Scars of the past.

by Sim D

Chapter 3: The Elites. Pt.2

Chapter 3

The Elites - Part 2.

'Right then' Frostbite continued. 'The next elite we'll be discussing might seem a little..strange. Okay, very strange.' Frostbite cleared his throat. 'This one is an earth pony, his name is Boo.'

'Boo?' Twilight raised her brow. 'Boo who?'

'Sheesh Twilight, you don't have to cry about it.' Rainbow Dash said and everypony shared a small giggle. Frostbite chuckled as well and then continued.

'Frankly, I'm not even sure how to describe Boo, for he is the most random pony I've ever met.'

'heh, spend sum' more time in Ponyville and you'll change ye'r mind in no time.' Applejack turned to look at Pinkie Pie.

'Trust me, you don't know Boo like i do. Let's just say, he's unique in our world, wether the good or the bad kind, you'll get to decide if you ever run in to him, which you propobly will.'

'Unique? Care to tell us about him in more detail?' Said Twilight.

'Well, that's what I've been doing this whole time, wasn't I?' Frostbite noticed how Twilight glared at him, obviously that was a little rude of him. he cleared his throat and continued.

'Well, you could say Boo is our "happy-go-lucky" group member. He has a unique character. While most ponies in our world are either always serious or frightened, Boo is the other side of the same coin. Meaning he is the same as us, erm..mostly, lives in the same world, but is always, and I mean always, happy and carefree.'

'Well, I'm glad somepony from your world is' Rarity stated.

'Yes, in a way, it's good that we have somepony like him always trying to cheer those in sad states. Most ponies are too busy to lend a hoof to others, but Boo just isn't affected by any negative emotions. Well, atleast I've never seen him being sad or depressed. Oh, and since you want to know every detail, I should tell you that he has a huge craving for sweets.'

'Ooh, he sounds like fun' Said Pinkie.

'Pinkie, he's the enemy, remember?' Twilight asked rhetorically.

'Doesn't mean we can't make him our friend, does it? i mean, he wouldn't be our enemy anymore if he's our friend.'

'But how could we be-friend somepony who's attacking us?'

'Actually' Frostbite cutted in. 'Pinkie may have a point there.'

'She does?' said everypony, except Pinkie, who raised her head in pride for being right.

'As I said, Boo is very carefree and personally, I don't think he even cares about this whole "attacking Equestria" idea. If you can show how fun Equestria can be, perhaps offer him some of your catering delicacies, he might just turn against Ragnarok.'

'Well, that's a relief, but we still need to know about his element and what strategy we should use against him, in case he still refuses.' Twilight stated.

'Yes, you're right. His element is wind or air, whichever you prefer, and he wears a dagger around his chest, though I've never seen him use it before. He might just be the only one that can match-up to Clashe's speed. Before he was accepted in the elites, Ragnarok gave him a test. He had to defeat three of his best guards. And since he is one of the elites now, you can easily guess he passed it.'

'How did it go exactly?' Twilight asked.

'It all happened very fast. The second Ragnarok said: "begin", Boo started running around his opponents at such speed, I could see doubles, or even triples of him. He ran for a few seconds and then, in a blink of an eye, it looked as if he charged at them from three sides, and the guards were face-down on the ground. There were no signs of blood or cuts on the defeated guards, which is why I'm assuming he's never used that dagger of his, but if he did, then he's a master with it, despite his wacky attitude.'

'Wow..Just what exactly is he?' Rainbow Dash asked nervously.

'He's just Boo, there's just no way I could describe him better than by his name. Like I said: unique. And this is exactly why you should do your best to be-friend him, instead of starting a fight you propobly wouldn't win.'

'Good advice' Said Twilight. 'Now what about the other unicorn? Don't suppose we could talk him out of attacking Equestria too?'

'The second unicorn's name is Sir Rapier and, propobly by coincidence, he wields a rapier sword. And believe me, he knows how to use it.'

'I'm sorry, didn't hear that, use what?' Pinkie asked.

'A rapier'

'I thought his name was Rapier?'

'His name is Rapier'

'So he's a sword? I thought you said he's a unicorn?'

'HE IS A UNI-...' Frostbite paused for a second. 'You're just messing with me, aren't you?'

Pinkie Pie giggled 'Ahh, looks like you got me, I thought I could make this last longer, you're good.'

Frostbite just looked at Pinkie with a poker face. 'Aaanyway, Rapier's element is water and-'

'PAhaha, water? What's he gonna do, make it rain on us?' Rainbow Dash almost fell off her chair from laughing.

'No, he can't create rain-storms, but he could flood Ponyville, if he concentrated hard enough.'

'Oh..' Rainbow sat back down.

