> EquestriaBound: Sombra Strikes Back > by Kyo_Dex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Summer's Abrupt End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Apple Bloom! I bet you can't beat me to that tree!" Babs Seed taunted the other filly. "Oh yeah? I betcha ah can!" Apple Bloom dashed forward, catching up to Babs. The two fillies were enjoying their long day of fun and play as it was their last. Babs had asked to stay with Apple Bloom and her family for the Summer. She had agreed that she would come back two weeks before school began again in Manehattan. It had been a long few weeks for both fillies, and they wouldn't have had it any other way. "Ha! I win!" Babs exclaimed as her front hoof touched the lone apple tree that sat on the tallest hill in Sweet Apple Acres "No fair! You got a head start!" Apple Bloom pouted as she hoofed at the ground. "Fine..." Babs rubbed her chin with her hoof. "Aha! I bet you won't go into the Everfree Forest with me!" She said with a sly grin, her hoof pointing in the direction of the dark forest. "Ah-" Apple Bloom's face shifted into a slightly worried look. "Ah dunno... if Applejack finds us, we'll really get it..." "Quit being such a baby!" Babs scoffed with a smirk. "I'm not a baby!" Apple Bloom snapped. "Fine! Let's just go into the stupid forest!" Apple Bloom said in an annoyed tone. Apple Bloom began galloping towards the forest, almost leaving Babs in the dust behind her. Apple Bloom stopped at the entrance, staring into the dark and dangerous forest. Babs quickly joined her at the entrance. They both stare into the abysmal darkness that the forest held within it. The trees seemed to form various faces and figures that struck fear into Apple Bloom's heart. Even Babs Seed was a little freaked out. "A-Alright... let's go in for just a few minutes..." Apple Bloom suggested. "No arguments there..." Babs said, trying to hide her slight uneasyness. The two fillies didn't make it a few feet before stopping in their tracks. They both stared into glowing eyes that stared back at them. Only the eyes were visible. The figure growled at them as it got closer. The ponies reacted by stepping back. "Wha-... What is that?" Apple Bloom said, scared out of her wits. The figure jumped out of the darkness to reveal that it was a baby Timber Wolf. Apple Bloom knew not to underestimate it. She knew that even when young, Timber Wolves were very aggressive. The two fillies looked at eachother. Babs quickly turned her gaze at the Timber Wolf. "Ya don't scare me!" Babs taunted the wild beast with an arrogant look on her face. "What are ya doin!" Apple Bloom whispered to Babs. "That thing could easily eat us!" Apple Bloom's voice quivered as she spoke. "Not if we fight back!" Babs stood her ground and stared into the eyes of the Wolf. With a growl, the Baby Timber Wolf pounced the tough city-pony. --------------------------------------------- ***(Section Music)*** Babs quickly dodged the pounce and kicked the wolf away, knocking it back a few feet. She rushed the beast and attempted to smash her forehooves against it. She barely missed it. "Darn! Help me out here, will ya?!" Babs yelled to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom timidly galloped towards the Timber Wolf. She ended up bashing it with her head, knocking the animal only a few inches away. The Baby Timber Wolf swiped at Apple Bloom, knocking her back a couple of feet. Apple Bloom grunted as she felt a few scratches along her face. *SMAAAASH!!* Babs kicked the Baby Timber Wolf across the face, knocking it on its back. "Yeah! Take that!" Babs' celebration was cut short as the Timber Wolf hopped back up to its feet and bit Babs hard. "GAAAH!!" Babs screamed in pain as she hopped back Babs' guts had saved her. She was on the verge of collapsing as she slowly backed away from the monster. "Apple Bloom... Help me..." Babs closed her eyes as the Baby Timber Wolf once more pounced at her. *SMAAAASH!!* -------------------------------------------- Babs Seed opened her eyes to see the Young Timber Wolf run away whining. She let out a nervous chuckle as she grabbed the wound that was on her shoulder with her opposite hoof. Apple Bloom looked at the figure that had saved them and before she had time to say something, it spoke. "YOU TWO ARE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE! YA HEAR?!" Applejack roared at the young ponies, causing them to cower in fear. "What in Celestia's name were y'all thinkin'?! Goin' into the Everfree Forest! BY YOURSELVES NO LESS!" Applejack ranted without even looking at the fillies. "Ah'm sorry! Ah didn't mean-" "Do you want to not have Babs be allowed back here again?!" Applejack turned her gaze at Apple Bloom. "Y'all could've gotten seriously hurt! What would I say to Babs' parents?" Applejack said sternly, the look of anger faded as she sighed. "Apple Bloom... please don't scare me like that again..." She said as she embraced her sister. "You too Babs... Come here..." There was no answer. "Babs Seed, come here!" Apple Bloom looked over