• Member Since 17th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2015



Lost in the waste, a forgotten cursed city looms. Trixie intends to plunder it. This ain't no bullshit adventure tale, this one has dudes getting brutally fucking murdered, half the story was written on lsd and salvia, gold and treasure by the ton, battle scenes out of fucking conan, we're talking shit that don't even make sense yo. Shit from the nightmares of an opium addict.

First three chapters revised.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 2 )

I'm always up for a Daring Do and Trixie Adventure fic, so i saw this in the new stories place and said to myself "...hhmmm...might as well take a gander at this." and I'm glad i did.

You wanted feed back? Well here it is. The thing I'm having trouble with first off is the perspective. is it daring fallowing Trixie? is it a monster stalking her? it was mildly confusing, mainly because Trixie is wandering the large, vast wastelands so why couldn't Trixie see her Daring? (or whoever fallowing her) is Daring hiding on a cloud? is the ground rocky and have a lot of places for cover? could she even hear Trixie talk to herself? how close was she? is Daring that good?

Another thing is the flow of this chapter seemed off. here I'll use an example

She was a danger to herself and others they told me. Never did find out the details but she was once a performer. With that certain flair, that sway she did deliberate, I can see that she could work a crowd. A treasure hunter now. I asked her why she gave up a life of entertainment and all she said "Trixie found her first magic artifact and. She learned the power of magic great and dark. The girls... forgave her. She's a humble Trixie now. But Trixie didn't." I didn't pry and let's not dwell on secrets.

This section, it just doesn't flow well. It feels off. I think it's because you not just introducing Trixie but daring as well. if Trixie is doing stuff have Daring react to it. here let me try my hands at this part.

They say she was a danger to herself and others. Never did find out the Finer details but from what I gathered she was a performer, or rather, she used to be. She had that certain flair, that sway, a charm she could seamlessly pulled off that would really tame a crowd.

Now treasure hunter.

I asked her once why she gave up a life of entertainment, she looked down and had a look regret flash on her face and almost silently voiced "Trixie found her first magic artifact and learned the power great and dark of magic. They ... forgave her. But Trixie didn't. Now she's a humble Trixie." I didn't pry further, I know let others have there secrets.

See, you can have Trixie be the star of this chapter and still show a side of Daring.

So those where the things that irked me but here's the stuff i liked. for your first fic this is...good, like really good. you have an amazing vocabulary that isn't seen most often. Your punctuation, while not perfect, is with so few flaws that it's not even worth me mentioning it. And lastly, the imagery you did have I loved.

Over all i have to say for a chapter 1, under 2,000 words, and your first time. I'm hooked. Here's hoping for more.:pinkiesmile:

I'm tired.
I review bad stories, so this is something unexpected from something... like this.

Lets start off with bad stuff, since I'm always good at saying what's bad.
I don't know if the grammar was intentional, but sentences do not usually start with "and", "so", or "because", something I learned in my early years of education.
Radio is right, it was confusing at times. I didn't even know Daring was in it, because it seemed like a third person perspective rather than first.
Then that family at the end? I think it was, but how come they were there? The foal and the elder, correct me if I'm wrong.
The whole ending. I might be reading it wrong, but it is super hard finding out who is being described sometimes.

The whole describing thing is difficult to understand.


The idea.
The execution.
Great explanation of everything.


Great everything besides the mentioned above. Work on it, if possible. Not all people have the mind of a literal genius or modern-day Shakespearan writer.

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