> How Can Love Be a Genre > by Thefreakery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When I (You) Leave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This town. Yes, this town. The same town that I've spent a life long music career in. It's gotten....boring. Not boring in the sense that there is nothing to do I would be lying if I said that. Its boring in the aspect that there is too much to do. Every four seconds a hustle and bustle and justle and jostle. Ok, I'm making words up now. The point is, somehow in the seemingly endless amount of things to do here, I've done them all. I've been to all the clubs and seen all the mares and as exciting as it is or as it seemed to be. Before I came here I was normal dance instructor with a few good moves and dream. I wanted fame, fortune, to have all the things my heart desired. To be like the ponies whose dance moves I taught, that was drove me on my musical path. But looking back now....…there are times when I wish I did have my former life back. My students were the only fans I had; in fact they pushed me to follow my dreams and make it big in Manehattan. I still remember those colts and mares now. So eager to learn, as well as being equally eager for me to achieve my goals. Regardless of the admiration they had for me and how they wanted me to reach my full potential, they still were sad to see me go. But at least they visit occasionally. Unlike those "fans" who just show up one time and don't even bothe- " HELLO MANEHATTANITES, This is your hottie in the morning, DJ Heartbeat. So heard you guys have been raving about the new hottest single yet again." Great. Last thing I need to hear is the "latest and greatest" thing in music. Exactly why I need to get out of here. "Though I know this guy sounds like an amateur but hearing his music really got my magic flowing." Obviously if its a new single the musician is new too. These DJ's now don't know anything do they? "So heres the new single Pretty Rave Mare by the mysterious Suave-" That's it. I'm turning off this crap. *groan* "Every damn week it's the same thing. This has to be the one thing that isn't new and exciting about this town. Screw it. I'm leaving today." After finally making his decision, Suave Steps subconsciously began the first leg of his journey. The night before he already packed his things in a single saddle bag not to leave town; but to get ready for an out of town show. As he attached his saddle bag he walked over to the kitchen with glazed and hungry look. He sat up on his barstool, and his mind wandered as he waited for his breakfast to magically appear. However, there would be no magic sandwiches, as he was a Pegasus; not a unicorn. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Leave me alone." He said in a tired tone. "Come on, isn't that a bad way to treat your neighbor!" Said his good friend Mic trot. He was a unicorn and his musical prowess was mostly supported by his magic skills. "Hey, your'e the one who told me to remind you not mope around in the morning." Mic Trot continued. He looked down aimlessly at the floor and then back up at Suave Steps. "Yeah, forgot I told you that. Just drag me over to the station." Suave Steps said, even more groggily then the first time. "Clearly you need a wake up call pal. And I'm just the pony to give you one." Mic Trot said with his infamous charm. "AAAAHHH" *CRASH* Mic Trot had given him a friendly "nudge" but failed to realize the weight of Suave Steps saddle bag, causing them both to tumble to the ground. *SNORT* "This is definitely the top reason why I'm leaving." Suave Steps said with a grin, and was greeted by another nudge. Suave took time to be ready, which got on Mic's nerves since there only stallions. Final thoughts of goodbye before leaving the penthouse, possibly regrets are already filling up step's mind. Mic glanced at him with displease, "Oh come on now, you were ready to go when I gave you the bag." "Thats cause I was pissed at you for being an ass." "Now thats just being racist, don't have to go all that hard on me," with a solemnly sad face. "I'm sorry. . . It's just that everything been hectic, ever since that weird blue mare with the tacky accent saw me show off my moves at `Bump Base`, she said I got that magic stuff but should really considered in a different talent." As if he was forced to speak his trouble but made him more agitated. "Ha, I was fine then not having being chased by enraging fans or those crawling roaches of paparazzi, an. . and those FREAKING MUSIC PRODUCERS SLAVING ME TO WORK LONG HOURS ON ANYTHING THAT I. ." "AYE AYE CALM DOWN DUDE, this isn't like you when your mad", Mic stopped Steps in his tracks "I just wanted to leave this place, its not right for me anymore." The saddle bag was heavy compared to the burden he feels of the many things he had worked within the industry. Both approached the elevator when opened contained a bell hop colt, "Hey bell hop, main floor." " You got it Mac", with enthusiethism "Its Mic" "Sorry" In wanting to pass time, Mic Casually asked Suave, "So I was thinking, what are you gonna do with your studio while you`re gone?" "I`m going to give it to Belle Raina." As the name of his former student of now a dance instructor leaves his snout, it calms him down. "Uuuhheheh, I don't want to be all hating here but you know she`s really clumsy right? I mean like despite her 'mistakes', somepony like her looks really hot to-." Stomped his hoof, "MIC! What have i said about about pervs and pervy things?" Blushed over the thought of how