//------------------------------// // Month 2: Day 17: A Crude A-shake-ning (Celestia's POV) (Part 1) // Story: The Generals Sister // by Shizuo35 //------------------------------// Its two in the morning. Sun isnt even up yet and neither is anyone else for that matter except for Luna and her guards. My time in Appleoosa was fun. The look on Applejack's cousin's face was just priceless when I stepped off the train with Soarin and Scootaloo. Soarin dealt with the pain for a while until he was given a sedative that just made him loopy as hell. It was pretty funny. He said things that made Scootaloo laugh, made me laugh and thankfully not muzzle him like i do to unruly prisoners.... yeah... I do that. But this day isnt about that. Soarin is staying in his quarters just down the hall and Scootaloo in her bed. I was just sound asleep in my bed when suddenly things started shaking. I woke right up and heard screaming from Scootaloo's room. Obviously I knew what to do in this situation. I dove right under the bed and hid away with my head covered. In times of need- (sweet mother this is getting repetitive but you know) believe it or not my bed is built sturdy. Built so sturdy to hold my ever growing ass and up to a ton of debris that falls onto it. Reason I went into here was because the guards rush to protect anyone who is with me including themselves. This was just a massive earth quake. My bed was jumping up and down, I heard glass shattering and the diaper cabinet in my room fell over breaking open. It took maybe.... Oh what felt like a few minutes to me for the shaking to stop. I waited till things were calm before carefully crawling out from under my bed just a tad scared. Just as I got to my feet I ran over to Scootaloo's door almost busting it open. There I see Scootaloo and my guard on the floor just climbing out from under her bed. "Is everyone alright in here?" I asked. The guard looked to me and immediately looked away just as Scootaloo rushed me crying wearing a night gown and yes I had to diaper her up. The night we slept in Appleoosa she had an accident thinking her brother was dead from a nightmare she had or something.... I looked down and forgot I was dressed in nothing but my underwear but at the time I didnt care. "Yeah.... Yes everyone's okay in here." He said. "Just a little frightened filly. ...Maybe a bruised knee on my part but we're fine." He rubbed his knee a bit. I picked Scootaloo up and felt her just soaking wet. "...Hey hey.... I gotcha.... You're okay...." I shushed her slightly. "....Just a little earthquake... Nothing to hurt you or me...." I looked to my guard. "Have a chopper get us off the ground. Who know's how long before another one hits." He nodded. "Right away princess!" He ran right out of Scootaloo's door into the hall and just disappeared. I looked back to Scootaloo who just gripped me tightly. "...Here... Why dont we go check on Soarin? Gotta make sure he's okay right?" Scootaloo gave a nod into my shoulder sniffling. She looked up at me just as we left the room. The damage I saw was a tad devastating. Mostly things thrown to the ground but holy hell my foyer was littered with broken glass. "....I-I want Ryder....Th-that was scary....." She said. I shushed her just stroking her mane. "...Sweetie I'll send a letter when we get somewhere stable... Dont wanna send a sloppy letter do we?" She shook her head. "...Ryder has enough to worry about right now too.... He's still injured, he has to at least rest for another week and... He has to focus on something I'm having him do... Its important he keeps trying for this. Otherwise he could mess something up." Yeah.... I havent done this yet but Ryder requested for me to let the Apple Family see their deceased parents and grandmother in exchange he tries for a peace agreement with the nation we are at war with. Luna has provided him with things they agreed on and things they wont agree on and even gave him a few ideas on what to talk about with them. I'm just waiting for mother to give the go ahead by giving me a sign. So far father is scaring the manure out of us. Probably deterring me from doing it but Ryder wants Applejack happy, AJ had a traumatic experience with her parents and Applebloom never knew her parents. Mother is quite fond of Scootaloo and her brother after meeting them. Anyways I stopped gasping a bit. I flew up just as everything shook again. Scootaloo screamed again and tightened her grip on me. It was weird seeing things jump and sway whilst floating in the air. I did hear a few guards yell out a bit but I didnt hear anything break. Things calmed down again