• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 10th, 2016


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The first things he saw when he opened his eyes were a pegasus and a landscape radically different from his home. After being ever so gracefully accepted into Ponyville, Nato must uncover the mystery behind his arrival to help Equestria halt a disaster.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 6 )

o_o Rainbow Dash needs a hug. *administers hugs* :rainbowderp:

Interesting, keep up the good work.:pinkiehappy:

A: My first! It is delishus!

B: :| Cliffhanger. BLARGH

Wow, you really know how to write a good story Lime. Liked the Cliffy, made me want more! Keep up the good work on the chapters, can not wait for the next update!

:I I like the story itself. Love the story itself.


But as for this testing spirit, it's accusing Applejack of Murder. :I


*destroys it from on high with the Orbital Friendship Cannon* :I ... *repeatedly* ..Only way to be sure. :pinkiecrazy:


None of them is any kind of safe. :pinkiecrazy:

Glad you like the story as well! :twilightsmile:

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