• Published 30th May 2012
  • 3,707 Views, 56 Comments

From the Ashes - Benjamin Lawe

A shadow falls over Canterlot as old wounds are opened, and a tradgedy best left buried re-emerges.

  • ...

Chapter 15: The Frozen North

From the Ashes

Chapter 15: The Frozen North

With the beginnings of darkness drawing in upon the skies over Canterlot, the bustle of the streets was starting to die out. And while this was about the time that the night palace normally begun to kick to life, now that it was operating on a full time basis, the strain had rendered the palace just about as still and quiet as the rest of the sleepy city. Even so, while it appeared as such on the outside, inside those royal halls, a rather unexpected commotion was currently underway.

“Hey, did you hear?” the armoured pegasus asked, an unnecessary hush to his voice, “About what happened with that Atlas guy?”

Having broken the silence, the pegasus looked left to his disinterested companion. They both stood guard outside the princess’ chamber, and having been at if for at least an hour, it was becoming rather clear that without a little chit-chat, this double shift of theirs would fast become unbearable.

“That traitor who attacked the palace?” came the reply, much more gruff and stern than his counterpart, “Of course I heard.”

“Well, I guess the whole garrison is talking about it at the moment.” the other one responded with a forced chuckle, “It’s not often they get to cross off a name so close to the top of that bounty list after all.”

“It was still quite the shock, he was supposed to be a tough one.” the gruff pegasus indulged his partner’s attempt at conversation, “Oh well, good riddance.”

“Still, isn’t a shame he kicked the bucket before we could get anything out of him?” came the reply, “Weren’t you one of the pegasi that was there during the attack?”

“You already know I was.” he snapped, “Why do you ask?”

“What was he like?” the talkative pegasus asked, “Strong? Scary?”

“Plenty of both, especially for an old earth pony.” the gruff guard acknowledged his companion’s curiosity, “It’s tough trying to explain, but he had a kind of aura about him. I, and pretty much everypony who was there could tell he was trouble even before anything happened.”

“Speaking of which, I’ve got a bit of a funny feeling right now.” the other guard seemed to deviate, “Like something strong and scary is coming this way...”

“I wouldn’t say I know what’s gotten into you, but I do hear something.” the stern pegasus responded, putting himself on alert, “Shut up for a minute. I think it’s getting closer...”

Meanwhile, in the further reaches of the night palace, twisting halls and passages echoed with hasty hoofsteps and the contrasting muttering of a flustered unicorn and a petrified pegasus.

“Unthinkable.” Rarity pouted as she walked, an energy to her steps and a firm bitterness to her voice, “Positively unthinkable!

“Oh, please settle down!” Fluttershy insisted meekly, keeping pace as best she could, “You’re supposed to be taking it easy! Just come back to the hospital with me please... please!

The unicorn refused to listen to her friend as she continued her march through the halls. Looking left and right with impatient eyes, Rarity’s understandably weary mind struggled to make sense of direction. On top of being flustered, she didn’t actually know how to get to the princess’ quarters. Owing to this, her random path onwards was ensuing more chaos than the night palace was used to, and if wasn’t for the efforts of the unfortunate Fluttershy, the alarm surely would have been issued some time ago...

“How many times must I tell you that I’m perfectly fine?” Rarity snapped in reply to her friend, “Honestly, you’re the one we’ll have to admit if you don’t settle down!”

As the poor pegasus finally begun to realize how powerless she was to stop the unicorn’s advance, a little ray of hope glimmered, taking form in the two pegasus guards keeping the door behind them blocked off. And while she wouldn’t know it yet, Fluttershy wasn’t the only one who welcomed their appearance. For Rarity knew full well that if this was a door to be guarded, it was the one she had been looking for.

See?” Fluttershy didn’t miss a beat, stopping on the spot, “Looks like she’s busy anyway! Let’s just come back later, okay?”

Rarity stopped as well, even if only briefly. The serious look in her eyes developing into a kind of scowl, she stared daggers at those who might halt her advance.

Seeing the firm look in her friend’s eye, Fluttershy decided to go with something a little more desperate. “Please...” she begged, ensuring the unicorn caught the soft, pitiful look in her eyes, “Let’s just go back, even if it’s just for a little while!”

“Sorry dear, but not this time.” Rarity endured, “You know I hate saying no to you, but this is just one of those things that one simply has to do.”

Utterly no match for her friend’s resolve, Fluttershy watched silently as the unicorn continued on up to the door she sought, and the guards that were duty-bound to keep her from it.

“Halt.” the leftmost one bellowed, “This entire area is off-limits. Leave immediately.”

“The princess is in there, correct?” Rarity evaded his instruction, “Let me through please, I need to talk with her.”

“You are not allowed here, let alone the princess’ chambers.” he replied, just as strongly as before, “How did you even get into this hall?”

“The same way I am going to get through this door.” Rarity didn’t waver, flashing a cocky smile as she pressed further, “I imagine that ‘the princess’ wouldn’t take kindly to you holding me up like this when she most definitely wishes to speak with me. Once again, I ask that you let me through.”

At this, the guard on the right saw fit to step in. “Look, miss... the princess is very busy at the moment.” he reasoned, trying to diffuse the situation, “As such, we are under orders not to let anybody in.

“If you would like, you can explain your relationship with the princess and why you are here with us, and once she is finished with her business, we can notify her for you.” he offered, making sure to keep his tone as disarming as possible, “Then, if she confirms that she wishes to speak with you, an audience can then be properly organised.”

As if in response, Rarity threw a glance backwards, eyeing Fluttershy as she nodded furiously in agreement, which was made all the more comical considering that the intimidated pegasus was practically curled up in a ball behind her.
“Hrm...” Rarity cocked her head slightly as she faced the guards again, “I think I have a better idea.”

Luna’s head spun to hear to door to her chambers crash open behind her. Her confusion turned to alarm to see that it wasn’t her guards who had done it, and then turned back to confusion to see Rarity stroll on through with her timid companion not far behind, skulking across the ground low like some kind of spooked fox.

“I’m so sorry princess!” Fluttershy scrambled as she bowed profusely, which, funnily enough, made for quite the subtle gesture given her already low posture, “I tried to stop her... but she just wouldn’t-”

The guards from outside finally resolving once more to keep the intruders at bay, they circled in swiftly so as to block off the path onwards despite the fact that they had only just discovered how futile their attempts were.

“It’s fine.” the princess raised her hoof as she spoke, leaving the room wondering if she intended it for the apologising Fluttershy or the flustered guards, “Really... that’s enough.”

With her outstretched hoof, the princess continued by gesturing toward the door, silently shooing off her guards. “You may leave them be.” she assured them as they backed down, “Thank you.”

Stepping aside without a word, the guards obeyed Luna by falling back to their original position. With everything going to plan, Rarity kept from taking in the awkward scene until they closed that final door behind them.

It was quickly apparent just what the princess was up to prior to the interruption. She stood in the middle of the study, and before her was Spellbound, the two of them apparently in the middle of some kind of serious discussion.

