• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2016


broken, not beaten


The nation of Equestria is struck by the most terrifying pandemic ever to afflict mortal ponies... the snuggle bug.

Artwork by the Inimitable pekou

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 58 )

This was a fun little story. Silly and goofy, nothing serious. I liked it.

And then the virus mutated, causing everyone to become sex addicts, thus the works of bendy were born...

Liked this story. I also have imagined the final moments of these two with the mass effect 3 theme xD

This is beautiful! I can't wait to read more!

She could only pray that she and Spike weren’t the next ones to bit the dust.

I can't help but point out that it should be 'bite the dust'. I might be behind on fancy terms, though, but I'm old enough that I should know. Good story so far. Pretty action packed and messed up. I like it.

Not the snuggles! :pinkiegasp: Everypony run! Nobody will survive the pandemic! We can still try, though! :flutterrage: At least the changelings won't go hungry for a long time after the whole thing ends. Or will it end? Technically, if it never ended and Nopony ever decided to eat normal food while infected, changelings would live for a signifigant amount of time as the last intelligent species on the planet. :moustache:

Wait, the disease comes with rabies? Well excuuuuse me, Princess, but you made the worst decision of your life. And the final decision of your life. I need more canon before I go any further. I think the fan fiction is beginning to corrupt me.

“Of fertilizer I have only just run out, yet there is still no need to for you to pout! I can make a new batch just for you, and perhaps for all your lovely friends too.”

...uhh... :pinkiesick:

I'm not the only one who thought this, am I? I can't be.

...You have magic.

You can teleport.

You can instantly send correspondence directly to Celestia.

Also, Rainbow Dash.

Like, it's funny, but even random comedy needs a certain amount of consistency.

Alright, this was pretty neat but a few technical issues stood out to me.
1. Twilight can erect shield bubbles.
2. Twilight can teleport.
3. Luna and Celestia can teleport and probably erect shields too.
These issues are relatively minor as the use of these abilities would likely only have slowed the inevitable.

This part from I – Chain of Infection doesn't make sense:

She watched as one pony, Lyra, galloped down the road at full speed, her mane flowing behind her in the wind. Then, out of nowhere, an infected pony leapt onto her, tackling her to the ground. Lyra let out a shriek, causing Twilight to flinch. Her attacker, Roseluck, let out a low rumble and yanked her into a tight embrace. Lyra struggled against Roseluck’s grasp, but it was to no avail. She gave in as Roseluck snuggled her vigorously in the middle of the street, resigned to her life as the flower mare’s little spoon.

Because of this part in Prologue – Patient Zero:

But Rose was off visiting family in Manehattan with her sisters for the week,

If Roseluck was suppose to be in Manehatten, how was she there to attack Lyra only a few hours, at most, later?

I like it, though the ending doesn't really feel like an ending.

It's like an adorable version of the zombie apocalypse. Well, adorable minus the foaming mouths.

I will say that at the end there, I thought Celestia was asking Chrysalis on a date for a moment.

I liked it, but it hardly feels complete. It seems to be missing an epilogue of sorts.

I was hoping for some sort of stinging or biting insect. You know a "bug".

I would have at least liked to see some survivors fighting the infected, instead of just running.

I really did expect some sort of "Aftermath" chapter...

That's what you get for invading in the middle of a plague. Especially an inescapable plague of cuddles! :rainbowkiss:

7038742 7038535 7038335 I definitely get that. I'll start an epilogue if/when I get a chance.

the intricacies of alicorn reproductive behavior

Did you make a reference to a certain other story on this site? (Which I can't link BC stupid 18+ rules)

7038153 Fertilizer is a chemical compound made to make plants grow better... but the same chemical make up of chemicals and ingredients can also make explosive results that need to have check how large of a quantity people buy it at.

Manure on the other hoof you purchase with ease, but no one really likes to buy it.

:pinkiehappy: KNOW YOU KNOW! :pinkiehappy:

Knowing that this would be the end, Chrysalis and Celestia linked hooves. Together, the two of them smiled peacefully as the masses overtook them, succumbing to the deadly snuggles.

