//------------------------------// // Legion of Doom // Story: Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis // by MetalJrock //------------------------------// Solomon Grundy was the first to charge after Spider-Mane, the wall-crawler backflipping away as the zombie raised his hooves, kicking Grundy in the chin. "Too slow, Zombie Hulk!" said Spider-Mane while in middair, he webbed Grundy's hooves and threw them down on the floor with ease. The zombie managed to rip off the gossamer, and attempted to hit Spidey. The wall-crawler moved out of the way of a sluggish punch, and uppercutted Grundy. He faced the remaining members. "Anyone else want a shot?" "Grundy, stand down. Let Slade handle him." ordered Lex. Deathstroke sighed, pulling out his sword. "Let's end this quickly, Spider." he declared. Peter scowled, focusing on where Slade will direct his blade with his Spider-Sense. Slade slashed horizontally and Peter slid backwards. When the assassin sliced vertically Spider-Mane moved to the side. "Da na na na!" sang Spider-Mane, dodging each slash with ease. He webbed Slade's hoof and disarmed him, the blade hitting a tree. "Can't touch this!" he shouted, punching the assassin. Slade grunted, but as he reached for his pistols, he realized he had no conventional method to pull them out, leaving him open. Spider-Mane hopped up and covered Deathstroke in webbing. Captain Cold held out his ice gun, "You're not very smart, Slade." he insulted the assassin. He faced Heatwave who chuckled while also bringing his gun out. "Let us show you how to use a gun." grunted Heatwave. Spider-Mane bent down slightly, ready for anything. Captain Cold was the first to shoot, a beam of ice nearly hitting Peter. The hero hopped out of the way in time, seeing a tree behind him turn to solid ice. "Holy--! That gun is no joke!" Heatwave aimed his gun at Peter, a large flame appearing out of it. Spider-Mane grunted, hopping off a tree before Mick could reach him and burn him. Captain Cold sighed, shooting at the hero once more, this time switching the blast to a more concussive force than a frozen beam. He landed a shot on Spidey before he could react, his body growing slightly numb upon contact. "And that, Slade, is how you use a gun." Cold smirked. The wall-crawler tried to stand on his hooves, but the force of the ice blast made his body mostly numb. He stumbled his way back on all fours, but he wasn't very mobile now. "Y-You think that'll keep a g-good man down?" he asked the villains, shivering from the cold he endured. Heatwave growled, aiming his gun at the stallion, Peter somehow managed to move himself out of the way in time of the flames. Joker laughed, "Thanks for the assist, Cold!" the clown said pulling out a knife, "Now I get to have some fun!" he tried to stab Spider-Mane, the cold stallion unable to move in time, meaning the knife went through his shoulder.  "AH!" screamed Peter, trying to move his hoof to remove the blade. 'Damn it! That blast did a number on me!' he thought, trying to ignore the pain on his shoulder. "Oh, I'm the one to get a hit in!" Joker cheered, "Something good came out of this!" "Enough!" screamed Scorpion, "I'll end him myself!" he ran ahead and smacked the stunned Spider with his tail, sending him flying. The stallion hit a tree. Spider-Mane screamed in pain as he felt the armored appendage hit his barrel. Spider-Mane felt the world spin around him, seeing blood drip from the shoulder wound. "Y-You won't get away with th-this!" he slurred in a shout. 'Oh man... Is it me or did Gargan somehow get even stronger?' he wondered to himself. "We already have, Spider-Man." declared Lex, grabbing the stallion with his armor. Cracking sounds were heard as Peter shouted at the feeling. "It's over. Your friends are under our control." he revealed, seeing Spidey struggle out of his grasp, "It's no use escaping. This armor was meant to be equal with Superman, speaking of which, you won't be seeing him for a long while!" Suddenly, something snapped in Spider-Mane's mind, hearing what Lex had said. He managed to flick a hoof and shoot some webbing on Luthor's foot, able to yank the suit so that he'd stumble. Peter freed himself from the armor's grip and flipped backwards. He saw Heatwave and Cold aim their elemental guns again. Spider-Mane scowled, webbing both of their weapons at once, jamming them for a time being. He decided to focus on Scorpion. "What did you do!?" he asked the Legion, his voice echoing across the town. Gargan tried to lash out at Peter again, the stallion ducking underneath the sharp tail. Despite his body still recovering from being hit at near absolute zero temperatures and a stab wound, he forced himself to continue fighting. Spider-Mane jumped and punched Scorpion in the jaw, "Just be lucky I'm holding back, otherwise that jaw of yours would be knocked clean off!" he threatened, "Now, what did you do to my friends on Earth!?" "They're our slaves now, Peter." Sinestro revealed, using his ring to trap Spider-Mane in a cage construct. The stallion tried to slam his way out, "Hm. You're afraid... Of what will happen. I don't blame you, otherwise you'd follow up on that pathetic threat and break out of this." Solomon Grundy raised his arms, slamming his hooves onto Spider-Mane, who grunted while feeling the force of the attack. He spun in place, feeling the world go black around him. "Excellent work gentlemen." said Lex. Peter collapsed face first onto the ground. "Now, it's about time we find an isolated area." said the mastermind. On top of a few trees were two strange costumed figures eho had just arrived, "Hm. Seems they got here before us." said the darkclad