Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger

by Odayama

Chapter 13

If there was ever a bet that Juno made to say he would run into a village where every person who lived here was some kind of horse, then he would probably loose that bet. Night was starting to settle in the town, but there were still a few ponies walking out.

“Well, we’re definitely not in Felton anymore, let alone our county...” Tia proclaimed.

Zecora walked froward. “Princess Twilight is probably the one you should seek. Her home is in the castle, beyond that creek.”

“Thanks. Lets go.”

Juno strutted forward, but then stopped by something grabbing his hand. He looked at what grabbed him, and to his surprise there was a bright green unicorn was there. “I finally found you.” She said in a cheerful tone.

The three looked at each other, a little confused. Tia ventured towards the unicorn. “May we help you, miss?”

“Your friend told me to find you, and I found you.” The unicorn started jumping around them. “He promised me something, and I’m going to get it now. I’m sure you want to see him now, right? Oh, before I forget, my name is Lyra. What’s yours?”

“My name is Tia. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lyra.” She bent over to give the unicorn a handshake, which Lyra shook with such pleasure.
Juno was a little cautious. “...Juno...look, I have to ask...which friend are you talking about? Was he a happy person, or was he a grouch, or was he some red skinned thing?”

Lyra looked up at Juno in thought. “Well, I’d have to say he was the grouch.”

Juno let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, you’ve met Tom. Good.”

Tia looked at Juno. “Tom?”

“Yes, he’s the head of the guild of mercenaries I’m a part of. My boss.” Juno started to smile. “Even if he’s an ass, I’ve never been happier to hear he’s okay.”

Lyra lifted her eyebrow in confusion. “I don’t know what kind of donkeys you have where you come from, but that doesn’t matter. Lets go get you guys to him.” With that, she made a happy trot to her destination.

“To Twilight’s castle I will be. After you regroup, I suggest that she is the next you see.” Zecora started to trot off.

Tia bowed to Zecora. “Thank you for guiding us out of the forest, Zecora!”

Zecora waved back towards the two.

Juno was already following Lyra, just happy that he was about to see his boss again. Well...that’s a first.

He noticed that Tia was following him. “You know, you could have gone with Zecora. Tom would be glad to know you’re no longer possessed, but you don’t have to meet the grouch.”

Tia looked at Juno, but then looked away. “...I should apologize about my behaviour earlier...Back in Zecora’s hut, you said it was my fault I got possessed. Guess I didn’t have any memory of what happened...” Then she looked panicked. “Oh...oh gods, are the people alright? They wouldn’t have any...”

Before she could go on, Juno raised his hand to stop her. “They’re alright. Only one injury, and the whole village ran to our doorstep to drive out the demon. There were a lot of imps living in the place in their stead, but we killed most of them. Just the demon left.” Juno didn’t have the heart to say that the one injury involved a missing arm, but with a powerful cleric there, it was easily fixed at the time.
After a moment of silence during their walk, Juno talked to Lyra again. “...Sooo, if you don’t mind me asking, Lyra, what did Tom promise you?”

Lyra smiled a big, happy grin. “Hands.”

“...Excuse me?”

“I want hands. You two of all ponies should know just how wonderful hands are.”

Tia looked at Juno. “Juno, is this Tom a wizard?”

Juno shook his head. “No, he’s a cleric of Odin. But we have this Transmuter in our guild who can work wonders. A great craftsman of many treasures and artifacts.” Juno looked at Lyra. “Sorry to spoil your happiness Lyra, but we’ll have to contact our guild first before you get your hands.”

Lyra looked a little down. “Oh...okay then.”

Juno knelt down in front of Lyra. “Hey, cheer up. Tom is the one who promised you, right? He might be a jerk from time to time, but I have never seen him lie to anyone but to some bandits who tried to kill us one time. And that was only one time.” Juno ruffled Lyra’s mane. “If Tom promised you hands, then he will keep his word. In the guild, his word is law. And if he says to give you hands, then our wizard will do so.”

Lyra looked up at Juno, a bit teary eyed, but with a smile. “Thanks, big guy. At least I know he won’t break his word now. Anyways, if he’s still with Vinyl, then we’re here.”

Lyra walked up to a house just to the side of where they were standing, and gave a couple of knocks.

In a moment, Vinyl opened a window from the upstairs window. “Shhh. He’s asleep. Oh, hi Lyra.” She waved at Lyra, but then looked at the other two guests. “Well, friends of Tom’s, I’ma guessin?”

Juno nodded. “Yeah. Can I see him?”

“I suggest you see him in the morning. He did not have a good first day in Ponyville. Though, your friend Newtolm is in town as well.”

“Newtolm’s here too?” Juno’s sigh of relief was a large one.

“Yeah. Go see the Princess. He’s staying at her place for the night.”

“Thank you, unicorn!” Juno started to run in a direction.

Tia shouted after him. “Wait! You don’t even know where to go, do you?”

Juno shouted back. “I have a keen nose! I’ll just smell for Zecora! Also, I think I’ll know a castle when I see one!”

Vinyl bit her bottom lip. “...Hey, I should have probably told him before he left...”

Tia looked up. “What do you mean?”

“Well...ya see...Newtolm is...”