Applejack's shoulder to see the spot that Babs was recently sitting in was empty. "Babs?!" Apple Bloom pushed off of her sister as she looked around to see where she could've been. She was nowhere to be found. Applejack's face was overcome with a slight fear. She joined her little sister in looking for her. They checked the area they were in, as well as the area in Sweet Apple Acres outside of the Everfree. "...Apple Bloom... Go home immediately." "But Babs is-" "Ah'll look for babs, just go home okay?! Ah'm already worried enough about one filly, Ah don't need two!" She said with a worried expression on her face. She sighed "Just go home... Ah'll find her..." She said in a softer tone. Apple Bloom nodded and ran home as fast as she could. "Well, hello dearie! Wha- Where's Babs?" Granny Smith asked as soon as Apple Bloom entered the house. "Ah don't know... AJ's lookin' for her." Apple Bloom said in a sad tone. "Oh... I had made Apple Fritters for the two of ya's... Go ahead and have one. Then ya can scoot up to bed, young'n" Granny Smith pointed to a plate that contained multiple Fritters. Apple Bloom picked one up and ate it without much enjoyment. She finished the treat and went to bed. She was unable to sleep for a few hours, but she managed to get some sleep... [Two Hours Later] There was a huge crash in the distance, powerful enough to shake Ponyville awake. Apple Bloom hopped up into a sitting position. She looked over to see if Babs had... No... She still hadn't come back. Apple Bloom rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She quickly made her way down to her front door, running past Big Macintosh as she approached the door. She stopped as soon as she heard a few knocks. She slowly inched towards the door and opened it. "Apple Bloom! Ha-Have you seen Rarity?!" Sweetie Belle asked panicked and on the verge of tears. "I can't find Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo added. "Calm down girls!" Apple Bloom insisted. "Maybe Applejack asked them to help look for Babs... But..." Apple Bloom hoofed at the ground. "...She still hasn't come back..." "Did you see that meteor?" Scootaloo asked. "It landed near the top of Hay Hill." She continued. She sighed. "I was gonna check it out, but my parents won't let me...Yeah, that's it." "I would, but I'm too scared." Sweetie Belle admitted. "Maybe ah can go." Apple Bloom turned her head to Big Mac. "Do you thi-" "Eeyup." "Ya mean it?!" "As long as you're careful, Apple Bloom." With a wide smile Apple Bloom ran upstairs and asked Granny Smith to tie her bow around her mane. She went down to the door and left the house. With a brisk pace, she set course for Hay Hill As she crossed through the Apple Farm, the dark night created an unsettling atmosphere unlike any she would expect from Sweet Apple Acres, her home. She kept herself together as she followed the path to her destination. She wasn't surprised to see the Royal Guard and Ponyville Police at the site. She was, however, surprised to see a familiar face. "Well, Well, Well... It looks like the blank flank farm girl is trying to get her cutie mark in getting in the cops, I mean, officers' way." Diamond Tiara teased Apple Bloom with a smug grin. "Ah just wanted to see the meteorite!" Apple Bloom protested. "Well too bad!" Diamond Tiara snapped. "Go home. You'll just be bothering the cops, I mean, officers." Apple Bloom turned around and went straight home. She felt defeated but she was used to Diamond Tiara bullying her like this. It felt like a few minutes had gone by as she reached her front door. She went inside, upstairs, and back to bed. She was still dreaming... and hoping Babs was okay. [One Hour Later] The once-again quiet night was interrupted. This time, a loud knock on the door of the Apple Family's home. Apple Bloom got up and went directly downstairs. She made her way to the door and opened it without hesitation. The knocking was produced by Diamond Tiara. "Hey! L-L-Listen to what I've got to say!" Diamond Tiara said in a loud and panicked voice. "I was taking my best friend, Silver Spoon, to see the Meteorite..." She focused her eyes on Granny Smith, who stood behind Apple Bloom. "Oh, good evening Granny Smith. You're looking just as young as you've always been." She said with a snicker. "Anyways, the police that were guarding the meteorite left to deal with the Ponyville Parasprite Pranksters. You know them, the local ruffians." Diamond Tiara stopped to catch her breath. "And when I turn around, Silver Spoon was gone! I blame the cops! It wasn't my fault at all!. Diamond Tiara looked Apple Bloom in the eyes. Apple Bloom stared back with an annoyed expression. "You're my bestest friend! Won't you help me find Silver Spoon?" Apple Bloom began stuttering, unable to answer the question with a simple yes or no. She looked back at the distressed filly, her look of panic turn into a look of impatience. Apple Bloom continued mouthing words, without answering the question. "If you refuse me, I'll say something that will cut you like a knife." Diamond Tiara