pony. Another pony growled, "And they got to the kid... I'll make 'em pay for threatenin' this world." "Agreed. But I say we give ourselves the element of surprise." the dark pony said with a smirk. "Ya read my mind." While the Legion was busy discussing the matter of the next step in their plan, they failed to ignore a small round pellet falling on the ground, covering the area in smoke. While they wandered about, searching for a source, a distinct 'SNIKT' sound was heard, getting their attention immediately. "Who dares--?" asked Lex. Before he could finish his question, though, something hit him in the back, making him stumble. His eyes widened at the figure. Lex recognized the black cowl, gray suit, cape and bat emblem. "You! I finally found you again, Batman!" Batman scowled, flipping away from Lex's repulsor blasts. "It seems you're not as smart as you thought, Lex." he taunted. While Batman was fighting Lex, Hydro-Man hid himself, his nullifier collar making him useless in the fight. The Dark Knight used his grappling gun to reach Grundy and punch him as hard as he could. He threw a batarang at Joker, "So, this is where you ended up. I never took you for a team player, Joker." "Oh, but how could I miss the chaos?" Joker questioned, trying to stab Batman. The vigilante swiped the blade away from his arch-nemesis. Scorpion grunted recognizing the pony wearing yellow and blue. "So, it seems you made it too, Wolverine." Wolverine grunted, pointing his claws at Gargan. "I'm not here fer talkin', bub. You'll pay for what ya did to my allies." he sliced Scorpion but the armor didn't scratch from the impact. Mac groaned, stabbing Wolverine with his tail. "That oughta keep you down for a while." he hissed. But when he removed the tail, he saw the hole Wolverine's heal instantly. A smirk was on the X-Man's face. "What the--?" "Healin' factor. Remember, bub?" he scratched Scorpion's armor. Then he hopped away and tried to battle the Deathstroke, the sword and claws clanging on one another as they dueled. "Assassin versus the Wolverine..." began Slade, "Let me show you pain." Wolverine grunted, "I know a soldier better than you'll ever be." he blocked the blade with his hooves, and Batman managed to land a hit on Slade while he was distracted. "See? Gotta pay attention, Slade." he taunted. Lex grunted at the sight of his Legion being beaten by the two escaped heroes, "Legion of Doom, retreat!" he ordered. "I can handle 'em." said Sinestro. The mastermind shook his head, "No. At this point more reinforcments can come. We can't afford to lose now." Joker frowned, "We'll meet again, Bats!" Wolverine attempted to run after them, but Batman stopped him. "No... Let them think they're losing. In the meantime we should do something about Peter." he gestured to Spider-Mane's unconscious body, his costume torn, and ice shown on it. The knife still embedded on his shoulder, with blood dripping out of it. "They really did a number on him, that's for sure." sighed Wolverine. "What the shock happened!?" Wolverine and Batman turned their heads at the voice. They saw the other Spiders swinging and flying onto the scene. First Spider growled at the sight of Peter's body. "Look, pal. You have three seconds to explain or I'll tear you to pieces." he threatened, unsheathing his stingers. The mutant revealed his claws as well, "You can try it, but it ain't gonna be pretty that's for sure." Spider-Mane 2099 gazed at the Dark Knight and mutant and faced Wolverine first, "Wait a minute... Aren't you the X-Man, Wolverine?" he asked. Wolverine looked at the future Spider, "Yeah. What about it?" "In my timeline, you're considered one of the greatest heroes of the Heroic Age." Miguel revealed. "Your timeline?" questioned Wolverine. "Yer from our future, huh? I don't remember Parker bringing anyone else with him to this dimension." he said, seeing Anti-Venom, "Especially you, Brock." "That's because we all got caught in some evil plot formed by a scientist from 2099, leading to the creation of us." Scarlet Spider explained. "Sorry, my name is Ben Reilly, that brooding guy there is my brother Kaine Parker. We're clones of Peter." "Clones? What the hell happened?" Logan muttered. "A lot it appears. But now's not the time to dwell on it." Batman responded. "Oh man, you're Batman, right?" Ben asked in an excited tone, at Batman's nod he cheered. "Awesome." "Wait... If you're here as well that means something happened in both of our worlds, right?" Miguel wondered, seeing the two nod at his question, "Let's figure this out back at Peter's place." "You're about as much of a fanboy as Parker." Kaine mumbled at Ben. "How about we bring him back to his house to attend to his wounds?" he wondered. The others nodded, Wolverine carrying Peter over his back while the Spiders led the two new heroes into Ponyville, where a lot of explaining was to be had on both ends. "Oh my, that's a twist for sure!" Discord cheered. Loki rolled his eyes, "You're enjoying this more than necessary." The draconequss laughed, "That's the point! I love a good suspenseful story. Pretty soon, the Legion of Doom is coming here! And it'll be glorious!" "Indeed. And what of our little prisoner back on his Earth." Discord looked back at the screen, "Thanks to the supplies Luthor gave me, he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. It's strange how he is immune to my mind control anyhow." The two looked on the projector, seeing a man wearing blue with a red cape and an 'S' symbol on his chest, struggle in a padded room with a red light. "The Man of Steel will not be a problem anytime soon. Let's hope the heroes don't find him at Lexcorp." Loki chuckled.