The Knight's/Paladin's Militia verse 4 members · 0 stories

This group is the militaverse of The P co's so his rules will apply here's the link to the link

This is a 'verse about the military ponies, meaning: guards, knights, paladins, whatever.
1) Stories in this 'verse should focus on a military pony (write about Sir Shielding the Knight, or something, IDC)
2) OCs are, of course, recommended, because we only really know about 1 pony in the military (Shining Armor, in case you forgot)
3) the hierarchy of authority for the soldiers is: guard < knight < paladin.
4) well renowned titles are acceptable.
1) guards are mainly the escort parties and post-jockeys
2) post-jockeys means that they stand around and wait for something to happen
3) rarely, if ever, are sent on missions, usually only with a group of knights
4) can enlist to be knights (IRL knights are raised and trained from age 7 to 21, but an enlisted knight in this 'verse trains for seven years)
5) not much badassery here, typically armed with spears and use flanking tactics to win any battle, mainly because they aren't skilled enough to win any other way
1) knights are like modern soldiers, they get sent out on missions and are required to be diligent
2) Shining Armor is a Knight, not a guard, though he can be written as a paladin to Cadance
3) missions are an important part of a knight's life, they usually stay in one place until relocated on another mission
4) missions range from typical "fight the evil thing" to something more complex like "train the local militia"
5) plenty of badassery here, armed with any weapon of their choice, can win a fight several ways, lots of experience and skill
1) paladins are knights who have shown great capability and gained a great amount of divine favor
2) paladins are of a "do what you want, but only after the job is done" attitude, rather than a "no fun allowed, now get back to work" attitude
3) they roam, doing missions and jobs as they come up
4) they (usually) serve one of the following (they can change, but they can only follow one at a time): Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight, Discord (possible), Chrysalis (she's not a "deity" per se, but can give others powers), or Sombra (why not?)
5) badassery coming out of their (bad)asses, usually uses a sword or a maul, but can use any weapon they want, also possesses the knowledge of "holy power" spells, which have powers befitting of their deity (Celestia's paladin would have powerful fire magic), even if they are a pegasus or earth pony, they get cool perks

If you brake these rules your story will be removed!

Comments ( 4 )
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She gives a gift of fire magic or something your choice and this is meant for fan fiction

Oh I know that Her Serene Majesty is one of the most gifted pyromancers in the world, but I'm a normal human. Pretty sure I don't have fire powers.

Clestia remember...


I have fire magic? Since when?

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