Accidental adventure and romance

by virgoknight

Accidental adventure and romance

The sky was blossoming over apple orchard giving the scenery a loving warm feeling. Applejack was tilling the carrot field with her amazing earth pony endurance. Sweat was dribbling down her forelegs as she finished one of her major chores of the day. She heard a musical voice that always brought her a smile. A special feeling was always reserved for her cousin Pinkie Pie though she couldn't understand quite why. The bouncing earth filly was traveling in her direction from Ponyville as the sun was beginning to set. Celestia and Luna gave each other a hoof bump as they pass each other to raise and lower the celestial objects.

“Hiya cousin you finished here so we can have our dinner party over at Twilight's!” asked the curious pink mare.

“Sure as sugar side's Twilight wanted some help with one of her spell's member?” said the reliable orange mare.

Applejack began washing the sweat from her body from one of the water troughs cleansing herself from a hard day's work. Pinkie Pie was blushing as she observed her filly friend before she could get caught by her possible cousin. She grabbed her friend's hoof with a giggle on her breath pulling AJ towards Ponyville. Celestia made it back to castle as the night was rising she smiled fondly thinking about her precious sister. She entered her secret library to check to see if any new scrolls made it there before her bedtime. The princess took a side trip over to the genealogy section of her library looking up the mane six.

What she found there only made her giggle as she read about Twilight and then onto Pinkie with Applejack. She had a mysterious grin creeping up her face as she spoke out loud.

"Oh my dear and they thought they were related." she chuckled with much mirth.

The day was getting cooler as the moon was slowly rising to its rightful place in the sky. There was two mares wandering back to town chatting about apples and friends.

“Hold on Pink's, I think we be mite early so lets enjoy our stroll through Ponyville.” orange mare smiled with a bit exasperation .

“Okie dokie lokie cousin ooo look at that closed door its so pretty and lavenderly!” the chaotic pony said.

"Hey is that a super duper deluxe three thousand apple flavored cupcake stand over there!" she spoke with much energy.

"What ah don't think there is.. by Granny Smith's apple there is!" spoke an excited Applejack.

"See AJ lets get a snack and then drink and... ooo that is shiny!" Pinkie rushed towards the stand.

"Pinkie ah reckon we ought to have dinner first with Twilight." The orange mare said.

"Ahhh guess your right AJ looks so good too hmm Ill get some for gummy later he would like that." the joy pony smiled as the words left her lips.

Pinkie Pie was talking enjoyably about each house and their inhabitants as they traveled across Ponyville. The orange mare was amazed as always about Pinkie Pie's memory and her attention to detail about each pony. Of course Applejack grinned privately as Pinkie Pie would introduce herself to traveling ponies as energetically as always. The duo arrived at Twilight's friendship castle, the night reached its peak a full blown moon lighting the land peacefully. Before they could open the door the Pinkie sense went off, she shoved Applejack aside dodging a door that flew open upon them. A panting Spike worry sitting heavy on his eyebrows looked at them both and took a breath before he spoke.

“Girls I am so glad to see you Twilight needs your help she is stuck in a new spell.” despair was gloating in his eye's.

Pinkie Pie responded “Holy cupcakes Spikey have no fear for your auntie Pinkie is here and we shall save the day with apple flavored cupcakes!.”

Applejack snorted before her reply “Look Spike I am sure whatever spell she is stuck in me and Pink's here can handle it cupcake or no cupcake.”

“Thank you oh thank you I am gonna get more help girls!” as he hurried off in the directions of Rarity's home.

The castle was glowing with evanescence magic as the moon played its light upon its form. Purple magic was shooting out of castle breaking the beautiful aura setting the scene for trouble. Applejack charged through the open doors heading for her friends room as Pinkie Pie followed hopping a step behind.Their heart's filled with determination to help a friend in need, Applejack was recently exhausted from work she felt renewed with new strength as she charged the stairs. The castle rang with the thundering applause as the mares reached the doors of Twilight's test room.

They burst through the test room doors to see Twilight suspended in magic with purple bolts arcing around the room. Pinkie Pie yelped as a singe appeared on her mane causing Applejack to buck a bolt of magic away from her cousin. Pinkie rubbed her sore flank for a second before vanishing from sight causing the orange mare to smile.