“You’ll have to forgive my surprise Rarity.” Luna brought a swift end to the unicorn’s survey of the room as she made her way over to greet her new arrivals, “Last I heard, you were still unconscious.”

“And last I knew, you were at the bottom of the ocean.” she replied, putting aside her curiosity for what had been going on, “Truthfully, I’ve been having trouble properly remembering some of what happened prior to, well... you know.”

“After the ordeal you’ve been through, I wouldn’t expect much different.” the princess said softly, her own regrets surfacing in regards to her responsibilities in the matter, “Are you certain that you are well? I fail to believe that you should be up and about in your condition...”

“That’s what I said.” Fluttershy was sure to make her own reservations known, “The hospital told her to stay put too, but she just won’t listen to anybody!”

“She wouldn’t be the only one.” Spellbound said from the side, startling the pegasus, “And definitely not the first to barge in here when they rightly shouldn’t.”

Unnerved by that last part, Fluttershy broke eye contact as quick as she could, directing her gaze away. But in letting her eyes wander, they happened upon a most unexpected sight, and in that instant, she understood what Spellbound actually meant.

“Hey there.” Captain Caliber smiled lightly from his seated position at the far corner of the room as the pegasus begun to stare, “It doesn’t really feel like it, but I guess it’s been a while, huh?

Despite his casual tone, the captain was hardly the picture of health. With his left wing done up in bandages that coiled over his entire midsection, his rightmost was the only one that stuck out, and even then, the joints were held in place by plaster. Small circular bandages told of the tubes that had been keeping his fluids up, and additional rolls of bandage kept those numerous cuts and bruises covered.

“Goodness me...” Rarity stammered, having also realized, “After what I heard, I hardly expected to see you up and about Mr. Caliber. And I dare say that what I can see tells me the same.”

“The same goes for you doesn’t it?” he asked, able to see a fatigued unicorn hiding underneath her rather convincing brave face, “You look like you might keel over at any moment...”

At this, Fluttershy’s focus switched to friend. “Is that true?” she asked tenderly, concerned now that her own suspicions were shared, “I knew you weren’t okay...”

“Believe me, I’ve been better... but that is hardly the issue.” Rarity replied with a trembling huff, no longer feeling the need to hide her exhaustion, “Even if I were still at the hospital, my heart would never let me rest, not when it’s so heavy with questions...”

“I suppose we’re alike in that way.” Caliber worded his response to make it sound like praise while staying serious, “Sometimes there’s only so much we can allow ourselves to sit out on, right?”

“I don’t intend to disagree, but there’s a difference between being a concerned friend and the captain of the royal guard.” Luna cut in, “Regardless of whether it is for her own sake, or that of her friends, Rarity’s responsibility is to make a proper recovery.”

“All I want is to know what’s going on.” Rarity said calmly, her thoughts collected and her doubts reconciled, “True, I want to help... I need to help, but I know I am in no condition to. But in knowing so little, how am I supposed to sleep?”

“It’s normal for you to be out of the loop having been unconscious as long as you have.” Spellbound stepped disarmingly towards the clearly unsettled unicorn, “If you want to talk about what happened, I would be happy to explain for you in full-”

“I don’t care about what happened, I care about what’s happening.” Rarity made the distinction clear, shifting her focus to the princess as she made to continue, “Fluttershy said that you are sending my friends off again... is that true? After everything that happened, did you really decide to separate us again?”

“I too shared your reservations, but the choice was theirs to make.” Luna didn’t mince words, “Indeed, it was my will to keep them from further harm, to keep your friends here and safe in the city. But you should have known what their intentions were even before you heard anything.

“Because you’re the same are you not?” she asked, oddly direct, “Even you, Fluttershy. In spite of everything, the two of you are least concerned about yourselves, and you continue to put your friends first. Perhaps that is where generosity and kindness are alike...”

“Where are they?” Rarity asked, more invested in getting to the point than being on the receiving end of Luna’s mysticism, “Where did my friends go?”

“Pinkie Pie returned to Appleoosa to assist the town and see to certain loose ends.” the princess explained, “Philomena is still missing, and we still don’t know what became of the two guards we sent with you the first time. As for the town at large, considering her positive standing with both the Appleoosans and the buffalo, she was the ideal pony to help facilitate their recovery. It should come as no surprise that she volunteered.

“I actually expect to hear back from her soon.” she continued, “I sent Paragonia after her now that he has recovered somewhat. The journey to Appleoosa shouldn't be too taxing for him, and he will be able to help your friend find Philomena. I just hope his appearance won’t startle her...”

“And the others?” Rarity kept the princess on track, “Where did you send them?

* * * *

“See this dotted line here?” Twilight struggled to keep Dash’s attention, “Follow it exactly. I know it’s not the fastest way, but this is the low route through the mountains, and it’s by far the safest. It’s also the easiest to follow, even without a map, so if you-”

“I know, I know...” Dash cut her off, snatching the map back up, “I keep telling you, Spellbound already went through all this with me. So relax. I know what I’m doing.”

Twilight huffed immaturely at the dismissal. Now that their train was almost at Snowsickle junction, the group had gathered in the carriage isle, Marco and all, to see Dash off before she went her own way.

“I still say this is a waste of time.” Tager interjected, “Gilda doesn’t need, and definitely doesn’t want you babyin’ her.”

“Well like it or not, I’ve got to make sure she’s okay.” Dash replied strongly as she strapped her woollen coat on tight, preparing for the bitter winds awaiting her, “Not to mention Hordimare got left hanging even worse than Appleoosa. Someone out there needs help one way or another...”

“Fine, fine... have it your way.” Tager still didn’t seem to approve, “Have fun playing hero.”

“Ain’t that your shtick?” Applejack commented, hushing her voice as she leaned in on the silent Torrin, “Honestly kid, I wanna know what dictionary you’ve been using if you still think we should be wasting our time with this one...”

“Say something there cowgirl?” Tager jerked her muzzle pointedly, “Because I coulda sworn-”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Marco stepped in, eager to avoid the conflict brewing between the two, “Dash is going to be off soon, so let’s try to stay focused.”

Even though the two shrugged it off easily enough, Marco hadn’t missed that distinctive look in their eyes. He could only hope it wouldn’t become a problem...

“You gonna be alright without me Tags?” Rainbow Dash nudged jokingly at her friend’s tense chest, “Not worried about having to hang around with all these new faces?”

“Isn’t fussing over G enough for you?” Tager swatted her away playfully, “Maybe I’m starting to think its better you’re doing your own thing...”

As their banter continued, a piercing whistle cut through the moment, the engine car announcing that it was closing in on the next stop.

“Sounds like we’re here.” Dash exhaled slowly, not so much nervous, but collected, “Alright. Let’s do this!”

“That’s the spirit!” Applejack mirrored her friend’s enthusiasm, helping her to fasten the saddlebags over the top of her woollen coat, “Don’t get lost now, you hear?”

“It looks a lot worse out there that we thought...” Twilight said from the window, the freezing winds actually visible from inside the carriage, “You would be better off staying out of the wind as much as possible.”