and I landed on the ground just hurrying around debris towards Soarin's room where I see a guard coming out with Soarin being dragged behind him who was cringing in pain. The guard looked to me a bit worried. "I got him away from any flying debris but couldnt save him from knocking his bad wing against the wall during that aftershock." He said. "Should I administer pain killers and get him somewhere he isnt gonna be hurt?" I sighed putting Scootaloo on my back. "Administer the pain killers and get some shoes for all of us. We're going up in a chopper and the front is covered in glass from the chandelier and the windows. I need someone here to survey the damage and make sure nobody loots the damage." The guard nodded and let me take control of Soarin before he ran downstairs. I carefully stood Soarin up with my magic and looked to his face. Soarin was wearing a tank top and some basketball shorts. Scootaloo reached forth and wiped a tear of pain away from his eyes. "Soarin! Soarin you're okay just a little bump! How's the pain?" Soarin opened one eye still struggling to not yell out. "....M-might as well... rip my wing off...." He said choking it back. I looked back at Scootaloo. "Plug your ears. I gotcha...." I wrapped my wings around Scootaloo holding her in place as she plugged her ears bracing herself. I looked back to Soarin. "Go on just let it out!" Soarin reeled back for a second and before he could scream it out he put his hands over his mouth muffling his screams of horrid pain before just letting his sobs free. I sighed and wiped his tears away. "...That bad huh...?" He nodded getting his own footing and nuzzling up to me. Scootaloo wrapped her arms on me again and patted Soarin's head a bit. "Dont worry... that pain will be gone in a bit... Just hold on. Sit down if you need to and maybe hold Scootaloo.... She's frightened...." He didnt even hesitate dropping to the floor crossing his legs. I took Scootaloo off my back and handed her to him and they instantly hugged. Scootaloo was even careful of his wing. "....H-hey... I'm here for ya.... no need to be scared.... Just.... just a little movement...." I gave a little smile. "Here.... You guys wait here for the guard. I need a little bug out bag with some padding and some clothes for me to wear. Even some slippers for you and I Scoot. You wanna get any shoes you have Soarin? You can take Scootaloo with you if you wish." He gave a nod and carefully got up before walking with her in his arms back to his room. I quickly hurried back towards my room just dipping into my closet for a moment and getting a night gown to cover my flank before going back into my room flipping the diaper cabinet over and getting a bag ready with my magic. I stuffed three of my diapers into it, four of Scootaloo's, some powder, a box of wipes and a few candy bars from the manehattan mall trip that ruined the day for me when Scootaloo was mad at me. Just a few to hold us over for a bit if needed. We can get drinks in the chopper if you remember. Anyways I put some slippers on and hurried back out of my room rushing down towards Soarin's room again. A slight tremor rocked me a bit but it didnt effect me much. I heard Scootaloo scream slightly but it was quickly cut off. As I entered Soarin's room it was littered with clothing and the bed was a mess. Spitfire tells me this is how his sleeping area usually is. He was just tying his sneakers on while Scootaloo was just hugging her legs scared. She saw me and sprang right up hugging me. "...I... I wanna go home..." She said. "....I... I want my big brother......" I sighed sitting her down and wiggling her slippers on before lying her back to change her. I looked back at Soarin for a moment. "Soarin grab anything you can to entertain yourself and keep your eyes away.... Someone needs a little change for a moment." He nodded and started digging into a drawer in his nightstand. I looked back to Scootaloo who was blushing as she rubbed her tired eyes as I proceeded. "....Sweetie I can contact Luna so you would be able to see your brother but going home isnt an option... with the epicenter of that quake and our luck there could be some structural damage to a lot of houses in Ponyville and... Well we wanna make sure nothing is busted... I dont want to be there only to have the roof cave in trapping you in your brothers room..." She whimpered a bit staring at Soarin making sure that he wasnt watching. Just to make sure she felt okay I blocked him with my wing getting a fresh diaper for her and the box of wipes ready. "....C-can we at least see if my friends are okay....? Please?" "Look.... I'll