Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem!

by Gpizano

Salacious Scheming Seamstresses -or- DAYUM GURL!

Seriously? Again?

Yes, yes I know it's the other really popular pairing but-

... ugh, I don't care if this thing got views and a couple comments after the last chapter, it's obvious that no one wants to read this story.

Huh? .... really? ... and you'll give me photos of what she's going to wear this chapter?

... ahem, very well then, for the sake of professionalism as a narrator...

It was a sunny summer late morning in the quiet hamlet of Ponyville! Everyone was going about their daily lives, blah, blah, blah, but getting right to the good part, we focus on our lovable if dense blonde farmer making her way to a certain shop in the town. Said shop was none other than Carousel Boutique, owned by the lovely and fashionable Rarity. After yesterday Applejack was a little troubled by how Rainbow Dash had been acting, but she would have to figure out how to approach the Arion later since she had promised Rarity she would be a model for some designs she'd made. While it was an odd request since Applejack wasn't into such fancy smancy things, Rarity had been kind enough to come over the night she'd gotten out of the hospital to see how she was doing. That and if she didn't she was sure the fashionista would act all dramatic, then say something, then the waterworks and then Applejack would finally say yes, worked just as well to skip all the rigmarole at the time.

She gave a few quick knocks on the door, loud enough it was guaranteed to catch Rarity's attention on the off chance that she had gotten caught up in her work. However the blonde was surprised that in just a couple seconds the door opened, revealing said fashionista who looked excited at first but reeled it in. After all, despite what she had planned she couldn't seem so excited as to cause suspicion! So Rarity put on a more charming and sultry smile as she leaned against the door frame.

"Right on time Applejack, do come in."

With a smile and a nod, Applejack followed the other into her shop and was soon directed to the changing room where she was handed the outfit she would be trying on.

"Uh, Rares? Seems a little tight and not much there... and a little uh..."

"I know darling but the one who ordered it had.... specific tastes in mind."

When Applejack had changed and stepped out, it took all of Rarity's will to not outright drool at the sight before her. The blonde was wearing a black crop top, a pair of jean shorts, black doc neightin boots, Applejack had even put on the studded leather collar and wristbands! Over all it was a sort of high fashion punk look and it had been made to perfectly fit the blonde's measurements that Rarity had on file. Everything was on display, from the washboard stomach that had a delicious hint of definition in the abs, the dreamy muscular arms, the well endowed chest, all the way down to the farmer's tight rear and long, toned legs.

... this is still within T-rating right?

"Dunno who'd wanna wear this. Not exactly mah cup o' tea if'n ya' know what Ah mean."

"But you definitely pull off the look darling."

Smiling and with an unseen predatory glint in Rarity's eye, the Hrimfaxi woman circled the unsuspecting farmer, eying each and every inch of her body.

"Yes, you pull it off very well. But I do have a confession darling, I needed you here for much more than a fitting."

Looking curiously to Rarity, she watched as the woman sashayed over to the changing room, picking something up along the way before closing the door.

"I also needed a fresh eye to see if this order is up to task. You see, there is an up and coming pop star that needed something special for her act. She is about my size so I believe it is best I take this outfit for a... test drive if you will."

Of course coming right out and saying how she felt would be so unlady-like. Not to mention it had to be Applejack who made the choice, so Rarity was determined to make the winning move today and have the blonde all over her! When she stepped out, she smirked upon seeing the farmer do a double take, and for good reason! The Hrimfaxi woman was dressed in the sort of get up Applejack figured was supposed to be worn under clothing, not as an outfit itself. Rarity was dressed in lacy garments, what seemed to be a bra and thing along with stockings and a garterbelt, and fingerless gloves, all in red and white colors, with straps that hung off here and there, yet doing nothing to hide the woman's curves as everything seemed to accentuate her assets.


"Well darling? What do you think?"


Chuckling softly, Rarity slunk over to the gobsmacked farmer, pressing but a finger to the Macha woman's chest to make her step backward before the back of her legs hit the back of the fashionista's fainting couch, which Applejack would swear hadn't been there a second ago. Applejack gulped softly as Rarity leaned over, presenting an eye full if the blonde so chose to take in the view.

"U-Uh... this part o' that... that um... test drive?"

"Mmm, you could say that. The act my client is going for is very, risque. Splits, the movement of her hips, the way she moves her body... I have to be sure this outfit is up to the task and I'll need you to keep an eye out for any wardrobe malfunctions. So shall we get started-?"



Ugh.... both women turned their heads to look towards the door, a very flustered and blushing Fluttershy quickly closing the door behind her as she took up the mantle of this chapter's cock blocker. Wait, is that a term you use when it's two women? Either way it makes the point.

"U-Um, y-you were l-late for o-our spa date, R-Rarity."

"Darling... that isn't until Friday."

"O-Oh? R-Really? I... I must have g-gotten the dates mixed up."

Standing up straight and putting her hands on her hips, the look Rarity gave could cut through solid steel as she glared at Fluttershy, ever so sure that the Arion woman was completely full of shit. When she glanced back over to the couch, she found that Applejack had slipped away and soon reappeared from the changing room, dressed in her usual attire with the other clothes left folded on a chair by said changing room.

"Um, sorry Rares. This kinda thing is a bit too much fer me. Ah gotta' get back to the farm n' get to mah chores. See ya' later, you too Fluttershy."

The rattled farmer was gone before either woman could say a word, Rarity's arms now crossed as she returned the full force of her glare on Fluttershy as the timid woman actually did a decent job of standing her ground and giving the other a disapproving look.

"Really Fluttershy, that was very indecent of you."

"... no more than you acting worse than a cat in heat..."

"What was that?"