“Keep your hood on then doofus.” Tager said from behind, slapping the coat’s fur lined hood on over the back of Dash’s head, exhibiting what could only be the most minute concern for her friend’s well-being, “Don’t be dumb either. Not that you can use your wings properly with this thing on, but if you fly too high, you can say goodbye to those beautiful blues you love so much.”

In response, the pegasus quickly flipped her wings out from under her coat, gulping quietly as she made sure to tuck them in properly. “I guess we can’t all make time for cold weather training, huh?” she joked, referring to her old friend’s attempts to make her own body resistant to high altitudes, “Thanks Tags. I’ll be careful.”

“This should help.” Marco approached the pair, rummaging around in his own saddlebags for a moment, “I picked it up for myself when I heard we were headed north, but it looks like you could use it more than any of us...”

So as not to leave her in suspense, he produced the equipment and offered it to her. “It’s called an eye shield or something.” he said awkwardly, the thing in his hand essentially a pair of goggles, the difference being that it was totally reflective, and that it only had a single fat lens-shaped for two eyes that bulged out like the eye of some kind of insect, “It’ll make it way, way easier to navigate.”

“Whoa, thanks.” Dash was quick to strap the thing to her face, “How do I look?”

“Prepared.” Twilight answered pointedly, “And kinda cool too, I guess.”

“That’s what I like to hear!” Dash celebrated, rearing up enthusiastically, “I’m so ready!”

At this, the train begun to slow, and as the engine trumpeted out again, the rails howled as it arrived at a total stop at Snowsickle Junction, the station all but abandoned.

“Looks like this is your stop Dash.” Tager, slapped her friend on the back as she made to exit the carriage, “Go kick some ass, alright?”

“Or don’t.” Marco cut in, his tone utterly deadpan, “All the best Dash. Good luck.”

“Yeah, good luck.” Applejack and Twilight gave their well wishes in perfect unison, “And be safe!

The chorus of her friends giving their goodbyes quickly becoming faint with each step away from the station, Dash’s protected eyes scanned, already struggling to make sense of direction. Either way, she continued forwards, comfortable consulting her map only once she knew her friends were gone.

“Hold on Hordimare.” she said to herself, prepared to tackle the road ahead, “I’m on my way.”

Sending Dash off as she disappeared into the fierce weather, Marco and the girls stood in the open doorway, waving together as the train rumbled beneath them, the engine apparently struggling to start up again.

“She looks totally goofy in that thing, doesn’t she?” Applejack said to no one in particular, referring to the odd goggles that were protecting the pegasus’ eyes.

“Yep, totally goofy.” Twilight agreed despite what she’d said earlier, “You did well to hold it in this long, Ms. Honesty.

“Sounds like I was right to give them away...” Marco joked to hear their reactions, “But if you ask me, function should always come before fashion.”

“Be grateful Rarity isn’t here then.” Applejack commented, the topic rising some mixed emotions, “I wonder how she’s doing anyway...”

* * * *

“The road to Hordimare is confusing at best, but my estimate is that she’s most likely getting close.” Spellbound concluded, having taken the floor at some stage, “Of course, you know Rainbow Dash much better than I do, but if she followed my instructions she shouldn’t run into any real issues.”

Having been listening attentively to the summary of current affairs, Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged a quick look, the two of them silently contemplating that last part. After all, knowing Dash meant knowing how issues tend to magically arise around her.

“Of course, given Rainbow Dash’s expected progress, the rest of your friends should be quite close to their destination as well.” Luna added, “I know isn’t much to settle your worries, but you must understand that keeping informed this time around is near impossible.”

“I still cannot believe that you sent Torrin along with them.” Rarity responded, “It’s not as if I don’t trust the others, it’s just that... well, I hope everything turns out okay.”

“Again, it was my wish to have him stay.” Luna clarified her own feelings, “But given the connection this all has to his father, he insisted on helping, and the others eventually agreed. So long as you think your friends capable, we should not be concerned.”

“Even still, I can’t say I like the idea...” Rarity replied, what she remembered of her interaction with the colt in Appleoosa leaving her far from convinced, “Nor the fact it’s just them out there...”

At what the unicorn had implied with that last comment, Spellbound sighed quietly to herself. “I’ll repeat it as many times as necessary; it’s just too risky sending you up there as well, or anypony else for that matter.” she made to include Fluttershy by throwing a glance her way, “We’ve got to be sneaky this time around okay? Even more so than with Appleoosa. And we all know how that turned out...”

“What I’m sure she means is, your friends are safe, and more likely to get what they came for, so long as they keep a low profile.” Caliber chipped in, correcting Spellbound’s tone, “The best thing we can do is focus on what can be done from here.”

“Like what, exactly?” Rarity questioned, her tone aggressively sceptical, “Because I’m all ears! But if all you expect me to do is wait around to welcome them back, then at least, at the very least, let us help Pinkie and the Appleoosans!”

“Oh, please calm down!” Fluttershy intervened, the stress that was influencing her friend all but apparent, “This isn’t helping, and there’s no way it’s doing you any good. Try taking a deep breath, okay?”

Gathering herself once more, Rarity obliged the pegasus concern with a healthy sigh. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to turn so crass.” she eyed the captain apologetically, “I just can’t help but feel so utterly useless.”

“Don’t sweat it, I can relate.” Caliber dismissed her tone casually enough, though his relaxed air dropped as he looked to his own disabled form, “But when it come to what we should be doing on our end, I was thinking a little bigger than setting up the ‘welcome back’ parade.”

Now Fluttershy was the one who was intrigued. “What do you mean?” she asked without thinking, “And why didn’t you say so?”

“Well, what did you think we were talking about before you two barged in on us, huh?” Caliber replied with a question of his own, “Because as it so happens, we’ve got quite the task ahead of us here, and it’s the kind that calls for immediate attention.”

“Hang on captain...” Spellbound’s tone shifted abruptly, “This is all supposed to be on a need to know basis, so don’t talk so carelessly!”

“Oh, and yet you’re the one who hypes it up for them?” Caliber countered flawlessly, “Besides, I’m not big on coincidence. If they just so happen to bust in when we’re scratching our heads about who to trust, then I’m not above calling it kismet.”

“Urgh, I’m so taking you back to the hospital when we’re done.” Spellbound conceded sourly, “There’s obviously been some brain damage.”

As refreshing as it was to see the injured captain and his overworked substitute descend into their usual banter, Rarity couldn’t help notice Luna’s persisting silence. Her eyes stuck staring at something invisible, it was glaringly obvious that she was totally distracted by whatever she was thinking about.

“Princess?” Rarity approached, leaving Fluttershy to the other two, “What are they talking about?”

Instantly brought back to reality by the question, Luna noticed as Spellbound and Caliber broke from their own conflict and looked to her as well, the same neutral look on both of their faces.

“Hrm, where to begin?” the princess wondered as she accepted the question, “Let us see... what do you two know about what happened at the royal palace?”

“Bits and pieces, I suppose.” Rarity answered honestly, but stalled knowing the question was meant to include Fluttershy too, “Why?

