• Member Since 13th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2020

Slavoj Zizek

Slovenian philosopher, Marxist, cultural critic, and so on. My grand crusade against ideology has brought me to the My Little Pony fandom where I will misquote you relentlessly while snorting. -snort-

Comments ( 11 )

I'm going to do something I don't usually do, and point out grammatical issues, because I want to recommend this story.

The sign at the front of the cafe declares, "Seat your Elf!"
is probably supposed to read
The sign at the front of the cafe declares, "Seat your elf!"

"How did you get here?" She finally asks herself. => "How did you get here?" she finally asks herself.

Twilight narrows her eyes, "that's from my journal when I was 14. It was a difficult year for me."
Twilight narrows her eyes. "That's from my journal when I was 14. It was a difficult year for me."

"I started listening to Dummy Mare," Twilight agrees with herself. Then catching herself, and shakes her head.
"I started listening to Dummy Mare," Twilight agrees with herself. Then catching herself, she shakes her head.
(I still don't know what this means, but at least the second is grammatical.)

this was/is impressive
really enjoyed
love this kinds of stories

Author Interviewer

For all that Hole in My Face left me apoplectic and speechless, I think this is probably your best, by which I mean most effective, story. Now fix those darn typos, ya silly!

I may need to read this again, because I'm not sure what top hat Twilight is getting at with all of this.

you are my favorite philosopher for this reason exactly

6549730 lay off him, english isn't his first language

Twilight continues to explain herself to herself. "If I may site the short essay I wrote for Celestia, on the possibility of extraterrestrial life? In an infinite Universe over an infinite period of time, the only barrier to something occurring, such as intelligent life arising on a planet, is that this intelligent life should arise once. After the point is proven, for example by one planet with intelligent life or one mare who is Twilight Sparkle, then it is only the most ridiculous egotism that insists it can only happen once. In fact, if it has happened once, it must be happening an infinite number of times.

Hmm, but does an infinite universe necessarily exhaust the space of possibilities? the sequence of perfect squares is infinite and yet doesn't contain every number.

But seriously, this is a neat story. Have an upvote and a fave.

Sorry for the late reply, but the infinite squares are exactly what I was thinking of.
Firstly, Twilight has already explained that there is ONE meter, but an infinite number of things that are one meter long. Likewise, there is one 4, one 16, one 25, etc, but an infinite number of things that can be grouped into sets of 4, 16, 25, etc. Every number is unique, but everything expressed by a number is not.
Secondly, the rule "perfect square" limits the set, in the same way that the rules of calculation limit possible existence. A version of you who kicks old ladies down the stairs for fun is possible, and therefore must exist infinitely (likewise, you are obviously possible and do exist infinitely), but a version of you that is a four sided triangle does not exist. Not because it is impossible for something to be you in everyway except that you are a triangle, but because the four-sided triangle cannot exist apriori.


There is only one history in the sense of the universe as a whole having one history, but by necessity there are an infinite number of local histories. This is effectively equivalent to alternate worlds, since every possible Earth exists in an infinite universe, including those tedious Nazi and Confederate victory worlds.

(And of course there are an infinite number of worlds in which Tophat Twilight is right, and an infinite number where she is wrong, and an infinite number when she is not in fact identical to Hatless Twilight but is just like her except that she's a huge dick, and an infinite number where she's actually Discord, and an infinite number where... :pinkiecrazy: )

Now lets ask a question. If there are infinite you's on infinite earths. Which is the real you? Which is the real Earth? Is there one?

We're all equally real. Or unreal. According to the Buddhists it's all illusion anyway. :twilightsmile:

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