Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem!

by Gpizano

Summer Solstice Scuffle -or- Return of Nightmare Moon Electric Boogaloo

It had been a week since Applejack had gone to the Carousel Boutique, a week since anyone had really seen her but it was more understandable than her willfully avoiding people. With the oncoming Summer Solstice Celebration being celebrated in Ponyville this year, it had lined up perfectly for an Apple family reunion, meaning Applejack and her family had to get ready for the relatives. Of course more was added on when Twilight Sparkle, resident princess of magic had decided to throw work the blonde's way and have her cater the event. So while all five girls pined to see the lovable blonde farmer, they knew it was best to leave her to her work and make their own preparations.

.... what? I'm surprised too that I didn't get interrupted. As for why I'm still here, remember kiddies, reading is fundamental. So make sure you fucking read everything over before signing a damn contract.

I mean, I'm not even getting paid for this. You think the writer of this dreck has any money? I mean seriously-


... right... right, where was I?

Oh yeah, giving time to what I'm guessing is the third most popular ship couple...

Now it was the night before the sun would rise in the morning and all were celebrating in their own way. Twilight Sparkle had found a moment in her day to have a small break, sitting comfortably in one of the big, soft chairs in her tree castle's library, sprucing a book of old children's tales. One in particular had caught her fancy, the Mare in the Moon. It was said that the patterns in the moon, in the shape of what looked to be a mare, were created when the great god Shadowfax banished his lover to forever reside within the moon after she had attempted to spread darkness through the land and subjugate the humans to her rule. This tale seemed to have inspired Princess Luna one thousand years ago, when she had attempted to usurp Princess Celestia and become Equestria's sole ruler. The battle had been one when Celestia supposedly wielded the mythical elements of harmony and purged the darkness from her sister's heart, restoring order and harmony.

A knock at the door caught the princess's attention and she set her book aside to go see who was calling on her. When she opened it, she was surprised to see it was Applejack but also curious when she noticed the other's mood seemed a little low.

"Applejack. I wasn't expecting to see you until the ceremony. Is everything okay?"

"Ah... guess. Cin Ah come in n' talk to ya' Twi?"

With a nod, Twilight lead the way further into the library, wishing she had taken the time to scry so that she could have seen the blonde was coming. Then maybe she could of been better prepared or even made a quick ten page game plan! Instead she lead Applejack to a small nook on the first floor and took a seat on a couch there, Applejack immediately taking a seat next to her with a slightly weary sigh.

"Ah think somethin' weirds goin' on with our friends. Ah mean, 'bout a week ago somethin' was botherin' Dash, then Ah get ta' town ta' check out how Pinkie's shindig is goin' n' she's actin' a bit odder n' usual. Then it's tense between 'Shy n' Rares. Ah tried ta' figure out what's goin' on but they're hidin' somethin' from me. Twi', ya' got any idea?"

While distracted by how close the dreamy blonde was to her, Twilight had some how managed to listen to what Applejack was saying and snap out of her stupor.

"Uh! Erm... I-I can't say for sure, no..."

There was no way she could expose the others, not only would it break the pact they had agreed on but there was also the worry of retaliation from four vengeful women. Especially if Applejack ended up rejecting them! So for the sake of friendship and her own well being, there was no way she was spilling the beans! No matter how down Applejack looked... those beautiful green eyes downcast... the good-natured farmer probably feeling frustrated that she could not help her friends work through their issues because she was so considerate.

The princess of magic was starting to noticeably fidget, playing with her fingers, biting her lower lip, Applejack had been about to ask what was wrong before the bookworm pounced and wrapped her up in a hug.


"I'm sorry! Applejack, I can't tell you what's wrong right now, but I promise that I'll work on it and I'll get you an answer as soon a possible!"

"A-Alright Twi! Ah appreciate it!"

Pulling back, the Dyaus woman blushed softly, a little embarrassed that she had slipped like that but none the less sincere in her words.

"Applejack, everything will be fine. I can promise you that, okay?"

"... okay Twi. Ah trust ya'."

They both exchanged smiles, Applejack's lopsided in a way that was totally adorable, Twilight's bright and a bit bashful. Then the princess glanced to clock on the wall, one of many she had set up around the library so that it would be very easy for visitors to find what the time was.

"It'll be time for the Summer Sun Celebration soon. I can't be late to introduce the princesses. I wouldn't want to delay Celestia from raising the sun!"

"Well shoot, let's get goin' then Twi'."

When Applejack stood and offered her hand to Twilight, the princess had to duck her head a moment to hide her blush. As she placed her hand in Applejack's, she marveled slightly at the feel. Having grown up in Canterlot and having such a high position as personal student to the princesses, she'd never really had the chance to meet many blue collar workers. The feel of Applejack's strong, calloused hand was still a small wonder and a noticeable difference compared to the nobles she had shaken hands with. It was a shame when the blonde took her hand back. However when they stepped out into the night and were far enough away from her tree, Twilight took a chance and moved close, slipping her arm around the other's.

"Um... sorry, it's just a little chilly."

"Shoot, dun' worry 'bout it."

Again, Twilight had to duck her head as Applejack's arm slipped around her shoulders, she could literally feel the spike in her heart rate now that she was so close to the other and it was a losing battle at attempting to not sound tongue-tied.

"R-R-Right! Yes! Body heat is good, yup!"

Trying to play off her awkwardness with a nervous laugh, Twilight and Applejack continued on their way to the town hall where it looked as if all of Ponyville was gathered. Without even looking she knew the other girls had spotted them, quite possibly giving her dirty looks but she didn't care! She only felt bad when she had to pull away and go to her post, Applejack giving her a small wave before moseying over to the table where all the food and drinks were kept. Twilight fought down her nerves as she stood on the balcony before the audience, taking a deep, calming breath before beginning.

"Ladies and gentleman, as the resident princess of magic in our town of Ponyville, it is my pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! Soon, we will all bear witness to Princess Celestia raising the sun so that we may celebrate the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce you to our kind and benevolent rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!"

At the cue of the fanfare, the Hrimfaxi used her magic to pull aside the curtains behind her to reveal... nothing! Confusion was clear on Twilight's face as she looked into the room behind the curtains, her anxiety on the rise as she saw it was empty.

"T-They're not here! How?! Who-?!"

"Thee fool..."

Suddenly, from the shadows, two glowing, ice blue eyes shone and a dark blue blast of magic hit Twilight square in the chest, launching her off of the balcony, causing surprised gasps and screams of horror from the crowd!


Instead of hitting the hard ground, Twilight found her landing to be much softer, solid but softer, and warmer... when she opened her eyes, the princess of magic found herself in the arms of Applejack.

"You alright, Twi'?"


However, a laugh snapped her out of the dreamy reverie, all attention going back to the platform as Princess Luna stepped out, a cruel smirk on her face as Twilight gazed on in horror.

"Princess Luna?! WHY-?"

"Enough! Thee fool, thee bethought that I wast Princess Luna, but very much t wast me


"Oooo, nice sound effects in the background! But hasn't that meme been done a lot?"

Fourth wall breaking Pinkie Pie aside... the whole crowd watched on in horror as Luna transformed, the Dyaus's skin becoming darker, her teeth seeming sharper as her pupils became slits. The regal dress and crown warped, replaced with a helm, metal pads with spikes, a breastplate that really only covered her breasts, a sort of metal bikini thong with a strip of fabric in front and back to provide cover, and high heeled, metal boots that came up to her knees. While there were those that trembled in fear at the ominous being before them, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but snort at the sight.

"Ain't it a little cold in that?"

When Applejack set her back on the ground, Twilight Sparkle squared her shoulders and glared up to the other.

"So you are Nightmare Moon once more... but I thought Celestia banished all of the evil from Luna a thousand years ago?"

"Oh the lady hadst weaken'd me consid'rably. but I still did exist, a bawbling parteth of me waited, gazed, and did plan! And anon I has't finally madeth mine move, aft'r a thousand years I has't did imprison Princess Celestia! And I shall anon beest the only rul'r of this land and 'twill exp'rience nothing but beautiful darkness forever!"

"... really?"

That caused Nightmare Moon to snap her attention over to the oddly attractive blonde Macha woman next to Twilight, the farmer scratching the side of her head and looking puzzled.


"I mean... if'n that was yer plan all this time. Why'd it take ya' one thousand years? Ah cin understand maybe taking a hun'red years 'er so ta' get yer' strength back but-"

"silence! t's mine own plan and mine own plan is flawless! I has't Princess Celestia imprisoned and anon nay one can stand ho me!"

Luckily, Twilight took that opportunity to cover up such a snag in the plot by shooting off a blast of magic, hitting the balcony and making it disappear, Nightmare Moon almost falling herself but a pair of dark blue, almost black wings caught her and kept her in the air. Soon the princess of magic took to the air as well, flying straight for her and with her fists glowing with dangerous magic. They blasted off part of the roof of the town hall, taking the fight outside as magic light up the night sky. People ran outside, either to flee to their homes or to watch the spectacle, chief among them being Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Release Princess Luna from your hold and tell me where Princess Celestia is!"

"Or what? I knoweth thee, Twilight Sparkle, I've gazed thy training. . . i knoweth all thy strengths and weaknesses!"

