• Member Since 26th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 18th, 2014


I hadz 2 use n0rmal 3nglish. Fimiction dos n0t noe wat strugl3s I goes thr0ugh :(((((


Pony kind has grown its way to a more efficiant race, Space travel. Celestia her self approves of the mission that will send messages through the dark expanse of space to other worlds, Wishing to spread peace and love that equestria induldges itself in. The equestrian space cruiser Armada Sparkle (named after the element of magic) is tasked with delivering these 'messages' throughout the universe. In the milky way galaxy or as known to ponies as iris nine have found inteligent life, a bit far more advanced. Before the Armada Sparkle was destroyed, it had taken many photos of two giant space cruisers; U.N.S. IOTA and U.N.S. META. In responce to the Armada being destroyed, Celestia sent a small fleet of battle cruisers to investiagate the wreckage. Seeing no way to make peace with the creatures that ruthlessly destroyed her ships, she made a decision that took two different worlds into a bloody and destructive onslaught.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 31 )

I hope the Ponies will spare Humanity (don't kill them all) when they have them on our knees begging for mercy.

Edit: Two thumbs down? So some people are pro genocide? Whatever opinions. Though I do find it a tad creepy.

2134130 I'll be laughing at you in the end when the humans have the ponies bowing to them


Certainly not Demon Eyes Laharl's Gentlemanverse, where both races live in peace.

I hope nothing like the Conversion Bureau happens, that's just pure evil.

2134317 Pure evil as in the human's retaliation or the conversions?


The genocide of a entire race. No side should be fully be wiped out.

Eh, I wouldn't call the conversion "genocide" but I still view the concept uncomfortable nonetheless, mainly because I really, really like my human body and I don't want to turn into a horse.

Which is my question to the Optimalverse. Why can't CelestiAI make the humans stay human (for those who want too)? I know her motto is "satisfying values through friendship and ponies" but still... you don't really need the "ponies" part there to create an utopia, do you?

And I'm ranting. Sorry, just need to get this off my mind.


So you think genocide is nice then? Whatever floats your boat.

Okay, I just read, and I like this.

Let's wait for any and all planets Equestria owns to be shattered in a BIG BADDA BOOM.


No, no, no. Genocide is bad. You're retarded because you think ponies are better than humans.


No, I don't think that. Equal I think. But it really depends on the type of Ponies/Humans in the multiverse we'r talking about.

For example in one universe Humans are as powerful as the Reapers from Mass Effect vs a peaceful Ponies like that from the show.


Where as in another universe the Ponies are as powerful as the Reapers from Mass Effect, who set course to harvest Humans (turn us into Ponies) with only today's technology to help us stand against them.


Unless we get aid from Ponies turning on their own leader Tyrant Celestia to save the Human race from being wiped out. We're fucked.

Or even just as powerful non genocidal good Ponies like that from the show coming to our aid.

In my opinion, humans and ponies(M.L.P) could get along if our worlds collided, but Humanity would most likely jump to conclusions and see the ponies as a threat to humans, creating an all out war between us and them.

Great story, this is just my opinion.:twilightsmile:

Your opinion is noted but that isnt why this war started.:trixieshiftright:



Sounds all too familiar :trixieshiftright:

Good read so far, though what is with all the war/solider crossovers recently.

Most are more likely from other armed service members. So that is why you are seeing so many, and im sorry that you have seen a story like this else where.:fluttercry:

Well, if only the captain of the 'Twilight Sparkle' acted differently like. I don't know. Not bring a giant battle ship into a debries field of a U.N. ship, making Humans assume it was them who destroyed the ship. At least thats what I think happened, since we randomly started shooting at them.

Yes for the most part they were tresspassing.

The definition of genocide "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group", so yes the conversion is technically genocide of the human race.

Well, it's a "benevolent genocide" then, from a certain point of view. After all, it's only our human pride that got hurt in exchange for a better world.

Please stop talking about conversion, I'm almost sick of it


:facehoof: hasn't anybody tried to talk on the radio, to find out what they want.


Because the ponies have made no attempt and the humans figure that if the enemy isn't talking then it just wants to kill stuff. So we will just keep fighting. The ponies' stupidity really shines through.

Is this story dead? Because i hope it isnt

it is 5 years later and still no new chapters

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