“In that case, before I say any more, there is something I need from you first.” Luna’s tone became serious, “You two must swear utter secrecy. If still you want to help, you must promise not to share what I am about to tell you with anyone. Not your friends, not Tager, not anybody.”

The girls found themselves pause. Certainly, it would be simple enough to promise to keep a secret safe, but for Luna to be so explicit and go so far as to keep it from the others, it was only natural for them to be cautious in accepting.

“I can’t say I understand why, but okay.” Rarity spoke first, “I promise.”

“Me too, um, I guess.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but be intimidated, “I swear as well.”

“Thank you.” the princess broke the tension with a light smile, “As for the explanation, you may or may not be familiar with the name Atlas Black. He comprised one faction involved in the three-sided conflict in which Captain Caliber, and by extension we, were thankfully victorious.

“We were able to capture him alive, and since then, we have obtained some useful information.” she continued, “Most prominent of which being the location of the earth pony settlement from which Terra obtained the numbers we saw in Hordimare.”

“So, what you were talking about earlier was... was what to do about those ponies?” Fluttershy asked despite herself, “But, um, well... why aren’t we allowed to tell our friends about something like that? They’d definitely want to know...”

“We know that of course, but there’s an extra dimension to this you’re probably not getting.” Caliber answered, “Well, even as I say that, you probably already realize that what we need to do is top-secret. Just like Appleoosa. And Hordimare. And Mistmantle...”

“What the captain is trying to say, we’ve had a pretty keen eye on us so far.” Spellbound took over, “Atlas was especially adamant that some pretty nasty individuals have been making fools of us in terms of us trying to do things in secret.”

“I was sceptical at first too, but the proof’s in the pudding.” Caliber spoke again seeing the doubt cross the girls’ eyes, “We put every effort forward to make sure you lot in Appleoosa went unnoticed, but they were ready are waiting, and we barely avoided total catastrophe. Hordimare was barely any different, and they even knew to strike at Canterlot when it was weak.

“We can only hope we’ve taken the necessary measures in sending your friends back out into the world, but with what we’re planning on our end, we cannot afford for the bad guys to get wise.” he continued, “This may be our only chance to go at them directly, and we can’t mess it up.”

“You understand what that means correct?” Luna stepped forward once again, “If we have any chance of saving that settlement, and getting hold of those responsible for threatening them, we cannot misplace our trust.”

“I admit, I’m slightly lost princess.” Rarity collected herself as she tried to make sense of it all, “Wasn’t this Atlas fellow on Terra’s side? How do you know he told the truth?”

“We are a far cry from believing what he told us, for I already know he fed me as many lies as truths, and while I struggle tell which in some cases, I have determined that at the very least, he does wish to further our mutual interest.” Luna reasoned, “In any case, regardless of his true motives, he is now our trump card in the misinformation of our common enemy.”

The princess threw an affirming look to Spellbound and Caliber, both of whom looking back knowingly.

“And that is because, out of everypony in Equestria, with a certain pair of pegasi notwithstanding...” Luna lowered her voice climatically, “The only ponies who know that Atlas’ death was a lie are right here in this room.

“So, as long as we don’t know how information continues to make its way to our unseen enemies, if we want to fool them, we have to fool everybody.” “My people, my guards, my friends, and my foes... for this to work, none but a trusted few can know that Atlas Black is still alive.”

* * * *

“Now this is more like it!” Tager grinned despite herself, ducking and weaving amongst the howling wind, “I bet this wasn’t on the brochure!”

Their train having arrived at the end of the line some time ago, it had been up to the group to hoof it the rest of the way to Mistmantle. At first, it hadn’t been so bad, with the snowy weather perhaps even less severe than as it was in Lost Valley. It wasn’t until they got close to their destination that things really took a turn.

And while every other sane pony took shelter from the merciless wind up against the base of a nearby cliff face, Tager was only content up amongst it, watching with a disturbing level of satisfaction as the fresh little cut on her cheek froze red in the killer wind.

“She’s insane right?!” Twilight yelled out, trying to make her voice heard over the roaring storm, “What the heck is this anyway?!”

“She’s mad alright, but it’s this storm that’s insane!” Applejack cried out too, despite being right next to the unicorn, “It’s making Snowsickle look like paradise!”

In between the two spooked girls, Marco stood still staring forward with squinting eyes, silently regretting giving away that eye-shield to Dash. He was about to voice such reservations, but his attention was promptly redirected as he was forced to duck suddenly, reflexively tugging the nearby Twilight and Applejack down with him.

With a shrill yelp, the two of them hit the deck along with him just as the rocky cliff face behind them was raked with piercing ice. Looking back up in distress, Twilight saw those deceptively deadly things up close for once, and even then it didn’t help her to believe her eyes.

“This is nothing short of craziness!” Marco growled, following the unicorn’s frightened gaze, “I’d never be able to rest in peace if snowflakes were what killed me!”

Like evil little ninja stars, thin snowflakes as sharp as knives sat lodged in the hard stone of the cliff face, the lethal things having been sent flying by the viciously strong winds of the raging storm.

And if their deadliness wasn’t hard enough to believe, they were pretty damn persistent too. Not new to being pelted by these snowflakes at this stage, everypony’s woollen overcoats were cut in at least one or two spots by experiencing quite the number of near misses. Or in the case of the crazed Tager, more than her fair share of near hits.

“Are you okay there Torrin?!” Applejack called out to the trembling colt sheltered, literally, under her belly, “Still in one piece?”

“Yeah...” he gulped slightly, nursing a small cut on his upper front hoof, “I’m fine!”

As he nodded bravely, a rouge snowflake whistled in on Applejack, catching the hat off her head and pinning it to the wall behind them.

Yikes!” she ducked in surprise, checking to see if her head had been cut before retrieving her hat and returning it to the familiar place, “That was a close one! Taking cover here by the cliff was smart, but it still ain’t safe enough!”

“You’re not kidding!” Twilight responded, already well aware of the danger they were in, “We’re going to need a new plan if we want to get out of here in one piece!”

“Eep!” Torrin exclaimed as he got out of the way of yet another rapidly spinning blade-like snowflake, “We really need to do something guys!”

“Let’s dig down, into the snow!” Marco proposed as he warily awaited something vicious to come his was too, “We need to get behind something, anything!

Tager!” he roared out towards the pegasus still minding her own business out in the middle of the maelstrom, “Get the hell over here!”

“Hey, ‘sup?” Tager asked calmly as she sauntered on up, her clothing all but torn to ribbons, “Did you need something?”

Her cocky look was put on hold as her instincts flared suddenly, the pegasus quickly whipping the heavy ornament on her tail up so as to deflect an incoming snowflake that, if it had its way, would now be stuck right between Marco’s eyes.

“You know, we needa figure out a name for these friggin’ things.” she commented as if she hadn’t just saved a life, “If I have to start saying ‘look out for that snowflake’, it’s gonna get lame real quick.”

“Duly noted.” Marco matched her tone with his reply, knowing better than to call her out on her antics at a time like this, “Help us dig a hole! We’re going to hunker down!”

“It’s no good Marco!” Twilight said suddenly from behind, the unicorn holding her throbbing hoof above a small pile of upturned snow, “It’s all rock down here! We can’t go deep at all!”

