//------------------------------// // Saying hi to new friends, new enemies and new lovers. // Story: Another human in Equestria fic // by The7thElement //------------------------------// An hour had passed since Ryan, Stealth, Spike and the mane 6 had made their way out of the Crystal Empire and back to Ponyville. After they arrived back in Ponyville they made their way directly to the library. “Stealth, Ryan who exactly is this visitor?” Twilight asked annoyance coating her voice as she hadn’t received an answer from them on the train ride back to Ponyville. “Should we tell them?” Ryan whispered to Stealth as they found themselves outside of Golden Oaks Library. “Better question is she in there?” “Yes to both questions. Also you’re explaining who our visitor is.” Stealth said his gaze never leaving the library. “Fine.” Ryan said slightly annoyed he had to explain. He then turned around to see the mane six and Spike giving him looks of confusion. “Okay then you want answers I’ll give them. You all remember that Stealth and I went to visit the changeling hive?” “Of course darling how could we forget.” Rarity said as the others gave nods. “Well we went there to convince Queen Chrysalis to go to Canterlot and arrange a peace treaty with Celestia.” “Okay that sounds ridiculous.” Dash said. “Dash’s right Ryan.” AJ said. “But what exactly does that have to do with this visitor?” “Take a guess who our visitor is.” Ryan replied getting a gasp of realization from Twilight. “She’s in there?!” Twilight said pointing at the library. “Oh boy I’m going to have sending her to the Canterlot dungeons.” She said making her way to the library’s front door. “Oh no you don’t Twi.” Ryan said picking the alicorn up in a field of levitation. “If she’s here that means she wants to talk peace. So calm down.” “Okay your right.” Twilight said as she was slowly lowered to the ground. “I shouldn’t have overreacted like that.” “Good to hear. Now let’s go say hi to Chrysalis.” Ryan said making his way to the door. “Um Twi can I have the key please?” He said holding a hand out as she placed her keys in his hand. When Ryan placed the key in the key hole he found that the door was already unlocked. It was then that he noticed the sign on the door that said ‘OPEN’. When he pushed open the door he noticed that the first floor was empty as he and the others walked in he heard the voice of Twilight come from upstairs. “Just give me a moment and I’ll be right with you!” ‘Twilight’ called out. “Now then how can I help you…” ‘Twilight’ said as she made her way down the stairs pausing when she noticed who was standing in the library. “Oh buck.” “Hey Chrysie.” Ryan said greeting the false Twilight. “Never knew you had a knack for running a library.” Ryan received no response as Chrysalis’ gaze never left the Elements of Harmony. After a few seconds she let out a line of clicking sounds that caught Stealth’s attention. Stealth then retaliated with more clicking sounds. Chrysalis’ gaze then fell on him as she shot a glare of hate at him. “Disobeying your Queen, Drone #254?” “No. I just don’t need to do what you say.” Stealth responded. “And why would that be?” The false Twilight said raising an eyebrow. “Because they aren’t going to hurt you.” Stealth replied. “No offense Drone but I’d like to hear it from them.” “He’s telling the truth Chrysalis.” Twilight said trying to keep her words hate free. “I want to hear that from her.” Chrysalis said levelling a hoof with Applejack. “Why me?” AJ asked. “Because you’re a terrible liar. And you’re also the Element of Honesty, so I’ll know that your telling the truth.” Chrysalis explained. “Fine then. Look we ain’t gonna hurt ya so can ya drop yer disguise please.” AJ said getting a smile from Chrysalis. “Good to hear.” She said before she was engulfed in a green flame as the false Twilight was replaced with the Queen of the Changelings. “Now was that so hard dear?” “So Chrysie, why exactly are you posing as Twilight?” Ryan asked the Queen. “I had to keep up appearances. Besides I had to have a way of feeding myself. And before you start panicking Twilight I didn’t go draining any of the residents of Ponyville, I merely took small nibbles off of the joy they generated whenever I forked over a book that they wanted.” She then tossed a bag to Twilight. “That’s how many bits you’ve earned while I was posing as