• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2019



The Zuul, a plague on the galaxy and a dangerous enemy of Sol Force and the allied alien factions strike at the human home colonies. Spawned from vile experiments by one of the Suul’ka, ancient and immortal creatures, they and their slaves are hell bent on wiping out or enslaving every sentient in the universe.

The odds were against Rene Desoto and she knew it. Captain of the Flagship Indomitable and spearhead of the combined armada of those that would stand against the Zuul and their Suul’ka ‘gods’ she would not give up. She would fight; even to the death as she felt was her destiny.

But as was the way of things, destiny was easily changed, not at the whims but rather the needs of real Gods. For what else could rip you from your place in the universe? Or cast you millions of lights years away; where the sun revolved around a small paradise like planet and where Gods ruled with benevolence.
But not everything is perfect in paradise…

The Sword of the Stars canon universe is one of the most lore rich settings I have had the pleasure of getting to know and a huge kudos to the stunningly talented Arinn Dembo for singe handedly creating it. Even if you have nothing to do with the game itself, checking out her work on Kerberos’ SotS(II) forums is well worth anyone’s time that has an interest in sci-fi. It is by no means required reading though as I will try and put the most important parts of the lore into my story as best as my meager talents allow. Contains shipping(and space ships), some teen themes(mostly a bit of fighting but no gore) and Zuul. Might want to keep that flame thrower handy kids!

Thanks to GordonFreeguy for allowing me the use of his art!

Now with side fics! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/140606/the-marine-and-the-royal-guard-a-sots-ii-crossover-oneshot

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 24 )

Thanks for all the favs and the upvotes. :twilightsmile:

I realize the first chapter is a bit dry since I'm still a bit new at the whole world building thing. I have the 2nd and 3rd chapter outlined and most of the 2nd chapter done. I'm finding it a lot easier to write now that I have the first chapter out.

My aim is to get the 2nd chapter out before Friday.


2713617 :twilightblush:

I guess it depends on what you qualify as playable :scootangel:

Wow this is git ting good. I do hope you keep righting this story. I fine that this story has a fine framework for the start of a story, You do have a fine imagination and I can't wate to see ware the story may go. Keep up the good work.


Glad you're enjoying it :twilightsheepish:

Maybe it's just me, but something about all this seems a bit off. My bet is that someone is trying to overwrite them with other personas. I don't know why, but it just seems slightly insidious for some reason.

Considering what some technology is capable of in SotS, I wouldn't be surprised.

The more I read this, the more it seems forced. It's well written, but the characters themselves just seem shallow. The main character just seems all too willing and happy to simply give up her identity for one that was forced on her. People just don't discard their lives so abruptly. It feels like she was just made Rainbow Dash just to fill a character slot in the story.

Unless of course all that is on purpose, and the survivors of the ship all the victims of an Assimilation Plague. The change in species, combined with adopting of a foreign identity simply because she was told to just makes it seem even more likely.


You're probably right. I don't really read human in equestria fics and I'm not a fan of them in general so it's kind of funny that I'm writing one :pinkiecrazy: That's probably why it seems forced. Do you think if I expand on the 3rd or 4th chapters, perhaps by adding more internal dialogue/struggling etc. it might make it a bit clearer as to why she accepts it?

Basically the various stages the character went through that I had in my mind (and might not be apparent enough in the writing) would be the panic when she first discovers it in chapter 1, the assurances and help from Flutters in chapter 2, the forging of an identity in battle in chapter 3 and then ultimately the acceptance of the character in chapter 4, mostly through the help of Luna and Pinkie Pie. I also tried to make it clear that while she has many of the same chqaracteristics as the 'real' RD, she is still her own person, Also I will be exapanding a bit more on why everything happened/is happening in chapter 5.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll reread chapter 4 and add some internal dialogue as she reflects/resolves on what has happened so far to make the acceptance a bit more real/deeper.

ps. the assimilation plague idea is pretty interesting but a bit too dark for me ;)


Ok so I went through the story again and while I was mostly happy wiht how it all played it there was indeed something missing so I decided to add a bit to the 4th chapter at the beginning (and a few tiny bits here and there) on the whole change thing. I hope it makes sence and helps make the whole thing a bit smoother and her reasoning behind accepting the whole thing a bit clearer.

I haven't really started work on chapter 5 yet and chapter 4 turned out quite a bit differently than I had expected so I will need to rethink what I had planned. Still working on the story though! :twilightsmile:

I like this story and I hope you cuntinyou with this story. I hope you keep up the good work so we may see a new chapter soon.

Now that was some bad timing. It looks like someone is in trouble. I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.

I have started on chapter 7 but work sent me across the country so this chapter will be taking a bit longer than usual :raritydespair:

But the story will go on! Huzzah!

This story seems interesting, normally, I only read big time stories to try to learn how to express emotions better and how to intensify certain scenes. But this story sounds really interesting, and may give me ideas for future stories, I haven't been able to read it yet due to my writing schedule, but gosh dang I plan on reading this no matter what! :applecry: but ether way, I love the idea for this story and I strongly look forward to reading this with much anticipation :twilightsmile:

Haha, try not to over-hype it. It is my very first story ever after all! :moustache:

Still I hope you will be able to take something from it. :twilightblush:

2848117 and holy crap do I love your profile picture. It is so cute and adorable :twilightsmile: my heart kinda exploded alittle bit seeing it :heart: :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by ForceUser deleted Jul 27th, 2013

Wow! Now it looks like things are going to happen. I can't help but to whon't to see the next chapters. Keep up the grate work. :moustache:

What was discord, when he was in the human world looking whit Pinkie Pie for the new elements bearers?:moustache:

The first 1300 words are down for the next chapter, yey!

Ok, so I realized something while half way through writing this chapter, I've written a lot of stuff. Stuff I need to start keeping track of. It's kind of cool really, having written so much that I need to start making timelines, writing down numbers and other important facts so I don't get my wires crossed.

Now for the two fans I have (hi mom!) that are dieing to get a new chapter :ajsmug: I will get to work on the time line and get that out first. It might not seem like much but I think it's important and will hopefully be at least something and help me keep the story at least semi-coherent. After that I need to decide on who the big bad is going to be, get a few pictures and finally get a screen cap of the Indomitable (need to research dreads, flagship, AM, etc. in my sots2 game).

Oh and finish the chapter, somehow :pinkiecrazy:

I um, might also be making some small changes to all the previous chapters. No work is ever perfect but with all the writing I have done I feel I can subtly improve the sentence structure and word choices of some of the more awkward parts of the previous chapters. There won't be any new information so you won't have to re-read any of the chapters. This will mostly be for anyone who hasn't read it before.

And again, I don't think I've said this enough; Thank you everyone who liked and fav'ed my story, it really does mean the world to me! :heart:

I can't wait for the space battles. Faved and liked.

strangely fitting

Any chance this'll continue? I love SOTS. From what I could tell this is the only crossover on the site, so no pressure. ;D

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