
by Smoogy

Influx Pt. 1

YEAR: 2018
DAY: SAT. 20
TIME: 11:47

"Come on, I can't wait to introduce you to my friends!"

"Rainbow, not that I don't think I will like your friends or anything like that, but will they like me? I mean, I doubt they've ever seen or even heard of a human."

"Not like you? That's a good one! My friends like everypony, no matter what they look like!" You find that hard to believe. "Trust me, my friends are awesome and they'll be good friends with you too in no time, just like us!"

"We'll have to see about that, I'm just not convinced that all of your friends will be as accepting of me as you."

"Oh trust me, they're just like me, only a little different." As she is putting on her biggest smile, you just wonder what that even means.


You think you're starting to understand what Dash meant when she said that as you're speaking with Applejack. One of them is a cloud clearing pegasus, while the other one is an "apple bucking" earth pony.

You now know the most common residents in Equestria, thanks to Rainbow. She told you of the three common ponies: earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. You still have yet to meet a unicorn.

She also tells you of a less common pony, that only Princess's are. They are called alicorns and are a mix of all three common types. There are currently four princesses in Equestria. According to Dash, one of them, Twilight, is actually her good friend.

That was on the way here to "Sweet Apple Acres" that you were informed of all this. Also on the way here, you got many odd stares, but being with Rainbow made you feel much more comfortable.

As for now, though, you're watching as Applejack kicks a tree, knocking down apples into a basket on top of her head.

You offered to help her, as you could've probably reached the apples and picked them yourself, but Applejack immediately declined your offer, saying 'It just ain't how we do things round here!'

After finishing her current round of labor, she approached you without any fear, as if you were just a normal pony.

"Howdy pardner! What can ah do for ya? And if ya don't mind me asking, what in Equestria are ya?"

"Hey, I'm Jacob. As for what I am, I'm a human."

"Human huh? Never heard of it, but nice to meet ya! Any friend of Dash is a friend of mine, besides that Gilda folk, she was just plain trouble."

Dash cuts in quickly, "AJ! I told you, we aren't friends anymore!" A mild blush forms on her face.

"Gilda? You never told me about her. Another one of your pony friends?"

"No! I said we aren't friends, and she's a griffon!"

"A griffon? Aren't they dangerous?" You actually get a slight shiver up your spine, just hearing that griffons roam here.

"I guess if she wanted to, she could be dangerous. But Gilda isn't bad like that, she's just a bit of a trouble maker." Applejack shoots her a glare. "And hey, if she attacked me, she couldn't do anything to me! I'm too quick!" And out comes her ego.

You both decide now is a good time to head out, onto meet her next friend, after saying bye to Applejack.

"So, Dash, where are we going next?"

"Well, the closest place to hear is either Rarity or Pinkie Pie. I say we go to Rarity's first, we'll be stuck at Pinkie's forevvveeeeerrrrrr."

"Doesn't matter to me, if all of your friends are similar to Applejack, this'll be a piece of cake!"


You arrive at a boutique, and out of instinct you look at what's on display through the window, disappointed when they have no human clothing, even though you knew they wouldn't.

Dash knocks on the door, and after a short moment, the door opens with a light blue aura around it. You then see the unicorn, who you presume is Rarity, with her horn surrounded by an aura the same color as the door.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash an- OH MY CELESTIA! WHAT IS THAT?!" Rainbow is obviously disgruntled by Rarity's freakout.

"THAT THING is my friend, and his name is Jacob! He's a human and he's new here!" Both sides go quiet as Dash slowly moves from anger to embarrassment.

"Erm, I apologize if you took offense to my insulting comments, I was just shocked by your, er, height is all." She is obviously jittery still after her friend's meltdown. "I suppose I could take your measurements, seeing as your, uh, current 'clothing' is a bit worse for wear anyways."

"Don't sweat it! Seriously, everything is fine, that is a completely normal reaction to seeing a new species. For your offer, I will have to decline, as this suit is alright. I'm sure it'll make it another month or so." You aren't even lying, these suits are very well made and are perfect for a situation like this.

"Oh, well if that's the case, then I will return to my work. It was great to meet you, erm, Jacob!" She then slams the door to avoid Dash's fury for forgetting your name.

"The nerve of some ponies!" Dash exclaims.

"Nothing to go crazy over if you ask me, she just forgot my name."

"But she should've remembered it! She remember's everypony else's names except-" You cut her off and stop walking in the middle of the road.

"Rainbow, what's going on? I might not have known you for that long, but I know that nobody, or pony for that matter, acts like this just for simply forgetting a name or being shocked by a whole new species." You look at her with a confused and slightly angered face.

"It's- It's nothing. I just wanted all my friends to become friends with you too, and it's not going as awesome as I wanted it to." She puts on a forced small smile and cracks a small laugh.

You can't help but feel bad for her, she was just trying to make you feel at home, but-

Home. Speaking of home, where are you going to stay? You'd rather avoid sleeping back by the forest as you did the first night, but if that's the only option then so be it.

"So uh, Rainbow, not to change the topic or anything," you start, "but where do you recommend I sleep tonight? Are there any good inns or anything like that?"

Her face changes from slightly depressed to shock in an instant.

"Oh buck! I didn't even think about that, some friend I am." Why is she doing this to herself? Just beating herself and others up over such simple things. "Well, you could ask if Applejack will let you stay in her barn, but that probably won't be very comfortable. I would let you crash at my place, but you can't walk on clouds unless- that's it!"

She exclaims, a huge smile on her face.

"Twilight has this pendant or amulet thingy that can let you walk on clouds!"

"Walk on clouds? That's ludicrous! And how do we know it would even work for me? I'm not a pony!"

"It's our best option right now unless you want to sleep on the grass by the forest again!" A mischevious smile takes form.

"Well if that's how it's going to be then I guess we will have to try."

"I guess so." Her smile still strong.