send a car to both of your friends places and get them to a safe area, same with their families... Your friends should be safe if they can get into the air but I think Dash's home and Cloudsdale would be safe...." I hummed thinking as I took a moment thinking. I gasped a bit. I remembered something from something Twilight did a while ago. She found a spell to give her and her non pegasus friends the bone structure of pegasai so they can stand on clouds. The only one she forgot to do that to was Rarity and you bet Spike was wetting his pants seeing Rarity plummet from the sky during a Wonderbolts show. That's when I took my phone out with my magic. I floated it back to Soarin for a moment. "Soarin here. I need you to call Princess Twilight on my cell phone! Make sure she's okay and tell her to bring her friends to Rainbow Dash's place! Make sure she uses a spell on all of them." I heard Soarin give a sound of agreement before he got up from his bed and walked out. Scootaloo sniffled as I finished up with her change. "....So... We arent going to see my friends?" I shook my head as I fixed her clothes and picked her up again. "...But... They will be okay wont they...?" I gave another nod. "...They will be fine.... I promise you that...." I picked her up and hugged her but no faster than I did that another aftershock hit. This one was just tiny enough to scare us but not last long. Scootaloo yelped but I just kept us steady. I just tossed the bag over my shoulder again and hurried out. As we walked out into the hall hurriedly Soarin is just hanging up my phone and huffing. "Any luck?" I asked taking my phone in my magic. Soarin huffed looking to me as we proceeded downstairs towards a few guards who were using push brooms to sweep the glass to a corner. Smart. "No luck. She didnt answer. Must've lost it in a panic." He said. "We oughta be okay as long as we can get somewhere safe." Honestly at this point I could swear it was a dream. A bad one. I was hoping Luna was either pranking me, telling me Scootaloo was extremely scared or that Soarin was in an immense amount of pain. But.... This was all too real. I know because I stepped on a rock (which I hope wasnt glass) and it pushed up one spot under my slippers and it hurt. No dream. Guards outside were scrambling around making sure the outer wall was structurally sound. Night air felt cool on my face as warm as it was as we carefully made our way towards a transport truck. A guard approached us and saluted as Soarin took Scootaloo and entered the truck. "This truck will take you to Ponyville where the chopper will take you out." He said. "I have also gotten word from the guards there that Twilight and her friends weren't even in Ponyville when the quake hit." Finally a load off my mind. Scootaloo poked her head out but Soarin was trying to get her back in but she kept fighting it. "What about my friends? Are they okay?!" She asked panicked. I huffed. "Scootaloo sit down!" I snapped. She still struggled looking as if she were about to wet herself again and just cry out. I looked to the guard. I didnt say anything but he sighed and rolled his eyes just out of view of Scootaloo before looking to her. "Your friends are safe as well, I made sure of it myself." He said trying to sound not as sarcastic as it was worded. "Now be a good filly and sit down! Okay?" Scootaloo whimpered slightly and slowly stopped struggling. Soarin basically dragged her back in like he was mad but I knew he was just cranky. I looked to my guard giving a smile. "Thank you.... And Soarin's pain meds?" He dug into his pocket really quick and pulled out a little blister pack of white tablets. "Here. These things help me with some pretty bad pain if I'm ever in any. Used to have kidney stones but havent had any since then." I smiled slightly and took the pills before getting in to the truck. "Make sure you aid in cleaning things up in there. Make sure the other rooms arent damaged and make sure nopony thinks about absconding with some 'damaged' property!" Yeah.... I remember when I was in Manehattan after an earthquake hit there. A few fire fighter ponies were going through a building which was damaged badly by the quake but instead of saving ponies trapped in their homes and in the rubble (which there werent any thank goodness) they had their pockets full of bits, pocket watches and even jewels! Do they think they dont get paid enough for what they do? They get paid plenty but these guys got sick of it and took up looting which cost them their jobs and they lost respect among their peers and community. Gladly they didnt lose it like that