> The Romance Of A Pegasus > by bellensnow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge~Love At First Sight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young Pegasus roams the streets of Canterlot looking for the castle. In the air was the wonder bolt Soarin. He was going for a nighttime flight after a show. He had spotted the Pegasus. He saw that she was a very pale blue, paler than him. Also that her hair was teal with a sky blue streak right down the middle. Soarin then thought out loud. "Whats a young mare like her doing out here so late?" Suprized Crystal Snow jumped and squealed "Please don't hurt me!!!" While slowly walking away backwards. Seeing her fear Soarin told her "I wont hurt you I just want to know where you live so I can get you there safely." Crystal Snow told him that she was living at the castle because she was visiting a friend in the royal guard and that she was looking for it for hours. "Ohhh" Soarin said with empathy. "I can bring you there." On the way to the castle both of the Pegasi started to talk. Soarin was first to speak. "So whats your name?" Soarin asked the Pegasus mare. "M-m-my name." She stuttered. "Yeah." Soarin said. "M-my name is Crystal Snow, but you can call me Crystal." She told him."That's a wonderful name."Soarin told her. When he said that he saw that she was very shy and very kind. A lot like Fluttershy. "So which guard are you visiting?" Soarin asked politely. " "I'm visiting my friend Glory's Sun." She told him. " "We've been friends since grade school." "Nice." soarin said. He hoped they didn't have feelings for each other but he wasn't going to ask that because that would be rude. "Ohh we'er at the castle now." Soarin said sadly. "Awwwww I was having fun." Crystal whined. "I was too, but its late and we both need sleep, maybe we'll see each other again." He said as he flew off. "Dammit." Crystal snow said to herself "I never got his name." The one thing she had never expected was to fall in love and neither did Soarin. > Chapter 1~Soarin's Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Wonderbolts change room Spitfire came up to Soarin and asked what the hell was up with him at practice. "I helped a Pegasus get to where she was staying and something happened. I don't know what but shes stuck in my mind. But when I think of her I can't focuse. Soarin said. "Well." Spitfire said thoughtfully "I think you like her." "What no I don't!" Soarin yelled. "Ok then, do a double loop." Spitfire commanded. "I-I-I can't." He told her. "I'm thinking of her to much to concentrate." "Soarin your in love go home and think about it, Until you know don't come back!" Spitfire yelled "Ma'am yes Ma'am!" Soarin said. On the flight home he saw Crystal with her friend. They we're laughing and on there way to the doughnut shop. Soarin almost fell out of the sky with the sight of her. "I really hope she isn't his mare friend." He said to himself." "Control your self!" Soarin commanded himself. "There not dating, there just friends. I hope." He said to himself. At his home in Cloudsdale he sat down on his couch and thought about the first time he felt that way. "God that was back in flight school." He thought out loud to himself. "That was years ago." He said as he tried hard to remember that far back. He had felt the exact same flutter of butterfly's in his stomach when he thought back that far. What Spitfire said rained true. He was in love. with Crystal a Pegasus he barley knew. "I know!!" I'll wright her a letter asking her to dinner." Soarin said to himself. Dear Crystal Snow, My name is Soarin i was the stallion that helped you out a couple of nights ago. I was wondering if you might want to go to dinner with me. I was thinking of going to Cream a la Cream. On the 16th of may. If you dont like that resturant we can go somewhere else that is ok with me. Soarin "I do hope she replies soon." Soarin said to himself. He had sent the letter to the royal guards barracks. Hopefully her guard friend will send it to her if shes not in Canterlot. I hope... > Chapter 2~Getting The Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mail call!!!!!!!" Called Shining Armor. Storm,Paloides,Blue,And Glory's Sun. All 4 of them snap to attention. Mail is handed out. In the envelope of Glory's Sun there was two letters the one that Glory's Sun pulled out said his name on it the other Crystal Snow's. "Hmmmmmm" said Gory's Sun "There's two letters in here,one says Crystals name, Now who would send a letter to me with her name on it.He said confused. "Unless they wanted it to get to her and they don't know where she lives." He finished. In his letter it said Dear Crystal Snow's Friend, Would you please send the attached letter to Crystal Snow. Soarin. 3 Days later. Crystal Snow gose out to her mail box after the flag goes down. In there is a letter from a anonymous pony. The letter says... Dear Crystal Snow, My name is Soarin i was the stallion that helped you out a couple of nights ago. I was wondering if you might want to go to dinner with me. I was thinking of going to Cream a la Cream. On the 16th of may. If you dont like that resturant we can go somewhere else that is ok with me. Soarin Ohh he was the pony who had helped me find the Canterlot castle. "He was so nice and generous. And pretty." She said dreamily to herself. I'll wright him a reply letter. "Maybe, if this date goes well, we can go on another date and maybe he could be my special somepony." she said excitedly to herself. A letter to Soarin Dear Soarin, I would be delighted to go to dinner with you. Also Cream a la Cream is