ya think?” I asked her with a look of longing in my eyes. I wanted to experience love making with Savyna but that toy of her's was twice the size of the last stallion I had a roll in the hay with. I didn't know if I could take it all but I was willing to try for her. “Ah'm no virgin but Ah ain't an experienced enough mare with bedroom skills to take all of that.” “This is my Mare Breaker 1200 and you, my wild little Apple filly, are about to get broken in right proper so you will belong to me and only me.” Savyna said with a seductive gleam in her brown eyes. I didn't know what to say back I just stared up at her like a deer would stare up at a hungry pack of wolves fixing to pounce on it but in my case I want my sexy wolf to devour me. I let out a little squeak as she strapped the toy on and held it up for me to see before she knelt down rolled me over on to my back and spread my legs. “Don't worry my sweet Apple your gonna get that ride I promised you soon enough but first I need to till the land before I plant my seeds so to speak.” She said with a light giggle then dipped her head and I felt her warm wet tongue dip in to my honey pot. I threw my head back and arched my back as I moaned long and loud as her tongue buried itself deep in my folds drawing more of my nectar forth to spill all over her lips. I had to quickly muffle my moaning by slamming a pillow on my face, doing my best to keep my voice down so the rest of the family didn't hear me. It was hard because each stroke of her skilled tongue send wave after wave of white hot pleasure throughout my body and she hadn't even made it to the special spot yet. Her tongue was far to short for that but she switched to licking my clit to using her fingers to explore me farther. As her fingers dipped into me they quickly found that spot deep in me that drew out a lot of lustful screams. She pressed it hard with quick skilled strokes bringing me rapidly closer to a gushing orgasm all over her face. When that happened I had to let go of the pillow and I got pretty loud seconds later as my back arched and I gripped the sheets hard. Savyna could see that I was growing close to cumming and pretty hard so she started to switch it up working my pussy hard with her fingers while running her tongue along the inner walls of my orange slit. I was quickly becoming wetter and wetter to the point that with each forceful stroke of her tongue and fingers, Savyna got a tongue-full of my love juices. At that point the strangest idea popped into my head, I began to wonder how I tasted to her. “S-sSavyna.. s-soo..um...Ah... need t-ta... know some thing....?” I asked quietly thru my pants and whimpers which prompted Savyna to stop her oral assault on my folds and look up at me. “What's wrong Apple?” She asked nervously as she looked at me fearing she had done something wrong or gone too far with how she was pleasuring me. “It's... uh... kind of embarrassing ta ask. There's something Ah want to know sugarplum.” I replied looking away from her worried face as I blushed powerful hard like a school aged filly losing her virginity. “Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you my sweet Apple?” Savyna asked looking more worried by the second. “N-No... It's just that... um, well Ah want ta know how do Ah taste ta you?” I asked softly when I looked over at Savyna with a worried glance. I know it's something a younger more inexperienced mare would worry about but to me is was important to know. “Taste? You really want to know how I think you taste?” Savyna asked me with a sly grin on her face. “Y-Yeah mah um... love juices, how do they taste? Ya don't have ta answer if y'all don't wanna Ah just wanted ta know.” I said softly looking away once again with the same filly aged blush on my face. I didn't know why but I wanted to taste real special to her, it was silly but I had to know. “Your nectar tastes so sweet my Apple. Not too much different from tart apple juice with a bit more sweetness at the end.” Savyna answered me then gave my wet folds another long slurping lick before she looked up at me with a smile. “Yes you taste just like your name my Sweet Apple Jack.” “R-really? Ah was worried that ya thought Ah would taste bad or you wouldn't like the taste of a mare, seein' as Ah'm the first mare ya have ever tasted like this.” I said with quiver in my voice but was rather relived that she liked my taste so much. “Yes your very sweet but do you mind if I resume drinking my fill at this watering hole before we go for a ride then?” Savyna asked with a seductive tone of voice that matched her slyly grin. “N-Not at all.” I told her with a nervous giggle which soon turned into a moan as Savyna's tongue once again dove between my drenched folds. A few more minutes passed now and I was writhing in pleasure from the human gal’s continued oral assault on my puffy orange slit. The feelings of pleasure were getting more and more intense each time I felt her tongue or her fingers move around deeper inside me. Soon it got to the point that I had to grab the pillow from earlier and bite down on it to muffle my moans and whimpers which were becoming steadily louder and louder. “A-Almost there... mph... Please don't stop this t-tiiime!” I shouted before I had to bit down on the pillow once again to muffle another loud moan. “Be more careful my sweet Apple. You need to keep your voice down! We don't want that precise little sister of yours to walk in here on us.” Savyna warned in a hushed whisper. “It's all yer fault ya know. Ah would have cum by now if y'all would stop playin' around and break me in already.” I shot back as I shakily pointed a finger at her while I tried to catch my breath. “Okay you asked for it. Don't complain to me later when you have trouble walking.” Savyna said with a sexy grin on her face and she stood up and moved some pillows over on my bed. She reached under me to pull the pillows down so my bottom was up a bit higher as she climbed on to the bed over me. She then bent over me while she held on to the toy strapped to her crotch smiling lovingly down at me then kissed me gently on the cheek. “Hold still Apple, this might feel strange at first but it will get better I promise.” Savyna whispered in to my ear as she nuzzled my neck. I cooed at the slight tingle from her warm breath on my ear then jumped slightly as the toy pushed against my southern pair of lips. The toy stallion cock pushed agonizingly slow against me until the flared head popped inside along with an extra two inches behind it. I gasped at the sudden invasion into my body but was happy it was finally happening, I was about to be rode hard by my marefriend and put away wet. “Mmrrrhh... Oh Savyna that feels so good!” I moaned as I gripped the sheets hard. ”That's just the start my sweet Apple Jack I'm about to break you in now.” Savyna told me in a low whisper then seconds later she was bucking into me hard and fast. I felt the Mare Breaker hit the back of my pussy hard and fast, a feat no REAL stallion has ever manged. I moaned long and hard into the bed and she held my hips tightly and pounded me harder then any stallion ever could. I panted hard as my lover mercilessly abused my hot, wet pussy with her huge strap-on cock. Savyna gave me no breaks on this 'special ride' not that I could ask for one as most of my air was wasted on screaming for more. I was quickly reaching my limit and was gonna cum pretty hard when Savyna switched up her thrusts so I only got half the toy on each buck of her hips. When my pleasure had died back down and I was begging her to pound it in to me again she would drive half of the toy's length into my tight quivering pussy before pulling out all of it but the very tip so it held me open for a second, just to pummel it all back inside me with an extra inch or so. She did this until her thrusts pushed the full length back into me again. The brute force of her thrusts made me rock back and forth on the bed hard until the bed was creaking like it would give way under us. I shook my head from side to side as all of my senses were assaulted by the hard fucking I was getting from the large member buried deeply in me. I opened my mouth and moaned Savyna's name long and loud as I grabbed the blanket and sheets on my bed tighter and tighter as Savyna continued her brutal attack on my hot wet marehood. I was lost in a sea of intense pleasure and was quickly getting close to my breaking point, I thrashed and squirmed under the rough pounding I was receiving and at that rate I was going even if she stopped to tease me I would still gush and hard. Savyna could tell I was getting close to the breaking point, my dark red shaded cheeks had turned and how I was now smashing my rump in to her hips with each one of her thrusts. “Oh no, Apple Jack, you can't cum yet. I haven't broken you in properly yet. Just a bit longer then you can rest.” Savyna told me just before she pulled the toy completely free of my pussy's vice-like grip. Savyna reached down and flipped the switch on the base of the toy. The entire shaft buzzed to life with a soft warm hum. “This is the last round up my sweet little Apple Jack, all mares will be broken by the end of the ride.” Savyna said with s very dominating tone as she pushed the vibrating toy back down to the entrance of my cunt. Savyna made sure to grind the vibrating head against my swollen clit torturing me a bit more. I gasped and moaned for a few moments as I got used to the new feeling before I begged her to put it back in me. I felt a bit pathetic about being submissive to her, begging for her to break me but it also turned me on at the same time. The fact that she would make me beg for it made me all the wetter. Apple's are a stubborn bunch and don't bow down to any pony but at that moment I liked the feeling of being dominated in such a way, of being forced to bow. “O-Oh p-please Savyna, please don't t-tease me like this sugarcube...” I muttered, looking up at the monk-warrior with one eye half-opened. “Ah really want it...” “My loving mare, you will have to be much more specific, what do you want me to do?” Savyna asked, acting coy as she pulled the vibrating toy off my skin to prolong my suffering. She really was trying to break my will and it was working, I was ready to do anything to get off. “Ahhh... Ah want...” I whispered, embarrassed, averting my eyes from Savyna's intense glare. I still had my earth pony pride so it was hard to tell her I want her to make me cum. “What was that? I couldn't hear you, you have to speak up!”She asked me. “Ah want ya ta stick that big cock inside of me and fuck me until Ah can't walk straight!” I said louder, just above my normal speaking voice, pride be damned I wanted to get off. “As you wish.” Savyna said as she smiled down at me. She pushed the vibrating length in to my hot twitching folds hard and fast again. She shoved the fake cock back into me with several mighty thrusts, grinding it from side to side so that I felt every pulse from the front of my love tunnel to the very sensitive parts around my cervix. Savyna thought she had tormented long enough on this long ride so she adjusted herself on the bed to start pounding me harder and faster with the intent to make me pop like the quark out of a bottle of champagne. She pulled my hips off the bed to pull me into the toy in sync with her thrusts. Savyna even reached between my legs and started massaging my clit as she pounded mah poor swollen slit even harder then before. In a minute or two after she started I finally reach my limit of no return. “Oh, Savyna! Oh yes! Oh... Oh.. yes yes yes! Savyna don't stop! Ah'm about to......” I panted with a hand to my mouth to muff as much of the sound as possible. “That's it, AJ. Cum, cum for me good and hard baby.” Savyna encouraged me as she rode me even harder then before. “SAAAAAVVVYYYNNNAAAAAAA!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as my overly tight orange pussy clamped down like a velvet vice on my toy. My juices spurted out around the rubber stallion's cock, covering it, along with my bedsheets in warm, sticky, wetness. After several minutes, of rolling around on my bed in sheer ecstasy of my climax before my body completely relaxed, my head hit the pillow, with a little muffed thud as I panted like I had been running a marathon. A few seconds later my lower body finally got the message and my vaginal muscles released their death-grip on the fake stallion buried inside of me. The toy slipped out of me with a wet pop the landed on the bed still giving of its humming sound the it wiggle in the wet spot under me. I was waiting for the world to stop spinning when I noticed light from the hall was spilling cross the bottom of my bed. I lifted my head from the pillow to see what was wrong and to my surprised horror Apple Bloom was standing in the doorway holding on to the doorknob with her mouth open as she stared at me. I was shocked into stillness as was she while we just stared at each other for a very long time. Apple Bloom was the one to break the silence that was between us with an innocent question. “Um... AJ are y'all alright now?” “Um... yeah AB, Ah'm fine now.” I answered quickly then pulled the wet blanket over me. “How much of that did ya see me doing just now?” I asked embarrassed. “Well... um... Ah heard a lot of noise up here ya see so Ah... told Granny Smith about it. She told me ta check on ya and make sure ya was okay. When Ah got up here Ah checked the bathroom and found your bath water so Ah thought you was in yer room getting ready fer yer bath.” Apple Bloom explained as she tried to avoid my gaze. “Is that all AB?” I asked a bit worried I would have to explain what I was doing. “N-no when Ah got ta the door Ah h-heard a bunch of s-sounds that sounded like y-ya was hurt or somethin' so Ah k-knocked and if Ah could come in. Ya said yes a bunch of t-times so Ah opened the door. Ah then saw ya p-pushing w-what looked like a c-colt or a st-stallion's thing inside yer mare hole and ya was shoutin' s-somepony's name Ah couldn't make out.” Apple Bloom continued with a noticeable stutter as she stared at the floor with rather red cheeks. “Well Ah see...,” I started then sat up completely on the bed. “Well Apple Bloom Ah guess Ah need ta explain a few things ta ya now. Y'all about that age that ya will be doin' things like this too. I was cloppin' is all and Ah didn't mean fer ya ta catch me doin' that.” I explained to AB. “Ah know sis, Ah already had this talk with Granny Smith some time ago. She caught me doin' it one afternoon in mah room when Ah forgot to lock the door. She even gave the talk about my first heat since that will happen some time soon. Ah was just surprised that ya would clop when ya could have a stallion help ya out with that.” “Ah see the apples in this family don't fall too far from the tree. Ah'm also amazed at how mature ya are at times.” I said softly then gave a laugh which made Apple Bloom laugh a bit too then she relaxed and looked up at me and smiled. “ Ah should'a locked the door before Ah started cloppin'. I'm sorry that Ah embarrassed ya like that, by finding me doin' somethin' naughty like that. Ah would have a stallion help but Ah don't have a special somepony yet.” “Ah see well... Ah won't tell Granny Smith bout this but could we talk later? There's something Ah really need yer advice on. Its about cloppin' and my special somepony.” Apple Bloom said with the same embarrassed look like before. “Alright we will have a talk tomorrow Ah'll take ya on a picnic so we can talk just you and me. Now scoot on out of here so Ah can get this cleaned up and take mah bath.” I said softly. “Okay Ah'm gonna hold ya ta that promise now. Ah'll tell Granny ya hit yer head or somethin' like that but yer alright and yer gonna get in the tub now.” Apple Bloom said then turned ta leave but paused and then looked over her shoulder to look at me. “Apple Jack thanks okay, ya don't know how much this means ta me.” “Ah think Ah do but we'll see come tomorrow. Now get goin' before Granny Smith comes up here and sees me like this and Ah get a lecture too.” I told Apple Bloom as I shooed her away. AB just laughed then walked off closing my door behind her. After breathing a sigh of relief at not having to explain about clopping, more importantly I didn't have to explain about me clopping to Savyna, I quickly got out of bed. Once up I turned off then cleaned Apple Lancer and pulled the soiled sheets off the bed. After my blanket and the sheets were balled up and in the dirty clothes hamper I turn back to my bed and Apple Lancer. “Well partner ya broke me purtty good this time round and Ah shouldn't need ya again til after me and Savyna are really marefriends and Ah use ya on her.” I said with a wicked grin. I put my little friend away in the back of my closet. Once my room was clean I up put on my bathrobe again then went back to finish my bath and dress for the party. > ch3 Sex, Lies, and Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Sex, Lies, and Explanations After after a short soak and the good scrubbing I got dressed in my party outfit, a hot little number I had picked up some time ago but only wore once. It was for a date with a young stallion named Blue Grass, which didn't end well. He was a right handsome stallion but was more into himself then me. He so self-centered that he wouldn't stop making everything about him all night. It got so bad that I got bored and left the date halfway thru. I was even ready to let him have a taste of mah sweet apple bush too. Oh well, that was the past and this out was for future endeavors of love. I think this outfit would be very useful to attract Savyna, the prefect bait to land the girl of my dreams. My tan shorts that looked small enough to fit Apple Bloom, cut rather high so that it showed off most of my cutie mark, my white belly t-shirt with a red apple that said “Who wants some Sweet Cider?”, a short sleeve flannel shirt I tied up in the front to push up my rather heavy D-cup bust and hat around my neck. I pulled on my sexy high cut black leather boots, another present from Rarity to improve my wardrobe at the moment I was rather happy she had gotten them for me. After checking my clothes I got in the dresser and took out my make-up kit. I rarely use it but tonight was about being as “Fabulous as Possible” as Rarity would say, so I open the kit and applied some of the make-up. I use the temptress purple eyeshadow, the ruby lust blush on my cheeks, and stallion stopper red lipstick on my lips. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked super hot and sexy. I was going to have to beat the stallions and Rainbow Dash off with a stick. “Well its time ta see if my sexy bait lands me the girl of mah dreams. Ah feel a little silly being all gussied up like this but strangely Ah kind of like it too.” I mused out loud before grabbing my purse and heading down to help Big Mac. When I got outside Big Mac had all of the jugs and most of the barrels loaded and was coming out the Age cellar with two more barrels when we spotted each other. Big Mac was dressed in a pair of denim shorts with white leather over them ta make it look like he had on chaps. He was shirtless with a white leather rodeo vest on with fringes on the bottom, showing off his six pack and thick muscular form and a white cowboy hat. Cheerilee was going to have to watch Big Mac all night otherwise she was going lose him to some other mare or mares. When Big Mac saw me he gave me one of those long cat call whistle then started howling like wolf. “Well look at ya AJ, Ah'm goin' have ta have Twilight teach Zecora a way to brew the healing spell as a potion. Ah'm be fightin' stallions all night ta keep'em off ya!” He said with another long whistle as he place the two barrels on the cart then turned back to me. “Who ya going a huntin' fer tonight? It wouldn't happen ta be a cute lil ol' human gal would it?” “Shut yer face Big Mac and stop droolin' over yer sister ya pervert. This ain't fer you but fer me. Besides ya'll is all gussied too, ya huntin' for another mare other then Cheerilee tonight?” I asked as I struck a pose and pointed at him with false anger on my face. “Ain't huntin' fer another mare just showin' off what only Cheerilee gets ta play with. Ah'll leave all the huntin' ta ya.” He replied then strapped the barrels down on the cart before heading back to the cellar. “So how much more work needs ta be done before we can go?” Ah asked as I leaned up against one of the carts. “Almost done AJ, just sit yer pretty lil tail down on the cart. Ah'll have this taken care of in a bit. Ah don't want ya ta mess up yer hair or make-up since yer huntin' a human gal tonight.” Big Mac said with a laugh as he went back to loading the carts. I laughed at his little comment then took a seat on the first cart and waited. As I sat there I was wondering how he be pulling both of the carts if I wasn't helping. We had put the horse in the other barn for the night since we only use once in a while for big delivers outside of Ponyville. I soon got my answer when he pulled the pins out of the pulling bar of the second cart then it attached to the back of the first then put on the connection chain. Big Mac was going to do all the pulling tonight then. “Ready ta go Miss Apple Jack and be the belle of the ball or should Ah say the hottest mare in the club?” Big Mac laughed as he got in front of the carts and started to pull. “Lay off ya big lug, Ah didn't tease ya all that much cause ya got gussied up fer Cheerilee.” “Ah'm just havin' some fun with ya, AJ. Ah'm behind ya 110% as an Apple family member always is. Go fer it sis and get that human gal. If any mare can get her it;s Apple Jack, the loyalest, most dependable pony of ponies!” Big Mac said and he nodded to me. Having my brother support me filled me with confidence and made me ready for anything. We made it to Club PON-3 half an hour before the party was to start. We were met at the back door by Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch who let us in so we could set up the cider. Once inside the club I got a look at what Pinkie and Vinyl had done to decorate the place. It was nothing like a standard Pinkie Party, no this was way beyond that. The club was filled with glow sticks, black light displays, disco lights and there were several tables with glow sticks, glow rings, editable glow in the dark body paints and things for ponies to wear and play with. The bar was set up to give out shots and to fill drink orders for tables all night. There was a table off to the left of the bar setup for us to set up several of the jugs of hard cider and tap the barrels. The place looked like it was set up for a Rave. “Wow girls this is impressive. How did y'all get all of this done so quickly?” I asked as Big Mac brought in the barrels and got setup. “Oh this was nothing to set up. Vinyl had all of the glow sticks and things from her last Ponies R' Raving party and I thought let's have a God Rave the Princesses Party since all of the princess are showing up. Plus I use that as an excuse to put on my super hot Pinkie Raver's Outfit. I missed the last rave so I had to have a party so I could wear this super hot outfit.” Pinkie Pie answered and spun around showing off her outfit. She was in a cutoff tie-dye t-shirt that was two sizes to big for her so it hung off her right shoulder, a cut off pair of white jean shorts with fishnet stocking and white boots. She had a couple of glow rings on her wrists, several glow sticks in her mane, and a pair of glow sticks as earrings. “Yeah, Pinkie is like crazy cool with how she help me set this up, I mean how often do we get to throw a rave for four Princesses, both princes and crap load of nobles? Totally sick to the max and it gave me an excuse to use my Bass Cannon for the party too.” Vinyl said as she was bobbing her head to a beat playing in her headphones. Vinyl was dressed in a fishnet body stocking. She had on a pair of black and blue bike shorts with a matching top that had was pulled down to her shoulders but showed off her midriff, she had on a pair of fishnet gloves that were fingerless with two glow rings on her right arm and one on her left wrist. She wore some low cut boots and had on her trademark sunglasses and her DJ headphones. “I gotta say AJ you look rather hot there. I'm wondering whose eye are you trying to catch? RD's maybe? Or is there some stallion your after then?” Vinyl asked me as she eyed me up and and nodded in approval of my outfit. “Naw, just got gussied up fer the fun of it.” Ah told her and since it wasn't a lie I got away with it since it was for the fun of it but the whole truth being that it was for the fun of it with Savyna. “Oh Okay, well save a dance for me when DJ SKYP1E hits the DJ booth later tonight. I got to run girls, got to check on the food and make sure the bar is fully stocked for tonight.” Vinyl said then walked off. “ Who is DJ SKYP1E? Pinkie don't tell me yer takin' over the DJ booth tonight?” I asked a bit shocked. “Yeppers, I figure I give it a shot so Vinyl could go have some fun with Octavia tonight. But its looking like Tavi has some competition for Vinyl's attention now, you sexy thing you.” Pinkie said with her big pinkie grin. I blushed a might bit hard at that comment since I didn't want to attract any other mares just the human gal of my dreams. “Well I'm not in the market for a marefriend just yet. Plus Ah would never come between those two fer anything. Ah'm a better friend then that.” “If you say so but I think you and Vinyl would be a cute couple or at least a hot one night stand. Trust me I know these things, plus Vinyl wouldn't have said anything if she wasn't a little interested in you. Think about it, okay. Well I'm off to check the door for anypony not dressed proper for the party. If they aren't dressed proper they're getting a makeover 'Pinkie Pie Style'!” She said before the pink bundle of energy was off. Once the cider was set up and I poured it into a few glasses then set them on the table in neat little rows. This time we were going to stay ahead of the drinks rush. After the cider table was set up I went into the back to help bring out some of the food for the buffet table. After things was setup up Pinkie yelled into the club everypony was showing up and the first ponies thru the door were Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Both of then were dressed for Rave, Princess Cadence was wearing long rainbow colored socks with lace and black satin on the top of them, a black mini skirt, several large glow rings around her waist, a few glow rings on her wrists and a more than tight white belly shirt to go with her black leather knee high boots. Prince Shining armor was wearing leather pants tight enough to show his package and a tight extra low cut tank top that showed off his chest, a glow ring around his head, glow ball on a chain around his neck, and black biker boots. I was surprised how sexy those two looked as couple ready to party. Next thru the door was Princess Celestia with Twilight on her right and Luna on her left. All three of them were dressed to the nines for the party too. Celestia had on a cut up black tank top that you could see her white bra thru with glow in the dark paint splotches all over, a pair of cut up denim shorts that come to her knees, she had glow rings and glow sticks all thru her mane and tail. She had a pair of red six inch heel boots. Twilight's clothes surprised me the most, she was dressed in a tight purple belly shirt with the sleeves cut off, her purple shorts were shorter then mine and were open in the front with a belt colored like her mane and tail to keep them on her. She had on white knee high socks with white lace at the top of them and a pair of white open hoof high heels. Her mane and tail were the real shock though, she had her mane parted down the middle and put up in to big puff balls on both sides of her head and in the back a long braid with glow rings as the holder for it. Her tail was braided up with glow sticks woven in it. Then there was Princess Luna, she had on a school girl mini skirt with a slit in the back for her tail, her shirt was a blue sports bra just high enough to see her belly button ring, both mane and tail were down with glow rings at the bottom of them and black stilettos. “The fun haveth been Doubled!” Luna yelled as she entered making Celestia and Twilight both laugh. “Yes dearest Luna it's time we let our manes down and party like everypony else.” Celestia replied then tuned to Cadence and Shining Armor. “I see you two made it. I'm glad you both could attend.” “Wouldn't mess this for the world Aunt Tia. Twilight you look so hot in that did Rarity put the outfit together for you?” Cadence asked Twilight as she hugged her. “No I did a little reading today and threw this together a few hours ago but I'm not as hot as AJ over there. Wow girl what stallion are you after? Is he cute?” Twilight asked. “Umm.....well...uh no Ah'm not after any stallion here tonight.” I said then looked over to the doors to see Pinkie Pie talking to a sky blue stallion with a black and gold mane and tail. He was dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants, and had on a pair of black sunglasses. As he talked with Pinkie Pie I saw the back of his shirt and it said security on it in bold white letters. During the conversation with Pinkie she pointed over to me and the stallion walked over. “Hey you must be Apple Jack, I'm Dragon Feather I'll be working the door for the party with Pinkie Pie until everypony is here plus the adventure team that's staying in Ponyville. If there anything you need just let me know since I'll be gofering all night too.” Dragon Feather told me after he took off his sunglasses and shook my hand. He had the most interesting eyes, they were bright purple in color and seem to shine in the light. I had never seen a pony with eyes that bright before and wondered were he was from. It was odd I've never seen him around Ponyville before and he already knew who I was. There was something about him that irked me but I was polite since I had just met him. “Uh yeah nice ta meet ya. I'm good fer right now but if'n Ah need somethin' Ah'll let ya know.” I told him then I remembered he said the adventure team staying in Ponyville was showing and he was working the door so he could tell me when Savyna showed up. “Hey Dragon Feather there is somethin' ya can do fer me. Signal me when the monk from that adventure team shows up, Ah need ta talk with her.” “Sure Apple Jack, I'll send you a signal when I spot Savyna at the door. Well got to go back to the door now that most of the VIP's are settled in the club. Plus it looks like Prince Blue Blood and his party showed up formally dress and it looks like Pinkie Pie is having some trouble getting them to go in to the changing room. Duty calls and all.” Dragon Feather laughed then put his sunglasses back on before he went back to the door with Pinkie Pie who waved at me before she got serious and direct Blue and the few stallions and mares with him into the restyling room with Dragon Feather help. After Blue Blood and his party were dressed for the rave Pinkie and Dragon Feather started letting ponies in or sending them to the restyle room to change. Since Ponies were coming in now Vinyl started off the music and made the opening party announcement. While this was going on I ran back to the cider table with Big Mac and got ready. “Okay everypony I like to thank the Princesses and the Prince for coming out to God Rave the Princesses and everypony sit back and relax cause I got this. I'm about hit y'all with phat beats and sexy sounds with my BASS CANNON!” DJ PON-3 yelled then hit the button on her scratch table starting the music which got the party started. There was a drinks rush for a bit then the party settled down into ponies dancing or off in groups chatting, I told Big Mac he was on his own tonight as I was going hunting for some sexy prey. He wished me luck and turned back to Cherrilee who was dressed rather sexy for a school teacher. I didn't know she even own a one piece latex swimsuit and skirt combo or nine inch black stilettos. This party was showing me that everypony has a wild and sexy side they keep locked up until special times like this. Oh well, I was off to find and spent time with Savyna. The party was really kicking off and it was kind of hard to spot anyone over the roar of the crowd. I was on my second cup of cider and made my way through the drinking, loud, and overly excited crowd still on the hunt for my prize. As I made my way through the crowd I heard a few remarks on my outfit. Seemed that every single stallion in Ponyville wanted a piece of my plot and a few mares too. I hoped that it wasn't a bit much for Savyna, I mean I didn't want to scare her off. While wondering thru the crowd I spotted a little dragon composed of gold light that pointed to the door. Dragon Feather signaled for me, I looked over to the door and spotted Cheetah Bam,Tank, Black, Rarity, and Zecora entering the club but I didn't see Savyna. I did see the others heading for a table in the back right corner before I heard them yell to Savyna to meet them in the back later. I quickly headed towards the doors to catch up with Savyna when I was stopped by Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was dressed in a blue and white sleeveless top an a pair of tight black bike shorts with yellow racing strips up the sides. She had rainbow colored glow rings on from ankle to calf on both legs like leg warmers, on both wrists she wore the same. Her mane which was messy and wind swept most of the time was pulled in to a tight pony tail and held in place by a indigo glow ring an she had large blue glow rings tied to the end of her tail that she was flicking back and forth. For the first in all the time I had known Rainbow Dash she was wearing make-up. Her cheeks had a touch of medium blue or purple blush on them, she had on some dark blue eyeshadow given a beautiful smokey eye, and her lips were a light tint of pink. The premium tom-colt of Ponyville and Cloudsdale was dolled-up girly style. If I had to put bits on who did this to her I would say it had to have been Rarity to help Dash gussy up like this. Dash was more stallion then mare in attitude and action so this was a rather large surprise to see her like that, so very girly. “Hey AJ where you off to in a hurry? Hang out with me I just got here.” RD said as she took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. “RD, Ah'm kinda in a hurry there's somepony Ah need ta catch up with. Ah'll hang with ya a bit later. Ah really have something to go do.” I told her quickly as I tried to walk away. “Hey who could be more important or cooler then me? With the exception of the all princesses, the two princes, and our friends that is.”Rainbow Dash said with a laugh “I mean not like you have somepony special to see in that sexy outfit, right?” I just stared at her with an annoyed look on my face. RD was my friend and I loved her a lot but at that moment she was mare blocking me and it was pissing me off. “For yer information Ah do have a special somepony that's a might bit more important then ya right now. Ah was on mah way ta that somepony when y'all grabbed me. Now RD we're friends an all and hanging out with ya is important ta me but right now Ah have something Ah need ta say ta a very special somepony ta me. Please understand that this is important ta me and Ah will make time fer ya later but not right now.” I told her softly and I pushed her hands off me gently. Rainbow Dash was shocked, not by the fact I was blowin' her off but by the fact I had a special somepony. Sorry RD I couldn't wait for you forever and I think I have the right one for me. “No way, you have a special Somepony now? That is so awesome. I can't wait to met him. Go, go, go talk to him now. I can wait and I can't wait to tell the other girls. This so awesome! AJ final has a special somepony. Man, Bic Mac must be super pissed about this? I have to find him and ask is he mad bro?” RD said before she flapped her wings taking to the air and zoomed off to find Big Mac. She sure was going to be surprised to find out my special somepony wasn't a pony or even a male. I will worry about my friends and what they think later right now I need to find Savyna and tell her my feelings. I started for the door and when Ah got there Savyna was long gone. Horseapples, this was going to become a cat and mouse game or in our case earth pony and human chase. I start to head back deeper in the club looking for Savyna when I bumped in to Rarity and Zecora on there way to put in drink orders at the bar. I tried to back pedal and get out of sight before they saw me and started up a conversation with me delaying me farther. As I was moving to get out of sight Rarity turned around and spotted me so I was stuck. “Oh, Apple Jack, darling that outfit is simply divine.” Rarity said with her high society voice. She was wearin' short black shorts pulled awfully low and covered by a white belt an buckle and white pants legs that staeted at the top her thigh and flared at the bottoms to match it. Her shirt was white sleeves not connected ta a black an green belly shirt with a hole at her cleavage. Pretty hot for a pony that carried herself as high class lady I might say. “Yes that outfit will past this party's test, can't believe how sexy you have dressed.” Zecora added with her usual rhythm. “AJ you like just great, perhaps you have a date?” She asked. “Yes Apple Jack, I must say you look beautiful, a mare like you wouldn't get dressed up this fine for just anypony.” Rarity said nudgin' my arm and winked at me. “I mean it's not like it wouldn't attract anypony, I was just wondering if there was somepony special you were trying to attract the attention of?” I could hear the irritation and jealousy in her voice but I knew her ego was far too big for her to say anything openly. I just let it go and tried to think of a way out of this conversation, I didn't feel like trying to explain the complication of me and Savyna's relationship. ;Plus Rarity was a bit of a gossipy mare and I didn't want things getting out about me and Savyna until I now it was a sure thing “Ah didn't wear this fer no pony, can't a mare dress up ta feel good about herself?” I asked looking around ta see if I could spot Savyna anywhere but I couldn't see over Rarity and Zecora. “Um... listen girls Ah'd really love ta stay an chat but there's somethin' I need to take care of.” Both girls gave their sorry for holding me up and let me go. I can't believe it, why is it that I can't find a the girl f my dreams and talk to her without being mare blocked by everypony in Ponyville? I walked away from Zecora and Rarity and began my hunt again. I found my sexy prey at the bar grabbing a shot, and OH MY GOD! She was looking so damn sexy! She had on black shorts bout as short as mine with fish net stockings, a white tank top that made her breast look extremely large even from here I could see she wasn't wearing a bra... nice, and short black boot heels. Her hair not in pigtails like she normally has it, no her hair flowed freely down her back to her rump, her long gorgeous dark purple hair and a few glow rings round her neck and wrists. I was hoping to get her alone so I could talk to her bout mah feelings and see how she feels or get her alone and shove my tongue down her throat as far as it would go. My heart started beating real fast as I approached her, she didn't seem to notice me walk up to her at first. She had already finished her shot and headed for a table in the corner were she had a cup of hard cider waiting. Ah followed her back to the table and stood there for few seconds taking in the sight of her before I tried to speak. “Umm...” I choked on my own words. I seen her look up at me as she noticed my struggle for words. Damn, why was it so hard for me to talk to this gal? Maybe it was how beautiful she looked, or maybe the fact that she made me weak at the knees on sight, whatever it was I loved it but hated that it prevented me from talking to her. “Hey, Apple Jack.” She said with a smile on her face. “Glad to see you again.” Her smile was so sexy and perfect, it made me melt inside. I sat down beside her and took another sip of my cider. “Ummm...Apple Jack...” I seen her scoot closer to me, that made me smile, I got butterflies as I felt her hand close to mine. Her presents was so powerful, I could feel her a mile away. “Yes?” I asked coyly as I played with my hair I felt myself starting to blush. I felt like a filly when they get their first crush. “You look really sexy tonight... I mean not that you didn't look sexy last night... I mean not like I’m hitting on you or anything... I ..uh...well I'm gonna stop talking before I put my foot any further in my mouth.” Savyna said as she rubbed the back of her head and smiled. I giggled like a school filly at her awkwardness over telling me I looked sexy. It was so cute to see her act shy like that. “It's fine if'n ya were hittin' on me. Ah kind of wore this fer you anyway. Ah'm glad ya like it, ya look really hot in that outfit of yers.”I see her start blushing which was pretty funny considering I'm usually the one blushing. It was nice to see that she had a soft side to her as well as a sexy side. Savyna usually looked like the strong silent type that wasn't in to a small crushes or expressing feelings and all. “Um....thanks.” She smiled shyly. “What are you doin' later? After the party I mean.” She asked putting her hand on mine. Feeling her soft warm touch on my hand made me jump at first but I soon got used to the feeling and started to love it. I was about to answer her but was cut off by Princess Celestia, who I didn't see approach us, as she started talking to Savyna. I have never been so angry at the appearance of one of the rulers of all of Equestria as I did at that moment. Horsefeathers! Mare blocked by a darn princess tonight too and I almost had her this time round! “You are the great Savyna are you not?” She asked as her mane flicked with rainbow neon colors from the glow sticks. I was surprised that she knew Savyna and had business with her. I was also getting a little hot under the collar as I saw the way Celestia was standing in front of Savyna. The princess had her arms crossed under those G-cup beach balls she calls breasts and was literally pushing them in Savyna's face. It can't be helped that some mare just don't know when there being slutty or rude. Back off you two bit Sun Slut the gal is with me I thought, but held my tongue. You just don't cuss out a mare that can send you to the moon, literally. She did to her own sister and she loves her so sending me wouldn't even cross her mind an overreaction for cussing her out. “Yea, I'm her.” Savyna said confused as to why a princess would be talkin' ta her or shoving those overly huge, probably magical enhanced, tits in her face but Savyna was loving every second of it! This pissed me off even more. I was close to saying something to one of the two of them, I just hadn't figured out which one would be the least hassle to deal with after I went off. Celestia could banish me and the worst I would get from Savyna was she wouldn't talk to me after this. Better give it a bit more before I do something crazier then kicking the tar out of my brother in front of most of Ponyville and all of the royals in Equestria. “I hear your quit the heavy drinker here in Ponyville, is that true?” She asked with a smile. I swear she was squeezing her tits together on purpose just to piss me off. If she didn't stop flirting with Savyna or get to the point soon I was going to hit her in the face, princess or not. I will not be denied the girl of my dreams not even by Celestia herself! “Yea I like to drink a little,why?” Savyna asked still confused. She took her hand off of mine as she sat up and got interested in what Celestia was getting at. This made me frown a but I hid my disappointment for the time being. “I HERE BY CHALLENGE YOU TO A DRINKING CONTEST!” Celestia pronounced over the party in the old royal Canterlot voice that Luna some times uses when she gets excited.. DJ PON-3 stopped the music and got on the mic and made the announcement for everyone to hear. “Okay everypony and honored guests our very own Ruler Princess Celestia just challenged our in house monk-warrior Savyna of the Broken Knuckle style to an epic drinking contest. Place your bets with party pony in the back, please.” “I got the board up and the odds are 20 to1 for Savyna to out last Celestia. Place your bets folks.” Pinkie Pie called out as she set up a table to take bets. “All proceeds going to the Orphanages of Little Lost Fillies and Colts around Equestia, because Club PON-3 cares.” The room fell quiet for bit then was buzzing with everypony placing bets and getting drinks before finding a spot to watch the contest. After all this was done everyone wanted to see if Savyna would accept the challenge or a charity just got a whole bunch of bits. She did accept the challenge of course being the stubborn monk she is, even if she knew she had no chance of winning. I tried to talk her out of it but she was determined to knock Princess Celestia off her pedestal and prove that humans can do any and everything since they have unlimited potential. Celestia sat across from Savyna as everypony there gathered round to see the outcome. “So Princess what will it be hard cider or shots from the bar. Take your pick I can do either all night long.” Savyna said as she pulled me close into a tight hug. I just melted against her not caring who saw it. I wanted be right there and nowhere else. I loved her scent, she smelled of cinnamon and jasmine. I enjoyed taking a nose full of her sent allowing it to surround me. Celestia just raised an eyebrow and giggled. “For a drinker as experienced as you I thought we could spice things up a bit, instead of drinking cider or shots from the bar. How about something from my private stock? We'll drink my special 1200 year old Dragon's Brew.” She said as a black bottle appeared in her hand then she sat it down between the two of them. “Here's the rules,” she said adjusting her seating and clearing her throat. “you will match me shot for shot until one of us passes out. You may raise the shot count at anytime okay?” Celestia declared. “I'll start.” Celestia snapped her fingers and two shot glasses appeared and she poured the dark blood like liquid in the first shot glass and drunk it as if it were apple juice. She poured up the next shot and slid it to Savyna, Savyna stopped it with her fingers as she glanced up at the princess. “Savyna, honey are ya sure bout this?” I asked a bit scared as this Dragon's Brew was 1200 years old and powerful smelling. I knew coming from Celestia's private collection it wasn't nothing light, our hard apple cider was nothing to those princesses. “Don't worry babe I got this. She's going down.” Savyna said as she eyed Celestia with a cocky grin on her face. Savyna looked down at the shot of pungent liquor as if reconsidering her decision but she picked it up and emptied the glass. I looked at her expression to see she hadn't swallowed it yet. She waited a few seconds before finally downing it as if getting a feel for it. Savyna's face after she swallowed it showed she couldn't handle the taste but she braved thru it. Then she picked up the bottle and poured another shot and slammed it down before doing one more shot. “I see your one and raise you two. Your move Princess.” I felt Savyna's hand move to my upper thigh and squeeze lightly. I could see her resolve to win in her brown eyes, I could hear her friends yelling for her to take the princess down because of their motto of “We ain't never Scared”. At that moment there was no one in the world I wanted to be with more then Savyna. “Kick her ass and lets go somewhere just the two of us afterward, okay?” I whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek for luck. “I see you have bravery and boldness but in1600 years I have only ever lost once at a drinking contest. I doubt you have the same fire as that mare.Let the games begin.” Celestia said as she took her two shots and raise it another two. “Go forth and best her soundly dear sister!” Luna yelled. “Kick her ass Savyna!” Dragon Feather yelled from somewhere in the crowd. A few more shots went by and both Celestia and Savyna were getting pretty drunk but Savyna was faring far worse then the Princess. After round 18 Savyna took her ninth shot and hit the floor seconds later out cold. “Savyna! Are ya okay Sugarcube?” I dropped to my knees beside her shaking her softly hoping she was alright. She opened her eyes to peek at me seconds later and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Wow..... THAT WAS FUCKIN' AWESOME!” Savyna yelled as she sat up a little shakily. “I almost died right there, for real! Lets do it again!” “A challenge well met Savyna, your bravery is the strongest I've seen in a human I have no doubt in my heart that in a few years will have the power to best me in a drinking contest. I will leave a space open for that challenge one day.” Celestia said as she wobbled on the stool she was sitting on with Twilight and Luna holding her up as everyone cheered for her and Savyna. “Hey, S, I thought you had her there for a minute but good try. We ain't never scared, right?” Black said and he high-fived Savyna as she was sitting back at the table. I was sitting beside her as she held my hand. “Good job Sugarplum.” I said laying my head on her shoulder, she smelled strongly of liquor but I could still smell cinnamon and jasmine on her. “So what do ya say we go somewhere more private?” I asked as I rubbed her thigh. She laid her head on mine, it was the best feeling I've ever had and wanted more of her. I loved the feeling of her being near me let alone touching me. “Of course beautiful, my love will come to you soon enough, give it time.” She whispered in my ear her words sliced thru me like ice making me shiver but warm at the same time and before I could respond to that Tank and Fluttershy showed up. DAMN IT, are all of my friends gonna mare block me tonight?! “Hey Savyna I can take Celestia on and win.” Tank said as he walked up with Fluttershy. I was surprised by what Fluttershy was wearing. She had on green and pink knee high socks and I don't see what was the point in putting on her skirt cause it didn't cover much unless she was standing still. I didn't know Fluttershy even owned a thong, let along a pink and light green one. She had a pink and green sweater and pink heels on. Tank was just in a pair of brown pants, brown boots, he had bracers on his forearms and his ax strapped to his back and nothing else. It's odd to see a non pony with as much muscle definition as my brother and I swear I think Tank might be stronger then Bic Mac. “Go for it Tank your a badass. Take her on man.” Savyna said with a drunk laugh. “Yeah bro take her, don't be a bitch, we ain't never scared.” Black chimed in. “Oh yes Tank try. I think you can do it that is if you want to that is.” Fluttershy said softly and that was all she wrote for Tank. He blushed before he slapped his face a few times then marched to Celestia and challenged her to a drinking contest. “Hey she just finished one and it's not fair that she's half drunk and your fresh for this.” Twilight protested. I could see her point but that was beside the point, I just want Celestia to lose after the whole boob thing from earlier. And yes as an Apple I can hold a grudge for the dumbest of things. “What, you afraid she'll lose Twily?” Tank asked with a cocky grin. Twilight looked at him with a look of pure hate in her eyes before she spoke. Even her close friends don't use her brother's nickname for her and was like Tank just challenged her. I could see that this might get a little out of hand but it was Tank's ass in the sling so I really didn't care. “What did you just call me? Did you just call me Twily? Oh it's on bitch, Celestia kick his ass!” She said as she cast a spell to bring Celestia closer to sober. The princess let out a huge burp theat reeked of alcohol and shuck the whole club before she gave her her apologizes for it. She now looked like she was just buzzed but ready to go. She looked over and Twilight smiled wickedly at the newest Princess's outburst. “For you Twilight I'll drink his ass under then back over the table.” Celestia said with a loud laugh. “Bring it on Tank if you think you got the stones.” Celestia said to him as she poured the first two shots. Everyone ran to place bets and Black drop the most bits, 5000 bits to be exact, on Tank to win at 50 to 1 odds. Hell I helped Savyna get closer to this hoping to see the princess take a fall. Tank sat down with Fluttershy close by and took the first shot of Dragon's Brew with no problem and it was on. This contest didn't last long at all Celestia went down in the sixth round after 12 shots straight. Luna and Twilight ran to her side to check on her. Tank tried to stand up from the table with Fluttershy's help, who was cheering the loudest of anyone in the club. “Tank I have to say your a strong fighter to have bested me after that many shots straight. For this I knight thy Sir Tank of Iron Resolve.”Celestia said after she was back on her hooves. She even created a sword and had Tank kneel to knight him properly. After that the party got crazy, there were free shots on the house in honor of Tank's win for ten minutes. I had at least six shots before a drunk Celestia talked me into doing a shot out of Savyna's cleavage. What I didn't know was it was a shot of Dragon's Brew mixed with hard cider. After that I was so drunk and giggly I didn't care about the fact Celestia “accidentally” coped a feel of my breasts seconds later. Savyna was a little pissed and pulled me close before Celestia wondered over to Twilight who was making it with that stallion, Dragon Feather, from earlier. From the look of it Dragon Feather was getting to know Twilight and her plot pretty well and this seemed to piss Celestia off. Luna was pretty drunk by this point too and was running around the club groping random ponies and even groped Black in front of Rarity and Zecora. That was going to get interesting as the night went on. Pinkie Pie made her debut as DJ SKYP1E and it got super crazy on the dance floor. Everypony was on the dance floor raving it up as DJ SKYP1E revved it up with her mega dance mix. Fluttershy and Tank out on the dance floor mixing it up and drunk Tank was a rather good dancer, even RD was out there dancing hot and heavy with everyone. I started to feel the beat and I talked Savyna in to dancing with me. I don't know if it was the liquor or the fact everyone was on the dance floor but it got so hot in the clue that everyone was stripping off clothes. That's when DJ SKYP1E started playing the remix of 'Its Getting Hot in Here'. At some point I hopped up on a table and tossed my top into the crowd. I was dancing free and topless on the table when I turned to Savyna and offered my hand. “Join me sugarcube.” I said softly. To my surprise she took my hand and climbed up on the table and took off her top too. Both of us were on top of the table topless, breast free for everypony to see grinding and rubbing up against each other without a care in the world. It was dark, erotic and full of passion, it was like tasting forbidden fruit. Under the flashing lights, in the hot sticky air, the smell of her sweat and alcohol filling my nose and I lost myself in a feeling I had never felt before. The feeling of her hands on me rubbing my waist then up to my breasts, the taste of Savyna's skin in my mouth from her nipples to her neck, the feeling of warmth all round me as our bodies pressed together, the thought of everyone I know watching us in this erotic display pushed the sensation beyond what was possible for one pony feel with just her body. I felt my soul catch fire and burn but there was something there cooling the flames and it was Savyna. Soon the party spilled out of the club, in the streets of Ponyville. Savyna and I where headed in the opposite direction of the rest of the crowd. It was at this point sensations, thoughts, memories all become a blur that melded into one until I woke the next morning. When I woke up I had quickly realized I was in the Ponyville inn, but what was I doing here? I looked over and Savyna lay there still asleep, we were still naked and I had a awful bad headache so I laid there. I watched her sleep soundlessly like a baby, she looked so beautiful. I saw her slowly open her eyes and look at me, boy I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning, hangover included if I was with her every time. She realized who I was and started to freakout a bit, she jumped up in the sitting position so I quickly sat up with her as concern showed in her face. She rubbed her head and stretched a bit as she tried to work out what was goin on. “What happened last night?” She asked holding her head in her hands. “And why is Rainbow Dash at the end of my bed with a camera?” She asked looking down at RD still sound asleep. “Ah don't remember really and Ah don't know how me or RD got here.” I said still trying to remember the events of last night. I remember talking to Savyna at the table, Tank beating Celestia in a drinking contest, I remember us dancing shirtless then... nothing just bit and pieces here and there, most feelings and sensation of intense pleasure. Savyna got up from the bed and got dressed.... bummer. Then she reached over Rainbow Dash and grabbed the tape from the camera making sure not to wake her. She threw the tape in the player and sat on the bed. I came and sat beside her with a blanked wrapped around me to watch the tape. I put my hand on her thigh and glanced at her but she was focused on the TV. I looked for her to the T.V. and watched as the tape started with Rainbow Dash following us to the hotel room. “Hey stop right there, AJ IS MINE!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew over to Savyna and me on the tape. “Back off you big blue chicken, Apple Jack has the right to be with who ever she wants. Right now that's me so fuck off or...” Savyna left the threat open as she cracked her knuckles and got ready to beat RD to death over me. “Stop it both of you. RD go home Ah made mah choice, so just go. Savyna let's go.” I saw myself say as I pulled Savyna towards the hotel. “AJ please just give me a chance I can prove I'm better then her.” Rainbow Dash pleaded. As the tape played on it seem like the plea from RD pissed Savyna off. “What do you mean your better then me? You have no idea of the world of hurt I'm about to put you in.” Savyna said as she got ready to hit Rainbow Dash. “Yeah I'm better then you. I can show AJ pleasures that only a another mare would know. Unlike a human I know how to make her body sing in blissful joy.” Rainbow Dash said with a cocky grin. Savyna paused for a second her arms folded in front of her bare chest as she thought for a second. The next words out of her mouth would shock me to my core as I watched the tape. “Fine RD, let's have a contest then. The first one of us to make her scream wins.” I couldn't believe this, a contest over who can pleasure me better? Well, I knew for sure that it would be Savyna to win but this interested me so I let it play on. “Heh heh haaa, fine your on just don't get mad when I have her screaming in 10 seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash boasted. “Oh yeah and when I win you need to stay away from my Apple Jack.” “Oh don't worry about me, you just better appreciate the one chance you get to taste my sweet little Apple cause after tonight she's off your menu permanently.” Savyna said as she pointed at Dash and had a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Come on Dash and get ready to see how a real woman puts a mare away well road and soaking wet!” The tape cut out there and starts back up with three of us in the hotel room. I was laying on the bed naked and Savyna is standind off to the left watching as RD goes down on me. Rainbow Dash is naked too and she starts licking and caressing me with all she's got but the look in my eyes was halfhearted. I was feeling the pleasure physically but in my heart wasn't there. I like Dash and she's good at what she's doing but I want it to be Savyna tasting me, teasing me, making love to me. It wasn't not long before Rainbow Dash brings me to a large orgasm and I cry out but not with much sound. Rainbow Dash lifts her head from between my legs and smiles before she licks my juices from her muzzle and pats my inner thigh. “Ha beat that girly girl.” RD says with a smug look on her face. “In a minute, I want Apple Jack to recover fully before I blow her mind and make you cry.” Savyna said as she hands me something to drink then waits quietly for the okay to start from me. Rainbow Dash gets off the bed and stands off to the side watching just like Savyna had done. After a few minutes I nod to Savyna and she climbs on to the bed on my right side. For a few minutes she doesn't touch just whispers in my ear softly. The feeling of her breath made me shutter and shiver a bit and I get very wet. It was then she touches me, she starts at my navel slowly caressing lightly with her finger tips. Next came her nails lightly thru my fur barely touching the skin. The feeling was electric and I visibly jump and moan loudly. I watched myself on the tape get built to a massive climax and Savyna hadn't even touched me anywhere naughty yet! “You could never beat me Rainbow Dash for I have mastered the five chi forms of sexual pleasure. I will bring her to climax several times and before I even taste her and she will beg for me to let her cum or just kill her. The pleasure will be that intense.” Savyna said as she continued to caress me. Soon she was fondling my breast and my nipples got so hard as I moaned even louder then before, next were my thighs and legs being held in her soft touch. She massaged me all the way to my hooves and each touch brought me closer and closer to a climax. Soon she was massaging my arms and shoulders and I thought I was gonna climax then but no I just moaned and thrashed in her grips. When her hands made it to my neck and face for the second time I though I would climax but it passed with no orgasm. After a few minutes of that she rolled over and did my back, buttocks, and legs. As she moved down my body I felt my climax race higher and higher but I never came and the massive build up of pleasure was driving me to madness. I thrashed, squealed, whimpered, moaned, and begged her to let me cum. “Sav-ss-Savyna.... please... ahahhaa.... let me cum! By Celestia's Sun just let me cum or kill me! I can't take this any more.... ahhhaa so gooooood..... !” I begged. “No my sweet apple you belong to me and I'm not ready to let you cum just yet. I want you to know you belong to me completely. Look on Rainbow as I make her body and soul cry out from me.” Savyna said in a lustful tone. As Rainbow Dash watched the scene play she began to fondle her own breasts then her hand slip between her thighs and she moaned. She fell to her knees playing with herself vigorously as she watched the dark sexual heaven I lay in under Savyna's skilled hands, lips, and tongue. Rainbow Dash was close to cumming when Savyna told her to stop and she did! “Your not allowed to cum either not yet you must see what it means to give ultimate pleasure to your lover's mind, body, and soul.” Savyna told RD before she turned her attention back to me. For what seemed like hours but was only minutes I laid on the bed writhing in sexual agony on the verge of pure bliss and I was loving ever second of it. Savyna drove my climax so high I thought I would die from the sheer fact I wanted to cum so bad. When I thought it would just end with my heart stopping she parted my legs and I feel her warm breath on my soaked and winking marehood. Seconds later she parted my folds with her tongue and I thought I had died and went to heaven. The feeling of her nibbling and lick at my pussy as it contracted hard around her tongue was earth shattering in the amount of pleasure that surged thru me. I screamed even louder then before and in that moment my vision went white as I climax harder then I have ever seen myself do before . I screamed Savyna's name till I was voiceless and lay limp on the bed. Savyna's face was covered in my orgasmic bliss and just smiled softly then she licked me clean. My climax was so power it made RD cum right where she had been standing. She came so hard that it looked like she had wet herself and their was a small sticky puddle under her on the floor. Savyna just smiled wickedly and Rainbow Dash trembled soft still panting from her climax. “I win.” Was all Savyna said before she... At that point Savyna stopped the tape and took it out of the player. I just looked up at her, there were so many conflicting emotions running thru me at that time. The only question that kept coming up was how does she feel about you? I now had to know, it was now or never so all I had to do was just open my mouth and say it. “Do ya remember anything ya said ta me last night?” I asked her, I remembered her saying that I had to wait for her love. Does that mean that she does like me? Or was she just saying it just ta be saying it? “When?” Savyna asked sitting back on the bed softly, her body moved with such grace and calmness it was beautiful and frightening at the same time. She leaned back on the head board, her head back and eyes closed with a soft sigh as if she was dreading what I was about to say next. “When ya were sittin' with me after the drinkin' contest.” I reminded her, I hoped she did remember her words and hoped she meant them. I could feel my heart beat increase as I waited for her answer, hoping it was the one I expected like in my dreams. “Yea I remember.....” She trailed off forgetting what she was gonna say. I guess now would be a good time to take a risk and tell her what's in my heart. If this was gonna blow up in my face at least I said what I had to when it was the right time to say it. “Savyna..... it's kinda hard fer me ta say this but.....” I let my shyness get the best of me again. I blushed powerful hard and lowered my head and stared at the bed. This was my one chance to be honest with her and myself. I had to just say it! As an Apple I'm suppose to be honest and true, then why was it so hard to do it now? “You can tell me I won't judge you, I'm not that type of person.” She said looking back at me with half lidded eyes but not fully facing me. I took a deep breath and let it out then I looked at her fully before I spoke. “Ah've had a crush on ya fer sometime now....I've had dreams and even fantasies of ya.......Ah was hopin' we could see where it goes. That is if ya was in ta that type of thing. Ah'm askin' that cause Ah know ya was drunk last night so it really doesn't count. Ah want ta know how ya feel bout me and if ya wanted ta try being a couple?” I asked then looked down to avoid her expression, I was afraid it was an unhappy one. I felt the bed move as she changed position on the bed to face me, I keep my eyes on the bed and my hands waiting for her to say something, I started sweating as I grew nervous with anticipation. It stayed quiet for a moment and I hoped I hadn't offended her or anything, the lack of sound made me feel like I had. “I-” I cut her off. “Ah know ya might not be open ta the idea and it's okay if ya don't look at me like that. Ah just figured Ah'd tell ya ta get it off mah chest and ta see how ya felt.” I glanced up at her to see her expression, she had been looking down too. She looked at the bed for a few moments then slowly lifted her eyes to look at me. It felt like her eyes were looking deep in to my soul, like she had seen more to me than what was there and maybe she did. Maybe there was more to me than I had realized at first. “AJ, I... I've had a crush on you too, I've always had dreams about you even before I came to Ponyville. After I got here and met you yesterday the thoughts of you consumed me. The thought of being with you scared and excited me at the same time and I was afraid to say anything because I hate rejection.” She smiled weakly. “”When the dreams of you started I was afraid that it was just that, dreams, but after arriving here and hearing your name then seeing you I have thought of nothing but you. I was afraid you would reject me because I'm not a pony like you.” It was a relief to see she felt the same way and had been having the same dreams. It was a comfort to know that she was afraid I would reject her like I was afraid she would reject me. I smiled at her fighting tears. “Ah would never reject the girl that crossed a sea of dreams ta find me. For weeks ya have been the one that has me cryin' out in the night. The thought of you fill my wakin' and dreamin' hours. When I met ya the first time Ah thought my prayers had been answered fer relief from the feelings I have been conflicted with the last few weeks.” I felt a tear drip down my cheek. “I've been the same way too.” Savyna said softly as she held my hands in her's softly as we looked in to each others eyes fer a while then she scooted close to me and wiped my tears away. “Don't cry, I'm here now.” She said almost in a whisper. She leaned towards me then I began to lean the rest of the way slowly but soon the space between us got smaller, our eyes closed then there was the pressure of her lips and her sweet taste. Our first real kiss, a connection deeper then any I have ever known, a force I didn't want to break. Seconds later I felt her lips part then I felt her tongue press to my lips in that instant I part my lips letting her tongue infiltrate my mouth. She slowly started to massage my tongue with hers. Soon a back and forth of tongues began as our kiss deepened. I felt her take hold of me and pull me closer to her making her tongue go even farther in my mouth. In the mad passion of french kissing I felt her dig her tongue farther in to my throat nearly making me choke. I didn't care, I loved it feeling her lips on mine and her tongue down my throat. I felt her hands move over my body as she began caressing me softly making my body shiver and pulse with pleasure. Soon we part to come up for air, a string of saliva connecting us still. Staring in her brown eyes and saw the wanton lust and desire she had formed. The same desires reflected in my green ones, yet in this unspoken moment of desire I felt a hint of hesitation. Was it her or me? After moments of panting and staring at each other she made the first move. Her hand slipped under the sheet I held over me as she began to caress my thighs making me really wet as she squeezed and her hand got closer to my marehood. She leaned and took my lips in yet another powerful kiss and I let go of the sheet and wrapped my arms around her neck and let her take the lead, relaxing all my muscles as she indulged me. Soon she broke the kiss and moved from my mouth to kissing and sucking on my neck. I let out a low moan, it felt so good. I gripped her neck harder and moaned as her sucking and the pleasure got more intense. This feeling made me wish I could have remembered more of last night. Then I felt it, a doubt crept into my mind and take root like an evil weed. It made me pause and doubt if I could do this sober. “Ummm... Savynaaaa... h-hold on, please.” I allowed the words to escape my mouth, I finally figured out who was hesitating, it was me. Savyna stopped to look at me with a frown as she had been enjoying my moans and whimpers. The look on her face when I asked her to stop made me wanna give in and let her continue even if my heart wasn't all the way in it. I never wanted to make her sad or see her unhappy. “What is it? Am I doing something wrong?” She asked with a worried glance. I felt bad now but I had to be honest with her. “Ya didn't do anything wrong, it's just that........” I aimed my glance down again embarrassed that I was scared to go thru with this sober. It was like I was a school age filly on her first time again, scared and being naive About it. “Your scared aren't you? Are you scared of what people would think?” She asked looking and sounding kind of frustrated. She was right about me being scared but not of what ponies would think. I didn't care about that, let the think what they want its there right, no my doubts were about us and the differences between us. “No, Ah don't care what people or any pony think it's.....” I felt myself blush. “I am scared.” I said keeping my head down. She lifted my head up to face her. “Your scared? So your scared to do it with me now? Well whether you want to or not you kind of already did it once.” Her frustrated tone didn't change. “Yea, well Ah was also wasted last night and don't remember any of it.” I reminded her. “But that's not why Ah'm scared now. Ah'm afraid because Ah don't know how to be with a female let alone a human female. Ah don't know any of the things that make ya feel good. It's all so new ta me. Humans and ponies are so different, so what if I hurt you?” “It's okay... let me lead you, I will show you the way. Don't be scared just let my hands guide you. You said you've dreamed about this so sit back and let your dreams come true.” Savyna said looking at me with those seductive brown eyes of hers. I melted under that gaze and just nodded meekly “Okay just be… gentle with me please?” I asked softly. “Always my dear sweet Apple Jack.” She replied then she began to kiss me again but this time her kisses were softer then before, they were leading kisses, the kisses given to a virgin on her first time. She started massaging my thighs softly again getting me wetter than ever. I slowly folded my arm around her as she pushed me back on to the bed gently making me lay down while she kissed me still. Moments later I felt the the sheet get tugged away then I felt the slightest movements of her hand as it moved up closer ta my burning wet pussy. I let out a squeaking moan as her hand held still for a brief second before she whispered loving words to me softly. Her soft voice in my ear calmed me and my body relaxed as her hand move upward still to touch the core of my desire. “Relax my sweet Apple Jack. Be still I won't let anything hurt you.” She said before she began kissing and sucking on my neck again. Her hand reached my pussy as she started to massage around my marehole with her fingers softly and I let out a low moan. It was so strange and new to have her touching me there. I had no words to describe the feeling or the pleasure it brought. “Mmmm.....ohhh Savyna.” I moaned as she slipped three fingers inside of me. The feel of her breath on my neck sent cold chills down my spine as she made me hotter and hotter. The heat in my belly was building from her kisses and the warmth of her breath on fur and skin. I had never felt anything like this, not even with the few stallions I've taken to bed. None of them could lite my fire like Savyna could. The feeling of her fingers sliding in and out of me worked up faster and my pussy was become a sticky mess with my sweet honey. My moans grew louder and I had to cover my mouth with a hand to keep from screaming. I was so close yet there was something missing still, I couldn't figure out what it was but I could feel it. Soon Savyna had her hand and wrist buried deep in my pussy stretching me like no stallion could and I was so close to cumming. “Ohh..yes Savyna.....ohh god yesss...” I moaned as I got closer to climaxing then she pulled out of me completely leaving me feel so empty. “You have to be quiet now, remember Rainbow Dash is still here.” She whispered in my ear and made me jump. “W-why did ya stop then?” I asked frustrated at her for almost making me cum then stoppinf. “Ah was so close. It's not fair if ya get me that close then stop.” “Don't worry I'll make you cum quite well, but you got to cum a lot last night and I didn't really. So I want...” Savyna trailed off as she blushed bright red. “Ya want me ta what sugarcube?” I asked softly knowing she wanted me to return the favor from last night but I wanted her to say it. After all if we were a couple it's all right if we're both adult about it and ask each other for pleasure when we want it. “Don't make me say it. You.... you know what I want.” Savyna said in a girly voice as she looked away from me. I giggled a bit then pulled her close and kissed her softly. “Ya have ta say it or Ah won't know what ta give you.” I teased her then nibbled on her ear which made her moan. Humans seem to have sensitive ears, noted for later encounters. “Don't make me say it, I don't want to say it out loud. I'll sound silly asking for it.” Savyna pouted then gave me the cute poutie face. I smiled and considered