King of Equestria

by Neroson40


Wayvern didn’t go home that night, he went to the school. He expected the grounds to be empty, but he forgot that the Co-Ed Soccer team had a game tonight. He just bought a ticket and took a seat to see Rainbow Dash score goal after goal. He didn’t see where he sat, didn’t see Fluttershy next to him, and didn’t hear her say hello. He just watched the game until Rainbow Dash got the last goal. Finally when he got up he noticed Fluttershy.
“Oh! How long have you been there?” Wayvern asked.
“The entire game,” Fluttershy said. “What happened? You didn’t look too happy, we even won.” Wayvern debated with himself whether or not to tell her what happened with Twilight. In the end the decision was to keep it to himself. Fluttershy didn’t seem to mind. They met up with Rainbow Dash and went out for some sundaes, all on Wayvern.
“So, Wayvern,” Rainbow Dash said. “Why’d you come to the game? You don’t seem to be the kind of guy who would be interested in that kind of thing.”
“I’m a little depressed.”
“What happened?” Again Wayvern thought about telling them, but this time he decided it couldn’t hurt... too much. He told them everything that happened, between his conversation with Celestia and the argument with Twilight there was an emotion ten times worse than anything he ever felt.
“The Choice you made was logical,” Fluttershy said. “My concern is whether or not it was the right choice.”
“Yeah, I mean, what danger could you possibly put Twilight in?” Dash said.
“If you only knew.”

Wayvern didn’t go home that night. He found a nice view of the night sky just outside Downtown, and laid down on the hill to take in the view. He was laying there for the rest of the night as nightmares tormented him. Each one about Twilight and Relius, and Wayvern not being strong enough to save her. When Wayvern woke up, he smelled awful. He check the watch that he was wearing when he got to Canterlot City and rushed to School when he found out it was almost time for the busses to come in. he made it in time and went to the gym, asking the teacher Iron Will to use the showers. He got the permission, mostly because his clothes stank like... never mind.
He was really early, not all the kids were at school yet. Thank goodness the list of those not there yet included Twilight and Flash. He didn’t want any more drama than he had.
Eventually, Twilight did come into the classroom. She looked at Wayvern, rubbed her eyes, then sat down looking steamed. Unfortunately, she sat right next to him in first period.
“Where’d you go?” Twilight said.
“I hardly think that matters.”
“I was worried you know, I thought you got lost, or were attacked or something!”
“Well, I’m fine. Why do you care?” that’s when he realized this world was rubbing off on them. He forgot for a moment that he was an alicorn king of a country of ponies, and that one of his subjects was Twilight. “Y’know what, never mind. I’m your country’s king and that’s all I’ll ever be.”
“Did you ever think that maybe I liked you too?”
“That what I’m afraid of the most.” Wayvern refused to respond to anything that Twilight had to say after that.
The rain came in halfway through that day. There was something draining about it. All the happiness people felt at the beginning of the day… all the love, all the joy, all the laughter… it was gone when the rain came around.
The only one who wasn’t affected by the rain at all was Wayvern. But he noticed the Drain, and seeing Pinkie Pie Irritable… that was scary. At the end of the day, Wayvern headed for the door, felt a finger tap on his shoulder and a fist in his face as he turned around. He looked to see who punched him and saw Flash’s blank stare.
“Flash!? What the Heck!?”
“It’s not your friend in there Reaper!” suddenly everyone around him looked at him with the same blank stare. And a Shadow that looked a little… cloudy came out of thin air.
“Who are you!?”
“I’m Storm!” the Shadow said. “The Shadow of Hypnosis! I take a Reaper’s friends and turn them against each other!”
“Why… WHY MINE!?”
“King Relius said that the Reaper here was a real threat to our existence. I was tasked with taking your friends and making sure you don’t fight back!” he picked out seven people from the crowd, Flash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight specifically. “These Friends of yours will be coming with me! You want them back? Meet me where their ancestors met yours!”
They Flew off towards the edge of the city.
Wayvern! Wait! Avalanche’s voice said in his head. Remember that if you want to save hostages, you have to have all the information first.
Avalanche… how are you talking to me? Wayvern asked.
I may be gone, but my spirit will be with you for the rest of your life… just as yours will eventually be with Dante’s Inferno for the rest of his. It’s how a Reaper is made better, the council calls it a “Spirit Guide.” Avalanche suggested contacting the Universal Council and checking their records to see what Storm meant. The problem was Wayvern still couldn’t remember how to contact them. Avalanche’s part was that actually.
“Wayvern,” Another voice said. “My name is Krystal Cove, the Representative for Equestria on the Council. Avalanche told me the situation. While I do not approve of your friendship with some of the inhabitants of the other world you are currently in, I must say it is necessary that you save your friends. The location Storm was most likely referring to is a mountain just a mile out, known as Tabletop Mountain. I have already given you access to Hummingbird’s Travel Form so getting there should be easy. Be careful.”
“Thank you, Krystal Cove,” Wayvern said.