//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The Plan // Story: The Spark // by rikkuidol //------------------------------// ----------------------------- Ponyville "Sugarcube Corner" "ughhhhhhhhhh, c'mon pinkie! we need to get moving!" said twilight "yeah sugarcube, we need to get goin', the princess is waitin' for us" said applejack "just a little more guys, i just need to put gummy in his cage" said pinkie Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! "What in the hay was that?!" said applejack "it came from outside! let's check it out!" said rainbow dash twilight and the others went out to see what was the comossion was all about when they too was shocked to see zecora and something else, it was not a pony nor any creature they have encountered in the past, it was something else, something that stands and walks upright and is as huge as a bear with a huge axe on its back and is wearing clothes, rugged clothes, everypony was running away from it, but seems to not care and only grin. twilight closed in and talked to zecora. "ummm zecora?, who or what is this?" said twilight "ah! twilight my dear, why is every pony in fear? this is a friend of mine and garruk is his name" said zecora "a Pleasure to meet you, twilight was it?" said garruk Twilight was in shock with mouth agape, IT can speak? thought twilight. "Well? is something the matter? was it something i said?" said garruk "no no, i apologize for the rudeness mister garruk?, umm if i maybe blunt?" said twilight "not at all little one, ask what is bothering with you" said garruk "umm, what are you and where are you from?" said twilight "AND what do you want?" added rainbow dash twilight, zecora and garruk looked at the direction of rainbow dash's voice and saw twilight's friends hiding in sugarcube corner. garruk only chuckled and said. "I am a human and garruk is my name, i came from the Plane of Zendikar and the reason for me being here is because i am looking for someone," "somepony else? who? we may be able to help" said twilight "no no, she is not a pony, but the same as me, a human if she "still" is a human, she has an aura of the demon surrounding her and.........." after garruk could finish his sentence he was cut short by a familiar laugh. a manly laugh at that! "hahahaha! Garruk my friend! how fare you!?" said the manly voice "that voice? Gideon! what in the world are you doing here?!" said garruk approaching his friend "ummmmm? more of them?" said twilight sparkle "Twilight Sparkle i pressume?" said gideon "ummm Yes! that is me, by the looks of your armor, sir gideon?" said twilight "no need to call me sir little one, i have come here to bring a message from the princesses" said gideon "the Princess! what the HAY is going on?" said twilight "it is a matter of importance, come gather the other elements and come closer" said gideon "i don't know what's going on but, i have a feeling something bad is going to happen." said a worried twilight sparkle looking at her friends. After calling out her friends and gathering near gideon, gideon introduced himself and garruk to the other elements of harmony. "Greeting everypony, my name is Gideon Jura, Knight from the Plane of Zendikar. I have come here for help from your rulers and princesses but it seems that they too have problems themselves and somehow connected to our problems" said gideon "Twilight Sparkle, Fatefull Student of the Princess and bearer of the Element of Magic, these are my friends" said twilight "Rariity, the Element of Generosity, the best Dressmaker in ponyville" said rarity while flipping her hair. "charmed" said Gideon and rarity let out a small blush with another swing of her hair with the casual eyelash flicker. "The name's Applejack, sugarcube, the element of Honesty, simple farmer down at apple farm acres, a pleassure to meet yah." said applejack while tilting her cowboy hat. "Rainbow dash!, Fastest Flier in all of Equestria! the element of Loyalty" said rainbow dash "you can call me Pinkie Pie! the element of Laughter! the best party planner in all of ponyville! we should totally have a welcoming party for all of you!" said the bouncing pink pony. gideon could only let out a chuckle. "A party? what is that?" said gideon while chuckling at the pink party pony. "it's.....ummm....like....a little......" said a soft almost unheardable voice. gideon did not hear the voice but garruk sure did, garruk being close to any and all kinds of wildlife. came close and crouched down and let out a hand and said. "what was that little one? speak up" said garruk with a warm voice. "ummmm...it's...like..a-a...eeeep..." "dont be shy now...." said garruk, his voice like soothing a baby wolf with warmth coming from every word. fluttershy feeling warm from garruk for some reason,slowly but surely came out from hiding. "ummm like a celebration." said fluttershy "A Celebration!" said gideon with a loud voice making fluttershy hide in the back of garruk. gideon could only musterup a chuckle and apologized. "now now, what is your name little one" said garruk "....fluttershy, the element of kindness...." said fluttershy while smilling at garruk "I see, now that we have gathered together, JACE!" screamed Gideon and with a blue mist and flash another human was present, he was coated with a blue cloak and wore a blank face, he did not say anything and within a few moments everypony close to gideon and garruk disappeared with a blue mist leaving zecora on a shock. ------------------------------------------- Canterlot "Garden" fzzzzzzzt everybody was shocked and was mouth agape when they appeared at the castle gardens. there they saw 2 other humans sitting in the grass. one looked like a female knight and one is dressed in fiery red clothes and has hair color like fire. "Wha...Where?" was the only thing twilight could say "Mass Transshift" said the blue cloaked human "i could only teleport by myself and within a few meters, that was amazing!" said twilight "simple enough..." said the blue cloaked human "What took you guys so long?!" said a Red