• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 31st, 2022



A second-person fic involving you getting turned into Derpy Hooves.
Shit happens, and hilarity ensues.

Each part will be quite short, but I intend to update relatively often.

Cover art by Ritzy Kinetic

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 10 )

Your parents aren't going to be back until moday

I'm sorry, but I started laughing when I read that.

Couple of things I'd like to mention--
Paragraph formatting:
please pick one and stick with it. Switching back and forth is distracting.

And chapter length:
I know you said you wanted to make many short chapters, but in all honesty, you could probably combine most of everything you have here into one or two chapters. I have a general distaste for chapters under 1k words and would recommend trying for longer chapters.

Overall, I liked it, and I will be tracking to see where this goes.

3818412 Fixed, thanks for pointing that out.

I like where this is going. :derpytongue2:

"Doctor Whooves!"
Who the f!@# thinks bon bon best pony. :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

I hope this fic isn't abandoned. I'm not normally a fan of second person fics, but the fact that this one is "wake up, am horse" got me by that.

Aww, I missed this one I think! Plush in the Mail is such a cute scenario. :rainbowkiss:

This was cute. Only a few issues like... where's the plushie?
Also doesn't Derpy have wings?

Every time I try to write lighthearted fics like this they always turn all grim and stodgy and political. :trixieshiftleft:

I bet Lyra does.

Big RIP. Despite the janky formatting and chapters I could sneeze and miss, this kinda stuff is a great concept and overall it was decently executed.

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