giving her what she wanted but then I remembered that she made me beg for it last night so it was my turn to tease her a bit. “No, nothin' doing, ya'll have ta say it or ya gets nothin' at all.”I told her as I rubbed her butt a bit then slipped a finger between her cheeks to see how wet she was by running my finger over her quivering mound. Savyna was soaking wet and dripping a lot of honey, but she would stay that way if she didn't tell me what she wanted. To drive the point home I wiggled my finger back and forth until it slip in to her dripping pussy a bit then I withdrew it just as she felt it enter and she moaned. “Ya'll gonna say it or not?” I whispered to her. “Your not fair to me.” She said in her little girl voice then pouted. “All right I'll say it but just this once and you can't tell anyone that I begged for it, promise?” “Ah promise not ta tell anyone y'all begged fer it but Ah can't promise this will be the only time I make ya say it.Ah really like the cute poutie face you make.” I told her then laughed a bit. She hit me with a pillow but giggled too. “Fine, but only on special occasions will I ever say it.” she told me then sighed softly and she looked away. “Apple Jack will you fuck me....?” she whispered while she was looking away still blushing rather hard. “Huh? What was that? Ya have ta speak up sugarplum.” I told her. “I hate you for this.... Apple Jack please fuck me. I want you to lick my pussy and make me cum.” she said a little louder while blushing even harder then before. “Now that's all ya had ta say sugarcube. Ah'm gonna make ya feel right good then.” I told her softly then rolled her on to her back before I began to kiss her softly. My hands found her breasts and I played with her nipples, lightly pinching and rolling them between my fingers until they became hard and stood up. I kissed a trail from her lips to her nipples then stop there to get a taste. I licked and sucked softly on them as I listened to her moans as her body twitched and wiggled under me. “Yer nipples seem really sensitive, huh? Ya like it when Ah play with yer nipples don't ya? ” “Don't make me say embarrassing stuff like that...” Savyna moaned as she bucked her hips in to me.”It's not fair I didn't make you say stuff like that.” “Somepony is a little eager ta go fer a ride. Is mah lil filly ready fer a nice rub down?” I asked her with a lustful smile. “Yes, god yes... stop teasing me please...” Savyna begged given me that cute face of hers and my heart melted. Savyna was a battle hardened warrior but she sure could put on the super cute face when she wanted something and I loved every second of it. I smiled down at her then kissed my way down her body until Ah made it to the point were her hip met her thigh. This was the first time I had ever see the pussy of a non mare. It was strange and beautiful at the same time. It looked like a mare sex but smaller and much more smooth. She was all smooth down there, no hair at the top of her mound so she must shave it off regularly. Her outer fold was puffed up with her arousal and her inner folds stuck a bit because she was so wet just as a mare's does. The only difference was she wasn't winking like a mare does when she's aroused, that was the thing that surprised me. “Human females don't wink when there aroused at all do they?” I asked curiously. “No... well not really. Some can with practice but its not a rule for us to be able too.” She answered back then there was a pause before she spoke again. “I understand this is your first time with a human so I'll let you know when your doing something wrong or your making me uncomfortable okay. So just experiment with somethings until you get comfortable with me down there.” I looked up at her for a second and could see that she meant it and was trusting me so I would be true to that trust and do my best to please her. I started off slow just licking around her outer folds to find out were she was sensitive when her moans and squeaks got less frequent I move on to parting her lips and soon I found her clit. The little swollen pink button stuck out pretty far and was hard to miss. It still makes me wonder how most stallions can be so oblivious to this on mares with ours being so much bigger then a human's but I found Savyna's no problem and it was so much smaller. I studied the little button of pleasure for a bit then rubbed it with the tip of my finger. This made Savyna moan rather loud so I thought to try something a little bolder. I gave it a quick rough lick and Savyna nearly jumped off the bed. “Whoa! Hold up there a second, Cowgirl. Who the fuck taught you how to eat pussy?” She told me loudly as she wiggled and moved up higher on the bed as she covered her pussy with her hands shaking her head at me. “Sorry sugarcube, Ah didn't know ya were really sensitive there. Ah'll try to be more gentle next time.” I told her and looked up at her and I blushed and rubbed her left leg soft in apology for my mistake. “I thought some quick rough pressure would feel good for you. Ah'm only experienced in with what makes mares feel good.” “It's okay just don't lick hard like that. I'm a bit more sensitive there then a mare so you have to be careful. Also I'm not as deep or as wide inside as a mare either, you have to push into me slowly till you find the back of my pussy to know how for you can penetrate me before you thrust your fingers in and out. No more then three fingers for now okay. I need to get use to being stretched a bit wider then normal first before we use anything like toys and stuff.” She informed me as she settled back down for me to begin again. I nodded to her then dipped my head back between her legs and parted her folds gently and gave her clit a small test lick. I was rewarded with a soft moan which encouraged me to give out a few more licks. Soon her moans were getting longer and louder and my licks faster and faster. After a few minutes of this I got bold and slipped a finger inside her dripping honeypot. She was super tight, I could feel her vaginal walls trying to pull my finger inside. I could see why she wanted to wait a bit before we brought toys in to our intimate life. If she was this tight now there was no way I was going to get Apple Lancer in her without hurting her. I pushed the toy problem out of my head for the time being and concentrated on the task at hand. I slowly slid my finger in farther as I wiggled it back and forth and this seemed to be working as I felt her get tighter. Her moans increased in pitch and I had to pull away for a bit. “Shussh, RD is at the foot of the bed ya will wake her up.” “Can't help it... your really good at that... Been some time since I had sex so I’m really sensitive down there. I'll try to be quite but its hard if your going to tease me like that.” Savyna told me as she chewed on her finger, it was so damn cute. I went back to my licking and sucking of her clit as I worked a second finger inside of her and found out what Savyna had said about human females being more shallow then a mare to be true. It was long before I found the deepest point of her pussy. This seemed to set off a pleasure filled bomb in her and her cunt clutched my fingers hard and she arched her back and moaned loudly in to a pillow she held to her face. As I worked my fingers back and forth inside of her I found out something interesting about human females. At the top of her pussy about two inches in there was a slightly rough and bumpy spot and when I pressed it a bit while stroking in and out it seemed to throw Savyna's body in to violent shakes, tremors, and spasms as she yelled into the pillow. Seconds after I has found this spot in her I felt her hand on the back of my head pressing me into her pussy as she shouted my name in the pillow over her face. “Oh shit.. ahhha god yesss... fuck yess... more give me more...!” She shouted in the pillow as she pressed my head even harder in to her cunt. I sped up my licking and fingering without putting to much pressure on the most sensitive spots. Several long breathless minutes later Savyna was shaking rather hard and calling my name so loud that you could hear it clearly even though she was shouting into a pillow. “Oh god AJ I'm going to cum. Oh fuck think I'm cumming... oh god I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming........ ahaahhhhaaaa!” Savyna screamed as she tensed up and arch up in to my mouth while her pussy sprayed me fully in the face. I felt her clamp down so hard on my fingers that it was impossible to pull them free of her. Her vaginal muscles had locked up in the throws of orgasmic bliss and held me so tightly that I thought my fingers would be broken before she finished cumming. I had to swallow her squirting juices quickly or drown in the flood of liquid love that washed over my face. By the end of her orgasm my face was covered in so much sticky love juices that all I could smell was her sweet nectar for several minutes. It was a full two minutes later when Savyna had finally relaxed and was in the after glow of orgasm that I finally was able to remove myself from her completely and spoke. So how did Ah do?” I asked as I laid down next to her licking her sticky juices from my fingers and face happily. I look over and see her laugh as she turns to face me. “You did good my beautiful Apple. I don't remember the last time I came that hard. You did great for your first time with a human girl.” She smiled then stroked my cheek before kissing me. “Umm.....Savyna, ya know that really sensitive spot Ah hit? What is that? Do all human girls have it?” Ah asked getting really curious about female humans. She looked at me and giggled. “Well of course all human girls have it, but its not in the same place as mine. It varies from girl to girl and it varies in size and sensitive. We call it the G-spot and a lot of males have a hard time finding it. I'm surprised you found mine so quickly with out my help” Savyna answered then turned to me. “Hey do mares have something like that too?” “Well we're pretty sensitive all over inside and it feels better to get penetrated by something with some girth ta stretch us a bit because of that all over sensitive. In fact fer a mare being stretched a bit feels the best. Ah think we might have a G-spot but Ah never really explored that when Ah've clopped in the past.” I replied to Savyna who had a funny look on her face. “Clopped? What's that?” Savyna asked me curiously. “Clop, you know when ya touch yerself.” I told her with a laugh. “Oh you mean when you masturbate. Why didn't you just say that?” She asked. “I said that, Clop is the word we ponies use fer it. Masturbate must be the human word fer it, but its all the same.” I said with a giggle and Savyna giggled with me before we snuggled for a few minutes together enjoying the feeling of being next to each other. “We better get a goin' soon, yer friends are probably lookin' fer ya and Ah need to sneak back in to the house otherwise Granny Smith will figure out Ah'm not home yet. If she does she is gonna have mah tail in a sling fer comin' home so late.” I told Savyna after a while. “Okay but first there's something we need to finish before we go.” She said as she climbed on top of me and she kissed me rather passionately. “I still haven't made you cum yet and you can't go home until then.” Before I could protest she placed a finger to my lips to silence me. “You gave me a wonderful orgasm and it's only fair if I give my marefriend the same. I want you to know how happy I make your body. I want you and your body to cry out for me.” She said looking back in to my twinkling green eyes with her serious dark brown beautiful eyes. Savyna started kissing my neck as her hand slid down the side caressing me softly in no time my temperature was raising my thighs where soaking wet from my juices again, but instead of her fingering me like she had before I had gone down on her she started kissing her way down my body. She went from my neck to my breasts were she slowly licked my hardened left nipple then the other making me shiver with sexual pleasure. Then she started kissing her way to my stomach sticking her tongue in my belly button. This tickled but felt strangely erotic in a way so I liked it a lot. From there she moved lower still licking and kissing the whole way until I felt her warm tongue brush to the top of mah swollen wet slit. I drew in a sharp breath and she took that moment to work her tongue around inside of me filling me with her saliva. “Ohhhh.....Savyna....mmmm...” I moaned as I grabbed the sheets wrapping mah legs around her head tightly. Savyna massaged my body as she worked her tongue inside me drenching my already soaked pussy with saliva. She added her fingers, lickin my swollen clit as she dug her fingers in deeper as they moved faster in and out of me. Feeling her hands and tongue on me for the first time was something that was unbelievable and close to unbearable in a good way. The pleasure was nearly unbearable with how intense it was. All the longing and fantasies I've had led up to this moment, I never wanted for this moment to end. If I had to give up everything for this moment to last forever, to be with in this hot embrace for all eternity I would gladly pay that price. At that moment I felt like I was one with Savyna and as my pleasure revved higher and I was on the verge of waking Rainbow Dash with joyous cries of passion Savyna tried something new. I felt the fingers sliding in and out of me turn inside of me to rub the top of my pussy as she was searching for something. I was about to ask her what she was doing when she found what she was looking for. I felt her press hard on a spot deep inside of me and my vision went white and I pulled at the sheets so hard they tore. By Luna's Moon a mare has a G-spot and by Celestia's Sun does it give out earth shattering pleasure when rubbed! “Oh god... Ahhhhhaaaa....yes....don't stop Savyna.... BUCKK..... KEEP RUBBING RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!” I moaned as I came closer to cumming. She pulled her fingers out of me and stopped licking making me whimper for more. “W-what..... now? ya just stop like that again... Please, Ah'm so close.” I asked wanting her to make me cum. “Now Apple Jack you know if I make you cum your mine forever. No more RD no more anyone, your body will eternally be mine and mine only.” She said. My longing for her began to get more powerful. At the moment I would have agreed to become the new Princess of the Sun for her. “Ah want ya Savyna, Ah want you and only you mah sweet sugarcube. No more Rainbow Dash or anyone else, Ah promise mah mind, body, and soul belong only ta you forever.” I said with longing in my voice. “Tell me my sweet Apple, tell me what you want.” She said bending down to give me one more lick. “Aaa-ah want you ta make me cum harder than ever.” I said feeling my body heat up and my back arched pushing my pussy up to her waiting mouth. “Tell me you want me!” She said above her normal voice. “I want you tell me.” She said glaring at me. “Ah want ya Savyna, I want yer body on mine. Ah want ta be held by you always. Ah want yer tongue all over me. Make me cum.” I begged her. Savyna smiled before lowering her head back between my legs. I felt her warm tongue on me again, then her fingers slip in and out of me fast and hard rubbing my G-spot furiously. I moaned her name long and hard as ah felt ready to climax again. Savyna knew I was about to cum cause she pushed more of her arm in to me faster and harder. “Ohhhhhh...... don't stop...... please Savyna... God Ah'm goin' ta cum soon...” I said as I gripped the torn sheets hard and tried to cover my mouth to muffle some of the sound. It was only a matter of time before the dam broke and my body was flooded with a blinding amount of sexual bliss and I peaked. “Ohhhh....Savyna...Savyna......SAVYNAAAAA!” I screamed as my juices went all over her face and in her mouth. I let go of my grip on the sheets and grabbed a pillow biting it hard as I road out the rest of my climax. It was a full three minutes later when my body finally relaxed and I laid there trying to catch my breath. Savyna looked up smiling as she licked my juices from her lips and wiped the rest from her face. “Job done.” She laughed. “So what did you think?” Savyna asked me “It.....it was amazing Ah've never came so hard in mah life. Ah've never felt like that with any pony before.” My response made her smile and I giggled at the sight of her beautiful smile. After a bit she got up and gave me a kiss before getting dressed. “Get dressed so I can walk you back to the farm so Granny Smith doesn't get to worried about you.” “What bout Rainbow Dash? Should we wake her up?” I asked softly and I picked up my clothes from the floor and began to get dress on shaky legs. Somehow we had not woken her up with all the noise from our lovemaking. Can't believe how hard a sleeper RD is. No wonder no one can find her when she takes a nap in the afternoon on a cloud somewhere. She can't hear them yell for her cause she's so out of it. “No, let her sleep. We'll leave a note for her.” Savyna said before she walked up to me and pulled in to a tight hug just after I finished pulling on my top. “Besides she can fend for herself your mine now and I'm only worried about you.” She said softly and kissed me deeply. For the first time in my life I finally understood what my parents meant when they said they were made for each other. I was born to be with Savyna and now I was complete. > Ch. 4 Picnics, Apples, and Dragon Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Picnics, Apples, and Dragon Ponies The walk back to the farm was a magical one since I was with my very special somepony, even though she was a pony at all. Though it was close to noon most ponies where just getting up to start recovering from last night the day still felt magical. The birds sounded happier, the flowers smelt more fragrant, everything seemed ten times better now that I was with Savyna. We held hands the whole way there, as we talked. I didn't care who saw us, a lot of ponies saw us walking thru town, the whispers that were going round already but I didn't care I had the one person in the whole world that made me the happiest pony in the world and nothing was or would spoil that. “Am Ah the first girl you've ever been with?” I asked her, as I took my eyes off the blue sky and laid them on her. I was curious, if I was the first she's ever been with I didn't want to ruin the experience for her. If I wasn't I didn't want to do anything that reminded her of past girlfriends. “Yeah your the first girl, I mean mare I've been with. But trust me you'll be the first and the last. I'm yours forever.” She replied smiling at me then returned her look to the road. “Why do you ask sweetie?” I blushed rather hard as I looked away for a second. I was rather embarrassed to tell her what I was afraid of but if I didn't tell her the truth how would we build a lasting relationship? “Ah was a little worried thatAh wasn't the first female you had been with. I mean if you had been with other human girls that's fine I just didn't want to remind you of any of them is all.” I told with my cheeks bright red. “Ha ha ha ha.... No you wouldn't even if I had been with other girls. You're one of a kind Apple Jack, I have never met any one that excites, surprises, intrigues, and loves me the way you do.” Savyna replied then gave be a little hug. “Well now I'm curious too, have you been with any other mares before we become a couple?” She put her arm around my waist. “No, Ah had thought about it but the only two mares worth considering were Twilight Sparkle before she became a princess and Rainbow Dash. I have kissed other girls before but I was a little filly at the time and it was just lil filly games and all.” I told Savyna with a little worry in my voice. “So that's why Rainbow Dash thought she had a claim to you. So when did you tell her you liked her like that?” Savyna asked me with a teasing grin on her face. “It's wasn't like that. Ah never told her Ah liked her in anyway other than a friend at any time. RD has been in to filly foolin' as long as Ah have known her. Plus she has always had a thing fer me Ah just never payed it any mind until the dreams about being with her started then the dreams of you took over.” “You dreamed about Rainbow Dash before me?” Savyna asked suddenly before she stopped walking forcing me to pause as well. “Well, Ah'm bein' honest here, yeah Ah did. When it first started it was dreams of me being in bed with Rainbow Dash starting almost two or three months ago. A week or two after they started Ah started dreamin' of you and never stopped until we met two days ago.” I informed her as I waited to see where this was going. “That's so weird because before the dreams of you started I dreamed about a friend of mine from combat school. Her name was Lilly. And we were close like you and Rainbow Dash so when the dreams about her started I thought I was just homesick or something. A week after they started I started dreaming of you and you kept telling me to come to Ponyville.” Savyna told me then started laughing. “Can't believe that the person I love the most in world had to trick me in to coming to see her for real.” “Ah didn't trick ya so much as call ya ta me.”I said then pulled her close and kissed her softly. “Besides do ya regret coming ta find me?” “Never. I would come even if you told me you didn't want to be with me just to see you once in person. Besides without me wanting to come here Fluttershy wouldn't have the love of her life right now.” Savyna pointed out about how close Fluttershy and Tank had gotten in just two days. “About that, do you think it's strange that those two have hit it off so well?” I asked as it was a little strange to me that a mare as shy as Fluttershy would even talk to let alone be dating a guy like Tank. Ah'm not a racist or a hypocrite since I'm with a human and it not like I feel others shouldn't, I don't have anything against Tank as he has been a pretty stand up gentlecolt, er gentleman with Fluttershy. My worries come from the fact that Fluttershy is a very shy and sometimes a naive pony which can lead to trouble something awful at times. “Ah'm not sayin' Tank's not a good guy or anything Ah'm just worried about Fluttershy. She's a innocent type and Ah don't want her getting' hurt. Plus that Angel Bunny of hers can be a right nasty little varmint when it comes ta Fluttershy and her feelings. Ah don't want Tank gettin' hurt or hurtin' Angel Bunny.” “It's no stranger the the two of us being in love and dating or the fact that Rarity and Zecora are both with Black. I mean that's weird to me, how about you?” Savyna asked with giggle. “Plus Tank is trained to deal with animals of all types. Comes with the territory when you come from a land of Beast Tamers and Beast Riders like he does. Tank's a kind soul type which is a perfect fit to Fluttershy so you shouldn't worry so much. Now Black, Zecora, and Rarity as a couple is something we all should be worried about.” Savyna pointed out laughing even harder then before. I giggled back and nodded to her. “Well ya have a point there. Rarity is not the type of mare to share her beau with anypony else and I've seen her go off on a few mares that have tried ta steal away a stallion she was with. With all that said some how yer friend Black has her doin' just that, sharin' him with Zecora of all ponies. He must have some mighty fine words of sweet love ta manage a feat no stallion ta date her has ever come close ta gettin' her to even think about let alone doin'. So that is something ta think about.” I replied still giggling before we walked off laughing the rest of back to the farm. When we got up to the house I stopped on the porch in front of the house, that was still as if every pony was still sleep, and turned to face Savyna. I couldn't believe the best night of my life and the happiest morning I had ever had were close to being over. I didn't want this moment to end just yet. I could see the same thing in Savyna's eyes as well. We just stood there for a few moments not saying a word just staring in to each others eyes. We were both on the verge of tears for a while. “Do you want to walk in with me or are ya gonna leave? I'm not sayin' ya have ta leave if ya don't want to.” I said while looking away from her to stare at a loose board in the porch. “I'll walk in with you, I think it would be good for your family to know who your with all this time and plus their my family now too.” She said to me smiling that beautiful smile of hers. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but her, but did she just propose to me? I'm not sure but I think she did, and if she did why? Not that I would say no, the answer would be yes, a thousand times yes if she would ask me proper and all. The only problem with that is if she really was proposing to me I think my family would have a hard time with it since we have only been courting a full two days now. A silly thing like how long we had been courting didn't matter to me since the way she made me feel was like no pony else had, she made me feel like the only mare in the world. Asking her if that was proposal of marriage right now was silly and would ruin the moment we were having. Plus I wanted to give her time to do it right proper and get permission from my Big Macintosh and Granny Smith for my hand in marriage before surprising' me with a ring then asking me that. A girl has dreams about stuff like that you know. I got down off the porch and wrapped my arms around her as I thanked her for being there for me. She wrapped her arms around my waist squeezing lightly and not letting go. After we had our hug she grabbed my hand again as I lead her around the back of the house so we could enter in thru the kitchen door. If anypony was up that's the place they would most likely be. I open the kitchen hoping that Big Mac or Apple Bloom were the ones in the kitchen and Granny Smith was upstairs trying to find some more material to knit. It would be so much easier to explain to either of them what had happened and just avoid Granny Smith till dinner time since I had that picnic with Apple Bloom later today. We made it in the kitchen with out too much noise and to our surprise the pony sitting there at the kitchen table was Granny Smith with a cup of coffee. The look on her face was blank and I blushed bright red on the spot as I looked at Savyna who was smiling like a cat caught in the goldfish bowl. Granny Smith took another sip of her coffee before she moved the cup from in front of her mouth and spoke to us, “Sit youngins we got a lot ta talk bout.” She said sitting down her cup of coffee before she offered me and Savyna a cup. Savyna sat at the table and I went to the cabinet to get cups for the coffee then poured them. I was dreading this moment but there was nothing left to do but grin and bear it now. I came back ta the table with both cups of hot coffee and offered one to Savyna. She took the cup and I sat down beside her at the table. Both of us just stared at our cups as we waited for Granny Smith to being the lecture that we both knew was coming. I then realized that neither of us had showered yet so we both reeked of sex. It was only a matter of time before Granny Smith asked about it. “So where have ya been Missy, do ya know how late it is? Big Mac made it home hours ago, so why are ya so late?” Granny Smith asked crossing her arms over her chest and waited for me to respond. I was at a lose for words I didn't know what to tell her and a lie was way out of the question, Granny Smith knew I was a bad lair and all to well so there was nothing left but to tell the truth and pray I could sit down again in a few weeks after the paddling she was going give me. As I got ready to open my mouth to doom my poor flank to a good hard old fashion paddling Savyna spoke up to cover for me. “I'm so sorry Mrs. Smith, it isn't her fault, it's all my fault she's late and I promise it won't happen again.” Savyna answered. “It was rather late when the party let out and Apple Jack was rather tired from all of her hard work running the drinks table last night. I could see she was very tired and the walk back to the farm was a long one so I had her come with me back to my room at the Ponyville Inn to go to bed. When we woke this morning I saw what time it was and I thought it best to walk Apple Jack here so I could explain why she was late.” I felt bad for her taking the blame whether it was her fault or not. Granny Smith just eyeballed both of us before taking a sip of her still steaming hot coffee. The look on her face was hard to read so I kept my eyes down so as not to give Savyna away. Hopefully Granny Smith wouldn't notice the scent of human on me or the scent of mare on Savyna and would just buy the story and I wouldn't have to say a word but I'd be sorry after this was all over. I didn't get that lucky, not at all. “Is that so Apple Jack...? What in the hay is all over yer neck and chest youngin'?!” Granny Smith asked pointing her finger to my neck and chest as she laid angry eyes on Savyna after a quick examination of my body. I didn't know what to say, I looked over at Savyna who had put her head down blushing awfully hard with a sly grin on her face. I had plum forgot about all of the love bites on my neck and chest from Savyna from last night and this morning. Granny Smith looked at Savyna then at me before she let out a long sigh. Well the jigs up and I'm about to be forbidden to ever see my special somepony here in a second so time for one last kiss before it's good bye forever. I squeezed Savyna's hand quickly and when she looked at me I kissed her quickly and deeply in front of Granny Smith. The kiss lasted a full minute and was just as deep as our first kiss. When we separated we were both blushing and panting pretty hard with Granny Smith just staring at us. “Apple Maria Jack, haven't Ah taught ya better then that?” Granny Smith asked with a stern tone of voice before sitting her coffee cup down. “W-wait it's not her...” Savyna started but was cut off by Granny Smith with a wave of her hand. “Oh Ah see what's really goin' on here. So yer the one that did this ta mah granddaughter youngin'?” She asked pointing at me and looking at her. Savyna looked up wide-eyed she didn't know what to say either, she didn't wanna lie but she didn't want to get me in anymore trouble then I already was. Savyna grabbed my hand as she looked over at me as if asking me what she should do, I shrugged my shoulders I didn't know what Granny Smith planned to do to us but with the blank look on her face it could be anything. “Ummm... yeah... I am.” Savyna replied after a while looking back down as if she were ashamed of putting the love bites on me, but I was proud of them all. My special somepony had given them to me and I don't care if I got yelled at or not that was the best time of my life. I would gladly take that lecture cause I would do it again if Savyna gave me the chance to. Granny Smith looked at the love of my life and smiled. This shocked the hay out of me. Now I was lost and confused bout what was going on. “Well I must say... not bad fer yer first time youngin' but next time make sure ya get the other side of her neck too. Ya got ta remember that mare wants her lover ta be more powerful then she is,it's only natural. Next time hold her down when ya give her a good love bite so it turns her on more.” She told Savyna while laughing the whole time. Savyna blushed and turned away before nodding her head yes. “I'll keep that in mind for next time.” Savyna said softly. “I take it you approve of our relationship then?” “Ah approve of it just make sure ya leave the love bites in places Apple Bloom and her lil friends won't see and ya might want to shower before goin' anywhere important first. Gotta whiff of you two before ya made it half way back ta the farm this mornin'. Thought some mare in heat was wonderin' round outside earlier lookin' fer Big Macintosh again. Bet every stallion for miles knows what ya two been doin' all night now Apple Jack.” Granny smith told Savyna with a knowing smile before she continued. “Also ya better take good care of my lil AJ. If'n Ah here ya left her sexually frustrated or hurt her in any way one time ya'll have ta deal with this old mare who doesn't pull her punches like AJ does. And Ah know ya beat the tar out of yer brother over this here gal the other day.” Granny Smith told us both with a wicked grin on her face. “Granny Smith stop it now!” I said blushing, embarrassed that Granny Smith would say something like that and the fact she knew I was the one that beat up Big Mac over Savyna. I could only imagine what Savyna must think of us now. Savyna blushed and looked away, it was so cute but I'd hate for her not yo want to come back here because of what Granny Smith was saying. “How did ya know bout me fightin' with big Mac any way?” “Yer brother hasn't lost a fight ta any stallion in the last ten years and the only pony in a 100 miles of here that could swell his face like that is you or maybe that friend of yers with the rainbow mane. It's fine since brothers and sisters will fight from time ta time and lie bout it, but next time ya hit Big Macintosh try ta lay off his face. Ah don't want him lyin' to Cheerilee and yer friends bout what happened anymore. Ah taught ya both better then that. And you lil missy, Savyna is it? Welcome ta the Apple family and Ah expect ta see ya here ever now and again fer dinner and family gatherings.” “Y-yyyesssss ma'am.” Savyna said quickly. “Don't be so scared Savyna Ah'm a kind old mare with a lot of wisdom, like the fact yer marefriend over there likes, her cutie mark licked, and she likes ta be gagged and spanked like a naughty filly too! Make sure ya push her up against the head board and get her legs over her head. Once ya do that-” I cut her off right there.“Granny Smith stop it and stop tellin' her all the stuff Ah told ya in secret! Ah don't want ya ta scare her off now! I'm sorry Savyna, sometimes she doesn't know when ta stop.” I said looking over at her, I felt so embarrassed and I knew she was too. “Sorry, what are ya sorry fer?! Ah'm just givin' her a few pointers ta help y’alls relationship that's all. Make sure ya come back tonight youngin', so you can do HER right.” Granny Smith said laughing as I got up from my seat. “Now that's enough Granny, come on sugarplum Ah'll walk ya ta the door.” I said grabbing Savyna's hand and pulling her towards me. She got up and followed me out of the kitchen thru the living room to the front door and the large front porch. “Ah'm awfully sorry about that sugarcube, it's just that Granny Smith is always like that with anyone Ah'm with. She ran off several of coltfriends when Ah was younger that way but she's never been this explicit with details like that.” I apologized and explained to her again. I felt bad fer letting Granny Smith say all that to her. She laughed and looked down blushing again. “It's alright really I've had worse said to me before, it's no big deal. Once a guy I was dating, his mother asked me if he was satisfying me properly at a dinner. She told me if the answer was no she could have the maids give a few lessons to make sure I was getting my fill of pleasure.” She said looking at me.”That was way more awkward then what just happened in the house a few minutes ago since the maids also told me they would make sure he was ready for the next time I wanted him to be intimate with me.” She looked so dang beautiful especially when she made her little embarrassed face she did. “I better get back I need a shower and my friends are probably looking everywhere for me right now.” She said kind of in a hurry and uncomfortably. “Ah hope she didn'ta scare ya off did she? Ah still want ya ta come over tonight fer dinner not fer sex. umm... Ah mean if ya want ta do it when ya come back tonight we can but... err... that's not the only reason Ah want ya ta come back over. Ah mean it'd be nice... but , oh... Ah'ma just stop talkin' now.” I said kinda sad, I really liked her and I didn't want her to run off just because of a few words that Granny Smith said and the fact I just stuck my hoof in my mouth. “No really it's okay, I love you AJ I'm not gonna let something as little as this run me away from you. Besides your grandmother approves of me and I'd love to come have dinner with you and your family. The sex is completely optional. I'll let you decide that cause it's so cute when you put your foot, er hoof in your mouth like that.” She grabbed my waist and pulled me to her to where there was no room between us and kissed me. “I'll be here tonight to see you okay? I'll stay the night with you before I have to leave tomorrow.” She said resting her head on mine as I put my head on her chest. I loved hearing the sound of her heart beat, it had the exact same pattern as mine. There was no other place I'd rather be than right here and in this moment with her. She held me for a little while longer, Ah hated that she had to leave. Why was she always goin' or coming from somewhere? Being without her hurt so bad it was almost unbearable. I had to let that go as she was a traveling warrior and her friends needed her just like mine needed me, Element of Honesty and all. “Why do you always have to leave me?” I asked keeping my head on her chest, not wanting to move it. “Ya leave me in mah dreams and ya have ta leave me now that we finally found each other.” Her heart beat made me feel safe and warm like nothing or no one could hurt me anymore, at least as long as I was in her arms. “I don't do it on purpose, I'm sorry to make you feel like that. The party needs me, without me they couldn't do it. But I promise I'll spend time with you before I go and I'll come straight here when I get back from a planned meeting, okay?” Her arms wrapped tighter around me, I could hear the sincerity in her voice, I could tell she didn't wanna go but had to out of loyalty and duty. It made me happy and sad that she didn't wanna leave me either but her friends were just as important to her as mine were to me. It would be wrong of me to ask her to give them up if I wasn't willing to do the same thing. “No it's fine, Ah understand Ah just want be a little selfish is all. But ya promise you'll be back here tonight fer dinner so Ah can see ya and spend time with ya before ya leave?” I asked looking up at her but not letting go, I was afraid if I did before she promised that she wouldn’t come back to me. “I swear I'll be back tonight. I really don't want to have to fight Granny Smith about it. Got taught a lesson by an old woman some time back and never again. I learned to fear and revere my elders and their words of wisdom when spoken with an earnest heart. And besides tonight you can be as selfish as you want.” She said putting a fake X over her breast where her heart was. She gave a long passionate kiss and one more hug before she said goodbye and left. I waited until she was out of sight before I walked back in the house. When I got in there Granny Smith was already napping in her rocking chair before I could chew her out for what she said earlier. Oh well it was probably for the best since yelling at Granny Smith wouldn't do me any good anyhow, Granny Smith was just going be Granny Smith in the end. I walked into the kitchen to finish my cup of coffee before heading up stairs for a much needed shower. When I entered the kitchen I found Apple Bloom was sitting at the table with her sketch pad, she looked up from her work of coloring and shading in a mane of what looked to be a sketch of another filly about her age in a field of flowers when she noticed me walking in. She must have come down stairs while I on the front porch with Savyna. “Ya'll ready ta go to that picnic Ah promised ya?” I asked with a smile as I put my hands on my hips. “Ya mean it, awww thanks AJ! Yer the best sister Ah could ask for.” She said with a gleam in her little eyes as she ran up and hugged me. When she got a whiff of me she quickly back up and covered up her nose. “Umm... AJ ya kinda smell funny. Ya smell like ya did last night when ya was cloppin' but there is another smell there too. Like another mare or something. Were ya doing something naughty last night with another mare?” “Sorry AB, I plum forgot bout that cause Ah just got home a bit ago. Don't worry Ah'm still taken ya out for our picnic and Ah will explain the smell and things when we have our talk. Go get the basket and yer special blanket ready, Ah have ta take a shower and change clothes. Ah'll meet ya down here and we can go in half an hour.” I said to her as she smiled widely at me. It made me feel good inside to know I could make her that happy. “Ok sis, Ah'll get everything ready all ya need ta worry about is getting cleaned up.” She said racing to the cellar to get the basket. I quickly ran upstairs and got my bath ready, once it was steaming and full I hopped in and all my muscles relaxed. It wasn't long before I started thinking about Savyna, I was wondering what she was doing and if she was thinking about me too. I wish she could be right here in this tub with me, words could not properly explain how I felt when I was around her. She made me so happy and feel so sexy all of the time and I wish there were words for me to tell her how happy she made me. So far I haven't found a single word that did justice as a word to describe the feelings she inspired in me. Once I started thinking about Savyna and the feelings I had for her my thought soon focused on her beautiful form, and what a sexy body she had, the sweet curve of her hips, her flat toned stomach, those perky but soft breasts, and that sweet apple shaped bottom of hers, what a turn on. I soon realized I was dangerously close to clopping again and had to stop myself before I was in the tub for an hour doing just that. I quickly finished washing myself and dried off. I had to focus on Apple Bloom and the talk I needed to have with her to kept my thoughts straight and my hands away from my marehood. After I was dry I threw on my white t-shirt with my flannel button up open and rolled up to my elbows, then my favorite tight denim jeans ripped on each knee and my apple buckle belt. I went to my closet and put on my lucky old sneakers and threw my mane up the way I always do. After I finished quickly brushing my teeth and hurried downstairs to check on AB. I felt my heart melt when I came downstairs, this lil' filly was so excited that when I came down she was sitting at the kitchen table impatiently tapping the chair leg with her hoof. She had her favorite blanket in her lap and the basket filled and sitting on the table. She smiled and hopped up when she seen me coming. “Ya all ready sis?” She asked me as I walked in to the kitchen. “Sure am AB, were gonna go ta a real special place of mine.” I explained to her as I picked up the basket and headed for the door. I made sure to leave Big Mac a note to lay off in the fields until I got back. I doubted he would even be up before I got back since he probably spent most of the night and this morning in Cheerilee's bed. Apple Bloom grabbed her red and white stripped blanket and followed behind me. I took her along the dirt road at the back of the farm that led out passed the edge of the farm, once me had the farm behind us and out of sight we turned towards the Everfree Forest taking the gravel and dirt road then led down in to the hills to the west of the farm. We walked for a half hour with Apple Bloom asking where we were going and every time I told her just wait and see until we made it to a large flower filled meadow with one lone old oak tree near a lake that over looked Ponyville in the distance. “This is so purtty, Ahve never been out here before AJ.” Apple Bloom said looking around taking in the natural beauty around us. “Yep Ah found this place some years ago after a fight me and Big Mac had and Ah ran off ta cry. Whenever Ah'm sad or need time ta think Ah come here and sit fer a while and feel better.” I told Apple Bloom as I walked over to the old oak tree, Wise Thorn. “Ah sometimes tell my problems ta the oak here Wise Thorn, he's not much on answers but a heck of a listener.” I said eying the old tree and rubbing the trunk. “How come ya never said anything bout this place before today?” Apple Bloom asked me suddenly. “Until ya asked what ya asked me Ah just wanted this beautiful place ta be mine alone. It was kind of my safe place for me to be alone and sort things out before trying ta fix mah problems. After last night Ah come ta see that this place needs ta be shared and yer the first Ah've brought ta see it.” I said remembering all the memories I've had out here. One day I would love to bring Savyna out here to see it, maybe tonight or tomorrow before she leaves. We were surrounded by flowers in all directions that board the lake that Wise Thorn stood guard over and right in front of us you could see all of Ponyville from on top of our hill. Ah told AB to spread out the blanket for us to sit on while I got out the snacks. She had packed two peanut butter and apple sandwiches, two apple juice boxes, and a banana and apple for both of us. I pulled out the sandwiches and handed her one then got the other for myself as we sat there gobbling them down. “AJ, how come ya don't have a special somepony yet? How would ya even know if a pony was yer special somepony/” She asked me taking her last bite of sandwich and looked up at me. “Well Ah kinda do have a special somepony now but that's a complicated thing by itself. Trust me Apple Bloom you'll know when a pony is that special somepony fer ya. you'll get butterflies in yer tummy when ya see 'em,They'll make ya feel like yer the only pony in the world and you'll get so happy from just bein' around them.” I explained to her thinking about Savyna and how she makes me feel when I'm around her. I put my arm around Apple Bloom as I took a sip from my juice box. “Ya will know cause you won't be able ta think about any pony but them all the time and when ya try you'll always find them snakin' back in ta yer thoughts.” “Oh Ah see, but who's yer special somepony? How come Ah ain't never met him? Ya said it was complicated but why is that?” She asked looking up at me curiously. I could see that same special look in her eyes that I once had when I was a lil' filly and asked simple yet complicated questions like that. “Well ya see AB the thing is mah special somepony isn't a pony and she ain't a he. Her name is Savyna, she's the human from the other day ya talked ta before runnin' off ta school and I'm deeply in love with her. Ya'll get ta meet her fer a bit longer since she's comin' over fer dinner tonight. Granny Smith insisted.” I told Apple bloom softly then blushed a bit before continuing. “Maybe one day you'll find a special somepony that makes you as happy as she makes me. Even if that somepony isn't a pony or a boy.” I said as I began wondering off remembering the special time I have spent with Savyna so far. I quickly shook my head and pushed those memories to the back of my mind for later when we would have time alone. “Wait yer telling me that yer special somepony is a girl, and a human? How do y'all please each other if ya got the same thing? Aren't you bigger then her? Ah know that mares are are bigger and stronger then humans so how do ya … do ya have s-sex? Would it be the same as with two mares?” She asked as her face turned bright red with embarrassment and confusion. I laughed at her inexperience it was so cute how curious she was at such a young age but then if I was in her position I would want to know the answers to those questions too. “Well it's complicated but there's ways fer us ta please each other. Ya done had the sex talk with Granny Smith ain't ya?” I asked her, I didn't feel like explaining the whole mare on mare thing along with the basics of mare and stallion sexual relationship, at least not yet anyway. “Yea she told me about how when stallions love mares they stick their thing in a mare ta get her pregnant as she explained it ta me. She wasn't big on details at the time said Ah should learn most of that in school or have you tell me.” She looked back at the view of Ponyville when she talked this time.”Ah know the basic of sex from school, Miss Cheerilee taught us the basics of mating biology at school since some of us will be experiencing our first heat soon. What Ah want ta know is how two mares or more ta the point how two older fillies can please each other when they both have filly holes.” Apple Bloom asked me finally. “Apple Bloom is your special somepony another filly?” I asked after taking in what she had asked me. It seemed that most of the Apple family mares are sitting in the same filly fooling boat. I'm beginning to understand why Ma had so many marefriends and why Pa never seemed to mind that she was so popular with a lot of the mares in town when I was little. “Y-y-yes, her name is Dragon Song. She's new ta Ponyville. She moved here with her brother Dragon Feather from way far south. We met bout four months ago and since then we've gotten real close. A few days ago she told me she liked me more then as a friend , that she wanted ta be my special somepony.” Dragon Feather, Why is it that everypony knows him but me? Even Savyna was talking about him saying they were good friends from long ago and he seemed to be dating Twilight, which seemed to make Princess Celestia a might bit mad. Now his lil sister was after mine, what going happen to me next? I'm goin get pregnant by Savyna next? Better stop thinking like that before it happens and I'm not ready for a foal just yet. Right now Apple Bloom needs me and that's what I need to concentrate on. “How do ya feel about her ?” “When Ah'm around her Ah feel all special and when she goes home after school Ah'm sad till Ah see her again. Ah love her Apple Jack, Ah'm lonely without her and can't breath when she's around cause Ah'm so happy.”Apple Bloom told me then stared down at the blanket. “Ah see looks like ya found yer special somepony but why did you need ta know bout sex between two mares? Have you and Dragon Song tried to have sex yet?” I asked knowing that she and Dragon Song had most likely been intimate in some way but were unsure of what to do to go farther. If I was to help and keep the two of them from doing something seriously wrong or harmful to each I need to know how far they have gotten already. “Dragon Song and Ah have done some stuff together but we were afraid ta do anything serious cause we don't know how two fillies would make love. Ah have seen her naked and she's seen me the same way and we have touched each other but that's bout it.” Apple Bloom told while blushing pretty hard. “Ah see, well this is some news. Ah can't say I like the fact a filly yer age is experimentin' with sex but Ah can't really talk after the night Ah just had. If you and Dragon Song do this ya need to be careful and talk about it before ya try anything else. In fact the best way ta start is just clopin' in front of each other. This way ya can see where she likes ta be touched before ya try ta touch her yerself.” I told Apple Bloom blushing a little myself since I just told my sister to clop in front of her special somepony. “ AJ why do girls clop?” She asked as I took a bite out of my apple to distract myself from the current topic. I nearly choked on the bit in my mouth but somehow managed to swallow the bit of apple. “Well ya see AB, girls have urges, kinda like when yer in heat, but these urges are brought on by intense feelings fer somepony or in mah case someone special, somethin ya should know a lot about right now. Anyhow these urges ain’t bad they just happen and need ta be taken care of fer ya ta be a healthy filly or mare. When a girl gets those special urges she wants ta feel pleasure, the type of pleasure that can only be found in playin' with and touchin' her marehood. When ya don't have a mare or stallion ta help you with it that's the only way ta relieve those urges and that is ta clop.” I explained to her. I was amazed at how much she already knew about the whole personal pleasure and love life stuff but there was still so much she needed to learn still. It was just strange and reassuring that I was the one doing the teaching “Do ya think it's weird fer girls ta clop?”Apple Bloom asked me picking up her apple and examining it before she took a bite. “Someponies think it's weird but actually most ponies do it, Ah think it's fine so long as ya do it in private or with yer special somepony some place private. It's natural fer ya ta get the urge and want ta clop outside of estrus.” I explained laying my head back against the tree as I put my apple core in the basket to be thrown away. “All ponies clop? Even colts and stallions?” She asked, I could hear her voice get higher from being surprised that guys can clop as much as a mare does. I laughed at the little filly and her question. “Yep they sure do, especially little colts and stallions who don't have a fillyfriend or a marefriend. They clop a lot. When a colt reaches the age he starts noticing lil fillies plots and how cute they look he will most likely start cloppin'. In fact most colts will clop to the thought of fillies there age and mares years older then them.” I said laughing followed by AB laughing with me. “Ah bet a couple of the colts in yer class have been acting funny as of late, am Ah right?” “Now that ya mention it Featherweight, Button Mash, Pipsqueak, and Ace have all been actin' weird around some of the fillies in class and especially when Miss Cheerilee is around them lately.” Apple Bloom informed me with a confused look. “But are they acting weird because their cloppin' ta the thought of being with Miss Cheerilee and the fillies they like?” “Well yes and no. While they may also be cloppin' ta the thought of a filly there age they like or want ta ask out. It's only natural fer them to be actin' weird ta ya since all those little colts are about the age it happens. When it happened ta Big Macintosh it was rather awkward fer the both of us since Ah caught him doin' it a few times.” I told apple Bloom and waited for her to think it over. She sat on the blanket looking at Ponyville for a bit before she spoke again. “What do ya mean the age when it happens? Is some supposed to happen to little fillies and colts at their age? And what did ya catch Big Mac doin' that was so akward fer the both of ya?””. “Yes but not just their age it's different fer every pony but those little colts are the right age for them ta be goin' thru the change of life to become young stallions. Soon they will be acting bit more mature and showin' off for ya and yer filly classmates ta get yer attention. Their just doing what comes natural and cloppin' to the thought of being with a filly or mare is one of those things. You, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Ah assuming Dragon Song are all growin' up and changin' from little fillies in ta young mares. Yer in the middle of those changes right now and soon ya will be experiencing yer first heat then ya won't be a little filly any more but a young mare.” I told Apple Bloom with some tears in my eyes since I had to acknowledge my little sis wasn't so little anymore, soon she would be a young mare and I had to accept that. “The thing about Big Mac was a little weird fer me and Rarity at the time. Well Rarity more the me since it was bout her in the first place. Ya see Rarity, Big Mac and I all went ta school together when we were younger. Rarity was the prettiest filly in our class at the time and every colt had a crush on her at some point even Big Mac.Well when he started the change ta become a young stallion and got ta cloppin' to the thought of being with Rarity. Ah walked in on him a few times cause he left his door unlocked. It was the first time Ah ever saw a stallion's pride at its full size. It shocked me to no end and I told Rarity about it the next day. He quickly learned to lock his door and the bathroom door when he needed ta clop.” “”Wow Big Mac liked Rarity when ya'll was younger? Big Mac never showed any interest in Rarity now or before he started datin' Miss Cheerilee though, why's that?” Apple Bloom asked still amazed by the story I just told her. “Well two reasons really. First he and Rarity dated fer a while when we were younger but it never went anywhere. Big Macintosh was way too laid back and down ta earth for a high society mare like Rarity. Second reason and the most important one was it nearly cost us a friendship. Her datin' Big Mac put a strain on our friendship because she was with our brother and Ah was more of a hot head back then. Ah wasn't goin' to tolerate any backstabbin' or double dealin' from any mare with our brother, especially if she was my best friend. So anytime I saw her talkin' ta another stallion or it looked like she was cheatin' on Big Mac Ah was after her and cussin' up a storm bout it too. It got so bad that at one point we stopped talkin' ta each other or hangin' out unless Big Mac was around. After they broke up Rarity and I apologized ta each other and became friends again but it took a few days before we could trust one another.” I explained to Apple Bloom and I remembered one of the funniest and most frustrating times in my life with Rarity. “Ah see now. No wonder Rarity only says a few words to Big Mac when ever she sees him. It makes sense why Rarity and you our so close but fight a lot.” Apple Bloom said as she sat there staring off in to space thinking about something awful hard. “It's nothing really sugarplum, it' just how we acted during the strange and wonderful time in a young mare and stallion's life. You will go thru it with yer friends and Dragon Song as well. It's just a part of growing up.” I told her then gave her a light hug. “Ah understand that but it strange ta have all of these feelings right now AJ. Ah mean I still don't have my cutie mark yet and I already have a special somepony. Ah really like Dragon Song a lot but its hard spending time with her and still doin' stuff with my fellow crusaders so we can get our cutie marks.”. AB told with a long sigh as she looked away from Ponyville.. “So Dragon Song has her cutie mark already?”I asked softly. “Yes and no.” AB replied. “How is that possible? Either ya have it or ya don't. How can it be both?” I asked confused as all get out. “Well the way Dragon Song explained it ta me is that the dragon symbol on her flank is a family crest that all of her family has. Everypony born into their family is born with a feather dragon crest on their flank and when she gets her cutie mark the family crest will change ta become part of her cutie mark. She told it's something strange that has been apart of her family for generations since her family is from a place called Connamaria in the far south. Everypony at school thinks its her cutie mark even after she told them it wasn't. She wants ta join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but there is a problem with that.” “She doesn’t have a cutie mark yet and the Cutie Mark Crusaders job is ta help everypony without a cutie mark find what makes them special ta get their cutie mark, right?” I asked a little confused to why a filly without a cutie mark would have a problem joining the CMC. They let Babs in and she bullied them along side of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for a little while. “The problem is that Scootaloo doesn't like her very much and those two fight all the time. Lately Ah've been hangin' out with Dragon Song and skippin' a lot of mah CMC meetings which is makin' the others mad at me. That's one of the other things Ah want ta ask ya bout. How do you make time for both friends and yer special somepony when they always get in ta arguments or fights when their together?” “Does Dragon Song fight with Sweetie Belle too?” This was important to know if I was to help save AB from this lou lou of a problem. “No those two get along just fine, in fact Dragon Song gets along with everypony at school expect for Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. Ah can see why she doesn't like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they got bad attitudes and badmouth me all the time, something Dragon Song can't stand. Her and Scootaloo have a lot in common but just won't try and be friends. They can't be in the same room with each other fer five minutes with out sayin' somethin' nasty ta each other or threatening ta hit one another unless somepony is watchin' them. Sweetie Belle threatened ta leave the CMC if Scootaloo didn't stop fighting and tired to make it work with Dragon Song and Ah asked Dragon Song ta try fer me and she did but it only lasted 20 minutes before those two were fightin' again. Ah don't know what do any more since Ah don't want ta lose my friends or give up my special somepony.” Apple Bloom explained with a worried and frustrated look on her face. “Sounds like ya got two fillies that like ya an awful lot and both of them want ta be yer special somepony. The only problem is one said it first and now the other one can't say it. Now their fightin' ta try and get the other ta just leave or get ya to choose one over the other. Problem is both of the fillies are stubborn as an Apple so they just keep on fightin' with no winner in sight. The best way ta end this is ta tell Scootaloo how ya feel and let her know ya love Dragon Song and that's not goin' ta change the fact you’re still her friend and will always be her friend. “I told Apple Bloom to help her out. “Hey that just might work sis, thanks.” AB said as she hugged me tightly. “Just remember ta make sure Dragon Song is in the room when ya tell Scootaloo how ya feel otherwise it will just cause an even bigger fight because of a misunderstanding.” I told AB as I hugged her back. After a few mores hugs and questions we finished up our picnic before just relaxing in the meadow under the oak tree telling each other about our special someponies. We ended up lounging around so long that we lost most of the afternoon to evening. When I sat up and looked at the sky I could see the sun going down and the moon starting to rise. “Well Ah think we'd better start headin' home lil' filly, what do ya think?” I said standing up and helping her to her hooves. “Yea it is gettin' late Ah guess we better head back.” She said glancing up to the sky to see that it had gotten dark. AB folded her blanket and picked it up as I grabbed the basket and we headed back to the farm. When we got back Big Mac was helping Granny Smith by setting the table as Apple Bloom and I went upstairs to clean up for dinner. After I cleaned up I threw on my overall shorts with the apple symbol on the front and my red belly shirt under neath it. Ah went downstairs to help Granny Smith finish cooking up dinner when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Savyna, she had on tight light blue jeans and a white tank top with her hair down. She had a back pack slung over her right shoulder and a bag with two bottles in it. I was so happy to see her all I could do was smile forgetting why she was here. “Whoa....you look beautiful.” I said still starin' down at her outfit. I ran out of words as I lost myself in her sexy appearance. Her tight toned stomach and curves, her beautiful shape. It sometimes made me wonder why such a pretty gal like her would be interested in a girl like me but I guess it's best not to question fate, especially when it goes in your favor. “I could say the same for you sexy.” Savyna said smiling at me and glancing down at my get-up. Her calling me sexy made me smile, since we've been together I've never heard her call me anything like that before. “Um... thanks.” I said blushing then I remembered that I had forget my manners. “Come in.” I said pulling the door open. “Yer just in time fer supper.” I said lettin her in the house. “While I was in town I ran in to Dragon Feather on his way to the school house to talk to Cheerilee about something. He asked me to give you these two bottles of dragon berry wine and to say he was sorry for any problems his little sister may have caused you or will cause you in the next few days.” Savyna said as she handed me the bag with two bottles in it. “Why would he need ta apologize ta me now about his lil' sister. Did she do something ta Apple Bloom that Ah don't know about?” I asked with a bit of anger in my voice. Apple Bloom had told me a lot about her and Dragon Song being together but I had a nasty feeling that she had left somethings out that would have me hopping mad and ready to fight. “No it's nothing like that but I take it from the fact your mad and asking about Apple Bloom that you know about her and Dragon Song being a couple then?” She asked softly trying to calm me down. “Yeah Apple Bloom and Ah had a long talk this afternoon bout it. But what Ah don't get is how they kept me and the rest of the family from findin' out bout it.” “Well to be honest with you Apple Bloom has been spending time at Dragon Feather's place with Song and telling you she was with the CMC and telling her friends she was stuck home doing chores so she could spend time with her special somepony. I think its cute but you have to get involved soon if Scootaloo and Song keep fighting over Apple Bloom.” Savyna said with a laugh to lighten the mood. I laughed too since she was right but hopefully AB could take care of this with out my help. “Hey how well do you know Dragon Feather and his little sister? Ah just met him last night at the party but AB tells me he's been living in Ponyville for several months. Ah've never run in ta him until last night and he seems ta know everypony in town already. So what's the story with him?” I asked her rather curious about this new unicorn and his little sister. “Well I've know Dragon Feather for a few years now were practically family. We met back when I was training in the lands to the south of here called Connamaria. He's a rather good fighter for a unicorn and has some serious magical knowledge. He moved from Connamaria to live a much quieter life and raise his younger sister away from all of the fighting in the martial arts world of the Wulin. He's a rather out going guy and willing to help anyone out its just Dragon Song is a bit troubled. The lost of their parents has effected her the most. She was only six when they were killed in an accident with some wild dragons they were trying to relocate. Dragon Feather blames himself for not being there to help them and so does Dragon Song. Those two have had it hard since then with Song fighting all the time and the two of them moving a lot. I'm surprised and glad that Song has found someone to confide in like Apple Bloom though. I think those two make a pretty good match just like us, a human and apple and those are a dragon and apple.” Savyna explained to me. I was beginning ta understand why I hadn't met Dragon Feather until last night. Apple Bloom and Dragon Song had been hiding their relationship from everypony and when Dragon Feather found out he couldn't take that from the sister he felt he had let down so much before now. “Ah see well Ah'm have ta set up a lil' ol' meet and greet with him so the dragons and apples can get better acquainted in the near future. But that can wait til later right now lets get ya in the kitchen before Granny Smith sends Big Mac lookin' fer ya.” I said with a laugh as I led her ta the kitchen. Everybody was already sitting down waiting for supper to be served. Granny Smith smiled at the sight of Savyna showing back up she didn't wanna unleash a whole can of “whoop ass” as she calls it on the girl's backside after she had Big Mac drag her back to the house. “Glad ta see ya made it youngin'. Ya ready fer a good ol' fashion family dinner?” Granny Smith asked while smiling and getting the plates ready to be served. Savyna just nodded then sat down her backpack while I went to get a chair for her. Big Mac smiled at Savyna too with his usual half bored smile, sometimes that look really makes we want to pinch him to get a reaction out of him other then slightly bored. I pulled up a chair beside mine at the table for Sayvna as we both sat down. Granny Smith sat our plates in front of us as Apple Bloom brought over a big bowl of salad with dandelion greens, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, and tomatoes, next was a large bowl of apple and pine nut pasta with a zesty tomato sauce, after that AB grabbed the basket of garlic bread and put it on the table. The last dish to make it ta the table was dessert and for dessert there was a deep baking dish filled with Granny Smith's famous fried apples covered in brown sugar and cinnamon. After Granny Smith finished passing out the plates she grabbed her's and took her seat at the table. We held hands and said the blessing to gave thanks for the food before plates were passed around and filled up. After ever one had their plates filled Savyna did something a little a strange. She placed her hands together and said, “Itadakimasu.” After that she started eating. “Hey what was that ya just said Savyna?” Big Mac asked before I could. “Big Macintosh don't be rude ta her and ask a question like that.” I scolded him seconds later. “It's fine AJ, I'll explain. As I was telling Apple Jack earlier I lived and trained in the country of Connamaria to the south of Appaloosa. Well before a meal is eaten there everyone at the table says Itadakimasu or 'I humbly receive'. This a way to give thanks before a meal. It is said to express gratitude for all who played a role in preparing, cultivating, ranching or hunting the food. This also acknowledges that living organisms that have given their life to the ponies and people eating the meal. Since I lived with Dragon Feather for a while I got use to saying it and have continued saying it at every meal.” “Oh yeah Dragon Song says the same thing at lunch time at school. Hey Savyna do ya say Gochisōsama-deshita when ya finish eating?” Apple Bloom asked. “Yes I do, it gives thanks to the ones that prepared and served the meal. When the phrase is translated from the ancient tongue it comes out as you were a Feast preparer. So Apple Bloom has Dragon Song taught you any of the other traditions or language from her homeland?” Savyna asked Apple Bloom. The rest of us just looked at her. “Yeah, I give thanks for my Neesan, Oniisan, and Obassan fer all they have done ta raise me. Ah welcome ya ta our home and family Savyna-sama.” Apple Bloom said then bowed her head slightly to Savyna. Savyna just smiled and bowed back in the same manner . “Arigatou gozaimasu, Apple-chan.” Savyna said back and the two of them just laughed as me, Big Mac and Granny Smith just stared at the two of them funny. After that dinner continued with Savyna being the topic of most of the conversation. Big Mac started off by asking Savyna all kinds of questions about her intentions with me, If she had plans for the future other then adventuring all the time? Did those plans include me? If she was going to make an honest mare out of me at some point? I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could after that one. The nerve of him asking a thing like that at the dinner table! I expect that type of talk from Granny Smith but not my brother. Granny Smith behaved herself for once and didn't ask anything too embarrassing or mention anything about sex probably because Apple Bloom was at the table. Apple Bloom was surprisingly talkative with Savyna and a lot of it was in another language that the rest of us couldn't understand or follow. Savyna translated a lot of it for us but some parts she and Apple Bloom just laughed at us and kept on talking. I made it a point to find out about what I had missed cause if AB was talking smack I was going give her a smack later. After dinner Apple Bloom ran off to get ready for bed, Big Mac offered to clear away the dishes and wash them before he was off to see Cheerilee for a bit. Granny Smith was in the living room in her rocking chair knitting something. Savyna and I slipped out on the front porch to be alone for a bit, well almost alone since, my pet Border Collie, Winona was laying on the front porch with us barking at crickets every now and then. We started off sitting on the porch swing holding each other enjoying the warm night air and each other. The night was still and the fireflies were out dancing up a storm in the field putting on a wonderful light display. For the longest time we sat there, me in Savyna's lap with my head on her shoulder swinging softly listening to the sound of our heart beats and the crickets chirping up a symphony they became the music of the country night. This was our scene, our world, the moment was eternal and finite at the same time, Until we heard Big Mac leaving out the back door and heading off for the dirt road. He was taken the back way in to Ponyville which meant only one thing. He was headed to Cheerilee's for one of their late night lovemaking sessions. Every time he took the dirt road behind the house in to Ponyville he would come back smell in' like Cheerilee and ready fer a shower and bed. She must have gone in to heat already cause they usually don't get together so often. After the spell of the night had been broken, Savyna asked me to lay on the porch and stargaze with her. I had never done that before I usually would just sit in the field to look at the stars. It sounded pretty fun and would be a new way to see things, so with that said we got up off the porch swing and laid on the porch at the edge of the over hang looking up at the stars. Savyna pointed out several constellations she could see from Connamaraia when she was living there. I point out some of the ones that Twilight had taught me. “So is it true?” Savyna asked me breaking the silence of the night while we were laying down on the porch still staring at the stars. “Is what true, sugarplum?” I asked her laying my head on her chest to hear her heart beat again. I felt the warmth of her skin under her shirt as I rubbed her stomach and she held me. She started laughing at her own thoughts before answering me. “What Granny Smith said earlier, is it true?” Savyna asked me still laughing. I felt myself blush as I tried ta answer it. I thought that she would have forgotten about all of that by now but I guess not. “Well... yes and no.” I said still blushing at her question. “What do you mean?” She asked. “Ah mean some of it is true but there's a few things Ah haven't done yet that Ah would like ta experience.” I said with a laugh. “Like?” Savyna asked laughing with me. “You know if you need help experiencing those things I could be of help.” She said to me. I was surprised that she would say that, I figured some of those things would weird her out. “Well Ah haven't been tied up or pushed up against the head board like Granny Smith said. Ah mean don't get me wrong Ah love kinky bedroom stuff just as much as the next pony but there's a lot Ah haven't found a stallion willing ta do ta me yet. I'm kind of a vanilla mare in that area.” I explained to her then I looked up at her. “Wait a second why are we on me? Haven't ya heard enough embarrassin' stuff bout me already? What about you, what haven't you done yet?” I asked trying to get the subject off of me. I heard her giggle a bit, her laugh was so dang cute. “Well to be honest I haven't had anything too kinky done to me, your the first female I've been with and I haven't really been with many freaky or kinky guys. There's not much that I've thought about doing but I'm open to the idea of experimenting a little.” She told me. I felt her take in a deep breath as she yawned. “Ya gettin' tired on me?” I asked getting kinda sad. I didn't want her to go to bed just yet. “No I'm okay. So... “ She trailed off as she got embarrassed by what she thought about asking me. “Did you want the sex or not? Because if you do then we have to hurry before I do get too tired. It's not that I'm rushing you or anything it's just that when I let my body get to exhausted I tend to doze off and if I do that there's no chance of moving me.” She said laughing. I didn't know how to answer that, I didn't want to seem to pushy if I said yes but if I said no then it would have been our last time until she gets back and god knows how long that would be. “Well this kinda is the last night I get ta spend with ya before you leave fer a long time so... “ I started blusing. Then I remembered we're a couple, I need to get over this shyness. I can be the real honest me around her, I didn't have to worry about being judged or laughed at. I got up from her chest and laid over her with my eyes on her's. I kissed her long and hard before finishing my answer. “ Ah want ta be rode good and hard all night long, Savyna. One good last time before ya go ta hold me