> The Grey > by WingBeatz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Falling Head Over Hooves, Accidentally of Course > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falling Head Over Hooves, Accidentally of Course It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, Equestria. Fluttershy walked outside of her cottage to water the newly bloomed spring flowers. She came to the roses and reached down to smell one. She forgot it had thorns so when she reached to pull it towards her nose she cut her hoof. "Ow!" she gasped. "Oh, Angel!" She called her little rabbit over who had already brought her a bandage. "Oh thank you Angel Bunny." She thanked her rabbit in a shy, quiet voice. She went inside to grab her basket after wrapping her hoof. She put in some fruit and sandwiches, along with a picnic blanket. "Goodbye, Angel Bunny. I'll be back later." She told her rabbit as she walked out the door. She headed to the main town and soon arrived at Twilight Sparkle's house. She knocked on the door lightly. Behind it she could hear cluttering going on when all of a sudden Spike, Twilight's dragon, answered the door. "Hey Fluttershy! Twilight's in the middle of studying but I can take a message if you want." He smiled and looked over his shoulder quickly to look back at her. Then pulled out a scroll and feather pen when Fluttershy started to respond. "Oh! She's studying? Okay I'll come back tomorrow. I don't want to be a disturbance." She started to turn away to leave when Twilight suddenly appeared in the doorway and yanked it back open as Spike started to close the door and see her off. "Fluttershy! Sorry, why did you c... Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about our picnic plans today! I'm so, so, so, so sorry! Can we take a rain check? Princess Celestia gave me all of this work to do over the weekend and I totally forgot. I don't have any free time for the next few days. Would next weekend work?" "Yes that will work actually." She smiled sweetly. "I have stuff to do today anyway. It's okay. I'll see you later Twilight!" Fluttershy turned and started to walk back into town. "Bye Fluttershy!" Twilight closed the door as Fluttershy walked into a store. She walked to the front counter and gave the mare sitting there two bits. The mare handed her an apple and smiled while thanking her for coming. Fluttershy thanked her back and then walked out. She took a bite of her apple when suddenly she bumped into something. She stumbled back and fell on her plot. She blushed in embarrassment because she could feel the other pony's staring. She looked up at what she bumped into to find that it was a large, grey stallion. He reminded her of Apple Jack's older brother Big Macintosh. He was tall and slightly less burly than Big Mac. He had grey fur and a darker mane. His big green eyes were very beautiful and she got so distracted that she forgot what had happened. he had been walking with his friend who was brown with a black mane. The grey stallion leaned down to her and held out his hoof to her. With his slightly darker mane falling into his face. "I'm so sorry, that was my fault. Are you okay?" She let him pull her up and aplogise again. She noticed his cutie mark. A dark rose with ink stains on it. "It's okay sir. It was more my fault. I should have been watching where I was going." She smiled at him and picked up her basket and apple. She threw her apple away in a close by trash can and started to walk away when he stopped her. "Wait! What's your name? My name is Foggy Mist." "My name is Fluttershy." "That's a beautiful name." He smiled at her then noticed the scratch on her arm. It had started bleeding again. "Oh gosh! Are you bleeding? I'm so sorry!" "What this? Oh no it's..." He cut her off quickly. "I feel terrible about the whole thing now." "Oh it's quiet alright." "No it's not! Here, how about, I, uh, Oh! I'll treat you to anything you want at Sugarcube Corner. Anything at all!" "Oh you don't have to do that. Haha." "I have to! Please?" "Well if it means that much to you I guess." "Great! Meet me right here at about 9:00. Okay? I'll see you then! "Um, okay. See you!" She walked away constantly looking back at him as he did the same. She couldn't believe that he was going to buy her dessert. Oh gosh! She just realized that it was a date! She had never gone on a date before! She soon got home and put her stuff down next to the door. She layed down on the couch and rested her eyes. She slowly fell asleep and dreamed of what it would be like. > Not So Shy, and Light as Air > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not So Shy, and Light as Air "Yawn!" Fluttershy leaned up on her couch and wiped her eyes gently. She looked around and found the time on her clock. 