threatened. "Will you come with me?" "Fine..." Apple Bloom answered with a roll of her eyes. She turned around and looked at Granny Smith. "All right! Let's blow this Popsicle stand!" Diamond Said with a hint of excitement. "I think you should say bye to your grandma. Don't you agree ma'am?" "Now, I know you may not want to, but you should take Winona with you, just in case.." Granny Smith said with a smile. "There's a carved stick in Big Mac's room... No matter what anypony says, you're a brave and strong pony. You'll go far... I just know it." She struggled to place her hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder. "Remember to "Go for it"!" Apple Bloom carefully trotted upstairs and entered Big Mac's room. She quietly opened up the closet, and picked up the carved stick. She turned around and left the room, closing the door behind her. Apple Bloom entered her own room and grabbed her ribbon. She trotted back downstairs and asked Granny Smith to tie her bow. With that she walked towards Diamond Tiara. "Alright, you go in front and I'll follow in a safe distance." Diamond Tiara said, much to Apple Bloom's annoyance. Apple Bloom walked over to a sleeping Winona and urged her to come with them. Winona somehow spoke directly to Apple Bloom, a skill she always had but never understood. (I guess I have no choice. Let's go) Winona's words echoed in Apple Bloom's mind. The two fillies and Winona followed the same path that Apple Bloom originally took. They faced a few runaway dogs and some snakes on the way, nothing Apple Bloom's carved stick and Winona couldn't handle. Diamond Tiara just cowered and hid behind Apple Bloom for the most part. It was odd though, Apple Bloom had never seen so many animals this aggressive at one time. They went up the hill and found Silver Spoon sleeping under a tree. The meteorite glowed eerily. Winona barked and broke the silence. (If I knew this was going to be such a scary place, I wouldn't have come along... I'm out of here) Winona 'spoke' as she ran off. Apple Bloom walked up to the sleeping filly and woke her up. "Wha- Oh... you woke me up." Silver Spoon got up on her hooves. "Diamond Tiara! I was looking all over for you... Why'd ya get scared and run away?" Silver Spoon added, causing a boost in Diamond's embarrassment. "Anyhow, let's get going... I'm tired and mom's probably worried sick about me... and your parents too." Silver Spoon joined Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom as they prepared to go back home. The group was stopped as a sound emitted from the meteorite. It almost sounded... like the cooing of a parasprite. "Do you hear something? It sounds like a parasprite or something." Diamond Tiara shuddered as the group turned to the meteorite. A figure appeared from a ray of light that radiated out of the mysterious object. It was small and it had wings. It looked like an insect, but the bright light couldn't let the group get a full look. The light died down and the figure was much clearer now. It looked like a metallic parasprite or other flying insect and the sound it emitted matched. "A parasprite I am..." The figure spoke. "...Not." > Apple Bloom's Adventure Begins! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flying figure slowly hovered around Apple Bloom. The metallic finish of the object shined like a star in the eyes of the young ponies. Apple Bloom shielded her eyes from the luminous "not parasprite". "I'm from ten years in the future and," The strange being spoke again. "...in the future, all is devastation." This statement caused Apple Bloom's eyes to widen. "Sombra, the universal wielder of shadows, send all to the horror of eternal darkness..." Diamond Tiara shook in fear, tears welling up in her eyes as she heard this. Silver Spoon just stared at the figure in calm but speechless horror. "However, you must listen! Where I am from, there is a well-known legend that has been handed down from ancient times... It says:" "When the Chosen filly reaches the point she will find the light. The passing of time will shatter the nightmare rock and will reveal the path of light." "You see..." The flying object paused its speech for a brief moment. "it is my opinion that you are that filly, Apple Bloom. This I believe..." "What?!" Apple Bloom jumped back in surprise. "But... Ah don't know if I can-" "Sombra's monstrous plan has already been set in motion somewhere in Equestria. If you start your journey now, you may have time to counter the plans of Sombra." The being explained. "Three things are of the utmost importance:" Wisdom, Courage, and..... Friendship. "The legends from the ancient times tell of 4 foals who defeat Sombra." Apple Bloom looked down at the ground, attempting to comprehend and accept the thoughts running through her head. Why her? Why does the legend need HER to be the hero? "I'll tell you more later." The flying figure said. "Go now! You have much work to do, Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom turned her head to Silver Spoon, who said nothing. She turned her head to an