Underrated Stories 29 members · 35 stories

This is a group for those stories that should have gotten noticed, but weren't.


1) No NSFW pictures or stories.

2) No recommending stories that you have written or beta for.

3) No adding stories with less likes than dislikes. We want underrated stories, not correctly rated stories.

4) No recommending stories that you have written or beta for.

5) PM an admin to be added to the contributor list. This is just to make sure you read the rules before adding stories.

6) No recommending stories that you have written or beta for. Seriously.

Comments ( 5 )
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You've got it as of now.

407018 Could I have the contributor status so I can add a story? I've read the rules. :pinkiesmile:


Nope. Idea is to make sure that people don't add fics that they're only reccing because they wrote them.

But I keep hearing people say that their bookshelves are five hundred stories long, so I'd expect them to have plenty of recs.

So I can't add my own story? :rainbowhuh:

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