you.” “Thanks.” Twilight replied skepticism coating her voice. “Hey wait a second you better not have gone through any of my stuff!” “Of course not. I’d only do that if I planned on replacing you. But I’m not so I don’t have to worry about doing all that.” “So why are you here Chrysalis?” Ryan asked once Chrysalis had reached the bottom of the stairs. “Why to be with you of course.” Chrysalis said poking Ryan in the chest. “Chrysie. Why are you really here?” Ryan asked the changeling. “Fine then party pooper. I’m here to talk to Sunbutt about peace.” “Wait a sec so Ryan was telling the truth?!” Dash exclaimed. “Of course I was Dash why wouldn’t I be?” Ryan said raising an eyebrow to the pegasus. “No reason.” She replied avoiding Ryan’s gaze. “Oh are the goodie two shoes fighting?” Chrysalis said getting glares from the group of good guys. “What?” “So guys how does another train trip sound?” Ryan asked looking at the assembled group of ponies. The response that Ryan got involved the mane six looking to each other with looks of uncertainty. “Ryan we’d like to go honestly we would.” AJ started. “But we have things to do darling.” Rarity continued. “Maybe tomorrow would be a better time. Some of us do need to have a rest even if we don’t have anything to do.” Twilight finished. “Okay then.” Ryan said before turning to Chrysalis. “Looks like your going to be here longer than expected.” “Oh that’s fine.” Chrysalis said before leaning close to Ryan. “As long as I get to spend my time with you handsome.” She whispered into his ear before turning to Twilight. “So where am I sleeping?” “Why are you asking me?” Twilight asked. “Because I highly doubt anypony else will let me spend the night with them.” She said before turning her gaze to the other elements. “Unless I’m mistaken and somepony does want me to bunk with them.” “Fine you can stay the night here.” Twilight said. “Goodie.” Chrysalis said. “Hey Twi we’d hate to leave ya but we need to get going.” AJ said gesturing to the other elements. “Oh it’s no problem AJ. You guys have stuff to do.” Twilight said. “You sure Twilight?” Rarity said. “Yeah I’ll be fine guys.” Twilight said as the elements made their way towards the front door of the library. “Okie dokie Twi. But if you need us just send Spike out and we’ll be over here to help you out.” Pinkie said. “Got it Pinkie.” Twilight said as the elements left the library. “So Twilight where will I be staying for the night?” Chrysalis asked. “Follow me.” Twilight said before leading Chrysalis towards the basement door. “You can’t be serious.” Chrysalis said noticing where she was being led to. “What?” Twilight said before realization struck her. “You already know what’s past this door don’t you.” “Yes I do. And don’t worry I didn’t touch any of your machines.” Chrysalis said before turning her head to Ryan. ‘Help me.’ She mouthed to him. “Well are you gonna help her?” Orion asked. “If you do you could end up sleeping with a queen.” ‘Fine then I’ll help her.’ Ryan thought back. “Twi maybe we could give Chrysalis my room. I can bunk with Stealth.” “I guess you could.” Twilight said before turning to Stealth. “How do you feel about that?” “Sounds fun. It does get quite lonely down there.” Stealth said looking to the basement door. “Why haven’t you said that before?” Twilight said. “Cause before you would have locked me down there if I offered I sleep with you.” Stealth said getting a blush to rise on Twilight’s face before she began to speak in tongues. “Good work Stealth ya broke her.” Spike said. “Is she gonna be alright?” Stealth asked. “Yeah just give me a hand to get her in bed she just needs some rest is all.” Spike said before Stealth lifted Twilight onto his back and followed Spike up the stairs leading to the next floor. “So then now that we’re alone I can thank you properly for helping me out there.” Chrysalis said stalking towards Ryan a sway in her hips. “No thanks necessary Chrysalis.” Ryan said. Unfortunately for him that did nothing to stop her from stalking towards him. “Please I insist you let me repay you.” She said seductively. “Well then looks like your plan worked better than expected.” Orion said keeping barely keeping himself from filling Ryan’s mind with mad cackling. “No thank you.” Ryan said before levitating Chrysalis up a few feet into the air. “Now if you would kindly stop trying to bed me.” “Fine