over til ya come back.” I said then kissed her again softly. When I finished I looked to see her smile. “Alright but you better be ready for me to go all out then since I will be gone a few days.” She told me and I just looked at her with a lustful grin. “Yer gettin' off easy tonight because mah heat won't start fer another few days so when ya get back be ready fer seven days of non stop sex okay?” “Seven Days? Yeah I can handle that. But is that only when you go in to heat?” Savyna asked grinning back. “Ya think its fun and games now wait ya see me when the estrus has a hold of me. A mare in heat can get might assertive, down right insistent on her pleasure. Not many stallions can tame a mare like the best most do is survive the week with his pride still attached.” I told her mater-of-factually. “With me no stallion has truly just survived me when I'm in heat.” “Well we see I think I'll be fine since you said most stallions just survive. Well I'm no stallion.” She said with a cocky grin. Ah just shook my head at her before leading her upstairs to my room. As we passed Big Mac's room I checked to see if he was home from seeing Cheerilee. His door was closed and I could see a little water on the floor in front of his door. This meant he was back from Cheerilee's had a shower and was getting ready fer bed. If he was home that meant he was going to hear me and Savyna going at it soon. I hope he still has those ear plugs from when Granny Smith was dating and was going at it like a young mare in high school. Hopefully I could be quiet myself but if not Big Mac was gonna have something to complain about for a change. Once we were in my room and the door was locked. I led Savyna to the bed and had her sit down as I stood in front of my closet. “Ah have a request, I know how you said that we need ta wait a bit until we used toys but Ah was wonderin' if ya would use one on me?” I asked her with a quiver in my voice and my face bright red. “You want me to use a toy on you? Wait a second you have a toy? What is it? I mean it has to be huge. Since your a mare so the thing has to be like 18 inches or more in length.” Savyna said with some hesitation in her voice. “Well it is pretty big but it has ta be since I'm a mare, if ya don't want ta use it ya don't have ta but Ah was just wantin' ta live out one of mah fantasies Ah had about you.” Ah told her then looked down at the floor with a sad look crossin' my face. I soon heard Savyna shifting around on the bed then she sighed softly. “Fine, I hate to see you with that sad look, let me see this toy first. After that I will decide if we use it or not, okay?” Savyna asked as she looked up at me with a worried look on her face. I nodded to her softly then opened the closet and dug in the very back were Ah kept the very special toy. I pulled the long black box out and took it over to the bed. After I sat it next to Savyna I opened it revealing the 24 inches long, 5 inches thick brown and light pink silicon replica of stallion's pride with built in magical vibration functions resting in the box. “Here's my Mare Breaker 1200 or as Ah like ta call him Apple Lancer. It was a gift from Pinkie Pie some time ago when Ah was in heat and couldn't get the medication ta help with the urges. And let me tell ya the urges can get mighty bad when ya don't have a lover ta help out with them.” “Well it's big... I mean it's fucking huge! How do you take all of that?” Savyna asked as she eyed the toy. “I get that as a mare you're much deeper then me but that's two feet of toy you want me to use on you. Are you sure about this?” “Yes, Ah've used it before, Ah just want ta feel it thrustin' in ta me with you doing the thrustin'. Ah know ya won't hurt me with it if that's what's got ya scared.” I told Savyna and I took her hand and placed it on Apple Lancer and looked her in the eyes. “It will be alright. I know ya can handle this carrot stick just as good as any stallion can. Come and make mah fantasy a reality and ride me hard and put me away wet.” Savyna stared at me for a few moments then leaned forward and kissed me softly while keeping her hand on Apple Lancer. “Okay baby I will for you, but don't think you will always get your way and you're never using this... Apple Lancer on me.” “Okay, but Pinkie Pie has a shop where she sells toys of all sizes. So we could get a smaller one fer you later on if ya want ta that is.” I told her softly while blushing something fierce. “We will look into it later since it would interesting and rather sexy to see you with something sized for me strapped on you.” Savyna told me with a giggle that made me smile. “Okay tell me about this fantasy so I can make this happen.” I blushed a bit deeper then nodded softly before I told Savyna the whole fantasy I had while I clopped before the party last night. I told her ever last detail, every naughty word she said to me, all of the things I moaned and shouted back in reply. I almost came just telling her the whole thing. I was a little worried that I was going to leave a wet spot on the bed before I had even finished telling her all of it. After I was done we sat there staring at each other blushing pretty hard. “Well that's it. What do ya think?” “Well that's rather interesting and I think after a story like that I'm ready to give you just what you need. So go change into something sexy in the bath room while I get ready for you I'll need about five minutes okay.” Savyna told as she stood up and pulled me to mah hooves. “Alright Ah'll put on something sexy but ya have ta promise not ta tear or rip it, was a gift from Twilight` as a gag gift.” “Alright just go before I tear that outfit off you and we go with my fantasy tonight.” Savyna told me as she smacked me on the bottom. I giggled then went to my closet and fished out the white see thru teddy with stocking and hurried off to the bathroom. It didn't take long to strip off my day clothes and slip in ta the teddy so while I was in the bath I took the extra time to style my mane and tail, spray on some perfume and put on a little lipstick. Once I was done and checked my looks in the mirror it was time to head back to my room. Ah slipped my bathrobe on in case Apple Bloom or Big Mac were in the hall before I quickly returned to my room enter and shut and locked the door. It was rather dark in my room as Savyna had turned most of the lights out. I could see she was going to give me everything she had so I just followed the course of the fantasy and pulled my robe off. Moments later I felt warm hands encircle my waist then felt the softness of her C-cup breasts brush against my back. She was so quiet and swift, like a shadow in the night. “I can't wait to pull that sexy see thru teddy off of you and fill this hot little rump with a thick toy while I watch you squeal with desire.” She whispered to me as she nibbled on my ear while one of her hands found my panty clad hot, wet marehood. She ran her fingers over the sheer fabric lightly rubbing it in to my hot wet folds. “Oh, so wet already my sweet little Apple. Your panties are absolutely soaked, you must want it really bad don't you?” “Ahhh... Ah want ya real bad Savyna... ” I whispered back with quiver in my voice as I bucked my hips into her hand making her fingers pressed the wet fabric deep in to me. she licked and kissed at my neck as her hand roamed over my lacy and silk covered body. I reached up and caressed the side of her face as I moaned long and hard, the feeling of my body close to hers was more electrifying then any of the previous times we had been this close. I was getting so close to my melting point much quicker then usual and wondered if I was gonna cum long before we made it to the bed. I could see getting my way all the time would become a major problem especially if it made me this receptive to her touch. I could get rather addicted to it. Soon my moans got higher and higher almost to the point I could be heard outside of my room and that's when Savyna pulled away from me. I was panting pretty heavy and was shocked that she stopped when I was so close to cumming, “W-w-why... did ya stop?” I asked in a frustrated huff even though I knew the answer already. “You told me ride that flank hard and put you away wet. That's what I’m going to do but in my own good time.” Savyna said as she pulled the rest of her outfit off. “Your my wild little Apple mare and as a wild mare you need to be broken in right proper so you will belong to me and only me.” Savyna said with a seductive gleam in her brown eyes. I was going to say something back but she just shushed me with a finger and then pushed me forward on to the bed. I felt her kneel behind me as she rubbed my bottom and thighs softly. “Oh how I'll punish this bottom till you can't live without it. Can't wait to see this tight little ass candy apple red after a good spanking.” “Hey now that's not owww...” I cried softly my protest was cut short by a hand coming down hard on my left cheek. “No, naughty mare. Your not allowed to talk back. Remember naughty mares get spanked. An you've been a naughty, naughty little mare.” Savyna told in a stern but lustful voice before she started spanking my bottom. She started with my left cheek then my right one as I felt the sting of her palm. This went on for several minutes with her alternating from cheek to cheek every few slaps all the while Savyna told me what a naughty mare I was. Dirty talk is the best thing ever invented next to sex itself and I wondered how any mare could not like it or want it. The first few slaps to my bottom had me hopping mad that she would do that with out warning or asking me first but then the warm sensation in my rump had me super turned on. The next few slaps made me moan softly and then I raised my bottom to receive my very sexy punishment. The next round of slaps had me begging fer more and nearly screaming as my pussy winked rather hard spraying my juices all over the bed thru my soaked panties. I was in heaven and so close to cumming just from a spanking! I didn't know if it was Savyna or that I had a hidden kinky side but this round of love making was making me wish she didn't have to leave in the morning. “Oh look at you, you naughty mare getting turned on by getting spanked. You're about to cum aren't you? Tell me the truth or I'll stop.” Savyna commanded as she rubbed my now candy apple red bottom. “Y-yess, I'm a naughty mare, Ah'm about ta get off ta getting spanked.” I said in a sexy whimper. “Well it looks like my little wild apple needs to be taught a lesson. Your not suppose to get off to your punishment. It's a good thing I brought the proper tools for the job.” She said with a sly grin as she reached in to her backpack and pulled out a rather long and thick brown and light pink silicon replica of stallion's pride. “This is my Mare Breaker 1200 and with it I'll have you minding your P's and Q's real quick.” I let out a little squeak as she strapped the toy on and held it up for me to see before she knelt down rolled me over on to my back and spread my legs. “That's a might bit big fer me don't ya think?” I asked her with a look of longing in my eyes. “I'm no virgin but I ain't an experienced mare with skills to take all of that.” I said softly playing up the whole innocent thing. “Don't worry my sweet Apple you'll be able to take it I''ll make sure of that right now. ” She said with a light giggle then dipped her head and I felt her pull my panties to the side then her warm wet tongue dip in to my overflowing honey pot. I threw my head back and arched my back as I moaned long and loud as her tongue buried itself deep in my folds I had to quickly muffle my moaning by slamming a pillow on my face much like I did in my fantasy. As for doing my best to keep my voice down so the rest of the family didn't hear me, I failed that miserably and I could hear Big Macintosh down the hall open his door and yell at us to keep it down. Thank goodness Apple Bloom's room was at the back of the house otherwise this would have been awkward to explain to her if she walked in on us to see what all the noise was about. Being quiet was just out of the question Savyna's oral skills were just beyond belief. I'm still amazed that I'm the first girl she has ever been with since she eats pussy like she's part cat. Her tongue was working me over hard and fast sending waves of white hot pleasure throughout my body and she hadn't even made it to the special spot yet. Soon her fingers dipped into me and quickly found my G-spot drawing out a lot more lustful screams. She pressed it hard and with quick strokes bringing me to a gushing orgasm all over her face rapidly. When that happened I got pretty loud seconds later. “WILL YA TWO KNOCK IT OFF SOMEPONIES AROUND HERE ARE TRYIN' TA SLEEP!” Big Mac yelled moments after I started screaming my head off in the throes of a massive orgasm. I couldn't help it or answer him back as all of my attention was held by my lover and the wonderful orgasm she was in the middle of giving me. If I could have answered back I’d told him to go sleep at Cheerilee's if he wanted some quit time. As I climaxed rather hard Savyna didn't stop her oral assault on me she just switched to working my pussy harder with her fingers while running her tongue along the inner walls of my orange slit. My pussy spasmed and convulsed hard while spilling a torrent of sweet apple honey all over Savyna's face and the bed. I have never really been a squirter, well I am but no stallion has ever made me, I can only get myself ta do it a little some times, but Savyna seemed to be a sex Goddess when it came to making me do that. With each forceful stroke of her tongue and fingers, I seemed to squirt more of my creamy juices in to her face and mouth. I had already cum and still she licked, sucked, and fingered my wet cunt with wild abandon to the point I was well on my way to my next massive orgasm. A few more minutes passed and I was writhing in pleasure from the continued oral assault on my puffy orange slit as I gripped the sheets hard shouting her name over and over again. The feelings of pleasure were getting more and more intense each time. I felt her tongue and her fingers move around deeper inside me and I lost it again and came even harder then before. This time I lost the feeling in my legs and went limp in her grip for a few minutes. The orgasm was so intense I almost blacked out. “I think ya just broke me. I can't really feel my legs, their just tingly all over.” I told thru my pants while I shakily pointed a finger at my trembling legs. I tried to catch my breath but it seemed like the more I tried the harder it was to breath, it felt like I just did the Running of the Leaves ten times in a row without stopping. “Oh no, you wanted to get rode hard all night long and that's what I plan on doing. You will definitely have some trouble walking in the morning so I would take the day off from apple bucking sweetie.” Savyna said with a sexy grin on her face and she stood up and moved some pillows over on my bed. She stack up three of them then she rolled me over onto them so my ass was in the air and face buried in the sheets. She climbed on to the bed over me then bent over me before she pulled my panties off. After my rear was made naked before her, she placed the flared head toy strapped to her crotch under the dock of my tail. “Heh he he... Guess where this is about to go?” Savyna asked with a wicked gleam in her eyes as I felt her weight press down on my back as she got in the traditional mounting position. This position scared and excited me at the same time, on one hand it was a position of power for Savyna making her the dominant one in this encounter. This was the point of excitement for me. But on the other hand in this position I had no control over how deep she went or how hard she could thrust in to me. I couldn't get away from her unless she let go of my hips and gave me wiggle room, this was the part that scared me. As an Apple Ah'm not used to not havin' some control over situations even if the control isn't over what I do. With Savyna behind me and the head board in front of me I only had about two feet of space to try and run and if Ah knew Savyna she was gonna push me forward towards the headboard so I couldn't get away. “Savyna ya can't be serious? I've had my fill and we can switch place and I can pleasure you now.” I said to her with a pleading look on my face. “Sorry Apple Jack but you have been a rather naughty mare tonight. Asking for a fantasy then wanting to take it back before I have had my fun. Nope, I think, it's high time you learn a mare's place now get ready cause this stallion is about to claim her prize.” Savyna whispered lustfully in to my ear as she nuzzled my neck. I cooed at the slight tingle from her warm breath on my ear then jumped slightly as the toy slipped down between my cheeks then pushed against my wet southern pair of lips. “Hold still Apple Jack I want to mount you in one go.” The toy stallion penis pushed agonizingly slow against me until the flared head popped inside along with an extra two inches behind it. I gasped from the feeling of being mounted and then scenes from the first stallion that had tried to have sex with me in this position played thru my mind. Storm Drive, was the first stallion, of the few I've been with, to ever mount me proper like Savyna. He was pegasus I met in high school when I was a young mare and the only pegasus stallion I have ever been with. The first time we had sex, the night I lost my virginity, after the Fall Formal we went back to his house. His parents were in Canterlot on business so we had the house to ourselves. He had been a gentlecolt all night and I really liked him so one thing led to another and we ended up in his bed naked and ready to go. It all came crashing down once he got me on my belly and mounted me. The lost of control coupled with the pain of losing my cherry was too much for me and I bucked him in the crotch as hard as I could. That relationship ended the next day. I was brought back from my mental stroll down memory lane when I felt Savyna grip my hips tightly then she slammed Apple Lancer the rest of the way inside of me seconds later. I had to bury my face in the sheets and pillow as I screamed louder then Ah ever thought possible. The feeling of being taking so hard and fast was like nothing I had ever felt before or could put in to words. Every part of your body tenses up tightly in an instant then relaxes just quickly to tense up again. I almost came again just from the first few thrusts. I had to bite my lip until it bleed a bit to keep from breaking a window with my screams. “Mmrrrhh... Oh Savyna that feels so good!” I moaned as I gripped the sheets hard all the while she was bucking into me hard and fast. I felt the Mare Breaker hit the back of my pussy hard and fast over and over again like she was trying to drive in to my womb. I moaned long and hard into the bed and she held my hips tightly and pounded me harder. I could hear her above me grunting and groaning loud and lewdly like a stallion in the middle of a good rut. That took me over the edge and I came again. This climax was so intense that I had to pull away from her. As I was pulling away from Savyna, my eyes went wild and rolled in the back of my head, I climbed farther up the bed to pull myself off the toy. I had to get out of that position and get some control before I lost myself completely. While I was in the middle of my escape attempt and floundering because of my still raging orgasm she leaned forward more and held my hands down on the bed preventing me from crawling away. “Not yet. Don't run away just yet...” She panted in my ear. “I know its intense and I can feel you pulling away from me because your scared.” “This position it.... Ah can't.... Have ta....” I tried ta tell her what was wrong but I just couldn't say it out loud. The pleasure, the fear, my intense feelings for her all of these things had mixed and fused in to a jumble of extremely intense feelings that dyed my brain a confusing rainbow of sensations. I couldn't tell one from the other making it hard to communicate anything clearly. “You have lost control something you don't like. I understand just hold still, I won't move for bit until you calm down then we will change position to make you more comfortable.” She whispered softly behind me then she just held me there. For several minutes we laid there with her on top holding me softly until my body finally relaxed. Once I was just trembling under her Savyna released my arms and rose up off of me. Second later I felt Apple Lancer slip out of me leaving me feeling very empty. Savyna helped me in a sitting position then she moved the pillows before she held me gently. “Why are you so afraid of the mounted sexual position?” “Mah first time was in that position and the stallion I was with wasn't as gentle as you and it was my first time so the pain along with not being in control of that encounter makes me hesitate when Ah'm mounted from behind. Sorry sugarplum Ah should have told ya about that sooner.” I told Savyna softly. “It's fine. We really haven't talked a lot about our levels of sexual experience in detail just yet. We will have to do that before we have sex again so something like this doesn't happen again.” “But how do we fix it now?” I asked softly still not looking at her. “We can always try the Cowgirl or Reverie Cowgirl positions. In either of those positions you will be on top and will have all of the control. All I have do is just lay there and enjoy the show.” Savyna explained. “Come on I'll show you.” She laid back and pulled me on top of her in the sitting position so I was just a bit in front of Apple Lancer. “Here all you have to do is just raise up a bit and get Apple Lancer lined up then sit back as far as you want to on it.” I looked down at Savyna lovingly before I pulled the string out of my mane and let it spill all over my shoulders. “Okay but were gonna start out slow.” I told her in a whisper before a kiss then I lifted my rear a bit and lined up Apple Lancer before filling myself back up to the brim. I sat still for a long time while just enjoying the full feeling before I raised my hips a bit and started bouncing up and down. The weight of my little up and down motion had two effects, first it gave me most of the control over my level of pleasure and second it grounded the end of the toy against Savyna's clit giving her pleasure as well. When she started moaning softly at my slow riding of her I looked down and saw what was happening and sped up my thrusts. I placed a hand on her toned stomach and bent forward and began to post like I was in a saddle and riding English style. Moments later her hand found my hips as she thrust upward to meet my downward stroke. Our back and forth motion fell into sync in mere seconds, even our pants and moans were in sync as we fell in to a rhythm driven by the beating of our hearts. It wasn't long before the pleasure built our motion in to a fever pitch and we were humping in to each other recklessly. I panted hard as my lover's merciless upward thrusts meet my downward ones abusing my hot, wet pussy. At this point most of my air was wasted on screaming for more. I was quickly reaching my limit and was gonna cum pretty hard when Savyna switched up her thrusts so I only got half the toy on each buck of her hips. When my pleasure had died back down and I was begging her to pound it in to me again she would drive half of the toy's length up into my tight quivering pussy before pulling back gentle only to thrust upward as hard as she could seconds later. The brute force of ours thrusts had the both of us rock back and forth on the bed hard until the bed was creaking like it would give way under us. I opened my mouth and moaned Savyna's name long and loud and I thrashed and squirmed as I roughly pounded my hips in to hers. At that rate we were going even if I slowed down to just tease Savyna we both would still gush and hard. Savyna could tell I was getting close to the breaking point, my dark red shaded cheeks had turned and I could see she wasn't to far behind. If we kept our pace both us would cum seconds behind one another. “Oh no, Apple Jack, you can't cum yet. I 'm so close and I want to cum with you. Just a bit longer then we can rest.” Savyna told me just before she pulled the toy completely free of my pussy. Savyna reached down between us and flipped the switch on the base of the toy. The entire shaft buzzed to life with a soft warm hum. She pushed the vibrating toy back up to the entrance of my cunt. Savyna made sure to grind the vibrating head against my swollen clit torturing me a bit. I gasped and moaned for a few moments I begged her to let me put it back in. I didn't care how much I had to beg I just wanted Apple Lancer back in me and for us to gush all over each other. I moaned and whimper for a few minutes until Savyna's own pleasure had hit the same level as mine. She pushed the vibrating length in to my hot twitching folds with one hand as the other guided me down on to it. She shoved the fake cock into me with mighty thrusts. As I grinding on it moving from side to side so that I felt every pulse from the front of my love tunnel to the very sensitive parts around my cervix. Savyna had reached her limit too and was ready for me to ride her in to a massive orgasm so she adjusted herself on the bed to start pounding up into me hard and fast with the intent to make me pop like the quark out of a bottle of champagne. She pulled my hips into hers as she thrusts the toy upward with purpose. Savyna even reached between my legs and started massaging my clit as I pounded my poor swollen slit down onto Apple Lancer even harder then before. In a minute or two after she started rubbin my swollen pleasure button I finally reach my limit of no return. “Oh, Savyna! Oh yes! Oh... Oh.. yes yes yes! Savyna don't stop! Ah'm about to......” I panted with a hand to my mouth to muffle as much of the sound as possible. “That's it, AJ. Cum, cum for me good and hard baby. I'm cumming tooo...” Savyna encouraged thru her own pants and moans as I rode her even harder. “SAAAAAVVVYYYNNNAAAAAAA!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “AAAAPPPLEE JAAAAAACCCCCK!” Savyna screamed a second later. My back arched as my overly tight orange pussy clamped down like a velvet vice on my toy. My juices spurted out around the rubber stallion's cock, covering it, Savyna's lap, and my bedsheets in warm, sticky, wetness. After several minutes, of sheer ecstasy of our joined climaxes my body completely relaxed and I fell forward on to Savyna panting hard. She was panting just as hard in my ear as she held me tightly. A few seconds later my lower body finally got the message and my vaginal muscles released their death-grip on the fake stallion buried inside of me and slipped out with a wet pop. I was waiting for the world to stop spinning when I felt Savyna's lips press to mine softly. “I love you my dearest Apple Jack.” She said in a whisper. “I love you too Savyna, my Warrior of Love.” I whispered back before we kissed again then drifted off in a restful sleep. And it was the first time I slept that good in years since I was able to feel Savyna wrapped around me. > Ch. 5 No News and Bad News for Apple Jack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. No News and Bad News for Apple Jack I woke up hoping to feel Savyna's warm touch but instead all I felt was the bed sheets. That quickly made me sit up in the bed and start scanning the room for her, the thought of her not being there when I woke up and needed her the most scared me more than anything. I looked and seen that her clothes weren't on the floor where she left them, I began to get pretty worried. Had she left for the train already? Why didn't she wake me up to see her off? Did something happen and she had leave with telling me? When those questions filled my mind I know I need to find out what had happened. I went to get up when Savyna opened the door and walked in wearing one of the white guest bathrobes. I let out a sigh of relief at seeing I hadn't missed seeing her off at the train station yet. “Good morning beautiful.” She said smiling at me. “Sorry if I worried you I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.” She said sitting beside me on the bed then gave me a good morning kiss. “I slipped out of bed early this morning when Apple Bloom knocked. She went and got me a bath robe and I spent some time getting my things ready and waiting for you to wake up. Now that you're up will you take a shower with me? I have to meet up with my friends at the train station soon.” She said sadly. “Of course Ah will sugarplum.” I answered as I stroked her cheek then gave her a kiss back. “But Ah think we should pick up in here from last night first.” “No need to worry I already handled the clean up from last night's fun time. We just need to change the sheets on your bed now.” She told me with a smile while she grabbed her backpack and grabbed an outfit out. Then she got up from the bed. “I'll go get the water ready, meet me in the bathroom once you get your bath stuff, outfit, and the bed dealt with.” She told me as she walked out the door shutting it behind her. I got up and felt the soreness in my nethers something powerful. She was right I was gonna have a hard time walking today. Oh well a little soreness and discomfort today was well worth the hours of sexual enjoyment I got last night. I stretched a bit to work some of the soreness out before I pull my teddy and stockings off and tossed then the clothes hamper. I was going have to devote some time to laundry so to make sure the my lingerie didn't shrink. Once that was done I strip the bed and tossed the soiled sheets in the hamper too before getting out new sheets for the bed. After the bed was made I went to the closet and got out a pair of denim cut-offs and a white tank top with a green flannel short sleeved shirt. I grabbed my body wash and sponge then the shampoo tossing them all in the bath basket. It was the first time I had ever used since I got a few months ago. Never really thought of using it until then and I was glad to have it since I didn't have bend over as much which was a bit painful at them moment. I dropped my clothes on top of the basket after I thru on my bathrobe and went down the hall to the bathroom. When I made it to the bathroom I heard water running as I opened the door. I didn't see Savyna by the tub so she must have already been in the shower. I walked in and stood in front of the tub as I set the basket down then dropped my robe. I felt Savyna's skin brush against my back, guess that means she was waiting for me. “You go first my beautiful darling.” She whispered in my ear making the fur on the back of my neck stand up. I just nodded yes then pulled back the curtain and got in letting the water run down me. The warm water felt so heavenly especial after my wild night. A few seconds after I was completely wet and enjoying the water I felt Savyna slip in behind me. She reached in front of me and grabbed my body wash and sponge. “I'll wash your body and you can wash mine.” She said softly from behind me. I jumped at the sound of her voice and the feel of her breath on my neck. She turned me around to face her as she lathered up the sponge. She put her forehead on mine then kissed me before rubbing my back with the sponge. Her touch instantly relaxed all my muscles as she massaged when she gently washed me. I held her as she continued to gently massage my body, it made me feel like a foal that just got a warm blanket and warm milk. After she was done washing my back side she started massaging my breasts before trailing down to my stomach. Her warm breath slide down my body as she went below mah stomach massaging my marehood. “Um... Savyna, ya might wanna stop.” I said with a shaky voice. “Why is that, don't you like it?” Savyna asked me stopping her massage on my body. “Because at the rate yer goin' you'd have ta finish what ya started and Ah don't want ya ta be late fer the train.” I explained to her not wanting her to think I didn't enjoy it. “Okay then.” Savyna said as she sighed then moved from my marehood to my legs. ”Don't be like that sugarcube. When y'all get back ya can have me in the shower as much as ya want. If yer only goin' ta be gone a few days Ah'll be in heat when ya get back and ya know what that means, right?” I asked her softly starting to wash her. “I know but I just wanted a little taste before I left, you know for luck.” She said with a light moan from the sponge rubbing across her stomach. Seeing her wet and naked in the shower for the first time made me want her right here, but I couldn't be that selfish or could I? “Well if it's custom for warrior to be with a love one before battle then we could ya know...” I said with slight red coloring my cheeks. “Um... Yeah... it's a custom for a warrior to make love with their lover before a battle or mission for luck.” Savyna replied with a giggle. “Well then we should, ya know... make love. For luck and all...” I said with a quiver to my voice. Savyna just leaned in and kissed me before pulling me close to her. “Yes for luck... as tradition dictates.” She said in a sexy whisper as her hands found my nipples and clit respectively. Soon my nipples were rock hard and clit swollen and extra sensitive touch. Savyna dipped her head took my nipple in her mouth and bit down lightly as four of her fingers found their way inside of me. I moaned and arched my back as my legs start to give out. Savyna gripped me tightly and held me up as she fingered my pussy hard. My breath game in quick pants and I had to hold on to Savyna to kept my balance as I rapidly approached a massive orgasm. “Wow your really sensitive today AJ. You're about to cum already.” Savyna whispered after she let go of my nipple. “Iiii-it can't beee.... helped, a m-mare gets l-l-like this the cl-closer she gets t-t-ta her estrus. Ahhh.. buckk Ah'm so close.... please Ahhh.. want ya t-t-ta.. ooh god.. yessss!” I was seconds way from a rather powerful climax and I still want to feel Savyna lips and tongue work their skilled magic on me. As if reading my mind Savyna pulled her fingers free of the knelt down as eh spread my legs bit before she attacked my clit like hungry fish after a worm. Seconds later I had my right leg over her shoulder to give her better ace’s to my marehood as she devoured it. I t was long before I had to brace myself against the shower wall to keep from falling and I climax violently in her face and mouth. For several moments Savyna just drank in my thick nectar and he licked my clit with mercilessly throughout my orgasm. After I had calmed down Savyna stood up still holding me up as she kissed me deeply. I tasted my own sweet flavor as she had held some of my juices in her mouth for this moment. I did taste like an apple, but I also tasted her and the unbelievable beauty that was our combined female flavor. For a long moment nothing but Savyna and I and the cascading warm water existed. “Do ya have time fer me ta say good luck ta ya too?” I asked in a soft whisper after the kissed end and my body stopped trembling. “No we can't as much as I want to, we just can't.” She replied and kissed me again. “Why not?” I asked a bit disappointed I would be able to please her too. “It would disrupt the flow of my chi. The was able to enrich as little last when we made love but to do so now would leave weak and vulnerable to attack and this next job I can't afford to be distracted or weakened. I'll be facing several other fighters in the Wulin and if the sense I have a weaken aura it could end badly for everyone.” She explained to me. I didn't really understand it all that much with chi powers and fighting martial arts stuff but the look in her eyes told me we should even if we both really wanted too. “Alright Ah understand but when ya get back yer in fer cause a mare in heat has needs and that means yer goin have to give to me when the urges strikes no matter where we are or what we're doin'. Yer in for a long week when ya get back.” “I will do my best to keep up but I doubt you will wear me out. I will have cultivated a lot of male yang energy while I'm a way to balance your female yin energy so you heat should be all that bad for either of us.” She said with a giggle as she had me the sponge I had dropped earlier. “As you were before you wished me luck.” I took the sponge from her with a smile and had her turn around so I could pick up were I had left off from before. I started to soap up her back and shoulders, she was just so damn sexy, her body was amazing but as I was washing her back I spotted a small scar. It shocked me that a beautiful gal like her with a good complexion and a dangerous job like she had didn't have any visible scars all over. Well I mean she does travel and fight a lot so she should have a few scars maybe but she had none until I found this one on the back of her shoulder. Her training and skills to to be some of the best since she had no other scars save for this one scar, and on her back of all places. It was a a strange looking scar, it made up of several little marks in a curving line between to holes like indentations, it was a... a bite mark on her shoulder. It looked like two fangs and several sharp teeth had sliced deep in to her shoulder but it healed leaving the the of skin around the marks undamaged but left the marks as darkened spots on her flaws flesh. As soon as I found it and ran my fingers over it her body tensed for a moment and her hand slipped over her shoulder to cover it. “AJ... don't...” She said in a breathless sigh. “Sorry sugarcube, Ah didn't mean ta hurt you.” I said softly as I place my hand on hers and leaned in close with warm water washing over us. “Does it still hurt or bother ya?” I asked in a whisper and I held Savyna close to me. She was looking down with her cheeks colored bright crimson, it was the first time I had seen her act rather girly or frou-frou since I meet her. “No it doesn't hurt but it's not a scar I... I don't like people seeing that scar.” Was all she said as she kept her hand over the bite. How did ya get that?” I asked curiously. “I got it horse playing with Dragon Feather when we were younger.” Savyna said quickly while she was still looking away from me. I just nodded and let it go for now but it bothered me that she had never said anything about the scar until now. This had several questions buzzing in my head now. Why would she have a bite mark on her left shoulder? When did she get it? What had bit her hard enough to leave a scar? And why would she keep it from me? I pushed the questions aside to finish washing her and we rinsed off under the warm water quickly. After we exited the shower and we were drying off Savyna's guarded girly manner vanished and she was back to laughing and teasing me something fierce as we got dressed. After dressing and packing up all of Savyna's things we walked downstairs to eat breakfast before I walked her to the station. I was already getting nervous about her leaving and I still had an hour and good long walk to go until she was on the train and heading off in to danger. I hope to the heavens that I got used to her traveling a lot soon otherwise we would end up having some rather large arguments all the time when she had to leave in the near future. I gave a little sigh and pushed those sad and depressing thoughts out of my head when Savyna pulled me close in a hug, I smiled ear from ear. When we made it in to the kitchen Granny Smith had already made plates and was getting them ready to be serve. Apple Bloom and Big Mac were seated at the table, Savyna and I grabbed a cup of coffee before sitting down. “Mornin' youngins how did ya sleep last night?” Granny Smith asked giving Big Mac and Apple Bloom their plates filled with apple and fruit salad covered in apple sauce glaze with fried hay sticks on the side. “Ah don't see how they slept AT ALL since they were too busy keepin' me up all night. Did y'all have ta be so dang loud?” Big Mac said with bags under his eyes. Savyna and I just looked at each other and laughed. I heard Granny Smith laugh from in front of the stove as she brought Savyna and I our plates before she grabbed her's then took her seat at the table with a cup of coffee. “Sorry Big Macintosh, next time I'll try to keep it down to a dull roar but no promises.” Savyna said with a wink. “Your sister brings the beast out in me.” “How did ya keep Big Mac up all night sis? What was the two of ya doin?” Apple Bloom asked after taking a bite of her salad. “Nothin' ya need ta know about AB.” I laughed as I took a sip of my steaming coffee. “Just know that we're sorry Big Mac and it won't happen again. I'll get Twilight or Rarity to make me a soundproofin' door hanger so we don't keep ya up at night when Savyna's over.” “So Ah take it ya slept well or did ya get any sleep at all?” Granny Smith asked still laughing. She washed down her salad with a drink of coffee. “I slept surprisingly well last night. So good that we missed the rooster crowing this morning.” Savyna said as she gave Granny Smith a wicked grin to which Granny Smith just laughed at and Big Mac groaned. “Yeah, we slept great Granny.” I said smiling not wanting the conversation to go any farther on that subject. There wasn't much to talk about fer the rest of the morning after we finished our salad and coffee Savyna. After getting the dishes put away Savyna I sat on the front pouch her a few minutes enjoying each others company and making plans for when she got back in a few days. Once plans were made we grabbed Savyna things and headed out to get her to the train station on time. Apple Bloom tagged along so I could drop her off at school right afterward and maybe run into Dragon Feather for a little chat about Apples and Dragons. The walk to town was silent when we first started walking so after a while I broke the silence. “”Savyna?” I asked slowing my pace forcing her to slow down as I held her hand. “Yes.” She answered, her voice made her sound like she was fine but her short answer told me she had something on her mind. “What's with the bite on yer back?” I asked remembering the huge scar that I seen in the shower. My question made her eyes go wide as she stopped walking completely. She stood paused for a minute before she started her slow paced walking again. “It's just from horse playing with Dragon Feather when I was younger. It's not a scar that matters a whole lot I just don't like talking about it or people seeing it. It's from a time when I was really naive and stupid about how the world truly is.” She answered looking down trying not to look me in the face so I could tell she was hiding something, She always looks at me when she answers me unless shes embarrassed to say what's on her mind which only happens when we're in bed. The only time she looks down is when she doesn't want to tell me the truth about something. I decided not to let the question go any further since I didn't want to force her to talk about something if she didn't think it was worth talking about. Plus Apple Bloom was here and I didn't want her to see us get in to a fight. After all I had ta be a good role model if I was to help her get thru her own relationship problems with Dragon Song. “How long have ya been training in yer martial arts style and the dragon stuff?” I asked her trying to change the subject. She looked down for a few moments then looked over at me and smiled. “Since I was in diapers basically. My father is really big into family honor and carrying on our name so he encouraged my martial arts training. My family has had several Wulin Masters in it over the generations going back as far as two thousand years before the Alfard Empire. We moved from the Alfard Empire to Connamaraia to further my training when I was ten or eleven and that's when I met Dragon Feather and the Dragon family. Dragon Feather and I became fast friends and soon I started training with him picking up his style of dragon martial arts and learned to use both his and my family's styles together. My chi training kind of followed few years after that.” She explained to me with some pride in her voice. Her life didn't sound easy, living day to day doing nothing really but training so she could carry the weight of her family's legacy on her back. Her martial arts is really all she's ever had, now I see why she's so close to Dragon Feather, they share similar pains and triumphs and bound by the laws of the Wulin thing she told me about. When I first met her and now, looking at her she didn't look as though she's been through a lot. She always smiled and she wasn't but twenty-six, bein' a full year younger than me she didn't seem like she had been through as much as she talked about. A lesser person would have crumbled under the weight of it all. “What about yer ma? She didn't help ya through any of it?” I asked her. Now that I think about it I've never heard her mention her real mom only her step mother whom she only shared a passing like for. “Well...My step mother helped a bit but after my father's divorce we grew apart and I was on my own but I had Dragon Feather and his family then. As for my birth mother... she's always been very distant towards me because I never really liked or wanted to embrace her heritage or what she claims is the blood born birth right nor do I let it hold power over me.” Savyna said squeezing mah hand slightly harder than what she had been but keeping her glance down as she spoke of her mom. Her voice didn't sound like hers when she mentioned her birth mother. It seemed monotonous and sorrowful. I regretted bringing it up and Apple Bloom could see it too so she just stayed quite and walked behind us a few steps. I would have to have talk with AB later about this just to clear up a few things. “Well I'm sorry bout that... well mah parents were very hard workin' folks too and they encouraged me ta work from sun up ta sun down so that's how Ah've spent most of mah life. After they died Granny Smith has raised Big Mac, Apple Bloom and me here on the farm. My father’s job was really hard and in Canterlot. It never let him come home all that often. Ah mean fer workin' all the time he still found time ta spend with me, Big Mac, and a baby Apple Bloom. Mah mom stayed at home and did a little sewing and house cleanin' on the side while raising us until she got real sick then dad had ta come home ta help her. He transferred ta a lower paying job here in Ponyville ta take care of mom and us until he got sick. Things pretty much went down hill from there until we moved in with Granny Smith.” I explained to Savyna. “Well I'm sorry about your parents, I mean it hurts not to have a parent.” She said lookin' at me all sad but soon her expression changed a mildly happy before speaking. “Oh I got something for you, tomorrow go to the Carousel Boutique and tell Rarity that your there to pick up your gift.” She told me smiling and stopping to kiss me. “Ewww!” AB exclaimed, me an Savyna laughed at her. “Your gonna love it.” She said. I started blushing as I got excited at the fact that she got me a gift. “And hey kiddo don't be going ewww, you' ll be the same way when you find your special somepony.” Apple Bloom froze in her tracks and blushed hard and I just giggled at her flustered look before turning to Savyna to help AB out just this once. “Ya didn't have ta, now Ah feel bad that Ah didn't get ya nothin'.” I said, I wouldn't even know what to get her if I did try and buy her something. “No it's okay, it's just a way of me saying thank you for being in my life.” Savyna said in a soft loving tone. That made me so warm inside I melted, I have never been this happy in my life and wonder why it took so long for me to find the one special person that causes it. I truly was in love, really I was beyond in love with this gal' and I'd choose her over anypony in the world. “Oh yeah,” Savyna said quickly as she reached in her back pocket and gave me a folded note she was holding, “I wrote you a letter yesterday and I was gonna give it to you when we were on the porch and forgot.” She explained grabbing my hand again. I slipped the note in my pocket for later. We walked the last block in silence just holding on to each other. When we made it to the train station all her friends were there waiting for her. I also noticed that Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Zecora, and Fluttershy were there. Guess the other girls were saying their goodbyes too. I was about ready to cry, it felt like I would never see Savyna again. I gave her a hug and she gripped my waist tightly and buried her face in my neck I heard her sniffle then she looked up at me and kissed me longer than our first time. After the kiss I heard Black and the others whistling and giving cat calls at us. Savyna quickly turned and told them to shut it up or she would just stay here. I secretly wished they would keep going but they stopped and apologized to us. Dammit now her friends are mare blocking me too! “I promise I'll be back to see you.” Savyna said softly pressing her forehead to mine gently while she held me close. The moment seemed to last forever but when it ended I was left wondering if it had been real at all. Savyna slowly pulled away from me then she picked up her bags and got on the train with her friends. I waved good bye to her as the train pulled off and blew her a kiss. After the train was gone Rarity walked over and said she would walk the CMC to school so I could get back to the farm I thanked for the help and let Apple Bloom go with her and Sweetie Belle. The walk back to the farm was a long and lonely one, I was missing Savyna already. I started to get worried about her, I hope nothing bad would happen to her. These were gonna be the longest few days of my life. She made me feel so complete, she had become my other half. When she touched me or kissed me the world melted away leaving just the two of us. She knew where to touch me to make me whimper and moan, she knew just how to hold me to make me coo and sigh. The thought of losing her was something I couldn't handle. Savyna made me feel so good like nothing in this world and to lose her now would destroy me. I made it back to the farm and went back to bed all sad like. I didn't want to do anything today. Big Macintosh was on his own in the fields today. I would make it up to him tomorrow but today I was going be selfish and just stay in bed. When I got in my room I thru off my shoes, plopped on to the bed, and pulled the pillow over my head and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. I had the weirdest dream though. In my dream me and Savyna were sitting on the porch in the swing on a cool late summer night. I had her head in my lap as I played with her hair as she hummed a soft tone. The dream proceeded like that for a while as I gently caressed Savyna cheek and she looked up at me. I smiled down at her and she smiled back happily before I told her I was with foal. She sat up and pulled me into a tight hug before she place her hand on my belly and smiled at me. The dream jumped several months ahead to when I was about five or six months pregnant. Savyna was dressed in a white shirt and blue overalls apple bucking the fields with Big Mac. She look rather funny kicking and punching trees but she could apple buck with the best of the Apple family. I walked out of the house, wearing a bright yellow and white sun dress that was big enough for three of me, with Apple Bloom's helping to bring them lunch. Savyna hugged me and placed a hand on my swollen middle and began to talk to the baby. Big Mac just laughed as he took a glass of ice tea from Apple Bloom before a just as pregnant Cheerilee walked out of the house and over to Big Mac. They kissed and Savyna teased Big Mac about the him and Cheerilee get pregnant first but the two us got hitched first. It was then that I saw Savyna wore a gold wedding ring with a purple stone and so did I but my stone was green. The dream then jumped ahead several more months and I saw myself sitting in a hospital bed holding a little foal in a pink blanket. Savyna was asleep in a reclining chair next to my bed. I had the baby, a beautiful little girl. Her mane and tail were blonde and dark purple, her coat was a light tan color with little diamond patterns of gold, dark brown, and white on it. The patterns started from her forehead and ran along her neck to her chest, along her back and sides to her tail. She even had three colored patterns around her wrists and ankles. Her eyes were a soft jade green with flecks of brown in them, she was a perfect fusion of her mother and Sire. I've never thought of the idea about having a baby with Savyna but this dream opened me up to the idea. What if we did have one? What would it look like? Would it be a boy or girl? If it was a girl would she look like the perfect little foal in my dream? Soon my focus was back on the scene in front of me. Savyna woke up and smiled at me and the baby before she stretched then sat up. “How are my two girls doing this morning?” She asked softly. “Doing just fine cutie. Did we wake ya?” I asked while gently rocking our foal. “No, not at all. I've slept enough right now being awake is more important to me. I can't believe how much she looks like the both of us.” Savyna replied standing up before walking over next to me and the baby. “Yeah, she's our perfect little angel but Ah just wish we didn't have ta wait another six days ta name her. Ah understand the tradition behind it but this little bundle of joy deserves a proper name.” I commented. ”I know my sweet Apple but we have to abide by Connamaraian law in this matter but I'll let you in a secret though. I have a name already picked out for her, in fact I came up with two just in case we had a son instead. Would you like to hear it?” Savyna asked me. ”What is it? Will it suit her? Will it fit with both of our family traditions on names?” I asked excitedly. As I stared at Savyna while the baby cooed softly. ”Well I can't say it out loud just yet so listen carefully.” She told me then leaned in as she whispered something soft in my ear. I couldn't hear what the Savyna in my dream said to me but my dream self's eyes lite up and she held the baby close to her chest and smiled down at her. ”That name is perfect for her, it fits her so well with all of the special gifts she gained from her Sire. Ah'm just surprised he agreed ta let ya pick that name. Will he make it back in time fer her namin' day?” Ah asked softly. ”Yes he will and with the whole family. Sunburst even said she would be coming down personally to be the official for her naming day.” Savyna told me with a grin. ”You shouldn't be surprised that he agreed to the name I chose after all we are siblings in the Wulin so it gives honor to us both, plus her Uncle Feather would give her anything she needed or wanted, even her name.” Savyna told me softly before stroking the baby's cheek. It was then that the dream faded away, the vision of this possible happy future become a wash of vivid colors and feelings as sleep vanished and the coming morning filled my mind. When I finally woke up the clock next to my bed read 4:30 A.M. I looked out the window and saw the early rays of the sun in the distance even though the moon was still a bit visible. Luna must have been running late or busy dealing with something for the moon to still be up past it's time to set to give way to the dawn. I yawn then stretched a bit before getting up out of bed. As soon as my hooves hit the floor my stomach growled as I suddenly realized I was hungry from not eating lunch or supper last night. Lack of food and sadness will give a body strange dreams every time but that dream was so vivid and beautiful in its own right that I felt it didn't count in the strange dream category. Married and a baby with Savyna it seemed so wonderful and yet so impossible at the same time. She had proposed sort of already but the baby thing was scary and exciting to me. Was I ready to be a mother? Was I ready to be a wife? I mean Savyna and I hadn't been together that long to be considering marriage or have some foals just yet but that dream felt so real and so right at the some time. So why not consider talking about having a foal? I liked the idea of it but I don't think Savyna would be to in to the idea of a baby considering she's gone far too much to help properly raise a foal. But could it really work out? In the dream she was on the farm working it along side Big Mac since I wasn't able to apple buck at that point being six months pregnant. So it seemed like it could work out but I'd have to discuss both the marriage and baby ideas with her at some point. Just not right away as I didn't want to scare her off. As I sat there going over the dream in my head and trying to figure out when to take to Savyna about a few things I found that I couldn't remember much about the baby, save for her eyes. Those soft jade green eyes with flecks of brown in them, the eyes of her mother and Sire. As I giggled ta myself about Savyna being the Sire of my foal my stomach growled again and nature was calling to me for another important matter. I got up and use the bathroom then headed to the kitchen to get a snack. No point in getting changed since I was still dressed from yesterday. When I made to the kitchen I found Granny Smith was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee yawning, she had just gotten up. “Mornin' youngin', sleep well last night?” Granny Smith asked me as she eyed me carefully as I came in to the kitchen. “Ya missed lunch and supper last night but Ah put ya a plate in the oven.” Granny Smith said sipping her coffee. “Ah slept okay, Ah wasn't hungry last night and Ah was really depressed bout Savyna leavin' so Ah went ta bed early. Ah'm sorry fer leaving all the work ta Big Mac but Ah just needed some time alone.” I said pouring me a cup of coffee and sitting across from Granny Smith. “It was fine Big Macintosh is a grown stallion, he's used ta workin' hard. Besides that he was out there all afternoon tryin' ta impress Cheerilee. After Apple Bloom came home from school Cheerilee showed up ta spend some time with Big Mac. He was a school age colt again with crush. He was runnin' round and apple buck like he was two stallions stead of one. All the work got done so nothin; ta worry over. How are ya doing today?” “Ah'm fine fer the most part just a little sad and lonely is all.” I replied back to Granny Smith question before I remembered my dream, or what little of it I could still remember. “Hey Granny Smith how did ya know it was time ta have kids with Grandpa Apple Tree?” I asked out the blue. “Well Apple Jack ta be honest with ya Ah had a dream about given birth ta yer mother one night.” She said matter-of-factly to me. “Ya'll had a dream bout havin' my mother?A dream is how ya decided ta have children?” I asked her dumbfounded by her answer. “Well yes, but Ah thought it was just a dream at first. Yer Grandpa and me had only been courtin' fer a few months at that point so just Ah thought it was a dream of a love sick mare is all. When Ah had the dream three more times and each time yer mother grew up a bit more in each dream Ah started ta think bout it a whole lot more as sign. When Ah saw how happy yer grandpa and Ah were raising yer mother, aunts, and uncles Ah knew it was time ta finally answer the question yer grandpa had asked me weeks before the dreams started. Ah told him yes that Ah'd marry him and have his foals. A few weeks later we were married and a week after that Ah went in ta heat. Ah found out Ah was pregnant with yer mother four weeks after my heat ended.” Granny Smith told me with a seriousness in her voice, this wasn't one of her stories or a tangent, this time Granny Smith was really telling me something important I could see it in her eyes. “Apple Jack if yer dreams are showin' ya a future that ya want then ya need ta reach out fer it and hold on tight cause ya only get one chance at true happiness that come from the future to show ya the way. Remember an Apple never waits for other ta come give them anything nor does an Apple run head long inta something with knowin' what's goin' on first. When the times right tell her the true of what ya have seen then decided with her if it is the future the two of ya want ta have. Don't worry about me, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, yer friends or her friends. Just do what is best fer ya and the pretty lil gal of yers.” Granny Smith said with a serious look in her eyes. I could feel the seriousness of her words and I knew I didn't have tell her about my dream as she seemed to already know. It was comforting and scary that she knew so much without me telling her a thing. I figured it was just her years of wisdom guiding her and letting her know things before ponies told her so, after all she been living in Ponyville for well over a 100 years. “Thanks Granny Smith fer bein' here fer me all these years. Ah mean after ma and pa died ya were the first one ta say ya would take us in, even when ya had so much goin' on after Grandpa died. Ah'm so glad it was you that took me, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom in cause Ah don't think Ah would be as happy if Ah I had lived somewhere else in Equestria.” I told her with tears in my eyes. “Wasn't nothing youngin' Ah told yer mother years ago that if anythin' ever happened ta her or yer father that Ah would be there fer her foals without question. Out of all of my grandchildren and soon ta be great grandchildren you three are my favorites. Just don't let the rest of the family know that okay.” Granny Smith said with a laugh as she went back to drinking her coffee and remembering my mother. “Yeah should go and get ready fer today Ah have a feelin' yer going to have an interesting day that will give a lot ta think about.” Granny Smith said rather cryptically I just nodded and payed it no mind. I finished my coffee then went back upstairs to take a quick shower and freshing up. When I got in the shower and let the warm water run down me I thought of me and Savyna's shower, I remembered her touch. It made me feel so good, then I remembered her scar. Why did she lie to me? That wasn't from horse playing that much was fer sure. How would she have gotten a bit there and why did she lie about it?. The more I thought about it the more upset I seemed to get so I just dropped it for now. I did make a mental note to bring it up when Savyna and I had time for a private moment when she got back. I finished washing up then I got dressed and brushed may teeth. When I came back down to the kitchen Big Mac and Apple Bloom were up, Apple Bloom was getting ready for school. Big Mac was drinking his coffee trying to wake up, and Granny Smith was getting the stove ready for breakfast. I poured another cup of coffee and sat at the table. “So where's Savyna? She couldn't join us today?” Granny asked putting another loaf of apple bread in the oven to cook. “No there was a town that needed her or somethin'.” I explained ta Granny Smith from the table. It seemed a lot quieter when she wasn't here, my glow and sunshine went away and I felt a dark cloud looming over me not feeling her presence or hearing her voice, not feeling her touch. Granny Smith took the first loaf bread out the oven to cool before slicing it to make toast as she cooked up some eggs. “AJ when you go in ta town ta do the stall today can ya walk me ta the Carousel Boutique so Ah can see Sweetie Belle?” AB asked sitting down at the table after she got her book bag ready, it was sitting on the floor beside her. “Yeah Ah'll walk ya over there and pick ya up when Ah'm done. Ya just need ta be ready after school. Ah'm leavin' here at 3:30 sharp.” I said depressingly, I was so down now that Savyna was gone, I never realized how happy she made me but now that she's gone it's like my heart went with her. I missed her more than ever and was worried to death. What if somethin happened ta her that injured her really bad or dare I say... what if something killed her? And it would be like this on every adventure she went off to do or a battle she went out to fight? I hated this feeling more than anything. I shook my head to clear it, I need to focus on something else otherwise I was going to drive myself crazy with worry. “Hey, why do ya need me ta take ya ta Rarity's place after school?” Ah asked Apple Bloom trying ta focus on that instead of my worry. “Ah thought ya always meet the other members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in y'alls clubhouse and do crusader business?” “Ah'm trying ta avoid Scootaloo right now. She taken this fightin' thing with Dragon Song ta a whole 'nother level and Ah just need some time away from her ta sort out what Ah'm going ta say ta her. Ah already told Sweetie Belle bout me and Dragon Song and she's happy fer the both of us. She even found a colt she likes, her and Ace have been spendin' a lot of time together since we haven't been crusading a lot because the fight between Dragon Song and Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom told me and she tapped the table with fingers in an irritated way. Seems like Dragon Feather and I were going have to have a talk about our little sisters sooner rather then later now. I hoped for AB sake that we could fix this problem before she lost Scootaloo as a friend or broke up with Dragon Song. “Well it can't be helped then, Ah'll try ta find time ta talk ta Dragon Feather and see if the two of us can help ya'll young mares sort this out before somepony gets hurt or worse friendships are lost.” I told Apple Bloom who only nodded as she was grumbling about something that Scootaloo must have said. I really couldn't make what she was mumbling but it seemed bad. I swear I saw her mouth four or five swear words before she just went back to tapping the table irritatedly. Looks like AB inherited the Apple family pride and hot-headiness in spades, and Dragon Song better be ready for an over jealous marefriend that Apple Bloom will become in time. After Granny Smith passed out plates I tried to hurry and finish eating. Then I remembered today I could go and pick up Savyna's gift from Rarity. I had almost forgotten about it in all of my worry and strange but wonderful dreams. I'll pick that when I go in to town after I drop AB off. Then I also remembered the letter she wrote me in the same thought. After I finished eating I ran upstairs to get it out my dirty clothes basket where I left it in my pocket. I took a seat on my bed and opened it up to read it. To My Beautiful Apple Jack, How are you? I hope this letter finds you doing well. I'm doing okay I guess, missing you like crazy. If your reading this then I've already left on my journey. I wrote you this letter because there's a few things I had to tell you. This past week has been the best of my life, AJ I can honestly say I am madly in love with you and wouldn't give up our relationship for anything in the world. With you I feel like nothing can hurt me or stop me, for you I would get the moon if you asked for it. I'm here for you if you ever need anything never be afraid to ask me. Saying I love you is not enough and no matter how many times I write it that four letter word it feels far too short. Even as I write this words fail to capture my true feelings for you, I find it hard to place words upon the page that will say what I true feel and want to express to you. The way you turn me on in my mind, emotions, and body is like nothing I have ever felt before. I have never loved anyone as deeply as I love you, for you are my soulmate and feel it deep in my heart. Do you remember our first kiss? I do and think of it often... wow babe... that's all I can say is fucking wow. Your body is so beautiful, like a summer day in a field of wild flowers kissed by a soft summer's rain. Words fail to capture the perfection that is your form, your mind, your soul, and the loving light you cast upon my life. Well this is the end of the letter so I guess what I'm saying is... all I want now most in the world is to spend the rest of my life with you. Love forever and always, yours truly, Savyna I read the end of the letter and as I lowered it from my face I felt tears dripping down my cheeks. I can't believe that she really felt that way about me, no pony has ever made me feel that special about anything. Savyna wants to spend the rest of her life with me, my dream was a sign and I knew in my heart that I wanted to have Savyna's baby. I knew that I wanted to marry her and live the rest of my life with her. It was crazy with me being so young and having such strong feelings for someone so quickly but I knew at this point they were real. The letter suddenly made me really want the gift she had made for me but I'll felt it was best to wait until later when I take Apple Bloom to see Sweetie Belle to get it. I dried my face, put the letter in music box my mother had given me for my sixth birthday, before I went back downstairs to go help Big Mac in the fields. When I got out to the fields Big Mac and Brass Tail, a young stallion we employ from time to time when we need the extra help, already had 20 bushels of apples done so they told me to just go bake some pies and make some cider for the stall today. So I spend half the morning baking 30 pies with Granny Smith. After the pies were done I went in the cellar and bottle up 10 cases of cider. “Big Mac come help me load the wagon!” I called from the cellar steps bringing up two cases of cider. “Ah'm comin' sis!” He hollered from around the house. “Hey Brass bring those apples over fer AJ ta sell today.” Big Mac yelled over his shoulder before he showed. He came back around with the wagon as he grabbed the two cases from my hands to load up. After all of the cider was loaded he helped load up all of the pies. I was just coming back out the house with few loads of extra apple bread that Granny Smith had made along with some jars of apple butter when I spotted Brass Tail threw on a couple bushels of regular apples on the back of the wagon. “Howdy Brass Tail, haven't seen ya in while. Where ya been hiddin'?” I asked him. Brass Tail was tall but kind skinny for a stallion with a muddy brown colored coat, gray and tan mane and tail with bright yellow eyes. Though he looked weak he was rather strong but a bit on the shy side. He looked up and me and blushed before turn around and placing his hand in the pockets of his denim jeans. “We hello to you Miss Apple Jack. I haven't been hiding just been busy out at my aunt's place in Baltimare. She just had twin colts and my uncle's rather busy with work so she need some pony to help out. I just got back yesterday.” “Stop callin' me miss Brass Tail just call me Apple Jack ya hear. Ah'm glad yer doing well and Ah'm happy ta hear about yer aunt and her new additions.” I told him with a smile. “Ohh thanks Mis... I mean Apple Jack. I was there the day Dusty Trail and Trail Blazer were and it a sight to see a foal come into the world.” Brass said blushing a bit but more at his own memory. I was going to ask him all about it but I saw the clock on the side of the barn and it was ten minutes to three-thirty. AB should be home now and I needed it to get going if I didn't want to be late. “Well I love ta stay and hear all about yer new little cousins but it's almost 3:30 and Ah need ta get Apple Bloom so Ah can drop her off at her friends house before workin' the stall in town. See ya round and don't let Big Macintosh work ya too hard okay.” I told him before I went and got Apple Bloom. “I won't, you have a good day there Apple Jack.” Brass told me he he walked back in to the fields. Once I had Apple Bloom on the wagon we were off to town as we left the farm Brass Tail waved at me from the fields. Apple Bloom made comment on how Brass Tail had a crush on me but was to shy to ask me out. Well I told her he was a rather late now I had a special somepony but if he had asked me out weeks ago I wouldn't have said no. As we walked to town Apple Bloom filled me in on all of the details of the fighting that had been going on for weeks since Apple Bloom and Dragon Song announced they were a couple. I was surprised at Scootaloo's brash and bold actions, seems like Rainbow Dash has been tutoring Scootaloo in dating practices. I was going to have to talk to RD as well to fix all of this. When I dropped AB off at Carousel Boutique to a waiting Sweetie Belle I walked in with her to get my gift from Rarity. “Oh Apple Jack! Hello darling.” Rarity exclaimed as she was surprised to see me walk in the door with Apple Bloom. “Hey Rares Ah came ta drop AB off ta play with Sweetie Belle.” I seen Apple Bloom run over to Sweetie Belle who was sitting at the table looking awfully board. Rarity must be giving her on those stop getting in to stuff I must create time outs. Apple Bloom was wearing knee length Capri's with a green v neck t-shirt tucked in and her yellow rain boots. Sweetie Belle was wearing a long yellow skirt with a pink and white stripped shirt tucked in and a pink button up sweater that was open over it rolled to her elbows, she also had rain boots on but her's were pink. With both of them in rain boots that could only mean that some type of water was involved and with two of CMC members present, that could only be seen as a good and bad thing but most of the time it was just a bad thing. Best not to get involved with that until it went bad that way there was less for me to worry about. “And Ah was told ta pick up a gift from ya today.” I said looking around for a box with ribbon or something of that nature. “Oh, that's right I forgot, I was going to have it delivered to you sometime today. Hold on and I'll be right back and it is absolutely beautiful if I might add.” Rarity said as she ran to her back room to get the gift. Rarity came back minutes later with a flat square box covered in green wrapping and tied with a red ribbon. “Your going to love it! I mean it's some of my finest work and Savyna paid me a tone of bits to drop everything else and just work on this gift, so it had my full attention all for a day and a half. She had very specific look in mind and I hope I capture it for the both of you.” Rarity smiled as she stood there and waited for me to open it. I took the ribbon off of it not wanting to damage it then tore the wrapping paper off. When I opened the box there was what looked like at was an extremely fancy and frou-frou dress. But what was laying in the box was a fusion of fancy and simple country belle style dress. I got it out and held it up to get a better look at it. It was extremely short dress with a large green bow at the back with ends hanging down, the bottom part looked like a layered skirt that was gray with a red lacy strip around bottom edges, the top part of the dress looked a white shirt with a green corset around it and an attached short sleeve gray and white jacket, and a green ribbon with a red jewel in the center at the collar. I gasped as I looked at it in shock, I looked down in the box and seen it had came with green knee high socks, a set of lacy fingerless gloves and red open hoof heels. The whole thing was beyond beautiful and must have cost a fortune to have made. There was no way she could afford this, I had to pay her back somehow. I laid it back in the box and put the lid on it. “Thanks Rarity fer makin' this beautiful dress and fer holdin' it fer me.” I said tying the box back up so it didn't come back open for the walk home. “It's no problem really, I do enjoy making beautiful clothes but I love to see you happy even more.” Rarity told me smiling sweetly. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do with out her as a friend, We not always see eye to eye on things but she always there for me when it counts. Even at the moment when I was smiling and seemed so happy she could tell there was something wrong with me, as she could hear it in my voice or see it in my eyes. “Apple Jack can we talk for a minute in private?” Rarity asked me softly as she place her hand on my shoulder. She quickly made the girls go in another room so we could be alone. If the CMC couldn't hear what she had to say to me then it had to be important. Rarity sat at her table and pulled me up a seat with her magic. I sat across from her to see what she wanted to talk about. “AJ I know you've been miserable and don't tell me your not I can see it in your face and hear it in your voice. I know it well because I have been dreadfully miserable and lonely too, you know since they all left.” She said then fixed her gaze on her own hands. Rarity did have to say who she meant when they left I knew she was talking about Savyna and rest of the adventure team. It seemed that she had been feeling down as well about the groups leaving, she wasn't acting like herself, express sadness in such a very normal non high society like way. “Yeah Ah have, Ah'm worried ta death bout 'em and miss her like crazy.” I explained to her, she looked back up at me then she sighed. “I miss Black dearly and I’m going crazy without him. I don't know what to do. ” Rarity said to me with tears in her eyes, I knew now that she's been going just as crazy as I was but was hiding it be hind her work. “Yeah well... Ah'm sure he misses ya too, and ya know he loves ya Rares.” I tried to cheer her up as I thought back to Savyna and how much I really missed her. I got up and gave Rarity a hug. “I'm hold up well since I have Zecora to lean on now since we both are with Black. But then I think about you and Poor Fluttershy. I can't imagine how you are dealing with this even though they have only been gone a day and a half so far. I mean Fluttershy has been an absolute wreck without Tank around, even the animals at her cottage seem to miss him especial Angel Bunny. How do you do it? I know it must killing you without Savyna around.” Rarity asked me after I released her from my hug. “Ah don't, Ah try not ta think bout it which isn't easy trust me, we're all in the same boat.” I put a arm around Rarity. “I'll always have yer back Rares, well make it thru this like we always do when things go wrong. And as fer Fluttershy, we should take some time out tomorrow go get Zecora and pay her a visit. The four of us can be each other emotional support when ever our special someponies leave on a mission like now.” I suggested to her. “That's a wonderful idea darling. We can make a day of it tomorrow if that's okay with you?” Rarity said trying to put on a brave face. “Well Brass Tail is back in town and he can handle the fields with Big Mac so all Ah have ta do is work the stall in town. Ah don't see why we can't make a day of it tomorrow. Ah'll come by in the morning say around 8:30 and we can have breakfast or brunch with Fluttershy at her cottage.” I told Rarity with a smile and a nod. “Okay that well be just fabulous. I'll go get Zecora tonight and have her stay over so that why we won't have to go get her. Oh, Apple Jack thank you for being my friend I don't know what I would do with out you.” Rarity said as she got up and hugged me again. “Its fine Rares since we been thru a lot together since we was fillies and we’re still friends so Ah figure we can make it thru this as well.” I told her after give her a tight hug back. “Oh yes I remember all of that dreadful business back when Big Macintosh and I dated for a little while. I'm still so sorry of all of the fighting with you back then I was a real bothersome and snobby filly then.” Rarity said with a light laugh as she remembered our high school days. “Naw it ya'll was okay back then Ah was the real problem. I was so hot-headed and stubborn back then that Ah kinda ruin the whole datin' and courtin' thing for you and Big Mac.” I replied. “Well all of that is in the past now and if all of that had worked out I would have missed out on being a prefect and loving herd it is a little unorthodox in appearance.” “About that, How did Black get ya ta agree to share him with Zecora?” I asked since Savyna had mentioned it to me two days ago. “Well that a funny story. You see the adventure party had arrived here in Ponyville a full day before Pinkie Pie spotted them and had throw a party for them. How they avoid Pinkie Pie for a full day is beyond me but when they first arrived Black and Savyna stopped by here. Black was looking for something new and exotic to wear from around here and Savyna was just window shopping. Well Black and I hit it off right away. He such a smooth talker and a hug flirt. Well after he bought few things he talked me in to having dinner with him that night and he just won me over. The rest happened at the first party Pinkie throw.” Rarity said blushing a little. “All Ah saw ya doin' was talkin' with him most of the night. What happened at the party that changed yer mind bout bein' in a herd?” I asked still confused. “Well Zecora came to the party and was flirting with Black for good portion of the night before the party moved to the library and I will say she did have me a bit jealous that had Black attention but I was determined to get it back. Well in trying to do just black said that if the two of us were going to fight over him he would leave the both of us alone to persevere our friendship. In that moment I realized that I did like Zecora as a friend and she wouldn't be all the bad to have a herd sister so Zecora and I talked over and found we were both thing the same thing. So rather then making Black choice neither of us we decided he should just choose both of us. After all of the hard cider and a lot of flirting from both Zecora and I the three of us end up in bed here. I was so glad that Sweetie was at our parents place as this place a mess for all the naughty adult fun the three of us end up having.” “Wow that sounds so similar ta how Savyna and I first end up bed 'ccept Rainbow Dash was there and it was record on tape.” I said softly the realized what I had let slip out. “What was the last part darling? I didn't hear what you said clearly.” Rarity as she look at me curiously. “Never ya mind that, it was nothin' important.” I said quickly relieved she hadn't heard the part about Rainbow Dash and the video tape. “Well I need ta get goin' I still have some work ta do.” I told Rarity, who just nodded, before went into the other gave AB a hug and kiss then I left to attend the stall in town. There weren't very many customers at first while I tended to the stall so it left me a lot of idle time. All that idle time was a bad thing since it didn't take long for my mind was stuck on thoughts of Savyna. I missed her awfully bad but I was also angry with her too. I've never missed someone this much in my entire life or been this angry at someone either. Her not being there to hold me at night or to tell me she loves me really hurt me. I thought back to that morning after the party and how she made me feel. I was her's and she's mine forever and always but there was still so much that was left unsaid right now. As I sat a the stall waiting for ponies to come buy I thought about my dreams,the bite mark, her lie about it or what I felt was her lie about it, and all of the things we have yet to tell one another. I soon come to one conclusion, we needed to talk and the truth had to come out. There were things I just need to know about her and things about me I need to tell her. As the Element of Honest I was aiming to get the honest truth out of her even if I had ta use my element on to get it! As I resolved to get answers to some questions from Savyna the stall got busy and I had to put aside all of that to put on my happiest face for the customers. The rush on the stall last for about an hour then it was a few ponies here and there to buy apples and such on their way home for the evening. To my surprise Dragon Feather stopped by to picked up some apple bread and apple butter. I took that time set up a time to talk with about our little sisters and to ask him some things about Savyna. They did grew up together so he should know a lot about her that I didn't. Hopefully he would tell me or I may have to beat it out of him if need be. For some strange reason I just had a hard time liking him. He just took me as being snooty and uptight like lot of the nobles in Canterlot. Dragon Feather agreed to speak with me tomorrow at 6:30pm that night while Dragon Song was at her music practice. After he had his purchase in his bag and plans were made for later he waved goodbye and was off. I took care of the last few customers as the sun was being to set I quickly packed up and went back to the Carousel Boutique to picked up Apple Bloom for the walk back home. I didn't say much on the walk and AB knew something was wrong. “AJ what's wrong? Ah haven't seen ya this down since that date ya had with the flashy stallion that Big Mac had ta get rid of.” She said sadly grabbing my hand and looking up at me. “Is it cause yer marefriend is gone?” Apple Bloom asked looking at me with sympathy in her eyes. I looked down at her and smiled at the fact that she was so concerned. “Yeah Apple Bloom, Ah'm a little sad because Savyna is gone. Savyna had ta go off fer a bit and fight, but she'll be back soon enough I just have ta wait and hope fer the best.” I said to her trying to cheer myself up at the same time. It was pretty hard to try and not think about her but everything at the moment reminded me of her in some way. “Well why did she leave ya if she knew it would make ya sad?” Apple Bloom asked me looking confused. I laughed at her not knowing what was going on. “Ya see Apple Bloom Savyna didn't leave me because she wanted ta, she had ta just like when me and the other Elements of Harmony have ta go off and fight ta protect Equestria. Savyna's job is ta do the same thing but fer anyone that can't do it fer themselves. she misses me too and doesn't want ta always be gone but it's what she does for a livin' and Ah can't ask her ta stop just fer me, that would be selfish.” I explained to Apple Bloom. “But if she doesn't want ta leave ya, why did she leave ya? Why doesn't she just get a job here so she won't have ta leave ya?” AB asked as we got closer to the farm. “Savyna's a warrior and anytime she gets called ta fight a battle or ta save a town she goes ta fight ta save lives. It's a noble thing ta save people and it bring honor to her name and her family legacy.” I explained to her what Savyna had told me about her adventures. “Plus she far too worldly ta be happy settled down in a small town like Ponyville fer the rest of life.” “Ah get that its noble ta help people but isn't more noble ta honor the commit of family and friends first as it is a Connamaraia tradition?” Apple Bloom asked me suddenly. “Where did ya here that from?” I asked her back not knowing what she was talking about. “It's in one of the books at Dragon Feather's house. Dragon Song showed it ta me. It has all of the laws and traditions of Connamaraia in it. If Savyna lived there with Dragon Feather and Dragon Song and she's their sibling by martial arts tradition, shouldn't she follow all of the same laws and traditions like they do?” Apple asked me and as I thought about it. It seem to make sense to me but I knew very little about this Connamaraia place or where it was. “That a good question Apple Bloom and Ah will find out bout that soon enough.” I told her and she stared at me confused by the grin on my face. “Well Ah ran in ta Dragon Feather today at the stall and he and I set up time tomorrow ta talk bout you and yer fillyfriend. Ah'll most likely will meet Dragon Song tommorrow too.” I told Apple Bloom. The look of relief and horror on her face was priceless, I thought she was going hug or slap me or both by the look on her face. It was a minute or two before she spoke. “O-o-okay, just t-t-try not t-ta embarrass meee will ya. Ah real like Dragon Song a lot.” She stammered while her face was bright red. “Ah promise Ah won't say or do anythin' ta embarrass ya. In fact Ah'll only say hi ta her. Ah'll leave all of the embarrassin' ta Big Mac and Granny Smith when ya have ta bring Dragon Song over fer dinner sooner or later.” I said with a laugh. Apple just signed knowing all to well I was right and I just giggled at her the rest of the way as she yelled at me to stop teasing her. We made it up to the farm I let Apple Bloom go in the house before pulling the wagon to the back and unloading the barrels and things I didn't sell. “Dang sis, not many customers today?” Big Mac asked as he walked up beside me and grabbed the bushel of apples from mah hands. “Umm... Well Ah stopped ta see Rarity fer bit before Ah started sellin' at the stall.” I said not mentioning all the day-dreaming and thinking had done about Savyna. I left out the part about meeting with Dragon Feather tomorrow night and the brunch date at Fluttershy's too all of that could wait till later. There was no need to get Big Mac involved in the thing with Apple Bloom's love life since he would go go over board about how young Apple Bloom when he found out Apple Bloom and Dragon Song experimenting with sex. “Oh Ah see.” Big Mac said laughing then took the crates of unsold cider down to the cellar. I put the wagon back in the shed and headed in the house. When I got in the house Granny Smith was doing the dishes and Apple Bloom had went to take a bath. “Let me do the dishes Granny Smith, a delicate mare like ya'll shouldn't be made ta do the dishes.” I said grabbing the plate from Granny Smith's hand and told her she needed to go nap. “Oh no Ah'm fine dear really, Ah need ta stay busy you go on out there and help yer brother finish clean up fer the day.” Granny Smith said grabbing the plate back from me and shooing me out the door to the fields. I went out to the fields and ended up helping Brass Tail move 16 trees with of apples to the barn for Big Mac to sort and put away. When Big Mac, Brass Tail, and I finished up with the fields I came in and hung up my hat then headed for the living room for to sit down for a bit. Big Mac was out on the porch paying Brass and asking him to come back in the morning to help out again. I was glad he had asked Brass to come back since it meant all I had to do was tell Big Mac I had something important to do in the morning and I'd be back to take care of the stall in town later. “Go get freshened up fer supper AJ it should be done by the time ya get out of the tub.” Granny Smith said as she poked her head in to the living room. I just nodded to her then head for the shower. As I went upstairs to take me a quick shower to wash all my work off of me I heard her turn the stove on and wash her hands before she stared cooking. As I was in the shower with the warm water flowing over me and my eyes closed I felt something strange and wondrous stirring up inside my mind and body. I took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly when I felt my mind drift and the vision start like when Ah was sleep and dreamin' of the future I saw a flash of light then I saw something yet to come. In my vision the was the wide field of flowers next to Wise Thorn there was a picnic blanket laid out and several ponies sitting around it. It was then I saw her again, the little foal from my first dream of her that was a perfect fusion of mother and sire but she was older this time, four or five in age but still the prettiest foal I had ever seen. She was dressed in a little blue dress with a yellow ribbon tied in her mane and tail, she was sitting next to an older version of me who was dress in similar outfit but my mane was down and not tied back. Savyna was there but she wasn't human but a pony, her hair was now an long mane of purple with black streaks in it, the tail matched it well, her coat was pale ash white, but the ting about that had stayed the some was her eyes. Those soulful deep brown eyes were still there. She had on golden bracelets on both wrists, a golden collar with white and blue stone in the center around her neck similar to the ones worn by the princesses, A golden circlet around her head with another blue and white stone in the center of it, and golden shoes on her hooves. She was dressed in a strange blue and white shirt with white short sleeve jacket on with weird writing on the back of it and white pants with a blue line down the legs of it. The two of us were holding hands, our wedding rings visible to all, while we watched our daughter running around the field chasing a butterfly before she suddenly stopped and our child ran over to Savyna and called out to her. “Falma, uppy pwease?” the child asked as she reached for Savyna. “A---- D----- you're getting to big for your Falma to be picking you up all the time.” Savyna told the child with a laugh before picking her up and hugging her tightly. “A---- D----- why do you always want me to pick you up?” “'Cause Falma is strong, strong like Grammy Sunburst and uncle Feather. Falma go fly taday?” The little foal asked softly as point up to the sky. “No not today A---- D-----, I'll teach you to fly when your a little older plus your mother doesn't like it when I or your Grammy or your uncle take you flying. In fact your mother doesn't like flying at all when she could be taking you flying herself. Isn't that right Apple Jack?” Savyna asked the older version of me who was just sitting there on the blanket just listening and watching her family. “Y'all know that Ah don't like flying all the much ever since Ah learned Ah could do it. Ah'm still gettin' use ta mah wings and all. It scares me half ta death we y'all take A---- D----- flying with ya. Ah know she safe with her Falma and Dragon Feather knows better then ta fly all dangerous like especial after that little talk we had when he fell down the stairs several times. Sunburst is a whole 'nother matter though, she is always doing those dangerous tricks when she has A---- D----- in the foal pack if she has her in it at all. Ah don't like it when she just letting A---- D----- ride on her back with strapping her down. Even Rainbow Dash is a safer choice when it comes ta ponies Ah want taking our daughter flying. Ah would take her flying mahself but Ah'm not all that good yet plus a certain dragon pony warrior was supposed ta be teachin' me ta fly but she hasn't been.” I told Savyna after I stood up and took our daughter from her and stuck out my tongue at her. “I would teach you to fly but you get mad at me for the way I train. I sorry we may be married but I'm going to baby you like foal. I had to learn the same way just like Dragon Feather. You were the one that felt Dragon Feather would the better flight instructor so he's your teacher now. Not my fault he been busy with teaching Dragon Song to control her new fire abilities and Apple Bloom to control her new earth abilities. You should just let me teach you and we can go flying as a family. Would you like that A---- D-----? Do you want to go flying with your Falma and mother?” Savyna ask our child. ”Yay! Go fly with Falma and Mommy! A---- D----- want to go fly with Falma and Mommy.” The little filly cried happily as wiggled in my future self's arms trying to fly by herself. My future self and Savyna just laughed as the little filly kept saying she wanted to go flying with her mother and falma before the vision ended right there. The whole time I was in the vision I strained my imaginary ears trying to hear the name that Savyna and the older me used when referring to our daughter but I just couldn't hear it. I tried my hardest to hear it but for some reason I just couldn't hear it at all. After I open my eyes I realized I was still in the shower and finished up my shower before I used up all of the hot water before Big Mac got in. Once I got out of the shower I dried off and put on some black stretchy shorts and a tank top but left my hair down for a change I don't why but it felt nice to let my mane down. I headed downstairs and went to the kitchen to set the table for Granny Smith while Big Mac was in the shower. After the table was set Apple Bloom showed up in the kitchen after finishing up her homework and sat at the table. I was about to make some small talk with her to pass the time but dinner was done until Big Macintosh was out of the shower. Moments before I could open my mouth to speak he was ready for dinner. So I just opted to talk to her after dinner then since I need to know all about was was going with her and Dragon Song if I was to be of any help when I talked to Dragon Feather tomorrow night. “So how were y'alls day youngins?” Granny Smith asked setting down the bowl of salad and apple bread sticks on the table in front of us. I could see she was trying to make conversation since I've kind of floated away from the family since Savyna's been gone. “Mah day was pretty okay Granny. Talked ta Brass Tail all day while we work . He's a stallion with a good head on his shoulders. Cheerilee stopped by after she was done at the school house, so she and Ah went on a walk tourin' the farm. It was really good fer us ta get some alone time and fer me ta show her the farm. She's been wantin' ta tour it more in depth since we started datin'.” Big Mac replied to Granny Smith's question before I could. It was strange to hear Big Mac being so talkative since he seems bored or just tired all of the time. I was a bit surprised but also glad since I really didn't have much to say anyway. The vision from earlier was reeking havoc with my emotions and thoughts at that moment. Granny sat down our appetizers which was apples cuts and fried like french fries with a side of the Apple family secret sauce to dip before moving on to the next apple in line. “What about you youngin'?” She asked nudging my elbow, I didn't want to trouble her about my Savyna problems or the vision I had in the shower, so I'll just keep it simple. “Mah day was good, went and had a chat with Rarity today and sold everything but two of the apple pies, two crates of cider, and a bushel of apples.” I said trying to sound cheery so no pony would have a reason to ask me about how me and Savyna was doing, but I was wrong. “So how's you and yer marefriend doin'? Ain't seen around today so ya'll have a fight or somethin'? She ain't hurt yet has she?” Big Mac asked me as Granny Smith sat down the main course a bowl of steamin' apple dumplings. After she sat it down she took her seat at the table and eyed Big Mac rather hard before speaking. “Big Mac shut mouth bout things that ain't none of yer business. If Apple Jack and Savyna have a problem that they can't handled Ah think she would tell ya if she need yer help. Ah trust that human gal and so does AJ that's all ya need ta know fer now.” Granny Smith laid into Big Mac pretty bad so I would have to. “Now 'pologize ta yer sister fer what ya just said.” “Sorry AJ didn't mean nothin' by it.” Big Mac told me and he lowered his head in shame. I didn't want to think about Savyna and me having any problems but we did somewhat and I had to face it sooner or later. I was trying to push her from my mind but everypony was making that hard for me right now. Thankfully Granny Smith could see my sadness and confusion about the whole thing and she wanted to let me work thru it on my own. “Apology accepted, but fer future reference Big Mac, Savyna and Ah are fine and she would never hurt me. Ah'm just sad that she away on a job with her friends right now.” I said looking down at my plate glumly. Everypony started filling their plates and I helped Apple Bloom with the dumplings then got up to pour myself some hot cider. “Well Ah'm just askin' sis ya know Ah care bout ya. When she suppose ta be back then?” Big Mac asked before shoveling some apple fries in to his mouth. I poured some warmed apple cider in to my cup and sat back down then blew on it before taking a cautious sip from it. “Well Ah dunno fer sure, she said a few days. She was hoping it would only be four at the most. A day ta get there, two days ta complete their job, and a day ta get back here. She's been gone fer two so far so... hopefully she'll be back in two more days.” I said starting to feel a little more cheered up. That made me remember, she would be home a day before or the day my heat started! My love, my sun would be back for me to hold and feel again, my arms got a little weak at just the thought of having her back in my arms. Even thought it had only been two days apart since we become a couple it made me want her that much more, plus when she got back we would be shut up in this house together for seven days straight! “Hopefully she will cause Ah don't like seein' ya like this AJ, when she's here yer so happy.Ya could cut trees with yer smile and now that she's gone ya seem more down than a bear outta honey.” Big Mac said to me smiling before looking back down at his plate and gulping down some dumplings. I looked down at his plate and his food was nearly gone, then I looked at mine I still had some fries left and some dumplings. I wondered how he ate so dang fast, to be truthful about it he probably could eat all day long if you let him. I finished my fries and start on my soup and dumplings as I tried to eat faster than usual so I could hurry up leave the table. I needed talk with Apple Bloom and I also needed some time alone to think since I had a lot going on in the morning then later that evening. Granny Smith noticed how fast I was eating my dumplings.“Whoa slow down save some fer the next pony.” She said laughing at me. “What's the rush?” Granny asked. “Ah'm just really tired from work so Ah just wanna get ta bed early tonight.” I explained leaving out the other parts on my mind but I knew Granny Smith knew what I was talking about. “Yeah tired... okay.” She said back with a watchful eye on me. She may known one or more of my real reasons for getting away from the table to bed so early tonight but if she did she never let on that she did. I ate my last bite then I washed my plate and bowl off and kissed everyone good night and headed upstairs. I resolved to get the details about the CMC problem in the morning while walking Apple Bloom to school. At first it was hard to go to sleep and I laid there staring up at my ceiling for a long time. I had a lot on my mind mainly Savyna. I hope she's okay and is making her way back right now. The bite on her back was something we really needed to talk about and the dreams I've had. I would save that for a little bit later to discuss. Finally after tossing and turning I managed to drift in a long deep sleep. My dream was about Savyna, she had came back from fighting she told me the story of what she did while she was gone. We had gone on a walk just the two of us and she held me close the whole time. It felt so real like she was really there, it didn't feel like a dream at all. We were standing on the hill next to Wise Thorn looking down at Ponyville. I had my head on her shoulder and she was holding me around the waist gently. The wind was blowing softly as the sun was setting. ”Apple Jack you know I would give you anything in this world if it would make you happy.” She said softly. ”Ah know that, ya don't have ta tell me that.” I told her with a laugh then looked up at her and saw fear in her eyes. ”Savyna, what's wrong Sugarcube?” ”Apple Jack, soon I will... I may have to leave you again and I don't know if you will still be able to love me when I return.” She said with a sad tone. ”Soon I will have to choose between this world and the world my mother lives in. If I fail my next challenge I may fall into the darkness. If that happens I don't want to hurt you. Promise me if I return to you changed you will run and never stop, promise me?” “What are ya talkin' bout? Ah don't understand what yer talkin' bout and yer startin' ta scare me. What are ya talkin' bout the darkness and you changin'?” I asked utterly scared out of my mind at the fierce look in her eyes. She was about to tell me some when a black and blue shadow rolled up the hill towards us. The presence of this shadow was cold and malicious, it was predatory and hungry for blood. It seemed to want nothing more but to tear me a part and take Savyna with it. Savyna spotted the shadow slowly approaching us and pushed me behind her. “Stay behind me and run when I tell you to and whatever you do don't look back and don't stop till you get Ponyville and the safety of your friends with the Elements of Harmony.” She told me as she faced down the shadow. “It's time you came home and quit playing the hero little one. This earth pony mare will not be able to provide you with what you truly need. I can smell her fear already. Don't be foolish like your father and threw away true power to live just like a herd animal. After all their just food.” The shadow said as it take on a more human form of a paled skinned woman wearing a hooded cloak. The black cloak with its blue lining hid all of the figure under it for save for the lower part of her face which was bone white. “Savyna come home, how long do you plan on playing house before you realize time is not on her side. You are like the moon and she nothing more the sand in an hourglass. Once its gone that is it.” The shadowy figure said as she offered her hand. “Come and be what you are meant to be.” “Apple Jack, I'm sorry but she's right... I have to go. Forgive me...” Savyna said as she reach out to the shadows hand and was pulled in to the darkness.... I woke up at about 5:30a.m. panting hard as a cold sweat rolled down my forehead. I looked around the room and everything was in its place and I could see the sun coming thru the cracks in the curtains on my window. “What in the hay was that? Ah had nightmares before but that was something else. Ah really need ta talk to the others bout my feelin's today before Ah go crazy.” I told myself before get out of bed and getting ready for the day. I had a brunch date with girls and later that evening I need to have a talk with Dragon Feather so I need to get my thoughts sorted out. I need some answers and right now and it seemed that Dragon Feather was the only one that could give them to me. I got up and threw on a pair of light denim jeans and a red flannel button up open and rolled to the elbows with a black tank top under it. I thru on my sneakers and brushed my teeth and hair but left it down again and went downstairs to get ready for brunch with the girls. When I got downstairs Granny Smith had made us all a bowl of oats and apples with slices of apples and juice on the side. I came and poured me a cup of coffee then sat beside Apple Bloom at the table. “Mornin' youngin' how was yer night?” Granny Smith asked sitting down with her coffee and bowl of oats. I took a big sip of coffee before answering her. “Ah slept good but it was kinda hard ta go ta sleep. Ah wasn't really sleepy when Ah got upstairs.” I told Granny Smith. Telling her about that freaky dream would have to wait I need to go see the other girls and get a few things off my chest first, like I know they need to do as well. “Mornin' Apple Bloom.” I said to Apple Bloom who was finishing up one more question on her homework. “Mornin' AJ.” Apple Bloom said yawning. She took a lazy bite of her oats to try and wake up. It looked like she had been up all night studying for a test or something since she was still trying to finish her homework and looked awful tired. I looked across the table at Big Mac who was dozing off at the table I didn't say anything cause I think it would be funny to see him face plant in to a bowl of hot oats. I ate two apple slices as I imagined Big face when he hit those hot oats. “How much we got left to do in the fields, huh Big Mac?” I asked throwing an apple slice at him. AB and I laughed as he jumped from me waking him up. “Now stop that, Ah won't tolerate food bein' thrown in mah kitchen, ya understand?” Granny Smith scolded me. Ah tried to cover my mouth from laughing at Big Mac, he stared back at me with his angry face which made me laugh even harder. Apple Bloom slapped me a high five as she tried to stop laughing too. “Ya didn't answer mah question Big Mac.” I said to him grinning from ear ta ear. “And what was that, Apple Jack?” Big Mac asked glaring at me irritated. That just made me laugh more, I don't know what it is but I was in a really good mood even after that freaky dream. “How much we got left in the fields?” I repeated my question ta him. I took the last drink of my coffee then got up to wash my mug out then sat back down. “If we get the last half of the east field today then we should be okay fer awhile.” He replied to me taken a bite of his oats and a slice of apple. “Ah don't see why yer askin' since Brass Tail and Ah will be out there workin' in the heat. Granny Smith said ya had something ta do in town today before ya come back fer the stuff fer the stall.” Big Mac pointed out a bit irritated still about me and Apple Boom laughing at him. “Well forgive me fer having business ta attend ta. Ah'm sorry mah friends need me fer moral support in their time of need. Next Ah will try ta have them schedule a crisis around yer needs.” I said with a dramatic whine like Rarity before eating an other apple slice. “Ya don't need ta be overly dramatic like Rarity, it ain't called fer.” He said grumbling to himself about something. “Lay off of him AJ. He's just upset cause Cheerilee showed up a bit after ya went ta bed ta cancel there romantic weekend cause she has ta leave for Filly Delphia. A last minute teacher's conference and workshop.”Granny Smith told me as she was pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Well that's no reason ta be a sourpuss all day, Big Mac.” I told him as I was come passed his side of the table on my way to grabba basket to load up a few things for brunch with the girls. “You would be upset like Ah am if ya spent over 400 bits getting together a romantic weekend getaway, complete with two day, three night stay at the Grand Stallion Hotel in Los Pegasus.” He shot back with a glare. I knew then it was time to just go before he got any madder then he was. i told him I was sorry then went back to packing few items for brunch at Fluttershy's. It didn't take long ta gather up, two loaves of apple bread a large jar of apple jam, a jar of apple butter, two jugs of cider and a small basket full of fresh apples. “So yer plannin' on eatti; somewhere else today Ah see.” Granny Smith said as she eyed my basket of items, “well if'n ya didn't want oats fer breakfast all ya had ta do was say so.” “It's not that Granny and ya know that fer a fact. The girls and Ah are havin' brunch at Fluttershy's cottage to talk and work a few things out. All of our miss Savyna and her friends so we thought we get together and support one 'nother in our time of loneliness is all.” I explained to Granny Smith. “Ah know that AJ, Ah was just joshin' ya a little. Hurry up and finish packin' ya still need ta walk Apple Bloom ta school before ya run off to see yer friends fer brunch.” Granny Smith said before she started in on her own bowl of hot oats. I just nodded my head yes and finished up my packing Once everything was packed up I grabbed Apple Bloom so I could drop her off at school on my way to Rarity's. “Ah'll be back in time ta get the wagon fer the stall. See everypony then and tell Bass Ah said hi.” I called behind me as I went out the door with Apple Bloom right behind me. Ah heard Granny say goodbye and Big Mac just grunt. He sure can be a big baby when it comes to not getting his way. Ah dropped Apple Bloom off at the school and she ran over to Sweetie Belle and another filly I hadn't seen before and wondered if she was new to Ponyville. The unicorn filly had a bright red and yellow mane and tail, her mane was styled in waves and curled at the ends and her tail put up in a long braid with a white bow in the end to hold in place. Her coat was light shade of brown and her eyes were a bright sapphire blue. She was dress in a white dress with a blue jacket that had strange dragon symbol on the back of it and some non-equestrian language written on it in a circle around the dragon symbol. She had on white knee high stockings and dark blue shoes. Around her left wrist she wore two dark blue bracelets similar to the ones I've seen Dragon Feather wearing. This little filly had to be Dragon Song, the filly Apple Bloom was in love with and the one pony in Scootaloo's way. My suspensions were soon confirmed when I saw her openly kiss Apple bloom on the lips. Wow she's a bold one and super pretty too. AB sure knew how to pick them, but an Apple never does anything little or halfhearted. I could see why Scootaloo would be jealous and hateful toward a filly like her. If was me I'd run her out of town first chance I got if she was in my way. Right after the kiss Apple Bloom hugged Dragon Song then Cheerilee was on the two of the for PDA's in front of the school house. See that everything was find I was about to walk off when I spotted Rainbow Dash dropping Scootaloo off at the school. The look in Scootaloo's eyes told me that Rainbow Dash had been giving her some right bad advice on how to fight over AB's affections. I started down the road back to the school to stop what was mostly about to become a massacre with Scootaloo being the sole victim when Dragon Song let go of Apple Bloom's hand walked in the school house. Scootaloo walked over to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and they seemed to talk for a minute then Scootaloo walked way from the others and Apple Bloom seemed almost crushed by that. I needed to make sure I had that talk with Dragon Feather tonight and fix this situation soon before those three friends were bitter enemies with Sweetie Bell caught in the middle. Pushing Apple Bloom's problem to the back of my mind for now I headed to Rarity's place. I got there just as her and Zecora where on their way to come pick me up. “Apple Jack, darling, we were just on way to come get you. I mean it's only 7:30 but we thought we would sit with you and the family for a bit before going to Fluttershy's cottage.” Rarity said as she walked over to me. She was dressed in her white and blue sundress with matching hat, she had white bow tied around her waist and gold bracelets on her wrists. Zecora was a few steps behind her and what she was dressed in was a sight to behold. Zecora was wearing a dress of all things and not just any dress but a Rarity original. The dress was light blue with white lining and frilly accents, the waist was gold with white frills along the bottom edges of it and a big blue bow tied at the back with ribbons left long to hang down. The blushing zebra even had on glass slippers her hooves, probably the first time she has ever worn anything on her hooves since coming to Equestria from the Zebra Empire. Her mane was in its standard mohawk but her tail was up and had been brush out, no doubt by Rarity last night. She was still wearing her gold neck cuffs, her large hoop earrings and her gold bracelet. “Wow, Zecora don't ya'll look fancy in that getup. How ya talk her in ta that Rares?” I ask starting at Zecora who was still blushing and might bit flustered. “Pissed I am at this dress, I feel it makes me look quite a mess.” Zecora rhymed. “Oh hush now you look ravishing darling. Don't you think so Apple Jack?” Rarity asked me. “Well that dress does suit ya Zecora and looks really good with yer zebra jewelery. Honestly ya'll look real pretty in the dress.” I told her. “Apple Jack you always speak with truth on every matter, but in the dress I feel awkward and not flattered. Rarity made me agree to get dressed up nice, but I feel my pride has paid the ultimate price.” Zecora said softly. “Nonsense you look lovely and Fluttershy will tell you the same. Come now let us be off to Fluttershy's before she has a chance to run off somewhere to keep busy.” Rarity direct us as she grabbed Zecora's hand and lead the way. I just followed behind then laughing a little at the scene. “I will go just as I agreed, but no complain later when your all dirty.” Zecora told Rarity who just nodded and sighed a little. Looks like to get Zecora in to a matching outfit Rarity had to agree to something unladylike later. I just hope it was worth it. The trip to Fluttershy's was a quick one and we caught her just after she had feed the last of the animals in her care. Angel Bunny was behaving for a change, so he must really miss Tank being around. Fluttershy was happy to see us and when we told her we had come by to talk about Tank and the others she was more happy to have us over for an early brunch. We were all sitting in the cottage’s living room while Fluttershy and her animal friends cooked up the food. It didn't take Fluttershy long to have everything ready and on the table with all of her animals friends helping. For some of them being little varmints when it come to farming apples they sure are good little servers and helpers for meal time. “Fluttershy I do thank you for have us over for this. I mean it been a nightmare for all of us with Black, Savyna, and Tank gone. How have you been holding up?” Rarity asked before taking a bit of toasted apple bread. “Its been hard on me but the animals miss Tank even more then I do, especial Angel Bunny. Angel has gotten so close to Tank and he's just so good with all of the animals. He can't talk with them like I can but he still has way of understanding them. I miss him so much and pray every night that he's safe.” Fluttershy said looking sad for a second then smiled. “Enough about me, how you girls been hold up with them all gone?” “Ah doin' fine but been a little depressed with Savyna not bein' round. It funny cause week ago if ya asked me bout findin' the love of my life Ah would told ya Ah didn't have time fer that. Now Ah can't imagine mah life without her.”I said running the spoon in circles in my cup of tea. “Before Black and Rarity life was so lonely, but now they make me so horny.” Zecora chimed in. “Zecora please not at the table in front of our friends. That's a private matter.” Rarity admonished Zecora for speaking of private matters. “She's all huffy about this now, but when Black comes home her panties will slide down. In the bed room she will change her tune, when he makes us both swoon. I swear to you here and now about her screams and moans, her voice gets so high and loud she could shatter stones.” Zecora shot back with a laugh. “No I don't, well the one time yes, but not since then.” Rarity said blushing hard. “Aww Rares nothing ta be a shamed of. Savyna had me goin' so good the night before they left that we kept Big Mac up the whole night. He complained the next morning at breakfast and Granny Smith laughed the hardest at it. Speaking of that could ya do me a favor?” I asked with a giggle. “What's that darling? Do you want me to make you something sexy for you to wear for Savyna?” Rarity asked me with a raised eyebrow. “Well yeah if ya wouldn't mind but that's not it. Ah was wonderin' if ya could make me a soundproofin' door hanger so we don't keep Big Mac up when we ...” I trailed off and blushed pretty hard too. “No a problem Apple Jack I have several extra ones laying around the boutique. I made a few some time ago since I never know when Sweetie Belle will be staying over and with there being several rooms at the boutique we have many options for a good hard rut when the mood strikes. Just stop by later and I’ll have a few ready for you. There great to have around the house when your heat strikes so you can be as loud as you want too without fear of letting any pony know what you're doing.” Rarity said with a wink. “Hey Rarity could you bring a few over for me and Tank? I think it would help a lot here cause I tend to get pretty wild and Angel Bunny and the other animals have heard me say some pretty naughty things. I would prefer that they not hear some of that dirty talk because it's not something some of the little ones should be hearing.” Fluttershy said blushing too. “Sure Fluttershy not a problem, but what could a shy little mare like you say to make Angel Bunny blush?” Rarity asked and we soon found out that she shouldn't have. Fluttershy too a deep breath and we knew that she was about to tell us a lot in her quick one breath way. I still wish she hadn't. “Well before Tank left we decided to christen every room in the cottage as a going away present for him. We start in the kitchen with Tank between my legs enjoy me with some cherries and whip cream while I shout some very dirty things. Once he finished his dessert he took me right there on the kitchen floor and I squirted all over the place when I came for the third time since we started. We move to the living room couch with me enjoy a Tank flavored banana split and for a human who lacks the length of a stallion he has most stallions beat in girth. I had a hard time getting all of his fat banana in my mouth and throat before I got a face full of thick and creamy topping. After he glazed my face and I licked it all up we rolling to floor were I road Tank pretty hard. He is surprising vocal when he cums roaring like a wild beast which drove me crazy and made me cum even harder. Soon we were on this very table enjoy the lotus position while I shouted very unladylike things like fuck me harder, and ride my ass till I can't walk straight. We even end up in the seed room next rolling around on the floor until Tank had me in the mounted position. I think I had total of 12 orgasms before I lost count and we were rutting in the spare bed room. Tank is surprising gentle for a fighter as strong as he is. I had to tell him several times to be a bit rougher with me when we where in my bedroom breaking my bed with our love making. When he wants to Tank can thrust so hard it makes me cum on every in stoke. At one point I thought I was going to pass out but I didn't/ After resting up for a bit we end up in the shower together clean up but that only last for a few minutes and he had me in there too.” Fluttershy told us with a squeak at the end as she blushed even more and hid her face with her mane. The three us of were wide eyed, open mouthed, and silent at what had heard. “Well you asked Rarity.” Fluttershy said after a bit as our silence continued. “Well yes I did ask but wow! Fluttershy I never umm... knew you could so expressive with your err... well that was quite the story.” Rarity said breaking the small silence that happen after Fluttershy finished speaking. “Quite the story to pass, seems like Tank really road that ass!” Zecora said next. “Ah'll say. That puts me and Savyna sexual romps ta shame. Ya'll did on this table and broke yer bed too?”I asked hoping the part about the table had be an exaggeration and not the truth. Fluttershy just nodded softly still blushing bright red before speaking. “Well yes we did. The bed thing happened because were in the middle of rather good rut with Tank behind me while we were on our sides and I pulled away and push him on his back and sat on top of him but in Reverse Cowgirl position. While I was riding him like this I told him to fuck me as hard as he could. He roared and rolled me over on to my hands and knees mounting in the same go. We were really rutting pretty hard at that point shaking several of the bolts out of my bed frame and snapped three of the boards in process.” I was so shocked and little jealous that Fluttershy had more courage to let herself go then I did. Had to make a mental note to look into some more sexual positions like this Lotus position Fluttershy had told us about. “Well I take it you clean the table afterwords right?” Rarity asked and I was glad cause I couldn't bring mahself to asked it. “With that wild night you had get fucked, cleaning up this whole place must have sucked?” Zecora asked seconds later. “Oh no it was fine, but yes I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom after I saw Tank off at the train station. With the help of my animal friends it didn't take long at all to get everything back in order. All though I still need to get a new bed for my room.” Fluttershy said with sly grin. “So all of the animals were okay with your night of play time with Tank?” Rarity asked next. “Yeah how did all those little critters get on after yer wild night? I asked a second later. “Yes I'm curious too see,what do the animals here think of thee?” Zecora add then took a sip of tea. “They were fine with it all for the most part. I just had hard time getting some animals to eat their vegetables since they heard and some saw Tank and I using a few carrots and things in new ways. I threw those ones out after we use them to make sure I didn't use them on accident. Angel Bunny still won't eat his dessert because the whip cream thing though and he has taken to calling me Miss Kinky Pants from time to time.” Fluttershy replied with a little laugh. We all laughed at that, then we had good a time talk about our loved ones and enjoy the rest of our meal. The day moved one we all said our goodbyes and promised to convene our little club again to swap more stories and cheer each other up when the adventure team left again. I head back to the farm to get the wagon for the food stall in town while Rarity and Zecora head back to Rarity's place. Once I got back to the to the farm the wagon was load up with apples, pies, cases of cider, apple tarts, apple fritters, apple bread and several of Granny Smith's famous glazed Dutch Apple Pie logs. Big Mac was out in the fields when I made it over to the wagon but Brass Tail was standing there waiting on me. “Howdy Brass what's goin' on? Ah see the apple pie logs on the cart so what happen that's so special fer Granny Smith ta bake those?” I asked with grin on my face. “Well Miss... er Apple Jack your brother got some good news from Cheerilee earlier. Looks like your going to be an aunt in 11 months. That's the reason why she canceled the trip they had planned this weekend. She want to make sure before she told Big Macintosh. She came by just a bit ago to tell him the good news and why she canceled cause she had an appointment today to confirm it.” Brass said as he fidgeted a bit. “Not supposed to tell this part but I will cause you should know before it happens. Your brother is going to pop the question to her tonight that's why Granny been doing some special baking all day.” “Well don't that beat all Big Macintosh gonna be daddy soon and goin' ta get hitch soon ta boot. Well that's a good reason ta celebrate but Ah' ll keep it under my hat fer now. The girls are goin' flip when they hear this though. Well Ah need ta get goin' Brass just try and keep Big Macintosh from over workin' himself. He'll have proud papa energy goin' now.” I told Brass Tail before heading out smiling to myself. “I'll try but you know how he gets when he's happy and he sure is super happy now. Anyhow have good day and be safe Apple Jack.” Brass Tail said to me with a wave before heading back to fields with Big Mac. The whole time I was in town I was on cloud nine about the news, soon the Apple family would have two new additions and I would be an aunt. It made me feel a bit better about my baby dream and finally resolved to tell Savyna about as soon as I got her alone. With all of the baked goods Granny Smith did for the special occasion the stall sold out in no time in fact I had to take few orders fer deliver tomorrow because it. My bag of bit was so full it almost didn't shut. After getting the wagon back to the shed and get the bits put away I left the orders for Granny Smith on her desk for her to find when she woke up from her nap. I head upstairs showered and changed in to a fresh white shirt flannel button up shirt and some long denim shorts then head back in to town to Dragon Feather's house. Ah found his house a few minutes before 6:30.When I walked up to the house Dragon Song was just leaving for her music lesson. She spotted me as I was walking up. “Oh... hello Apple Jack. It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Dragon Song but I think you already know that. If you're here then Apple Bloom must have told you about us already and you're here to speak with my brother about it.” Dragon Song said with a hushed tone. “Please don't blame her it's all my fault I should have never told her how I felt. I knew Scootaloo liked Apple Bloom but hadn't told her yet. I knew if I told Apple Bloom the truth of my heart it would cause problems but I just couldn't keep my feelings a secret anymore. I had to tell Apple Bloom otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep seeing her everyday even if she didn't like me back.” “Ah'm not here ta blame anypony Dragon Song Ah'm here ta talk with yer brother so we can figure out a way so you and Scootaloo can stop fightin' and give Apple Bloom some peace. It's hard on her since you and Scootaloo both like her but she has decided ta be with you. Ah don't fault ya fer tellin' Apple Bloom the truth of how ya felt. In fact Ah think it was rather brave of ya ta do that not knowin' if Apple Bloom felt the same way.” I told Dragon Song. “But even with mah like of yer bravery and honesty Ah'm not at all happy bout ya'll two being sexually active already. While Ah'm not happy bout it Ah will let it continue since Apple Bloom is almost a mare in her own right and so are ya so Ah need ta let ya both make decisions good or bad on ya'lls own.” “Thank you Apple Jack, Apple Bloom said that you were understanding and would see that we both do love each very much. I'm glad that it was your little sister that I met first when we moved here. She made me feel like Ponyville is really my home since I first got here. I can't imagine my life without her now.” Dragon Song told me before she hugged me suddenly. I hugged her back unsure of why she was hugging me but it felt right. After a bit the hugged ended Dragon Song smiled at me then ran off to her music lesson. I stood there for a bit just smiling at how polite and brave the filly was, she was ready to take the blame if I was mad about her being with Apple Bloom. It reminded me of Savyna when we were sitting in front of Granny Smith when she took the blame for what happen the day we become a couple. “After a bit of nostalgia I knock on the door and soon Dragon Feather answered he let me in and we walked in the living room and sat down to talk. The house they had was rather nice and had a lot old furniture with an oriental design to it, it must have been from their home country. There were pictures on the walls, many of them were of Dragon Feather and Dragon Song at varies points in their lives. There were few pictures of Dragon Feather and Savyna during their training together and a rather cute one of Savyna hold a baby Dragon Song. The one that grabbed my attention was the framed family photo that showed Savyna, Dragon Feather, Dragon Song, and who I assumed was Feather and Song's mother. She was an alicorn with a teal coat, her mane and tail were a spiral of red, yellow, and gold, and they were both long like Princess Celestia's mane and tail. The feathers at the edges of wing were light brown like Dragon Song's coats, the middle ones were sky blue like Dragon Feather's coat, and the rest were teal. All three colors in wings seemed fade from one to the next give them a setting sun at the beach effect. Her eyes were the next surprising thing about, they were a very bright ruby color almost glowing even in the picture of her hanging on the wall. She was dress in a long white dress with a gold collar, a golden tiara, golden bracelets and gold shoes on her hooves. In the picture the family was out in front of large oriental designed house with Mother Dragon in the middle smiling big for the camera while holding on to a young Dragon Song, about four or five at the time, who was dressed in a outfit similar to her school uniform but it was gold and white with silver details. On her left was Dragon Feather, he looked about 15 years old at the time, he was dressed in gold shirt with white jacket with a dragon symbol on it, white pants and gold and white wrist bands. His mane and tail were short and styled spiky. He was standing to the side next to his mother smiling ear to ear as he ran a hand thru his mane. On Mother Dragon's right was Savyna, about the same age as Dragon Feather, She was wear the same outfit as Dragon Feather except hers had a short gold skirt over white shorts and white and brown boots. She wore the same jacket as the other two, her hair was in trademark twin pigtails and she had bandage on her right cheek. She was bend forward flashing the peace sign with big smile on her face for the camera. “I see you spotted the last photo my mother, Layla Flametail, ever took. That photo was taken the day Savyna and I graduated from martial arts school. My mother was so proud of us since we both graduated with top honors, and that was the same night Savyna decided she wanted to become an adventure to see the world. She told me that out there was someone waiting for her and she would go find them and if not she would see the world and bring back all kinds of stories to tell me some day.” Dragon Feather said as he walked up behind and offered me a cup of hot jasmine tea. “Yer mother is so beautiful, but it's hard ta believe that you, a unicorn, had alicorn fer a mother.” I said in awe then I realized my rudeness. “Ah'm sorry, Ah didn't mean ta sound like a tribaliest there. Ah'm just surprised is all.” “It's quite alright Apple Jack a lot of ponies say that when they first see that picture and I tell them that's my mother in the picture. Apple Bloom had the same reaction when she saw it.” Dragon Feather said with a laugh before taking a sip of his tea then he continued, “its not uncommon for alicorns to give birth to earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi. Most ponies think all alicorns give birth to is nothing but alicorns which is very untrue. 15% of Connamaraia's pony population are alicorns so it not unusual for there to be alicorn parents with non-alicorn children. Often times non-alicorn parents give birth to alicorn children but its an uncommon occurrence these days. In fact Princess Lilly Swirl is an alicorn and her brother Prince Diamond Dust is an unicorn and her little sister princess Blue Velvet is an earth pony while their parents, the Emperor Midnight Quill and the Empress Lavender Rose, are both alicorns. ” Dragon Feather explained. “Ah'm just surprised is all cause the only alicorns Ah've know are all princesses and they rule over Equestria and none of 'em have children yet. So it just surprised ta see a normal pony with an alicorn parent.” I replied back before taking sip of the tea. It was warm and sweet the scent was heavenly as it reminded me of Savyna. “Mhmmm... this tea is so good. What was it again?” I asked. “Jasmine tea. It's Savyna's favored kind. I keep some around in case she drops by. With the two of you being a couple I thought she would have had you try it before now. I guess she hasn't gotten around to revealing everything about herself yet?” He asked with a weird inflection in his voice I couldn't place. “No she hasn't really but we only been together fer bout week so far.” I replied quickly as I held him under a watchful eye. He seemed to notice I had my guard up and quickly back away and sat down in a chair as he point to the couch across from the chair. “Well let's not waste anymore time with the small talk and get to the root of your problem. You said you wanted to talk about Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Dragon Song but what you really want is to know more about Savyna and her past right?” He asked me as he sat his cup of tea on a small end table with dragons carved in its legs. “Okay if ya want me ta get ta the point then yes. Savyna first, then the fillies and their fight.” Ah told him taking a seat crossed from him on the couch. He just nod to me and waited for me to sit down. Once I took a seat I place my cup on the coffee table in front of the couch. “Well there is a lot to tell but from the look on your face and the fact you have had your guard up since I mention you not knowing much about Savyna, you have specific questions you want answers to, right?” He asked softly as his horn lit and a large leather bound book floated in from another room and landed softly on the coffee table. “Yes Ah do and what's that?” I asked him and he smiled strangely at me. “This is the history of our Family. Savyna is my sister by martial arts tradition which binds her to my family making her family so her life is record her in this magical book of our family line. In here are the answers you seek but there is a price for the knowledge you wish to obtain. Are you sure you're ready to pay that price?” Dragon Feather said with a cryptic tone of voice. “What are ya blabbin' about?A price and am Ah ready ta pay it? Stop bein' all mystic like and tell me what Ah want ta know before Ah get mad and get ta swelling yer face!” I told him as I balled up my fist and got read to leap on him. “Now now my dear friend Apple Jack, no need to be violent, you know that nothing in this world is free. All things have a price and this is no different. Quid Pro Qua, my dear Apple Jack, Quid Pro Qua. For every question of yours I answer you must answer one of mine in return. But there are rules to this though, first there can be no yes or no question. Only questions that require full answers. Second, no question can be in two parts. One question to one answer, fair is fair now. Third, since I'm honor bound to my sister by tradition any question that require me to violate my oaths of secrecy to her I will not answer but you may ask a new question in its place. All three of these rules apply to my questions of you for my topic of choice, Twilight Sparkle. So do you understand the rules?” Dragon Feather asked me as he picked up the book and open it up and started looking thru it. “Okay Ah get it but can't see a reason fer ya ta be askin' me about Twi. Yer datin' her right? So do Ah start this off then?” I asked after thinking it over few minutes and figured what did I have to lose, right? Dragon Feather just nodded his head to me and had the book in his lap. “All right then the first thing Ah want ta know is why did Savyna trained with ya in Connamaraia fer so long?” A simple question to get a feel for how this question thing was going work. “Savyna was original only supposed to train in Connamaraia until she was 15 years old and return to Alfard Empire with her family after that. We both end up get accepted as students by one of the Dragon Khalessi , Dragon Khalessi Sunburst to be exact. She's an official of the Connamaraian government with tile not unlike that of Princess Celestia. We trained under her for five more years becoming her children in a weird way and in inheriting her martial arts style. When her father and step mother got a divorce a few weeks after our graduation from Dragon Khalessi Sunburst's school. The fighting between her parents over her future after our graduation drove her father to get a divorce and in his grief over that he returned to Alfard without Savyna for a time and my family took her in for a year before she returned Alfard Empire were she reconciled with her father then she become a member of the royal guards.” Dragon Feather answered keeping his glance on the book. “Why does Celestia get so upset when I'm around Twilight?” He asked me causally. “Well I only noticed the one time at the last party but Ah think it has ta do with the fact That Twilight is like a daughter ta her and she just wants Twi ta make good choices. She most likely see ya as a distraction or bad influence.” I told him then rolled my eyes. Really I thought Celestia just hated him because he was kind of an ass but I kept that part to myself. “Why doesn't Savyna choose ta be apart of her birth mother's side of the family?” I asked remembering what she had told me about the distance between them. “Well that's complicated. Savyna's birth mother had intentions for her daughter to be just like her, to join her in her line of work, as a hunter of sorts. Savyna refused it because she doesn't have the same beliefs as her mother. Savyna really didn't know anything about her birth mother until her father told her years later after she was promoted in the royal guard to head of the Special Forces Unit.” He explained to me. “What beliefs could be so bad that it would stop Savyna from being with her mother?” I asked curious forgetting the rules for a second. “Sorry Apple jack but that's two questions in a row and the breaks the rules but I'll answer that one any way. You will have to asked Savyna directly as she has never explain her mother side of the family to me in any detail just that her mother side of the family is very, very old in linage and have been hunters for generations. I have met her birth mother once and the woman doesn't like me one bit” Dragon Feather said softly with a laugh. “Now I get two questions in a row. So we will be even. The first is how old is Twilight's family line?” “Old, ifin' Ah remember correct like she said ta me once that her family goes back a ways, all the way ta Clover the Clever. I think like over some 1200 years or more ta be truthful. Ah think her family line started with Twilight Twinkle but ta get the right answer ta that question ya should just ask Twilight directly.” I told him still wondering why he wanted to know so much about Twilight when he could just ask her all of this himself. “So has there always been a mare name Twilight in her family since the start with Twilight Twinkle?” He asked as he adjusted his position in the chair to hear me better. “Yeah, ever since Twilight Twinkle there has always been a mare with the name Twilight. She says it a family tradition from her mother's side of the family ta have a filly and name her Twilight ta honor the first Twinight of the line.” “Now here's the big question Dragon Feather, where did Savyna get that mark on her back from?” I asked with a look of determination and anger marring my face. “And ya'll know the one Ah'm talkin' bout so don't ya tell me horseplayin' cause we both know that is a load of Horseapples.” “Fine, here's the truth. She got it during a training exercise in the forest around our school. We we were training in techniques we shouldn't have been in the woods so Dragon Khalessi Sunburst wouldn't find out we had peeked at some of the advance moves in the manual. While practincing the moves we got lost in the woods. On our way back while we were looking for the path we got separated from each other for several hours. When we found each other she had the bite mark and told me of fight with a large aggressive male draco-viper defending a nest of females. Draco-vipers are large venomous dragon snakes they live in and hunt the forests and marshes around Connamaraia. For the most part the leave larger creatures like humans and ponies alone unless threatened but sometimes you come across a very aggressive one that will attack without provocation. Their poison is known to leave permanent marks even after the wound fully heals. Magic healing has a hard time removing those marks too.” He told me after looking down with shame. The two bit snake was going ta lie ta me too, now he'll think twice before trying something like that now. “How long has Celestia been involved with Twilight's dating life?” He asked quickly. “And I know you know cause she tells you five everything.” He told me seconds later so I couldn't try to weasel my way out of that like he had tried. This little Q and A session was going be like pullin' teeth if both of us didn't stop trying to not tell each other what we really wanted to know. Ah decided to just give in and hoped he be honest with me too. “Celestia has been involved with all aspects of Twilight's life since she took her on as a student when Twilight was just a filly. Fer the most part she has encouraged Twilight ta be like everypony else and try out new things like datin' and ta socialize with stallions she was interested in. Ah think she doesn't like ya cause yer kinda of an asshole, no offense ta ya on that. Just sittin' here with ya talkin' Ah wanted ta hit ya in the face or apple buck ya in the chest as hard as Ah can. Ya'll do tend ta piss a pony off with that high and mighty tone ya have and the fancy words and such like this Squid Pro Row thing.” “I see. Well I'm sorry for that. I'm new to this whole not being liked thing and to be honest with I'm finding it hard to fit into the fabric of life in Ponyville. Dragon Song has gotten used to living here so quickly and I'm still trying not to piss ponies off but I'm failing at it badly.” He said after taking in what I had told him. “I'm sorry for coming off as an asshole to you. I'm just wanted to know a few things about Twilight that I figured it would be easier to get you to tell me then her. She has told me a lot about herself but I feel she's holding back and Princess Celestia seems to hate me and that fact I'm with Twilight.” “Well if that's yer problem then ya should have just said so. Ah 'm not mad bout ya wanted ta know more bout Twi but ya just could of asked fer help instead of this silly little questions game.” I told him with a laugh. For a stallion that seemed so confident he was almost as nervous and shy as Fluttershy when I first met her. “Look Celestia is really protective of Twilight and with her being the newest Princess in Equestria and her former student she just doesn't want Twilight gettin' hurt or anythin.. If ya just show Celestia that yer goin' be there for Twi and stop actin' so stuffy and formal all the time ya should win over the Sun Princess no problem. The ones ya should be worried about not likin' ya are Princess Luna and maybe her brother Shining Armor.” “Thank you Apple Jack and again sorry for the game to find an answer to a problem I seemed to have cause for myself. It's hard not seem like a stuffed shirt around ponies here in Ponyville. From were I was raised a bit of a formality in expected in all matters. Please ask me anything you want to know about Savyna I will tell all I can but somethings I can't because I'm sworn to not speak of it.” He told me softly before giving a short bow of his head. “Why are you sworn to secrecy on some of the things Ah want ta know?” I asked rather bewildered about that. “The true is that as her material arts brother I'm just like a real brother to her. So as a brother if she ask me to keep something just between family I have no choice but to unless it will save a life, then and only then am I allowed to reveal a secret she has shared with me. Most of what you want know I can tell but please don't ask about her birth mother, what her father is doing now after she left home the second time, or why her step mother left. Those are things there you must find out from Savyna directly in time.” Dragon Feather told me setting the book he was hold down in front of me. “Okay tell me everythin' you can from the begin. I need to knew a few things and as ya go along Ah'll ask the questions Ah need ta.” I told him and he just nodded then began telling me everything he know about Savyna he was allowed to tell me. Dragon Feather spoke fer three hours and in that time I learned just how hard Savyna's life had been. She had a somewhat happy childhood until she was three then her father, Jon Stark, began her training in martial arts. From age three until she was ten years old they lived in the Alfard Empire were her father had been a guard for many years before he was wounded and once his injury healed it left his right leg a bit lame. This insured that he could never serve as guard properly so he was honorablely discharged and become a carpenter and hired body guard along with a former soldier’s monthly stipend. Her father had remarried when Savyna was was four to young baker name Sarah Miller, who was a rather loving woman but a bit resentful of Savyna's birth mother fer leaving her father months after Savyna born. Dragon Feather didn't know the true reasons for why her birth mother had left a newborn Savyna in the care of her father or why she had abandoned her marriage too him but he thought it had to do with her family and their ancient heritage. When Savyna was 11 years old and had graduated from the battle academy with top honor, a feat no one in Alfard had done at her age in 100 years, Jon realized that staying in their homeland would only hold Savyna back from reaching her true potential and greatness. He moved the whole family to Connamaraia where some of the finest and oldest martial art school existed. It was while they were in Connamaraia that Savyna's family meet Dragon Feather's family. The two family's become fast friends and it wasn't long before Dragon Feather and Savyna were sparing with each other and trading martial arts techniques back and forth. Dragon Feather’s mother would often watch the two of them fight and saw a great potential for Savyna to become a great martial arts master in the Wulin if she had the right teachers and trained in a style that used her unique ability to learn to the fullest. Layla had spoken with Savyna's father about this and offered to help get her in to really good school to help max out her abilities. Jon was grateful for the help and it was at this point that he asked Layla if she would allow Savyna the honor of learning Dragon style Taijutsu of their family. Layla agreed ta this seeing as Dragon Feather had already taught Savyna most of the basic steps. This was the begin of the martial arts team known as Flame and Feather. Savyna and Dragon Feather together were an unstoppable force and as they climbed up the ranks in competition after competition they soon caught the attention of one of the Dragon Khalessi, Dragon Khalessi Sunburst of First Wave, the highest of all of the Khalessi in Connamaraia. Seeing the potential the two had and since she had no children to pass her style on to she took Savyna and Dragon Feather on as her martial arts children. For the next five years all they would do was train intensely under Sunbursts watchful eye until they had mastered all of her Dragon Sun Fury Style. Several weeks after the picture I had seen with the family together at Savyna and Dragon Feather's graduation was taken Savyna was told by her father that they were going back to the Alfard Kingdom for her to become a guard just like him before he was wounded and discharged. This cause a fight between the two of them for several days. This event was the start of the fighting that tore Sarah and Jon's marriage apart, Sarah wanted Savyna to chose her own path in a life and Jon wanted Savyna ta be a warrior guard like every first born in the family had been. The fighting got so bad that Savyna would often spend days with Dragon Feather's family because she couldn't go home. At its apex the fighting boiled down to let Savyna live her life as she saw fit or give me my freedom from you and your stubborn old fashion traditions, Sarah was ready to leave and take Savyna with her. Jon wouldn't relent on his decision for Savyna's lot in life and divorced Sarah on the spot. The divorce was brutal on everyone involved. Savyna and Jon both took it pretty bad and Jon even returned to Alfard without Savyna. A depressed and heart broken Savyna remained in Connamaraia with the Dragon family were she would train for another year in Dragon Chi Forms before returning to her homeland and father. It is here were the story got a little muddy. There was large sections of it Dragon Feather just couldn't tell but what he did tell me made me understand why she chose to journey around helping any and everyone she could. Once back in her homeland a twenty-one year old, wild eyed and ambition driven monk-warrior trained in three ancient dragon style martial arts reconciled with her father and then applied to become a guard for the Alfard Empire just like all of the first born children in her family line. After being a regular guard for several months the top brass saw the potential and massive tactical talent that Savyna had in the several assignments she had been placed on or volunteered for. Some of these assignments had been seen as suicide missions but some how Savyna always brought her groups back alive. Emperor Geldablame was told of this and soon Savyna become the youngest solider in the history of the empire to be promoted to leader of the Special Forces unit and if she kept proving herself she would become Captain of his Personal Guard. Her father had never been prouder but he was getting worried about how strong and violent Savyna had become in the last two years. Jon finally thought it was time to tell Savyna the truth he had held from her for over twenty years. In a private moment the two share on one of Savyna's days of leave Jon revealed the secret of her birth, her true mother's name, and her mother's dark heritage. Dragon Feather couldn't give me the details on Savyna's mother and things about that night since he was sworn to secrecy about that but he could tell me it was this news that changed how Savyna felt about fighting and her loyalty to her kingdom. This battle of morals in her head and heart had her doubting her path in life and if she could continue carrying out her duties to the Empire. For the next three year after she had been promoted she would follow all of her orders but would cry after each mission for all of the death and destruction she would leave in her wake. It was in this time that she would receive the orders that would earn her the nickname of the Bloody Rose, force her into leaving her homeland for good to become a travel monk, and haunt her with nightmares I never knew she had. There had been several uprisings through out the empire, the oppressed peasant folks and rebels throughout the kingdom had been rising up trying to overthrow Geldablame and his tyrannical rule. For years he had taxed, bulled, and oppressed the lesser peasant folks in the kingdom to keep his power and the rich folks and nobles in power and under his thumb. It was during the high point of this growing conflict that Savyna and her Special Forces unit were ordered to massacre a small village that spies had told the War Council held the leaders of the rebel forces and all of their battle plans. Savyna left at once and had the village scouted. It was true that rebel leaders were hiding there but the village was filled with many innocent elderly people, woman, and children. Savyna didn't want to involve the villagers so she order her unit to only kill the rebels and leave the villagers alive unless they attack, only then would they be killed and just the ones that attacked. Savyna led the attack at dawn with the rising sun at her back from the high ground on all sides of the village. Little did she know that the information that she had been giving was from several traitors to the empire and her raid was a trap to get the one unit of soldiers, other then the handful of personal guards around the Emperor, that could stop the rebellion out of the way. As Savyna's forces entered the village they were ambushed by the rebels who were using the villagers as shields. In the long drawn out fight Savyna had lost several of her men and had been forced to retreat in the forest near the village with the Rebels hot on their heels. It was while she looked over the few remain members of her unit in their beaten, bloody state that she resolved not to lose any more of her friends and comrades. If she didn't do something soon they would all die and it was then that she decided to give the most painful order she had ever giving in her short illustrious career. She ordered her troops to kill everyone, villagers and rebel alike and burn the village. Only a few children and a two or three elders lived thru the massacre, none of the rebels or those few villagers that fought back to save their families escape to bring any farther threats to the empire. It was hours later when the village lay in ruins burning to the ground, the few survivors were carted off to another village and Savyna had the blood of innocent men, women, and children on her hands that she lost her mind for a time. Days after the battle which was forever known as the White Heart Massacre Savyna was plague with nightmares of what she had done to the point she had stopped sleeping and could no longer functions as the leader of the Special Forces unit. Several days later she was relieved of command until she was deemed fit for duty, the Emperor wanted his best soldier battle ready if and when the need arose for her to kill in his name again. It was in this time that Savyna just couldn't take it anymore and left the Alfard Empire, deserting her comrades, post, and rank in the night to return to the only place she felt safe, Connamaraia and the Dragon Family. When she made it to Dragon Feather she was half crazed, bloody, clothes torn and dirty and she hadn't slept in weeks because of the nightmares. She would be nursed back to health and sanity by Dragon Feather and Sunburst for three or four months before she left again tell Dragon Feather she was off to cleanse her soul of a great sin and bring honor to the death of many innocent people at her hands. The last time Dragon Feather would see her in person before seeing her again here in Ponyville was a year ago when Savyna came back Layla's funeral. It was then she offered to stay and help raise Dragon Song but Feather sent her back on her mission to cleanse her soul not wanting to burden her any further then she was. “I can't believe it... She really did all of that?” I asked Dragon Feather as he stood next to the photo of his family. He had gotten up in the middle of telling about Savyna's nightmares and stared at the picture of his youth while he continued the story. “Yes and it all nearly killed her. The guilty alone was more then anyone should have to bear but she shouldered it all her own and vowed to never let it happen again. It's one of the reasons fire scares her so much to the point she stopped using her fire style martial arts which got her the name Flame when we were kids. It's also why she's so over protective of children. In that aspect Savyna is far stronger then I will ever be. She blamed herself for all of it but strives to make it right. The best I can do is let Dragon Song go on hating me for not being their to save our mother, sending Savyna away after our mother died, and why our father become reclusive.” Dragon Feather said as he balled up his fists at his sides. I could hear the pain in his voice and knew I couldn't help him but I wanted too. I now understood Savyna a bit more and Dragon Feather too. While I couldn't help Dragon Feather I could help Savyna by being more understanding of her need to right a wrong from her past and in time help her forgive herself for committing such a grave sin. “Well Ah understand ya both a bit better now Feather and Ah see why ya'll two are so close. Ah thank ya kindly fer tellin' me all of that. Ah have a lot ta think about and a lot ta do ta help Savyna with this now.” I said as I got up from the couch and began to leave. “Ah'll be seein' ya around partner.” I told him as the began to leave for home but he stop me by grabbing my arm. “Wait Apple Jack what about our little sisters and their problem. Didn't you come here to talk about that originally?” Dragon Feather asked solemnly. “Yeah Ah did but the quickest way ta solve that is ta get all three of those fillies in one room and not let them out til they work something out. Ah reckon we can set that up sometime soon but it will have ta be in a week's time. Starting tomorrow Ah won't be in the right state of mind ta deal with any of it. So in a week Feather we will work this out.”I told him softly as I pushed his hand off gently. “Right in a week we will solve this. Good night Apple Jack and good luck.” He told me with smile before walking to the door. After I left the Dragon family's house I passed by Dragon Song who was leaving the Carousel Boutique, she must have gone to see Sweetie Belle after her music lesson not wanting to come back and find her brother and me talking about her and Apple Bloom. Oh to be younger and in love like those two, still Ah would have to handle that later but right now I need to get home and get few things in order. Savyna would be home in the morning or early afternoon and my heat was already starting. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach with low heat risen up my spine and dipping low in the loins stirring up all kinds of feelings and naughty thoughts. I just had to hold out until I got things ready for Savyna's return and hoped that the family were leaving me alone in the house this estrus like they did on my last one. When I made it home the others were in the middle of dinner and Cheerilee was over as well. I remember that Big Mac was going to pop the Question to Cheerilee tonight. Granny Smith told me I had a plate in the oven and I should wash up quickly and come eat since we had company. I told her I would be down in a bit to eat I just need to get a few things ready for tomorrow when Savyna come back. Granny Smith just laughed and Big Mac just rolled his eyes before getting back to his food and Cheerilee who was giggling about at Big Mac response. Apple Bloom was strangle quite, like she was lost in thought. I figured it had to deal with Dragon Song but that would have to wait. I quickly went up went upstairs to my room and got things ready for in the morning. I made sure to right out a list of things to have done before noon and to have laid out for when Savyna showed. After all of my plans and preparation were in order I went to the bathroom freshened up real quick then headed downstairs Join the family for dinner alone in the kitchen. After I got my plat and sat the table and join in on the conversation about why Cheerilee has become school teacher. Cheerilee held big Mac head and both smiled at the family. I knew what was coming thanks to Brass Tail but I bet Apple Bloom was still in the dark about it. “Well you all that Big Macintosh and I have been together for a while now and we really love each so we have some big news for the family.” Cheerilee started as she squeezed Big Mac hand. Granny Smith just raised an eyebrow, Apple Bloom finally looked and seemed interested in what the rest of us were doing. I just sat there trying to kept a straight face since I knew what was coming next and what would follow afterward. Only was that the other three mares in the room didn't so this was going to be fun to watch. “Well ya see Cheerilee and Ah are goin' ta have a foal. We just found out today.” Big Mac said in his standard calm tone. Granny smith on queue acted super surprised for Cheerilee's and Apple Blooms benefit as did I so Big Mac wouldn't know I had already known. So far so good, everypony was happy and giving out congratulations to the happy couple. As if this planned a head of time by same grand fate or divine creature Big Mac knelt in front of Cheerilee as he pulled out the ring box and opened it. “That's not all of it. Cheerilee ya have made me the happiest stallion over the last year we have been courtin' and yer now carryin' mah foal. Would ya do me the honor of become mah wife and one of the two newest members of the Apple family?” Cheerilee stood the wide eyed as the rest of us held our breath waiting to hear what her answer would be. I silently prayed it would yes, I really want this to end happily for Big Mac. Cheerilee was the perfect mare for him and it would mean the CMC hard work getting those tow together in the first place wasn't a misguided attempt at getting their cutie marks. “Big Macintosh... Yes! Yes I will be your wife.” Cheerilee said after a pause seemed like forever. Big Mac slipped the diamond engagement ring on her finger and the hugged tight as the shared a passionate kiss. I was thanking the stars and our parents for watching over us in this happy moment the silence was broken by Apple Blooms cheers of happiness. “Alright, it work, it worked finally! Miss Cheerilee and Big Mac are a couple and are gettin' married so the Cutie Mark Crusader Matchmakers did do a good job! YAY!” Apple Bloom shouted as she danced around the table super happy. Granny Smith was about to stop her when Cheerilee place on on Granny Smith shoulder and shuck her head no. “Let her be happy about it. I glad she so happy to have me as a sister-in-law, right Big Macintosh?” Cheerilee as she turn to Big Mac. “Eeyup.” Was all big Mac said in reply as we all laughed. “I hope your happy about this too Apple Jack? I wouldn't want it to be upsetting to you.” Cheerilee asked me as he turned to look at me. “Upset? Why would Ah be upset about becomin' an aunt and gainin' a wonderful mare as a sister-in-law? Ya just need ta treat him right otherwise ya'll answer ta me. Welcome ta the Apple family Cheerilee. We're mighty proud and happy ta have with us.” I told Cheerilee with a bright smile. “Well said AJ. Ah couldn'tna said any better mahself. Welcome to the family Cheerilee cause once an apple always an apple cause....” Granny the men cleared her throat before she sang the next part. Were apples forever, Apples together We're family, but so much more No matter what comes will face the weather, We're Apples to the core! “Eeyup!” Big Mack thru in at the end. We all laughed before we end up sing the whole song with Cheerilee join in on the second go around once she new all of the words to her part which was Pinkie Pie's part of the song. At some point we were going to have Cheerilee come up with her own lyrics to be add to the family song some time soon. After the family celebrated Big Mac and Cheerilee's engagement we made plans to tell the girls so we could make plans for a proper engagement party would to held in few a weeks time since next week was goin to difficult for half the town. I let Big Mac our his turn of dish duty that night and shooed him and Cheerilee out on the front pouch to spend some time together alone. Granny Smith was in her rocking chair knitting a pair of foal booties for a filly then a colt just in case, Apple Bloom had tired herself out celebrating the good news so she headed to bed early. I was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes and put them away. After hour or so Big Mac told he was walking Cheerilee home after everypony said their good nights to everypony. Once the love birds were gone the rest of us head off to bed. It took a long while before sleep found me with the excite from earlier and of the stuff Dragon Feather had told me still fresh in my mind. Once sleep did find me I had a beautiful dream of the my sweet Savyna that filled me with warmth. > ch 6 Seven Days of Bliss and the Mother of all Arguments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Seven Days of Bliss, Nightmares past, and the Mother of all Arguments DAY 1 of Bliss When I got up the next day I felt the start of my estrus and it was in full force, I was really warm all over and I could feel the tingling in my marehood, my nipples were so hard they hurt a little, my panties were soaked already. I had to get up and hurry and get to town and pick up my estrus medication just in case Savyna was late getting home. Didn't want to have a weak moment and cheat on her. I got up and pulled my soaked panties off and toss them in the clothes hamper for now, laundry could wait till the week was over since I didn't plan on wearing much the whole time, I threw on my bathrobe and went to have a shower. After a good cold shower, a 20 minute clop session to take the edge off. I brushed my teeth and I went back to my room to get dressed. I threw on the pair of light denim shorts, the red flannel button up shirt, and the black tank top from yesterday. They were still clean and I was only gonna be in town for an hour or so. I don’t bother with putting on panties since I wouldn't need them until much later. I needed to get my meds just to keep me out of trouble and I needed to stop by Pinkie's toy shop to pick up a few new toys for the week. This estrus I want to feel some thick cum drip down my legs even if it was going to be fake. I threw on my sneakers, brushed my mane out, pulled it in to quick ponytail high up on my head, and went downstairs to enjoy a quick breakfast. I felt the breeder urge rise rapidly inside of me, hopefully Savyna would be home soon cause the medication would only last for so long and I knew as the day wore on my will to not cheat on Savyna would be chipped away by my body's desire for procreative sex. When I got downstairs Granny Smith had made the family all bowls of warm cereal with slices of apples and juice on the side. I came and poured me a cup of coffee then sat beside AB at the table. “Mornin' Apple Bloom.” I said as I looked over ta see she was tired and had been drawing something in between bites of her cereal. “Mornin' AJ.” Apple Bloom said back in a tired but bored tone, almost sounding like Big Mac. I rubbed her shoulder, she looked over at me from her note pad and smiled before taking another bite from her bowl. “Been up all night studyin' suagarcube?” I asked her, my night hadn't went so well either I was tossing and turning like I have been every night since Savyna's been gone but some of it was from the excitement over Big Mac good news and engagement the rest of that had to do with the hot feeling between my legs that to my estrus. “Yeah Ah have a big test tomorrow so Sweetie Belle, Dragon Song and Ah decided ta study two of the six subjects each then tutor the other two in those subjects tonight. Ah had Science and History.” Apple Bloom informed me before yawning again. Ah admired that lil' filly for being so dedicated to her studies at her age, when me and Big Mac could have cared less and just wanted to hang out with our friends when we were her age. “Shoulda took Math and Social Studies.” Apple Bloom told me with another yawn. “Mornin' youngin' how was yer night?” Granny Smith asked sittin' down with her coffee and bowl of cereal. I took a big bite of my cereal and swallowed before answering Granny Smith. “Ah slept good but it was kinda hard ta go ta sleep, ya know with the excitement from last night and mah urges starin' up an all. Ah gotta go in ta town today ta get mah medicine and pick up a few things before Savyna gets back.” I told Granny Smith. “So when are all of ya headin' out? This mornin' or later?” Ah asked Granny Smith, last time I was in heat they left a little bit after breakfast which they probably were gonna do this morning too. “Oh yer urges are gettin' pretty strong already? Ah figured yer marefriend would be back by now didn't ya say she would only be gone a few days?” Granny Smith asked, the sly look in her eyes I just ignored it altogether. Wasn't about ta get in to another sex talk with her when sex was all I could really think about right now. “Naw Granny, but there startin' too. Ah'll be fine since Savyna gets back today but Ah'm not sure what time, it'll probably be later on today. Ah hope she hurries though.” I explained to Granny Smith as I looked down at the table. Granny Smith just grinned then moved on. “Ah figured Ah'd let ya eat breakfast with the family first then well say our goodbyes before gettin' out of yer mane so ya can get ready.... heh he heh. Ah left the address of where Ah'll be stayin' fer the week on the refrigerator. Goin' ta go see mah friend Rose Apple. Haven't seen her in years. Big Mac is goin' ta be stayin' with Cheerilee ta get the baby's room set up before he moves in with her. Apple Bloom will be stayin' with that Dragon Feather fella and his little sister fer a night or two and at Rarity's place with Sweetie Belle the rest of the time. That's were everypony will be at just in case ya need ta get a hold of us but Ah doubt ya will. Y'all be to busy with other stuff ta get a hold of anypony.” Granny Smith explained to me. I was only half listening to Granny Smith since I was so excited about the thought of me and Savyna being locked in the house for a whole week, but after these seven days were over there was a lot that we needed to discussed. Especially all the things I found out yesterday and the things I need to find out about that had been told to me. I hate that Savyna thinks she can't confide in me, I wanted her to trust me like I trust her. I soon pictured her being on the train now probably staring out the window or day dreaming hopefully about me, she seems to do that a lot and I should make it a point to find out why. Maybe it had something to do with her past? Sometimes I wish I could read her mind but I'd be to scared at what I might find in it. I could only imagine what might go through her mind at any given time. After musing to myself for bit I looked over at Big Mac who was extra quite and was eating faster than usual. He must be ready to hurry on outta here on a count of what happened the last time mares started going in to heat, he had more pussy then he could handle and ended up breaking a few ribs cause of it, especially now with him being with Cheerilee and her being with foal and all now. It was odd ta think of Big Macintosh as somepony's father but in 11 months that's what he would be. Me and Apple Bloom were going to be aunts then too and that was even harder to believe but it was true. “Well Ah hope you two have fun youngin', just make sure ya disinfect everythin' before we get back.” Granny Smith said with a laugh. “Yeah have fun AJ but stay out of mah room with all of that fun!” Big Mac add after Granny Smith, I just laughed then smiled as I nodded my head at the pair of them. My thoughts quickly switched to Savyna, I imagined feeling her touch me right now, rubbing and kissing me in all the right spots. Holding me, the feeling of her behind me as her body rubbed up against mine... Oh my god was that feeling so damn hot! I shook my head as I tried to shake another urge. When I open my eyes I saw the whole family staring at me. “Sorry Ya'll Ah a little excited this season.” I said sheepishly as I blushed. “It's all right AJ. This yer first heat with a somepony so yer body just is over excited is all. Nothin' ta be sorry bout. Just try ta take it easy on yer marefriend.” Big Mac said as he stifled a giggle. “Big Mac is right Apple Jack, yer just excited bout Savyna being her ta take care of ya this season. Nothing to be ashamed of but like yer brother said take it easy on that gal. A mare in the middle of the ruttin' season will forget the limits of her lover ta satisfy her owns needs. Ya need ta be mindful of that. Savyna may be a warrior and trained ta handle a lot but nothin's more dangerous then a mare in heat 'ccept a mother protectin' her youngin's.” Granny Smith told me with a wise and knowing tone. “Ah know Granny Smith and thank you and thank ya too Big Mac. I will try ta be easy with Savyna but Ah can't say that Ah will be able ta control mahself the whole time.” I told them as I blushed more. I had to get to town soon before I did something that would embarrass me or worse. I finished off my last bite of cereal before going to the sink washing out my bowl. After we finished our breakfast I washed all of our dishes and I said goodbye to my family before they grabbed their bags and headed out the door. Once the family was gone I grabbed my purse threw some bits in it and practically ran to Ponyville. My first stop was the drug store and picked up two bottles of the estrus medication. The store was pack as usual this time of year. There were several mares wait line to by there annual meds and several of them I know butther were a few did recognize right away. I waited in line patiently making small talk every now and again until it was my turn. I bought two bottles this season instead of one. I figured since I had a lover this year and was already overly excited I should get another bottle just in case. Once I had my meds I popped two of the pills to take the edge off for a bit before heading over to Pinkie Pie's secret but not so secret sex shop for a new toy or two. Ah quickly walked to Sugarcube Corners and so the closed for today sign hanging on the door. Seconds later I heard Mrs. Cake screaming her husbands name in the middle of what sounded like rather big orgasm. Even older mares like Cup Cake still get into the swing of things this time of year I thought as I blushed but continued on my way. Once I got to the side of bakery and sweets shop I headed down the alley to the building's right side that lead behind it and walked up to a large black door with small glass windows that read 'Kinkie Time Party Supplies' in pink lettering with a white outline. I opened the door with a ring from the bell just above it and was greeted by shelves filled with dildos of all sizes lining the walls, machines of dubious origin were on display and a top row of boxes behind the counter contained some extremely expensive erotic wares, including the new Mare Breaker 4500 series magic vibrator with realistic to prolific ejaculation functions. There were several other ponies in the shop, most of them mares here for one thing or another and by the heavy scent in the shop each one was in a different stage of their own estrus. This fact was made very apparent by all of the hard-ons the few stallions in the shop had. In fact on a dark gray unicorn stallion with a brown and yellow mane and tail was about to split his pants open because of the young bright yellow pegasus mare with a pink and red mane and tail, dressed in a short white top and plaid mini skirt, that kept bending over in front of him for one reason or another showing off her panty-less wet and ready plot. As I walked by she bent over again and winked at the poor stallion a few times before pretending to interested in a one of many shelves full of toys. I just ignored it all least I get myself in trouble, besides a little teasing never hurt especial when you were trying to get that certain pony's attention. “Hello, is anypony there, Pinkie Pie are ya here?” I asked as I walked farther in to the shop not caring who saw or heard me. If ponies want to talk about me then I would let them since this way word about me being in a relationship would get around quicker. After a while I wouldn't have to tell ponies I was taken already or make up some stretch of the truth to get out of a blind date. Soon I spotted a pony I immediately recognized as Pinkie Pie. Today she had her many straightened and pulled ina ponytail with studded wristband as the holder. She was dressed in a white blouse the was mostly buttoned up but still showed off a lot of cleavage, she had on a short miniskirt and from the way she was standing I was guessing no panties on underneath. She had on white heels and her face was partial made up. She had the look of sexy business mare or a slutty school teacher, either way I've never been so happy to see the sex crazed pink party pony in my life. Pinkie walked up and put a arm around my shoulders, pulling me for a hug, Ah obliged her and hugged her back quickly. She smiled like cherries and sex, I suspected it was one of the stallions, mares, or couples in one of the back rooms. Pinkie Pie is the kind of shop owner willing to demonstrate her products for you to ensure your satisfaction with her and her merchandise. “Hi Apple Jack, looks like you finally got over your shyness about this place. So here for a new toy to chase way those urges? Or are you maybe looking for a lucky stallion or two to relieve some tension this season, huh?” Pinkie asked raising and lowering her eyebrows rapidly for a second. “You know I run a service for that now. I can set you up with a lot of anonymous stallions willing to go for broke keeping you satisfied for the next week... and after if you like what they have to offer.” After she said that two of the stallions in the shop looked our way, I guessed they were members of Pinkie's little service and not bad looking for stallions, especially if I were in to stallions exclusively. It was good to know that Pinkie Pie had willing stallions on call since I may have to use that little service in the future if Savyna's away on a mission and I went in to heat. I would only use it if that happened and Savyna said it was okay first as a last resort kind of thing, that's what I told myself in my head at the time. I laughed a bit then told her that it wasn't necessary but I was here for a toy or two for me and my marefriend Savyna to use this estrus. She smiled ear to ear then nodded at me before telling me to follow her thru the shop. The whole time I followed Pinkie around the shop as she pointed out objects one at a time to me as she asked me all about Savyna and when I started being into mares. Ah answered her questions as she explain to me the workings of several sex toys, each one more perverted than the last and a few were things I might consider buying and using at a later date. Pinkie Pie pointed to another rack the had anal beads in assorted sizes and colors with the smallest being two inches round. “There good toys to play with, I even have smaller sets in all kinds of lengths for anal sex beginners and with every three sets you buy you get a free bottle of lube. These things are super fun to use. Rarity bought a few sets at different lengths some time ago to use cause she loves anal play and swears that anal beads are great fun.” Pinkie said with a laugh as she held up a set of the beads. “Ha ha ha, I'll have ta ask Rarity bout that some time in the near future then Pinkie, but sure Ah'll take two full sets of beginner size beads in all the lengths ya have in yellow and purple. Ah'll also take the largest bottle of water based lube ya have and that Mare Breaker 4500 vibrator with cum functions and the largest bottle of cum lube ya sell too.” I told Pinkie Pie with a wicked smile on my face. I couldn't wait until me and Savyna made love now especially with all the new toys we would have to play with. “Whoa AJ, you sure are going big this year, but the customer is always right so,Okie Dokie Lokie. Since your getting the cum lube what flavor do you want, we have four flavors?” Pinkie asked me. “Four flavors you say, well just give me one of each then.” I told her quickly, no sense and just trying to chose one when we could just try them all and only buy the ones we liked. Pinkie Pie stopped in her tracks for a second and turned to look at me with are you sure look and I nodded yes to her and she smiled big again before she was off again to fill my order. When she was off doing that I was looking at some of the bondage gear and fetish wear. I thought about getting some shackles, cuffs, and blindfolds for Savyna to tie me up with. It would be nice have later on since Savyna had offer to tie me up and fulfill that particular fantasy for me. Maybe I could get it as a birthday gift to myself this next year. The whole time I was browsing the shop I kept swishing my tail and shacking my hips and I could see and hear all of the stallions going wild over me. If I had them worked up just by swishing and shacking a little I'll have Savyna mad with desire when I got to working on her with my feminine charms. A little teasing never hurt none and my little teasing show had several of the stallions and mares in the shop pairing off and heading for the back rooms ta get in a quick rut or two. Pinkie Pie had several rooms at the back of the shop for couples to use for privacy just in case the mood stuck while they were shopping or if they could wait to try out a toy or product they just bought. I smiled to myself as I saw the pegasus girl pull the unicorn stallion from earlier in to one of the back rooms by his throbbing pride. They both nodded to me and just smiled back before they disappeared in the room the door shut and the little in use red light clicked on. I went back to my window shopping while I waited on Pinkie Pie to get my order ready. I was looking at a black and purple corset wondering how I would look in it when Pinkie Pie called me over to the counter. I found out because of my orders size and it being my first official purchase that I had gotten a few free gifts. Once my order was ready and in discreet black bags I paid for it then we made plans for me and Savyna to come back one night for one of Pinkie Pie's intro to bondage classes since I was interested in that. I signed us up for one of the classes in three weeks since that would give me time to talk Savyna in to coming. After leaving Pinkie's shop I took one mote pill as my shorts felt a bit damp and sticky. Being in the toy shop for forty-five minutes had me a bit worked up. After my overly excited marehood settled down I headed to Rarity's to pick some sexy clothes for later on that night and the rest of the week if the mood stuck us or if we had time. When I got there I found a sign hand on the front doors of the boutique. I though that was odd since Rarity was do to be in heat for an too weeks and Apple Bloom was stay with her this week so she couldn't be out of town. I walked up and read the sign. Closed for the next week Do to the Estrus Season We apologize for the inconvenience I was about to leave then the door open and Rarity stood there in a nighty and silk bathrobe, her immaculate mane was in a confused disarray on her head and she wasn't wearing any make up. She had the look and scent of mare that just got finished having a wild rut and was caught before she could clean up. “Hello Apple Jack, darling. I'm glad you came by I have a few things for you along with the door hangars you asked me for.”She said with a blush on her face.”Oh come in please and do forgive my current appearance as I know I look a sight. Last night wasn't the most restful sleep I had but was some of best.” Rarity told me as she pulled in to her place and closed the door behind me. “Ya know Ah could came back later Rares since ya' ll look like ya need some time ta work things out.” I told her as I saw her work area had fabric all over it and few dishes had been left of from the night before. “Oh nonsense, I have time for you. Please excuse the mess I haven't had time to clean since last night when I had company over.” Rarity stated before head in the back room for something. She returned moments later with a large white box for me. “I gave the the door hangers that Fluttershy need to her yesterday when she stopped by for same special clothing for Tank's home coming. I was going to came by the farm later to drop this off to you but I'm glad you save me that trip.” Rarity said as she handed me a box filled with sexy edible panties and bras, two tear-away teddies and a few silk baby doll nighties with stockings along with the silence door hangers I forget to pick up yesterday. “Oh wow! Thanks Rares these are just what Ah was comin' by ta buy. How much do Ah owe ya fer everything?” I asked still amazed the Rarity had anticipated my desire for something special for when Savyna got back. “Oh darling it's nothing for a friend. I had an inkling that you might need some sexy undies and the door hangers today. The cost is 900 bits I'm only charging you half price for everything especial after what Savyna paid me for doing your earlier gift. Think of it as friends and family discount. Just don't go spreading that around darling I still have a business to run.” She said with a bright smile, “don't worry about paying me now since now is not a good time for either of us. You can pay me next week when everything in town settles down. I put the receipt for every thing the box.” “Well that mighty generous of ya Rares, what brought this on?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “Well if you must know darling, I'm not one to kiss and tell, but... thanks to my new found happiness I sitting in the same boat as you right now. As a lady of upstanding character I'm having hard time not presenting ones self as a tramp at the moment.” Rarity said with a bit of a blush. Apparently Rarity had begun her estrus a good two weeks early this season that to becomes in so close with Zecora. It looks like ther cycles had synced up as Zecora was in heat around this time every year and has come to town for the estrus meds a few times. “Ah see, so that why the shop is closed fer the week. Ah'm real sorry that yer two weeks early this year Rares but Black and the other should be back this afternoon.” I told her softly. “It's fine I happy that my cycle and Zecora have synced up since it means we have become close but its a bit of an inconvenience since around this time I do tend to mare lot more bits on selling sexy lingerie during estrus season then I do any other time a during the year.” Rarity comment with bit of a frown but soon smiled. I gave a quick hug told her it be all right and I would see here in a week to settle up on my accounts. She just laughed me wanting to make I paid her when she know I was the trustworthy pony in Ponyville. As I was making my exit Zecora walked of spare bedroom Rarity set up downstairs for herself when she walked all nights to meet a deadline from time to time. Zecora mane was down from its usual mohawk, it was messy, and flowing around her shoulders like she has it on Nightmare Night. She had look of surprise on her face as she walk out of the bedroom with white and silk robe open show off her naked form only to spot me and Rarity stand there together. She quickly closed her robe and tied it shut. She too had the look and smell of a mare caught post rut. “Forgive me friend Apple Jack, on our clean last night we have slacked.” Zecora said with an embarrassed grin. “Ah get Zecora, nothin' ta be a shamed of really. Ya'll are a herd now so its only right fer ya ta be with each other especially at this time of year. Ya'll just have fun and try ta take easy on Black Ah don't think he's ready for one mare in let along two.” I warned the two blushing mares as I mad my way to the door. “Strong valiant, and enduring is his cast, with us a week he should last.” Zecora told me. Black fairly strong Apple Jack, He should be fine for the most part. Plus Zecora has brewed a few vitality potions for him to help out and I had Twilight teach me few spells yesterday to help out as well.” Rarity said with a grin. Rarity and Zecora both wished me good luck with Savyna before telling me they would see me in a week after their estrus cycles were over and Black was in recovery. I wished them luck and headed out picking up a few things from several other stores before heading home. As I was walking away from the boutique I heard Rarity tell they need hurry clean up before Black got back so they could prepare the holes for their stallion's precious gooey gift. I just laughed at the last part before getting back to the task at hand and heading home. Once home I popped one more estrus pill then set to making my room in to a love nest and making some snacks for when I gave Savyna a break to rest up before I had her rutting me as hard as she could with one or more of our new toys. It was about noon when I finished up getting the house ready and I was alone. I was sitting in the kitchen and I got to wondering if Savyna would be back anytime soon. It seemed the longer I waited for her to come home the more excited and the more powerful my urge to breed got. At this rate as soon as she got back we were going straight to the bedroom, well really it doesn't matter to me were he had sex since I had to clean the whole house anyhow. As soon as she got back we could do it right there on the kitchen table if she wanted to. “Now what do I do?” I asked myself as I was trying to decide what to do next when I feel a warm sensation around my marehood. I had an itch that needed to scratch and the estrus meds were upstairs. Well one little clop by myself wouldn't hurt much, so I put my hand to my shorts and feel a big wet spot like I had just peed all over myself. I looked back and saw the chair had a small puddle on it too from were I had leaking for the last few minutes. It wasn't pee I knew what it was, my juices from my vastly over filling cunt. The meds just weren't working for very long now that I had someone to look forward to during my heat cycle. The thought of having my apple field plowed by Savyna had my estrus in overdrive somehow. I unbutton my shorts and start to rub my special spot working it up making my hand and shorts wetter and wetter. I couldn't wait for Savyna I needed to cum now! I pulled my hand from my shorts and walked towards the steps to get to my room and get the toys out when I heard a knock at the door. Dammit! Can't a mare in heat get a break!? Right when it was getting good too. I went to the door and swung it open. My face filled with anger ready to vent on whoever it was at the door. As soon as the door completely opened up my anger melted and my heart started to beat in flutters as I saw Savyna standing in front of me. I was stuck for a minute, froze from excitement as I felt a knot rise in my throat. Savyna sat her bags down beside her on the porch with tears in her eyes as she spoke. “Can I have a hug please?” She asked me opening her arms for me. Without a second thought I jumped in to her arms and squeezed her as hard as I could as she picked me up off the ground and hugged me tighter than I've ever felt her hug me before. Then she slid me down until my hooves hit the porch but she didn't let go of my waist. She looked at me with tears of joy as she gave me a long kiss before hugging me again. It felt so good to feel her touch again, I missed her so damn much that I thought I would die. “Ah have never missed someone so much in mah life.” I told her returning the tears, she just smiled back at me. With out warning my longing got stronger as I felt her touch. I wanted her, her body on mine. I grabbed her collar and pulled her to my lips in a long deep kiss. “What was that for?” Savyna asked me breathlessly after I was done with a laugh. “Do ya'll know how long Ah've been waitin' ta do that? Ah want ya Savyna, right here, right now.” I whispered in her ear before I bit it. She didn't say nothing but just looked at me and smiled. “I was hopping you'd say that I think you said something about seven days of just us and a lot of sex when I got back.” She said with a grin, she wrapped her arms tight around my waist as she began a kissing frenzy. She lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around her waist kissin' fer a few seconds before Savyna kicked the door closed then carried me in to the kitchen. We left her bags on the front porch forgotten for the moment in a haze of intense need and desire. Once in the kitchen she put me down then cleared everything off the table with one long sweep of her arm. She walked over to me and picked me back up and started kissing again. I felt my shorts getting wetter and wetter as she laid me down on the table, in the midst of all this I didn't realize how worked up she was getting me over what my heat had already started, it was the best feeling in the world. After she laid me on the table she got on top and started kissing me as we undressed each other. Well ripping clothes off of each other is more like it. After I was completely naked and Savyna still in her wet panties, clothes in tatters on the floor, she held my hands above my head as she kissed and sucked on my neck. This made me go crazy for her even more. She gently massaged my stomach as she gave me another huge hickie. "I would love to aid you, what is on your mind?" Savyna asks me inquiringly. Blushing slightly, I giggle then pull her closer to me. With a naughty grin, I bucked my hips in to her indicating that I wanted it bad, as I let out a long moan. “Ya need ta rut me fuckin' hard right now and don't stop till Ah pass out!” I told her with some hunger in my voice. I reclined as Savyna straddled me and began to massage my boobs and nibble on my hardened nipples. I took a moment to enjoy her attention, before gently pushing her head lower. Foreplay was and is nice but I need to be fucked and fucked good! Savyna gave me a long gaze through her thick lashes, then moved so she was no longer on top of me but beside me. She started moving her hands slowly over my stomach slowly, teasing me when she knew I wanted it bad, toward my soaked crotch. Savyna leaned over to plant a series of kisses around my navel before She started to trail kisses lower and lower until reaching my waistline. I shiver as she dips one of her fingers into my sopping wet crevice, lightly teasing my labia with her other fingers. I let out another moan as she dipped her fingers in and out of me. “Ohh... Savyna... Give it to me hard baby.” I moan as she keeps her fingers in me and teased me some more. Then she reached a spot that makes me get even louder, my G-spot. I always seemed get loud when ever she touched it. “Saaavvyynaaa... Mmmmm... that feels sooo good...” “This spot seems to be very sensitive today,” Savyna says in her sexy tone looking up at me with a grin, responding to my moans. "It will require more direct examination and attention.” Savyna put one of her legs over me, straddling my chest and presenting me with her own tight wet pussy for me to play with. Excitedly getting down to business Savyna buried her face and fingers in my crotch, lapping at my drenched cunt while rubbing my G-spot furiously. Deciding to return the favor, and to muffle myself a bit, I observe her white panties with a rather large wet spot. They were almost see thru, they were so wet with her juices. I pulled them aside to expose her tight pink slit, absolutely soaked and glistening with female juices. Humming to myself, I leaned in to get a taste of her. Judging from the muffled gasps down between my legs, the efforts were very welcomed and much appreciated. She started using her tongue to gently probe my lower lips, burying her tongue as far as it would go in between her moans while drilling my G-spot with her fingers.“Oh Savyna.. keep goin'... right there... mmmm.. Ah'm bout ta cum... “ I moan to her as her finger strokes got faster. She explored my depths hungrily, poking her nose against my sensitive clit before blowing softly or sucking hard on it. “Oh... that's right AJ... mmm... get a good taste of me...” Savyna moans from my licking and nibbling of her tight overly soaked pussy. Her taste was sweet and tasted just like her scent, jasmine. I was intensely focused on my meal until I felt the muscles in my belly tighten and moaned in to Savyna's hot muff along with a hot rush of sticky fluid from my pussy announced the arrival of my climax. I let out a muffled cry as my girly fluids spill into Savyna's waiting mouth. Savyna swallowed most of my fluids the rest spatter across her face and chin. “Oh... Savyna... Savyna... Gods yes... Savyna!!!” I yell in to her hot wet pussy as my climax finished out. I had to rest a few seconds before going back to licking her to a shuddering climax. Soon my own sensual licks also bear fruit and my tongue was battered with sweet-tasting girlcum. With her head buried between my legs still Savyna lets out a long loud moan in to my still winking muff. “Yesss... AJ... Make me cum for you good and hard baby... that's it Apple Jack... “ Savyna moaned through her own climax. After a few pants she was licking her lips with a satisfied smile on her face before silently turning around to face me. She turned and got back on top of me rubbing her body on mine making sure my hardened nipples were lined up with her's as she started to grind my body with her's. After 20 minutes of this torturous teasing with her kissing and talking dirty to me Savyna stopped and started looking around the room for something. Before I could ask her what she needed she picked up a banana that was on the floor that had been knocked off the table. She grabbed it then got back on top of me and we started passionately making out with me again. After a few minutes Savyna slid down my body back to my cunt which had been calling her name. A few seconds later I felt the banana slip in ta me slowly as she licked my clit. “Oh god... Savyna... “ I moaned as I wrapped my thighs around her head. I moaned and dug groves in the table with how happy she was making me. Her licks got faster as did the thrusts behind the banana. It wasn't long before she lost the banana to my hungry pussy and I came hard in her face. After I calmed down and we fished the smashed banana out of me, that took some work which got me another two orgasms in the process, we cuddled on the table top after throwing the banana in the trash. We were practically a sleep seconds as eh snuggled together. A half hour of cuddling later we got up and the two of us got dressed in silence, a little embarrassed about the earlier thing with the banana, well as dressed as two people can get when their shirts are tattered rags. “That was the best welcome home present ever.” Savyna said smiling at me as I pulled her closer while I was still sitting on the table as I wrapped my legs around her waist as we shared a deep kiss. “So I'm guessing the family already left?” She asks after our kiss was over looking around the kitchen and listening fer Granny Smith or Big Mac's voices. “Yeah they gave us the house fer the next seven days. They usually give me the house ta myself durin' mah estrus since Ah can get right mean at times when Ah'm having a urge and can't deal with it.” I explained to her pulling her face back close to mine and kissin' her again. I had missed being able to do that. These passed few days have felt like forever without Savyna being here and I was so happy to have her back. “I even bought a few things fer us ta play with the whole time.” “Ha ha, why doesn't that surprise me a bit?” She asked with a funny look on her face. I frowned at her and she just grinned at me before speaking again. “ Oh, don't frown like that, you know I love you babe.” Savyna said then kissed the end of my nose. I just giggled at the soft kiss then kissed her back the same way making her blush. From there we never made it upstairs to my surprises but we did have a lot of fun in the kitchen with our snacks, some fruit and a can of whip cream. Boy was I going have some stories for the girls when our little club met again. DAY 2 of Bliss When we woke up on the couch the next day Savyna and I went upstairs for a shower but after five minutes in there washing each other off I had her pressing me up against the glass with her head between my legs and several fingers in my back door bring me to several wild climaxes. Before it was over we needed a second shower. After a good warm up in the shower Savyna suggested we go out to the barn fer a good ol' fashion roll in the hay. So after we got dressed, in the least amount of clothing possible but still decent if somepony saw us head to the barn, she had me grab Apple Lancer and the harness and we headed out ta the barn. Once there she quickly stripped me out of my shorts and white t-shirt. I was wearing a blueberry pair of edible panties that looked like lace. I gave Savyna a hungry look before I turned my back on her then I bent over as I spread my legs a bit to show her how melted the crotch was from my wet waiting pussy. She dove on me like a wolf on a deer. I laid down on a stack of hay as she ate me right up. It only took her a minute to have all of sweet blueberry mess licked up and most of the panties chewed off of me. After two or three orgasms brought on by her skilled mouth and fingers she stripped and strapped Apple Lancer on then gave me a good hard rutting in the hay. She sat on the hay bale while I sat in her lap as I spread my pussy wide open for her to pound. Savyna grabbed my hips forcing me farther on her as I bucked my hips in to her crotch. She slowed her pace several times only to just tease my tunnel with little pulse of pleasure. Several time she pulled out giving me the just the tip on my clit as it vibrated softly. After teasing and having be beg her to rut me hat she would thrust back in to me hard, rapidly thrusting the tip in and outta me banging the roof of my tunnel as she pounded the toy in to me again and again. Boy she sure knew how to work that toy, like she was born with it! Before noon the two of us were covered in wet sweaty hay and I was a little sore but I still wanted more. Savyna was a little tired from the nine orgasms she gave me in a row, I have to say it was her best so far and I couldn't wait til we got to the other surprises I bought yesterday. Since Savyna was tired and I didn't want to push her any hard then I had all ready. I took Granny Smith and Big Mac's advice to take it easy on her I told we she rest up for later. We snuck back to the house still naked and got separated showers then had lunch. After lunch we went for a walk in the apple fields. While on the walk I had a rather serious urge hit while we were in the middle of the apple fields. So in the shade of several trees we enjoyed playing in each others gardens. After a romp in the fields we went back to the house and had a bit of naughty fun in Big Mac's room. He was gonna be so pissed when he found out Savyna got some tail in his bed before he did. After rutting all over Big mac's room we finally made it to my bed at two in the morning tired from the bliss filled day. DAY 3 of Bliss Day three of our week of love began with some hot and heavy making out before I remembered the new toys I picked up. I pulled myself away from Savyna, and believe me that was super hard with how hot and bothered she had me, I got off the bed and grabbed the bag of toys and showed them all to Savyna. Pinkie had been kind enough to throw in a few free gifts since my first purchase at her shop was a big one. I got another harness for me to wear and a few dildos and vibrators sized for Savyna to take without too much trouble and some lube. Savyna giggled for a bit when I told her I want to try out the anal beads since I really liked her playing with my ass in the shower. She agreed but there was no way she taking any of those beads in her back door no matter how small they were, I was okay with it all since it meant more anal fun for me then. I have to give Pinkie Pie a big thank you gift at some point cause she was right, anal beads were super fun to use. Savyna got me to come hard enough to pass out just by putting three different sets in me then pulling them out super slow while playing with my clit. I thought I was dead for a few minutes but when my eyes fluttered open Savyna was holding me softly I knew I was alive but it felt like heaven. We enjoyed a little more play time before having a meal and I really need ta let Savyna rest so I took a few doses of my estrus meds to give her a break for the rest of the afternoon. That evening we picked up were left off that morning before falling a sleep in each others arms. Ah woke up some hours later and rolled over in her arms to face her, Savyna was asleep but she must've went to sleep after I did or gotten up while I was asleep. It looked like she picked up the room a little bit after our fun earlier in the night. I stared at her peacefully sleeping face as I wondered what she dreamed about. I remembered everythin' Dragon Feather had told me, even the part about her nightmares. So far she hadn't had one around me and I secretly hopped she wouldn't. I knew that at some point she would and I hoped I wouldn't panic but be there to help her thru it. I wished I could make it better or do something to keep her from havin' them at all. I watched Savyna fer a bit just enjoying the sight of her sleeping when she started tossing and turning like she was trying to wake up but couldn't suddenly. I watched her face turn to from uncomfortable to pure terror as she started crying out from her sleep. “No... No... NO!” Savyna yelled out as I shook her to try and wake her from her nightmare. “Savyna... baby... sugarcube, wake up it's just a bad dream, Savyna.” I shook her a little harder to wake her up. Her flashed opened and she jumped up as she woke from her nightmare. She quickly took stock of where she was before sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. For several long minutes she looked around with fear play a crossed her face as if she was trying to confirm that she safe where she was. After a while she relaxed a little then looked at me fer a few moments before she started crying. She covered her face in her hands as if embarrassed to cry in front of me. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. I held her for a few minutes until she calmed down completely and was able to talk. “Are ya okay now sweetie?” I asked her concerned. “I'm fine.” She replied wiping her eyes. “Savyna were a couple, whenever something's wrong you can tell me. Ya should trust me.” I explained to while she was still wrapped in my arms. It scared me to see her freak out like that, I've never seen her do that and I hoped never to see it again but after what Dragon Feather told me there were going to be many more nights like this to come. I guess this is what Dragon Feather was talking about when he said the nightmares had nearly drove her mad, if I had dreams that were that scary then I wouldn't want to sleep either. “It's not that I don't trust you I do trust you... “ She trailed off. “There are just somethings I can't tell you about just yet AJ.” She said with a sorrowful tone. “Savyna, Ah know all about yer nightmares. Dragon Feather told me a lot about you the day before ya came home.” I told her, I explained to her about the night me and Dragon Feathers talk. She wasn't mad about it she just asked me how much he told me before sniffling. “So he told you about how I didn't sleep for days on end and when they tired to put me to sleep how I would fight him and our teacher Sunburst?” “Yes he told me about all of that but there were things he wouldn't tell me. Things he said Ah would have ta get from you directly.” I told her as I held on ta her. “Ah do have a few thing Ah want ta know about ya. Will ya tell me?” “There are things about me I'm not ready to share with you just yet AJ. I do trust and love you but there are parts of my past and self I keep hidden for fear of what those things might do to my loved ones. In the fullness of time I will tell you but not now AJ please don't ask I just can't.” Savyna said softly before she buried her face in my shoulder. “Ah won't ask now. But in the fullness of time ya have ta tell me everything, promise?” I asked her softly. “I promise I will tell in time.” She told me after a while. “No don't just promise me, Pinkie Promise me,” I said, “Ah Pinkie Promise ya that Ah won't asked ya about yer past until yer ready ta tell. Cross mah heart, hope ta fly, stick a cup cake in mah eye.” I told her as I made an X over my heart, flapped my hands like wings, then touch my closed right eye with my hand. “What....? What was that just now?” Savyna asked me with a confused look on her face. “It's a Pinkie Promise, a very special and sacred promise that if broken means ya lose a friend...” Before Ah could finish speaking Pinkie Pie popped in thru the window with a forlorn look on her face. “FOREVER!” She said then vanished as quickly as she had appeared. “What the hell was that!!!!” Savyna asked as she ran over to the window looking for Pinkie Pie but after several minutes of searching and not finding her gave up and came back to bed. “You want me to make that type of promise to you?” “Yes Sugarcube, its a true bond of trust between two friends or in our case two lovers that shows that we both care about the others feelings. So will ya?” “OK, I Pinkie promise that I will tell you everything about me and my past that I have kept secret in the fullness of time. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cup cake in my eye.” Savyna said as she made an X over her heart, flapped her hands like wings, then touch her closed left eye with her hand. “That was silly. Why is that so special?” “It's a pony superstition we all take seriously. It's kinda like Dragon Feather's oaths to not tell secrets ya'll have shared with him until ya release him ta do so or yer life is in danger.” I told her with a giggle. “So you know about that too? Well I'm just going to have to have a fist to face talk with my brother some time soon then.” Savyna said with a frown on her face. After our brief talk about superstition and other strange traditions of both Equestria and Connamaraia we just sat there holding one another in the soft quite of the country night. We would have stayed like that long but I felt my body get warm on the inside and out again as my urges started back up. I blushed a little, I didn't know if Savyna felt up to it after everything yesterday and the dream she just had earlier in the night. “Ummm... Savyna sweetie... “ I started but trailed off as I got kinda scared to ask her. She looked over at me with a curious look on her face. “What is it AJ?” I just blushed a bit harder as I rubbed up against her a little. “What already? Are you serious AJ?” She asked me lookin' wide-eyed, I just giggled embarrassingly at her before answering back. “Yeah... Ah'm sorry sugarcube Ah know Ah'm runnin' ya raggit but please? Ah really need it.” I told her with my poutie face as I batted my eyes and pretended to beg her. She looked away from my display and sighed softly. “I can't believe this I knew a mare in heat can be almost insatiable but this beyond anything I could ever imagine. Is it going to be like this every time you go in to heat” She asked with a concerned look, “Yeah, well until Ah have a foal or two then it will be bit more manageable after that. Ah would ask ya if'n Ah felt ya weren't up ta the task of handling a mare like me.” I told Savyna with seductive hint in my voice as I stroked her arm softly. “Okay fine.” Savyna said with a sigh. “But this time we do it MY way.” She told me with a naughty sexy grin before she kissed me. “Okay.” I agreed, I didn't care which way we did it as long as I got my desire filled. Savyna got up from the bed and went to her bag by the closet and pulled out some metal hand cuffs, I sat back on the bed against the head board as I watched her strap on Apple Lancer before she came back to the bed. “I figured you might like these so I picked them up on my way home.” Savyna informed me. Holding up the hand cuffs for me to see them shine in the dim light. She crawled up on the bed slowly towards me and I laid back as she closed in on me. She crawled between my legs and laid top of me and I just cooed softly as I waited for what would come next, hopefully it was gonna be me. “I'm about to give it to you good and hard Apple Jack! But no touching this time.” Savyna said glaring at me lustfully then she grabbed my wrists and hand cuffed them to the head board one at a time. I still able to move around on the bed but range of moment was very limited. With the cuffs on I wasn't able to get out of the bed and my arms and hands above my head. I was completely helpless and at Savyna's mercy, this fact made me extremely nervous and wet at the same time. Savyna started kissing and licking on my neck as she fingered me for a few minutes. She drove her four fingers in and out of me hard making me go crazy for more I wanted to grab a hold of her but all I could do was pull at the handcuffs that restrained me shaking the headboard. That made my pleasure go up more and make me want her more, it drove me mad. She licked and sucked my nipples as she thrusts her hand in and outta me faster and faster. “Oh... Savyna... stop teasin' me. Make me cum hard...” I moaned in to her neck while she continued to suck on my nipples. I bucked my hips in to her hand as I moaned long and hard. Getting the message Savyna pulled her hand outta me then she started pounding Apple Lancer in to me as hard as her hips would let her, she pounded in to me as she caressed and massaged my boobs and sucked on my neck. I wrapped my legs around her as she kept bucking her hips in to her thrusts hard and fast. I went to reach for her again and heard the handcuffs clank against the head board. “Savynaaa... Oh god... “ I moaned to her, she stop licking on my neck and looked in to my eyes. “You want to reach out for me, don't you AJ?” She asked me grinning before kissing me preventing me from answering as she started to slowly ride me. That made me go wild and I went to reach for her back and when I did this time I broke the handcuffs! I didn't mean to, Savyna heard them break she looked up ta see I had just pulled myself fee from the headboard. I smiled at her shyly and blushing a little. “Ah'm sorry sugarcube... Ah... Ah didn't mean ta.” I said to her blushing harder than ever. Savyna just looked back at me and smiled before kissing me. “It's okay Apple Jack, they were cheap anyway. I just wanted to test them out since you said you want to be more kinky.” Savyna said to me laughing she gave me another long kiss “Well go shopping for some stronger ones later on okay. I forgot about how strong a mare gets when she's in heat.” She told me softly before she started riding me again. I placed my hands on her back as she picked back up her pace. She pounded it in to me hard and fast well in to the morning before I had enough and was too tired to go on which she was grateful for since she hadn’t had much sleep. After our bright and early ordeal she laid behind me and held me by my waist as we both drifted off in to a nice long well deserved and needed sleep. DAY4 of bliss I woke up and opened my eyes, I found Savyna laying there watching me sleep like I always do to her. She had her legs wrapped up in mine and was holding me close to her. I smiled at her, then she smiled back before scooting her face a little bit closer to mine. “Good morning beautiful. How was your night or morning I should say?” Savyna asked me rubbing her face up against mine. I felt my stomach fill with butterflies for some reason. She excited me for no reason with just her being there and the littlest things like that almost make me wanna cry. I felt a knot rise in my throat. “It was great cutie, how was yer night? Ya didn't have any more nightmares did you?” I asked her back smiling but with concern in my eyes as I laid a hand on her waist and started pulling her body a bit closer to mine. She was still naked from last night but didn't have the toy on any more. “My night or morning to be accurate was alright, especially with you beside me the whole time.” She said then scooted her face closer so we kissed. I felt her hand move around and started to massage my back as we started making out. Damn this girl works fast, but I love it. She knows just what I want and exactly when to give it to me. I moved my hand up to her neck and caressed her face as she moved her hand from my back to my breast. She started to play and fondle my breast as she rubbed her foot against my leg. I felt as though I peed the bed but it was just me getting worked up faster then usual. After a few more moments of her teasing me and working me up she moved her hand from my breast and slid her hand in between my thighs. I felt two fingers start massaging my folds making me moan in to her kissing me. I had to break away from her and that was easier said than done. I didn't wanna make love just yet there was something I wanted to pick up from Pinkie's shop first, something that would make this very special for the both of us. I knew that Pinkie Pie would have something that could allow both of us to feel the pleasure at the same time instead of one of us climaxing then the other minutes later. I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from me forcing her to stop kissing me. She looked at me confused at why I was rejecting her , now of all times. “What's wrong? Didn't you like it?” Savyna said looking at me still confused. “No it's nothin' like that, trust me Ah loved it. It's just Ah wanna wait til' Ah go get a special somethin'.” I replied back to her, she looked at me a bit confused and a little irritated for a minute before she backed away a little. “Why are ya bein' like that sugarplum?” I asked her grabbing her hand and pulling her back close to me then I kissed her. “No, it's just one minute your all over me then the next your pushing me away. Its confusing AJ, I don't know what you want.” She explained to me, that made me feel kinda bad that I made her feel like I didn't want her. “It's not like that at all Savyna, ya know Ah want you it's just that there's somethin' Ah gotta do first, Ah want our love makin' ta be more special. Ah mean it already is special but Ah want you ta feel special too.” I explained to her. She scooted back to where she was and kissed me. “I do feel special when we make love AJ. Making you feel good makes me feel good. Making love with you is the best, even if I don't feel pleasure at the same time you do.” Savyna told me, that made me get warm inside. “Ah know Savyna but Ah want us ta be closer when we make love. Ah want ya ta feel it too and what Ah want ta go get will do just that.” I explained to her as she looked at me more confused then before. After a few minutes of thinking it over and my cute poutie face she gave in and we got out of bed, got cleaned up, and dressed. I made me and her some breakfast before I headed to town. I was out at Pinkie Pie's shop to find something that can bring the two of us a little closer. When I got there that was the first thing I asked Pinkie Pie but this seemed to confuse her. “Closer?” she asked again, still confused. “What do you mean by closer, AJ?” Pinkie Pie asks me with an eyebrow raised. I roll my eyes and sigh. “Somethin' that both me and Savyna can get pleasure from, ya don't have a weird potion or somethin' that can give her stallion parts do ya?” I asked Pinkie Pie with my eyebrow raised and a little skeptical. She just looks at me with her wide eyes as a wide grin spread across her face. “Yeah I got just the thing for you and your lover AJ, I got one that will make her feel as if it's really hers. I got a regular and one for foal making, which one ya want?” Pinkie Pie asked me with the same creepy grin. “Ya have one fer foal makin'? Why would ya'll sell somethin' like that?” I asked with a look of shock on mah face. “Well you know that two-thirds of Equestria population are mares and the amount of colts born in any town, or city in Equestria is small and some place almost non-existent, right?” 'Yeah Ah know that. A lot of cities and towns have very few stallions. Ah seen clinic that offer a lot of bits to stallions to donate there seed fer mares want ta have foals. What does that have ta do with ya sell a marital aid fer foal makin'?” I asked her still confused and curious about the whole thing. “Well because of that particular population problem in recent years there a huge market for marital aids for the conception of foals by mare on mare. And with the fact ther have been several stallion on stallion couples popping up since the Equestria adopted the universal love in the matter of couples there a growing market for martial aids and clinics to allow all types of same sex couples to have childern. There are several clinics in Baltimare, Manehattan, Los Pegasus, and Vanhoover that specialize in this sort of thing for two mares and two stallion couples as well as mixed race couple to have children thru magical means. Magic is needed for two not completely biology compatible partners or two same sex partners to conceive children. I have a license to carry, sell, and instruct in the use of magical marital aid for the conception of foals for both stallions and mares as well as a fertility specialist and consulting license respectively.” Pinkie Pie explained to me seconds later. “Well it just seems a might but strange ta me that any couple would need things like this ta have a foal.” I said still a but amazed at what Pinkie Pie had just told me “It's not that strange or uncommon these days with all of the free travel throughout Equestria in the last few years. Couple that with raising numbers of mixed race couples and it seems like it should be talked about a bit more. It's kinda of a unspoken taboo since a lot of normal mare and stallion couples often buy one when their having trouble conceiving That's only reason it's not more public is because not many couples are willing to talk about it openly. No stallions or male for that matter wants to admit openly that he's not virile enough and can't give his mare or female a child. The same goes for mares and other race females, none of the want to admit the their not as fertile as the should be. That's like saying she not a female at all when it counts.” Pinkie told with serious look on her face. “That primarily why I got my license in the first place to help out couples so the didn't have to feel the embarrassment about bein childless for so long.” “I see well that's some serious and interestin' information ta hold on ta fer a later chat with ya. Ah'll go with the regular one fer now.” I told her, I didn't want a foal just yet and besides I still had yet to talk to Savyna about I. Still, I was glad to know that we had options when the time came for that and Pinkie had the knowledge and skill to helps us figure things out when we did decide to have a foal. “Okie Dokie Loki, let's just get one of them out for you to see.” Pinkie Pie said in her cheery voice before she reached under the counter without looking and pulls out a purple strap on that must have been bout 23 inches or so, about as thick as Apple lancer. The only things that was different about it was it a little U shaped extra piece attacked at the end of it were Apple Lancer was just smooth and it had a pair of realistic orange sized balls attached to it. The U part was suppose to slipped up in side Savyna and let her feel every thing that happened to the toy as if she had a real stallion's cock. I was a bit skeptical about it but if it brought us closer then I'd at least try it out, after all I could always return it fer store credit later. “So how does it work then?” I asked softly still eyeing the toy with some confusing. “Before I explain that you need to be careful though cause when you first use this thing your lover is going to be a bit sensitive to touch as she gets use the feeling of being part stallion. Just have your marefriend put this on and then say the words Aresaz, Ritfita, Moritz and the toy with do the rest. After your done playing just say the three words in reverse order to return it back to being a toy. It as easy as pie, oh, I could go for a piece of raspberry or cherry pie right now.” Pinkie told me then went off on a Pinkie Pie random tangent. I over looked the pie comment and nodded my head to Pinkie that I would buy it. She wrapped it up placed it in the bag with an instruction book with the more advance functions and commands then handed me the bag. I gave her the bits and walked out. I pretty much ran back to the farm, since I couldn't wait to try the new toy out with Savyna. When I got back to the farm Savyna was sitting on the couch reading a book with a cup of hard cider. I swear I never see that girl without liquor unless we were in the bedroom. I was a little happy that she was drinking though, when she gets a good buzz on she can ride me longer than any stallion without stopping to take a breath. She glanced up at me from her book as I walked in the front door then turned her gaze to the black bag in my hand. “What's that you got there pretty?” Savyna asked me scooting over so I could sit beside her she was wrapped up in a knitted blanket in only her bra and thongs. “Ah got somethin' Ah think you and me would enjoy.” I told Savyna then took the toy out the bag to show her. She smiled at me as she shook her head. “What's so different about this one?” She asked me pointing to it. “It's about the same as Apple Lancer and the other mare breaker toy you bought, but only a different color.” She explained to me. “Ah don't know all the magical details on how it works but Pinkie said it would bring us closer. She said when ya go ta use it all we had ta do is say some magic words and it'll feel like ya actually have a stallion's pride.” I explained to her the way Pinkie Pie explained it to me. She shut the book she had been reading and it looked a lot like the one Dragon Feather read to me the night he told me about Savyna's past. She tossed it on to the table in front of the couch and laid down on her back. “Okay, but come here first?” Savyna whispered to me in a soft hum. I did as she asked and climbed on top of her as she opened her legs to welcome me. I laid on top of her as she took my shirt and shorts off then gently started to kiss me. “Come on, let's test it out right here.” She whispered to me in between kisses. I got up to let her up then she took her bra and thong off, tossing them behind the couch for the time being, before she grabbed the toy and put it through the hole for it in the leather harness. She hesitated for a moment, then slips her legs into the leather thong before pulling it into place. She gives a cute little shiver as the thick studded end of the U shaped on the toy slips inside her, the flat end with little rubber waves was pressed firmly against her clit. She give a soft moan as she tightened the straps and gets the toy centered. Before she had a chance to recompose herself, I got up off the couch and said the magic words out loud. The toy glowed a bright purple for a few seconds before the straps on in it glowed and seemed to merge with her body disappearing from view, the U shaped par seemed ta sink in to her body as well as its coloration becoming a darker shade of Savyna skin tone, leaving the meaty stallion's appendage hanging between her legs as if it were a part of her. Ah marveled at the sight of Savyna with an flaccid stallion's cock and the little shudder she gave as the toy fused with her. Before she had time to question what was going on or time to stop me I started kissin' her as I grabbed her new stallion-cock in one hand and gave her a gentle push on to the couch with the other. She landed down on the couch with me on top of her, straddling her waist I stroke her new rod with light even strokes. I was rewarded with the feeling of warm pulsing flesh as it filled with blood growing erect and sharp pleasure filled gasps from the human gal. I was hardly stimulating her with my light strokes but she was able to feel it through the toy, just like Pinkie said, as if it were a real cock. The damn thing even felt like warm pulsing flesh in my hand, I could feel every last vein, rigid, and bump on it, even the medical ring that showed the half way point stuck out proudly showing its master's arousal to the fullest. Amused by the realistic feel and look of the toy I start to jerk the hot rod off, sliding it through my clenched fist with slow measured strokes coating my hand and her cock in the copious amount of precum that spilled forth from the tip, this thing was so realistic in every aspect. Savyna squirms under the pleasurable attention, and was soon groping her breasts and bucking her hips into my fist, shoving more of her stallion-cock into my hand with each of my downward jerks. “Oh... Apple Jack... That's right baby... yeah stroke my cock just like that...” Savyna moans for me to rub her huge cock even more. “Well, someone's enjoying herself,”I tease, “Seems like ya were born with this thing the way yer carrin' on. Ah think some times ya'll secretly fantasize bout being a stallion.” I giggled and immediately Savyna froze, her mouth agape with embarrassment. She had been enjoying it more then she wanted to let on. “Well maybe a bit, since we got together.” She said softly with slightly red cheeks. With a little laugh, I give her a pat on the thigh and stood up and started striping out of my bra and panties. But after all Savyna's done for me sexually I can't just leave her without SOME stimulation. I reveal my leg first, moving slowly and sensually, giving her a tantalizing look at my soaked cunt before hiding it again. I figured now it was time for me to have some fun with her as I finally rid myself of my bra and panties. Savyna started panting with lust when I finished up teasing and stripping for her. Now nude, I drop back to my knees over her magical stallion-cock, straddling her hips and lining her up with my moist pussy. I lower myself until the tip of the rod is pressing against my lower lips and I was pleasantly surprised by the warm tingling sensation that quickly spreads out around the point of contact. I quickly began to grind my lips along the shaft and my cunny responded immediately by letting loose a little trickles of moisture that bead down on the huge shaft. “Oh fuck... ahhha AJ.... Savyna said trying to cover up a moan of pleasure. “Hmmm, so ya can feel it every time Ah touch it?” I asked softly and Savyna just nodded yes between uneven breaths. Ah smiled wickedly then moved off her body spreading her legs as my face hovered inches above her throbbing magical member. “Pinkie Pie said ya would a bit sensitive ta touch when we first used this thing Ah wonder how sensitive ya are really? Let's have a taste ta find out.” I told Savyna who was shaking her head no before I stuck my tongue out, running it along the base of her shaft up to its length ending in a little kiss on the tip. This made Savyna arch her back as she moaned loudly while her member swell even larger and was drooling even more precum then before. It was now several inches longer then Apple Lancer and a good two inches thicker. Well if I was going to get that meaty monster in me I need to lube it up a bit first and going all the way up stairs for lube was out of the question at this point so that left only one choice, suck it! Before Savyna could protest or ask me to go get the lube I open my maw wide and engulfed half of her member in the tight wet heat that was my mouth and throat. Savyna angled her head down and watched as I slowly work my way down her shaft. She could feel my tongue rolling along the bottom of her shaft making her want to buck further into the hot wetness but she controlled herself as to not choke me. Lucky for Savyna and me I'm the cider chugging for the last four Apple Family Reunions running otherwise this little trick would have been nearly impossible, cause if I hadn't suppressed my gag reflex this little encounter would have end quickly and Savyna would have need a shower and I would be apologizing for hours. I slid down her shaft with a tortuously slowly pace until my lips met the base of her member and my tongue slipped out to lick at her balls. Looking up into Savyna's eyes then gave a little wink, I began to slowly pull back and the only sound in the room other then Savyna's moans was the sound what one wold think was a pony finishing off a shake and was slurping the bottom of the glass for the last drops. Savyna grabbed onto the arm of the couch so she wouldn't fall off the couch from squirming do to my slow torturous blow job. When I finally reached the tip of her member I released it from my mouth with a loud popping sound. “Well look at that, it looks like ya barely held on there Sugarcube. Ah was sure ya was goin' pop before Ah finished. Well since ya didn't that means Ah need ta try a bit harder then. That's okay cause I have a idea bout that.” Before Savyna could protest she felt her member engulfed in wet heat as half of it in was my mouth again. I began to bob my head rhythmically while I used my tongue to tease the thick pulsing medical ring as I pressed two fingers slowly into Savyna's sex. Savyna gasped as my fingers entered her sex, I twisted my finger around gently as they rubbing along her walls massaging her insides as I searched for her G-spot. When I finally found it and pressed it lightly Savyna involuntarily lifted her legs into the air, resting them on my shoulders. “hmmmp?” I asked looked up at Savyna confused, with my mouth still half way down her member. “Si-sorry, can't help myself. But it's your fault for not playing fair today.” Savyna replied with a little gasp. I just gave a little grin and started to bob up and down faster, slowly pulling my fingers out as I did. Savyna's body would have none of it however as her warm wet walls tightened around my fingers as if to never let them go. With her clenching hard on my fingers like that I could feel every little pulse of her quivering walls as I pulled them out. I rested my wet fingers on her quivering sex for a few seconds, teasing her by rubbing them across her clit. “D-don't stop now! Come on AJ, baby, fuck me!“ I gave a little giggle then gave her wicked little grin before I shoved my fingers in to her with authority. “AHHHHAAA... YESSSS!" Savyna jerked her head back, grabbing onto the arm of the couch as I thrusted my fingers rapidly into her nethers. Savyna could feel me intensely rubbing her G-spot quickly before being pulled out, her walls clenched harder with each full motion of my fingers and she could barely hold on as each thrust spread her wide as I add another finger giving her three. “AP- Apple J-Jack sl- slow down or I'll... I'll cum!” I was too caught up in the moment to really pay attention to Savyna's pleas for mercy. I wanted her to cum and hard, I couldn't wait to taste her hot seed even if it was fake and magical created. Instead of slowing down I increased both my fingering and sucking paces significantly to up the ante I used my free hand to play with her nipples adding even more stimulation to already over taxed senses. After a few minutes of this Savyna couldn't handle it, too many sensations hitting her at once, she bucked her hips hard into my mouth, causing me to deep-throat her throbbing meat all the way to the back of my throat. My eyes went wide with surprise at Savyna's actions but didn't pull back, letting Savyna blow two short bursts of cum into my overly full throat as I swallowed them without hesitation. I then pulled back a little to catch the rest in my mouth. Seconds later my mouth was filled with salty sweet cream but I had only moments to enjoy it. Seconds later I felt Savyna's nethers clamped tightly on my fingers, her entire body shaking violently. “Ahhhaga.... oh fuckk yesssss....ohhhhaaa!” Savyna screamed, her body convulsing and her hips bucked in to my face, humping me rather hard, looking for more as her dual sexes were shooting liquids onto the couch and my mouth. It was a minute or two later when Savyna had finally calmed down to just little trembles and gasps that I slowly moved my mouth off of her member, making a loud drawn out slurping noise as I did, which caused Savyna to moan loudly. I sat next to her on the couch savoring the thick remnants of Savyna's first load, I swished it around in my mouth enjoying the feeling of it as well as the smell of the thick musk of a virile stallion and jasmine. After a while of savoring the taste I finally swallowed it all. “I... never... had an orgasm.... that hard before, I don't think I can move right now. AJ please tell me where the hell did you learned to fuck and suck like that?” Savyna asked after she was able to sit up. I blushed a deep crimson as I looked over at Savyna before licking the last bit of her first load from my lips. “Well the finger thing is all yer fault but the suckin' thing is kinda new ta me. That's the second time Ah've done that with anyone, but a gal like me with a toy like Apple Lancer does experiment with things at night when she's a little curious or bothered by a certain somepony.” “I'll bet. By the gods that was intense but I'm ready for more if you are?”She asked me as she pointed to her still hard and wet cock. I got up from the couch and got back on her lap, I smiled as I gave her a loving kiss. “Oh Ah'm ready, Ah was just givin' you time ta take a breather. After all that was yer first time get a blowjob from me.” I said tauntingly. Savyna smiled back at me. “Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.” Savyna said sarcastically. “We'll see who'll need a breather here in a bit now.” “We will if yer up for it and it looks like ya are we can start when every yer ready.” I giggled then kissed her again. “Ah love you.” After a round of kissing and heavy petting I sat up a bit and pulled Savyna's twitching member in to place, I rubbed my wet cunny along the thick round head teasing Savyna a bit more and getting me ready to be impaled on it. After a few passes and several moans from Savyna I was ready to take my medicine. Without further ado, I drop down on the tower of stallion meat, lowering myself onto the pulsing meat rod until my groin is pressed against Savyna's. Savyna, all the while, was biting her lower lip and whimpering with pleasure as my pussy swallowed up her length. Once I've taken all she has to offer, I begin grinding my hips against her, rocking back and forth atop the human gal. To my surprise, Savyna grabs me, squeezing her long fingers into my noticeable hips and pulls me up, almost off her throbbing horse meat, I decided to just go with it. I grab her shoulders for support and start to bounce on her cock. Savyna scooted back to the back of the couch to get better leverage as I sit on her lap riding her. Soon, we were both moaning with pleasure, bucking and thrusting our hips to meet each other as I continue to ride her cock. “Oh... god yessss... Savyna... mmmm... “ I moan in to her ear as I nuzzled her face and neck while she held my hips helping me to slam down on her fast and hard. “That's right...mmm... yesss Apple Jack... oh ride it nice and hard baby... “ Savyna moaned to me as she gripped my hips harder and gasped. This went on for several long and wondrous minutes until I can feel the clenching sensation of a coming orgasm building in my gut, and if the strained panting of Savyna was any indication, she wasn't far behind. I start bouncing faster, increasing to a wild pace as my cunt contracts hard on the hot stallion rod inside it, trying to milk the throbbing cock all it had as waves of pleasure roll over me. I leaned forward and put my D cup breast directly in Savyna's face, she started licking and sucking on one and massaging the other bringing my temperature up even more. Whe I felt her bite down hard on my nipple I lost control. That bit of pain mixed with a large amount of pleasure shot thru me like a bolt send me through the roof in to ecstasy. I don't let up on the forceful thrusting throughout the orgasm, quite literally riding it out. My orgasm had just faded to a warm tingle when Savyna let out a high-pitched shriek and grabbed my back, smashing my face into her perky tits and holding me tight as she came too. When Savyna started to cum I suddenly felt the head of the cock flare, just like a real stallions does when he comes, then an instant later I felt quick blast of hot sticky seed fill my hot convulsing channel. After the first blast of fake spunk Savyna held on to me tightly as she gave a little thrust with each burst of hot cream that filled me well passed my limits. It was a full two minutes later when her grip relaxed and I just felt the cock in me twitch a little as warm seed seeped out from around the cock holding a flood of cum back. I was get up to see how much of the magic cum had been pumped in to me as I felt overlyful. In fact my belly had swelled noticable after her climax. It had to be at least twice the normal of spunk the average stallion could produce and that's a few pints. I was just stating to pulled away when Savyna pushes me over on my back on the couch. She slipped out of me with a wet pop and I felt the huge load she had pumped in to me seconds earlier come gushing out and down my thighs on the cushion under me. The scent of a stallion's musk and jasmine filled my nostrils and I felt my cunny quiver with the need for more as I moaned loudly. Seconds later Savyna was on top of me and the slick member was pressed up to my sloppy and winking cunt. With a hungry look in her eyes she thrusts her hips forward into mine, the thick stallion shaft speared my very wet cunt easily forcing some of the thick fluids still in me out along its sides. Savyna grabbed the arm of the couch to give her more leverage as she pounded me hard and fast, grunting and moaning like a stallion the whole time. I just wrapped mah legs around her waist and my arms around her neck the whole time she pounded me harder and harder. It was almost like being with a stallion but my Mare-stallion knew just how to get the job done right. We both soon got pretty loud, it's a good thing it's just us here and I put all of those door hangers up or anypony or body for that matter on or near Sweet Apple Acres could have hear us carrying on. I bet without them silence hangers ponies off the edge of town could have heard us carrying on like two rabbits in heat. By the time Savyna was done, both my hips and thighs are spattered with my sweat, my girly cum, and three loads of cum from the toy. Still panting from the pleasant ordeal, I slowly drag myself off of Savyna 's cock, exhausted. I laid my head on the arm of the couch with Savyna resting her head on my chest gasping just as much as I was. I put my arms around her, I could still feel the cum leaking out on to the couch. Granny Smith was gonna kill me for staining her couch but I didn't care at that point I just want to enjoy the afterglow. After I fully recover I lift Savyna up to my face and kiss her. “Oh mah god Ah love you Savyna.” I whispered to her then kissed her again as sweat dripped off of both of our heads. Feeling rewarded by that she smiles at me then kisses me back. “I love you too AJ. Hey could you get me something to snack on, I'm kinda hungry.” Savyna tells me after a long kiss. Ah just look at her and laugh before giving her face a playful slap. “Of course ya are sweetie.” I laugh then I got up and went to make us a snack. I made both of us a sandwich and got some juice but by the time I came back in Savyna was sound asleep on the couch. I giggled then sat her plate down on the table, I quickly gobbled up my sandwich and juice then laid back down with her and covered the both of us up. She laid her head beside mine so I could feel her breath on my neck and put her arm around my waist. I turn my head to face her, when I turn over our faces were about an inch apart. I laid there enjoying our touching moment. I stroked her baby soft cheek as I watched her soundlessly sleep. I love this woman to death, I would kill over her. Since I had a little bit of free time before I woke her up later to eat and wanting another good rut I went and got a pen and note pad. I decided to write her a letter telling her how I felt just like the one sh had left me To my dearest Savyna, Well I read your letter and I loved every word. Since I'm sitting here watching you sleep I decided to write you one back. I love you Savyna, I'm more than just in love with you. You have become a part of my world, I would kill for you, you make me feel so good about myself. You make me feel like it's just us two in the world, when your holding me. You know all right spots the me me shout and call out , you know all the things that make me smile. You know just what to do to make me feel just right. Dragon Feather has taught me a lot about you, there's somethings I'm waiting on you to share with me. From what I learned your life it wasn't proper for a gal like you especially as young as you are, you deserve more happy memories and I want to give them to you. I want to know all about you so I can share in your world just like how you are now apart of my world and family. I want give a life the is happy and with peace by my side. I'm glad you found me and since you've never really had anything after that terrible night since I want to help you move past all of that. I hope in time I can help you forgive yourself for your past and to become your future. I want to help you work thru your issues because I'd do anything to make you feel as good as you make me feel. Ah want to spend the rest of my life with you too sugarcube. I love you Savyna, baby. Now wake up so you can pound me some more. Love forever and always, Your sweet Apple Jack I folded up the letter and put it in her hand then laid back down with her. She felt me lay back down and she pulled me close as we snuggled together for a long while till I fell a sleep myself. It was in the early evening when I woke up to the rumbling of my stomach and a dull arch in my hips. I could see that Savyna was still sleep so I figured I had a bit before she woke up get dinner ready. I started to get up when she pulled me back close. she slowly opened her eyes to look at me with a smile before giving me as quick kiss. “Good evenin, sleepin' beauty.” I laughed to her, she smiled again and leaned forward ta kiss me a bit slower and fully on the lips. Then she moved her hand and felt the letter I had placed in it. She opened up her hand and looked at the folded letter. “What is this?” She asked looking at me confused. She sat up and put her back to the arm of the couch, I sat up with her and laid my head on her shoulder with my arm around her waist. “It's mah letter ta you, since ya wrote me one Ah figured Ah should write ya one back.” I said to her, she looked at me for a moment then turned to the letter and unfolded it. I watched her eyes scan across the page as she read it. After a while I seen tears drip down her face as she sniffled a little. Then she giggled at the last part. She looked at me with tears running down her face. It almost made me cry just watching her. “Thank you Apple Jack. I love you soooo much.” She said to me then hugged me tightly, I wrapped my arms around her neck as she embraced me. “Yer welcome sugarcube. Ah told ya, you should trust me, Ah'd never do anythin' ta hurt ya or let ya down.” I explained to her, she let go of me only long enough to kiss me then took me back in another long hug. After we finished hugging she looked at me then wiped her tears away. She smiled for a minute then laughed. “So is that last part true?” Savyna asked me giggling. I smiled then nodded my head sheepishly. “Well we have to go take showers anyway.” She answered then uncovered herself and got up then I took her hand and followed her to my room. We both grabbed our clothes and towels then headed fer the bathroom. Savyna started the water and made sure it was the right temperature as I was undressin', but there wasn't much ta take off. Savyna looked up at me from the shower she smiled at the sight of me being naked and slowly walked over to me then kissed me. She groped my bottom as she took me in a long kiss. “Go ahead and get in, I'll be right back.” She told me then left the bathroom. I got in the tube and felt the sensation of the warm water running down me and warming me up from the inside out. After a couple of minutes I heard the bathroom door open and close then I heard Savyna's clothes hit the floor. I was beginning to wonder what she was doing while I was scrubbing the mess out of my fur and tail. Fake sperm or not the stuff gets rather hard to clean out of your mane and tail once it drys. A couple seconds later I hear the curtain pull back then feel Savyna behind me. She spins me around to face her causing me to drop the stiff bristled brush I was using on my tail. and As I was trying to figure out what she was up to I saw that she went and got the toy from earlier. She kissed me rather hard then roughly pushed me back against the shower wall causing everything on the shelves to fall. Before I could register any type of protest I felt the my pussy impaled by the toy, she filled me to the brim in one thrust. All I could at that point was moan as she rutted me hard and fast. I gain enough control to wrap my arms around her neck to support myself as my legs were going numb from the pleasure. Savyna saw I was ready to slip and she picked me up off the shower floor. I quickly wrap my legs around her letting her supports us both as she starts devouring my neck, I let out a low moan as Ah felt her slowed her pace until she stopped. For a few moments she didn't just held me there full her thick throbbing cock. I was going to say something but lost the ability to speak when one of her hands played with my swollen clit. After listening me man and whimper for who knows how long, the passage of time was completely lost on me at that point, she stop playing with my clit then slowly lifted me off her thick rod. Once I only had the tip just barely holding me open she slowly, teasingly sat me back down on her rod and leaves it in me for a bit as she keeps sucking and nipping on my neck. Savyna let's out a moan as my pussy reaches the end of her length. “Oh... Savyna... That feels soooo good... mmm...” I moan to her as she lifts my hips and starts bouncing me up and down. She moans in to my ear as she starts switching up her pace. I heard her grunting as I grip her shoulders harder. “Ohhh... harder Savyna... harder baby... Rut me good sugarcube!” I moan loudly. She slows down her pace long enough to make me grip her harder requesting she give me more. After my second round of begging with little whimpering noises and pants Savyna started pounding her huge cock back in me. That made my pleasure rev so high I started scratching her back. At first she cringed in pain then it made her pace faster as if my scratches were motivating her. Savyna moaned loudly as sting from me scratchin' her back mixed with the sound of her pounding her rod in to me, it drove both of our pleasures higher. “Oh... AJ... mmmm scratch harder... That's right you love it don't you baby?” Savyna moaned in to my ear. Then she positioned her hands so they were closer ta mah pussy, she lifted me up a little higher so I got less of the toy as I dug my nails in to her back harder. “Oh yesss... Yessss Savyna... Ah love it... Keep goin' baby... “ I moaned back to Savyna. A couple seconds later my juices collided with her seed as we both climaxed. After our climax Savyna looked at me with a smile then kissed me leaving the toy inside me. We stood there for a few seconds before she started slowly stroking in and out again. This time her pace was much slower, she was teasing me until my body was completely relax and loosened up for what she had planned next. Once I was relaxed, almost limp, in her grip she lifted me up completely off the huge cock and sliding me back down om it but with closer to her, lettin' the cock infiltrate my back door. I gasp at the sudden feeling of my back door being filled. So far we had just used the beads and her fingers but this was something completely new. The first trust was just deflected by he cheeks but her next attempt got her flare head right between and I felt the tight opening flex as it was spread wide. The feeling wasn't unpleasant at first, it was very enjoyable, it was much like when Savyna would slip her fingers in my tail end. The somewhat uncomfortable part happened after my anal ring move past the four finger wide mark and the cock head mad entry in the my warm depths. I held on to her tightly biting my lip and whimpering as I waited for my tight little chute to get used to being spread so wide. Inch after inch disappeared in to the place under my tail until I maid to the half way point when Savyna stop lowering me and grunted in sheer bliss. I was still trying to get use to so much stallion back there but the feeling of the heat from Savyna's cock coupled with fact all of my muscles were trying to push the invading shaft back out or pulled it deeper, my back door had made up my mind yet, had my heart thumping and the pussy winking hard. “Oh fuck... your so damn tight. Its like your trying to suck me deeper or make me cum....” Savyna pant as she tried to hold still till I was ready. I just made little whimpering noise the sensation in my ass and pussy had my mind completely blank. I was having hard time just remembering to breath properly let alone thinking of a responds to her comment. After what felt like ages the mild discomfort of being stretched fade and I just the pleasant full feeling, I wiggled my bottom enjoying the new full feeling. This joy was short lived, once I was used to the first 12 inches in me Savyna started thrusting giving me several more on each new thrust until I had the whole length of her cock buried in my far south field. After I was moaning and grinding my hips in to her she starts speeding up her pace, forcing me to her whole length on each thrust. I moan as Savyna supported me with one arm as she slipped her free had between us and started pinching my clit as she slid the cock in and out of me. My tongue hung from my mouth as I was lost in a sea of pleasure from the hard anal ride, my first anal sex ride, in the shower. When I seemed close to cumming she lifted me back up sliding the cock out of the clenching back door and she thrusts it hard back in to my drenched pussy. I came hard the moment the head of cock hit my cervix. I nearly cried myself hoarse as I started scratched her back again as she fucked me thru the climax. She quickened her pace until she had me slamming my back against the wall. “Oh Savyna... Oh god by Celestia's sun, harder baby! FUCK ME HARDER!” I yelled as I laid my head back against the wall. “Oh no my dear, keep your head up I want you to look at me.” Savyna grunted to me. I lifted my head up to face her after her statement. I lifted my half closed eyelids to stare directly in her eyes until a bright burst of sexual bliss filled my vision with white. I close my eyes as I moan long and loud as came again but more violently then before. “... Mmmm... You like it don't you? You like it when I pound the hell out of your pussy don't you?” Savyna asked me with a grin as she leaned forward and kissed me. I was over flowing with pleasure as she began to suck on my neck again. I continued to scratch her back with one hand as I used the other to wrap around the neck of the love of my life. “Oh... Yes Savyna... Pound me hard sugarcube... mmmm... “ I moaned to Savyna as she sped her thrusts up. Then she put her hands under the back of my head and laid me down on the shower floor. I felt the toy slide out of me, Savyna slid in between mah legs and kissed me as she groped me. Then she moved a little to the side of me and sucked and licked my nipple as her fingers slipped to my hungry cunt. She teased me for a few seconds before she moved back in between my legs and went down to my waist line. I felt her grab my thighs then her tongue on my folds seconds later then I felt her fingers slide in and out of me fast. “Oh Savyna... mmmm... you feel sooo good... yesssss... “ I moaned as I closed my eyes I got lost in the bliss. The muscles in my stomach clenched as I my juices squirt all over Savyna's face. The pleasure of the warm water mixed with her touching and loving on me was so intoxicating, it felt like I was about to die, by Luna's night it felt so good. I wasging to be so sore once the high from the shower wore off but ut was goin to be so worth it. Savyna got up smiling as she draped back over me and kissed me. Our kiss lasted for a few minutes then we got up and finished our shower washing each other off. We got out, Savyna said the magic words in reverse order and place the toy on the stand next to the sink before drying off. I had already dried myself off and was in the middle of drying my mane and tail, which takes forever to dry, Savyna was dry and had already gotten dressed. She had on light blue denim shorts that where just short enough to tease me or anyone looking at how shapely her bottom and legs were and a white v-shaped collar t-shirt. Her hair was down and still damp, her bangs covered part of her face like they always do leaving her beauty a mystery when you looked at her. She was so damn sexy, dressed up or not, her body was amazing and any clothing she wore just made even more so. After my mane was dry and my tail mostly dried I got dressed and busied mahself with the long task of brushing my mane out. While I was examining my outfit for lent or loose threads as I brushed my hair in the body mirror on the back of the bathroom door I spotted Savyna walk up behind me. She wrap her arms around my waist as she admired our look in the mirror and smiled. “Sex with you is fucking awesome,” Savyna said, “and I know you love sex with me, I'm better than most stallions, right? I know exactly how you want it.” She boasted with smug look on her as her fingers crept up my sides and tickled me. I fell back into her and started laughing. I've never told any one where my tickle spots are but she was pretty damn good at finding most of them. She tickled me until my stomach started hurting from laughing so much. “Savyna stop it! Yer makin' my stomach hurt!” I said trying to stop laughing but couldn't. “Nope, not until you tell me I'm right.” Savyna said continuing to tickle me to death. “Never!” I said laughing my head off. She was trying her hardest to break me with her tickle power but I was still as stubborn as a mule. She tickled me more furiously when it looked like I was going to give up with out a fight.. “Tell me! I want a number!” Savyna yelled laughing with me. “Okay, fine. Yer right, yer 15 on a scale of 10!” I finally said not being able to breath from laughing so hard. She stopped then leaned forward and kissed me from behind. When the kiss ended she looked at me and grinned. “God, Savyna, ya almost made me piss mahself!” I exclaimed ta her smiling then kissing her again. It was unbelievable how happy she made me. “It's not fair if'n ya knew all mah ticklish spots like that.” “All's fair in love and war my dear Apple Jack.” She shot back as she ran from the bathroom with me hot on her heels. I chased her into the bedroom and stopped at the door, I peered in the room but didn't see Savyna. I slowly walked towards the bed when Savyna jumped from behind the door and wrestled me to the bed. Both of us couldn't stop from laughing as we wrestled, I wrestled with Savyna until I was on top of her and had her pinned down. We both finally managed to stop laughing as we looked each other deeply in our eyes. “You know I let you win right?” Savyna asked smiling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head then leaned down to give her a long kiss. “Okay then, since I gave you a number ya have ta give me one.” I said. Savyna looked at me for a second. “Hmm... “ She said as if thinking hard about it. “Negative 5.” Savyna said with a grin. I gasped and went wide eyed as I rolled off her. She rolled on top and pinned me down. “Don't be like that, you know I was just joking babe. I give you a 20.” She said then gave me a kiss. I smiled at her then kissed her back. “Why a 20?” I asked. “Because your the only person I've been with that connects to me on every level and brings out the best in me. Plus really tight and your always wet every time we have sex.” She explained to me. “It just can't be mostly the sex. Ah'm being serious here. Tell the honest truth sugarcube, please?” I asked her with my poutie face. “Okay, okay I'll tell you the truth just no more poutie face. I can't say no to that face.” Savyna said as she threw up her arms in defeat. “The truth is because your the first person I been with the make me feel at peace. I don't have try to figure out what makes you happy just being near, with connect to you make you happy which make me happy. Plus you have a rather hot plot. I can;t get enough of it.”She gave me another kiss. “Where ever did ya'll learn such a filthy term for a mare's backside such as that?” I asked in mock anger. “From Dragon Feather when he was talking about Twilight's plot.” Savyna as she got and ran for it. I chased after shout about washing her and mouth out with soap for saying such filthy things as went downstairs laughing the whole way. I cooked us some dinner as Savyna sat the table. We sat beside each other and ate before goin upstairs to go to bed. Savyna cuddled with me and held me as I filled with warmth from her touch. She was hard as a rock yet when she held me I melted in her arms with her soft warm touch. She hummed a lullaby in my ear as she pressed her lips to my forehead I drifted in to a long sleep. DAY 5 of bliss When I woke up Savyna was already awake but was still holding me. She looked at me and smiled before she kissed me. I seen the sun was just coming up out the window. “Why are you up so early?” I asked her. I've never really seen her awake before 8:00 A.M. “I had another nightmare but I didn't want to wake you.” she replied to me. I felt bad for not being up when it happened. I laid there for a few seconds trying to think of something soothing to say when something completely off subject started to come in mind. The baby dream and the vision Savyna as pony with me and our daughter on a picnic flashed thru my head. I remembered that I was going to talk to Savyna about it. The problem I had now was how to bring the subject up to Savyna. I figured I should just cam out and say it but will a little tact since I could be blunt when I was being honest. “Savyna?” I called to her softly. She looked back from the window she was staring out of. “What is it baby?” She answered back. “Ah was wonderin'... how ya would feel bout, … well Ah was thinkin'...” I fumbled with my words worried about what she would say when I asked about having a foal with me. “AJ what's wrong? Why are you so flustered? Is there something you need to tell me?” She asked concern at my blushing and flustered words. “You know you can tell me anything Apple Jack. I won't judge you you know that.” “Ah know that but what I have ta ask ya is hard ta say. I don't know how ya'll take this when Ah say it.” I told her and blushed a bit more. I didn't know why but I felt so flushed and scared to ask what I had been thinking about for several days after the first baby dream. “It's okay baby, you can ask me no matter what it is. I'm here for you.” Savyna told meas she pulled me in to her arms. “Big Mac got some good news he's goin' ta be a father in 11 months. Cheerilee is havin' his faol and the night before ya came home he proposed ta her so their getting hitched.” I said trying to warm up to my questions. “Is that all honey? I that you need to ask me something? If is about if I'm happy for them or what I think, the answers I very happy for them and it couldn't have happened to a better stallion like your brother. Cheerilee is a super lucky mare but not as lucky as you.” Savyna said with bright smile. “That's not all, ya see, Ah mentioned it cause it brings me ta Ah need ta ask ya but first Ah have something Ah need ta tell ya first.”I told her softly , she just nodded as she waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath then let out slowly before I spoke. “Well that the day after ya left Ah had a dream of use bein' together and we were sittin' on the on the front porch starin' at the star when I told ya Ah was with foal and it was yers. The dream jumped into the future and Ah was several months pregnant along side Cheerilee who was a month or so a head of me. You and Big Mac were workin' the fields together when Cheerilee Apple Bloom and Ah brought the two of ya lunch. We were married and ya teased back about gettin' pregnant first but we got hitched first. After that the dream jump in to the future with us sittin' in a hospital room. Ah was holdin' our daughter and you were sittin' the chair next to the bed sleepin' softly. Day or so later Ah was in the shower when Ah had another vision of us in the future with our daughter and ya were pony, we were having a picnic with our daughter and she was five. She was happy little filly the looked just like Falma and Mother.” I told Savyna and the waited for to take it all in. “AJ did yo-you just say her Falma and Mother?” Savyna asked with her eyes wide with surprise. “Yes, that the word I heard us and our daughter say when we referred ta ya. What does it mean?” I ask softly. “Its the term used to refer to mare or female that is the father of a child who has two female parents or to female acts as father to child. Dragon Feather and I often referred to our martial arts mother as Falma when talk his mother Layla or my step-mother about her. Whenever Layla or my step-mother weren't around we just called Sunburst mom or mother but the all were together we called our mother's mom and Sunburst Falma.” Savyna explained to me. “Are you sure you have never heard Dragon Feather say it.?” “No, The first and only time Ah heard it was in the vision.” I told Savyna then sat the thinking for a bit before speaking again, “What do ya think of us havin' a foal together?” I asked her and waited for her reaction. She just looked at confused me for a moment. “I don't know. I mean I've never thought about having children at all. I never really been with anyone that I thought would goo partner or I loved truly so the whole kids thing never came up til now. Wait a second... how would we have a foal other then adoption or finding a stallion to helps? Is even possible for us have a foal any other way?” She asked me scooting her face closer so our heads met. “Why do you ask? Is it because of the dreams? Have you been thinking about it since then?” “Well Ah have a little bit since the dreams. Ah mean Ah have been thinkin' bout it, a little us runnin' around. Ah love you Savyna, Ah know ya love me and Ah well since the dreams Ah...want ta have a baby with you... some day.” She didn't have a reaction to what I had said so I just answered her other question of how we could have a foal together. “There are clinics that could helps us have a foal so we wouldn't have ta adopt or find a stallion. Pinkie Pie told me bout some clinics that use magic and things ta help a mixed race mare and female couples like us have a foal the natural way. This way ya would be the foal's true Sire, our baby would be apart of both of us.” Savyna just sat there very still for a long time seemingly lost in thought as she tried to process what I had just told her. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. What I did know was that it worried me something fierce not knowing on way or the other. “Well it would be nice AJ but I don't think I'm in the right state for a child right now, I mean with me being gone all the time and my past that I'm still having problems with I'm just not fit to be raising a child. I couldn't do that to you or our child.” Savyna explained to me with a sad sigh. Never have words ever crushed me like those words had, I felt my heart sink. “Ah know ya have problems and all but Ah figured we could work through them together. Ah wasn't meaning fer us have a child now, Ah meant sometime in the future when we are ina more stable place. Will ya think bout it some fer me?” I asked her rubbing up against her. She smiled before kissing me. “Of course I will, beautiful.” Savyna said to me softly before a sweet little kiss to the lips. After our conversation our morning ended with a two hour fetish party in bed for a morning wake up then we ate breakfast that I had cooked up. After our breakfast we got cleaned up and dressed in our clothes from yesterday since they were still clean and Savyna and I went on a walk. Since we were going for a walk a made sure to take a few doses of meds so my urges would bother us. Savyna walked beside me with her arm around me as I led her to my special place I took Apple Bloom to the day of our picnic. We walked up to the big old oak tree with picnic basket and blanket in hand. “Oh my god AJ this is beautiful.” Savyna said with wide eyes as she looked out on the view. I just smiled and grabbed her hand as I sat her down in front of the oak tree, I sat on the blanket with my back against the tree and Savyna laid her head on my stomach between my legs. I started to play in her soft wavy hair and laid my other hand on her chest. We stayed like that until my stomach rumbled some time later. We at our picnic lunch and talked about our childhoods. Savyna shared a few more things with that Dragon Feather didn't know. I told Savyna about me and Rarity being friends since we were fillies. I told her about Rarity being my very first girl on girl kiss. She laughed at it. We were having a relaxing tim until my meds wore off and one of my urges kicked in. Savyna laughed at me when she find me trying to ignore it to persevere our little outing. She told to never hide my desire since it was only natural for me to want her when I was in heat. After a little teasing and comforting we ended up going down on each other until Savyna have seven or eight climaxes to me given her only four. She was spoiling way too much and I was going to a pain live with my next estrus if she kept that up. By the time we finished up and walked back to the house it was sunset. On the way back we were spoited by Black who was out with Rarity and Zecora for a walk near the farm. Black waved Savyna to talk in private. While they spoke just out of ear shot I took time to talk to Rarity and Zecora. Turns out that they both were just as spoiled the estrus as I was, Black had some how manged to keep u with both of with using the stamina potions yet. In fact Zecora had said the reason they had gone for a walk today was give both of their sore marehoods a break. I told them both I knew the feeling Savyna had been doing extreme will dealing me for the last five days. I told them both about waking of sore several times only to be ever more sore hours later. We all had a giggle about that and promised to give each other more details at our next girls gathering with Fluttershy. After Savyna and Black's quick chat in some strange language we all said our goodbyes went our separated ways. As we got closer to the house I asked what was up and Savyna said Black was just tell her about what was planned for the team in the up coming weeks and it was nothing I need to worry about. I had my doubts but let it go as we made back to the house. “what do ya want fer supper sweetie?” I asked her on our way in the front door and I headed towards the kitchen. “I'm not very hungry tonight darling, I'm very tired so I'm going to bed early tonight. Fix yourself something to eat and come to bed when your ready. ” Savyna replied to me yawning as she headed for the stairs. I was very hungry, for some reason that's all I've wanted to do today, other getting rutted, was eat. Savyna hasn't been eating much lately, it kind of had me worried. The only time she wants to eat was when we get done having sex our when I place a plate of food in front of and waited until she took a bit before I started eating. I would have to talk to her about that soon I just let go for the time being. I went upstairs to the bedroom after a helping of soup and a sandwich that I washed down with a cup of juice. When I entered the room I found Savyna laying on the bed with her arm covering her face. I laid down beside her and started rubbing her stomach. She didn't budge even after feeling my touch, I bent down and gave her a soft kiss on her lips then laid my head beside her. She uncovered her eyes and looked over at me bit with sad look then she just looked back at the ceiling and covered her eyes again. “Savyna, what's wrong sweetie?” I asked her looking at her a little concerned. “I have a lot on my mind right now I'm just really overwhelmed at the moment.” She replied to me, she didn't uncover her eyes when she spoke. I laid my head on her shoulder and kept rubbing her toned stomach. “Is there anythin' Ah can do ta make ya feel better?” I asked her trying to help. I heard her sigh. “No I don't think there's really anything you can do right now AJ.” Savyna answered back in one breath. “Well Ah think Ah could cheer ya up.” I said to her, she didn't say anything she just laid there. I moved her arm so I could look her directly in her eyes. She just looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “What's got ya so worked up sugarcube?” I asked her wiping the tears from her face. She sniffled a little before answerin' me. “I'm just really stressed out, Black told me that in a few weeks we have to leave again for another big job and with this whole thing I have to do as my part. If I go with group I won't see you for a week or more this time. With the responsibility of taking care of you now and everything else happening in my life it's a lot to deal with.” she explained to me. I felt really hurt after hearing that she would be leaving again and this time longer then before. But on the other hand I was happy that she said she felt responsible for taking care of me, not that I needed somepony to take care of me but it was the thought that counted. “Sweetie you don't have ta worry bout me, Ah can take care of myself. Ah hate that you have ta leave again though, I feel so lonely when yer gone.” I gave her gentle kiss on the cheek. “But it would be selfish of me ta ask ya ta stay here when Ah know you need ta and want ta go help your friends. So go and know Ah'll be here safe waiting happily fer yer return.” I gave her another gentle kiss before we laid there kissing for a few minutes then I slipped my hand a little lower than her belly button. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid my hand in her panties. I rubbed the top of her mound for a bit before I slid lower so that a couple fingers slid in her. I heard Savyna moan in to my kiss as I slowly was working my fingers in her tight wet pussy. She might not have been a virgin but it sure felt like she was at times, guys must've loved that about her. But Savyna didn't seem like the intimate type so I figured she most likely turned down a lot of guys and didn't sleep with most of them. My pace got faster as Savyna's moans got louder then suddenly I slipped my fingers out of her and stopped my kisses. “Ah told ya Ah could cheer ya up.”I said to her with a smile. She just smiled back at me and pulled me on top of her with the covers. I took off her shirt and jeans and started playing with her wet sex again. Then slowly went lower as I got a good taste of her desiring cunt. She gripped the sheets and let out a high moan as I enjoyed my feast of her. Our night ended with me making Savyna cum three times before she went down and made me cum twice. Then we got out the newest toy and did at least four positions before I got a nice creamy facial. After cleaning up we went to sleep with me laying on Savyna's chest with her arms around me. DAY 6 of bliss When I woke up I was still on top of Savyna and she was still sound asleep. I got up off of her and went to use the bathroom, I didn't realize it but I really had to pee and a lot. Never knew my badder could be so full and I really hadn't drank all the much yesterday. When I got back to the room Savyna was still asleep and the room was a mess. So I decided to clean up a little while Savyna slept and after twenty minutes I had cleaned the whole room except for the sheets on the bed. After I finished cleaning, taking the laundry downstairs and starting it before getting some clean clothes ready I found Savyna was still asleep. For some reason she's sleeping pretty late, I figured she would have been up by now. Usually when she doesn't feel me beside her it forces her to wake up. I laid back on the bed beside her, board. I didn't know what to do. I contemplated on waking her up but I didn't want to disturb her sleep since it was rare when she got any and she never woke me up. But I need to have her right now and just seeing her lay there taunted me. My eyes scanned across her body as she laid there asleep. I looked at her breasts, they weren’t that big my mare standards but just big enough to give her a good appearance. Then my eyes went further down, her stomach was toned but not overly muscular. Now that I think about it she isn't very muscular at all but she could pick up just about anything. She had a cute little belly button, her skin was baby soft. Then I went lower and looked at her thongs. They wrapped her body perfectly and barely had any material on them but just enough to hide her womanly parts from me. Her eyes were still closed and she had long thick beautiful eye lashes. She had soft perfect lips and her eye brows naturally and beautifully curved to fit her face. She was a beautiful force of nature and I bet whatever divine being had allowed her to be born had pulled all the stops and I was overjoyed for that. I glanced over her body one more time with lust glinting in my eyes before I thought of waking her up for a quickie. But when my eyes finally made it back to her face she was awake. She laid there with a smile on her face, she pulled me back over to her. “Come here, why are you so far away? I saw you checking me out.” Savyna laughed. “You don't have to be afraid to touch me, I'm yours, remember?” She said to me with a smile. I giggled shyly then laid I beside her. “ I just didn't wanna wake ya sugarcube. Ya looked so peaceful.” I replied to her, she leaned forward and kissed me. “ Yeah well I'm yours now, you don't have to stare. You can have it anytime you want, all you have to do is ask.” She said starting to rub her hand across my body. “I checked you out a lot before we got together, and I still do. You see this?” She asked me looking down at her own body. “Is all for you to play with. Do you like my body AJ?” Savyna asked in a low tone, I started to fall in a trance, getting mesmerized by her words. “Yes Savyna, Ah'm in love with yer body baby.” I answered back to her. She grabbed my hand and rubbed it across her stomach for a bit before I started doing it on my own. Savyna started kissing me as she undid my bra and started massaging my breast. Then she leaned down and started sucking like she was breast feeding. I let out a low moan, then she sat back up and started kissing me again. I felt her hands move lower as she cupped my pussy with one hand and squeezed lightly. “You have a sexy little pussy, you know that AJ?” Savyna asked me kissing me gently. “I do?” I asked her with a smile, her dirty talk was so sexy, I loved it. “Mmm Hmmm.” Savyna replied back before sucking on my nipples again. Ah let out another low moan as her fingers went inside my panties and slipped in me. She started stroking her fingers in and out of me fast. “Ohh Savyna... right there baby... “ I moaned as I gripped the side of her neck. She took me in another long deep kiss to prevent me from calling to her. Our morning ended with both of us cumming four times each. After we were done we Savyna insisted that we go get cleaned up and dressed. So five minutes later we hopped in the shower. Once in the shower Savyna was all business so I got shot down for some hot shower sex. After we got out and dried off we got dressed together. “Savyna, why do we need a shower Sweetie? Ah didn't think we were goin' anywhere special today are we?” I asked looking over at her, she was wearing her loose fitting monk pants and a white v-neck. I had on some light blue jeans and still had my shirt off. “Well we are going out, I wanna take you out on a date today. We haven't had one official date yet so today we are. Were not going anywhere in particular I just want to take you out and have a good time.” Savyna replied. “Make sure you take your medication and bring some along. We don't want to make a scene in town.” Ah stuck out my tongue at her at that not having a scene in town comment before I thru on my white tank top. I grabbed the first bottle of my estrus meds and took the last two pills before I thru the second bottle in my purse and we went downstairs had breakfast then left the house. Savyna gave me a piggy back ride all the way to town. About half way there she started spinning in circles and galloping around like crazy person making me laugh more than I have in a while. When we got to town the first thing we did was go to a clothes shopping at one of the other dress shops since the Carousel Boutique was still closed. Once she got me in the shop Savyna mad me try on several different outfits and had me model them. After doing that a while she bought me a cute little school girl outfit and several dress that were way too frou-frou for me to every think about buying on my own. After we left there we were on our way to Sugarcube Corners for lunch. We had lunch and talked with Pinkie Pie for a bit She was working in the bakery to give herself a break from her special duties plus she was giving her intern Bright Lily a chance to run the sex shop by herself for the first time. After lunch we went to the park and Savyna showed me a few of her martial arts moves then gave me a few lessons on kicks and throws. After our lessons in the park we head for a really expensive restaurant and bar, The Golden Apples. “This is my favorite place to eat since I first came to Ponyville, they have the best soup ever.” Savyna explained to me as we walked up to the bar. “You got us a reservation at the most expensive place in Ponyville?” I asked her shocked. “I'm so undressed for this.” “You look fine so don't worry. We'll look just fine at dinner” She said softly as she looked at me and smiled. But the Golden Apples is the most expensive restaurant in Ponyville, only a princess gets in without pryer notice. We had one of Twilight's Coronation dinners there. Ya have ta have a reservation ta get in. How did ya get one on short notice like this?” “Reservation? Well I don't have one exactly, I don't really need one, you'll see.” She replied to me smiling. We walked in and I followed Savyna to the front counter. “Name please.” The secretary looking pale purple mare said, she was wearing glasses and had her white and sliver mane in a bun. “Savyna Shadowstorm.” Savyna replied to the mare, the mare looked down for a minute then went wide eyed and looked back up at me and Savyna. “ Oh Mrs. Shadowstorm! Of course, right this way madam, we have table for two ready.” The mare said. Savyna looked back at me and smiled then grabbed my hand for me to follow her and the purple mare. The mare from the front counter led us to a table in the back and disappeared back to the counter. Savyna sat in the booth and Ah took a seat beside her. We sat there for about 2 minutes before a waiter walked up to our table. He had on a suit and tie with his slick black mane combed back. I felt really under dressed staring at him. “What can I get for you two ladies this evening?” The waiter asked smiling at us. “I'll have a bottle of champagne and for dinner your special soup and a glass of Hennessy. My lady friend here will have the same.” Savyna said then the waiter disappeared to fill our order. A couple of minutes passed then another waiter came back with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He sat them down in front of us then hurried off to fill some other pony's order. Savyna opened the bottle and poured some of the sparkling liquid in to both our glasses. She held her glass up for a minute then clanked it with mine. “Cheers, to us, to you being the girl -er, mare of my dreams that makes me happier than anything.” Savyna said to me smiling. We both took drinks from our glasses then Savyna leaned forward and kissed. “Savyna, you haven't been very intimate with others in yer past relationships have you?” I asked her after my sip of champagne, it tasted like fizzy grapes almost and the bubbles were making me but gigglely. After my question Savyna nearly choked on her second drink from her glass. She struggled to swallow the liquid then let out a laugh. “Where did that question come from?” Savyna laughed. “Well to tell you the truth, I have only been in three serious relationships before you and I was only intimate with two of them. It's not that I didn't like them I just pace myself in relationships and I'm very selective about who I take to bed.” Savyna explained to me. “Now I have dated quite a few guys and been intimate with some of them but it was just for the pleasure an nothing more. After all I was a girl with needs back then.” It took me by surprise that she hadn't been in very many relationships but I wasn't surprised to know she had had sex with a few stallions, she did know how work a cock and only cam seeing them in action or having one. “That's surprising, anyone would be lucky ta have ya in any form let along ta date ya. But Ah can imagine how mad that one guy must've been when ya refused ta sleep with him. Ah'm glad ta call myself one of the lucky few ta have ya.” I said before taking another drink of Champagne. “Yeah he was pissed and our relationship ended shortly after, which was a shame because I almost gave in.” She told me. “He was really handsome strong like your brother but rather arrogant because his strength.” I laughed at the thought of Big Mac being arrogant about his strength and trying to sleep with a mare as beautiful Savyna. While we ate we talked about past relationships and the ups and downs of them. Savyna learned that I had had two more relationships then her but all of them with stallions and I had kissed a girl before but I had been a filly when it happened. It was during a silly kissing game when I was Apple Blooms age. She even told me about a double date the she and Dragon Feather had gone on that ended with Dragon Feather being covered in tar trying to impress the young mare he had been with at the time. After our romantic dinner out Savyna asked me to come to a fight club to cheer her on, and of course I did but I was a bit worried that she would get hurt. She told me she would be fine, that the fight club would take all of the precautions to insure no one got hurt. It would be like a lot of sparing matches for prize money. When we got there I gave Savyna a kiss for good luck then she got in the ring. She ended up beating 3 people before she came up against a pretty strong wolf like woman I swear I seen come thru Ponyville some time ago before she lost. The fight was a grand display of martial arts skill and abilities but the wolf gal got the best of Savyna and hit her with a seven in one strike as she called it. The seven blows all at once was just to much for Savyna after three previous fights and she went down. I was about to run in to the ring but the club's cleric stepped in healed her and her opponent. The wolf gals shook Savyna's hand and said she hope to face her again some day to really test the limits of the skills and Savyna told her she like that one day soon so they both could really go all out. I prayed that day would never come after seeing those two just sparing. After dealing with the in ring stuff Savyna got out the ring and on of the fight club counter mares handed Savyna a large bag before she came back over to me. She gave me a long kiss then she handed me the bag. I opened it up and my eyes lit up as I seen the bag filled with gold coins. “There's enough in there to renovate the farm, get Granny Smith's hip fixed, and a little extra for you.” Savyna said with a bright smile. I felt tears drip down my face as I looked back up at her in disbelieve. “Oh sugarcube ya didn't have ta... “ Was all I got out then I hugged her as tight as I could. “I told you AJ, don't ever be scared to ask me for anything. I'd go to the end of this world and back for you if it made you happy.” Savyna said to me then she hugged me back and gave me a kiss. “You know what this means don't ya? Special sex tonight.” I whispered to her with a smile. She laughed before hugging me, we spent the rest of the time in town shopping and running errands for Savyna so she would be ready for her long trip in a few weeks. When we made it back ta the farm it was about 6:00 P.M. Savyna decided to have a movie to night so we made a big bed on the floor in front of the bed in the bedroom with extra pillows and a crystal projector to watch movie on. Savyna made popcorn as I finished setting up the bed. I laid in Savyna's lap holding the popcorn with Savyna's arms around me, we watched a really old scary movie. I got really scared about half way thru the movie and Savyna held me to calm me down for a bit. Our touching moment started a make-out session on the floor. Savyna rubbed on me and kissed me as we ended our night with Savyna riding me until 2:45 A.M. Day 7 of bliss I woke up beside Savyna, she was already awake and had a sketch pad drawing something. I yawned and rolled over. She looked at me when she noticed I was awake. “Good morning, gorgeous.” Savyna said then smiled. She leaned over and kissed me. “Good morning sexy.” I smiled back and gave her a kiss. “What ya drawin'?” I asked her trying to peek over shoulder at her sketch pad but didn't see much. “Oh this?” She replied then showed me the sketch pad. I gasped in shock and felt tears rose in my eyes. One over filled and dripped down my cheek. “Oh my god, Savyna! It's beautiful!” I exclaimed lookin' down at the extremely detailed and realistic drawing of me sleeping. It looked exactly like me! I couldn't believe it. “That is amazin' Savyna! Why didn't ya tell me ya could draw like that?” I asked looking up at her from the drawing. She smiled at me then gave me another kiss. “I was board and didn't want to wake you so I drew you. I've always been able to draw, but it's never been something that I wanted to pursue. So do you like it?” she asked me. “Do Ah like it?! Are ya out yer mind of course Ah like it, Ah love it.” I said hugging her. “Well I'm glad you do because it's yours.” Savyna said then handed me the sketch pad. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. “Oh thank you sooo much Sugarplum.” I said kissing her again then I got up and put the sketch pad in my drawer of my desk. When I went to lay back down I got a sharp pain in my stomach and ribs it almost hurt to walk. And for some reason I was really cold. I got back on the bed and covered up next to Savyna. She started rubbing my back gently, as if she read my mind. “What's wrong baby? You don't look very good and your sweating.” Savyna said to me. She looked at me concerned. “No actually mah stomach hurts, Ah feel like Ah'm gonna throw up. And Ah'm freezin' cold.” I told her with my hand over my mouth. Savyna rubbed my back for awhile then got up off the bed and went towards the door. “I'll be right back AJ.” she said then went out the door. I sat there fer a few minutes then she came back in the room with a glass of clear liquid with suds in it. She came and sat down beside me on the bed. “Here, drink this. It should make you feel better.” she said handing me he cup. I took the glass from her and took big gulps until it was empty. I let out a long burp after I finished. Savyna looked at me and giggled. I smiled shyly after excusing myself for the burp. We laid there for a few moments until my stomach eased up, once I was feeling better I got to wrestling with Savyna until I was on top of Savyna pinning her down. Once I had her pinned we started making out until I reached for our new toy and she strapped it on. After she was under the magic words I climbed on to her mighty shaft and rode her as I continued to kiss her passionately. Soon she had me on top of my dresser pounding me as hard as she could. After we were done we cleaned up, took showers and got dressed. I made me and Savyna some coffee and some soup with garlic bread. I ended up eating quite a few helpings even after Savyna was full. For the rest of the afternoon until the sun went down and the stars came out me and Savyna were on the front porch breathing in the warm breezy country air. We laid on the swing together as Savyna wrapped me in her arms and gently rubbed my stomach. That made the hurt go down a little. “AJ your world is amazing. So this is what you see most of the time, huh?” Savyna said after a while. I just smiled before answering her. “Yep. Isn't it beautiful? Hey look over there. Ya see those two stars?” I asked pointing out two stars right next to each other. “Yeah I see them . What about them?” Savyna asked curiously. “Well Sugarcube Ah want ya ta say hi ta mah parents. Those two stars are mah mother and father. They said they would always watch over Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and me always so they become those two stars. Every night even in the winter those are the only two stars that Princess Celestia and now Princess Luna since her return never touch. Ah asked Princess Luna once about them and she told me those two stars are not under her powers and nor would she move them even if asked too. Those two stars burn on their own is what she told me.” I explained to Savyna. “Ah often talk ta them when Ah'm feelin' blue or need some questions answered.” ”Your parents huh?” Savyna asked before turn to face the stars. “Well Mr and Mrs Apple I would be honored if you let me date your daughter and be here for her and the family for as long as Apple Jack wants me too.” Savyna said loudly. After she uttered both stars shone even bright then before. “Mah Parents approve of you and yer vow Sugarcube.” I told her with a smile. “Wow that was amazing. I can't believe your parents are stars but it's not too hard to believe when I'm here with you. You shine like a star just like them.” Savyna told me with a smile. “That's nothing special really, Ah could only imagine the things that you've seen. I mean you been all over the world and Ah never left Equestria. The farthest I have been is the Crystal Empire in the north..” I said after a bit of silence. I rubbed my head against hers, she looked at me after a while. “My life wasn't all that bad. I mean up until that night. Yes, I have seen a lot of the world but a lot of that was during my battles. Often time when your on the battlefield up to your knees in corpses with a 1000 men racing towards you out for your blood you don't have time to see or worry about the wonders and beauty of the world around you.” She said with a bit hesitant. She rubbed her face back against mine before kissing me softly. “But I don't have to worry about none of that now, because I have you.” She said smiling after the kiss. The moon peeked around a few clouds making the sky purple as the fireflies filled the air. This week had been amazing, it let me spend more time with Savyna and get to know her better. Plus we really needed some time together, I wasn't sure when she had to leave again but I figured we could make the most out of the time we do have together. After a while we went into the house and started clean everything up. We had to have the house disinfected before the rest of the family came back and I was going be in enough trouble about the stains on the couch and the mess in Big Mac's room. After all of the house was clean up Savyna and I had a big dinner with me eating a big portion of it then we went to bed. In the morning the family save for Apple Bloom, who had gone to school from Rarity's, come home and greeted Savyna and me as we were on our way out to the mansion that Savyna and her friends had built in town after they decided to make Ponyville there permanent home away from home. When we arrived at the large house a maid showed us to Savyna room and we sat their most of the day arrange Savyna's room before I was off to deal with the food stall in town. Five days had passed and it was getting close to the time for Savyna and the rest of her team to leave fer their next mission so in the time Savyna and I had been spending every free minute we had together. The day it all happened was no different, I had woken up early that showered gotten dress eaten breakfast and started work long before Granny Smith had even gotten to the kitchen to start breakfast. By the time Big Mac and Brass Tail got the fields I had already apple bucked some twenty trees. Both Big Mac and Brass Tail were surprised to see me so full of energy. They soon took over and sent me off to see Savyna I just had to be back for the cart for the stall in town in the afternoon. I thanked them then I was off. It didn't take me long to get the the house and Savyna was waiting for me. The other were all out and they had given the staff the day off since everyone was going to be out all day save for Savyna. So we had the whole large house to ourselves so we decided to sat in the sun room holding each other and talking. After a while of us laying on the soft long couch drinking jasmine tea in the warm sun coming thru the large bay windows, Savyna looked off in to the distance and sighed then got up and told me she had to use the bathroom. I just nodded to her and stayed on the couch. As I waited I finished my tea then started nibbling on a some almond cookies the were sitting next to the tea pot. I sat there for a few minutes before realizing Savyna had been upstairs for sometime. I was a little worried about her so I got up and went up the stairs to check on her. I seen the light in the bathroom still on and the door was shut so I walked up and knocked on the door. “Savyna? Are ya okay sweetie?” I asked as I opened the door, when I opened it I saw Savyna standing by the bathroom window staring intently out of it. She turned to me when I walked in and her eyes went wide. “AJ, you can't be in here. I can't let her see you-” She said rushing over to me trying to get me out the room then she cut herself off and looked back out the window. “Oh, no. It's to late, she's coming.” Savyna exclaimed. She grabbed my arms and rushed me into her room and over to the closet “AJ listen, I need you to stay in here okay? Don't come out and don't make a sound. Here.” She explained to me and handed me her necklace that she always kept hid under her shirt I never really noticed it til now. That was pretty odd, it was a black oval stone with see strange blue and white marks on it attached to a silver chain. “Put this on, she won't be able to smell you. I promise I will explain this once she's gone, just trust me.” Savyna said then closed the door. I sat there confused as to what was smelling me and who I was hiding from. I looked through the slats in the door and saw Savyna start to leave but she turned to her window when it blew open it. I sat there for a few minutes still confused and I was about ready to get up and ask her what was going on but as soon as I ended my thought a black cloaked figure appeared in the window. Savyna took a few steps back and the figure jumped to the floor. Then the figure removed the hood that was hiding their appearance. It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust as the room seemed to get dimmer but then I quickly recognized her as the woman from my dream that I had, well more like a nightmare. The woman was very pale and had big brown eyes that matched Savyna's, a lot of her facial features matched. Except for her hair, the woman's was short and jet black that fell to her shoulders. She was wearing black boots like Savyna's and a black leather suit under a black cloak that was also similar to Savyna's. After the woman took her cloak off she walked towards Savyna. “What do you want Selene?” Savyna said with resentfulness in her voice. She backed away from Selene more as she spoke. Selene? I've never heard that name before, but what was this woman doing in my dreams? Savyna had a lot to explain when this was over. I started to get more and more heated as the scene played out. “Savyna please don't be like this. It wasn't my fault that, that happened to you and it wasn't my fault that your father has turned his back on you. Don't hate me, I did this to protect you.” Selene said to Savyna her accent was like she was from older times, older English. Savyna looked back at Selene furious. “Really? It's not your fault that I'm this hideous monster?! It's not your fault that I lose everyone I love because you decided to keep this a secret?!” Savyna spit back at Selene. Selene just looked at Savyna stunned and shameful. “Savyna... Please. I did this to protect you-” Savyna cut her off. “Protect me?! You call this protecting me? It is your fault my father hates me, it's your fault I killed all those innocent people, and its your fault that the only person close to me hates himself for not being able to help when I need it most.” Savyna said back. I seen tears fall down Selene's cheeks. I kinda felt bad for the woman. “Those dragons and your father are the ones to blame for that! I never wanted you to go to Connamaraia nor did I like the fact you were trained by those dragons. There was nothing I could do. My family wouldn't accept you until they knew you possessed the gift and you had feed for the first time. I tried to convince your father to let you explore your other heritage so I could be in you life but he refused at every turn.” Selene explained. “He refused with good reason. I have killed so many people, taken so many innocent lives that I am forever cursed with the title the Bloody Rose. What mother wants that for her child? Tell me Selene, tell me!” Savyna shouted. “Savyna... please... I'm... I'm your mother... I told you anytime you feel trapped you can always come join the clan.