a fine restaurant. Please if you could pick me up at 7. Crystal Snow 3 days later. Soarin goes out to the mail counting the days until a reply got here he knew it would have been 9 days until a letter got back. When he got the letter he was waiting for he tore it open. The letter read: Dear Soarin, I would be delighted to go to dinner with you. Also Cream a la Cream is a fine restaurant. Please if you could, pick me up at 7. Crystal Snow "Yes!!!!" Soarin yelled. He had just got the mare of his dreams to go out with him. He was so happy. > Chapter 3~The Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At promptly 7 o'clock on May 16th Soarin picked up Crystal Snow from her home in Cloudsdale. "H-h-hi." Crystal Snow mumbled. "Hi." Soarin said. On the way to cream a la cream they barely said a word. At the restaurant Soarin said "Table for 2 please" to the table person. As they where lead to their table tons of people, mostly fans looked in awe as the most awesome bachelor in all of equstria walk in with a date. Most of the teen aged fillies sighed in sadness. When they go to the table they each picked up a menu. Crystal Snow was the first to speak."So what do you for a living?" Crystal asked. "I'm a wonder bolt." Soarin said. "Ohh cool, I'm a weather pony I make snow. Hence my name." Said Crystal Snow. When the waiter came back and asked what we would like for dinner they both said "Daisy's and hay fries please" Crystal Snow imediatly looked down. "That's cool we both like he same food" Soarin said. "Y-yh-yeah." Crystal stuttered. When their food came they barly talked. When they where out side the restaurant Soarin asked rather nervously. "I know we've only been on one date but would you be my mare friend?" Crystal Snow blinked a few times and then squealed with delight. " Yes yes I will be your mare friend." After she had calmed down Soarin kissed her passionetly. Both their dreams had come true. They had gotten their special somepony. When they had flown back to Crystals house Soarin said "Farewell my beauty, we will see each other soon." He kissed her aging and flew off. Crystal just sat there for a little on the edge of her home and said "Wow I never thought i'd be with a famous stallion, Me a normal old weather pony.". While Soarin was on his way to his house he said to himself "Wow I never thought i'd find the pony who would set my heart a flutter." > Chapter 4~The Flashback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 years ago "Hey Dumbbell!!!" Crystal yelled out. "Hey Snowie!" Dumbbell said when he got closer. "This is going to be awesome, a whole day of hanging out with my colt friend, Starting a the weather factory!" Crystal said excitedly. "Yeah!" Dumbbell said sarcastically. Crystal chose not ask what that was about. "Lets go!!" Crystal said enthusiastically. At the weather factory Crystal marveled over everything. Mostly the rainbows and snowflakes. They even let her have liquid rainbows to take home and they let her craft a snowflake. (Which is how she got her cutie mark.) When they were on their way to the camp site thy were camping at for the night Dumbbell went into an alleyway. "Hey Snowie in here there's some thing I want to show you!!" He yelled out. Crystal walked into the alleyway and yelled "Dumbbell!!! Where are you!?" She then felt two strong hooves grab her. "What are you doing?!" Crystal cried out. "Getting what I want." Dumbbell told her. 4 months later "Mom, Dad can I tell you something?" Crystal asked her parents tentatively. "Sure." Her parents said. "D-dumbbell r-ra-raped me." She told them wincing as if somepony was going to hit her. There was no impact only words. "Get out!" Her father said. "What?" Crystal asked. "He said get out." Her mother said forcibly. "Why?" Crystal asked. "Because whatever you do you bring upon yourself." Her mother and father told her together. "Fine! I'm NEVER coming back!!" She screamed as she flew out the open door. A week later "Hey Crystal Slut!!" Dumbbell called out. He and his group of friends came closer. "Hey Dumbbell mind if i have a turn." His friend Basket Dunker asked. "Sure. Slutie would be happy to do that for you." Crystal shook her head rapidly trying to say no as she flew out of the school. She had flown right to the edge of Cloudsdale. She had enough of this bullshit that was going on. At the moment Cloudsdale was right over the Canterlot mountain and princess Celestia's castle. She jumped off the edge of Cloudsdale hoping to hit the ground and die. That was the day when her friend Sunny Days (Glory's Sun) was on ground patrol it was had been a long time since he had seen Crystal but he would always remember what she looked like. There were best friends after all. When he found her he immediately rushed her to the princess herself. Celestia healed her injuries. They where fatel from jumping off a cloud that high. Celestia knew that her injuries could not heal themselves. Present time Crystal suddenly awoke from her sleep. "Why am I reliving those memories." She asked herself. "Soarin is my first colt friend since then. Maybe that's why i'm reliving those memories in my dreams." She told herself. "I really hope Soarin isn't like Dumbbell and his friends." She said to herself. > Chapter 5~Avoiding The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Soarin's and Crystal's next date they went to Crystal's workplace. The weather factory. This is the same place where she was right before she was raped. "Oh my Celistia." Crystal mumbled. "What?" Soarin asked. "Hmm, Nothing" Crystal said putting up a fake charade that she wasn't scared