then.” Chrysalis said dropping the seductive tone of voice. “Can you let me down?” “Okay.” Ryan said as he lowered Chrysalis back to the ground. “Now I’m guessing that you already know where the spare room is.” “Yes I do.” Chrysalis responded before her horn gave of a slight glow. “You’ll find that your stuff is down in the basement on a spare bed.” With that said Chrysalis made her way up stairs. “Good night Ryan.” The next morning Ryan found his vision filled with the face of the resident changeling queen. “Chrysalis why are you in my bed?” Ryan asked the queen as he slowly rose onto his elbows. “Well I just couldn’t resist spending the night with you.” She whispered into his ear. “Chrysalis why are you really in my bed?” Ryan deadpanned. “Twilight wanted someone to wake you and Stealth up. So I offered to help her and wake you up.” She answered hopping off the bed. “C’mon then or else all of the pancakes will be gone.” She said before making her way out of the basement. “You didn’t sound that annoyed to find Chrysalis in bed with you y’know.” Orion said as Ryan got out of bed. “Where’s Stealth?” Ryan asked aloud ignoring Orion’s comment. “Chrysalis woke him up before you. Said that Twilight was going to cook them all breakfast then he bolted.” Orion said as Ryan began to make his way up the basement stairs. ‘Hopefully Stealth managed to stop Twilight.’ Ryan thought as he walked into the main floor of the library to see that Twilight had set up the dining table which had the mane six, Spike, Stealth and Chrysalis sitting around it. “Ryan! I saved you a seat!” Chrysalis said patting the seat next to her. “Thanks Chrysie.” Ryan said as he took his seat before being served a plate of pancakes by Twilight. “Good to see that no one’s been killed.” Ryan joked between bits of pancakes. “No but I’ve been getting a lot of glares.” Chrysalis said as she bit into her pancakes. “Although I haven’t gotten any from the ball of pink.” “Of course not silly. I don’t hate anypony, I only dislike them. And besides you’ve given a great reason for us to trust you and help you.” Pinkie said giving Chrysalis a warm smile. “Sure thing.” Chrysalis replied giving her a wary look. “At least my loyal drone isn’t giving me a death stare.” “Of course not my queen.” Stealth said bowing his head. “Good to hear.” Chrysalis said getting a glare from Twilight. “Geez what do you expect, I’m his queen I order him around. Besides I don’t make him do anything to bad.” “She’s right Twi.” Ryan said. “The time that I was in the hive Chrysalis didn’t make any of the changelings do anything to bad.” “Alright then.” Twilight said before turning to Chrysalis. “So do you have your stuff packed for the train trip?” “I didn’t bring anything with me from the hive. So yeah I’m ready to go.” “Good to hear. Although you’ll have to disguise yourself before we go.” Twilight said as Chrysalis turned to Ryan. “Now Ryan what I’m about to do may feel a bit strange.” She said before guiding her horn towards his forehead. “Let me guess your going to sift through my mind to find a disguise for yourself?” Ryan asked stopping her horn with a hand. “Yes. Wait how do you already know about that?” She asked before turning to Stealth. “I’m guessing you showed them?” “Only way I could go around and not look suspicious.” Stealth replied. “Hey Chrysie, how about I give you the description of a pony and you use that?” Ryan asked Chrysalis. “That would work. What do you have in mind?” She asked before Ryan pulled out a piece of paper and quill and began writing out the description of her new disguise. After he was done he handed the paper to Chrysalis. “Okay then I can work with this.” She said before her body was coated in green flame. When the flames dissipated what sat in the changeling queen’s place was a unicorn mare with an alabaster coat, a cyan green mane and tail and a ladybug with a black and green shell design for a cutie mark. “Ponies I give to you Chrysie Lovebug.” Ryan said gesturing to the disguised Chrysalis. “I must say your way of creating OCs is quite impressive.” Orion said as Chrysalis summoned a mirror to examine her new self. “I must say that this new form is quite impressive. Thank you Ryan.” Chrysalis said making the mirror disappear in a flash of green light. “Your welcome.” Ryan said before turning to the mane 6. “So you guys ready to go?” “Yeah we’re