guard did... He's still awaiting his day. Anyways I closed the door just in time because Scootaloo started bawling. I took her from her seat as I took mine laying back in it. "....Scootaloo I know you're scared but they're okay.... where would your friends go if their family was outside of Ponyville?" She looked to me as I handed Soarin his pain medication. "...B-Big Mac never leaves.... He still has to be there!" She said. I sighed and pounded the floor for a moment making the cooler pop up. "...Okay okay fine we'll stop by Sweet Apple Acres and check if everyone there is okay... You just calm down and have a drink..." I used my magic and grabbed her a water bottle before setting her back on a seat where she could lie down. She took the water and sniffled a bit lying down. "....I know you're scared sweetie but... trust me.... if the Sweet Apple Acres home has stood during a freak storm and an accidental twister it can survive an earthquake." Story time! Cloudsdale screws up a lot but this time they really screwed up. They scheduled a twister at a few farms down in southern Equestria and someone miscalculated the position of the twister clouds and they ended up having to pay for a few bushels of apples, many torn homes and damaged vehicles... I actually helped out with some things like monument restoration and maybe I helped pay off some contractors to finish all their work with a little something extra to a few ponies. Including the Apple Family.... A major portion of their crop was unexpectedly destroyed. I paid them for almost every thing. Sauces, fritters and well... Everything they sell. Eh... Only cost me a few hundred bits for a few months worth. Anyways Soarin looked to me tired eyed but still awake luckily. "...I could swear the whole place was coming down when I woke up..." He said. "....I've been through hell when it comes to storms and stuff but... An earth quake? I've seen one over in Steurope from the air and.... It looked so weird to see but it was only a small one... This one HAD to have done more damage then break a few windows." I rubbed my eyes yawning as I looked to the window hiding our driver knocking on it twice. "I know... That was harsh but.... It couldnt have done more than structural damage to anything and maybe toppled a few shelving units in homes and markets around town. " The window rolled down revealing our pegasus driver. "Driver, set course for Sweet Apple Acres. Need to do a quick safety check there before we get into the chopper!" The guard nodded and rolled the window back up. I looked to Scootaloo who was just struggling to stay awake but losing the battle. I used my magic and brought her back over to me holding her close. Soon she just passed out. The crying, the waking up to an earth quake.... I felt that took more out of her than when she got blood drawn and passed out during our workout. "...You know Soarin... if I didnt take her in for her brother he might've gone AWOL and stayed with her.... Maybe dumped her with Shining and had him care for her way away from her friends... may have even pissed herself just looking out over the balcony of the castle there... Dunno how she would've gotten to The Crystal Empire but... she would fight and cry the whole way there...." Soarin sighed. "...Think of where she'd be without her brother... Princess Twilight called us out as a favor just to cheer her up and... when I heard what happened to her I wanted to devote any free time i had by just... just helping her with anything she needed.... Never told anyone... Not even Spitfire because I know she wouldnt ever approve... She never approves anything I want for a little free time... She's just so...." "Strict?" Soarin nodded moving seats to where Scootaloo was sitting before. "Ah.... Well... She's the leader of the wonderbolts and sometimes power can go to their heads thinking they can order anything and have someone do it... You're familiar with the changelings right?" He nodded a bit looking curious. "Well Chrysalis, their queen was a princess along with her sisters. Chrysalis controlled the animals and her sisters controlled the weather and the crops. Their citizens of which they ruled over got so much food depending on their classing, and the weather there caused sicknesses that eventually got worse and next thing you know there is an uprising. During that uprising Chrysalis orders her sister who controlled the weather to start a deluge to flood the streets but her sister refused and left among the chaos. Their youngest sister went to seek comfort from her eldest sister but when she got into her room she had undergone a horrific