"She is just being Pinkie AJ." she grinned to herself.

“Twi gal you ok in there sugar cube, come on girl wake up.” came a worried voice from a certain orange mare.

Twilight didn't respond as the magic fluctuated around her causing a few spasms making her worry more. Applejack was trying desperately to look for a solution to help her friend with much difficulty.

“Apples I think she is overdosed on magic sugar we need to help her, dang orange's that book is gone wonky.” replied an eager pink pony who was eyeing a mysterious floating book.

The joy pony appeared from behind a book case with an apple in her mouth making a few munching sounds. Pinkie pie bounced over to a floating book that was arcing magic around the room which was glowing with strange magic. Pinkie pie giggled as she was reading the title of the book earning herself an annoyed look from Applejack.

“Figures it be beardie's adventuring book its a real classic my possible cousin apple.” smiled a pink mare while eating an another cupcake that mysteriously appeared from her mane.

Pinkie made an attempt to grab the book from its spot and earned herself a shock sending her sprawling on the ground.

"Pink's you ok gal talk to me come on you crazy hay bell." Applejack felt her eye's harden.

"That's a doozy yup three little gummies are dancing around my head hey give that back you adorable little guy." said a dizzy pink mare.

Applejack decided to take matters into her hooves by charging into Twilight's body which brought her to the ground. This caused magical surge around the book making it shine brighter. The book reacted as a powerful spell wrapped around both mares with ancient alicorn magic imprinting it self upon them. Both of them stared at one another fear clutching at their hearts as they reached to grab each other hoof suspended in the air. There was an audible clap of magical explosion leaving nothing in its wake with both ponies gone a certain lavender mare began to stir.

Twilight awoke being shook by her friend's Rarity and Spike worry slowly leaving their eye's. The purple alicorn shook her head clearing her thoughts when a spell came to mind it was supposed to be a way of creating a powerful teleporting magic a destination spell. Her thoughts were soon to be interrupted when Spike asked a simple but terrifying question.

“Uh Twilight where is Pinkie and Applejack they were here a few minutes ago to help you.” asked a puzzled baby dragon.

“No.. it can't be my spell had no destination that is improbable.” said a terrified Twilight Sparkle.
Snow was falling from the sky in heaping amounts of fluff covering the ridge, as two ponies appeared in mid air falling into its cold embrace. This mountain range is rather unique with its pulsating crystals covering its spiny back giving home to many yeti's that love to eat ponies. From a village in the ridge not to far away was a yak watching the sky in a vain hope to see something exciting when he saw two magical purple hole's open in the sky for a moment.

He rubbed his eye's imagining he saw something impossible he thought he saw falling ponies in the distance, he dropped his eyeglass to tell a nearby yak. Not to far from there was a few yeti's that raised their head's to some unusual noise heard in the mountain range something.. tasty. The crystal ridge welcomed everyone equally into its home with its cold withering embrace that only encouraged the hardy and wooly to leave in it.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie fell from the sky with the ancient alicorn magic slowing their descent landing in the cushy soft snow. Applejack immediately looked and spotted the Pink mare head first in the snow. Her concern dropped a notch as she wrapped her hooves around her shoulders feeling the pure chill of the area.

“Ugh apples of Celestia where in the snow acres are we now!” yelled Applejack at the ground.

“Hmm this snow taste mighty familiar I know its yak snow bleh yak snow taste like mud.” smiled the pink mare with a grin that could make your heart tickle as wet snow fell off her face.

“Pinkie Pie how would you know that is yak snow ya know girl snow is snow.” said a stern pony who was gazing at Pinkie Pie feeling guilty about her tone.

“Cause I came here a month ago to plan a party for our friends the yak's, by Luna's fake beard they are chatty bunch and then Snips said snow in the crystal mountains tasted like mud and i was like ahh that would be awesome!” joked the party pony.

The air around them was chilling fast but the two friends were staring into each others eye time was slowing for them. Pinkie blushed as she hopped away towards a ridge leaving no hoof prints in the ground surprising the work pony. Then a horrifying sound cleared the air with a yell of a hungry yeti. Applejack protected Pinkie Pie backside looking for the attacker, snow was slowing its fall showing two angry red orbs staring at them.

