The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,288 members · 149 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Check the story by The .DJ Rainbow Dash!

even in this colorless world, a world stricken with pain, depression, and hardship, there are little seeds of hope that are planted every day. These can grow with time, and soon massive trees filled with optimism arise


The idea of this story is that color is sucked away from the world, depriving happiness and motivation from the land. This has horrible effects on Dash, much to Twilight's dismay.

MOOD: Deep, resonating, and thoughtful.

Grammar: Splendid. I think I may have noticed one error.

STYLE: Perfect for the dark theme of romance this story has.

To start, I'm gonna get the nasty stuff out of the way. The plot was good, but I would've liked a little more explanation on how the color ties into personalities. But that's all.

I was blown away. The morals and sub-messages in this story are wonderful, and I feel it directly relates to the lives of many people. The romance at the end was terrificly done, and it had a purpose.

When I first started receiving treatments for a health problem I have, one of the drugs caused me to go colorblind for a time, and I could only see grey for a time. I never realized how wonderful color was before that time. So, this story speaks truth with how closely tied color and life are. Splendid job!

Final Verdict: 9/10

Group Admin

definitely gonna check this one out

2665343 You know, I almost scrapped that line because I thought it sounded overly cheesy. :twilightblush:

I'm really happy that you liked it so much, I consider that to be one of if not my best work.

When I was writing it, I tried to think of a colorless world. I'd look outside and try to picture the trees, flowers, and nature in general as grayscale, devoid of any color. I even looked at a few black and white movies.

Anyway, thanks for the review! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

2673043 no problem. and I'm a tough reviewer too, so you know your story was awesome if I gave it a good review :raritywink:

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