//------------------------------// // Part Six: The Final Confrontation // Story: A Tale of Two Pegasi // by LightningBolt //------------------------------// I walked into a mountaineering store and asked "Can I get a guide to show me to the Mountains of Light?" "Sure, right this way…" A guide responded. He led the way to the Mountains of Light and we stopped at the base. "Thank you for the assistance, but I must continue alone now….." "Ok" I flew up the mountain, gripping onto the blue gem as I did. I eventually found a monastery hidden high in the mountains. I descended onto the pathway into the outlook of the building. I knocked on the large wooden doors and no-one answered. (No-one is here, so why did something tell me to come here?) A colt clad in white tackled me, holding me down and pointing a kunai at my throat. "Who are you and what do you want?" The colt asked, noticing the blue gem in my hoof. He quickly got off me and bowed. "I am sorry, Master Shade…" "You are forgiven, now why did you call me Master for?" I asked. "The Elder called to the one called Shade. Shade is our predicted mentor and master." He said. "You may reveal yourself, Shade…" The Elder said "We are a humble clan." "Clan? I am a clan leader?" I asked the Elder, taking off my mask. "You are the predicted clan leader of the Ninjetti." The Elder said. I looked around and other ponies clad in white ninja armour revealed themselves and bowed to me, I turned back to the Elder and he told me to follow him. He took me to a room with a golden chest in the middle of it. "Use your key to unlock it, Shade." I put the gem in a slot and the chest opened , I looked inside and it was a white ninja suit similar to mine but with golden shoulder pads and a golden head crest. I changed into the Clan Leader armour and inspected myself in the mirror. The Elder gave me two spell scrolls. "The first will summon your disciples should you need their aid. The second will emit a large beam of whatever element you chose. Know that the second will drain your energy. Read them and they will be in your knowledge so you can use them indefinitely." The Elder said "Also take this with you…." The Elder gave me a sheathed katana. I pulled out the blade and inspected it. The blade felt shocking, "That weapon is enchanted with the full might of a lightning storm. Use it to your advantage." He said. I walked back outside where my disciples were training. One noticed me and got the others attention to stand at attention. "In my new-found leadership as Clan Leader, there is a foe that I must defeat in order to save this world. In my time of need, I will call upon you to aid me in combat. So train hard and learn harder…." I said to the disciples. "Yes, Master Shade!" The disciples shouted in unison. "Until then, may your blade be sharp and your mind sharper." I said. I left the monastery and went back down into Ponyville. I walked among the people and bumped into Rainbow Dash. She noticed the new additions to my armour. "What happened to your armour?" "I was summoned to a monastery high in the Mountains of Light and I was suddenly foretold to be the Clan Leader of the Ninjetti, I was given my clan leader armour, what you're seeing now and this new katana." I said, pulling the golden weapon out of its scabbard. "Looks nice, it should be enough to defeat Chrysalis." Rainbow Dash said. "Follow me." I said. She did and I led her to an open batch of sky, I focused and imaged a beam of ice in my head. The coming result was a ice orb growing in my hooves and I threw the orb, producing a large beam of ice shooting in the sky ahead of me. "So cool…." Rainbow Dash said. We returned to the ground and she said what she wanted to say earlier. "Whatever Chrysalis tries, know that you have the support of the other six Elements with you." "Thank you for the info." I said. "Shade! Come quickly!" Twilight shouted, I quickly ran into her house. "Princess Celestia knows when Chrysalis is going to strike next!" Twilight said grievously. "Where and when?" I asked frantically. "She is going to attack Ponyville with her swarm of Changelings in ten minutes." Twilight said. "Princess Celestia needs to deploy all the guards she can get." I said "I need all the help I can get." ------------------------------------------ 10 minutes later, 6:30pm There was two battalions of guards stationed in Ponyville, readying for the fight to come. I took out my golden katana and held it close. I was anxious to protect what others could not…. Suddenly, there was a large army of changelings and the Queen Chrysalis landed on the ground. "We meet again, Chrysalis!" I said loudly. "Your demise will be swift if you give yourself up now." Chrysalis said. "You expect me to give up, just like that?" I asked. "You should, I have grown stronger than you can imagine…" Chrysalis said. "You boast of this, but do not show it…" I said. "Minions, attack!" Chrysalis shouted. "Both battalions, distract the underlings. I'll deal with the queen…." I shouted. "Yes, sir!" I heard both battalions shouted back. I slowly walked over to Chrysalis with my katana in my hoof. "It's time we finish this!" I said. I charged with both hooves on my weapon, I swung at the queen and connected, sending her back with a jolt of lightning coursing through her body. "What sorcery is this?" Chrysalis yelled, angered by the lightning. "Not sorcery, Ninjetti magic." I replied. "No amount of magic will save you…." She said, charging toward me. I ran and sild under her, swiftly getting up and charging my energy, I imaged a lightning beam in my head and cast it; sending the queen into the ground from the electrical shock. She got back up and used her magic to throw me against a nearby wall, I jumped up and threw shruikens at her, all three connecting into her rump. I drew my sword and ran at her; swinging at her legs, my blade slit a large cut into her hoof. She yelled out in and called changelings to attack me. I stabbed the first one in the gut while using my free arm to throw a kunai into another's throat. I kicked the changeling off my katana and decapitated it. Rainbow Dash and the others started fighting the changelings too. I called on the full might of the lightning storm and pointed my katana blade up. A bolt struck it and I cast the bolt at Chrysalis, she took some shock from it and shot a magic beam at me. I was busy fighting another changeling when the bolt struck me in the back. I crawled over to a nearby building and laid there. Chrysalis was coming to finish me off. "And now, you will die!" She shouted, almost at my position. I made a ball of light and cast it in the sky while shouting "Ninjetti, to me!" The ball of light exploded and made a symbol for Ninjetti. Out of nowhere, several clouds of smoke appeared in front of me. My disciples appeared from the smoke and drew their weapons. "Master, are you okay?" A disciple asked, picking me up off the ground. "I am fine, students. Thank you for coming" I said, throwing my hoof over the disciple's shoulder. "Your friends cannot help you…" Chrysalis snarled. "Warriors, attack!" I shouted, leaping into the air with my sword suspended above my head. My disciples attacked Chrysalis and fought bravely, I came down with my sword and sliced an artery in Chrysalis' leg. She fell to her knees and yelled in pain. "Ninjetti, return to the monastery. Your work here is done." I said. "Yes, Master." The ninjas said in unison and disappeared into clouds of smoke. Rainbow Dash and the others ran over to where I was standing, Chrysalis was in too much pain to retaliate. "You are finished, Chrysalis." I said. "Loyalty!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Honesty!" Applejack yelled. "Generosity!" Rarity yelled. "Kindness!" Fluttershy yelled, sort of. "Laughter!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Magic!" Twilight yelled. "Light!" I yelled. The incantation turned our furs brightly coloured and formed a rainbow and engulfed Queen Chrysalis. She disappeared and I dropped my katana; stabbing the dirt. "It's over, harmony is restored." Twilight said in rejoice. "It is not over, but harmony is restored for now." I said, my hood slightly lifting in the breeze.... The End?