9:08. "Oh, 9:08. I should go back to sleep a little while longer." She started to lay back down when Angel hopped up to her and tapped his foot impatiently. She looked at him. "Oh Angel you can wait a little while longer for your food. Wait. Nine? Oh its past dinner. Oh so you want... Dessert!" In a split second she had flown out the door with Angel looking after her. "Oh no! I forgot about my date!" She quickly ran to the store where they first met. Sure enough he stood there looking around. He soon spotted her and smiled. "Great! Your here on time!" He said sweetly. "Come on lets head over there!" She stumbled as he started to trot off. On time? She wondered. She soon realized that her clock was a few minutes ahead so if she got there on time she would have been ten minutes early and he wouldn't have most likely been there! She made a mental note before realizing that he had stopped to wait for her and was now calling her name. "Hey Flitters! You coming or what? Haha!" He laughed realizing he had made her a nickname. She looked up at him. "Oh! Sorry I was just thinking about something!" She smiled apologetically and then quickly caught up with him. They walked into Sugarcube Corner to find Pinkie Pie asleep at the cash register. Foggy Mist walked up to the pink mare. "Um, hello?" Pinkie's head shot up like a bullet. "I swear Dashie I didn't take the penguin!!" She realized that she had a customer and apologized for falling asleep. "Oh, sorry! I didn't think anyone else was coming in today and I wasn't allowed to leave shift today. May I take your order? We have Cakes, Cupcakes, Cuffins... Whoopsie! I mean Muffins! Speaking of Muffins do you know Derpy? She loves Muffins! She's the delivery pony around here! By here I mean Ponyville. Oh! Duh! Haha! Where else would we be?! Well, we could be in Canterlot. Or Phillydelphia, or..." Mrs. Cake ran in and slammed her hoof on the table. "Pinkie! Keep on topic! Just take their order it's that simple and I will not be letting you scare off more customers!" She apologized to Foggy Mist then left back into the kitchen. "Well, I'll take a Cupcake and... Hey Flitters. What do you want?" He looked back at her and she peeked out from behind him. "The same as you. Um, if you don't mind." "Ok! Two Cupcakes please." He handed Pinkie four bits and she exchanged it for two Cupcakes. Then she realized who was behind him. "FLUTTERSHY?! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! Are you guys on a d...!" Suddenly Mrs. Cake's voice came from the kitchen. "Pinkie! What did I say?!" "Sorry Mrs. Cake! See you guys later! I have to go clock out! I'll leave you two alone!" She winked before bouncing into the back room. Foggy Mist grabbed the Cupcakes and turned around and handed one to Fluttershy. "Come on we can sit outside." They sat at a small two person table. Fluttershy took off the wrapper to her Cupcake and bit into the creamy icing mixed with the actual Cake. Foggy Mist did the same. "So Flitters. What about me?" She looked up at him with an inquisitive look. "What do you mean? Not to sound offensive or anything!" She laughed, still utterly confused. "Well, I gave you a nickname. What about me? Haha!" "Oh! Um... How about Fog?" "Haha! Simple yet quite elegantly beautiful." He said with a very comical tone trying to mock the professional critiques. "Ha! Well, you my friend are quite indeed welcome! Hmm...?" "What is it old chap'?" "It just seems to me that the sky is unusually bright and sunny today. I believe it called for a twenty percent chance of rain and it is not raining! Waiter! I believe a new cloud arrangement is in order!" She stood up and lightly pounded her hoof on the table. They both started laughing hysterically and she sat back down. Fog looked at the watch on his hoof and stood up. "Well, Flitters, it's been fun seeing you! I have to get home soon though, so I guess I'll see you later!" "Oh! Well goodbye then! It was indeed fun. We should do this again sometime!" She stood also. "How about this time next Friday?" "Deal!" He walked away waving goodbye. He acted so calm about leaving when she didn't really want him to go. But she could tell by his sad expression when he turned that he thought the same way. She walked inside to see if Pinkie Pie was still there. She was next to the door looking very suspicious. "Pinkie Pie are you okay?" "Oh... I'm sorry Fluttershy. I was snooping. I was just curious as to what you guys were talking about though. Will you forgive me?" She looked at Fluttershy with wide, sad, puppy dog eyes. "Oh, Pinkie. You know I couldn't stay mad at you." "Yay! Thanks Fluttershy!" She ran up and hugged her happily. So what's he like? "Well, he's nice, and funny. I don't know why but I feel like I can be so open to him. I don't know what is is about him but I'm not so... Shy." She smiled at the thought of that. "Well, sorry Pinkie but Angel is probably waiting for me back at home. I better get going too. I'll see you tomorrow!" Fluttershy walked outside towards her house. "Bye Fluttershy!" Fluttershy spread her wings thinking about what she just said over and over again. I'm not so shy. She took to the sky doing loops and just letting her hair down. Even if she was afraid of heights, she was too happy to care. She had realized how she truly felt about him. She felt like she was truly floating on air. Oh Fog. I can't believe I love you.