• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2015


A verifyable madman! Indeed, I may or may not be. I am, however, a brony, which is why I'm here. Obviously. If you cannot see that, you must need special glasses. No offense to people with glasses.


Ian's life isn't always fair. He was pulled into another world, dimension, planet or something by it's god of Chaos, turned into a unicorn with magical control issues, and god-knows-what's-next. Now he's surrounded by talking ponies, pretty much forced to wear a magic inhibiting bracelet, and, as if that's not enough, he's going to be part of a grand scheme, one that has been screwing his life over for many years. He's going to face situations no human, pony or creature should ever have to face. The worst part is... he still hasn't got a clue he's part of it.
(Changed to teen for some awkward character thoughts and some the use of strong language.)

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 23 )

You know... BonBon is not a Unicorn. She is a earth Pony

Comment posted by Swordoath deleted Apr 21st, 2013

2454767 Yes, I remebered after posting. I'll be sure to fix that.

Comment posted by Swordoath deleted Aug 9th, 2013

Ugh. Overused HiE plot, vague description, Pony Creator pic, user named "_____Fire", poor writing.
This has cliché written over it up, down, and sideways.

I'm glad someone was able to tell me this type of thing. I'm always glad to receive criticism. I realize my name ends in fire- I just happen to like the concept of untamed energy like it. And to have the energy inverted- Heat to cold- I liked that idea too.
And the profile pic, I've been meaning to address that, I just wanted to have a way to show people what I imagined Ian looking like. Yes, I used pony creator- I thank generalzoi for that- for this purpose only.
As for the matter of cliche-ness, well, it's hard to argue with you there. I'm trying to make it turn out somewhat more differently from the other HiE I've read/heard. Other than what I have planned, I can't disagree- it's a bit overdone up to this point.
Thank you again for your short but very helpful criticism, Sagacity.
EDIT: Changed Avatar, also am making a drawing of Ian.

I really like this story. And not just because the human-turned-unicorn has my name...Oh, who am I kidding, GO ME!

So Sombra makes an appearance? Interesting. I also have a feeling who the mare is.

Things look like it will get pretty heated in the upcoming chapters.:pinkiehappy:

3463147 Seems like you're enjoying. Glad to hear! Always nice to see ___ commented on your story, ___ . :twilightsmile:

3478175 He's described throughout. A blue unicorn with a darker blue mane with red ends, and reddish eyes. He had a black hoodie, but kinda destroys it over time.
And, uh, what do you mean, dampener?

3480513 Really?! I have yet to find a single person who even likes the game, so that's cool.

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