strange a former student of his, would be "courting" with somepony like him. "Ahahaha, oh the joy of seeing that look. But really why her?" For over the years that I`ve taught her everything I know, she had potential, grace, and the will of not letting the little things get in the way. I only wish I had her strength to stay and learn from her on how to put up with this infuriated talent I found. I only hoped she has the strength to live her own life while I`m gone. "Well,. . . I trust her, really hard working, headstrong, just something required to be an instructor." As if the worries were shifted away by a gentle wind. "Yeah I don`t think she got it given the fact that the last time I let you borrow my boom box, it caught on fire and she barely touched it." Complained like it was something precious to him which was only a 20 bit cheap boom box. "Point is that I trust her to fill in while I`m gone, and you`re going to be her assistant. Also I said no full contact dancing with you." Suave Steps holds a pose of glory for the last part. Sulking in defeat, Mic knows he won`t get a chance to at least ask Belle out even if it wasn`t related to work. "Main floor Gentlecolts." eagerly said the bellhop. The two stepped out with a small glint of magic coming out of Mic`s pocket flashing 2 bits to the bellhop with a satisfied nod. "This is it, you sure you`re ready?" in what sounded like a combat tone from Mic "Lets get this over with. I`ll be late you know." Same tone by Suave Steps. > Now I`m (You`re) Gone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last day of fame, or should I say infamous? Who even cares what I think, all I wanted right now is the escape. So long wretched life of celibacy, new home here I come. "Hey wake up" Mic nudged Suave, trying to snap him out of his subconscious. "Uggh. . wha. . sorry I`m just tense thats all." Rubbing his head for comfort. Both walked down the lobby growing closer to a mixture white noise and screaming fans waiting. Other ponies were eyeing them with awe. For Celestia`s sake, I'm just one pony. Exiting through the door Suave Steps smelt the reek of havoc. "SUAVE HERE, OVER HERE!" "HEY SUAVE GIVE ME A POSE HERE!" "I LOVE YOU SUAVE STEPS, AAAHHH!" The two swiftly galloped to the waiting carriage taking them to the Grand Equestrian Station. Dodging every eager photographers, writers, and fans easily since Steps was NOW a former Dance Instructor. Using liquifying techniques which felt like beginners moves to him. Mic being left behind in the crowd jumped surfing the ponies, decide using his magic to catch up. Built up too much speed right into the mellow pegasus. *SMACK* Their crash almost tipping the carriage was the signal for the go. "Yo, what the F,' that really hurts!" "Sorry dude, it was the only way to catch up." Their mangled bodies twitch in pain from the impact, trying to get they're barring to their utmost surprise of seeing Suave Steps manager. "Ohohohoh, even your clumsiness iz graceful since you`re the biggest stah in Manehattan, no?" Laying across the other side of the carriage wearing her signature dress of black and purple stripes and trending sun glasses. Photo Finish, the famed equestrian photographer now taking part of being a manager (first time) with the distraught artist/dancer. "Photo Finish, what are you doing here?" said the confused pegasus. "It was brought to my attention that you needed some time alone away from zhis work, also I found your resignation letter in my office." Not pleased by the action Suave made, she had the glint from her glasses suspected of an idea. "BUT. . .since zhis is my first time working as a manager, I`ll let it slide and let you have a vacation." " You probably don`t understand, I-" Interrupted when the mare came up close to him, snout to snout, "My last model was a bit of a fluke, but you`re zhe best I have worked with, and Zi am not going to lose it all again over some too much attention. Besides I can see that you have . . .ZHE MAGIC." The sudden stop of the carriage made the two colts quickly tumble out, conveniently right in front of the station. "Oh zand one more thing, where ever you are in Equestria I have my resources of finding stahs. . .Ta Ta for now!" Photo Finish rode off into traffic leaving the dusty stallions baffled from the conversation. "You know, her accent does sound weird, man." Mic pondered about the random fact. "Whatever, lets just go" Suave Steps voiced echoed away as he walk ahead. The inside of the grand station smelt of fresh oil mixed with clean burning steel from the tracks. Varieties of different classes of ponies shuffling around the central hall with the sight of the beautifully curved ceiling with amazing paintings. No matter how many times a pony had visited, the sight is enough to distract even the most open-eyed, who wouldn`t notice a celebrity. Still, with the idea of hiding in plain sight, Suave took precautions by putting on sunglasses just in case. didn`t took long in finding the right tracks for his true destination. "Well. . ., this is it. I`m not very good at this since this is a first but, back at the studio I need you to help Belle setting up the new equipment for the young students tomorrow." Mic expected a heartfelt goodbye from his friend instead raised an eyebrow. "The hell are you talking about?" "I'm just kidding, when I get there I`ll write to you guys on how I`m doing. And I`ll be expecting that there be no trouble from you." Giving a joyful laugh at the start of his confession. "No Promises." *BROHOOF* The two turned from