“ Selene sputtered. I held my mouth as I gasped in shock, not just by what I had just heard but also by the fact that when Selene talked I saw fangs. The fangs had matched the scar on Savyna's back. I was hopping mad that Savyna would keep this from me. I was half tempted to jump out the closet right then but decided not to since I didn't know how Selene would react to me being there. “Yes, Selene join the clan so I can be a ruthless killer like you huh? Just go... You've done enough... “ Savyna said turning her back on Selene. “Now you know that isn't true Savyna! Why must you act like this?! I love you Savyna and only want what's best for you. You think that just because this happened to you, you can treat me like this?! I-” “Really?! You can say that to me?! You want what's best for me?! You call this what's best for me?!” I seen tears fall down Savyna's cheeks, this was getting a little out of hand. If this went any farther I might have to break up a vampire on vampire fight. “Selene you ruined my life! Even now your ruining my life. Because of you the newest special someone in my life may not be able to stay in my life because of what I am. I'm hold back who I am because I'm afraid of what it will do to that person and you say you did this for my own good.” “I- I only wanted to have a life with you b- but I'm bound by laws old laws the govern my world. A world that you are a part of I only want to...” “So why are you here?! What more could you possibly do to me?!” Savyna shot at her. “Savyna STOP!” Selene's voice rung and echoed through the room. “I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for whatever you accuse me of doing and I'm sorry for making you feel this way. It truly isn't my fault for what happened... but-” “But what? If you didn't than who did?! So your telling me someone else made me have my outburst?” Savyna asked starin' back at her mother. “I can't tell you, you have to find out on your own. Just know I'm sorry and I love you-” “You still didn't answer my question. Why are you here?” Savyna repeated, her voice sounded cold. “I'm here to tell you I'm sorry and-” “Well you already established that so goodbye Selene.” Savyna said turning her back on her. “Yes well-” “Goodbye Selene, why are you still here?” Savyna shot from over her shoulder. Selene didn't reply she threw a note on the floor angrily with tears falling down her cheeks then just turned her back and left back out the window. I waited a few minutes to make sure the coast was clear then slowly cracked the door open. Savyna looked at me as I walked out. I was beyond heated that she would do this to me. Ah I trained myself so I wouldn't hit her right there. “Are you serious Savyna?! A Vampire?!” I exclaimed to her, She looked at me with confusion for a minute before saying anything. “Really AJ? Your really gonna be like this? I told you I would tell you in time.” Savyna tried to explain but I didn't wanna hear it I was too mad. “Your a vampire! A predator! A monster! Ya know ya'll could have told me this before we decided ta have a relationship! Fer all Ah know ya could've bit me!” I spat at her. She looked at me angry and hurt. “A monster?! A predator!? So that's what you see me as?” Savyna replied crying trying to fight back her tears and hurt. “I should've told you?! So what, if I told you would it have changed your decision? Huh AJ? Because if it would have then maybe this whole relationship was a mistake.” Savyna said wiping a tear away waiting for me to answer. “Ya know Savyna if you really feel like I should have had that choice in the beginning then maybe your right and this was a mistake. And maybe it would have changed my mind.” I said back to her letting my anger get the best of me. The hurt mixed with my anger wasn't a good combo and sometimes I can say just about anything to get the other person to feel how I do at that exact moment. A waterfall of tears fell down Savyna's face as she turned her back on me. “Get out Apple Jack and don't ever come back here again,” Savyna said. “and take this foul thing with you.” Savyna tossed the letter on the floor at my hooves before she started crying. I grabbed the note Savyna had thrown at then I ran downstairs slammed the front the door as I ran back to the farm with tears in my eyes. After I was half back to the farm I unfolded the letter and read part of it, it was a letter to Savyna from... I scanned the rest of the way down the page and read the name at the bottom. “Love always and forever your father, Jon Stark.” I gasped in shock by what I just read on the paper in front of me. I folded the letter back up and tucked it away, now what was I going to do? > Ch. 7 The Make Up, The Wizard's Tower, and Unexpected Surprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. The Make Up, the Wizard's Tower, and Unexpected Surprises I felt horrible about what I said to Savyna, she didn't deserve all of the hurtful things I had said in anger and fear but I didn't deserve to be lied to either. While I had been furious about that fact it was meaningless in the grand scheme of things as I had done the one thing I swear I would never do to her. I had hurt Savyna in the worst way possible and for that I deserved her ire and full on hatred. I really needed to speak with Savyna and tell her the truth about my anger and hateful words but I hadn't seen her since the fight. It had been two weeks now and I had been driving myself to insanity worrying about her and how I was going fix this. In the first few days I had had just acted like it hadn't happened and told everypony the Savyna was going to not be around for a while because she need to train for her next job. This worked for the most part as Apple Bloom and Big Mac didn't question it. Granny Smith on the other hand was a bit suspicious but said nothing out loud, she just watched me and waited. When it had become a full week since the fight and my behavior become moody and erratic, I had not been sleeping a lot, I was was hungry all the time, and the sudden up and down motion of my moods hadn't helped matters either on top of the fight with Savyna. Granny Smith began to question me every chance she had me alone. I was quick to dismiss her concerns as me reacting to the time apart from my marefriend and I was trying not to be too selfish with her time after all she had to work for a living and her friends need her too. This work for a time until it got closer to a full two weeks and the depression really set in and I realized the horrible mistake I had made. The mood swings had gotten so bad that I had been snapping at everypony in the house. Now I had to figure out if I still wanted a relationship with Savyna and if I did I need see if was it still possible to save it after the mess of things I had made. I also hoped getting things fix with Savyna would helped my mood before I had pushed my family completely away from me. After getting dressed in a frilly red skirt, a red and white blouse with my cutie mark on it, and the a pair of white short heels, all of which Savyna had bought me, I made up my mind to try and get my marefirend back as I did love her after all. The real question now was if I was going to try how would I go about doing it? I knew going to talk to her was going to end in a fight, she was just as stubborn and hot-tempted as me if not more so and I had really stuck hoof in my mouth when I yelled about the whole vampire thing. While she should have told me about that up front I shouldn't have panicked about it, if she had intended to bite me she would have the first night we were intimate. Really the whole thing seemed to make sense why she avoid talking about her birth mother, talking about that event in her past the gives her nightmares still, and why she was so afraid to tell me the truth about her real self. All of this made that nightmare I had so much more meaningful now, I had sensed the darkness about Savyna and the dream was a warning not to pressure her about it, to leave it be until she was ready to talk about otherwise I was going make her chose to go into the darkness. I had betrayed Savyna's trust in me and this was the price I had to pay, in my hubris I may just have lost her to the darkness in her heart because of my pride, my arrogance. After shaking my head and giving myself a mental slap I went downstairs for lunch since I had slept in I missed breakfast, if I was going to fix my love life I need strength to do so. I made my way in to the kitchen and I found Granny Smith and she had made me a omelet with some toast, both of which were waiting for me at the table but the former of the two had a look her face that told me I was in for a lecture about my recent behavior. I poured myself some non-alcoholic apple cider and sat at the table, it was funny but since my heat I had been staying away from alcohol when a mare in my position would be drinking ever chance she got, broken heart and all. Granny Smith pushed the plate in front of me before scooting her chair a bit closer. Since I didn't see Big Mac or Apple Bloom anywhere, Big Mac must've went to Cheerilee's for his day off since it was Saturday, and I guessed Apple Bloom was either with the CMC or at Dragon Feather's spending time with Dragon Song. The good thing was they were both gone so I could speak with Granny candidly without worrying about it getting around town or having to explain a whole lot to Apple Bloom about adult relationships or yelling at either her or Big Mac like I had in the the last week or so. The bad thing was since I had been worried about the fight with Savyna and my own hubris I hadn't worked on helping AB with her love life problems. I would have to get on that after I fixed mine, if I could fix mine. “This isn't right and ya know it youngin'.” Granny started off as she stared me down after I sat down took a bite of my toast. She seemed to always know whats going on without me explaining it to her almost like she can see the future or something. In this situation that was both a good and bad thing, on one hand I didn't need to explain anything to her in great detail but on the other hand I couldn't omit little details like the horrible things I had said. I wondered if I would have that same power when I was her age? “Ah know it ain’t prefect with you being a mare and she a human of sorts, don't understand all this half dragon stuff and don't claim ta know either, but that gal loves and Ah know ya love her so stop bein' stubborn and fix it.” “Ah know Granny Smith but I don't know what ta do.” I said to her after swallowing what was in my mouth. “I don't know how ta fix this when I'm so upset bout her lyin ta me.” Granny Smith smiled and put her hand on mine. “AJ yer mah granddaughter, Ah know what makes ya happy and when you were with Savyna you were happier than Ah've ever seen ya even after ya meet yer friends and become an Element of Harmony. Since that fight of yers ya haven't been eatin' or sleepin' right and that's not good fer ya at all. Ya been yellin' at both Apple Bloom and Big Mac fer the least little things in the last week or so if yer not cryin' or yellin' bout Savyna bein' stupid and lyin' ta ya. Ya need ta fix it youngin' for both yer sakes.” Granny Smith said as she seemed ta stare at my stomach for a second or two before she got up and went to the stove to get her plate. “Yer right Granny Smith, Ah do need ta fix this but she lied ta me and worst yet she had no intention of tellin' me the truth even after she promised ta do so. Ah mean what she lied bout was big and....” I started to tell Granny Smith about the vampire thing but she cut me off. “Horsefeathers! Ah don't care if she was the daughter of Discord and Queen Chrysalis or a werewolf or even a damned blood suckin' vampire! She told ya she loved ya and you said the same ta her. After that nothing else matters!” Granny Smith point out as she started me with her brow furrowed in anger while shaking a finger at me knowingly. “Now ya listen here and you listen good Apple Jack cause this is the best advice Ah will ever give ya. If yer beliefs are different, meet in the middle. If ya live too far apart, move ta the city in the middle. If yer job gets in the way, get a new one that lets ya have time with yer loved one. If yer not compatible ta have foals, ya use science and magic ta make it happen. Ya do what ever it takes ta make it work even if ya have ta swallow yer pride dammit, and do what ya have ta! Celestia's sun and Luna's moon both know Ah and yer grandfather have done that with each other more times then Ah can count apples on the trees in the south field. Swallow yer pride Apple Maria Jack and go tell Savyna how you really feel, even if'n it doesn't work out.” Granny Smith told me with a look a fire in her eyes. I was taken back as I had never heard Granny Smith swear or heard her speak so passionately about anything. She was on fire and it gave me hope but it also meant I had to swallow my pride and say I was sorry for being stubborn and hot-tempted, not an easy task for me or any apple. Granny Ah... Thank ya Granny Smith, Ah'm gonin' do it. Ah'll swallow my pride and fix this and Ah'll be back and hopefully with Savyna at mah side.” I said getting up from the table. “Were ya off ta in such a hurry Apple Jack?” Granny Smith asked with a little smile. She knew full well but asking was her way of seeing if my resolve was firmly set. “Ta see a unicorn about the best way ta say Ah'm sorry then ta go say Ah'm sorry.” I told her before I went and grabbed Selene's letter before grabbing the rest of my brunch to go then leaving out the door. I went into town, brunch finished in haste along the way, my first stop was Dragon Feather's house. If anypony could help me find a way to say I'm sorry it was him, after all he knew Savyna much better then I did and it was about time he broke his silence. When I got to his house I could hear him arguing with somepony and it sounded right bad too. In fact it was almost like he was using the royal Canterlot voice as the door seemed to vibrate as he yelled. He was yelling about all of the sacrifices he made to keep her safe, all of the time spent making up and paying for fights, bad behavior, and all of the stealing only for her to start it all over again here in Ponyville. I soon figured out he was arguing with Dragon Song so Apple Bloom had to be with the CMC today or at least Sweetie Belle. I was hoping it was Sweetie Belle as this fight between siblings might have something to do with a certain Cutie Mark Crusader by the name of Scootaloo. I banished the ill feeling about the situation with those two from my mind as I turned to leave, I would just came back later and talk to him right now I needed advice and badly. So my only hope in this desperate situation was to just tell Twilight what was going on and hope she had some good advice or at least a book on the subject. I had just stepped off the front landing when the door opened up a bit and Apple Bloom stuck her head out scanning the area. As soon as she spotted me she opened the door fully and motioned for me to come in quickly. I entered the house and once the door was shut Apple Bloom hugged me and was crying for all she was worth. I held her tightly and let her cry it out as it seemed to be the best thing to do for her at the time. After she was done crying a few minutes later she looked up at me. “Apple Bloom what in tarnations is goin' on here? Ya can hear Feather down the street, why is he so mad at Dragon Song? What happened to make ya cry like that?”I asked her once she was calm enough to speak. “Dragon Song and Scootaloo got in ta a fight over me earlier today and Scootaloo is... is in the hospital with a broken arm. Ah never seen Dragon Song so angry before, she was like a monster.... Her eyes were so full of anger and hate, it was like she wanted ta kill... Ah was so scared she was gonin' kill...” She never finished the sentence as she started cryin' again. In that moment I understood why Savyna had so hurt by my words. AB had seen the dark side of Dragon Song just like I had seen Savyna's but the difference was I had never seen Savyna fight out of anger. Those few souls of Connamaraia I knew all had a darkness in them that they struggled to keep in check, another self that was strong, fear inducing, and angry, something that normal pony would see as a monster but in truth it nothing more then the same thing any other pony struggled against after all we all have things about ourselves that we feel is frighting to others. Apple Bloom and I were both learning this lesson the hard way. “Is Scootaloo okay?” I asked calmly. “Yeah but she's pretty bruised, missin' some feathers from her wings, and her left arm is broken in four places. The doctor said it would be a month before the cast can come off. AJ this all my fault, what am Ah goin' do now? Scootaloo will never talk ta me after this and when Dragon Song gets angry it frightens me now. Maybe this was all a mistake, maybe Ah should have never told either of them bout mah feelings.” Apple Bloom said as she dried her eyes, voice tiny, distant, and full shame. “Don't you ever say that! Yer feelings fer Dragon Song weren't a mistake and Dragon Song being anger is okay though she have never struck Scootaloo out of anger. She has a right ta be mad since she loves you and doesn’t want anypony ta make you feel that lovin' her is wrong. This isn't all yer fault but ya have some blame in this so does Scootaloo, as does Rainbow Dash, Dragon Feather, and Ah do too. As Adults we should have sat ya'll down and had ya talk this out. After Ah talk to Dragon Feather you, Dragon Song and Scootaloo are goin' ta put an end ta this mess once and fer all while the adults do the same.” I told Apple Bloom before hugging her tightly. “Now go sit down somewhere and work out what yer goin' ta say ta Scootaloo and Dragon Song while Ah handle this with Dragon Feather.” Apple Bloom nodded her head and headed off up the stairs so I figured she had room here when she stayed over or at least I hoped that Dragon Feather made them sleep in separate rooms. I would find out about that late, there were more important things to be concerned with. I walked into the living room to find Dragon Feather still yelling at Dragon Song who had the angriest look on her face I had ever seen on a young mare's face. She looked up at me as her eyes filled with sadness as if ta say I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen. When Dragon Feather saw his sister's attention shift to me he looked over and stood still until I sat down next to Dragon Song. “Hello Apple Jack, I'm sorry that we have to meet again under such disheartening circumstances but I assure you this will never happen again. I also want you to know that Dragon Song will be make this up to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo after she is off punishment for this incident, unfortunately that may take a few months.” Dragon Feather told me in his calm but still very proper asshole tone. “Feather yer being an ass again and Ah know what's goin' on. Ah talked to Apple Bloom so now Ah need ta talk ta you and Dragon Song ta get the rest of the story.” I told Feather who just blushed then nodded yes to me. “Now Dragon Song Ah know ya love Apple Bloom and yer frustrated with Scootaloo always tryin' ta get Apple Bloom ta stop datin' you and date her right?” “Yes I am. I never meant to hurt her like I did nor did I wanted Apple Bloom to be afraid of me but I was so angry and frustrated that Scootaloo didn't care that she was hurting Apple Bloom. It made me so angry I couldn't see right from wrong and I hit her in the face.” Dragon Song explained to me. “What happened? Tell me from the beginnin'?” I asked Dragon Song. “Feather you button that lip until she done talkin' ya hear me?” “Well I had gone to talk to Sweetie Belle today to tell her that if I was the reason she wasn't spending time with Apple Bloom I would spend less time with her so that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and her could spend time as the CMC. I told Sweetie I would never come between the three of them since they were friends long before I meet them. I told her that I didn't need to join the CMC either if it would help the matter more so Scootaloo would see less of me and could stop ignoring Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle told me that she had been spending less time with Apple Bloom because Scootaloo had gotten depressed over the situation so she wasn't coming out of her room in the last few days. So Sweetie Belle had been spending time with her but thought if the Crusaders could do some crusading again things might work out in time. I told Sweetie Belle that was a fine plan and I would help by staying out of the way for a while. I asked her to tell Apple Bloom that I had to go back to Connamaraia for while so she was free to go crusading with the CMC with out guilt or worrying about me fighting with Scootaloo. I was all set to ask big brother to take me back to Connamaraia for a while since I was feeling homesick for culture of our birth land just to be out of the way. I had just finished speaking with Sweetie Belle when Apple Bloom and Scootaloo showed up. I took that opportunity to tell AB I was leaving Ponyville for a while with Dragon Feather and she should spend some time with her friends and when I got back we would catch up.” “Alright ya talked ta Sweetie Belle then rest CMC showed up and ya told Apple Bloom you were goin' out of town so she could see her friends, Ah get that but how did the fight start?” I asked. “After Apple Bloom and shared a quick hug I started to leave when Scootaloo started yelling about me being there. I let it go and told AB that I loved her and I would see her in a few weeks. As I was leaving again Scootaloo start up about how I was just running away, that Apple Bloom need a pony that was brave and wouldn't run from anything like her. The whole time she was talking and boasting about how I was just scared of facing her and she was so much braver and better was then me I watched the hurt and pain flash cross Apple Bloom's face. It hurt me so much that I got angrier then I have ever been in my life. I wasn't about to let anypony hurt Apple Bloom not even one of her friends, I lost control for a moment and I struck Scootaloo in the face knocking her to the ground.” Dragon Song said sadly. “Ya punched Scootaloo in the face then what happened?” “After I realized what I had done I tried to apologize to Scootaloo as she lay on the ground rubbing her cheek. When she got up she told me to shut up that she didn't want to hear my fake apology she just wanted to fight. From there we began screaming at each other about who was better for Apple Bloom to be with. Apple Bloom tried to pull me away but I just pushed her hands away as Scootaloo and I got angrier at each other. Sweetie Belle pulled Apple Bloom away seconds later so she would get hit if and when Scootaloo and I started throwing punches. As we argued it soon become who could say the meaner more nastier thing about the other until Scootaloo hit me back and knocked me to the ground. I was even angrier then when I hit her that she had surprised me enough to knock me down. From there my anger turned to pure hate and boiled over when I got to my hooves. I challenged Scootaloo to fight, winner got Apple Bloom and loser had to stay away from her permanently. Scootaloo answered my challenge by hitting me in the face again knocking me to the ground. After I got up again I lost control completely and beat her up pretty bad. I never meant to break her arm or bruise as bad as I did but I was so angry and hurt that I couldn't stop myself. I know Apple Bloom is scared of me now after what I did and I don't blame her. I'm a monster and that's all Apple Bloom will see me as now.” Dragon Song finished as tears rolled down her cheeks, the little filly was so torn up inside about her own anger. “Yer not a monster!” I said loudly as I slapped the table hard, “don't you ever think that. You just got angry is all and what ya did is wrong but so was what Scootaloo did. Now that Ah know what's goin' on we are gonin' fix this right here today. Dragon Song go get Apple Bloom she's upstairs, Feather go get Rarity and Sweetie Belle and meet me and the girls at the hospital so this love triangle can end today.” “What about Rainbow Dash, AJ?” Dragon Feather asked me some worry in his voice at my new found anger. “What bout RD?” I asked back unsure of what he meant with a lot of frustration still in my voice. “She was at the hospital when Rarity rushed Scootaloo in with the other girls in tow. That fight happened in front of her place and Sweetie Belle ran to get Rarity as Song broke Scootaloo's arm. Rainbow Dash was pretty upset about everything and even yelled at me about the whole thing along with Scootaloo's parents. I didn't find out what had happened until one the town guards showed up to tell to come pick Song up at the hospital.” Dragon Feather told me as he jumped back away from me a little. “Don't you worry none bout Rainbow Ah'll deal with her you just worry bout talkin' it out with Scootaloo's parents.” I told Feather who just nodded at before he was off to collect Rarity and Sweetie Belle. I really think he was starting to become afraid of me. Once the girls were ready I took them to the hospital where Feather and the others were waiting for us. We all went inside, I got Scootaloo's room number from the nurse at the front desk and we headed there. Once there Rainbow Dash was the first to spot us coming down the hall. She quickly flew over to start yelling but before she could start anything I cut her off. “Ah'll listen ta whatever ya have ta say in a few minutes Rainbow Dash but first these four young mares need ta handle their own problems by themselves with out us adults interferin'. Now Ah know everyone is upset with Dragon Song but she more upset with herself then all of us combined. She knows what she did was wrong and is willin' ta make it right but it's now up ta us ta lets these young mares handle their own problems like young mares. They're not little fillies anymore and we need ta remember and respect that.” I told the others. “Your right Apple Jack but this whole situation is a hard thing to let go. That young mare did assault our daughter and put her in the hospital. What do you expect us to do? I mean we just can't over look this is as it was just a small verbal thing on the school yard with just nasty words said.” Scootaloo's father, Swift Wind said as he held his wife close. Swift was a rather tall earth pony with light brown coat and a just black mane and tail both of which we cut short and left rough looking, a classic stallion cut. He was a law pony dealing minor criminal cases like petty theft, jaywalking tickets things like that for locals and now non-Equestrian defendants with boarders being open. With him being a lawyer it was going to take some smooth talking to get this to come out just right but I was prepared for this. “Ah get that Swift Wind and Ah'm not askin' ya ta over look this. Yer right Song did assault yer daughter and she needs ta be punished fer that. We can all agree on that right?” I asked the group and everypony nodded even Dragon Song herself. “What Ah'm sayin' is that the girls would like to fix their own problem with this situation like young adults and they are willin' ta own up ta their mistakes. All we have ta do is let them.” “Is this true young mare? Are you willing to except whatever punishment we think is fitting for this?” Scootaloo's mother. Silver Lining, asked as she eyed Dragon Song skeptically. The older mare's eyes narrowing as she stared at the younger mare hard and that seemed to scare Song a bit as she shivered a little. Silver Lining was a rather short pegasus mare, only standing 5'3” in height, her coat was the some orange as Scootaloo's and her mane and tail were both a lighter shade of lavender then her daughter's with several streaks of silver thru them, not a very scary mare at all by appearance but she was and seen very intimidating do to her piercing blue green eyes, the sharp edge of her tongue, and her job as a high court magistrate which was what put the fear in most ponies when they had the misfortune or pleasure of being in front of her, even me at times. “Yes ma'am, whatever punishment you deem is fitting I will endure with out hesitation. I did this horrible thing and for that I'm truly sorry I just wish to say I'm sorry to Scootaloo and end this fighting once and for all. I don't want anything like this to happen again.” Dragon Song answered with a quiver in her voice moments after the question was asked. Dragon Feather do you accept full responsibility for any legal actions that we may take as a part of her punishment in this matter?” Swift Wind asked Feather. “Yes, no matter the action or the amount requested I will assume all legal responsibilities in this matter as her legal guardian. You have my word on this as a stallion and gentlecolt.” Feather replied as he offer his hand to Swift Wind. Swift accepted it and they shook on the agreement. “Well with that said we won't be pressing any charges this time provided that Dragon Song made amends for what she did by apologizes for the fight and helping Scootaloo out until her arm is healed. Dragon Feather you will take care of all of the medical bills here and send Dragon Song to at least three weeks of anger management classes held here at the hospital three times a week. As long as both of you agree to these terms we are in agreement to let the girls settle their own problems on their own terms like young adults.” Silver Lining told us with a soft smile. Dragon Song and Feather agreed to the terms even though Song was visible not happy about three or more weeks of anger management classes. Song quickly apologized to Scootaloo's parents right there bowing at the end like she was taught and she even promised to deliver two hand writing letters of apology to them in the next few days. After that was settled Song and the girls were on their way in to Scootaloo's room to finally settle things with the battered pegasus when Rainbow Dash jump in the way. “Hold up! There is no way I'm letting that monster of a filly in there with Scoots again. She already put Scootaloo in the hospital and I'm not given her a chance to finish the job!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she barred the door to Scootaloo's room. “I don't care if she does want to apologize I'm not buying that for a second. She just saying that so she finish off the competition.” This display of bash attitude and anger at Song shocked everypony in the hallway save for me and Dragon Feather. The former was pissed and the latter was scared of what the former was about to do the cyan mare in front of her if she didn't move away from the door she was blocking. It was seconds after the shock wore off that Silver Lining was going to say something but I beat her to the punch. “Don't you dare call her a monster, Rainbow Dash! This mess is just as much yer fault fer telllin' Scootaloo ta fight fer Apple Bloom's attention when ya both knew Apple Bloom had already made her choice. Yes, Scootaloo loves Apple Bloom but Apple Bloom doesn't love her back in the same way and that's fine but ya can force somepony ta love ya when their heart belongs ta another. Ah see the love Dragon Song has fer mah sister and the love mah lil' sister has fer her and Ah will defend that love tooth and nail. Now get out of the way and let this be over and done with or you and me are gonin' have a fight that even the Magic of Friendship won't be able ta fix!” I told Rainbow with fire in my voice. I was dead set on getting this over and done with cause if I could fix this that meant I had hope for getting Savyna back, or at least that's what I felt in my heart at the time. Rainbow Dash back up confused at my sudden anger and willingness to fight her over letting Dragon Song say sorry for a fight that was the adults fault for interfering and not interfering at the proper times. Scootaloo's parent seemed dumbfounded and shocked in to silence at my last boisterous comment but they also could see my resolve at letting the young mares handle their own problems. Rainbow Dash stood still for a minute thinking about if she really wanted to fight me or not. All of the other ponies in the hallway stood still not wanting to make the situation any worse but not able to find a way to make it any better and Rarity was ready to faint at a moments notice. “Okay fine she can go but I want a neutral third party to watch so nothing funny happens. She already attacked Scoots once and I don't believe all she wants to do is just say sorry, not yet.” Rainbow Dash countered. “Fine if want somepony ta watch then Rarity will go.” I told Rainbow with a wild look still on my face. “Me?! W-Why me darling? Surely there is somepony else that could go, like Fluttershy or maybe Pinkie Pie? Twilight would be better for this kind of thing since she's a princess, don't you think?” Rarity asked completely surprised to be named as the third party to watch over the girls ending this little feud. “It's simple Miss Belle, from what I gather about the situation Sweetie Belle been in the middle of this lovers triangle as it were the whole time not taking a side because she friends with all three of the girls in the middle of this fight. Which means that of all the ponies standing here you Miss Belle are the only adult here to have no stake in the end of this argument one way or the other. Even my husband and I can't say that after all Scootaloo is our daughter and as her parents we would rather see her happy even if it means not being fair and impartial like our profession dictates we should be. You really are the only neutral party present here and I have to say you are excellent choice in being the one mediate this so the girls really do apologized to one another.” Silver Lining explained in her very authoritative and judicial voice after she cleared her throat to get our attention. “So will ya go?” I asked Rarity without turning round to look at her, I don't want to take my eyes off Rainbow Dash, Dash seemed to be thinking the same thing as her body was just as tense as mind was. If Rarity didn't agree soon I didn't see any way to avoid a fight with Dash that would mostly likely end our friend forever.. “I'll do it but only if Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash will agree to sit down later and talk this out because we are all friends and fighting like this is not what friends should do. Do you agree Apple Jack? And you too Rainbow Dash?” Rarity had her face set in a serious look and stomped her hoof to put emphasis on her point. “Ah agree.” I said after a few seconds. “I agree as well.” Rainbow Dash said moments after me. “Besides I can't fight AJ her marefriend, Savyna, would mangle me if I hit her.” “Umm... yeah but I wouldn't let her interfere like that. That's why she's not here.” I told everypony. No need to tell them we broke up since I was going to fix that after this. The adults stood out in the hallway for about an hour waiting nervously for a yay or nay to the end of this fight. while I was out there waiting on Rarity to poke her head back out I thought of how I was gonna fix things with Savyna. I know she's probably still upset and ready to fight again after what I said. I did have a little bit working in my favor though. This little situation between Dragon Song and Apple Bloom helped me realize where she was coming from, I now had insight of where I had gone wrong. It was a start but if I was going to get Savyna back I need a stronger foundation to lay my apology on and hopefully Feather would give the information I needed to do just that. After a few more minutes I saw Rarity poke her head out and look for us before walking out the room and over to us. Everypony waited with baited breath for the self proclaimed premiere fashionista turned temporary diplomat to speak. “How are they?” I asked her with worry and concern showing on my face. Rarity looked at me with wide eyes before answering. “Oh Apple Jack it's just horrible!” Rarity exclaimed to me. I went wide-eyed and dropped my mouth open in shock. I had failed somehow and the girls were fighting again. Silver Lining had look similar to mine and Feather looked like he was about to throw-up at the thought of the fortune in bits Song was about to cost him in medical bills and legal fees. “Why?! What happened?! Are the girls okay?” Silver Lining and I asked her about ready to break the door down as we moved closer to the room. As Rarity ready herself to tell us the bad news Silver and I couldn't wait and ran passed the fashionista to the room. When got to the door we heard laughter from the room, my face switched from worry to confusion. Silver Lining and I both looked back at Rarity with the same confused look playing a crossed our faces. “They colored Scootaloo's cast and it totally clashes with her mane!” Rarity said in her dramatic tone, as if it were the end of the world, I blew out a sigh of relief as did the judicial mare next to me. “Of all things to do to the poor filly while she stuck in this hospital in those dreary gowns, but to color her cast that horrid sea foam green to clash with the beautiful shade of lavender that is her mane. It's just... The. Worst. Possible. Thing. EVER!” “Rarity what the buck!?Ah was this close ta slappin' the hay outta you!” I exclaimed as I held my finger close to my thumb to show that there was barely space left between them. “Normally I'm not one for violence Miss Belle, but I will have to agree with Apple Jack I was that close to slapping the hay out you as well.” Silver Lining said with a giggle as she pointed to my fingers. “So their okay?” I asked after a small giggle at Silver's comment. Rarity looked at Silver and I with exaggerated look of shock and horror marring her face as she completely surprised that we would even dare to hit her, but if the circumstances were right I sure would have and judging from the look on Silver Lining's face she would have too. Once she was over her shock and seeing that we we deathly serious about striking her Rarity oped to just let it go do to the large amount of drama already present in the situation. “Why of course their okay darling, doing quite well now that that dreadful fight is behind them. Fashionably coordinated is another matter entirely, they are far from that but I will say the Dragon Song needs less help then the other three girls. Well I could try and help them all but there's no helping in a place like this, its just too dreary and depressing here, the place could use a some fresh colorful paint and it smells so much of sterile cleaning chemicals. I mean really dear, this was kind of last minute notice.” Silver Lining, Rainbow Dash, and I all rolled our eyes just before everypony in the hallway just face palmed at what Rarity had said. After hearing that the girls were okay I told Rainbow Dash that we would settle up later at Rarity's place with Rarity as the mediator so we didn't fight for real. I didn't wait for Dash to agree before I told Feather to come with me since I needed to talk to him alone and the girls would be fine in Rarity's care as she was getting ready to try and fix their fashion sense. We said our goodbyes to Silver Lining and Swift Wind, Feather promised to get Song signed up for anger management class the following day and as soon as Scootaloo was out of the hospital Song would be there to help her out until her arm healed. Once we were out the hospital and a ways down the street I started explaining to him why we needed to talk. It didn't take long before I had told him everything had had happen two weeks ago. He didn't seemed surprised about us fighting over me call Savyna a monster. He didn't seemed surprised about Selene showing up either, in fact that bit of information seemed to get him rather angry. Most of the time Dragon Feather was calm and collect, like it was hard for him to show intense emotion around others, it was hard to read his true feeling us less he let them out but in moment of extreme emotion he was like whole other stallion. He was more angrier then a long hair cat that had fallen into a pony on a rainy day. But the whole time I talked he didn't speak, he just listened and grounded his hoof into the street stone making rather deep hoof shaped impression in the stone. “Dragon Feather, now Ah know you know a lot bout Savyna's mother and since Ah already know that Selene exists and that she's a vampire ya can talk bout her. So spill yer guts on why she hates you and yer family so much?” I demanded from him as he stood there quietly fuming about something. “That fanged woman has been nothing but a pain in my ass ever since I meet her! Selene has hate me long before she met me. The truth is that the dragons have always had fear or dislike of vampires since they stole one of our greatest magi long ago. She was the strongest of us all at the time and with her lost the dragons split into the five major dragon clans and hundreds of minor clans that exist today. As one who is of dragon's blood a dislike of vampires is only natural for me but when it comes to Selene I hold a special place of hate in my heart for her.” Dragon Feather spoke with a hash and bitter tone to his voice as he punched the side of a building rather hard leaving a large hole and cracked stone work. “No really? Tell me how ya really feel bout her, sugarcube?” I asked him wanting to see what he would say or let slip out in a moment of anger. A body is often the most honest when in a fit of anger or sadness. “That woman has made my life a living hell not to mention that she bugged Savyna to join her in the 'family' since she found out about the massacre. Selene says she just wants what's best for Savyna but really she just wants Savyna around so she doesn't have to feel guilty about what she did years before Savyna was born.” Dragon Feather said as he kicked a trash can over a house way down the block. I heard it hit the ground and hope no pony had been hit but I had to worry about that later I needed more information from Feather so I pushed farther. “Ya don't say sugarplum, so what did she do before Savyna was born?” I asked quickly, “I mean a woman as sexy as Selene couldn't do anything that bad could she?” “Sexy? Yeah right!Are you kidding me AJ? She sexy alright but fails at it really. She was the one that fell for Savyna's father when she was sent there to kill him. Jon Stark should have never had a legacy but he did and it was his very assassin that gave it to him. Jon's family line contains sever powerful Vampire Hunters in it and any children produced by Jon would have the potential to become elite hunters given the right training or circumstances. Not to mention that Jon's family line long ago wipe out most of the top families in the Vampire Aristocratic Society before they retired from the hunt for some reason ten generations before Jon was born. The leaders of Vampire Aristocratic Society still a live from that mass hunt wanted to make sure that line of hunter would never rise again so when the found out the Jon Stark was the last of that feared line they want him dead and as soon as possible. The sent their best Death Dealer to end him and his potential threat to the vampire power and way of life. That assassin had been none other then Selene, she was to kill Jon before he learn of his bloodlines true powers and purpose but she fell in love with him after trying to kill him several times. After her family branch of the Vampire Aristocratic Society found out she was pregnant with his baby they ordered the unborn child destroyed immediately.” “Wait a second, we both know that didn't happen and Ah know that Savyna's father is still alive. So what made the vampire leaders change their minds bout Savyna?” “Selene had a powerful ally in the head families, her sire to be exact, The Vampire General Viktor, the one responsible for the creation of the Death Dealers. Thanks to Viktor Savyna was spared a death sentence since Selene look up to Viktor as a surrogate father figure and he sees her a surrogate daughter so by proxy Savyna was his grandchild and Viktor could not allow harm to come to that child. On Vikotr's authority Selene was forbidden to have any contact with Jon or her half breed daughter after she gave birth to her. This decree was provisional though she was forbidden to see either of them until Savyna show promise as a vampire and could be use as a Death Dealer or Savyna become a Hunter and then it was Selene's duty to kill her. “This part was fine with Selene so long as Savyna never discovered her Hunter powers and stayed where Selene could keep an eye on her with the help of several contacts and spies. This plan fell apart when Jon saw Savyna had great martial arts potential, this was part of her Vampire Hunter and Vampire inheritances respectively, he had no choice but to take Savyna to Connamaraia where the greatest martial arts teachers and schools have existed for thousands of years. It was then she meet a dragon and the rest you already now. Selene hates me, oh yes, because the one chance she had to take Savyna home I convinced Savyna to stay with me and my family. In my own way I love Savyna just as much as you Applejack, not just as my Sister by martial arts tradition and for that love Selene has hated me. In truth if she could she would have just killed me long ago but since my death would make Savyna sad and hate her more then she does now Selene has let me be but voices her disdain for me to Savyna every chance she gets. It's all bullshit, so much bullshit, ALL OF IT!” Dragon yelled then stormed off in a huff as he tossed anything in his way about with his magic. “Well don't that beat all and Ah still need ta know more bout this here letter too. Well better just get answers from the source but best get ready ta kiss a little... well Ah need ta apologize a lot first.” I said aloud before hurry off to stop Dragon Feather's rampage before getting back to my mission at hand. After catching up with Feather before he was arrest for disturbing the peace I calmed him down and sent him home then I practically ran to Savyna's house. When I made it up to the big two story mini-mansion it didn't look like anyone was home, most of the lights were off and the curtains were shut. If Savyna wasn't here then there could only be one other place she would go and that's the bar. I decided to try here first cause if Savyna was at the bar I’d have wait till she left before we could talk. I didn't want anypony finding out we had broke up or to get in a to a fight with her in public just yet. I would never hear the end of it if any of my friends found we broke up or if they found out Savyna was a half vampire. I didn't want to think of the panic Twilight would go into at hearing that bit of news, or what any of the other princesses would say or want to do when they found out too. I slammed the huge dragon shaped door knocker a few times and waited fer an answer. After a few seconds Tank answered the door, he was wearing a pair brown hide pants and was shirtless as always. “Hey AJ. You here for Savyna?” He asked me with a warm smile. I nodded my head in reply quickly. It seemed like he didn't know that Savyna and I had a fight or anything two weeks ago. If he and the others of the adventure group didn't know I wasn't about to say anything to change that. “Is she here?” I asked him. Tank looked back inside the house behind him before turning back to me still smiling. “I think so but I haven't seen her today, come in she might being in her room. I thought she was with you already, guess I was wrong.” Tank said opening the door all the way and letting me in. It was the only second time I had been inside the large manor since it had been finished and decorated, and it was beautiful. The floor was blue marble and the overly big windows were covered with dark magenta drapes. There wasn't much furniture the last time I was here and the house didn't really look like it was being lived in. This time the whole downstairs was full furnished with antic and new furniture here and there. The whole place had signs of Rarity's influence all over it. All of the furniture had the old world king and queen look to it, like something you would find in the old palace ruins in the Everfree Forest, even though there were several pieces that were brand new and still had the plastic on them in places. Knowing how Rarity works this was just the start of her chances to this whole house but Black and the other had the bits for it and didn't seem to mind. I walked toward the living room as the door shut behind me. I turned to see a maid closing it, she was young mare with light red coat and a gray and white mane and tail. I had never seen her before around town so she must moved here recently to work for Black and the others. “Is Savyna here in the house Sun Flare?” Tank asked another maid, an older mare with a yellow coat and a pink, white, and light blue mane and tail, coming down the stairs with a hand full of sheets. “Um, yes sir. Madame Savyna is in her bedroom. She hasn't left it for the past two weeks unless it's to the bar or the the train rooms in the basement, sir.” The maid informed Tank. That meant she hasn't left the house really since the fight, that made me feel worse about what happened. “Well, I need you to show our guest to Savyna's room.” Tank told the maid as he pointed at me. I'd guessed no one in their party knows about the fight, or I'm sure that Tank would have mentioned it. If all went well once I talked to Savyna no one would ever have to know the truth. “Certainly sir, right this way ma'am.” The maid said as she handed the laundry to another maid. She waited on the top landing of the stairs for me to follow, I followed the maid up the grand staircase that branched left then right at the top. The maid turned left and head up the left set of stair that led into a hallway. The stairs and hall were covered in maroon carpet with floral patterns, another thing chosen by Rarity no doubt. I looked around as the maid led me down the dimly lit hallway, it was lit by candles and small lamps in brass holders. There were a few other doors that lined the hall but they were all closed. There were small end tables here and there decorated with flowers and paintings of ponies and other races in battle scenes and other historic places around the world hanging on both sides of the walls. The maid continued down the hall until we were at the end of the hallway where one door was there alone. The maid walked up and knocked on the door to wait for a reply, but didn't get one. I was worried that Savyna was at the bar and if she was she was most likely drunk and if she was drunk then a fight was unavoidable if I tried to apologize to her now. The maid knocked again.“Um, Miss Savyna?” The maid asked. After a few more seconds of silence I heard Savyna's voice depressed and dry on the other side of the door. It felt so good ta hear her voice again, it felt like it's been ages since I had seen or heard her even if she sound like she had given up on the world. “It's open.” Savyna replied. The maid nodded to me then slowly and cautiously slid the door open and stepped aside to let me in. I walked in and the maid shut the door behind me and I heard her disappear down the hall in soft hoof falls. The floor in Savyna's was covered in the same carpet as the hall and there was a huge bay window on the other side of her bed. The door that led to the bathroom had a sign on it that read W.C. and the door that was for her closet door had been replaced. She most likely broke it after here our fight. I really hoped I could fix this. The room was only lit by a few candles on her dresser and a dim lamp beside her bed. The bay window's light was hid by dark drapes and over her bed hung a large dark red canopy blocking most of the light that came to her during the day or night. Most of the furniture in the room looked really old and similar to the furniture in Dragon Feather house, with the same beautiful carvings. She had a few statues of some really old Buddhas all over the room and a book case the was new that had a lot of old books on it on varies topics. Savyna was laying on the bed with her arms over her face and eyes closed. Now that I had time to look over the house it was overly huge, I could now see why she would rather be at my house. “The dirty towels are in the bathroom hamper.” Savyna said after a while in a voice that almost didn't sound like her, it was a little deeper. She had become sadness incarnate and it was all my fault. “Savyna...” I said almost in a whisper as I moved closed to the bed, she moved her arms and sat up after she heard my voice. She looked at me then blinked several times before staring at me for several minutes completely surprised that I was there. In the few minutes of quiet we just stared at each other, my eyes twinkling as I tried to hold in the tears. “What are you doing here?” Savyna asked, her tone flat and lifeless as she stared me with her eyes just as lifeless as her tone for a moment before the dropped to the bed. She looked a little thinner and worn out from lack of sleep.“I thought I told you this was over.” After a moment she moved on the bed to make herself a bit more presentable. “Ah know that, but Savyna can we please talk?” I asked almost in a pleading voice. Savyna kept her glance on the bed with a serious look on her face, she looked as if she wasn't even considering what I was asking her. “About what? What is there left to say? You said this was a mistake so why should we talk about it?” Savyna asked me monotonously. I sighed then stepped in her room a little more. “Stop right there don't come any closer. Remember I'm a monster I my just forget what you meant to me and bite you.” She told me with a chilled tone and malicious hint of a smile. This stopped me and my tracks as my heart tore in two as her reminder of my carelessness and fear. “Ah'm sorry... Ah know Ah overreacted, can we please talk about this? And ya said us being together was a mistake too. We both said things in the heat of anger, so Savyna please talk to me? Ah want ta know if we can work this out?” I asked her my words ringing with sincerity of my heart. “Overreacted? You really think I'm mad at you because you overreacted? You silly, stubborn mare if only... if it only were really that simple. You fucking ripped my heart out AJ and now you come here and expect me to accept your apology just like that? Why should I trust you, and further more why should I even listen to anything you have to say? After all I'm a monster and you know monsters don't have or need empathy nor sympathy.” Savyna shot back at me, I felt my heart tear farther and a knot rise in my throat as I fought back tears even harder. She was right about me, I had no right to ask her to forgive me but I still had to try. “Savyna Ah didn't come here ta argue with ya. Ah came ta let ya know how bad Ah felt bout what Ah did and ta make things right. Please don't be like that ta me sugarcube, Ah can't live without you and Ah don't wanna start now. Not after finding the one person in this whole world the makes me feel whole. What Ah did was inexcusable but what you did was just as bad. Ah'm sorry and want ta work this out.” I was truthful in my endeavor to win Savyna back, that fact was made evident by the tears rolled down my cheeks. I missed her so damn much, at the rate things we're going I wasn't so sure if we would have gotten back together. If I didn't convince her soon of my intent at being genuine with her about my feelings we were going to be in the middle of another bad argument. “You really think some nice words of apology and some tears are going to fix this? You really think I give a damn about this or you right now? I've lost lovers before this is no different and they all said the same thing. I hear words Applejack, but no real apology.” Savyna words were blunt but to the point as she stared at me with an expression of unbroken anger on her face. “How many times do I have ta say Ah'm sorry before ya see that Ah mean it?” I asked her as more tears rolled down my cheeks. “Ah lost mah way because Ah was afraid of what you were, afraid of what it meant but fer the wrong reasons. Ah was afraid because of what Ah didn't know and you were afraid of me not acceptin' the truth bout who ya are in part. In all fairness ya never gave me the chance or the choice to decide if Ah still want what we had, what we could still have if'n Ah knew the truth. Well Ah know the truth now and Ah still love you but ya have ta let me in.” “Let you in? How can I do that?You really hurt me... You called me a monster Applejack. That's the one thing I didn't want you to see me as. That's all I've felt like all most of my life and I was hoping you would change that for me.” Savyna replied her voice cracking as it was full of hurt, deep hurt from years of pain and regret. “I know I should have told you the truth from the beginning but you can't understand the pain and hurt in knowing that the people you love, the children your age, many of the adults, are afraid of you or the fear that comes from having a dark nature hiding inside of you that you never knew was there. I love you too and that's why I didn't want to tell you... Why I couldn't tell you. I didn't want to lose you.” Savyna told me with her head still down tears running down her face like little rivers. After a bit she scooted over so I could come and sit on the edge of the beside her. When I seen her move over to make room for me I walked over and sat down next to her. Her head was still down her eyes closed as tears streamed down her cheeks. I sat down and for a while we sat there not speaking until I hugged her and we both cried it out, we both let out all the pain and sadness that had been the divide holding us apart for two long agonizing weeks. “Ah know...Ah... Ah didn't mean that Savyna, it's just... Ah say a lot of things when Ah'm sad or hurt and it was unfair fer me ta say those hurtful things ta you the way Ah did.. Ah know Ah was never supposed ta find out the way Ah did but Ah'm not afraid of you and yer not a monster, yer the woman Ah love.” I told Savyna as I held her hands. “But a monster is what I will be seen as most of my life. I know what happens to monsters, that hide in a pleasing or seemingly innocent form at first, here in Equestria. I know about the fights with Nightmare Moon, what happened with Queen Chrysalis and the changelings at Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's wedding, how Zecora was treated at first, what happened to King Sombra when the Crystal Empire returned and about Discord being imprisoned in stone twice by Princess Celestia, and Luna then by you and the other Elements of Harmony. I know what happens to those are seen to have or are of a dark nature that threat the peace in Equestria and I'm potential the worse yet, given the right circumstances. This why I lied, why I dared not open myself up to anyone fully. I don't want to lose you either Apple Jack because you are the one person that doesn't make feel like I have to be in control, to be guard all the time...” Savyna whispered. I could see the fear in her eyes and it registered to me that she know about all of the times me and the other girls had face evil in it's many forms. I knew my friends well and the all of the princesses and if Fluttershy could show us the good in Discord's heart then I could do the same for Savyna. I wouldn't let anypony or thing hurt her not even her own fears and I was determined to show her that. “It would never happen... Ah would never let that happen... Ah would face down all of Equestria to protect you. Ah know yer heart and felt yer love. Ah will defend it and make anypony the would say otherwise see the light. Yer not evil, yer not a monster, yer someone with a dark past that wants to start over. If Discord can be a force of chaotic good after finding friendship in Fluttershy then you deserve the same chance as him.” I told her proudly as I stoked her hand. “Apple Jack... why... you are a silly and stubborn mare you know that?” “Ah now that so does all mah friends and now the woman Ah love knows it too. Ah'm a silly stubborn, and at times a really stupid mare but Ah know to own up to my mistakes and say Ah'm sorry. Ah'm really sorry Sugarcube, so can ya forgive me, because Savyna Ah don't wanna lose you either. Ah know we can't just pretend this didn't happen but... can we, ya know start over?” I asked after I apologized to her. She looked ahead of herself at the drapes that covered the window, her eyes were still wet and glistening with tears as she held my hands tightly. “Yeah well for you to not wanna lose me you sure did a good job of it. How do I know you won't do this again if we do get back together?” Savyna asked me turning her head and looking deep in to my eyes. “Ah know and Ah didn't mean ta like Ah said I'm sorry, and Ah know it's hard ta trust me now after what Ah said and did but please give me another chance. Ah've really missed you Savyna and Ah walked all the way over here ta tell ya how sorry Ah am and ta try and fix things between us because mah life has been a living hell since that fight and Ah know yers has too.” I explained to her, she put her glance back down on the bed glumly. “Your right AJ, I mean I purposely hurt and kill people for crying out loud! I'm a monster, you had a right to say it AJ, all of it.” Savyna replied darkly to my chagrin. “No yer not Savyna! Ah never wanna hear you say that again! Look, Savyna yer not a monster. Yer the bravest, most honorable woman Ah have ever met!” I yelled at her as I held her hands tightly. “Ah was wrong fer sayin' that, you were just tryin' ta protect me and Ah got scared and turned on ya. That wasn't right of me, we should have talked it out instead of yelling at one another.” I told her. She stared at me in confusion, I could see and feel the confusion spilling off of Savyna but she needed to know that I had changed and I meant to get her back. “Wh- where did that come from?” Savyna asked me still trying to figure out were my new found conviction had come from. “Ah just came from the hospital were Scootaloo is with a broken arm after a fight with Dragon Song. Dragon Song thought of herself as a monster too and so did mah little sister. It was in that moment I realized what Ah had done ta you. Like Apple Bloom Ah was afraid of you because Ah didn't understand what you had gone thru, Ah didn't know ya already felt that way inside and Ah didn't take the time ta let you open up and tell me ya felt that way. Yer not a monster no matter what you may have done in the past because a true monster doesn't feel remorse of sorrow over what they have done no matter how wrong or evil it was.” “Apple Jack I never... I didn't know that you would be this understanding about all of this so I wasn't ever going to tell you. In truth I was going to make something up the next time you asked me so I wouldn't have to let you know about the darkness hiding inside of me.” she said softly before her glance fell down to the bed spread before she spoke again. “My mother didn't tell me I was a vampire of an ancient and powerful clan until after I had my outburst. Then... “ Savyna cut herself off. I came closer to her as I squeezed her hands quickly. “Baby, you don't have ta tell me... Ah know it's hard fer you.” I did want her to go on since it hurt so much. She looked down and sniffled a little. “Ah don't need you to tell me right now Feather told me plenty about Selene and her Sire Viktor the rest can wait. Lets heal yer heart and soul first Ah don't want ta know if it will keep on hurting you like this.” “She sent someone to bite me, to mark me so she could... track me and … so everyone knew where I was from... “ Savyna shuddered. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. She sniffled again then shook her head. “That curse... it has haunted me for as long as I could remember. It ruins my life... my mother is a Death Dealer... she kills and... I don't... unless I have to...” Savyna stopped. A few tears ran down her face. I lifted her face up to me and put my nose to hers. “Savyna, it's okay. Ah wanna help you, Ah wanna help you get through this. Let me be the one to help carry yer burden.” I said to Savyna closing my eyes and leaning in and kissing her. Savyna sat there as I gently kissed her on the lips then when I was done I looked and seen she had her eyes open and had been staring at me the whole time, I felt very disappointed by that for some reason. “Savyna, please kiss me?” I asked softly keeping my forehead to hers. I poked my lips out and made a loud kissing sound, Savyna pulled away and laughed.”So can I have a kiss?” I asked her as I lightly pressed my forehead back to hers. She stopped smiling and I watched her close her eyes and lean in closer as she grabbed my waist and kissed me. I reached my hands up and placed them on her shoulder and neck. Our kiss lasted a few minutes then Savyna broke free. “I'm sorry AJ, I'm sorry for not telling you. That wasn't right, I should've trusted you and told you from the start. Can you forgive me?” Savyna asked me as she rubbing her face against my hand. “It's okay sweetie, like Ah said Ah overreacted but Ah forgive you.” I said to her then gave her another light kiss. “ I haven't really slept since the fight and I've really missed you. Can you stay with me tonight, please?” Savyna asked me softly. “Of course Ah will sugarcube. Ah've really missed you too.” I replied back. “Ah just need ta send word back ta the house Ah won't be home fer awhile.” “I have a maid send a note to your house later.” Savyna said softly as she pulled me in to a tight hug and inhale my scent deeply. “Ah've missed this so much. Ah've miss wakin' up next ta ya, cookin' fer ya and eatin' with ya.” I told her and I snuggled in close to her then my stomach growled rather loud. “Speaking of food, are you hungry?” Savyna asked me. “The chef has most likely finished cooking. And I'm not really hungry but if you are I can come down and sit with you... if you want. I haven’t been eating all that much lately and if I do it's in here alone. I didn't want the others to know we had broke up. I told them we were taking a break so I could get some training in before our next job.” “Yeah, Ah am a little hungry and Ah would love if you came and sat with me while Ah ate. Ah would like it more if you ate with me but if yer not hungry Ah won't force ya to eat.” I said back to her softly with an embarrassed smile, Savyna smiled and got up. I held Savyna's hand behind her as she led me back downstairs and to the dinning room. She pulled me out a chair and sat beside me, Tank and Black were on the other side joking about something. A few minutes later the chef and a few others brought out platters and sat them in front of Black, Tank, and Savyna told the server to have hers given to me. After I ate a few helpings of the delicious vegetable stew and bread with a side of salad we sat talking with Black and Tank while we all ate some rather delicious cake and drank jasmine tea for dessert. Savyna even had a piece of cake to my four pieces. After dinner Savyna and I went back to her bedroom to spend some time together. We stripped to our bras and panties and cuddled in her bed. Savyna rubbed my stomach gently as I laid on my back, she laid on her side beside me and rubbed her face up against mine. “AJ, you make me so happy... I never wanna lose you. I'm so in love with you.” Savyna said happily in a whisper, I felt myself get weak after hearing that. “Ah'm so glad Ah met you Savyna.” I whispered back to her, this moment made me feel so cheesy but I loved it. This is the first time I had ever seen Savyna so loving, other that week we spent rutting each other brains out, I mean she was and is always very loving but she had never really enjoyed cuddling with me this much, a few time I had asked her to cuddle with me she complained to me about how she thought it was too sappy and she wasn't the “Lovey Dovey” type. I have to admit though for her not to be a touchy feeling type person she sure knew how to make me feel down right good and knew when, how, and where to touch me to make me melt. She's a lot more loving then she likes to led on, I think she just likes to put on the tough girl act to show off but whenever were alone it's like she's a completely different woman. It kind of reminds me of Rainbow Dash when she acts like that. She rubbed up against my face again before she started kissing me. She rubbed my stomach gently as we passionately made out and it was an amazing feeling that I had missed in the days she was gone. I missed her touch and her body, that made me want her desperately. I grabbed Savyna's hand from my stomach and moved it to my breast and looked at Savyna. “Make love ta me Savyna, touch me.” I whispered to her. Savyna smiled then continued to kiss me then I felt her hands reach around me and unstrap my bra. A few seconds later it slid down my arms then Savyna grabbed it and tossed it off the bed. She groped my breast gently as she kissed me, then she stopped and looked down at my panties. After a few seconds she slid her hand in my panties and slid them mid-way down my thighs before she started massaging my mound, the lips of my sex, and thighs. My sex drive drove higher making me want her more, it felt like I was in heat again. Savyna started kissing me again as she massaged, as soon as her fingers were lined up with the middle of my lips I bucked my hips up making her fingers slid in. Savyna just kept kissing me then drove her fingers deeper inside of me. She teased me with slow strokes, making me moan into her kisses then she stopped suddenly. W-w-why... did ya stop sugarcube?” I asked in a shaky voice. “There's something I want to show you, I think you'll like it.” Savyna said getting up from the bed. “You know AJ, technically your about to be the first person I have ever slept with in this bed.” She went over to a stand on the other side of the room and grabbed a bracelet from a drawer and came and laid back beside me. “What do you mean technically?” I asked her, I wouldn't want to have sex with her on a bed where some other mare or on an off chance some stallion already had her. Then it hit me she may have taken somepony else to bed while we were broken up and it was pissing me off. I know we weren't together and if she had it's none of my business but its still a little frustrating to know somepony else may have been with my beloved Savyna with out my permission. “Well... “ She looked down and blushed shyly. I smiled at the cute sight, it's been a while since I've seen her act shy like that. “I was the first I've slept with in this bed... “ She said to me giggling shyly, I smiled at her then gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Awww... yer embarrassed about tellin' me you were cloppin'.” I said giggling, that made her blush even harder. “I love you...” I laughed. “Actually Ah think It would be pretty sexy ta watch you... ya know playin' with yerself.”I said tracing a line on her stomach, I saw goosebumps form over her skin were my finger had been as she continued to blush at what I said. “Actually I think it would be kind of embarrassing for you to watch... “ Savyna said shyly. “How would it be embarrassin'? You can start it and... Ah'll finish it.” I said smiling. “It just is, I mean why do you want to watch that?” She asked me still blushing. “Cause Ah love that cute face ya make when yer bein' all girly like.” I told her then I looked down at her bracelet and seen a small red gem in the middle with a small button under it. “What does that bracelet do exactly?” I asked her confused. Savyna didn't answer she just pressed down on a button below the gem and the red gem lit up and started glowing. Savyna started kissing me again ignoring my question and protests to have it answered as she reached down and took my panties off. She slipped her fingers back inside of me making my moans in between her kisses get louder. “You like it when I touch you here AJ?” Savyna asked humming to herself as she changed the subject. “Yes Savyna... mmm that feels good... but ...” I moaned to her. But before I could finish my thought she started kissing me again. After a few kisses Savyna moved down then started sucking and licking on my nipples for a bit as she sped up the strokes of her fingers. After she had me moaning and asking her to fuck me harder, my earlier thoughts and questions were lost to pure pleasure, I heard a huge ripping sound. Savyna looked down, I followed her glance to her panties where a huge stallions pride swelled up and ripped clean through her panties. I gasped in shock. “Umm... Savyna... “ I stuttered still shocked by what I saw between her legs. “That's what the bracelet does, it gives me the right equipment so we don't need toys all the time. It's just like the other toy you bought, I can feel everything like it's mine because it is.” Savyna explained to me. “And an add bonus if we chose to have children later on I will be their father as this thing is just like the real thing in every way.” She started kissing me as she discarded the shreds of her panties. I unstrapped her bra and tossed it across the room before I sucked on her nipples as I stroked her tool. I felt it get bigger in my gripped as Savyna moaned. I looked down to see how much it grew and saw it stand straight up and a few inches bigger. “Savyna, your fuckin' huge babe.” I said looking down in shock. “It's at least what, 20 inches?” I asked keepin' my glance on the huge cock in my hand. “26 and if you keep that up maybe bigger.” Savyna answered then lightly grabbed my chin as she tilt my head so I was staring in to her eyes before she kissed me again, our kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. “Hey lay down and spread your legs.” Savyna commanded in a soft tone. I did as she commanded lost to the thick musk of my mare-stallion scent and spread my legs as she slid between them going down so she had enough space for her head. I felt her fingers slid in me and start stroking slowly as her tongue light grazed my clit several times, I let out several low moans. “AJ your so wet.” Savyna said. She moved her fingers and started licking harder in earnest. She only licked enough to make me wetter so I could take her member with little trouble but I had my doubts on that, it was fucking huge! she got up and laid kisses along the hollow of my neck before moving up to kiss me. I felt her stallion's pride hover over me as she kissed and groped my breasts making my nipples rock hard. She looked down at me with a hungry look in her eyes as she grabbed her erect cock. Slowly she brought it towards my quivering marehood with every intention of spearing me deeply with that meaty rod. Before she could I scooted up the bed a little more away from her as my earlier thought returning to me. “Uh-uh,” I said softly putting my finger to her lips. “In order to receive ya have ta give first... Ah told ya what Ah want...” I kissed her lips softly then waited. “Seriously? Your really gonna do this to me AJ?” Savyna pouted as frown crossed her face. I smiled then pushed her up so I could sit up fully. “Sure Ah am.” I said with a evil grin. Savyna sighed loudly then got up and sat beside me pouting still. I sat up and crossed my legs as I watched her curiously for a bit. “Ya ain't gonna try and fight this time sugarcube?” I asked still smiling at her. She gave me a sarcastic laugh then she started blushing awful hard before she looked down at her erect member between her legs then back to me. “Your not going to take no for and answer and will be super stubborn about this till you get your way right?” She asked still quite red in the face. I just nodded my head yes as my smile grew wider at her rather girly reaction to my demands. It's not often I'm forceful with Savyna but tonight I felt like leading the love making and I really did want to see her clop in front of me. For some reason I still can't explain I felt it would help us bond a bit better. “Okay... but just this once I'll do it for you, but if I do this again you have to do it also.” Savyna said in a shaky very girly voice with her face as red as a tomato. I was surprised she could blush and still have a hard-on at the same time. She slowly started stroking her cock from base to tip giving a little massage to the tip before sliding her hand back down again. After a few seconds of this she started moaning quietly trying to muffle them since I was watching. Soon her strokes sped up as her moans got louder, I felt myself getting wetter and wetter at the sight of her stroking her tool as pre cum gushed out the tip. After I nearly came for the second time watching this scene I crawled in between her legs and stopped her hand at the base and engulfed two thirds of her member in my mouth. She let out a loud gasp at the feeling and bucked up in to my mouth but instantly stopped herself when she heard me gag. “Oh god... sorry AJ... that just feels so damn good... “ She apologized in the middle of a deep breathe. “This one a lot more sensitive then the toy you bought.” I slowly started bobbing my head and shortly after third full bob of my head there was three thick spurts of cum rushed down my throat into my stomach. I held still as Savyna moaned and convulsed on the bed as her cock pumped my belly full of thick creamy horse milk. It was a minute or so later when Savyna lay still on the bed breathing hard and her cock had stopped twitching in my mouth did I pull back and swallow what was left. “Well that was faster than usual.” I commented after licking up the little bit the dribbled out the corner of my mouth. “Yeah well I haven't really had any stimulation since the fight... that's why I'm a little quick and why it's so thick right now.” She explained to me. “It's all your fault you know.” “Ah know, Ah promise I won't ever leave with stimulation ever again.” I told her as I stroked her still hard cock. She started moaning again as she was about to cum for the second time. This thing was super sensitive, but why? Where and when did she get it? “Savyna where and when did you get this bracelet?” I asked and I began to lick her from base to tip. “I-I-I....I had F-f-feather m-make it f-f-fffor us. It was after we first got together I told him I was wittth... oh god the feels so good.... more, suck my cock more....” Savyna whined as she gripped the sheets hard as I took her to the root. It was a little hard at first to get her all the way down my throat but after I relax a little and got use the thickness of her cock it was rather easy to deep throat her and lick her rather sized balls at the same time. All of this had Savyna begging me to make her cum and swallow it all. Of course I was going to swallow it as Rarity would say, A real lady never spits. After having some fun I pulled Savyna from my throat with a loud wet pop before I started stroking her slowly. “You told him you were with a mare and he made that for you?” I asked still wanting to know everything about the bracelet. “No, I told him that we had started dating and he said that if it got serious and we want to go farther then dating that I would need away to... you know be the “stallion” in the relationship if you wanted or needed me to. I told him toys would work at first but he was right and if our relationship got serious I wold need a way to be a proper stallion to you. Feather told me he could make me something like a bracelet that would do the job, make me into a real stallion in the right place for you but he would have to test it on a female first. Since he had to make sure the spell he would use to make it work would still function properly when place in an item to activate it. He told he had test subject lined up all ready and once the initial testing was done he would deliver the bracelet to me. I found out two days later that he had Twilight Sparkle test the bracelet out on him. He also told me I should keep him updated on the long term effects and notify him of any problems or concerns we had after using it. I've had it since the start of our relationship but forgot about it until I was tearing this place up after our fight and found it.” Savyna told me thru little pants and moans “Wait a minute, Twilight used this here bracelet and FUCKED Feather with IT?!” I asked in surprise and my hands came off of Savyna's shaft. I was so shocked to hear that Feather taking it in the tailhole more then hearing Twilight was the one giving it to him. “Wait a sec, when did that happen? Why did that happen? How many times has that happened?” “Most Connamaraian ponies are bisexual by nature, AJ. In fact Connamaraians are taught at young age that physical form and gender should have no bearing on how you feel about a person. If you love them then love them for who they are inside and not just outside. Now this doesn't mean physical appearance doesn't play a factor in attraction, it does, its just not the only important factor. I watched Feather bring home many a mare or stallion home for the night when were teenagers. In fact one time I had bit of a crush on one of his stallionfriends back then that led to a fight between the two of us that lasted a week.” Savyna explained quickly. “To answer the when and how many times part it was twice that I know of. Once with the futa spell by itself when they first started dating and the second time when they tested the bracelet.” “TWICE? Really twice?!” I asked in disbelief. Yeah,if I remember correctly the first time with the futa spell was a few days after they started seeing each other some time earlier this year. I remember Feather mentioning to me in one of his letters that he had meet a mare in the new town he had moved to and she was rather pretty alicorn with pretty high title. He said they had only been dating a week before Twilight suggested they try being intimate after she heard about how chi can intensify orgasm more then magic could. Naturally Twilight wanted to know first hand how that felt and worked for research proposes and Feather was all to obliging in the matter. Since then they have had a being meeting regularly for late night play time.” “Well don't that beat all. No wonder she's been duckin' us fer the last few months fer a few days at a time. Ah thought her and Feather had only been datin' fer a few weeks and its really been a few months. Ah wonder why she kept it secret until that crazy party we all had?” “You remember how good my Five Chi Forms of Sexual Pleasure felt when I use it on you the first night we had sex. Do you really think Twilight was really going to tell you girls about good that type of orgasm feels?” Savyna asked me with a wicked grin. “Hell when Rainbow Dash sees me on the street she blushes hard and takes off in the opposite direction and she only got to watch what it did to you. Hell I'm surprised she hasn't asked you to let us play together again. I'm okay with if you are but it just can't be an all the time thing since I'm yours after all.” I blushed as the vague but powerful memories of that drunken hazy night replayed in my mind. I also remember the intense pleasure from that night too. I could see why Twilight would not be forth coming with even a few minor details about something that felt that good without rest of not being a little curious and asking to try it out ourselves. I may be a mare and having herd is nice but not when I have share Savyna all the time and lets face it with sex this good a mare gets addicted pretty fast. I had even thought about maybe having another night with Rainbow Dash involved since the first time we did it was while we were all very drunk. After hearing that RD avoids Savyna because of that night would make hanging out with her hard in the near future so I would have to have a talk with Rainbow Dash since Savyna seemed okay with having her join us some times. “Ah'll remember that and Ah'm surprised ya would be okay with us havin' another mare in bed with us. Do ya have fantasies about sharin' me? Or are ya just mare hungry now?” I asked teasing a bit but still a little curious to why she would agree to that if I was okay with it first. “I'm not stupid AJ, I grew up with ponies and have friends that live the herd life style. I understand it's a hold over from when ponies were just wild ponies thousands upon thousands of years ago and it does have it advantages. I mean if you want us to have a herd I'm not opposed to the idea it would just take me some time before I would be completely comfortable with it. I mean that's a lot of mares for me to be dealing with especially as you all figure who ranks were and who gets my attention when. So if you would like to I don't know.... experiment with having another mare you trust come join from time to time I won't say no.” Savyna told me with a red cheeks and a quiver in her voice. “Ah keep forgettin' you grew with Feather so ya have been exposed ta a lot of cultural aspects of pony society. Ah'll keep that in mind fer late just as long as you don't back out at the last minute.” I told her with a smile. “Well that was a bit of a shock but still not as shockin' ta know that Feather likes being the mare some time.” “ Like I said be for most Connamaraians are bisexual so what should be the shock is, or is the shock to me at least is that it was your friend Twilight made him her 'little mare' both nights and mostly likely on a regular basis now. I wasn't surprised he let her or I should say lets her do it since he's into that kind of kinky sex, but I was surprised she agreed to do it. I mean your friend is a princess and she seems like the less adventurous type of mare. I would expect it from Pinkie Pie and maybe Rarity if she was in a mood, but not Twilight.” “We'll then ya need ta get know Twi a bit better then. When it comes ta something magical and learnin' about magic she'll be all over it no matter how weird or perverted it may get in the long run. In fact when it comes ta magic she can be a really big pervert. Heck, she asked a few of us ta help her test out some spells she found in Star Swirled the Bearded's private collection back in the royal library. Some of them were pretty kinky from what Pinkie Pie, Lyra and Bon Bon said a week after they all recovered from their weekend helping Twilight test them all out. Twilight only spoke about it briefly but Ah could tell she enjoyed fuckin' Pinkie, Lyra and Bon Bon all weekend long but really wanted all of her core friends there so could get a taste of all of our plots. So Ah'm not surprised that Twi would agree ta it. She probably fucked Feather bowlegged that night too.” I told Savyna as I thought back to that day and wondered if I really should have gone to help instead of turning her down because was just too weird sounding for me. Would I have end up with Twilight instead of Savyna? Or would Twilight and I both be sharing Dragon Feather right now? “Well, knowing what I know about Feather I have no doubt she left him rather sore the next morning and he probably had her uses a lot of those spells you mentioned on him that night they tested the bracelet. He didn't give me any major details but Feather did said that Twilight could be rather forceful when she needs to and wants to be. She made him call her Principal Sparkle most of the night.” Savyna said with a laugh. “Not surprised by that. That mare is really in the whole school thing. Once fer a Nightmare Night she dressed as a naughty high school filly, with her mane in pigtails, white blouse, short plaid skirt, thong, and slutty heels. She want as far as ta have Rarity do her make-up ta really make her look the part. It was rather shockin' and rather hot. My brother almost got his ass kicked by Cheerilee for starin' at Twi's plot one too many times that night.” “Wow, just learned some about your brother that surprised me but that can wait til later. So now you know about the bracelet can we pick up were we left off. please?” Savyna asked before stoking my cheek softly as she gave the puppy dog eyes then point back to still hard cock. I nodded quickly and went back to licking and stroking her cock again before long I had her ready to cum again. That load I let her squirt all over me since it had been a while and I wanted her scent to mark me as hers again. After a few seconds of calming down Savyna started kissing me then rolled me over so she was on top of me. She kissed me hard as I felt her cock hover over me twitching then she reached down and grabbed it before she pressed it in me. She got about one third of the huge cock in me before I realized I was bitin' off more than I could chew. “Oh god, Savyna... “ I said gripping her tighter. “What's wrong baby, did I hurt you?” Savyna asked me stopping herself from putting any more in. “No it's just that yer really big.” I replied. “I know your not used to taking something like this but will you try? Besides-” She stopped and kissed me before finishing. “I think it would be really sexy to see you take all of me.” Savyna said smiling at me. I gave in to her as always on account of her giving me her cutie face and I really did want all of her monster cock in me even though I knew it would hurt later. I smiled to her and nodded my head letting her know I was willing to try. Savyna didn't say anything she just closed her eyes and held me gently. A few seconds I felt her thrust her hips forward and she slid a inch or so further into me. I bit my lip as I endured the pain of being stretched wider then I ever had before. Savyna had to be about two or more inches thicker then the magical toy, plus I had been in heat at the time so my estrus had help me endure the stretching. Savyna stopped and looked down at me. She looked in my eyes as if knowing what was going through my mind. She stopped me from biting my lip by kissing me. “Hey let's change positions to the mounting one, that should make it easier for you.” I nodded then moaned loudly as she withdrew her hard rod from my wet tunnel. After catching my breath I rolled over and raise my plot in the air a bit for Savyna then I looked over my shoulder at her. Savyna was rubbing the head of her drooling cock against my quivering flower before she press forward. My cries of pain and pleasure were muffled by the pillow and blanket as I felt her slid half of her thick tool deep into me. My wet contracting tunnel accept more of her in this position but there was that full stretched feeling as more of her cock slipped in to fill me up. After what seemed like eternity but was only a minute Savyna finally bottomed out inside of me. It felt like she was somewhere in my chest I was so full, the feeling of so much stallion meat inside of me was painful and pleasurable all at once. It was like dying and being alive at the same time, you feel pain but there is also the pleasure that's just as intense right beside it and the two opposed feelings fed into each other. The whole time I lay there moaning and whimpering at my full feeling Savyna stayed still trying to hold back from filling my belly full of thick seed. The pressure on her end of things was even greater then the last time we had made love two weeks ago. She panted and whimpered at the hot, tight, squeezing my pussy was giving as it tried to wring the life seed out of her. Soon the pain drifted off and I felt nothing but hair pulling, nail biting pleasure. Pulling me closer to her caused Savyna's huge cock slid the rest of the way in me until the head was kissing my tightly closed cervix. I let out a loud moan at the feeling of her inside and the pressure she was putting on the entrance to my womb. Having never taken anything as huge as the cock in me now I was amazed at how good it felt being so full. And that feeling drove me bonkers for more. I would thrust back into each of Savyna's forward thrusts just to have the delicious pressure on my sensitive cervix, it just felt so good. I considered myself to be a bit experienced mare when it came to sex and how my body works but I've never felt anything as intense as the feeling of Savyna's cock striking my cervix. Every thrust made the flared head ram in to it with some force and each strike drove my arousal higher and higher. After Savyna pace became frenzied I was worried I would cum and pass out when she finally pushed her cock into my womb and fuck me even deeper then before. “Savynnnaaaa... that feels so gooood... fuck me harder... “ I moaned to Savyna as I pressed my face against the pillow trying to muffle my loud shouts of joy. Savyna sped her pace up moaning and grunting with each thrust. I felt her pound me harder than she ever had, this was the best make-up sex I ever had and I was loving every minute of it. Savyna pounded me as hard as she could for hours on end driving me to climax after climax. It was near three in the morning when we both where too tired and sore to continue, by the time we were done we had been in 6 different positions and I had swallowed several loads of her salty sweet stallion milk. As Rarity would say a lady never spits, and as I thought that I wonder if Rarity did swallow or not? I made a quick mental know to ask her next time our little club got together. We both laid there in her damp bed hold each other softly covered in sweat and each other love fluids before I drifted off in to a restful sleep, it was the best sleep I had in the days since the fight. When I woke up hours later it was hard to judge what time it was cause I couldn't see outside since the curtain were still closed and the room was dark, the last of the candles we lit last night had burned out. Across from me I looked at Savyna soundlessly sleeping, her arms still around me and her breasts motioning up and down from her slow and gentle breathes. After laying there and watching her sleep for a few brief minutes I felt a growing dull pain in my stomach and bladder, quickly I realizing that I had been holding my pee in all night and I need to go. Since I so worn out and slept so deeply last night I didn't get up and pee when I needed to, so I got up and quickly shuffled to the bathroom. I didn't bother closing the door since it was only me and Savyna in the room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat down on the slightly cool seat and felt my pee trickle out into the toilet with a soft patterned splashing. It's a good thing Savyna has a bathroom right here in her room or I would have had a mess to clean up and Savyna would be pissed. I giggled at the little pun of Savyna being pissed because I had pissed the bed. It was also funny because I hadn't wet the bed since I was a little filly and was still potty training at the time. After I finished releasing my bladder's contents, which was a lot and I hadn't had much to drink in the last few days but I was still peeing a lot, I cleaned up a bit then wondered back in to the room to the window. I opened the curtains a little to let in the sun light, it was late morning and from the how fast the window fogged up from my breath it was getting close to the time for the Running of the Leaves again. I couldn't believe that it had only been a little over a month and half since Savyna and I had meet and since then I had changed, grown to become a whole new Applejack, to being a much happier mare. “Ah can't believe how much Ah've changed, Ah never would have ever guessed Ah would be this comfortable and happy with mahself lovin' another woman.” I said softly as I turn to stare at a peacefully sleeping Savyna. Thankfully she has slept quietly thru the night. I wondered about her not sleeping when we were apart, if it was because I was gone or her own nightmares, or both? “So you see yourself differently now, how so? How is that Applejack when you are the same now as you are in our time. Tell me how are you different?”A deep male voice asked me from out of no where. I turned around looking for the source of the voice when the room began to grow black, the light from the window sucked up by black mist, everything falling into shadows. Slowly across the floor the darkness crept swallowing up everything in its path until it made it as far as the bed. The shadows left the bed and a foot of space on all side of it alone before continuing to eat up the rest of the room. The living darkness moved all around me until it was on all sides of me leaving a two foot wide circle of space that I stood on. All around me was inky blackness, the only light come from me and the bed were Savyna slept soundly, blissfully unaware of the danger around us. Strangely I could see that I was in danger with a thick inky blackness surrounding me but I felt safe, as if the darkness was familiar to me, close to me, something that has been with me and would be with me in the future. It was strange and terrifying yet peaceful and comforting at the same time. “W-w-what are ya? Where have ya taken me and Savyna? What do ya want with us?” I asked to the voice as I looked for some movement from or in the darkness. “Applejack, a mare of the Apple Family, The Element of Honesty, who knows herself, who believes in herself, tell us how art thou different from the mare we know?” The voice spoke again. “Who are you? How do ya'll know me and so much bout me?” I asked as I turned around looking for the source of the voice. “Ah aint answerin' a single question until ya show yerself and can promise me that ya won't hurt me or Savyna.” I yelled in to the darkness. No sooner had I done that did three swirling white lights appear in the black abyss and moved quickly toward me. As soon as the three lights come in to being the pendant that Savyna had given me to hide my presence from her mother began to glow with soft golden light. It was still around my neck since I hadn't taken it off since she put it on me. I held it up and stared at it for a second as it had felt warm on my coat. As soon as I looked at the strange stone the lights moving toward me stopped when they were mere feet away from me. The three large balls of shifting white light then changed shape become more fluid moving toward solid as they solidified into three strange looking dragons. The first was a female dragon, she was the cross between a red dragon and a swan. Her body was rather small for a dragon as she was only a mere eight feet in height from head to talon but she was the longest of the three, from head to tail she had to be a good twenty feet. Her body was covered in solid ivory white colored scales with a softer silver set of scales on her under belly and the underside of her neck. She had black rune like markings on her sides and along her long tail. Above her reptilian tail there was a fan of white tail feathers that were edged in black. Along her back from her bird tail to her head crest was cover in what I believed to be close fitting soft white feathers. Her wings were feathered with same black edging on her wing tips as her tail feathers. She had pair short forelimbs that were more like arms then legs that ended in hands that had three clawed fingers and clawed thumb. Her hind legs were twice as long as her arms ending in set of a clawed feet much like a bird of prey's feet. The talons on her feet looked razor sharp as they clicked softly on the carpeted section of the floor she come to a stop on in front of me and stretch her mighty wing before folding them up at her sides. Her head and facial features are what surprised me the most about her. She had a beak instead of a muzzle like most dragons. She had a long graceful feathered crest much like a cockatiel a top her head with two slightly shorter silver horns on either side of the crest that sloped back close to her head. They were rather shiny so they looked to be more decoration then anything else. She had black and silver markings on her face that started at the bottom of her eyes and ran to her checks at a slight angle. She had the same line markings on the sides of her head starting from the crest then they ran down the sides of her three foot neck like a racing strip. The most striking thing about her were her rose pink eyes, they were so kind and loving almost motherly in a way. The second dragon was male and bit tall the the first at a height of ten feet at the shoulder. He was quadrupedal with thick muscular frame the resembled a lion. His body was covered in coarse stone brown fur with golden highlights in the thick tan mane he had. His tail was more reptilian but was much short the the female dragons at two feet. At the end of his tail with tuft of hair just like a lion would have. His wings were comprised of peacock feathers and extremely large, as he appeared with then unfold to the full thirty foot span. All four of his paws were tips with sharp retractable claws just like the large cat he resembled. The strangest thing about him was his face it was just like an elderly human's with very rough and chiseled feature on his honey brown skin shaped over many long years of hard life and worried filled decisions. His eyes were a deep jade greed that show wisdom beyond reproach. As he stared at me his face seemed to be set in a bit of a scowl at having to show himself in physical form to speak with me. The last dragon was male as well and the largest of the three at a full fifteen feet tall. He stood upright with the length of legs and arms he could walk around as a biped as well as a quadruped dragon. His body was extremely muscular much like the second dragon but the third dragon seemed built more for speed then power. His scales with black and red but most of his form was cover in sliver and white armor. The only parts of his body that were visible were his neck, upper arms, hands, wings, his midriff, most of his legs, and his tail. He head was most cover by a helmet that his ram like horns stuck out of it. His armor looked a lot like the armor I've seem on the pegasi guards at the castle expect for this armor had gold runes on it in places in that same language I had seen in the books of the Dragon Family that both Savyna and Dragon Feather have. Of the little I could see of his face the dragon had the standard features of most common dragons with an average muzzle set with razor sharp teeth, a thick brow, and large deep set eyes. His eyes were a bright purple that shone with courage, valor, honor, and nobility. He quickly came a stand still on one side of me making the three dragon's presence a half circle around me before kneeling down to get a better look at me. [“Is she the mare that will open the path? I am not impressed by her. She looks weak and fragile, far too delicate to be the mother of the chosen ones. Have you lost yourself to love again Savia in choosing this one?”The third dragon asked the first as he looked me over. It was then I realized I was still naked. I quickly tried to cover my shame as I blushed out of embarrassment and anger at being called weak, fragile, and delicate. Who hell did this dragon think I was, Fluttershy or Rarity? “She's the one, Ion. I'm never wrong about these things. Applejack of Ponyville in the land of Equestria, mare of the Apple Family, the Element of Honesty is the one foretold to become the Mother of Dragons. I have seen it in my visions, read it in the sacred books and have sat with her at the palace dinner table on several occasions. She is the one that will take the world. Believe it or believe it not, its all the same. The truth is truth whether you see as so or not dear brother.” Savia replied as she point at me and smiled awkwardly when she realized my situation. “Oh, where are my manners, the poor thing is naked and here we are prattling on about disagreements between us ignoring her and her embarrassment. Here dear this should help.” Savia said with an embarrassed laugh as she shuck a few of wing feathers loose over me. The feather drifted down over me and formed in beautiful white wrap around dress with blue belt that would make even Rarity jealous about its splendor. The dress match my curves perfectly but was still loose enough that didn't show my body outline fully. It gave an allure to me. The bodice of the dress was trimmed in the fancy blue lace a floral pattern while the rest of dress feature apples and apple trees. My mane and tail had several apple blossoms woven into them along with a blue hair piece that pinned part of my mane up but let the rest of it flow down my back in my trademark ponytail. “Thank ya kindly fer the dress, it's a beautiful dress. Ah don't have words to describe it's beauty and how much Ah appreciate havin' it.” I told Savia before looking over at her brother Ion with a ready to brawl grin on my face. “Now that the pleasantries are out the way ya mind tell me what ya'll want from me? Ah heard some pretty wild things from Savia, was it? That Ah want ya'll ta explained ta me really good like. But most importantly Ah want ta know what they mean and why in the blue blazes ya think Ah'm weak and fragile, Ion?” I said with an edge to my voice as I pointed angrily at Ion. “Ah got half a mind ta jump up there and buck ya right in the face even if'n ya are a dragon.” “Well it seems that normal ponies do have fangs, Ion. You should apologize first before she really does buck you in the face.” The second dragon commanded Ion as he gestured toward me with on of his paws. “We should explain ourselves soon, we don't have a lot of time. Some time soon the Khalessi will sense the disturbance in the dragon lines and come here to investigate it. The last thing we need is Sunburst or any of the other Khalessi showing up here before it's time.” The second dragon said quickly. His voice was the voice I head both times before the three dragons showed up. “As you wish Valiron, but I see no need for concern for being involved in Sunburst and Celestia petty lover's quarrel. Those two never should have meet in the first place. And I know that this is not the time for us to discuss that matter but it had to be said even if Savia believes it's fate for those two to be together.” Ion replied in a rather annoyed tone, as he wave Valiron off before the older dragon could admonish him for his outburst, more at the fact he had been told apologize then the fact I was going to kick him in the face if he didn't. As if insulting me wasn't bad enough he had said there was no need to be concerned over Princess Celestia's feelings, that had me hopping mad for a bit but I swallowed that bit of anger for the time being since I needed answers first. But in truth I really didn't like this Ion guy one bit and if it wasn't for the fact I might put Savyna's life in danger I would have just bucked him in the face. “I beg your forgiveness for my earlier remarks. I was simply stating my doubts at my sister evidence that your are the earth pony mare we are looking for.” He told me with a sarcastic tone. “You remind me of new friend Ah have he uses that same formal asshole tone when he talks sometimes too. The only difference between you two is that when he realizes that he's being an ass he stops and really apologizes fer it. He also knows when a mare is makin' an idol threat and when she is promisin' pain to his face from her hoof!” I told Ion as I rolled my eyes then turn to Valiron, the dragon warrior’s face contorted in anger and he was going to say something nasty back to me but Valiron raise a paw and silenced him. “Now what's this talk about Celestia and some pony named Sunburst being lovers? And what is that ya'll want with me? Ah aint no mother, not yet. And if'n Ah was it wouldn't be ta a dragon or dragons as Savia stated.” “Well... you see Applejack you are the Mother of Dragons and right now you are a mother, or I should say you will be a mother in about 10 months... gave or take a week or two with Savyna's child.” Savia said with a nervous tone to her voice and her eyes shift back and forth from me and the other two dragons. “I know this comes as a shock to you that we know this but... She never got finish her sentence as I interrupted her. WHAT? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! AH CAN'T BE PREGNANT! I yelled as I point at the feather dragoness who jumped back a little and covered the side of her head with clawed hands, at the sheer volume of my voice. Even the other two dragons cringed a little at my loud declaration of not being with foal. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you know it already. Please don't scream at me I thought Nurse Redheart had told you and your friends. I'm so sorry that you had to find out from us please do be mad at me for ruining that surprise. Please don't hit me I didn't know really!” Savia whined as she curled up in a defensive ball shielding herself with her wings and tail. “Please Applejack don't be angry with Savia she did not know that at this point in time you had not gone to the hospital and learned of being with foal yet. It was more my fault for this oversight. Traveling the routes of time is difficult at best and nearly impossible at worst even for an Eldrich dragon as power as I. We want to meet you after you had learned you were with foal not before.” Valiron said as he tried to calm my fury and confusion at what I had just heard. It took me a bit but my anger and confusion both faded as I thought about what I had just learned and it hit me that I had been in heat only three weeks ago and since then I had been eating a lot and peeing up a storm not mention all of the throwing up recently. Well if I was with foal that meant that Pinkie Pie sold me the wrong toy that day, wait a darn minute.... PINKIE PIE SOLD ME THE WRONG TOY!? Savyna was going to be so happy and kill me all at the same time. We had just recently talk about this and she wasn't ready for us to have a foal just yet. Oh horseapples was it going to be hard to tell her about this. As I realized what was going on I was ready to pass out and sank down to my knees as I panted hard. I was wide eyed with fear, joy, anger, happiness, regret, courage, despair and most of all love, unbridled love for the new life inside of me and the woman that had put it there. It was the greatest moment of my life and yet the worst possible thing to have happen given the current situation with Savyna and me. We had just gotten back together and now I had to tell her she was the sire of our foal. This was not going to end well for me or Savyna. And yet I some how had a feeling Granny Smith already knew about the foal growing inside of me. That line of questions would have to wait for later as I still had other pressing matters in front of me. “ Applejack are you alright? I know it's a lot to take in but it's the truth and my sister has never been wrong about the birth any creature. She is the Guardian of Fertility and Birth so if she says your are with foal then its the truth as it is her job to guide souls of new life to the the mothers they belong to. Ion said with a shushed solemn tone to his voice, it was the first time he did have a sarcastic or arrogant tone to his words, it was completely sincere. That was strange change from his arrogant starting impression. “Savia Ah'm... Ah'm sorry, Ah didn't mean ta yell at you like that. It's a lot ta take in all at once. Please tell me what's goin' on here. What is that ya' ll have come here fer? Ah have ta know.” I asked after sitting there on the floor for a while thinking about what had been said so far. Savia uncurled herself after a while stood up she nodded at my apology to her. She seemed scared to speak to me lest I yell at her again for something else she said. She quickly tuned to Valiron as she placed a clawed hand on his shoulder. “Valiron it's time to tell her everything, she told us to not hold anything back from her past self. If we are to save the middle kingdom and our world from destruction she must know of her destiny.” “Alright, Savia I will, she did tell us to do whatever we could to save the middle kingdom.” Valiron said with a sad sigh. “I had hoped to not say all of this now but it can't be helped. You and your friends the bearers of the Elements of Harmony are the Council of Harmony, the rulers in the middle kingdom of Harmonia some four thousand years in the future. All of you are dragon alicorns and you hold the title of the Mother of Dragons as you were the first of the elements bearers to become a dragon pony and the second to come an alicorn. Twilight Sparkle who is already an alicorn as she is the Element of Magic, the soon to be Princess of Friendship, and in this time was the second of the bearers to become a dragon pony after you. All of you hold powers equal to if not greater the the princesses of Equestria and the Dragon Khalessi of Connamaraia.” Valiron let me take all that in as he watched my reaction to the news of being in the future as an immortal being ruling a kingdom with friends much like Celestia, Luna and Cadence do now. When he noticed I wasn't freaking out or screaming at him he was lying he continued. “Harmonia is right in the middle of the Desert of Burning Sands the midway point between Equestria and Connamaraia and that is why it is called the middle kingdom, it was created by you and your friends when you wanted a place that was close to both your home in Equestria and Savyna new home in Connamaraia for the children born from the bloodlines of both lands. After the desert was turn in a land of lush green life with geographical features from both Equestria and Connamaraia by the council's combined Dragon Harmony Power many creatures of all types came to settle in the new lands. You and the council welcomed them with open arms creating a new harmony among the races of the world. Savyna is still by your side as is most of her friends she has now and you and the council rule the middle kingdom with benevolence, kindness and love. It is happy place that is joyous and full of harmony.” “Ah understand all of that, well Ah get most of it so far but why have ya come to tell me all of this?” I asked still confused and trying to process all of the new information. At the time I wished Twilight and others were there to help me understand it a bit better and so I could hug then ring Pinkie Pie’s neck for helping me get knocked up sooner then I wanted. “The reason we are here is that Savia noticed that there were souls of new life vanishing from the Wellspring of Life and Death himself had contact her reporting that souls were vanishing from the Well of Souls in his realm. Savia began to investigate this most serious problem and found out from the sacred books that there was a prophecy about the current lose of souls. The scared books spoke of an event in the past involving the Mother of Dragons. If the mother of Dragons failed to bring about the change in the world, to become the one who takes the world the future would be lost and the great evil would return and dye the world black with death. It would be the end of all things.” When I hadn't said anything or had made a move as if I was going to ask a question or anything Valiron continued speaking while the other two just watched my reactions.“Savia brought all of this to the Council of Harmony's attention as soon as she learned of it and had done the research about the problem. Twilight Sparkle the Mother of the Spiral said that something had to be done about it because if past souls were vanishing and new souls as well then all of the missing souls were connect in some form. If that was true if too many souls vanished it could tip the balance of harmony in the lands as well as the world as a whole. Rainbow Dash the Mother of Flight spoke of many creatures in her city section vanishing and no one remembering them at all when she clearly did. This had to the result of the missing souls and if it kept up major points in history could be affected cause major damage and wars. Fluttershy the Mother of the Meadows had said many of her unicorn magi had reported sensing a disturbance in the void of time centered around the past just before the Element bearers made the change to dragon ponies. If this was true and something in the past had stopped the Council of Harmony from forming and that could be the cause for the missing souls. If that was the reason then the something that had changed must be centered around you, Applejack the first dragon pony of the council. Pinkie Pie the Mother of Joyous Heart said if all the council members didn't make the change in the past then the great evil would not have been sealed away. If that did not happen as it had before and the great evil was allow to run free the harmony of future was doomed. That could not be allowed, something had to be done and soon. Rarity the Mother of Giving Hands said that a group of heroes must be choosing and sent back in the past at once before the great evil could be released from the Tartarus Gate again otherwise the future was lost. You, the Mother of Dragons were the last to speak saying that if the Council of Harmony was in agreement Savia, Ion, and I would be sent back in time to prevent whatever disaster had undone the seal on the great evil. We were charged with the task of informing you of all of this as well as giving you aid when it did not interfere with major events of the past.” Valiron said with a grave look on his face. “So, Ah, in the future along with mah friends are the rulers a new kingdom called Harmonia? We all are dragon alicorns with immortal powers and stuff like Princess Celestia and Luna? Ah along with my friends sent ya'll three back in time to tell me about the future and ta help make sure we all become dragon ponies?” I asked still bit confused. The story was a wild one but no more wild then when Twilight told us that Nightmare Moon was coming back or Discord doing his thing before Fluttershy reformed him for the most part. “Yes, Applejack and you chose the three of us for this great mission. I was chosen to be sword and shield for this mission as well the voice of reason, since Savia can get wrapped up in her faith a bit too much and read too far into things. Valiron was sent as he is the wisest of the Eldrich dragons to bring us back in time as well as lead this mission. Savia was sent because she has all of the sacred books memorized to tell us when and where to be to a point and she can see the lines that link souls of the pasts to souls of the future. Ion said with a muted tone to his voice, as if he didn't know if he should saying what he was saying to me. “Well this a lot ta chew on. Ah don't know what ta say. Ah want ta believe and Ah can see in yer faces yer tell me the truth but it so much ta swallow.” I told them as I sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. “So now that Ah know all of this Ah'm wondering if Ah can just tell the others bout it?” I asked this cause I really need Twilight’s help because she was so much better at this whole magic time and space travel whosit and parallel whatsit stuff. I couldn't make heads or tails of it all. I would only tell Princess Twilight Sparkle and Dragon Feather for now Applejack. The others are not ready for the news of impending Goddesshood just yet. They all still have a lot of growing up and changing to do, especially Rainbow Dash and Savyna. Some of the things the Mother of Flight has told me in private about things she did before she become more mature in her late 1200's... well it still makes me blush when I think about it. Savia said as she hid her face with her wings because of the bright blush she had at remembering something a much older Rainbow Dash had told her. Judging by how red her face was it must have been pretty perverted even for the current Rainbow Dash who could be a real tomcolt at times. “Okay no tellin' other expect for Twi and Feather. What about the other Princesses?” “No, you must not tell them anything until they meet with the Dragon Khalessi from Connamaraia. While I don't think Celestia and Sunburst should be together those two must not meet before its time other wise who knows what will happen to the future. A lot of what's to come is set in motion by the differences those two alicorns have with each other. To tell Celestia anything will chance her decisions and cause the course of the future to shift unpredictably. That's something we can not allow. The same goes for Luna and Cadence as well since they will more then likely tell Celestia. We will be around watching over you and the others so when its time we will come to tell you so until then please make sure Twilight keeps Celestia, Luna, Cadence and her brother Shining Armor in the dark about all of this until you meet the Nine Dragon Khalessi of the Sunstones. Ion told me quickly. “Alright, alright, Ah get it, no blabbin' about it the royals 'cept Twi.” I told the trio as I waved them off. “So how do Ah call on ya'll if'n Ah need ta speak with ya or Ah need ya ta convince Twilight Ah'm not crazy?” ”Just call out our names and say 'The mother of Dragons summons thy' and we will appear a few moments later.” Valiron explained to me as he looked around for a few then turned back to me. “I'm afraid our time is up Applejack the Dragon lines are shifting now and if we stay here any long the Dragon Khalessi will sense our power and come here to investigate what three powerful Eldrich dragons are doing in Equestria with alerting them or the rulers of the lands. In five days you may summon us without fear of alerting the Khalessi of our presence, but if you should need us before then don't hesitate to call on us. We will deal with the Khalessi as best we can.” Valiron told me before he began to shift back in to a ball of light. Ion wished me luck then said his farewells next before he shifted back in a ball of light along side of Valiron. Savia was the last to say goodbye, she leaned over and nuzzled me softly before she said her goodbyes then shift back in to light. The three orbs of light all pulsed a bit before speeding back into distant darkness. Seconds after the three dragons were gone the darkness pulled back leaving me stand in the room wearing the dress that Savia had made for me. I quickly ran in to the bathroom, shut then locked the door before I took a few minutes to calm down. After I had my wits about me thoughts of my delicate condition surfaced and I'm never going to get use to the whole morning sickness thing. I hope it would pass but from what Granny Smith had told me and what I've seen from some of the mares with foals in the Apple family morning sickness is a three month inconvenience I will have to learn to deal with. After brushing my teeth I noticed that I was clean. When Savia had shaken her feather over me to form the dress they had bathe me in the process. Since I didn't need a shower and I was already dressed I went back in the bedroom and sat down at the desk. I pulled out several scrolls and wrote down all that I was told for Twilight and Feather since it would be hard to remember it all late when I finally had time to speak with them. I also wrote down everything I was told with some instructions to send it to all of the princesses in case something happened that I or my three dragon guardians couldn't handle. This way the princesses would know and the others could help accordingly. After all of the letters and lists were written and hidden until I could deliver them I sat on the bed while I watched Savyna sleep as I thought about the best way to tell her she was going to be a father, no a Falma and all that had happened and will happen. There was so much to do in the next few days and some many love ones to tell the happy news to but still I wasn't as happy as I felt I should be given the fact that last time Savyna and I talked about having children she had flat out told me no to the idea because of her past. While I understood her reasons for not wanting to raise children yet fate had decided on making her do it anyway. My biggest concern there was if she wanted to get rid of the foal or put it up for adoption? But according to my three new dragon guardians we have many foals that are part dragon in a kingdom that my friends and I created for them. Savia said I was all ready the Mother of Dragons now, so that would mean that my foal is already a dragon pony. Which means that either I'm already part dragon or Savyna is....? There was a lot of new question to asks raising up inside me now, questions that only one pony and three dragons could answer for me but because of the magic of some strange dragon line things I would have to wait five days before I could get those answers. After giving up on driving myself crazy by figuring out all of the weirdo future stuff I just took the time to live in the peaceful moment. Right now the only thing that matter was Savyna, our unborn foal and the life we would build together as a family. I sat there thinking about what our little family would look like after the foal was born and Savyna came to stay on the farm full time. I didn't have long to think as Savyna woke up a few minutes later. She yawn and stretched before smiling at me sleepily. “Morning beautiful, how long have you been up for? She asked me curiously. “Morning sugarplum, but its closer to noon though.” I told her softly with a smile. “Ah've been up fer a bout an hour or so thinking and wait fer you ta wake up.” “I see you had time to shower and change. Wow were did you get that dress it looks really good on you and your hair is beautiful.” Savyna told me as she eyed me like a hungry wolf eyes a deer. “Nope, nothin' doin'. Yer not messin' up this dress. Ah just got it from a special friend. A gift to me and you really, ta celebrate us being together. So why don't ya go get cleaned up and lets go somewhere fer the day.” “Okay, don't be so touchy AJ, I would never mess up one of Rarity's dress. Besides the mare is kind of scary when she in fashion mode.” Savyna joked before she got up off the bed. “Give me a bit to get cleaned up and we can figure out what to do today before I leave with the party this evening.” Savyna said as she got up and gather things before going to shower. I sat back at the desk listing to her sing the shower off key and I tried to figure out my next move then decided that until Savyna leaves all the future stuff could wait. After her shower Savyna threw on a pair of loose fitting black monk pants that stopped at the knees, a white tank top tucked in and she wraps around her feet, ankles, hands, and wrists. She had to dress in her warrior gear since she was going out with the party that evening for a week long job watching a wizard's tower, but I have to say she looks very attractive even if she was mostly going in to battle. As we made our way down stairs I pass the letters to be deliver to the maids with instructions on whom they should be delivered to today. The other letter with special instructions I would hand deliver to Spike so no pony would know about it or get in the way. “Hey what's up with all the letters today?” Savyna asked me as we head for the door. “Just making good on somethings Ah need ta say ta someponies that Ah didn't want ta say in person just yet. It's easier this way.” I told her quickly. “Oh, hope one of those wasn't to Rainbow Dash since you said you had talk to her today.” Savyna reminded me about my appointment with RD today. “Oh horsefeathers Ah plum forgot bout havin' ta talk ta RD today. Thanks fer reminding me. Ah better get goin' ta get it over with. Wait fer me here will ya? I promise not ta be too long” I told her then kissed her on the cheek before heading for the front door. “It's okay, I only remembered since I have a meeting with the others that will take an hour. After you go and talk to Rainbow Dash I should be done with the party meeting about the wizards tower job so meet me at Sugarcube Corners in an hour and I'll take you out for lunch, okay?” She asked me as she gave me a kiss. “No Ah'll meet ya at Sugarcube Corners in an hour and Ah'll take ya out fer lunch.” I said back smiling, she returned the smile. “Awww how cute you think I'm really gonna let you pay.” Savyna said in a girly voice then she giggled. I laughed with her before we ended in a long kiss before I was off to meet with Rainbow Dash. Savyna whistling and slapping my ass as I walked away from her. Several of the maids saw this open display of affection as I blushed something awful and giggled shyly as I looked back at her acknowledging what she did. I run back over to gave her a smokey look and another long passionate kiss. “Just wait till ya get back home in a few days. Ah'm goin' ta lock ya in mah room and break mah new stallion in proper.” I whispered in her ear before heading out. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know that she was still standing there with her mouth agape at what I had just told her. I had walked midway through town getting all kinds of curious and flattering looks from many of the stallions and a few mares when I ran into Rainbow Dash coming from Sugarcube Corners. She must have been helping Pinkie Pie and the Cakes package and deliver orders since business had been very crazy lately. It had been the same for the farm too as we had to hire Brass Tail full time now since business was up and we need more and more apple harvested. Must be a mass of travelers coming through town as of late. Since Savyna and the other had showed up Ponyville was now a growing town. Pretty soon we were going to lose its small town feel and start to get the feel of a big city on the raise if we kept getting new arrivals like it was. Rainbow Dash turned and smiled when I called name, that surprised me since our last encounter wasn't all that pleasant so I figured she'd still be mad at me. I called her name again and she spotted me in the bustling crowd and held a finger up asking me to wait a minute. I guess she was still busy helping the Cakes. After waiting a good five minutes for her to come over to me I just made my way thru the crowd, Ponyville was rather busy today, over to her. Once I made to the bakery's front doors she smiled at me again then point towards the park before we began walking through town. “Hey AJ how's it been? What's up?” She asked me as she walked beside me. “Ah've been okay, you?” I replied, still wondering if she still angry about yesterday. She shrugged her shoulders before speaking.“It's been a busy day, with all the new ponies and such moving here to Ponyville every ponies been busy expect the weather teams. So I took a part time job doing delivers for the Cakes since they need the extra help. And the extra bits anit bad either.” RD told with her usual I'm cool attitude then she got quiet for a long while. The silence was getting to me so I spoke first about the fight yesterday. “If'n yer still mad about the fight we had yesterday, Ah'm sorry about that. It's just that Ah had a lot of things goin' on at the time, ya know with the whole fight with Scootaloo and Dragon Song over Apple Bloom.” “It's okay I understand AJ, you were defending your little sister and the filly she's in love with. I get that and I was being a real ass that day. I'm like Scoots older sister, you know so I understand that completely. Besides were friends and sometimes friends fight, it's no biggie.” Rainbow Dash told and she smiled. “Thanks for bein' so understandin' Rainbow but Ah'm still sorry fer yellin' at ya all the same. Ah was really stressed out and that whole situation just reminded me of the fight between me and Savyna.” I let the last part slip out forgetting I wasn't supposed to tell anypony that. “So you and Savyna broke up? When did that happen?” She asked me trying to find an opening she could slip into or so I thought. “Yeah we broke up fer two weeks but Ah went and talked it out with her yesterday so we're back together now. Ah'm suppose ta be meetin' her at Sugarcube Corners in an hour ta go out fer lunch.” I explained to RD. “Well that's cool that you two worked that out. I would have never guessed you two had split up.” RD said as she had funny little smirk on her face before she blushed and looked away from me. “Hey AJ umm... I uh... needed to talk to you about something... you know... about... that night...” She said hesitating as her cheeks got redder. “What was that sugarcube? Ah didn't catch that last part.” I said back as I watched her blush more and rub the back of her neck. “I needed to talk about... you know about... what happened with us and Savyna...” She whispered again a bit louder but I still couldn't make out what she was saying exactly. “Well RD Ah can't help ya out if ya can't tell me.” I said with a bit of irritation in my voice. She blushed even harder before looking at me and sighed. “I wanted to talk about that night, the night when you and Savyna first had sex. When we had the stupid contest over who should be with you.” She said forcing her glance down still blushing. “W-what bout that night do ya want ta talk about?” I asked blushing as well. “Let's go somewhere more private to talk about this.” RD said as she looked around to see anyone had heard us. When she was sure no one had heard what we were speaking about we headed for the park. Once we were at the park Rainbow Dash and I were sitting at a picnic table away from the few ponies in the park Rainbow Dash looked at me still uneasy about how talk about that night or say what she wanted concerning that night. “So why do ya want ta talk about... that night fer?” I finally asked after a few minutes of awkward silence. “Well it's not an easy thing to ask but I'll try.” Rainbow said said still blushing hard from before. She was blushing so hard her normal cyan coat looked lavender. “Well you see I was wondering... that thing I want to know if I could...” “What is Rainbow Dash? Ya know ya can ask me anything right?” “Yeah I know but this is kind of awkward to say so I'm just going do it real fast okay.” Rainbow Dash said before she took a deep breath to calm herself. “IwanttoknowifyouwouldletmesleepwithSavyna?” She asked in one big breath. “Ya want ta WHAT?” I asked shocked and what I had just heard from my friend. “I want to know if you would let me have one night with Savyna? I know this a super unawesome thing for me ask you, but ever since that night I can't stop thinking about. I mean what I saw and felt... it was so awesome! I saw her use the freaky glowing hand power stuff on you and you were in like a prolong orgasm that it made me cum so much... my memory of that... it won't go away. I find myself clopping to the memory of it. I'll understand if you never want to talk to me after this.” I just sat there for a long while thinking about what to say and nothing came to mind. I mean Savyna and I had just talked about that last night and here was Rainbow Dash asking me about it. I guess Savyna was right, the question was, was I okay with sharing Savyna even for a night? “Well... that's a lot ta ask a mare that just got back with her stallion but Ah can understand why ya would want and need ta ask me that. “ I said with my face as red as a tomato. “I can't promise anything now but if'n Ah get Savyna ta agree to this it would just be the one night now. No more after that at least until me and Savyna work a few things out about our relationship.” “Oh I see... well that's okay I just thought I... huh.. are you serious?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief at what I had said. “Yeah Ah'm serious. We kind of already did it as a group once while drunk so Ah don't see a problem with tryin' it sober if'n Savyna will agree ta it. But remember this is only once and no more until Ah say so, Ah aint trying ta build a herd or nothing like that yet. So long as ya understand that Ah'm fine with this.” I told Rainbow Dash as the tried to meet her gaze but couldn't “Hey I totally get it. You want a solid relationship with Savyna after all she is your special somepony. Thanks for understanding AJ I just had to get this out of my system you know. It's been really messing things up with me and Soarin since that night happened. I feel like if I just get this out of my system I can make it right with Soarin.” “Have ya talked about this with Soarin at all? Ah don't want yer stallion think we're tryin' ta take you from him. Ah mean the whole herd thing can make a stallion jealous especially if the mare he loves is with another stallion that has a few mares already. Are ya sure he will be okay with this?” I asked wanting to make sure this okay on RD end before I even talked to Savyna about setting this up later. “Yeah, I talked it over with him and he was the one that suggested I ask you and Savyna for this rather big favor before it tore us apart. I'm really into Soarin and that night I was super drunk and a little jealous, okay a lot jealous to be honest, that somepony else had your attention. I wish I hadn't been so stupid that night but now I can't stop thinking about it.” Rainbow Dash told me with tears in her eyes, she quickly wipe them away before continuing. “To be truthful with you I kind of wanted you to be in a herd with me with Soarin as our stallion. So that night when you were with Savyna I saw that I lost my chance to ask you just that and the alcohol started talking to me and then one bad thought lead to another next thing I knew I was challenging Savyna to the stupid contest that end with me losing in more ways then one.” “Ah'm flattered that ya would want to share yer stallion and yerself with me Rainbow but don't ya think ya should asked me a bit sooner then that night?” I asked Dash a little puzzled by why she waited until a few weeks ago to ask me to be in a herd with her. Her and Soarin had bee dating for a few months and it was getting to the point that wedding bells weren't to far off. “Well the fact is I was a little scared you would say no or that it would change your feelings about me and ruin our friendship. It was Soarin that talked me into finally asking you after a weeks of urging and encouraging me to tell you my real feelings. I mean when I told him I had feelings for you and ask him how he felt about starting a herd with you as one of a few mares in it he was all for it. Soarin said that you were rather nice, he loves your apple pies and the thought you had a rather nice plot.” Rainbow Dash explained a bit embarrassed about telling me all of that. “Well that was right nice of him and but I couldn't join a herd with ya'll, it wouldn't be fair making ya'll stay on the ground when a pegasus' place in the sky. You two would have ta leave Cloudsdale if'n Ah join yer herd.” I told Rainbow Dash softly, she seemed to understand that and just nodded softly. “Besides two awesome fliers like you and Soarin would have yer pick of pegasi mare in Cloudsdale that would love to be herds sisters with you Dash.” “Well yeah but Soarin kinda has a little thing for earth pony mares, strong legs and all. But that's a story for another time.” Dash told with a deeper blush at something I would have to pry out of her later. Seems me being friends with Dash wasn't the only reason Soarin had been okay with adding me to their herd. “Well back to the matter at hand, I told Soarin about that night after we started having problems three weeks ago, arguing over little silly things and our sex life become non-existent because I felt guilty about that night. He is super awesome stallion, he didn't get mad when he should have been super pissed at me because I end up ditch him that night we all end up together. To his credit he has been really patient with me about this whole thing, not once did he blame me or you or Savyna. I was ready for him to leave me because of it but he completely understood my feelings about the whole thing. He even told me that if this was what I need to let go of it then he was fine with that because he would do anything to make me happy. I felt so guilty about that that I kind of took it out on you and Dragon Song yesterday when we got into that fight. So I'm sorry about that and I'm glad that you will talk to Savyna about it. I hope we can get this done so I can start making it up to Soarin.” “That fight thing is fine and Ah forgive ya. We both had some guilt bout things we had done ta both of our stallions so its all forgiven. Ah'll do my best to convince Savyna so you and Soarin can start gettin' back ta where ya were before that stupid night. The only thing is that it will have ta wait until Savyna gets back in a little over a week. Ya see she has a job that will take a week to complete, and the whole team is leavin' this evenin'. The best part though is after this one Savyna and others are taking a year long vacation from fightin'. Ah'll ask her ta think bout it at lunch today and Ah'll get ya an answer when she gets back after her mission okay.” I told Rainbow Dash with a smile. “That's cool but there is one other thing... I mean it another really big favor.” Dash said still blushing. “Let me guess, ya want ta know is if Soarin can come along too?” I asked with a devious smirk on my face. “Please AJ, if you could convince Savyna it would be a really big surprise for him. I mean two mares and human woman, he blow a load just seeing the three of us naked. Please talk to her about this?” RD begged with giving me the puppydog eyes. “Well Ah can ask her but ya should know that mah stallion may want a piece of yer stallion's plot in return for this favor.” I told Raid while still smirking. “What do you mean by that?” She ask curiously. “Ah mean that Savyna has just as much if not more, since Ah aint seen what Soarin is packin' in those pants of his, stallion's pride then the average stallion. I mean Soarin looks like he got some size but mah baby has a third leg.” “What are ya trying to say? Are trying to say the Savyna's more of a stallion then Soarin?” Dashie asked me with a lot of irritation in her voice at me calling Soarin's love muscle small. “No, Ah aint saying Soarin is small if that's what ya think. No that's not it at all but Savyna's cock is 26 inches long and about 5 inches thick. I mean the damn thing is huge and I can barely handle it at times. Is Soarin ready to handle something like that if'n Savyna decides she wants a taste of his plot as well?” I asked hoping RD wouldn't freak out at what I had just said. I was wrong. WHAT!? RD screamed as she point at me. I quickly stood up and grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the park before anypony could ask us what was going on. After we were away from the park and standing in one of the alleys near the Sofa and Quills store I eyed RD rather hard before sighing and got ready to explain to her everything. It took 20 minutes to explain it all to her and she asked so many questions the whole time but finally she understood what I had been saying and was asking her earlier. “Wow that's interesting to know about Connamaraians but the thing about Twilight is really a shocker.” RD said as we made our way back to Sugarcube Corners. I only had ten minutes before I was to meet with Savyna for lunch. “Yeah Ah know but it makes sense seein' as she's a bit of a perv when it comes ta magic.” “More like super big perv, I talked to Pinkie Pie about that weekend she want us to come help her. I know Pinkie is into that super kinky stuff, but come on! Some of that stuff is just super weird and Twilight was the one doing it to Pinkie Pie, Lyra and Bon Bon!” Rainbow ranted and it was a valid point but Twilight was entitled to be a closet pervert just like the rest of us. “Whether its weird or not Twi has the right ta be as big a perv as she wants ta just as long as she keeps it all private like and don't hurt nopony while she's doin' it.” I pointed this out because of what Dash had asked me earlier and now it was time to tease her a bit. “Besides Dashie aint ya the one that wants ta be mah stallion's little ridin' mare along with Soarin, right?” I asked her with wicked grin and raised eyebrow. Dashie quickly blushed and closed her mouth. “Point taken. I'll lay off Twilight and her kinks, okay.” “Well good. Ah have ta get goin' got a lunch date with Savyna and Ah need to get ready to see the other girls after the warrior team leaves for the next meetin' for our little club.” I told RD. “What little club is that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well when and Savyna and her group leave on a job Rarity, Zecora, Fluttershy, and Ah all gather ta together ta support one another while our stallions are away. All of us worry about Savyna and the others while there out there riskin' there lives fightin' and such so we get together and talk bout our relationship and how feel and such. It helps keep us from worryin' all the time and bein' lonely without 'em here with us.” I explained. “I know Soarin is often gone a lot with the Wonderbolts and Ah' know ya can't make it ta all his shows so ya want ta come join the club with me and other girls.” “Uh... sure why not right? So when do we meet then?” “Meet us at Rarity’s place tonight at 6:30. The team's train leaves at 6 so we will see them off at the train station then go back Rarity's place ta talk and have our meeting.” “Okay I have to see Soarin before he off the next set of show in Las Pegasus tonight 6 myself so I see you and the girls at 6:30 then. Later AJ and thanks.” Rainbow Dash told me before she spread her wings and took to the air. She was most likely on her way to Cloudsdale to see Soarin for the rest of the afternoon and no doubt tell him about our little talk. I just shook my head and turned my attention back to the task at hand having much fun with Savyna before she left tonight since tomorrow I had a whole future to worry about saving and find away to tell everypony that Savyna and I were expecting a bundle of joy in 10 months. It didn't take me long to get back to Sugarcube Corners and when I arrived Savyna was waiting for me munching on a blueberry muffin and I saw Ditzy Doo or as everypony call her “Derpy Hooves”, a silly nickname because of cute but often times disastrous clumsiness she has when delivering the mail, walking away with a basket full of blueberry muffins, the silly mare sure did love her muffins and spreading the love of muffins to everyone she meets. I walked up to Savyna and stood next her keeping as quiet as possible so she wouldn't notice me until I was ready to surprise her. I walked up behind her and placed my hands over eyes. “Guess who this is and you will win a surprise gift but you only get three chances and if you lose you will have to pay a penalty.” I said in my Manehatten accent just to confuse Savyna a bit. “Remember if you peek you automaticly lose the game. You can only as three questions, one for each guess. Ready to play?” “Okay lets see here my first question will be, are you a mare I know?” Savyna asked quickly with a chuckle. “Yes, you have meet me several times. What is your guess?”I asked. “Rarity?” “No, that is strike one, darling.” I told her then gave her my best version of Rarity high society laugh. “Okay, have we known each other very long?” Savyna asked next as she licked her lips. “Yes and no. We have seen each other for a long time but it has only been recently that we have connected in person.” I said still using my posh voice. Could you be, Mayor Mare?” She questioned with a exaggerated tone of confusion. “No you are wrong again my dear. Only one more question and one more guess before you have to pay the penalty. Chose carefully my dear I don't think you can afford the penalty.” I teased Savyna hoping she never would guess it was me. “Okay one last question then, what will it be?” Savyna said with a knowing smile. “If we know each other and have met before recently have we kissed?” “Yes we have kissed many times and each time we kiss it feels like it's the first time. Who am I?” “You can be only one mare then, my mare, my beloved star, Apple Maria Jack.” Savyna loving said as she pulled my hands from eyes and spun me a round in her arms before dipping me down and kissing me passionately. “How in tarnations did ya find out what mah middle name was?” I asked after she pulled me up and let go of me. I completely forgot about all of the ponies and people starting at our little display in front of the bakery I was more worried about how she found out what my middle name was. “To quote a wise old mare, 'Apple Maria Jack, haven't Ah taught ya better then that?' I tended to remember things my elders say just in case there's test later.” Savyna giggled before pulling into a tight hug. “What's wrong with your middle name I think is so cute.” “Ah don't like bein' called by mah middle name. The only time it's used is when Ah'm in trouble.” I told her with mock anger showing on my face. “Well even with that I did win the game so what's my prize?” “Well ya won so you get ta take me ta lunch at The Golden Apples then clothes shopping fer the rest of the day and yer paying fer everything.” I told Savyna with cute mischievous smile before I pulled away from her and started down the road toward the restaurant. “Well come on lover girl we don't have all day and ya have lot of clothes ta buy me.” “This mare is going to drive me crazy and into the poorhouse if this keeps up and I'm loving ever minute of it.” Savyna said with a laugh before she chased after me complaining about my new expensive tastes. I told that it was her fault for spoiling me rotten from before. We had a good laugh before head to the restaurant for lunch. “What made you chose my favorite place to eat for lunch?” Savyna asked me as we walked up to the restaurant and bar hand in hand. “This was the first place we had gone to on our first official date and since we are startin' over Ah thought we would start this restart off right by havin' another date.” I replied in a softly girly tone. “You don't mind taking me out on another date do ya?” “No I'm happy to take my mare out for date at my favorite restaurant but the only thing is with you dress like that I feel a bit under dressed this time around.” She said softly as she looked at me with an awkward smile. I giggled at her awkwardness before kissing her softly. “You look fine it's just lunch no pony will notice.” I told her reassuringly as walked thru the open doors to the front counter. “Name please.” The Hostess was the same pale purple mare with the gold rimed glasses and her white and sliver mane in a bun just the last time we had ate here. Seconds after it left her mouth she looked up to spot Savyna and me standing smiling at her. “Oh Ms. Shadowstorm and Ms. Apple how good it is to see you two again. Will it be a table for two today?” The mare asked. “Yes, a table for two Silver Bells and thank you.” Savyna replied with a light smile. Of course, right this way madams, we are always happy to have you both for lunch or dinner.” Silver Bells said with a smile before she led us to our special table in the back and disappeared back to the front counter. Savyna sat in the booth and Ah took a seat beside her. We sat there for about minute before a waiter, the one from before, Black Flute showed up. He had on his same dapper suit and tie with his slick black mane combed back. This time I didn't feel really under dressed staring at him it was Savyna sitting in that boat this time. “What can I get for you two ladies this afternoon?” Black Flute asked smiling at us. We order the same thing we had the last time we were at the Golden Apples minus the alcohol, for one Savyna had work later and I was pregnant so that was just big no-no, our drinks from the last time were replaced with non-alcoholic sparkling cider. It was rather tasty and didn't make giddy and lightheaded like the Champagne had. While we ate I told her about the talk that I had with Rainbow Dash and the requests Dash and Soarin had of us. Savyna giggled as she know Dash would ask sometime soon but the Soarin thing was a new twist she hadn't expected. I told her we could always say on on adding Soarin to the little get together so it would just the three of us. Savyna surprised me and said it was fine if Dash brought Soarin to play so long as I didn't have a problem with it. I told her it was fine just as long as she was okay with him being there since this was only a one time thing to help those two out. If it all went well we would see about more play dates with them in the future. Savyna found that part interesting as she would like to see how I would handled another stallion with her watching. We made plans for a get together with Dash and Soarin once she got back and she told me to tell Dash when I saw her later that there were no promises that Soarin wouldn't end up as the third mare in our bed that night, after all she was from Connamaraia too. After lunch we went shopping and Savyna bought me a few more dresses and a tone of jewelry to go with them. She was turning me in to a rather girly and frou-frou mare but I did enjoy showing off to her in the dresses she picked out. I made sure to get then a few sizes larger then I really was since in a few months I was going to need a whole new wardrobe once I started showing. I made a mental note to go the hospital some time soon to get a prenatal check and consult with the doctor soon about my pregnancy and some time soon I was going to have to talk with Dragon Feather about my pregnancy since my foal was part dragon which according to my new guardians was of the blood of Connamaraia. Once the shopping was done and we had nice stroll thru the park hand in hand before we went back to the house for pre-battle love making. We were surprised to find out all of the other girls were in the house with their respective stallions doing the same thing. After having an awkward laugh about Fluttershy shouts for Tank to fuck her plot sore and Rarity yelling at Zecora about hogging all of Black's sweet milk Savyna and I ran to her room to see if we could out do them all. For the next two hours we all listen to each others shouts and moans of intense passionate love making. After the pre-battle preparations were over with after a round of showers and redressing we all had an awkward gathering in the front hallway before leaving some 20 minutes there after. The girls and I just smiled knowingly at each other while our stallions just stared at each other awkwardly before Black stated we should leave before the party missed the train. With that said and few laughs at the embarrassment our stallions were feeling we all left for the train station. On the way there the party was talking over battle plans and strategies while the girls and I discussed our meetings schedule and the new addition of Rainbow Dash to our club. Once we made to the train station there were hugs and goodbye kissed shared by all and everyone in the party boarded the train save Savyna who was still holding on to me. “It seems like every time we find a bit of peace with each other I have to leave you again.” Savyna whispered as she held me tight. “Ah know sugarcube, Ah hated it as well, but it can't be helped. Don't worry bout me none Ah'll be fine just you stay safe and come home ta me in one piece.” I told her calmly before I inhaled her deep and sweet scent. “ Before ya go Ah have something Ah want ta give ya.” I told as I pulled her dagger from it sheath and grabbed a huge chuck of my mane before slicing it off. Rarity witness this and fainted right on the spot. Luckily Zecora and Fluttershy were there to catch her. After I had the long strands of my mane that I had cut away in hand I tied a knot in one end of them and put a ribbon from my ponytail on the other end before handed it to Savyna. “Here this way ya will have me and mah scent close to you ta remind ya that you have a home and a new life ta come home ta now.” “Apple Jack... I love you you much you crazy, stubborn, loving, beautiful mare. I will come home no matter what.” Savyna told me before kissed me again. Soon the other were yelling for her to come on since the train was leaving in a minute or two and if she missed this train she would be two days behind the rest of them in getting to the Wizard's Tower. “ Go on sugarcube, get a goin' so ya can hurry back ta me and when ya get back Ah will have a very special surprise waitin' fer ya.” I whispered in her ear before pushing on to the train seconds before it started to leave the station. Savyna was yelling for the train to stop as it sped up and out of the station for parts unknown to me. As it left Savyna stared at me burning the vision of me, in my white and blue floral dress, with apple blossoms woven in my mane as it blow and flowed around me in the wind, deep into her mind to never lose it even as time wore on. She etched deep into her heart the sight of the mare she loves, the mare that had saved her from herself, the mare she would die for, me, her beloved Apple Jack....