“And that’s all?” Tager didn’t seem to understand the problem, “Go on then, get outta the way!

“Huh?” Marco questioned, watching as Tager brought her wings out and lurched upwards, “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get cut up or something?!”

In hindsight, he should have recognised her intention sooner. With lightning speed, Tager fired forwards, spinning as she did so, the blur of her body more resembling a drill than a pegasi. Luckily, Twilight was also quick off the mark, teleporting her friends out of the path of destruction.

The crunch of churning stone boomed out above the sound of the raging storm as Tager gorged out a hovel in the ground beneath the thin layer of snow. The reckless pegasus shook herself like a wet dog in the centre of what she had wrought, shaking loose whatever ice, snow, and rock that had clung to her.

“I didn’t exactly take her for a problem solver!” Applejack exclaimed, her tone halfway between being surprised and being impressed, “But I guess a sledgehammer’s still good for something, even if all it can do is-”

As if to take back the spotlight, another killer snowflake whistled in on past Applejack’s unexpecting eye, reminding her, and the rest of her friends that they were far from out of danger where they currently stood.

“Never mind...” she gulped, that hole looking pretty good right now, “Let’s join her before we’re split six ways!”

Go already!” Marco yelled, essentially punting the motionless Torrin into the hole as he himself dived, “You guys too!”

Deadly snowflakes strafing the ground around them, Applejack and Twilight didn’t need to be told twice as the two of them followed his lead, jumping into the pit for dear life right behind him.

Counting their lucky stars, the three of them stayed silent as the sound of blistering winds became muffled beyond their own little hole in the ground.

“Mm-hrm, okay... I think I got it.” Tager nodded to herself in the quiet, as if she had been mulling something over, “They’re called snowrikens!

“Uh, what?” Marco panted, halfway acknowledging her craziness, “You mean like a shuriken? You know you just can’t mash two words together like that right? Besides, they were made of ice, not snow.”

“How... how about ‘snow stars’?” Torrin huffed, the rattled colt somewhat comforted by the pegasus’ casual approach, “You know, like ninja stars?”

Yuck.” Tager stuck her tongue out adamantly, “That doesn’t sound dangerous at all! Not cool enough either...”

“Then just call them snow shurikens!” Marco forced a compromise, wanting to get back on track, “It doesn’t really matter anyway...”

“I think we’ve got bigger problems than naming the dang weather!” Applejack commented, being of a similar mind to Marco, “Besides, it’s not like we discovered them or anything! Ask what they’re called once we get to Mistmantle!”

“Tsk, whatever.” Tager pouted somewhat, “I’ll bet they call ‘em snowrikens too!”

“Stop it...” Marco replied, his tone deadpan, “If there’s anything we should be trying to figure out, it’s what to do about the storm, as well as getting to Mistmantle!”

“I have an idea!” Tager announced loudly and proudly, “How about we just hoof it? The snowrikens ain’t that bad.”

“Like hell!” Marco snapped back, “And don’t call them that!”

“Fine then, in that case...” Tager seemed to contemplate the situation a little more, “I have different idea.”

“That’s enough out of you!” Marco didn’t even want to hear it, “I’ll ask for you if we need something else demolished, okay?”

“Now both of you be quiet!” Twilight ordered firmly, apparently not amused, “This is a serious problem here! Who knows how long we’ll be stuck here!?”

“Umm...” Torrin’s small voice rose up in the following silence, “Twi?

“Like, what will we do for warmth?!” she continued on, too focused on her own concerns to listen to the timid foal, “And what about food?! No, water’s much more important! Oh... how long is this storm going to last?!”

Twilight?” Torrin tried again, “Do you-”

“Isn’t snow water?” Tager questioned the panicky Twilight mockingly, cutting the colt off, “Because I think we’re pretty much covered there...”

“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” Twilight hissed, “In fact, everypony be quiet! I need to think...

The unicorn’s pressured scowl didn’t fade until she got the total silence she craved. “That’s better.” she brightened significantly, “Now I can-”

Twilight!” Torrin spoke up for the final time, his tone irritated, “That is what I’ve been trying to tell you! Listen!

Everypony obliged, giving their ear. But try as they might, not one of them could make anything out. Without them all squabbling, everything was dead silent.

“See?” Torrin pointed out the obvious, “It’s totally quiet out there! The storm is gone!”

He was right, and the others all felt stupid for not realizing it earlier. In fact, thinking back to when they jumped into the pit, no one of them could recall the presence of the storm outside. It was quite likely that it had passed the moment they all dove for cover.

Nopony said a word as they helped one another clamber on out of the hole. Regaining his bearings, Marco spied the storm that had struck them passing over to the next location. But while he looked back, the others were transfixed on what still lay ahead, and as he turned himself, he soon realized why they all had yet to speak.

Now that there was no storm obscuring their vision, the road that led on to the mountaintop before them was now easily visible, as was the dark shape of Mistmantle at its end. There was little cause for celebration however, for the skies above were a foreboding black, the telltale sign of further storm.

In silent unison, the group continued on with hasty steps. Whatever a storm of that magnitude was sure to bring was fast approaching, and there was no way they could handle being stuck in the middle again once it reached them. If there was even one place they would be safe, it would be inside that town’s walls. And if they wanted to beat the storm there, they didn’t exactly have time to take the scenic route...

“Looks like we’ve barely seen anything yet.” Tager was the first to speak of the group as they moved, the pegasus transfixed on the deep black clouds creeping in over the town of Mistmantle, “That’s one hell of a storm rolling in. You’ll be looking for your hero through rubble once nature’s had its way...”

“It certainly is quite a storm.” Twilight replied, “But that there is Mistmantle. It’s infamous for being hit by frequent and disastrous natural phenomena. They most definitely have the means to endure something like that.”

As the two talked, Torrin was trailing not too far behind. His little legs couldn’t carry him as far with each step, but he put forth a greater effort so as to not slow down the others.

“Then why live here?” he asked, practically out of breath, “I mean, there’s got to be an alternative right?”

In between Torrin and the rest of the group, Applejack looked back to the struggling colt. She wanted to ask the group to rest for his sake, but he had made it quite clear he didn’t want to be a burden. Instead, she slowed herself until Torrin caught up and hefted the tired colt up onto her back.

“Thanks Applejack.” he breathed, letting his limbs hang as his body drooped, “Just... give me a minute or two.”

“Don’t sweat it kiddo.” she replied tenderly, catching up with the rest of the group, “We all got things we can and can’t do.”

Tager turned her head away from the approaching storm and looked at the pair, silently disapproving of Applejack’s nurturing attitude. In a way, she was interested in seeing just how far the colt could go on his own, more so having heard him stand up to Luna earlier on.

“Like the kid said, wouldn’t most normal ponies pack up and run away if their hometown was constantly under siege?” Tager found herself wondering on what Torrin had asked, “It’s a pretty raw deal if you ask me.”

“You won’t find any normal ponies up on that peak.” Marco called out from the front, “Didn’t you listen to what Twilight said about this place?”

