• Member Since 10th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2017

Cursory Note

The show is so many different kinds of amazing, and the fandom is even better! Bronies FTW!


Aecorum was once the High Prince of the Sea, who stood alongside Celestia and Luna in the battle with Discord and helped rule over Equestria. But after he used the Elements of Harmony with Celestia to banish Nightmare Moon, he left. He blamed himself for what had happened, so he erased himself from history and from the memories of everypony in Equestria, even Celestia herself! He trapped himself in a network of caves by the sea, and lived in solitude for a thousand years. But now Luna has returned, she has regained her lost power, but she can’t find her old friend. What will happen when she discovers what he did? Will she find the stallion she considered her dearest friend and convince him to return? Or will he remain alone with his guilt and shame forever?

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 102 )

This is a lovely story and I can't wait till more is written. ^w^

4707532 Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by CaramelAppleFan deleted Jul 19th, 2014

Thanks for all your comments guys, you're awesome! :raritywink:

Wow. Touching. Interesting story. I can't wait to read about these changling and how Luna finds the High Prince.

Nice chapter. I hope Luna gets a sign soon about Anceoum. I can't spell his name.

4763198 It's okay, Latin is always hard to spell :raritywink:

Well, more history is revealed. I wonder though will we see Tirek, or Cadence in these past sequences or not.


Personnally, I'm waiting for the war with Sombra. Curious about his role in this...

4775396 We shall see, we shall see...


Sorry it's been so long, guys. :ajsleepy: My internet has been down all week :fluttercry: It's fixed now so the updates should be back on schedule from now on. :pinkiesad2:

Nice chapter. I wonder what is going to happen when they finally find each other again. Good luck with future chapters.

Raaaaah, too much hope... But still nothing :raritydespair:

He has really thought about everything and every memory before acting. My my, he's clever :rainbowhuh:

Nice chapter. I guess now we read about Luna's fall. I wonder how long it will be before the Prince of the sea notices the Mare in the Moon is absent.


Well he is kinda sealed in a cave. :trollestia:

4810740 True, but Luna isn't going to find him, without a sign. I mean come on. Even if she finds an obscure reference in a book, no pony will listen to her. Then Celestia will worry about her, and try to convince her to forget or something, which will only make things worse. Which she will head out where the book says finds him. Either is accepted or rejected. If rejected Luna will be unstable and will be housed away while her brain is looked at for tampering. If accepted and he returns to equestria, Celestia will think this is an evil magic user who put a spell on her sister. you can see how bad things can go from here.

Well it looks like you'll have to wait and see...:scootangel:

Waw. The First Brony and the Big Black Horn in one chapter. I'm overjoyed :pinkiecrazy:
And, hey, be patient SageBrony ^^
I figure the writer already know the way to fix this little matter of memory, isn't it? :ajsmug:

Haaaaaaa! So cloooooooose! :raritydespair:
New character, so? I hope Luna will not find that he's a psychiatrist... I think she can take it badly, no? :o

Wow. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait. NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celestia didn't see it. Man. What is going to happen next? Great chapter by the way.

Wow. That was awesome. I can't wait for the next tomorrow.

Why do I want to play "The Game" just now? :derpyderp1:

all the stories I've read so far this one is the best


Dude...:rainbowderp: There aren't words to describe how awesome that is! Thank you so much! :raritystarry:

That was great. I am glad that things are working out between the two sisters. Now we need to hear about Acereon and Tirek story. Then Nightmare Moon story to end it. I wonder though now. Will Luna find him, or just be convinced that she made him up.

This is definitely my favorite fanfic right now.

Comment posted by Mists deleted Aug 24th, 2014

Hey, wait a sec... If she doens't know anymore about Aecorum, who's the ruler of the tides for Celestia? There must be somepony to fill the job, no? Or she doesn't even think about it? :rainbowhuh:

Oh my. He finally said it.
Such a sad chapter... I'm feeling bad for Aecorum. :fluttercry:
Nevertheless, I wonder if she felt (or is still feeling) the same for him... But I think I already know (I hope!) :rainbowkiss:

Nice chapter. Wow. So he did have feelings for Luna. I wonder, what is going to happen on Luna's side. Good luck.

If I hadn't seen the Romance tag before I read this, I would've been shocked. :rainbowlaugh:

Hahaha! :rainbowlaugh: I believe that is the point! :raritywink:

Nice idea, but I think he covered that base as well I hope somepony believes Luna. Good luck writing the next chapter.

only one idea and i will shut up
the memory of someone dead before the events of nightmare moon

4860149 What? I'm afraid I don't have any idea what you mean :applejackunsure:

4860488 you can not change the memories of someone dead (like a spirit in heaven) because it was not there when Aecorum cast the spell :pinkiecrazy:
it is the only solution i can see to solve the problem

internal voice - but Aecorum sleep
internal voice nÂș2 - you do not know that, maybe he use some strange herb or mushroom
and yes, i know i sound like a crazy folk but in my defense, i just drunk 2L of beer

4861804 Ooooh I see what you're saying. Well I guess you'll have to wait and see then, won't you?

4861820 of course, in other case it would be me the one writing

So he did it. I can't wait for the next chapter. Good luck. I wonder will Luna find Acerum in the dream realm or not. Or will he attack her if they see it. Good luck with the next chapter. Great job.

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