ready.” Twilight said. “So exactly how is this going to work?” Chrysalis asked as the train from Ponyville to Canterlot pulled into Upper Canterlot’s train station. “Well Chrysie, the princesses are already expecting you thanks to the letter I got Spike to send them. So all we have to do is just walk into the throne room, you drop your disguise and tell them how you want peace.” Ryan explained as the group made their way through Upper Canterlot to Canterlot Castle. “Sounds simple.” Chrysalis said as they walked through the castle’s front gates. “Twilight?” A familiar voice said from behind the group. When the group turned around they saw Cadance and Shining Armor approaching them through the castle’s gates. “Shining, Cadance! What are you two doing here?” Twilight asked as she got a hug from Shining and Cadance. “Well Princess Celestia asked me and Cadance to come as she wanted to talk to us about something.” Shining said before his gaze shifted to Chrysalis. “Who’s your new friend?” “This is Chrysie Lovebug.” Ryan said introducing her to the royal couple. “She’s here to meet with the princesses.” “Really? What are you here to see them about?” Cadance asked. “Well Princess, I’m here to see Princess Celestia and Luna about a discovery that I made about changelings and their relations to a few species of insects in the Everfree.” Chrysalis said, keeping her cool around the royal couple. “That sounds great.” Shining said. “Found any weaknesses?” “Unfortunately I can’t give you that information Prince Armor. That information’s only for the Princesses to see.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. “Okay then.” Shining said before his gaze fell onto Stealth. “Good to see you again Stealth.” “Really you don’t sound that pleased.” Stealth responded getting a glare from Shining. “Well we best be getting on our way.” Cadance interjected. “See you guys soon.” She said before dragging Shining off into the castle. When the royal couple left the groups view Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief that she didn’t know she was holding in. “You okay Chrysie?” Ryan asked her. “That was not fun.” She said before shifting her gaze back to the castle. “C’mon let’s get the meeting with Sunbutt over and done with.” She said walking into the castle Ryan and the others close behind her. “So how does it feel?” Ryan asked Chrysalis as they made their way towards the throne room. “How does what feel?” She asked as the group rounded a corner to see the throne room entrance at the end of the hall they had just entered. “Being in Canterlot and not planning to conquer it.” Ryan explained. “It’s weird. All the guards that we’ve met don’t give me a second glance. It’s a weird feeling walking past them all and them not trying to tackle me to the ground.” She explained before noticing that their group was lacking one member. “Hey Sparkle where’d the dragon go?” “Oh Spike he went to the kitchen said he didn’t want to be sitting in a boring meeting.” Twilight explained as the group entered the throne room. Once the doors to the throne room closed behind the group Ryan noticed the lack of guards in the room. His gaze then drifted to the throne’s of Celestia and Luna to see them flanked by two smaller thrones that had Shining and Cadance sitting atop them. “Twilight good to see that you’ve arrived with our guest.” Celestia greeted the group. “Good to see you once more.” She said her gaze falling onto Chrysalis. “Good to be back.” Chrysalis said her voice wavering slightly under Celestia’s gaze. “Now then how about we get this started?” Celestia said getting a nod from Chrysalis. “Yes we would like to hear what research you’ve done on the changelings…” Shining started before noticing that in a flash of green flame Chrysie Lovebug was replaced by Queen Chrysalis. “Hello to you too Shiny.” Chrysalis said noticing Shining’s jaw hanging open. Before anything else could be said Shining shook his head and blinked a couple of times. “Chrysalis.” He muttered under his breath before his horn began to glow. It was at this point that time began to slow down around Ryan as the glow from Shining’s horn shot out at Chrysalis. It was as the bolt of magic raced towards Chrysalis that Ryan sprung into action. In an instant Ryan knocked Chrysalis out of the way of the bolt a few seconds before it would have collided with the queen. It was then that Ryan realized exactly where he had placed himself. ‘Oh crap.’ Was all he thought before being launched into the throne room doors by the magical bolt. “RYAN!” Luna yelled out as soon as Ryan’s head collided with the large double doors. In an instant she was at his side inspecting his unconscious form. “Ryan.” She whimpered noticing the blood on the back of his head and the doors where his head at collided with the doors. Before anyone could say anything else a maniacal laugh could be heard reverberating through the room. It was then that Luna had noticed something different about Ryan when the laughter died out. His right eye had an all too familiar flame coating it. “Hello there Luna.” The voice of Orion said from Ryan’s mouth. “Miss me?” Before Orion could say anything more to the princess his vision was filled with a blue light. When the light faded he looked around himself to see that he and Chrysalis were the only one’s that were in front of the closed doors. As he looked back to the throne’s he saw that Luna had teleported the rest of the group next to her and Celestia. “Luna what’s wrong?” Celestia asked looking between Luna and Orion. “What don’t recognize me Tia?” Orion asked as he got back onto his feet. “I sure as hell recognize you.” “It can’t be.” Celestia said noticing the voice and flaming eye. “How is this possible?” She asked as Orion made his way towards the throne’s only to be stopped by what seemed like a blue barrier. “Really Luna?” Orion said raising a hand and tapping it on the barrier. “Is this really necessary?” “Princess what’s going on?” The voice of Twilight said as she looked between Celestia and Orion. “It’s quite simple Twilight, Luna and Celestia are scared of me.” Orion said. “Leave her out of this and answer my question.” Celestia said to Orion getting his gaze to drift back to her. “Fine then.” He said removing himself from the barrier. “But I want you to answer my question first.” He said walking up to Chrysalis. “Why didn’t you teleport dear Chrysie here onto that side of the barrier?” After waiting a few seconds of getting no reply he spoke up once more. “No answer? Fine then.” He said. “Answer my sister’s question!” Luna exclaimed. “Okay, okay. Calm down I’m getting to that.” Orion said. “Now then as for how this happened well you can blame Sombra for that.” “How so?” Celestia asked. “Well he hit Ryan with some sort of nightmare inducing spell. This led to him passing out from fear and well I took this opportunity to use these magical gloves,” He paused showing off the gloves. “to take control.” He explained. “Wait you’re not Ryan?” The voice of Twilight asked from her side of the barrier. “No I’m not Sparklebutt.” Orion said with a smirk. “As for who I am you can ask Ryan later.” “What do you want Orion?” Luna asked. “Well Luna, I’m here to number one defend dear old Chrysalis and make sure that she gives her peace of mind about peace between ponies and changelings.” This got a look of disbelief from the two royal sisters. “What? I can be nice sometimes.” “Sorry but do you really think that Chrysalis would actually want peace?” Shining asked getting looks from the princesses and the mane six. “I mean seriously you don’t really believe her?” “Did you really just say that?” Orion asked walking back up to the barrier. “How about I help you understand that Chrysalis is telling the truth?” He said before reaching a hand out towards Shining. When his hand hit the barrier he began to heat his hand up until the barrier gave out. “Now then let’s talk.” He said before wrapping hand around Shining’s horn and dragging him off towards Chrysalis. “Argh let go of me!” Shining exclaimed. “Shut the hell up Shiny flank!” Orion yelled silencing the struggling unicorn. “After the crap you just pulled you don’t get to talk.” He said before letting go of his horn in front of Chrysalis. “Now if you would please show him why you wish to star peace between ponies and changelings.” “And how would I do that?” Chrysalis asked. “I don’t know. Link him to the hive mind or something like that.” Orion said. “Good plan.” Chrysalis responded before leaning down to Shining’s level. “Now if you try to resist my magic your brain will be fried. So don’t resist.” She said before touching her horn to Shining’s. After a few seconds Chrysalis removed her horn from his, a disappointed look on her face. “Did