“Was I supposed to?” Tager shot back, glancing at the unicorn in question, “She said a lot of stuff... not much of it stuck.”

“Well, I for one think it’s very interesting.” Twilight spoke, prompted by the pegasus’ tone, “Mistmantle was the birthplace of the great Starswirl the Bearded, and today it is an entirely unicorn populated town.”

“Oh, great, unicorns.” Tager sighed, “How can those types stick to a town that’s constantly being hit by storms like that?”

“Because they have a great respect for the hometown of what would be the greatest unicorn to ever live.” Twilight continued in awe, “If the unicorns packed up and left, it’d be like leaving a legacy behind.”

“Of course it goes a bit deeper than that.” Marco saw fit to weigh in, “Generation after generation of unicorn have been brought up to succeed the duty of protecting the town from the inclement weather. If they gave up, they would be betraying the efforts of their forefathers.”

“Oh really?” Tager replied in mild amusement, “Maybe I misjudged this place after all. It’d take quite some strength to keep that fight going for so long...

“So then, how do they do it?” she continued with interest, “How do a bunch of unicorns fight off storm after storm?”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s not easy, that’s for sure.” she said, her understanding basic at best, “But to be honest, I don’t really know. If there’s time, I’d very much like to find out just how they do what they do.”

“I don’t think it’s all about magic.” Marco chipped in again, “This town is responsible for a lot of technological developments centred around whether control. I imagine that is because they develop those kind of things here to deal with their own problems.”

“Hrm, so they need tools to get it done?” Tager replied critically, “Hey, do you reckon a unicorn like that is the one you’re looking for?”

Marco stayed quiet for a few moments, but kept moving step by step through the clean snow. “Maybe, maybe not.” he finally spoke, “But I’d rather save my judgments for when we meet him-”

He cut himself off as a frigid wind literally blasted out of nowhere, rushing at them sideways with a freezing chill. Marco was forced to one knee, Twilight was knocked completely off her haunches, while Tager and Applejack managed to remain standing despite the onslaught.

“What the hay is going on?!” Applejack exclaimed, struggling to maintain a hold on Torrin, “Did the storm hit already?!”

“No, not even close.” Tager replied through clenched teeth, her more sensitive wings tightening underneath her woollen coat, “We’ve just gotten to the mountaintop. Still, this friggin’ came out of nowhere!”

Unbelievable...” Marco breathed, “This is how it is all the time? Yet unicorns live here? Wait... do you guys see that?!”

It was hard to see through his half-closed eyes, but he could just make out the shadow of a pony take shape beyond the blurring hash of wind. But what was more surprising than there being somepony else here was the fact that the figure was advancing toward the group, seemingly unfazed by the raging squall that undoubtedly assaulted it.

As the group behind him groaned and moaned in their struggle, Marco only had eyes for the mysterious figure coming toward them. Slowly, the figures face emerged, and even more curiously, the assaulting winds abruptly ceased.

“Well would you look at that!” the figure breathed, genuinely surprised, “It’s been a while since we’ve had tourists.”

Intrigued, befuddled, and relieved all at once, Twilight just stared stupidly at the oddly timed guest. Identified as a unicorn by his currently glowing horn, and as a scientist by his fat wrap-around goggles and white lab-coat, he didn’t look like the sort to be wandering about the hazardous doorstep of Mistmantle.

“Sorry about the welcome, but you might find it rather fitting.” he said with a smile, as if not a thing were out of place, “The name’s Sunny Day, but you can just call me Sunny. And I’m the acting director of Sunny Day’s and Night’s weather observatory and factory.”

The smoothly spoken unicorn lifted his goggles off his eyes and perched them on top of his horn. “I came out here to collect some data on the incoming storm, but it seems I’ve come across something significantly more rare.” he said curiously, his eyes shifting over to Tager, “You might be the first pegasus in a hundred years to make it up here. I’m certain you’ve noticed the climate clearly warrants that troublesome ‘no-fly zone’.”

“Did you do something to the wind?” Twilight asked, her teeth chattering, “We were being pelted until you showed up...”
“Ah yes... well, It hasn’t gone anywhere.” the unicorn replied as he pointed to the group’s right, “Observe. The winds continue to rage everywhere but here.”

Marco stared up at the unicorn’s horn, suddenly understanding why it has been glowing all this time. “How do you do it?” he asked confused, “A spell? A barrier? I’ve never heard or seen anything like this...”
“Haha, this?” he replied confidently, “Well, how do I explain? Bah! Listen to me, this is hardly the place to get into that kind of thing!

“Shall we step out of the cold?” he continued, looking about himself, “Perhaps you would like come with me to the observatory? I could explain these complicated things better with a few cups of coca between us.”

“Quite the hospitable type isn’t he?” Tager commented incredulously, looking about the group for some kind of reaction, though they all seemed preoccupied with staring at the storm currently being held back.

“Well, a tourist is a rare treat after all!” the unicorn replied with gusto, “I am, well, the whole town would be happy to see that there are still some willing to brave the storm and pay a visit to our treasured peak.”

Looking back from the roaring winds that encircled them, Marco swapped a look with Torrin who was still clinging to Applejack’s hoof for dear life.

“What do you think kid?” Marco asked the colt, “To match up to what we already know, the one we’re after is bound to be a part of this town’s weather factor or whatever. If we went there, could you point him out?”

“Maybe... I mean, probably.” Torrin replied with uncertainty, “If they’re anything like Tager, I’ll be able to tell right away.”

“I don’t really get it...” Applejack admitted, shaking the colt off of her leg, “But I’m glad you’re here to make sense of this prophecy nonsense. I wonder where we’d be if you done decided to stay with the princess...”

“Looks like you lot are an interesting bunch after all.” Sunny called out, having been listening to the to-and-fro, “Though I do hate to interrupt, could you all follow me back to the town? I’m fine with doing away with the pesky wind, but it doesn’t exactly help much with the chill.”

“Alright.” Twilight said with a confident nod, “We’re headed to observatory anyway right? It can’t hurt to have a guide who can keep the winds away!”

“Very well.” Tager said in agreement, taking the first step forward, “Things are finally starting to get exciting... let’s see what this town’s got in store!”

With Sunny guiding them, it barely took any time at all for the group to reach their destination. In fact, it would have been something of a miracle for them to get there without assistance, as due to the strength of the storm, they could have been on the town’s doorstep and know no different.

But now that they were there, and within a much larger protective kind of field similar to the one Sunny had been using, the town of Mistmantle was an awe-inspiring sight. Perched atop the twisted mountain peak, it looked more like a fortress than a unicorn village. And while it was more or less true to how Twilight had once described it, actually seeing it was an entirely different matter.

Each building, without exception, was constructed from an imposing black and purple stone that looked as if it could withstand any hardship. A thick, high-reaching wall encircled the entire town, defending the ponies who lived there from the restless elements outside. As it was coated in permafrost and draped in a thin veil of pure white snow, the rich black and purple structures contrasted in such a way that the town took on a beauty that betrayed its fortified impression.

And taking pride in the centre of the town, reaching higher than any of the other ornate buildings stood the town’s prized weather observatory.