transformation into the love hungry changeling queen and her sister was her first victim to be changed into a changeling. Then it was her citizens and now they run rampant through an underground cavern somewhere in Equestria sealed by the Elements of Harmony after the incident with the wedding." "I remember that. Everyone was freaking out. Saw some of it on TV too.... How much you wanna bet it caused a lot of ponies to freak out thinking they were next. Lucky it was cleared up later...." Yeah I went on national TV saying the changeling attack has been thwarted and the wedding was put back on track. I didnt even want the happy couple to be bothered with it. I took all the press, said what I needed to say and sent them on their merry way. Anywho story aside I looked to Scootaloo stroking her mane. "...I bet her mommy and daddy are looking out for her and her brother..." I looked to Soarin. "...maybe we can go somewhere in the chopper. I can give everyone some soundproof ear buds and we could head to Cloudsdale after we check on her friends. Would you mind watching her while I run up to the door when we get there?" He gave a nod and just leaned over a bit taking Scootaloo from my arms gently. Best to give him control of her than to move her when we stop. He sighed slightly as he lied on his side putting Scootaloo between him and the back of the seat with his bad wing facing upwards. "...There.... The pain killers are kicking in finally and I'm just.... They are making me fly even with a bum wing...." Note to self.... Make sure the pain pills they're taking dont make them completely numb. Or at least limit their dosage even if it is for a large amount of pain.... I dont know I'd have to consult them and their medicators. "...Just rest Soarin and make sure she doesnt wake up screaming like a banshee please.... I dont wanna have her restrained until she passes out again..." He gave me a thumbs up and just cuddled with the sleeping filly. ...i dont know if I said this or not but.... it makes me think that's Ryder she's with... He just fits his spot almost perfectly if we needed to replace him... give her a glimmer of hope for a good life. The ride took a while because a few aftershocks still rocked us but they didnt force us off the road. Driver kept us steady while I held Soarin and Scootaloo in place but... I didnt know how long I'd be able to stay awake. Each moment I was growing more and more tired. But I fought with sugary drinks. Nothing too stimulating but it got the job done. Once we got to Sweet Apple Acres I heard my drivers door open and had him rush around to the door. I didnt even give him time before opening it myself and stepping out into the cool night air once more. A few apple trees were knocked over by the quake but the house stood strong as ever. Lights were on and I heard no crying. I looked to my guard. "Was the journey alright? No bumps or bruises?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. Nothing like that. Just watch them. I'm going up to the door. Just trust me. I know the ponies who live here." The guard nodded and climbed in just as I started walking towards the door. When I got to the door another tremor shook me but it only lasted but a moment just causing a slight scream from inside. I couldnt tell who it was but they were scared. I balanced myself knocking on the door. "Big MacIntosh? Is everyone alright in there?" I heard a little rustling and someone move something around before the door opened revealing Big Mac in sweat pants and with a pot on his head. "...C-celestia? That you?" He said. I gave a nod pushing the door open more only to see Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both with pots on their heads sitting on the couch both covered by a blanket. "....That earthquake scared the livin' tar outta me... You and Scootaloo okay?" I gave a nod looking back to the truck. "Yeah... She fell asleep in the truck with Soarin on the way over... She had me come over here and check on her friends... they okay in there?" Big Mac looked back at his sister and her friend. "Yeah... Found em hiding in the closet after the first aftershock.... Damn near pissed mahself..." Applebloom uncovered herself revealing some apple themed feety pajamas and hopped off the couch coming towards me. "....Y-y'cant make earthquakes... can ya princess....?" She asked. I shook my head. That's when she looked back at Sweetie Belle. "I told ya! She cant do that! Y'were just freakin' out for nothing!" She looked back at me smiling and blushing embarrassed. I had a feeling she was hiding something like that was her question. Big Mac