Both ponies shrieked as they ran from the hungry yeti chasing them through the mountain range. Pinkie Pie heart was leaping with joy for she never had a chase party, she giggled as she leaped and bounced off rock wall. This put the yeti into a jam for he almost had his pink meal anger and hunger giving him more drive to push faster. Unfortunately his face crushed into the rock wall falling unconsciousness leaving a limp yeti laying on the cold ground.

She hooped and hollered as she tricked the yeti with her pinkie way then Applejack yelled at her to run. The pink mare turned around to see an another yeti ram into he. This sent her tumbling down the ridge with a loud thud causing her to lay the snow not moving. The smiling pony was laying in the snow with her head resting on a rocking not moving an inch which drove the working pony into full steam. She charged the yeti with a nasty buck that sent the creature into the snow wall burying it in snow, there was no movement seen from the pile.

She hurried to slide down the ridge to reach Pinkie her heart heavy with fear for her dear friend. Worry and fear resting heavy on her eyebrows as she rushed to her friends side checking her for a pulse. Pinkie wasn't moving an inch and a small trickle of blood could be seen freezing on her temple giving the orange mare a fright of her life. Applejack felt a pulse though a weak one enough for hope she smiled thinly.

Then a moment later she heard a grunt as Pinkie tried to move, Applejack began hugging her with all her might when she heard a sound from the pony of laughter.

“Brains...brains... I want to eat your brains sweet apple.” groaned the pink mare with devilish delight in her swollen eye's.

“Wash my hooves and call me a orange eater you are gonna be ok Pink's.” exclaimed Applejack as the worry lighten a bit on her face.

“Ugh my head hurts but no way this filly is getting the brain willies!” joked Pinkie Pie.

“Now ain't no time for joking cousin we got to get you somewhere warm and fast.” Applejack groaned lifting Pinkie Pie up. she now figured out how solid the little pink mare is or how many cupcakes she must truly eat.

“ I am ok Maud don't take me away from party I still have a few more pranks for our friends.” said the dizzy mare as she was hoisted safely on Applejack's back.

The concerned pony was carrying her friend with all her might down these slippery path's causing her to slip and fall on her flank. She was scared for her friend searching desperately for a cavern when she spotted a dark hole barely visible in the distance. The party pony was nuzzling her face against Applejack's mane mumbling half sentences about how good she smelled. She felt like she walk for hours as she packed the incoherently speaking mare into the cave while searching her natural pockets for goodies.

She tried to ignore most of the ramblings as she had a few apples with her deciding on how to split them with her friend. The wind howled carrying snow across the ridge making the entire view from the entrance a wall of white sleet. The pink pony opened her one eye still feeling dizzy and saw Applejack cuddling with her backside attempting to keep her warm as she shivered in this cold environment.

She smiled at her knight in shining orange armor give her apple a kiss on the cheek with a blush tinging her cheeks. She shifted her mane so it would cover her cousin as she snuggled tightly while being careful not to wake her friend up.

"I am sorry Apple's I didn't mean to give you more trouble I just wanted to see you smile." she said regret bringing a tear to her swollen eye.

"Also since I am talking to my sleeping friend I need to tell you that I am very sorry but we are not cousin's," she then dropped her voice real low " I went to talk to princess Celestia about us being related and found out in the royal library we are not even closely related that's so much bad oatmeal."

Applejack was sleeping as she heard the words of her dear friend but chose to listen as not to upset her friend anymore.

"I am so sorry Apple's I just wanted to be closer to you and I botched it again ugh Pinkie why can't you ever get it right tomorrow I am gonna make it up to you AJ Pinkie Pie promise!" she collapsed against the orange mare cuddling with to share her warmth.

Applejack opened her eye's when she heard Pinkie Pie snoring in tune with her ghostie song bringing a smile to her face.

"I know sugar cube ah didn't want to disappoint you either tarnations what can I to help you cupcake." she said confusion playing across her emotions unsure what she should fill. The exhaustion of the day took its toll forcing her eye's to close as she stared hard Pinkie's worried sleeping face. The night wore on giving both of them dreamless sleep waking up to light crack into the entrance.