'Well, perhaps I exaggerated a little. I mean, he could flood a small town like Ponyville, but only if there was a huge lake or an ocean close to it. For as much as I know, he shouldn't eb able to conjure up enough water on his own.'

'So, it's a type of magic that needs recources then?' Twilight asked.

'Yes, although he can make small amounts of water himself, for his power to be at it's full potential, he would require a vast, natural resource of it.'

'So then, I'm guessing the right strategy against him would be - not letting him get near to any source of water?'

'Has anypony told you "You're too smart for your own good"?'

'I'll take that as a compliment.' Twilight blushed slightly.

'You guessed the right strategy. however, Rapier isn't naive, he might quickly see through your plan. Being the element of water, he can sence it in places none of you can see. He can find water deep under-ground, in the trees and the grass. After all, every licing thing ahs some water in them.'

'So much for "Not letting him near water" ' Rainbow Dash stated.

'Well, besides having to battle him, you might be able to persuade him into joining you cause.'

'Persuade him?' Rarity asked 'How?'

'His power may be destructive, but he is quite the gent on the inside, if I do say so myself. While he is skilled in combat, both close and from afar, he often chooses to use his persuasive speeches to avoid conflict. He's even able to talk Ragnarok out of using unnecessary violance. He once told me: "Power is often the key to victory, but it comes in many forms.". In his case, he chose the power of words.'

'Well, I'm glad to hear that atleast one of them is civilized.'

'So, that just leaves one more pony.' Twilight finished her tea. 'And if I'm not mistaken, his element is fire, right?'

'Correct. Last, but definitely not least, is Sear Wing. I know I've said that you shouldn't confront any of the elites alone, but whatever you do, never, and I mean never, try to take on Sear alone.'

'What's the big deal about this dude?' Rainbow asked.

'I'll get to that, but first, I think you should get to know him better before judging him.'

'I-Is he really dangerous?' Fluttershy asked.

'Fluttershy, all the elites are dangerous. But Sear, he's a bit different, and I dare say in a good way. About his personality, well..He's rather quiet and pretty much harmless most of the time. He likes being around his friends the elites, because only around them he becoems more open-minded. Sometimes I have a chat with him aswell, but royal duties come first. Other then that, it is nearly impossible to anger or provoke him into violance. Even by being an elite, I've seen our guards treat him with little respect, sometimes he's even bullied by them. But he just doesn't seem to react to all that. I can't think of another pony who's as passive and forgiving as he is.'

'Ah can think o' one pony' Applejack turned her head to Fluttershy.

'Well, if he wasn't forced to fight against you, I'm sure you'd come to like him.'

'Wait a minute, forced?' Twilight asked

'Ah yes, I forgot to mention. Sear Wing wanted to avoid having to participate in this upcoming war at any cost. Before we arrived here, I've seen him ask, beg, and even demand Ragnarok that he wouldn't be a part of this plan. But sadly, as I expected, Ragnarok denied him his pleads.'

'So if he hates violance so much, why did join the elites?'

'I never said Sear joined us. Just like he is forced to be here in Equestria, he was forced into the elite ranks by Ragnarok after...' Frostbite lowered hsi head 'After that night that decided his place in the elites.'

The ponies looked at eachother, worried. 'What happened?' Fluttershy asked.

'This is the part where I tell you why you musn't engage combat with him. It happened about a year ago, when I decided to take a walk around the castle grounds at night. All was silent as it should be, but then, in the direction of our closest village, I heard our subjects panic and scream in terror. I walked up on a ledge and saw smoke and fire coming out of it, and between all that smoke and fire, a massive dragon.' The ponies gasped. 'I saw how our five elites were fighting him, but even together, they stood no chance. Carter was overpowered, Rapier's water couldn't extinguish the dragon's flame, Clash's lighting strikes couldn't go through the dragons tough scales, Boo's speed wasn't enough, even Arcane's magic couldn't bring him down. It wasn't long until they were all down, while I was still only half-way to the village. But then I witnessed something completely unexpected: A pegasus, standing right in front of the dragon, untouched by his spreading fires, was trying to talk to him.'
Everypony's eyes widened as they continued to listen to Frostbite speaking.
'I couldn't make out what he was saying to the dragon, but just as I was about to land, a flare of fire emitted around Sear and the dragon. It almost felt like an explosion, as I was knocked down on the ground. When I finally came to, the battle was over. Carter came up to me and helped me stand up and after that, I was stunned from what I saw.'

'What was it?' The ponies asked simultaneously.

'The dragon, the beast that not even the five elites fighting together couldn't stop it..'



'Yes?!' The ponies were both frightened and eager to hear what happened

'...Can I have some more tea?'


'Sorry, you just looked Way too serious.' Frostbite chuckled and cleared his throat. 'The dragon was laying breathless next to Sear Wing.'

The ponies gasped. 'So, he took out the dragon all by himself?' Rainbow asked.

