Foal's and Household Tales: by Mordread and Draco Grim

by OkieDokieLokie


Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, Twist, Dinky Doo, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were having a campout in the Sweet Apple Acres barn. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon did not attend willingly. Filthy Rich had demanded that his daughter attend the campout in a desperate attempt to improve her social skills. She had demanded that her best friend come, so she wouldn’t be alone with, “a bunch of losers, lame-os, and blank flanks.” Most of the group had settled down in a large pile of hay, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were sitting on pillows they had brought from home. The sun had set, and the fillies were gathered around a lantern on the floor, debating on what to do.
“Mah brother and sister don’t want us wanderin’ around the orchard after dark, so we can’t go outside.” Apple Bloom severely limited their options.
“This campout stinks!” Said Diamond Tiara, for the umpteenth time. “I’m only here because Dad threatened to cut off my allowance.”
“Why don’t you stop complaining and think of something to do.” Scootaloo was tired of Diamond Tiara’s complaining.
“I have an idea!” Dinky chimed in. “I brought a book of scary stories. We can take turns reading them.” She pulled a large book out of her saddlebags.
Silver Spoon grabbed the book away from Dinky. “’Foal’s and Household Tales’? This is a book of Summerwing Tales, not scary stories.”
“Yeah, but it’s by Mordread and Draco Grim. The Brothers Grim wrote scary Summerwing Tales.” Dinky defended herself. “Besides, that’s the only scary book the Dragon at the library would let me check out.” She added, sheepishly. “So, do we read, or not?”
“I think it could be fun,” said Twist.
“I’m in,” the Cutie Mark Crusaders chimed in all at once.
“Sure, why not?” added Silver Spoon.
The group looked at Diamond Tiara, who was still holding the book. “Fine, but you’d better not be wasting my time.” She opened the book and began reading out loud. “Rapunzel…”