Cloathed Human "ask them" said the blue cloaked human "we just made introductions, where is the princess?" said gideon "she took something from the vaults" said the red cloathed human "i see, then while we are at it, introduce yourselves." said gideon with that said, the female knight stood and greeted them with a smile and introduced herself. "Good Day! my name is Elspeth Tirel, Knight of The Plane of Mirrodin or rather what's left of my Plane" said Elspeth "A pleassure to meet you miss Tirel" said twilight "Please, Just Elspeth Will suffice" said elspeth "Greeting Ladies! my name is Chandra Nalaar! Greatest Pyromancer of Zendikar!" said Chandra "from the looks of thing you look like you live in the edge!" said an eager look on Rainbow dash's face while grinning "well you might say that! and who might you be?" said chandra "the name's rainbow dash! fastest flier in Equestria! and i like living on the edge too!" said RD "oh really now?" said chandra while grinning "so Chandra, How fast are you?" said RD "not so fast i believe, but i can whip up a fire faster than you!" said chandra "oh really now?" said RD "wanna wager on that pony?" said chandra "oh! You.Are.ON!!" said RD and with that Rainbow dash and Chandra became pretty close and started to a conversation on whose best, while a certain party pony bounced near the blue cloaked human and said. "how bout you? who are you? introduce yourself oh and my name is pinkie pie, so that i can make the banner and your name on it for the upcoming welcoming party, but you guys called it a celebration and we call it a party but i dont know where you guys came from so i dont know what party you like but if its parties im the best one at it and anything about parties, do you like candies and balloons and streamers and cupcakes and cakes and apples and pies..." Pinkie went on and on and anyone can see that jace was getting annoyed at the little party pony seeing jace twitching an eye brow, pinkie was moments away from an "ice cage" spell from jace when twilight spoke up. "im sorry about my friend sir, my name is twilight sparkle" said twilight "A pleasure twilight sparkle, my name is Jace Beleren.Pinkie pie here, i tried diving into her mind and only saw fear hidden deep within her." said jace "fear? what kind?" said twilight "it's best not to say miss sparkle" said jace "ooooook, wait? you dive in her mind? you can do that?, not only can you mass teleport but you can also do mind delving?" said twilight with shock and awe in her face, clearly showing interest in jace. "yes, it's quite simple really, i can also summon elementals, cancel opposing spells, unsummon creatures and even reshuffle your mind! and pick out each memory i want and toss it away..." said jace with a grin in his face "whoaaaa..." twilight could only be at awe to what jace can say and with the sparkle in her eyes, she wanted to know more. Almost everyone had someone who is comfortable with, chandra and rainbow dash, Garruk and Fluttershy, Twilight and Jace with the ongoing speech of Pinkie pie, Gideon and Rarity talking about knighthood and pleasantries. applejack then saw elspeth thinking afar and knew that something was troubling her, AJ came closer and said. "beg your pardon elspeth, but you said what's left of your plane? did i hear that right?" said applejack Elspeth Closing her eyes like she was thinking back, and said "yes, the reason we came to this plane was for help, jace overthere said that with the power of an elder Planeswalker we can help repel the invasion of our home plane, if it still can be saved, that is why we are here, i do not want to lose my home again." said elspeth "again? you meant you've lost your previous home?" said applejack "well not exactly lost, i... abandoned my previous home it's name was "alara", t'was the fault of one certain evil dragon! that the plane was shifted, tossed and turned!" said elspeth gritting and making a fist. Applejack can see that elspeth had a tough past and did not want to continue anymore, she just said. "it's gonna be alright sugarcube, we're gonna help yah as much as we can to git your home back, believe me on that." said AJ "i thank you, dear applejack, i can see the truth in your words..." said elspeth with a weak smile. within a few moments the huge double doors opened and came out princess celestia with box floating beside her. "Princess Celestia?" said Twilight tilting her head "Ah! Twilight Sparkle, it's good to have you here" said princess celestia. "Where's princess luna?" said twilight The princess only frowned and before she can speak, gideon spoke. "she was taken captive by discord" said Gideon Everypony was shocked, and the princess frown turned into determination. "How?! wasn't he imprisoned?" said twilight "yes but he was freed by a wretched dragon" said elspeth "the same one that messed up your old home elspeth?" said applejack "yes the very one.." said elspeth "what does he want? and why?" said twilight "To continue the war of '67, to finish what they have started" said princess celestia --------------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Ruined Castle" "Ahhhhhhh!" nice to be back in my old castle" said discord "hmhmhm...yes my friend it has been a while" said bolas "now what kind of chaos are we gonna bring old pal?" said discord "there are a lot of time for that, for now... we wait" said bolas "yes.. let them think thoroughly first,, hmhmhm,hahaha" said discord "indeed, and i am still waiting for my acquantances" said bolas "Ohhh! more players!" said discord ---------------------------------- "Ghastly Gourge" I have arrived....master..... ---------------------------------- Ponyville "Lake" ............That Blasted Dragon........where am i now? ---------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Entrance" "so doctor.....where are those dragons now?" "...........my best bet? the old castle....." "hmhmhm...this is going to be fun!" "indeed, now where is my daughter?" "in TIME doctor...in TIME, hmhmhmhm" -------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued