
Rainbow Dash, like many others, thought bat ponies were only a bedtime story to scare foals. After meeting the rather rude and fairly bitter Quick Silver, she wishes they had stayed that way. Tasked by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Rainbow must travel to one of the bat ponies villages in order to learn more about their culture and save them from prosecution from the Canterlot nobility. A simple mission made harder by their loyalty to Princess Luna, and their lack of guilt for their aid to Nightmare Moon so many centuries ago.

This was actually an idea I had ages ago during EQD's bat pony write off last year but never got around to writing due to overwhelming laziness. Bat ponies aren't out of style right?

Chapters (3)

"Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand?"
"I do."
"And never to share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work?"
"I do."
"And to do so from now until death – whatever the cost?"
"I do."
"Then we welcome you into our fold, brother. Together we will usher in the dawn of a New World. One defined by purpose and order. You are a Templar. May the Father of Understanding guide us."

This is the Templar Oath, an exchange of words my friends and I wished to take part in. A world of peace through order and purpose, an idea that we wished to see be made reality. And after going to a video game convention dressed as all of the Templars from the Assassin's Creed game series, finding real Pieces of Eden, which we thought were fake, and getting sent to a humanized Equestria, we may be able to do what we wish, bring complete and utter peace and order to a world.

I am no longer Johnathan Gideon, the Assassin's Creed Fanatic. I am now Haytham Kenway, former Grand Master of the Colonial Rite, and one of the current Grand Masters of the Equestrian Rite. Together

Pegasi and alicorns keep their wings, unicorns and alicorns channel magic through their hands and earth ponies keep their strength.
This is my entry to the LoHAV/LoHAH-Verse.

Chapters (2)

[Set in the Eclipse-verse created by CrowMagnon, which was inspired by The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo (The Doctor Whooves chapter) and Crisis of Infinite Twilights created by Defender2222 (so really, it's him you need to blame for all of this)].

Pinkamena Diane Pie: Element of Harmony, hero, writer, poet, coffee shop employee. Unfortunately, sometimes the first two can cause problems with the last part. Sure, "saving Equestria from certain disaster" is a great excuse for being late, but it does nothing to sooth cranky ponies who want their coffee and donuts. This sometimes leaves Pinkamena -- and her boss -- in a position of choice. Is a threat immediate and dangerous enough that Pinkamena has to deal with it, can somepony else handle it, or can it wait until she finishes her shift?

When a familiar threat appears that nopony other than she recognizes, it is up to her to figure out how to deal with a crisis she knows is coming while also keeping up with business.

Chapters (7)

At a slumber party hosted by Twilight, Rainbow Dash suggests playing a game she and Fluttershy grew up playing. Twilight thinks it will be fun until Pinkie Pie designates her to be "it" first...

Takes place in Season 1, sometime after "Look Before You Sleep"

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Big Macintosh have been sneaking out of home and are usually gone all day.

Just what the hay are they up to anyhow?

Well Applejack and Spike are on the case, but is it really what they expect?

Written on a whim, pre-read by the amazing Cerulean Voice.

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith has always been an important part of the Apple family. She had helped raise Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom, and she has been there for every part of their lives. When she dies, the three ponies have a difficult time coping with their loss.

Chapters (3)

Far off, in the most desolate reaches of the planet, where only inhospitable deserts and salt flats can be found, the ruins of a once great civilization lay. A kingdom of gold and silver, inhabited by creatures of unbelievable advancement and intellect, brought down by it's own strength. Treasures and weaponry of old are rediscovered. Wars begin, alliances are made, and atrocities are committed. To fight the rapidly approaching onslaught, every stallion and mare capable of fighting is enlisted.

But what happens when the kindest pony on the planet is noticed due to her talents?

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash had made it official, they would get married in 2 weeks from now. Everything is smooth, everything is running nicely, what could go wrong? What could stop those two lovely's from tying the knot, who could? Nothing, nobody? Well, we'll just have to see.

Cover Art: Sakura

Chapters (1)

Urgh, dullery, after dullery after dullery. Does it matter that Honeycomb is cheating on her sister's best friend cousin's boyfriend?
Certainly not in the mind of Octavia Melody. the annoyed cellist caught up in a school, she simply hasn't the time for.
Look Midnight, I can do my own intro
Well you've put me off now. Yes where was I? So recently, like I've said life is really really dull. But perhaps, just perhaps, it might be looking up for me. Earlier the new Girl, the white unicorn with the dodgy specs, and the dodgy headphones, and dodgy tastes in music, arrived in my music hall. We had a nice chat, and not to be presumptuous, but I think I've made a new friend. Result!

Okay you've got the premise out of the way. May I please do the tags, and the technical stuff?
But of course, that's your line of work, you're the writer. I'm just the protagonist. I'm not really sure what I'm doing in this part to begin with.
*sigh* Neither do I.
Thank you Octavia

There will be no explicit content here. Although it will be heavily referenced, so you'll know about it if it happens. I'd just rather not write that stuff.
Honestly, dirty minded Midnight. Oh wait...
Look it's essential to the plot. But yes, for an asexual, I'm pretty dirty minded.
Nevermind Octavia.
I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Source to Cover Art: Here

All chapters post chapter 4 have been kindly edited by the wonderful Forgotten Existance

Chapters (9)