Wait, deadly? Well, crap. That escalated quickly.



1. There is no way of fighting the infected.
2. Why would you want to hurt your fellow ponies?
3. Please report to your local Non-Infected Treatment Centre.

7039207 Eh, I think this feels complete. If you're confident that you can write an ending with just-as-good-closure as this one, ABSOLUTELY go for it!

What the heck did I just read?

7039810 We're talking about a place where there used to be ponies on every street corner with spears, magical blasts are commonplace, and there are a lot of very tall towers to throw infected off of or knock down on top of them. I wouldn't exactly say there's no way to fight the infected. Also, the whole point of a zombie-esque type of story is that there is some sort of fighting.

So what's more dangerous after all - hug zombies or biting ones?


Alright, this was pretty neat but a few technical issues stood out to me.
1. Twilight can erect shield bubbles.
2. Twilight can teleport.
3. Luna and Celestia can teleport and probably erect shields too.
These issues are relatively minor as the use of these abilities would likely only have slowed the inevitable.

Cuz ponies are kinda dumb.

It sounds funny but this kind of behavioral alteration is actually an ingenious method of spreading the infection, especially since the nonviolent nature of it keeps more hosts alive to incubate the disease. There are a number of parasites that do similar things in nature, but they usually kill their victims-- ones that compel ants to climb or snails to expose themselves to birds or rats to be attracted to the scent of cats. A simple compulsion like 'hug others' is well-within the bounds of possibility.

I'm just surprised at how plausible the threat is in this crack-comedy.

So they're betting everything on this disease not being lethal and having no long term side-effects? That seems insanely risky.

On the other hand, maybe they're just rationalizing giving in to despair.

And Chrysalis can phase through objects (or at least floors).

7041526 They are ponies, the only reason they've lasted this long is because magic.

7041552 I'm suprised the changlings weren't immune to the disease.

Thanks that was a funny little piece.
Thanks for writing the story.


They could actually be, but they are trapped in the embrace of whoever has them, and the free feeding causes them to have no reason to resist.

I enjoyed the book a lot but the ending was a little bit dumb because its a cliff hanger.


Twilight forgets she can teleport when the very fabric of space and time is on the line. Forgetting it during a snuggle-zombie epidemic seems par for the course.

the one and only Princess Twilight Sparkle, saddled atop Princess Luna’s back like a medieval knight. Twilight donned a matching plastic sword and shield, glowering at Chrysalis.

Is Discord absolutely sure he had nothing to do with making this disease?


It's not really a cliff-hanger. The two people who had the most knowledge and experience to understand how it would play out (Discord and Celestia) decided to just roll with it. Discord could have stopped it two chapters ago, but he was certain that it wouldn't cause lasting harm and he'd be able to hold it over everyone's head for a laugh once the disease ran its course.

An epilogue with Discord laughing at Celestia post snuggle-bug would have been pretty funny though.

You’re screwed. :trollestia:

Actually, that emote wouldn’t be appropriate since Celestia’s in a similar predicament.

By the by:

it seemed as though Celestia wouldn’t be able to pawn of her problems this time.

Her trusty steed paused some three meters form Chrysalis.

it was not bad but it need a epilogue after all return to normal, unless they don't return to normal...

What if those that recover from the Snuggle bug are infected again as they recover? Or they get inmunity?

Oh no not the snuggles!

7038168 Yeah, to be honest, Twilight forgets half her abilities when it's convenient for the writers of the show.

Wait. Since changelings aren't ponies, the disease likely has no effect on them. And even if Chryssie is incapacitated by them, they'll be feeding her constantly, increasing her power until she's strong enough to break free.

Lel, knew it. Chryssie will get the ultimate snuggle boost.


who knew you needed math to mix potassium nitrate and nitrogen for super... fertilizzer


who says they weren't? maybe they are all just trapped in awkward situations waiting for their queen to come back

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