A sudden blast sent Twilight plummeting to the ground once more, the woman rolling after she landed and weakly trying to push herself up to her knees. Nightmare Moon meanwhile, landed a few feet away and slowly began to walk up to the princess of magic, a triumphant smirk on her face as her hand began to glow with magic.

"And i knoweth thee wonneth't wend all out 'gainst me. . . because destroying me means destroying Princess Luna as well. T's a shame to has't to destroy thee, but i knoweth thee wonneth't join me. So yond just maketh thee an obstacle to-"

The monologue was thankfully interrupted as a fist came crashing into the side of Nightmare Moon's face! The woman was caught off guard and the strength was so mighty that it sent her flying back! After she recovered in mid-air and landed on her feet, Nightmare Moon rubbed her sore cheek and saw it was the Macha woman who had spoken up earlier. She could actually feel a chill run up her spine as those lovely green eyes glared at her, the blonde dropping into a fighting stance.

"Ya' ain't gonna lay 'nother hand on Twilight! Yer gunna' hafta' go through me if'n ya' wanna get ta' her!"

A small chuckle turned into raucous laughter, the smirk back on Nightmare Moon's face as she raised a hand. A barrier surrounded just her and Applejack, the others had been moving forward to stand with her but were blocked, Twilight Sparkle weakly placing a hand on the barrier.

"Applejack, no!"

The battle that commenced was a sight to behold simply because of the fact that Applejack was able to stand her ground against Nightmare Moon. The farmer had to be constantly on the move to dodge and move past all the spells flung at her, reflexes having to be sharp to strike back every time Nightmare Moon teleported behind her to strike. When there was a break in the fighting, Applejack was left panting and bruises but still standing, fists still raised and ready to keep on fighting. This, of course, made Nightmare Moon laugh again because that is what villains do in these stories.

"Not lacking. Not lacking at all. If 't be true I w're not an all pow'rful Dyaus, I might actually beest w'rri'd about losing this square. "

Menacing blue eyes took in the sight of the other, her heaving, ample chest, her muscles more exposed as some how during the fight, the farmer's shirts had been ripped to the point it seemed she was wearing little more than a raggedy crop top now. Now that she had a chance to look at the other, this bold, nicely tanned Macha was quite attractive, in both body and personality. Licking her lips, Nightmare Moon suddenly disappeared as darkness filled the area. Applejack was immediately on edge, looking around and trying to spot her when suddenly a ball of light hit her straight in the chest, a painful electric charge running through the blonde and making her scream out in pain.

Outside of the magic barrier, none of the five women could see through the dark, but all cried out the farmer's name when they heard her scream. Twilight Sparkle finally recovered enough to use her own magic to dispel the magic barrier, Rainbow Dash immediately rushing into the fading darkness with Pinkie Pie hot on her heels. However neither Nightmare Moon or Applejack were on the ground, all women turned their gaze to the sky to see Nightmare Moon hovering high above, carrying an unconscious Applejack bridal style.

"Mm, I shall taketh this one as mine own prize. And I shall waiteth at the castle of the two sist'rs, eith'r thee shall cometh to me and boweth 'r cometh and meeteth thy doom!"

Then a cloud of darkness swallowed both her and Applejack before it sped off towards the Everfree forest, Rainbow Dash tried to go after them but Twilight's magic held her back.

"TWILIGHT! LET ME GO! She's got AJ!"

"I know! But you can't just rush after her! She'll kill you!"

As much as the Arion wanted to take action, she begrudgingly knew that the princess of magic was right, floating back down to the ground and looking to Twilight, expecting answers, as did the other three women.

"I've read the tale of Nightmare Moon many times and I've read up on the elements of harmony. We need those six elements if we have any chance of defeating her without killing Luna."

"Twilight, we don't have time to go off looking for some elements-!"

"Rainbow Dash, why do you think she's waiting at the castle of the two sisters? The elements are located there, she's there to make sure I don't get to them. Because with the elements of Magic, Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness and Loyalty, she won't stand a chance."

"And we're going too, right?"

"Dash, it's dangerous..."

Of course the look that Rainbow Dash gave her as she crossed her arms gave a clear message that she was not going to be talked out of it. That same look of determination was on the others' face as well, Rarity taking the opportunity to step forward and speak.

"Twilight, she took Applejack! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we cannot just stand around idly and let that bitch steal our beloved farm woman!"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy nodded in agreement, so with a sigh and a nod, Twilight accepted their decision with a small smile.

"Alright. But only because I have a feeling that if I tried leaving you girls behind, you'd come anyway. Let's go girls!"

Temporarily putting to rest their feud over who would have Applejack's heart, all women turned in the direction of the Everfree forest and took their first determined steps towards their destiny.