The True Shape

by ArtaFactia


She looked imploringly at her mother, her lower lip thrust forward in a pout.

"Must I sleep, mother?"

"Yes, my child. Unfortunately, you must. Trust me when I say that I do not wish this sleep on you. But the day is far off, and many aeons will be before it is time."

With a sigh, she hung her head, nodding softly.

"Very well. I will accept this, as I have accepted this task."

"You will be blessed for it, my child. You will be my instrument of change. You will gather all into me."

There was a long silence, and then she lifted her head, a look of determination etched across her face. She was ready. She could do this. She would do this. Her expression then softened a little.

"I love you, mother."

"I love you too, my child. Now sleep."

And so she slept.