or nervous. "Okay." Soarin said. They went around with the tour guard until they hit the snowflake station. Crystal and Soarin got off there for a very intact tour of that station. "Here I'll show you how to make a snowflake." Crystal said. She was very very quiet for a little and then she held up a tiny very detailed snowflake. "Wow!" Soarin said. "It's so small." I know we make them year round so we don't have to work day and night in winter. Soarin smiled. " Well lets go!" Soarin said enthusiastically.Crystal shook her head to say yes and she said " but first lets go get some liquid rainbows." "Okay." Soarin said. After they got the liquid rainbows they were on they way to Soarin's house. They had passed the alleyway where Dumbbell raped her. Crystal looked in the alley and screamed. Soarin looked up and saw Crystal galloping away. "Wait!!!!!!!!" Soarin galloping faster to catch up to her. He got in front of Crystal and stopped her. Crystal cowered in the corner of the street. "Crystal?" Soarin said worriedly. "NO GO AWAY!! STOP!!" Crystal yelled. "Crystal. It's me Soarin." Soarin said. NONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crystal cried. "Uh." Soarin grunted. He kissed Crystal passionately. Hoping to snap her out of this trance. He did so. Crystal gasped. "What was that about." Soarin asked. "i-it. I-I. I was raped when i was a filly!" Crystal said quickly. "Ohh." Soarin said. "please don't hide things like that." He said it worried me when you galloped away from that alley." Anyway. Who? Why? Soarin asked defensibly. "It was Dumbbell and because I wasn't ready for that and he was and yeah. That's one reason why me and Glory are friends. He found me when I jumped off the edge of Cloudsdale." Crystal said. "YOU JUMPED OFF THE EDGE OF CLOUDSDALE!!!!!!!!!!" Soarin yelled. "Yeah" Crystal said. Now I really mean it I won't EVER hurt you. > Chapter 6~The Engagement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks ago Crystal and Soarin had both given each other a primary feather. Now as we jump into the present we see what happens when you love somepony like they do. At the next wonder bolt practice Soarin went up to his coach and said "I quit. I found the mare of my dreams and this it to hard to keep doing and be with he at the same time." "Okay." said the coach he was sad to see such a good flyer quit but he had reasons. At Crystals house she was cooking a meal for her and Soarin's date tonight. She would have never thought about what was going to happen as soon as they finished dinner. "Okay foods done, house is clean, I think i'm done." Crystal said to herself. *Ding Dong* "Oh the door, that must be Soarin." Crystal thought out loud. She opened the door and let Soarin in."Hey beautiful." He greeted her. Crystal smiled and said "Back at ya." As they ate dinner they talked about things and laughed. After dinner Soarin told Crystal to go sit on the couch. "I'll be right back I have to get something from my saddle bags." He told her. "Okay." Crystal said questionably. Soarin came back with a small velvet box, opened it and said Crystal Snow will you marry me? "Oh Soarin i'd thought you'd never ask." Crystal said tearing up. "Of course I will." She said as she engulfing him in a hug. "I guess we should get stared on our plans." Crystal said. > Chapter 7~Wedding Belles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh Rarity thank you for making such a beautiful dress and thank you for helping me plan and to get your friends to help with the whole thing. Thank you, Thank you soooo much!" Crystal said she had gone to Rarity to ask if she could make her a wedding dress. After all she had mad one for Princess Mi Amora Cadenza after all. Rarity had asked if Crystal needed any help because she had looked a little frazzled. Crystal had of course said yes and told her that she couldn't find music, a catering service, or entertainment and some others. She had some but those were just messing her up because she couldn't find anypony to do those thing. Now Crystal had Fluttershy on music, Applejack and her family doing the catering, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash on entertainment, Princess Twilight Sparkle was organizing the whole thing, and they were all going to be bride maids. Princess Mi Amora Cadenza registering the marriage. The Wedding "I'm so nervous." Crystal said. "Oh darling I would be to." Rarity said reassuringly. 'But no matter what you'll be married after this." Said Rainbow Dash. "True." Crystal said happily. "Sorry to break this up but we'er waiting Glory said. He was the Best stallion. "Well girls." Rarity Said timed to go. Flower Girls go out. Brides maids go out. Crystal goes out. At the alter Princess Mi Amora Cadenza starts the speech. "Now for the vows, Soarin." She said. "Crystal since the moment I met I had the feeling that we were meant to be. I promise to cherish and love you for better and for worse, in sickness and in health and forever more. I love you." Soarin said. "Crystal." Princess Mi Amora Cadenza said. Crystal was tearing up she was so happy but she continued. "Soarin when I met you I was scared of stallions because of what happened to me at a young age, but you gained my trust and never broke it, so I promise to love and to cherish you in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, through day and night, and forever more. I love you. I will always love you." Crystal said. "You may now kiss the bride." Princess Mi Amora Cadenza said. When Soarin kissed Crystal they forgot everypony was there until they got a small shove from Applejack.