absolutely horrified Diamond Tiara. "It looks like you're in a lot of trouble right now... 4 foals, right?" Diamond Tiara said, stumbling over her words. "Uhh... I'm not one of them, am I?" She said, her eyes narrowing at the thought. "'Cause... I'm not into this kind of thing..." Apple Bloom sighed and began walking down the hill. The group, including the flying object, followed behind. A long walk had finally gotten them to the final straight until reaching the Apple Family home. They would have to go to Diamond Tiara's house first, but at least they knew they were near safety- Suddenly, a figure phased in front of the group. It appeared to have appeared out of thin air. It was unlike anything Apple Bloom or the other fillies had ever seen. It had a similar metallic finish as the object that hovered around Apple Bloom. Its rear hooves were flatter at the base and its fore-hooves were thin and tentacle-like. But its face... It didn't seem to have eyes or even a snout. It had a huge black visor in the middle of its face. "It's been a long time...Buzz-Buzz" The figure spoke in a chillingly artificial voice. "You've been successful at foiling King Sombra's plans. But you must now surrender. You're no longer the hero, but just a useless insect." The metallic pony-like being's horn began glowing. "I'll stomp you hard!" ---------------------------------- ***Section Music*** "Be careful... That's a Starmare jr." Buzz-Buzz began glowing as it created a transparent shield around the 3 fillies and itself. The Starmare's horn glowed as it created a wave of fire towards the group of fillies. Diamond Tiara couldn't help but to drop on the ground. She looked up to see that the shield caused the fire to dissipate into thin air. With this opening, Apple Bloom grabbed her carved stick and smashed it against the Starmare. Silver Spoon quickly bashed her head against its side. The Starmare jr. stumbled back. The metallic pony immediately shot another wave of flames towards them. Once again, the shield made it disappear. Buzz-Buzz flew and smashed into the Starmare, causing her to fly back a few yards! Silver Spoon attempted to smash into it while it was down, but the Starmare dodged quickly. With that distraction, Apple Bloom swung the carved stick at the enemy. *SMAAAASH!!* The enemy stayed on the ground. Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she turned her back. Without warning, the Starmare jr. shot out another fire attack, this time directed at Apple Bloom. Before the fire could reach her, Buzz-Buzz rammed into the Starmare's visor, destroying it. ---------------------------------- The group collectively caught their breaths. Apple Bloom stared at the defeated Starmare. Diamond Tiara peeked her head out from behind a tree. "Is... Is it over? Did you win?" Diamond Tiara said timidly. Apple Bloom looked at Silver Spoon before they both shook their heads. "Whew!... It came from 10 years in the future to kill me..." Buzz-Buzz cleared his throat. "From now on, you'll be fighting enemies sent by Sombra, as well as ponies with corrupted minds. Animals are also becoming agressive and violent due to Sombra's influence over their minds. They'll definitely make trouble during your adventure!" With that, Apple Bloom and the rest continued on their way to Diamond Tiara's house. It was a short walk as they made it there within a few minutes. With a knock on the door, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon waited at the doorstep. The door was answered by Filthy Rich. He quickly urged Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to go in. "I'm sorry for the trouble that these girls may have caused you-" Filthy Rich paused as his eyes met the flying being. "Ugh! What a wretched creature!" He smashed Buzz-Buzz without hesitation. Buzz-Buzz spiraled down onto the cold hard ground. Apple Bloom gave out a slight panicked gasp as she got down closer to the fallen being. "Agh! I was... much weaker than I thought. You must begin your adventure.Before I forget...To defeat Sombra, your own power must unite with the Elements of Harmony... The Elements will channel your power and multiply it... There are seven points that you must visit. One of them is near Ponyville. It's called 'Pegasus Peak'. Go there first- Agh!" Buzz-Buzz writhed in pain as he attempted to say his last words. "Everything's... going dark... Here, I want to give you something... It is the Harmony Stone. You can record the sounds from the Elemental points into this stone... Do you understand?" Apple Bloom stared at the gem with empty yet expressive eyes before turning her vision back to the dying insect. She gave an assuring nod. "Good! It's already dawn outside..." Buzz-Buzz let out a few more cries of agony before finally passing away, leaving Apple Bloom in possession of the Harmony Stone. Apple Bloom turned around to look at the horizon. The sun slowly rose from the dark night and illuminated the city of Ponyville. She stared at the bright source of light, leaving her to soak in her thoughts. Her adventure begins now...