• Published 9th Jan 2019
  • 498 Views, 22 Comments

Twilight and friends turbo duel to save Equestria - John steffens II

Twilight well face her toughst challenge nightmare moon

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Twilights start of nightmare moons shadow game

Twilight on mounted her duel runner and walked into the library. As soon as she walked in, pinky surprised her and spike

Pinkie:"were you surprised"

Twilight:"gah yea surprised"

Twilight walked with applejack rainbow rarity flutter shy pinkie to the Mayer's office for the summer sun celebration

As the Mayor's speech continued for a little while, it was time for the princess to come out as photo shy had her birds singing. When the princess revealed herself she wasn't there

Pinkie by twilight thought the princess was hiding"ooooh is she hiding"she dunked her head in in the punch bowl

Fluttershy:"huh she's not here"

Pinkie pie:"oooh she's good"pinkie got her head out

Purple and blue mist appeard As nightmare moon.

Twilight gulped

Nightmare moon:"ah my loyal subjects it's lovely to see your sun loving faces"she looked at the people in the room"do you know who I am"

Pinkie pie:"ooh a guessing game um queen meanie no hokie smokes no black snooty""black snooty"as she mumbled as Applejack put a hand on her mouth

Twilight spoke up:"I know who you are your are the mare in the moon nightmare moon"

Nightmare moon:"Ah a girl who recognized us wait that hair color those eyes who are you"

Twilight:"you should recognize me mother "

Nightmare moon stumbled back looking at the young person in front of her."it cant be"

Twilight:"We five challenge you nightmare moon to a turbo duel"

Nightmare moon:""Ok meet me at the the castle of the two sisters"

She vanished twilight and her friends band back to the golden Oaks library and was looking for the elements, a book on them.

Twilight:"no no no no no no nope"

Pinkie pie:" elements of harmony? a reference guide."

Try light pushed her aside,"where did you find that"

Pinkie pie:"it was under 🎵eeeee🎵"pinkie sang and hopped back to to the side of dashie

Twilight:"oh" She faced palmed

She opened the book and with it read it there are 6 elements but only 5 are known honesty, laughter, generosity, kindness and loyalty. The 6th is the complete mystery, and Pegasus copy them onto cards and their magic 6 magic cards, known as the elements of harmony magic cards. Nightmare moon listened on to the conversation, the cards and the elements were hidden in the castle of the 2 sisters. Nightmare moons mist disappeared

As they got into the woods, applejack reassured twilight, being honest with her pinkie pie, laughing in the face of danger rarity, give me her tail too, a mournful sea serpent Fluttershy kindly taking down a man to court. Also they all do eachother in their challenges. Rainbow dash taking down the shadow bolts in a duel.

As they got into the castle, the 2 sisters. They found the element stones and the cards.

Pinkie pie:"There's only 5 cards and 5 elements stones,"

Twilight:" legend says. That is, spark will be veal, the 6th element and the 6th element card"

Applejack lead the girls out of the castle for a bit, but as soon as try, light gathered her magic nightmare. Moon smashed and burned the elements and the cards in another room. Applejack and the girls follow them to the castle.

Nightmare moon:" without those cards and stones, you have no chance of beating me"

Try light was about ready to give up until she heard the girls voice is and in her eyes a spark ignited in her soul " you think you can destroy the elements just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here "

"applejack, who reassured me when I was about to fall off the cliff represents the spirit honesty. " the card transformed, and so didn't the shards into an apple, and on the card was a picture of a crystal apple

"Pinkie pie, who laughed in the face of danger represents the spirit of laughter " the shards and the card reformed and landed around Pinky's neck and in her deck, it became a balloon, and so didn't the card had a crystal balloon on it

"Rarity who comfort a mournful sea serpent represents the spirit of generosity " the crystal shards turned into a purple crystal diamond, and on the picture of the card represented a purple diamond, it landed on her neck and her deck

"Fluttershy who calmed a matacore represents the element of kindness " the shards turned into a butterfly and on the card represented a pink crystal butterfly. As it landed on her neck and Deck

"Rainbow dash, who wouldn't have been in her friends just because of her own selfish desires represents the element of loyalty " the card and stone morphed back into the original forms. Card sporting a picture of a lightning bolt and the stone morphed into. A lightning bolt and landed around rainbow dash is neck and her deck

Nightmare moon:" but you still don't have the 6th element, the spark didn't work "

"Oh, it did, but a different kind of spark, a spark that resonates this all a spark of a new girls came. I was happy for you to hear you that you all are my friends, the spark ignited in me and when the elements are ignited by the spark, it creates the 6th element the element of magic"a card and a stone appeared above, try light and the stone morphed into a crown, and the cards sported a picture of a 6 pointed star

And we are going to do you all 5 of us as there are elements turned into new jewel runners. And rode off. The turbo duo. Twilight and her friends can make the first move

Twilight"I place a card face down and I play a tuner monster known as as tuner magician"

Rainbow Dash's movies next, she places one card face down and place down. Dark resonate.
Fluttershy put down 3 cards and put down a tuner monster of 3 animals

Applejack place down. Blade. And places down. 3 face down

Ready plays is down 3 to cards and places a tuner monster known as rose cowgirl

Nightmare moon, thanks they're playing smart"I play the grave keeper's curse and the grave keepers assailant and I placed this Facedown and end my turn "

"My turn again, I activate a spell synchro, but this I can use as many times as I want simple materials as spells are traps and things to some of my friends, I've got enough to make an x El synchro so. I place this my level 8th Stardust dragon on the field by singles, tuning my synchro monster and flourish I is face down. As synchro material for start as dragon, then I play a level 2. I use your face down and another of Fluttershy is face down as level one single material to play, my level 2 speed racer. Then I can accel synchro. Behold, a new monster"as try light vanished in the Exel synchro material monster world and reappeared right behind nightmare moon. She had the most powerful monster shooting star dragon https://youtu.be/45d4hoggHOU

" but I can not attack with my beast just yet, so you got one other chance, and I place 2 cards face down and end my turn "

Applejack place the element of honesty, Verity place, the element of generosity face down, both of them did Fluttershy plays the element of kindness face down. Rainbow dash placed the element of loyalty face down twilight face down the element of magic, pinky placed the element of laughter face down and they ended their turn twilight said"that my dragon can attack on anyone's turn, so since we're all sharing a field, I can activate the 6 elements of harmony since I know that that's what all the place, so activate all 6 elements of harmony, and I activate my dragon special ability. If I draw all 5 tuner monsters from my deck, then I can attack you 5 times"she drew 5 synchro monsters, so the dragon can attack 5 times, powered by the elements of harmony, those dragons fried Luna from nightmares body, the duel was over nightmares, soul was lost to the shadow room leaving only Luna behind

As they all drove back with Luna twilights, dual runner Luna was hugging her daughter for the first time in a long, long time.

Luna:"so my little twilight your famous as the duel runner queen huh?"

Twilight and her friends pulled off to catch a lot castle, dropping off her mother and then they wrote back to pony Ville, spend their lives as friends

Author's Note:

San of a new chapter for now