“Ah, the chief’s back!” a voice exclaimed as Sunny Day strode inside the great observatory, “And it seems he’s brought some new faces with him.”

“Could you wait here for a moment?” Sunny asked the group as he moved into the centre of the building, “Feel free to take a look around. I just need to talk with somepony for two seconds.”

As he moved, he looked about the observatory. The place was packed with about a dozen other unicorns, all of which attended some complex-looking device that beeped, clicked or spat out a continuing sheet of data.

He wound up towards the end of the room, before a similarly garbed unicorn scientist who was fiddling with some kind of console.

“How’d it go out there boss?” the unicorn asked Sunny, “Collect any data on the storm?”

“Yeah, it’ll be here sooner than we thought.” he said seriously, “The first pre-wind snuck up on me while I was out.”

“Ouch...” came the reply, “Wouldn’t that put the storm at about an hour away?”

“Never mind that.” Sunny said, quickly dismissing the question, “Tell Quicksilver that his forecast was off. He’ll need to recalculate-”

“Erm, about that...” the unicorn replied uncomfortably, “I know you said to keep him here, but he managed to slip out without us realizing.”

What?!” Sunny asked with a tinge of anger to his voice, “What’s that idiot doing at a time like this? Forget it. I’ll go find him.”

Storming out in frustration, Sunny stopped momentarily to speak to his confused guests. “Sorry guys, the tour’s going to have to wait.” he apologised, intentionally letting his agitated air drop, “The guy who’s managing all the data on this latest storm has gone and disappeared. The catch is, his forecast was off and we can’t fix it without him, or rather, that data.”

“Sounds, uh...” Marco stalled as he tried to make sense of it, “Wait, is that bad?”

Very.” Sunny nodded, “You see, the way we neutralise storms like this, we ‘observe’ their makeup, as in, we analyse things like air pressure, currents, humidity, blah, blah, and the hundred other factors that constitute the difference between a pleasant breeze and a hurricane. So if we have a complete analysis of a storm’s makeup, then, with some expert magic, or the right gadget, we can manipulate all those little factors and essentially ‘turn off’ things like tornados.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa... hang on a tick.” Applejack was quick to put the pieces together, “So without that data you mentioned, you can’t turn this incoming storm, err... ‘off’?”

“Precisely.” Sunny nodded again, “And that’s why I seriously have to scoot.”

“We can help.” Twilight announced, the predictable notion prompting Tager to rub at her temples in exacerbation, “I get the feeling you need it.”

“Sure, another few sets of eyes would help.” Sunny accepted, “If you didn’t overhear, this pony’s name is Quicksilver. He’s got a blue coat, and a kind of white-blue spiky mane going on. Probably wearing his goggles too, the guy never takes them off.

“But there’s no way I’m letting you lot out with your clothes the way they are.” he continued, frowning to study the torn up woollen coats barely covering the group, “Fixing ‘em up would be a drag though. Here, I’ve got an idea.”

Without warning, Sunny’s horn burned bright magic, and before anypony could wonder why, the dregs of their woollen clothing begun to glow too until they took on an entirely new appearance.

“I know this spell!” Twilight exclaimed, realizing what Sunny Day had done, “I tried my hoof at transmogrification once, and it was all I could do to turn a pebble into a hat! You must be quite strong with magic!”

“Oh, really now... you give me too much credit!” Sunny waved her off modestly, “Turning clothes into clothes isn’t anywhere near as hard as what you’re talking about. That said, they’ll turn back to normal if you try and take them off, so look out for that.”

Significantly more surprised at the sudden change than Twilight, Applejack found herself looking up. It looked like Sunny had gotten creative with his spell, having turned her tan cowboy hat into a tight beanie.

Marco had gotten a similar treatment. His trademark black hat had been turned into the same kind of beanie, though this one had ear-flaps. He was, of course, glad to have it, but was only settled by the fact his treasured heirloom would turn back to normal eventually.

Now you lot look ready to help me hunt down that good-for-nothing Quicksilver.” Sunny nodded in satisfaction to see a better equipped party of volunteers, “And a good thing too, because time’s a wastin’, and that storm isn’t getting any further away...”

“Actually, when I offered to help, I was thinking I could do something here in the observatory.” Twilight spoke up, her actual intentions making her transformed coat somewhat less meaningful, “The others would be enough help, right?”

“Oh yeah, you can probably not tell, but Twilight here is practically the most powerful unicorn you’ve ever seen!” Applejack announced loudly and proudly, “Smart too of course! Storm or monster or whatever, I don’t reckon there’s anything-”

“Ahem, Applejack... please.” Twilight cut her friend off bashfully, “What she means is, I can do so much more here, at least that’s what I think.”

“Is that so...” Sunny cast his eyes upward as he contemplated the idea, “Okay, tell you what. Everyone who works here has to pass the same initiation test before they can even dream about playing with weather. If you can do it, I’ll let you help.”

Before the unicorn could express her confusion, it increased tenfold as Sunny Day fired up his horn and floated a most curious object over to her, dropping it into her reflexive grasp.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack couldn’t hold her tongue, “I think you done lost it there Sunny.”

The earth pony’s assessment was easily understood. And that was because Sunny Day’s supposed test was a single, small, yellow, rubber duckie.

“The test is pretty straightforward.” Sunny took quite some pleasure in their bewilderment, “If you can make the toy squeak without touching it with anything and using only your magic, you can stay here and help my scientists.

“It’s possible of course.” he continued, wrapping the toy in his own magic, levitating it upwards and squeezing it with invisible forces as if to prove it, “Go on, give it a try.”

“That’s it?” Marco asked, “That doesn’t sound too hard.”

Twilight wasn’t so sure. The yellow toy glowing purple as she lifted it in her magic, her friend’s expressions slowly shifted to confusion as her face became strained while the rubber duck stared back unabated. It quickly became apparent that whatever she was trying to do wasn’t working even a little.

“Not so easy is it?” Sunny questioned knowingly, “Come on, we need to start looking. Bring the duckie with you if you want, but it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to make him quack just yet.”

“What’s the matter Twi?” Applejack asked, “Is the toy rigged or something? How come with your level of magic you can’t squeeze one little toy?”

“That’s just it...” Twilight panted, “Squeezing something with magic... it’s just not possible. You can move things, throw things, transform things, even flat-out blow things up, but magic doesn’t use force. Even if it’s made of rubber, there’s just no way squeeze it...”

“I didn’t know magic had that kind of limitation.” Marco admitted, also having thought the test to be simple for any unicorn, much less Twilight, “How do you think he did it then?”

“You lot coming or what?” Sunny cut in, moving purposefully towards the door, “We haven’t got all day!”

“I don’t know.” Twilight answered Marco as they both made to join him, “But I intend to find out.”

“Oh no.” Marco stopped, an obvious realization dawning on him as their group gathered behind Sunny, “I knew it was too quiet.”

Perplexed, Twilight followed his gaze. Putting his words into context, it only took a moment for her to discover the source of his dismay.

“Oh no.” she echoed Marco’s reaction, “Where’s Tager?”