it work?” Orion asked. “No. He’s put in mental defenses to keep me out of his mind.” “Fine then.” Orion said before turning to the roof and cupping his hands around his mouth. “DISCORD!” He yelled. “What I was in the middle of something.” Discord said as he appeared a towel wrapped around his head and waist. It was then that he saw the glowing eye. “Good to see that you’re here Orion. Now what do you want?” “Need you to show the ponies Chrysalis’ hive.” Orion said. “What you mean the hive that’s filled with starving changelings?” He asked getting a nod from Orion. “Got it.” He said before summoning a TV with a snap of his claw. “For your viewing pleasure Princesses.” After a few seconds the TV buzzed to life with images of the changeling hive. “As you can see the changelings are on the verge of starving to death.” Orion said narrating the images on the TV. “This is the reason why Chrysalis is here. On the outside she may treat her hive as a bunch of mindless drones but on the inside she treats them like her own children.” He explained as the TV went dark. “So that’s why you’re here Chrysalis?” Cadance asked leaving her place at Celestia’s right to walk up to the changeling queen. “Yes it is.” She said before finding her self with a hoof over her withers. “Well the you don’t have to worry about them any more.” Cadance said before turning to Celestia. “Auntie Celestia I think that we should begin peace talks with Chrysalis as soon as possible. Don’t you agree?” “I do Cadance.” Celestia replied shifting her gaze to Chrysalis. “Queen Chrysalis, consider for the time being until an official peace treaty can be created. That you and your hive are friends of Equestria.” This announcement got Chrysalis to be on the verge of bursting into tears at this announcement. “Thank you Princess.” She said. “Yay we’re all pals!” Orion said before seeing the glare he was getting from Luna. “What do you want?” “Give Ryan control of his body now.” Luna said darkly. “Sorry can’t. Not until I fall asleep or pass out and let me tell you this I ain’t feeling tired.” It was then that Orion raised a hand to feel the damp spot on the back of his head. “Wow that’s a lot of blood.” He said before falling his head hitting the floor of the throne room as he fainted from blood loss. “Urgh.” Ryan groaned as he slowly woke up to what seemed like a giant headache. “Ah good to see you awake Ryan.” The familiar voice of Nurse Redheart said to Ryan’s right. “Hey Miss Redheart.” Ryan said as he slowly rose onto his elbows. As he got up onto his elbows he noticed he was lying in a medical bed in an almost empty part of the Canterlot Castle’s medical ward. “We really have got to stop meeting like this.” Ryan joked. “Yes we really do.” Redheart said before seeing Ryan shaking the hoof cuffs that had him chained to the medical bed. “If your wondering why your chained to the bed Princess Luna says it’s for own safety. The same goes as to why you don’t have your magical gloves or coat. And before you ask I can’t undo the cuffs only Princess Luna has the keys.” Redheart explained. “Why would she…” Ryan started before being interrupted by Orion’s whispers. “You don’t remember what happened after you took that magical bolt for Chrysalis?” Orion asked. “Hey Redheart I didn’t hurt anyone before I ended up here did I?” Ryan asked. “No. Probably the only one that was hurt in the throne room was you.” Redheart replied gesturing to the bandages around his head. “If it’s too much for me to ask, can I please get a moment alone Redheart?” “Sure thing. I’ll be outside if you need me.” She said before making her way out of the room. “Orion, my memory’s a bit fuzzy. What the hell happened after I took a spell to the chest?” What followed next was Ryan having the events that happened after he had been knocked unconscious be explained to him by Orion. “I can’t believe you did that.” Ryan said trying to keep his anger under control. “Well if I didn’t step in, Chrysalis would’ve been thrown in the dungeons.” Orion explained. Before Ryan could say a word about that comment Redheart stuck her head in through the door to the medical bay. “Ryan, Princess Twilight and her friends would like to see you. Do you want me to let them in?” ‘Well better to bite the bullet now.’ Ryan thought to himself. “Sure send them in.” Ryan said as Redheart disappeared through the door. “Hey guys.” Ryan said as the mane six, Stealth and Spike entered the room. “Hey Ryan.” Twilight replied. “You okay?” She asked as the group gathered around the medical bed. “Yeah I’m fine. So which of you wants to ask questions first?” “What exactly was that back in the throne room?” Dash asked. “Well I suffer from MPD, which means Multiple Personality Disorder. Except unlike other people back on Earth who have it I don’t switch personalities at the drop of a hat. Instead my other personality up until now has only been a voice in my head.” Ryan explained. “So he isn’t meant to be able to take control of you?” Twilight asked. “Pretty much.” “Ryan, why didn’t you tell us about this?” Fluttershy asked. “Because I didn’t want you guys worrying about me. And Twilight before you ask there isn’t a way to remove Orion. Celestia and Luna said that even they couldn’t get rid of him when they first found out about him.” This admission got a downtrodden look to place itself on the faces of Ryan’s friends. “Wow way to be a downer Ryan.” Orion said. “So guys what happened after I was dragged into here?” Ryan said gesturing to the medical ward ignoring Orion’s comment. “Well after Orion passed out, Princess Luna may have gotten a bit mad at Shining.” Twilight said. Memories of the Lunar Princess nearly deafening her brother with the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Then Princess Celestia calmed her down and they decided to take Chrysalis with them to a conference room where they’d be discussing terms of the treaty.” “Good to hear that they’re discussing peace.” Ryan said, a smile on his face. “And if what the Queen is saying over the hivemind the meeting’s nearly over.” Stealth said. “So if I were you I’d be ready for a visit from royalty.” “Got it.” Ryan said before noticing Redheart standing in the doorway to the medical room. “Hey Redheart what’s up?” Ryan asked as she walked over to the bed. “I’m sorry to say but you and your friends Princess Twilight will have to leave, Ryan needs his rest.” Redheart explained. “All right then.” Twilight said before turning to Ryan. “Well hope you get well soon Ryan.” With that said the group made their way out of the infirmary. “So guess it’s my bedtime now?” Ryan asked Redheart. “Yes it is. But I’m not going to tuck you in or read you a bed time story.” Redheart said a smile on her face. “Spoilsport.” Ryan said before shifting himself so he was lying on his back. “Goodnight Redheart.” “Night Ryan.” She replied making her way out of the room. “Ah good to see you’re awake.” Were the words that filled Ryan’s ears as he woke up from his slumber. As Ryan opened his eyes he saw that standing next to his bed was Luna. “Hey Luna. How’d the peace treaty go?” “It went well.” Luna said with a smile on her face. “Good to hear, so can you maybe undo these cuffs?” Ryan asked shaking the object in question. “Of course.” Luna said before she leveled her horn with the cuffs. “Hey Luna why don’t you just use the key?” Ryan asked. “What key? These things require magic to open.” “Then why do they have a key hole?” Ryan said before wrapping his left hand around Luna’s horn. “Hi Chrysie.” Ryan said noticing the green hue to Luna’s eyes. “How did you?” Chrysalis said dropping the disguise. “Know you weren’t Luna? Well it’s quite simple my dear, Luna’s the one who cuffed me to the bed and she’s the only one with the keys.” Ryan explained. Before Chrysalis could respond the door to the room was flung open and Chrysalis found herself wrapped in a blue magical aura. “If we may ask why art thou in here Chrysalis?” The familiar voice of Luna said from the doorway. It was when Ryan heard the voice he turned his head to see that Luna, Celestia and Cadance were standing a few feet in front of the bed. “You really want to know Luna?” Chrysalis asked getting a nod from Luna. “Well believe it or not but you’re not the only one that cares about Ryan y’know.” “What do you mean by that?” Luna asked. “Well let’s say this when I first saw Ryan at the wedding something began to grow inside of me. At first I didn’t know what that feeling was but when he and Stealth arrived at the hive I was filled with joy at seeing him. It was then I had an idea of what I felt, but I was certain of what I felt for Ryan when he and Stealth left.” “And what would that be?” Luna asked. “Love.” Chrysalis said. Once that word had left