each other walking off to their daily lives. "Next stop, PONYVILLE!" What sounded as a beautiful ring to Suave`s ears Such bliss to my life, in just an hour or so, I`ll be living my dream. No pressure and no annoyance. Hmm. . .though the popularity was good till short lived. Belle Raina, I`m sorry if this became all too sudden, you really showed potential all those years. Wish all this would all disappear and be going with our lives, but didn`t regret having to met you and Mic. Mic you freak, you better not be doing anything to h- "Umm. . . excuse us sir?" His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of three fillies. One of a yellow earth pony with bright red hair color and a pink bow-tie on her head. The second, a white unicorn with swirly hair shown of purple and magenta. The last was a ruffled haired pegasus with an orange coat and purple mane. "Can I help you three?" "We were wondering. . " said the earth pony. "If we can have. . " Next the unicorn. Then the pegasi, "Your autograph!?" Suave Steps turned his head across each side of the cart, ponies didn't noticed and were going on with their business. Turned back to the three smiling fillies each holding the same album of his recent release Pretty Rave Mare. Felt disgusted by the sight of his profanity, never wanted to do anything with his former work but the puppy-eyed fillies were too much to bare. His selflessness gave in. *sigh* "All right, but you have to promise me, no pony must know that I`m here, alright?" "We promise." The fillies squealed in partial excitement in the name of his secrecy. Writing each of his album with his name and a small heart just for the three. Quickly saying their "thank you," they ran back giggling to their own cart. Really sweet little fillies By then, the scenery from his window changed from what was all forest into wide open grasslands, with a small town already coming up ahead. "Few minutes till we reached our destination, passengers." The same conductor recently before announcing the departure, again rang a tone to his ears. > Welcome to the Club [part1] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *HISS* The locomotive's new motion made the signal of the first stop. "FIRST STOP, PONYVILLE, FOLKS!" Fair amount of ponies coming and going out of their cars. Suave had never felt so much weight lifted from his conscious when stepping out. Looking around seeing the same variety of ponies back at the Grand Station. At the far end of the express, the same fillies he met came out running with the same giggling look since they got his signature. Hmm. . .must be locals "Girls please, just don`t go far off, okay?" That voice, that voice broke his attention to his surroundings right at the mare. Her gleaming yellow coat shining from the sun, the smooth pink mane looking natural as nature itself, shaping a heart. Lastly is her voice, throughout his time working with other celebrity artist, he had never heard anything as beautiful (or close) as an angelic choir. For even the lowest pitch she makes, he could still hear her, even in the most crowded place in all of Equestria. *OOMF* "Whoa-ooh, I`m really sorry there. . dragon?" Obviously wasn't paying attention to where he was going, bumping right into his first local on the streets. Of all places to met a dragon, so strange to see one in town. Not as strange as what things unimaginable he has seen at underground clubs. "Uuuggh, oh no, twilight will get mad if I don`t gather all this stuff and be back in time." The tiny dragon looking stuttered trying to clean up his messes quills and parchments. Suave Steps hold the dragon`s head in place. "Let me handle this, small dude." Saying to be responsible for the inconvenience. His wings brought up a strong gust of wind, the split second he broke out in his usual routine of spins and jumps, The incredible ninja like reflexes still made him felt like it was nothing, not having to lose a single piece of item to the floor. "Here, hope its something for the unintentional bumping, there." Of slight modesty from Suave "Uhh. . hhoo. . what?" Did I broke him or something? "How did you do that, with all the spins and high jumping, even without your wings?" So amazed with the Pegasus ability, the baby dragon tried to mimic his moves depicting and how talented he was. "Nothing really, I`m just a regular dance instructor, thats all" Kept his cool but still felt that he revealed too much of himself. Since he was a runaway celebrity and all. The young dragon still didn't think twice of guessing who he really is. Hey um, I wanted to ask you something. If it's no trouble?" "Well, sure, anything to do since you helped me." Here we go with still being cool and all " I`m not familiar with this town but could you mind telling me where I can find a suitable job around here. I`m in a bit of a rush." The dragon is puzzled by the favor,since nopony asked something like to him before. "Well. . ., all I know is that there is an opening at this club I know. I can show you if you want?" Unnoticed his disappearance, the gray pony picked him up from behind and landed on his back "Lead the way, then." Spike introduced himself as the assistant of a unicorn librarian and as the only dragon in town. Telling Suave all sorts of short stories of what goes on in town and the friends that he has. Steps told "his" story on how he lived in Manehattan as a Dance Instructor and as a former DJ. With still trying to hide his true identity from unwanted attention. "So let me get this straight, you`re a successful dancer who