• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2017


Life on hiatus

Comments ( 15 )

The hell? :pinkiehappy: Like seriously that...that...I don't regret reading this...

Very short, nice, and quick read. I hope to see more from you like this.

+10 points for using pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in a fic :rainbowlaugh:
That was good, though

I regret nothing. I was personally sold with the almighty lord cthulhu entering the stage, but I assure you everything else was good too. If your goal was to be random and silly, I assure you that you have dome an excellent job at it. Take it easy, relax and reflect on what you have done today and never do it again. Not because it was bad, but because it is unique, and anything similar would make this less important to the literary community. :pinkiehappy:

Oh god, I loved the random refrences!

A pony with blood stained fur wearing a helmet shaped like some sort of pyramid dragging a large blade behind it stopped next to the glass door and tapped on it. Derpy scowled at it until it finally left her to her napping.

I am sitting in my Algebra II class right now pondering over what sort of strange conundrum I have just witnessed.

And now for something completely different..... *Gets squashed to the accompaniment of a na:pinkiecrazy:ughty sound by a giant hoof!*

Pfff, lung disease. Not like strabismus could be the culprit or anything. (And what the hay is going on outside? DisQord having a field day?) Hilarious. :3

Yay! A Derpy story! :) It was funny the way Derpy just took in the random events, reacting to them like it was just a normal day at the eye doctor. LOL

Oh good it wasn't a trollfic, just a boredom story. This seem better knowing that. Well it was just an average day of mayhem, or as people in Ponyville would call it: Tuesday.

Hahaha! Pyramid head, I think. (I have never played a silent hill game, or any horror game for that matter, so feel free to correct me if im wrong) :twilightsheepish:

Don't worry, you're right! I'm just glad people are still enjoying this atrocity! :rainbowwild:

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