her lips the room had turned silent. “Celestia, Cadance if you will may I please have a moment alone with these two?” Luna said her voice laced with ice. “Of course sister. But please don’t do anything rash.” Celestia said before motioning for Cadance to follow her out of the room. “So.” Luna started one the door to the room had closed and she was certain Celestia and Cadance were a good distance away from the door. “These feelings that you have towards Ryan, you’re certain they are true?” “Yes I am.” Chrysalis replied. Luna’s gaze then fell to Ryan. “Ryan. What are your thoughts on this?” “Honestly I don’t know what to say.” Ryan said in disbelief. “This has sort of come as a shock to me.” “Well then I’m sorry to say Chrysalis but Ryan is already in a relationship with me. So you will have to find somepony else to love.” Luna said to Chrysalis. It was then that something that Cadance had told him before came rushing to Ryan’s mind. “Well that’s not entirely true Luna.” Ryan said. “What do you mean by that?” Luna asked. “Well Cadance had explained to me a certain type of relationship between more than two ponies. Ever hear of a heard?” Ryan said. “You can’t be serious.” Luna said before shifting her gaze to Chrysalis. “You think that we should start a heard with her?” “What’s so bad about that?” Chrysalis asked. “Nothing’s wrong with the idea but…” Luna said pausing as she tried to finish her sentence. “So the problem is me that’s good to hear.” Chrysalis said in a hurt tone. “And here I thought you and I had become fast friends.” “When did that happen?” Ryan asked. “When we were discussing peace.” Luna said before turning back to Chrysalis. “And besides there’s nothing wrong with you it’s just that if we act on this now it may raise a few eyebrows.” “How so?” Chrysalis asked. “Well for one we still have to go public about the changelings being Equestria’s newest friends. And the populace, especially those in Canterlot may not take the idea of one of the princesses having a relationship with the mare that tried to take over Canterlot.” Luna explained. “Well I may have a solution for that.” Ryan said getting the two royal’s eyes to fall on him. “How about we wait a bit before starting a heard. Give ponies time to get used to the idea of changelings being our friends. Besides we don’t have to go public about it immediately so we could always have this thing kept secret.” “Sounds like a plan.” Chrysalis said before turning to Luna. “What do you think?” “That could work.” Luna responded. “So I guess we’re a heard.” “I guess so.” Chrysalis said before turning back to Ryan. “Now if you’ll excuse me Princess I’ve been waiting a while to do this.” Before Ryan could ask what she was talking about he found his vision filled with Chrysalis’ face as she pulled him into a deep kiss. After Chrysalis ended the kiss Ryan was left trying to process the events that just transpired. “Good to see I can still leave my lovers breathless.” Chrysalis said before turning to Luna. “Now it’s your turn unless you’d rather not want a kiss.” What happened next was something that Chrysalis didn’t expect. “Can you handle me?” Was all Luna said before wrapping a fore-hoof around the back of Chrysalis’ head and pulling her into a deep kiss. After the kiss had ended Chrysalis was left breathless as Luna made her way to Ryan’s bed. “How?” Was all Chrysalis could say as Luna released Ryan from the hoof cuff. “We alicorns have a lot more endurance than humans.” Luna said as she nuzzled Ryan. “How’d you like the show?” “That was hot.” Was all Ryan could say before he pulled Luna into a hug. “Good to hear. Now let’s get out of here. Twilight and the others are probably worried about you.” Luna said wiggling her way out of Ryan’s grip and making her way towards the room’s exit. As Ryan got of the bed and followed Luna he paused in front of Chrysalis. “Hey Chrysie you coming?” He asked. “Maybe I will be later tonight.” She said seductively before joining Luna at the door. “And to think none of this would have happened if I didn’t take control.” Orion said. ‘Ya know what Orion I guess in a way you’re right.’ Ryan thought. “Really?!” Orion exclaimed. ‘Yeah. But don’t go thinking I’m not murdering the crap out of you in the dreamscape tonight.’ Ryan thought back getting a devilish smile to cross his face as he followed Luna and Chrysalis out of the room.