The Incredible Tail of Fluttershy / Raritoots

by TheMajorTechie

Don't Eat Bean Cupcakes at Rave Parties.

Rarity's eyes glimmered in wonder. She had always gone to the "fancy" parties, with the tea-sipping and fedoras and such, but never before had she ever gone to a rave party.

"Do you like what you see?" Pinkie asked, bouncing up besides her friend.

Rarity stood speechless. The music, the lights, the ponies. She had never seen so many ponies in a single area, not even during royal gatherings.

"Pinkie," she said, turning to the pink mare, "why didn't you tell me earlier about these... rave parties?"

Pinkie rolled her eyes.

"Because I had to blindfold you, stuff you in a duffel bag, and pull you out in a closet to get you here?"

Rarity blushed.

"Um... yes, darling, I believe that I did put up quite a fit at first."

Pinkie nodded, folding her forelegs.

"Well, now that you're here, let's party!!!"

A heavily intoxicated Rarity stumbled her way towards the refreshment table, eyeing the large, puffy cupcakes that sat on the tray.

"CUPCAKES!" She hollered, grabbing the tray in her magic. She proceeded to begin snarfing each and every one of them down, making a very un-ladylike scene. All the while, her drunken mind decided to ignore the sight of a sign labeled "Bean Cupcakes" tumble to the dance floor.

"Enjoying the cupcakes, Rares?" Pinkie asked, trotting up beside Rarity.

"Ehuhuheh... yeah!"

"I knew you'd like them! You always said that you liked bean cupcakes!"

Rarity froze for a moment as her mind processed Pinkie's words.

"Beans... Cupcakes..." She gasped.

"Oh, Pinkie, I knew you'd make those lovely cream cupcakes I like!"

She bearhugged Pinkie, earning a few strange glances at the two, especially considering the fact that it looked like she was about to mount her friend.

Vinyl Scratch rubbed her chin with a hoof as she flipped through the long list of music. Suddenly, Pinkie popped up from inside the equipment cabinet, holding a cd.

"Here, play this!" She said enthusiastically, and disappeared into the cabinet once more.

Headbeating and dancing ensued as Rarity continued to swallow cupcakes with the ferocity of Kirby.

"Deez... deez here cupfakez... derr delisziousss!" She exclaimed happily, licking the plate.

"I know, right?! I put in red beans, mung beans, lima beans, baked beans, deez nutz, and vanilla beans into the batter!"

Pinkie held up an acorn, complete with the squirrel, which clung to the nut.


Above the crowd, Derpy was too busy headbanging to notice a bar supporting a portion of the ceiling. And because of it, she flew directly into the bar.

"Ow..." she said flatly, rubbing her head with a hoof.

Suddenly, the ceiling began to make a horrifically creepy groaning noise as it began to bend under strain. Vinyl cut off the music as she diverted her gaze up towards the failing ceiling, taking her sunglasses off for a better view.

"...Mother of--"

The ceiling caved in before she could finish.

Rarity woke up with a groan.

"Wha-what happened?"

All around, there were pile of drunken and/or unconscious ponies laid about. The building lay in ruins, but there was very little harm dealt to the ponies themselves, considering the fact that they're practically indestructible anyways...


Fine, fine... sheesh.

Pinkie rocketed down from the sky, landing beside Rarity.

"How's your morning, Rares?"

Rarity groaned again, and rubbed her head.

"Ugh... I've got a terrible headache from last night... what happened?"

"What do you think happened?"

"Building collapsed?"


Rarity thought for a moment.

"Lemme guess... Derpy."


Suddenly, a very, very loud trumpeting noise was emitted by Rarity's behind.

"Oh my."