
by pony ink splot

First published

It's Mothers Day, so Rarity picks some flowers for her mother. But where did all the mirrors come from?

Rarity wants to pick some flowers for her mother for Mothers Day, but she stumbles upon the most GORGEOUS patch of flowers, so she goes to pick some. But she sees only one flower when she gets near them, she looks around, and she sees tens of mirrors. How can she escape this trap of mirrors?

Rarity Drinks Coffee

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It was a beautiful, sunny day in Equestria, and Rarity woke up to the chirping of birds around five-thirty. She sat up and walked to the table, her hair unbrushed and slumped down in her chair, waiting for her daily breakfast sandwich. Her mom brought her an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich on a clean plate and also had in her other hand a cup with and odd brown liquid that steamed high up to the ceiling. "What is that brown stuff you are holding, mom?" said Rarity sleepily.

"It's coffee, I decided you could have some since your'e always so sleepy, it will wake you up." said Rarity's mother. She set the coffee down on the smooth, wooden table. Rarity didn't say anything, but she was so excited to have coffee for the first time. She picked up the glass mug and gulped down some coffee."OOOUUUUUUCCCCCCHHH! Hot! Hot! Ow my tongue!" said Rarity.

She ran outside and turned on the hose to "shower" and sprayed it at herself with her tongue hanging out. After she finished, she walked slowly, soaking wet inside and said. "I hate coffee." "Not everyone likes coffee. Your'e not supposed to gulp it down so fast, you will burn your tongue." said Rarity's mother. "Really? I guess I didn't realize that!" said Rarity sarcastically.

The Forest

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After breakfast, Rarity remembered that it was Mothers Day, so she galloped on over to the forest near her house and searched for flowers to put in a bouquet for her mothers present. After a half of an hour, she found some pretty flowers that were light pink with hot pink paint splats. She gripped them tightly in her now sweaty hands and realized what she was doing, so she held them lightly in her hands and skipped along the path she was walking. Rarity soon found several more normal looking flowers.

She was getting very sweaty in the shady woods, so she stuck her tongue out and panted like a dog. She felt silly acting like a dog, so she put her tongue back in her dry mouth. She dad been walking for three hours and suddenly got really tired and walked slower and slower as she walked. Later Rarity was walking along the path, but she ran into a fork in the path, left and right.

She randomly decided to go left. Rarity stopped like she was afraid of something. She dropped her flowers that she picked and her jaw dropped. She saw the most GORGEOUS flowers she had ever seen! There were tens of them! She ran towards them, but only saw one when she got near them. She looked around herself and saw a whole bunch of mirrors. Rarity was trapped.


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Rarity was freaking out! She was braying like crazy, started sweating and running frantically at the mirrors. She attempted to escape, but the only thing that happened was she got a throbbing felling on the top of her head and a great migraine. She pulled out her notebook and flipped to the page that she wrote what all the movie people did to escape from places like they did it every day. (That was a note in Rarity's notebook.) She stopped in awe and looked amazed at the note.
It was the most used strategy in all of the movies she had ever seen. The note was, they would try to distract the enemy and get away.

She put the notebook away. She looked around at the mirrors like she was a spy on a secret mission. She jumped around and did lots of cart wheels and fist pounded the ground. She sneakily went next to one of the mirrors and acted real casual. She stood there waiting for the right time to attack the enemy. Suddenly she attacked the mirrors with one powerful kick that she spun around to get to all of them. Her head hurt and everything was very blurry. She had escaped! she got up and sashayed all the way to her house.

She snuck into the house and checked the time. Oh no! It was ten o' clock. She was supposed to present her gift to her mother now! She pulled out a piece of printer paper from the "junk drawer" and wrote this: Dear mom, You are amazingly talented at making pancakes and bacon, I could eat it forever! You also take really good care of me, I am very lucky I have you and not someone who doesn't care for me or help me with anything! I love you mom! Thank you for everything you do for me! Love Rarity. Her mom really loved her gift she even put it on the display table.

The End?

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The next day, Rarity got to watch Equestria's next top pony model. Her favorite girl won! She had been waiting for this day! Finally the end of this episode chain. During the show, they ate chips, popcorn,red licorice and even drank Pepsi, Rarity's favorite soda pop. Later, after lunch at the bakery nearby, they went to a friendly toss the egg game in the park. Rarity had a meltdown because she got egg yoke in her hair, but she took a shower.

Rarity played hide and go seek with her friends in the park for a few hours. (Okay, a long time,about five hours of so! It was really fun!) Her mom came by after a while, to tell her that she had to come home. Rarity hung her head back and gave her mom the puppy dog eyes while moaning. Her mom looked at Rarity like, really?

Rarity walked slowly with her mom than stopped in her tracks. She turned around and blushed. "Sorry guys! I forgot to say goodbye! Goodbye!" When they arrived home, Rarity's mother entered the room to admire her gorgeous flowers. Rarity called for her mother. She didn't answer. So she called again and she didn't answer. She went into the living room to find her mom. She saw a whole bunch of mirrors near the flowers where her mother was at...........