* * * *

“Figures.” Tager said to herself as she wandered whimsically down the frosty sidewalk, “First step in this funky new place lands those three eggheads plus applebucker into science central.

“I swear, why is it that everywhere these ponies take me there’s always some tosser carrying on and on about boring stuff that they all care about for some reason?” she continued to complain to no one as she walked, “Wish this storm would hurry up. Might brighten the place up a little.”

As she often did when she lacked direction, the pegasus ended up following her nose. And while it seemed to be drawn towards smoke and the promise of warmth, it seemed that her other desires played their role in bringing her towards her eventual destination.

“Perfect.” her tone brightened, as she let herself in without delay, “Tourist destination, numero uno.”

“Welcome.” the stallion behind the bar called as she entered, “Oh? That’s a face I haven’t seen before. Might you be a tourist?”

“Uh, something like that.” Tager replied, looking about herself as she wondered if that was actually true or not, “Anyway, I was hoping to find a place like this.”

“Lucky you then.” he said with a smile, “Mine’s the only one like it in Mistmantle, you know, since it’s so small. That’s how I knew you weren’t from here. Living here as long as I have, you get to know, well... everypony.”

“Yeah, I noticed a curious look or two on my way here.” Tager chatted, “Suppose they ain’t used to seeing a girl without a horn on her head. I remember someone sayin’ a pegasus like me hasn’t made it up here in a long time.”

“It’s refreshing to see a new face here anyway, pegasus or not.” the owner replied genuinely, casting an unseen glance over Tager’s shoulder, “What would you like?”

“I don’t suppose anything grows up here, huh?” Tager asked, though she already knew the answer, “Whatever, I don’t really care. Just bring me something, okay?”

“I know just the thing.” came the reply, “Give me a minute, I’ll go fix it.”

Skulking off through a door behind the counter, Tager was suddenly by herself in the dim room. Now alone at the bar, Tager simply sighed lazily, totally indifferent to whatever it was the others had ended up doing, or whether or not she had inconvenienced them by wandering off.

It was then she heard a quiet creak from somewhere behind her, like an old chair shifting or a worn floor groaning. Whatever it was, as the pegasus turned to determine the source, she started to wonder whether or not she really was by herself.

Sure enough, she wasn’t. In the very corner of the room, comfortable in the darker corner of the already dim room, the reflection of light bouncing off a pair of circular goggles met her stare. Though it took a whole lot more to render somepony like Tager unsettled, it was quite creepy to say the least.

“I’ve seen your face before, pegasus.” the shadowy figure said suddenly, his guarded stare unwavering, “You’re trouble. You should not be here.”

“I think you have me confused for someone else.” Tager looked away pointedly, “I’ve never been here in my life.”

“Your poster has.” his reply came quickly, regaining Tager’s absolute attention, “I’d be a fool not to recognise the face of a criminal so thoroughly advertised as yours. As I said, you’re trouble.”

“And yet I’m the one minding her own business...” she said under her breath, “I’m telling you, you’re mistaken.”

“I rarely am.” the pony in the goggles continued to press, “Though I don’t think anyone else would think twice the way you’re dressed.”

Refusing to comment further, Tager turned her attention forwards once more. This was a pain to say the least. And not just because of the persistent unicorn on her case, but in looking at him properly, she had made out the white lab coat covering the majority of his body, the spiky ice blue mane, and of course, the reflective goggles. Even with what little attention she had paid to Sunny’s description, it was enough for her to know for sure just who it was across from her. In abandoning the search from the get-go, Tager shouldn’t have expected much else than for her to be the one who found Quicksilver.

“Your secret is secured, provided you promise me one thing.” Quicksilver stood up slowly and walked a little closer, more calm than cautious, “Leave. In peace. Get out of here and don’t cause any trouble.”

As much as Tager wanted to continue ignoring him, something about what he said had her curious. “What’s your angle?” she asked, an eyebrow raised as she turned to look at him again, “I mean, unless you’re way dumber than you look, would you really just take the word of an dastardly girl like me?”

“I’m not concerned in the least about what you have and haven’t done to earn your reputation.” Quicksilver avoided her provocation well, “All I know is that my home would be safer without you in it.”

“Well, I may be wanted, but I’m a pegasus of my word.” Tager tapped at the counter idly, wondering what was taking the owner so long, “In my whole life, never once have I broken a promise.”

“That line is just as strong for the liar as it is to the honest.” Quicksilver remarked sagely, seemingly focusing his gaze, “Which would you be?”

“Neither, I suppose.” Tager said with a shrug, “Though it wasn’t a lie. I’ve never broken a promise because I’ve never made a promise.”

“I’ll take that to mean you refuse?” Quicksilver identified her true meaning, “Are you sure that’s wise? I will have you out of my town one way or another...”

“So I’m supposed to be wise now?” Tager frowned thoughtfully, “Aren’t you the one threatening an outlaw?”

“If it’s my home at risk, I’ll do what I must.” he replied evenly, “I won’t let you have your way.”

“That’s too bad.” Tager swivelled on the spot, facing the unicorn directly, “Because ‘my way’ is what I’m all about geek! You’d do well to stay out of it!”

“I suppose there really is no reasoning with the likes of you.” Quicksilver bowed his head, putting his horn forward, “Fine, have it ‘your way’.”

Just as it seemed he was about turn hostile, a rattling shriek chattered out from where he had been sitting earlier. His attention redirected, and Tager’s eyes following, Quicksilver silently and casually made his way over to his original table and rummaged around for a moment before he produced the device making the odd noise.

Tager would have no clue either way, but the object could have been anything from an alarm clock to a radar of some kind. In any case, Quicksilver pocketed the thing in his lab coat, and promptly covered the short distance between his table and the exit.

“Seems as though I didn’t have time to waste with you anyway.” he said cockily from the door, his comment only coming as he was half in and half out, “Be thankful you are not the greater of my concerns as the moment.”

With those as his parting words, Tager practically popped a vein over by the counter. Having been looked down upon so whimsically, she followed with a fury to her steps, intent on seeing their meeting through to the end that the conceited unicorn had made quite clear he desired.

“Wait up you prick!” Tager roared as rushed out the same door, essentially wrenching it from its hinges, “You ain’t getting off that easy!”

He threat falling only on the empty street, Tager looked all about herself for any sign of Quicksilver. She had been right behind him, and yet it seemed as though he was well and truly gone.

“Damn it.” she spat as her brief search turned up dry, “He’ll go pale once those guys find him and we all hook up again! You’ll freakin’ pay for looking down on-”

As Tager directed her threat skywards in a declaration-like fashion, she immediately lost her train of thought upon seeing the transformation the skies had undergone since she last looked.

And it wasn’t only the degree to which the already dark clouds had blackened, or the severity of the winds raging beyond the town’s protective shielding that forced her to pause. For, almost in the same way one spies a shooting star on the chance glance into space, Tager could have sworn she saw something in amongst the savage weather, like some sort of glowing creature swirling about inside the freezing maelstrom.

“What the...” Tager blinked a few times, already doubting what she may have seen, “What in the hell was that?”