• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2017


I'm a guy. I like My Little Pony. I don't like to talk about myself. Let's leave it at that.

Comments ( 412 )

I remember seeing this on fanfiction.net

Glad to see it here:yay:

*reads description*

Ho-ho-hooo, Man this is gonna be goooood. :rainbowkiss:
(Not in that kinda way ya Filthy minded eediots)


Glad this story is finally here! Although, would have preferred if you updated already!

I love this story so much! But I do hate the OOC of the mane six especially Rarity.

Aside from having to skip all the Sex..... This is getting.. Dare i say.. JUICY?

*knee slap*



oh my gawd this is like one of the best clopfic-know what it's better than that, this story is awesome, the clop is just a side bonus.

Damn, Fluttershy has a hypocritical streak?:trixieshiftright:

I know it's a clopfic, so the story doesn't matter all that much, but, don't you think it was just a little out of character how her best friends had zero trust in Twilight, and how they pretty much outright tried to completely ruin her without even looking for an explanation first? Some "friends". I've had enemies that treat me nicer. You should really try to make everypony stay in character more. Though the first 3 chapters were pretty good.

62430 Oh you!

This is oddly well done for a spikelight(?) clop fic, very nice for what it is.

This is the only thing I can use to express my opinion on this fic:

Did Spike just leave the scroll from Celestia at Rarity's place? :trixieshiftright:


This suddenly got a whole lot better.

Shit just got real.

lovely story so far <3

i cant help but feel responsible for this somehow since i asked why there wernt more twispike fics....and i have yet to regret it either.

I dunno, the first three chapters were pretty solid, but Snuffed Out... Something about the way everypony acted was extremely far off. It just felt... Staggeringly out of character, especially given the group we're talking about. RD tricking Spike into sending an incriminating letter is nothing but massive disloyalty, and I cannot imagine why Pinkie Pie is so torn up about this, unless she's correlating it to something in her own past. Rarity, especially, just wasn't herself in this, and I doubt Celestia would have responded to the situation even remotely that quickly, that harshly, and without ever asking a single question about context. I honestly think I'm going to drop my rating a notch or two, until I see what comes in the future. This was... a bit disappointing, honestly.

For a second, I thought this was a rewrite of Pattycakes.

Thank the lord it isn't.
Btw, Great chapter:twilightsmile:

That first part of the story was legitimately terrifying, as I could totally see it happening in this story.

But there is something that has been bothering me:
"it was pretty much impossible seeing as the library didn't have a fireplace"
The FUCK it doesn't! What happened to the one they were using at the sleepover, did they just remodel the library because they thought the only use they would get out of it was roasting Rar- marshmallows?

Please though, I've enjoyed every chapter thus far, I know you wont let something like this get to you.

wow this fic is the perverbial shit! keep it up!!

I almost cried at the begining, thinking "oh god , another story that falls into cupcakes style fetish"

Then it was a nightmare.

Never felt so much relief

64736 THIS

Also, your story is good, but I really start hating Fluttershy. Oh hm, Spike and Twilight have sex. Oh hm, let's inform the princess. Oh hm, Spike isn't allowed to stay with her anymore, come to me. Oh hm, sexy dragon, let's fuck. AND I DON'T CARE A GOD DAMN THAT SHE'S SORRY! :fluttercry: Okay maybe just a little bit *awkward elbow rub*
Really now, It would probably tear her appart that she's the cause for them to be seperated and then using him (first I wanted to write having sex with him, but it didn't feel strong enough).

Does this mean that Spike is abandoning his intimate relationship with Twilight?

There isn't enough :moustache: for this. Damn.:twilightblush:

65274:rainbowlaugh: FUCKING LOL

Oh bronies, don't you see?

Spike is having the equivalent of mystical wet dreams.

His inherent (and brand new, uncontrolled) magic is coming out in ways that his subconscious kinda wants it to - letting him get some action. Hence, EVERYPONY flirting with him. Spike is subconsciously mind-controlling everymare there into wanting a piece o' the hyper-magical dragon.

The only reserve about this fanfic that I have is that you take FOREVER to update! I mean, back when the fic started, you were doing alright, but you HAVE to hurry up now! This fic has just started getting good, don't make us wait!




:raritydespair: why have I read the whole fucking thing!? Seriously, it should have ended when Twilight got arrested. Seriously, it disgusts ms that you continued with the sexual stuff after Spike was taken away from Twilight. I feel like I am going to vomit.

62937 :derpyderp1::derpyderp1: you may be right about that

65274 LMFAO

And c'mon Fluttershy. Just..wtf. you do the same thing you got made at Twiligh doing. And you even SAW how telling the Princess affected her! You saw! Ugh. I wonder what Spike is going to do. Also wonder how Twi and Rainbow are holding up...

Oh wow this is on Fimfic? Awesome! :pinkiehappy:
And a new chapter! :pinkiegasp:

Heh, Pedofoalia. Hehehe. Still giggling at that.


quit overreacdtin man

personally i find this shit hilarious

like uh rule 34 hilarious

sometimes, things aren't meant to be taken seriously
clopfics are amongst said things

Everypony, I need to ask all of you something very important. I've been looking at the comments, watching the rating steadily nosedive, and it's pretty clear this story isn't working out as well as I hoped it would. So, with all seriousness, I need to ask: should I discontinue this story? It's fine if you do- I'll just take it down here, on FF.net, and on clopfic.heroku, and we can all forget this ever happened. If you want it to stay, then it'll stay. So what do you think?



I'd rather it stay; I'm interested to see how this turns out and to see if one of my guesses as to just what's going on is correct.

*clears throat* Ahem.

Yes, you should certainly continue. Frankly, the folks up above are clearly having knee-jerk reactions to what appears to be happening, without following the *obvious* plotline of "why?"

I've uprated you, hopefully others will help.

Not to sound to over dramatic but:

>"should I discontinue this story?"

I'm actually really enjoying this fic. Yeah, it has its flaws, but overall I think it is very well written and alot of fun to read. It's going in a different direction than I thought it would, but that's part of the fun. Now I'm not you, but it seems like you have an idea of where you want to go with this fic and I'm looking forward to finding out. I think you're doing pretty darn good so far.

It's really up to you though, I would love it if you kept going with this story, but if you don't think its worth it then that's fine too.

66027 if you don't like it don't read it it's in the mature section for a reason hell it's even called a clopfic don't like don't read twilight what do you think? ----->:facehoof: that's what i thought

66978 dude please keep this up this is a great fic and i'm legitimately invested at this point you write great ignore those haters who down vote this awesome fic and keep going

I hope you continue through with it as this is like the first clop-fic that feels like its MORE than a clop-fic. I'm not a fan of Spike cheating on Twilight, but I'm still very much interested in seeing where this is going :fluttercry:

Poor spike. I almost cried when Twilight said: "Is it in?":fluttercry:

66978 why would you even consider this in the first place this is hand down the BEST clopfic i have EVER read keep up the good work.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: (you think i was gonna give a bad review nope.avi:twilightsheepish:)

Nuuuuuu. Don't quit! The plot has thickened and there's draaamaaaa. Haters gonna hate. Buck 'em. We fans love this and I have to see what happenes next. I check clopfic.heroku everyday hoping that it gets updated with this and a few other stories. Please don't give this up! <3

Who keeps rating this story down?

The rating is being dropped, somone somwhere decided to create a thread telling people to zero bomb all the clopfics on FimFiction its not just this one.

PLEASE DONT GIVE UP! :raritydespair:

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