every night or so goes out to the best and exclusive nightclubs in the big city. Having the life that everypony would want, but instead you left it all just to retire here?" Not exactly what steps had in mind or putting it that way, only choice was to go with it. "Um. . .yeah thats it." Not the best life story but no choice of any. "And what is your INTENTION on being here?" OH CRAP! What am I gonna do? This little guy looks really determined to find out who I really am. First local to bump in and now I`ll be stalked by the rest of the town if word got out. THINK, THINK, THINK . . SURPRISE To his luck he notice a building standing out from the rest, to what it looks similar to any clubhouse he saw. Awfully tall for one, much of a combination to an apartment complex. Covered in a brick texture with the shade of purple surrounding the home of the town`s own DJ. He can still feel the sneer of Spike waiting for an answer. "Hey check it out, is this the place you`re talking about?" Trying to point the place out with oblivion. "And do you have anything important to do right now?" The question made Spike`s mind go in shock, simulating what kind of trouble he can get with the purple unicorn. Frantically gathered all his things, and telling Steps that he will be back to give him a quick tour of the town. Suave took a shine to the little dragon, watching him run much faster than his stubby legs can carry. Walked into the club impressed by the inside having the retro/future scene. Blue leather sofas along the wall, with cube tables shining rainbows. Strobe lights hanging from the ceiling and the dance floor looked gray, Must be light floors. A medium size aquatic-themed bar on the left side with plenty of assortments of drinks. What impressed him the most was the graffiti. No particular urban art but the names written on the walls, names of famous artist, Party Hearty, Orch Boom, Nymphony, Laa Sha, and the popular Sapphire Shores. Have made some colabs with few of the Musicians, but never have thought where such a town be visited by some of the A-listers. Incredible, wonder i-. . . . Tried putting two and two together,Suave realized the danger he may be in. NNNOOOO, WHAT IF THOSE DAMN PONIES MENTIONED MY NAMED TO THE CROWD AND COULD`VE SPREAD TO THE WHOLE TOWN, OR WHAT IF SOMEPONY TALKED ABOUT ME OF BEING THE NEXT A-LISTER TO COME BY AND HAD TO BE CHASED ALL OVER AGAIN!?! DAMN. . . DAMN. . . DAMN. . . DAMN . . . Back in reality to only banging his head to the same said word against the wall. Already starting to hate this place with barely having any sightseeing or even leaving without having a decent Cloppacino. "Hey buddy, can I help you with something?" His ears perked up responding to the strange voice in the club. Seeing a bartender behind the bar tending to the bar table(weird). "Whoa … sorry I uh didn't really see you there." Embarrassed of his hair being slightly muffled up (not the awkward situation), stretched out his wing long enough to reach out on his mane. Separating the feathers apart giving a single shove through the mane with a slight hair whip for his signature feature. "Mares . . . " Hold his pose giving the "hey there sexy" look at to the female readers out there. "Who are you talking to?" Gave a look around once only back to looking at the colt staring at thin air for an awkward time. Steps looked back at the bartender show nothing of an expression to casually taking a seat at the stool. "Nopony there dude, heard you looking for somepony for hire. Only been here for almost a day, this place caught my eye and wanted to check it out for myself" having to sound laid back which wasn't necessary. "You wanna have to talk to the DJ herself way at the back." Bartender's hoof pointed towards a stage lined up with more strobe lights from top to bottom. With stereos sticking out from the sides, surrounding the opening stage. The centerpiece to the flashy display was the standard double turntable with multiple gadgets for dropping beats. Suave left the bar wanting to have a look at the stage. Halted at the dance floor to only mere meters away from the stand hearing strange clutter and saw something moving from behind."Ooohhh. . . where is it?" The voice made the Pegasus more curious to want to have a closer look. To his surprise a white flank popped out with a streak blue tail bearing a musical note cutie mark on the side. The mesmerizing flank randomly wiggled back and forth the the sound of the clutter, Suave couldn't help but let his eyes follow the movement. Feeling the tightness around his cheeks swelling with crimson red, warming up, and his wings jittering over the round and plump flank. "AHH HA" *SMACK* The DJ's shout made him slap him back again into reality, Literally. Afraid if he would get caught staring like some desperate perv. "I knew I couldn't lose you." Finally seeing the whole pony, a unicorn, holding a pair of headphones like it was her foal. "Hey there, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Trying to hold back the arousal and wings from springing up. Casualness had already left his body leaving only embarrassment from looking at "her". "So your here for the job?" "Yeah just something of my taste-" The white unicorn paused his talk with a raised hoof. "First things first, the names Vinyl Scratch and you got the job." Steps didn't know what to say, is there some kind of test, was this last minute, and what job? "But i didn't even introduced-" Again stopped by her hoof. "Theres no need, I know who you are. . . SUAVE STEPS." OHDEAR CELESTIA, WHY