//------------------------------// // The trick within a trick // Story: What Happens in Las Pegasus // by Con Mane //------------------------------// Four Ponies were sitting at the table in the town inn, with more standing around watching the game. One of the players was a stranger to the small Earth Pony town, a young white coated Unicorn stallion with black and red tail and mane under a straw hat, and some of his coat covered by his blue suit. The other players were three rough looking and large Earth Pony stallions, labourers at the towns construction projects. “I'm all in.” Declared the Unicorn with a blank face. His three fellows, so to speak, said the same, and cards were compared. The newcomer had won yet another game. He'd been winning against the townsponies all night, and the night wasn't young any more. “Ha ha! There's that infamous Mane family luck again I suppose!” Declared the grinning Unicorn. “Wait a moment fella! Ah'm onto you!” Yelled one of the losing players, obviously angry. “You're cheatin'! I can see it now! You've been doing it all night long dang it! We've been swindled I say! Swindled!” At this all the other townsponies started muttering amongst themselves and angry looks came onto their faces. Some of the townsponies that had lost to the Unicorn and gone of to nurse their paycheck sorrows in drink came over, even angrier than the other townsponies, and forced their way through. “Now now, calm down, there's no proof for that accusation okay? Don't get angry, put the rolling pin down please, I'd greatly appreciate it...” The newcomer tried to calm the townsponies down, but it wasn't working, especially when a massive blue Minotaur burst in and shouted at the top of his lungs “YOU! I should have known if I went into a gambling place with accusations of cheating being yelled I'd find you, you lying, cheating piece of dirt! I've been trying to find you for months! You ruined my life with your swindling! I lost my home! My fiancee! My job! All because of you!” “Now now, calm down, I'm sure there's just been a misunderstanding folks.” “Manure! We want our bits back!” “Tar and feather him!” “Run him out of town!” Came the cries from the angry townsponies as the Minotaur picked up the Unicorn in one hand. “How would you like me to do something even worse to him?” Roared the Minotaur as he shook the nervous Pony he was holding. “Yeah! Do it! Do it! Make him pay!” The townsponies yelled back at him. “You pay me for my services, and I'll make him wish he was never even born!” The Minotaur yelled again. “Yeah! Make him regret everything! Make him suffer! We'll do it! Deal!” Roared back the over excited and furious townspeople. “How long has he been here?” “Long enough to take most of our money! Take that as your payment! Yeah!” Replied the townsponies yet again. “All right then! You're going with me you sly little snake, and it's about time!” The Minotaur threw the Unicorn over his shoulder, picked up the money, including that which hadn't been paid yet, and left without a word. It was only a few minutes later that one of the townsponies suddenly realised something. “We've been had again! It was a con within a con! Dagnabbit, they have our bits!” At this the screams of frustration from the inn could be heard from out of town, where Con Mane the Unicorn and his partner Iron Will the Minotaur laughed in delight as they made their escape.