• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen February 6th


I'm a crazy author-- but then again, what author isn't? I am into all things fandom, especially pony. I also love history, which is why I'm writing this crazy Apollo 11 thing.


Itā€™s been a month since Vinyl Scratch proposed to Octavia, and things have gone well. Even meeting the parents, a few days back, didnā€™t explode in their faces, so things are looking great.
Of course, this is when everything goes terribly wrong one night at dinner with Taviā€™s parents.
Perhaps wrong isnā€™t the most fitting word. Awkward would probably fit better.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

This was hilarious! Octavia's parents are trolls. No wonder she's so uptight!

Good one :twistnerd: hilarious! And you totally got the dialogue right... I could imagine Vinyl talking like that. I dunno... I really felt that :rainbowderp: am I making sense?

Rule #1 of parenting: Embarrass your kids as much as possible.

Comment posted by Raistlin deleted Jun 11th, 2014

Considering poniesĀ“ anatomy, how can anyone mistake stallions with mares?

That was great, I love Tavi's parents. Well done!

4533272 Rule #2, when your child brings their fiance to meet you for the first time, embarrass the fiance as much or more than your child.

Completely intentionally.
Rule #3: Form a bond with your child's in-laws by sharing embarrassing stories of your kids.

4534359 Oh good one... rule #4: Understand that you only had children in order to acquire grandchildren by any means necessary.

Seems very selfish and makes me question my existance, seeing as how I'm the fourth of five kids. Rule #5: Remember that almost any kind of treatment your child deems "unfair" is totally acceptable, as they have no clue just how many diapers they went through.
Somewhat related:

4534783 Oh Knives, you're so crazy... Rule #6 The parent must strive to serve for dinner no less than once a month, a meal that the child dislikes to the point that after the reveal the child will utter, "Yuck", "ew!", and/or "blarg" at least three times during the meal.

My parents never did that, and that's why I'm basically a carnivore.
Rule #7: Whenever there's cheap labor you need done that you're too lazy/busy to do yourself, have your child do it with the excuse of either "You'll need to know this when you're older" or "It builds character".

This was very well done and highly amusing

4537264 Oh yes, yet another good one, but I do know basic plumbing and electrical work because of Rule #7... though I think we are about done... mostly because I can't think of a Rule #8.

Rule #8: Remember to guilt-trip your children whenever you feel it would help them learn moral values.

4538937 Okay, fine! You win at parenting.

:trixieshiftleft:Good, because I despise children.

4540314 Wow... me too... Not my nieces and nephews, and I won't hate my own children, but other peoples offspring irk me to no end.

This was super cute :pinkiehappy:
Hope you write more vinyl/tavi stuff!

It's been a while since I've decided to read an Octascratch story. I'm glad I chose this one to read however as it was quite hilarious.


Troll level: Octavia's parents. :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Well, you write romance now. Never thought you had it in you.:pinkiegasp:


Now that was a fun, adorable little read! Reminds me of me and Denzy a little bit, and how both of our parents basically knew already.

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