'It would seem so. But what seemed a victory to the other five and the villagers, Sear saw this as a terrible act.'

'How so? Ah' mean, sure it ain't easy doin' somethin' like that, but he did save that town.' Applejack asked.

'Or what's left of it, anyway. I slowly approached Sear and when I was right behind him, he turned his head to me, weeping. He said the dragon didn't listen to him and that he had no choice but to stop it. He just sat there, motionless, overwhelmed from what he had done. That's when Ragnarok appeared before us. He took a look around and saw his village burned and the dragon who did it - killed. Then he turned to Sear and that's when he offer-no, not offered, but decided that Sear would have a place in the castle elites.'

'What a jerk!' Rainbow shouted 'His own village was in danger and all he did was eat popcorn and watch?!'

'I-I'm not sure about the popcorn, but he's been suspecting Sear for having these powers for a while now and I guess this dragon attack was like an unexpected test. I felt sorry for Sear that night,but what choice did he have? He might be powerful, but on the inside - he's soft and didn't have the courage to refuse Ragnarok. After he joined us, he was silent for about a week, until Boo decided to befriend him. It wasn't long until he finally got used to being around the others. Guess I should be glad we had somepony like Boo to cheer him up.'

'Poor colt, he had to go through all that..' Fluttershy lowered her head.

'Ok, so that's everypony, right?' Twilight asked.

'Yes, I've told you all you need to know about the elites. Will that be all, your highness?'

'This upcoming battle may be the biggest threat Equestria has ever experienced. Thank you, Frostbite, for helping us in this time of need. My little ponies, it is getting late, return home and get some rest, for we do not know when the enemy might stike and we will need to be at our guard.'

'*Yaawn* Ah wouldn't mind for a lil' shut-eye' Applejack stood up and walked towards the exit, followed by the others.

'Frostbite, if it would be alright with you, would you consider staying in the castle for the time being? There is something else i want to discuss.' Celestia asked.

'I understand, very well.' Frostbite stood and waved the other six goodbye, then went to the throne room, where princess Celestia and Luna were waiting for him.

'Tell me, Frostbite, what do you know about an alicorn Brave Heart?' Celestia asked.

'Well, for one thing, that's what you call him, but his real name is Crimson Heart and he is my older brother.'

'Brother?' Celestia and Luna said in unison. Then Celestia continued 'Please, you must tell us why he turned against us that night all those years ago.'

'From what I can gather, he didn't turn against you because he wanted to, it was because Ragnarok ordered him to, against his own will. He may still have his mind, his emotions and memories of you, but his body is practically under Ragnarok's control.'

'So, he may still be saved from Ragnarok's foul binds?' Luna asked.

'I believe so, yes. Plus, considering Ragnarok has returned to our world, hopefully for a long while, his binding should be much weaker around Crimson.'

Celestia sighed "Thank goodness.' A single tear formed in her eyes.

'I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?'

'Oh, no it's..It's nothing.' She wiped her tear away. 'It is already late, Frostbite, you should rest aswell, the guards will show you to your room.'

'Thank you, your highness' Frostbite turned to Luna and tipped his head in a "Farewell" manner 'Princess Luna.' He was then escorted by the guards to his room.

Celestia proceeds to her own room 'Good night, Luna.'

'Oh, yes, sleep well, sister.' Before leaving the throne room, Luna glimpsed at Frostbite one more time, before he closed the door to his room.

A few hours had passed since everypony left to rest. Luna, being the ruler of the night, stays awake and gazes at the moon from the royal gardens. She then notices a figure standing in a distance. She comes closer to inspect it and is surprised when she sees Frostbite, gazing at the same moon she had.

'Sir Frostbite, art thou not tired? Surely this day must have been stressful?'

'Oh, Evening your highness, no I am not at all tired. And even if I was, I love night time far too much just to waste it on sleep.'

'Thou enjoyest the night?'

'Daytime is fun and all, but it's the night I truly enjoy. It's peaceful, it reveals the stars from hiding, it just calms the mind. Plus it is slightly colder and that's much better for me.'

'We see.' Luna couldn't help but smile, nopony has complimented her night like Frostbite for a long time...For a thousand years to be exact.

'But what of you? Not tired at all?'

'We are the rulers of the night, just like our sister is the ruler of day. It is our responsibility to keep watch of the night, until day our sister rises the sun.'

'Power over the sun and moon. I must admire you for having such great responsibility.'

'Y-You flatter us.' Luna felt embarrassed.

'Well, since it's only the two of us here, perhaps we should get to know eachother better? Since the night is still young and we'll most likely see eachother everday and night...?'

'We would love to have you as company'

They both smiled and strolled around the garden in the peaceful night. With Frostbite on their side, the ponies may rest soundly...For now.

To be continued...