sighed removing the pot from his little sisters head before she scurried off. "Sorry there... She just woke up before that earth quake from a nightmare... That quake just.... If AJ were here she'd be callin' for you-know-who for some comfort... Exactly why she's with her friends instead of here. Not seeing his car makes her think he aint here and he dont love her no more...." He looked back at Sweetie Belle and Applebloom who finally just lied down passing out together. "Speakin of him... How's his sister doing?" I sighed looking back at the truck. "Passed out right as we pulled up... Screamed during the quake and just all out lost it.... She even wanted to see her big brother but... I cant do it... I cant let her see Ryder.... He's recovering and in good spirits from what I'm hearing... but... seeing or hearing from her might just make him miss home even more...." I said hanging my head slightly. I looked back at him. "...Luna told me not to bother him after something the other night. Not sure what it was but... She said it'd be best to leave him be... You understand right?" He nodded. "... Well.. I should let you go back to bed... I need to head to a chopper bound for Cloudsdale... Make Scootaloo wake up to a surprise and a place i know she's gonna be happy and safe..." Big Mac sighed as I looked back. "Y'mind waiting for a moment? I gotta put these two back into AJ's room... Since she aint here I gotta do somethin' with it..." I gave a nod and leaned against the door jam yawning as he went back and picked his sister up along with Sweetie Belle throwing both of them over his shoulders. Neither of them stirred. I looked back at the truck and saw everything was content and the guard just sitting in the doorway of the back seat. But... A thought crossed my mind.... If this quake caused some damage to my 'summer home' ... What could it have done to the Generals house? That's when I made my phone appear and started dialing. I didnt even put the phone up to my ear when I was connected. All I heard was civilians freaking out. "Princess Celestia here! I need someone to find the General's home and secure it! Make sure its safe, sound and take inventory of EVERYTHING THERE! I dont want no for an answer and I want it done NOW!" I didnt give them time to answer but I had a feeling they heard me. Anyways I waited for a moment and maybe about a minute later Big Mac is walking down stairs with a piece of paper in his hand. He just... held it out as he approached me. "...Here... My sis wrote this for Ryder... She was wondering if you could send it to him.... She just didnt know when she'd see ya again and... she wouldnt know if Twilight'd be able to send it so... I guess now's a good a time as any... No worries she didnt write anything she'd regret... looked it over myself... It's gonna make her day if I tell her the letter was sent..." I smiled a bit and took the letter. "Sure... I'll send it for her... And... In return I have a little information... I dont know if Applejack told you this but.... My sister tells me Ryder wanted me to put something together for you but... I want to wait for just the right moment to present it.... probably when Ryder is back at home... Safe and sound..." Big Mac smiled at me as he rubbed his tired eyes. "...Sounds like a plan.... I'll just act surprised when it happens... Y'just get on your way Princess.... We both need some sleep and you... I dont wanna see that pretty face of yours lookin' all droopy from lack of beauty sleep." I blushed a bit smiling a bit more. "Welll... You are right.... I shall leave you at once.... do be careful and.... Go check on Ryder's home once you get the chance later....If you run into any problems have them contact me. I'll allow you to get anything from his place you think he doesnt want taken if anyone decides to make a 'looting run' on it... My guards give you any lip tell them to answer to me. I'll tell them you're good." "Will do... I'll see ya soon just so we can find a time for Scoot to be with her friends...." I stepped away from the door and turned to the truck only to hear him shut the door. When I got back to the truck the guard wasted no time getting out and into the drivers seat. I got in to see Scootaloo just cuddled up to Soarin just so cutely i had to snap a picture. I'm actually putting a scrap book together for Ryder of all the cute and memorable moments he missed... Sure some of it is her asleep but oh well... still gotta show him. The ride to my chopper took about ten minutes because we went by Ryder's home and yes I did see about... four guard vehicles out front. When we got to the chopper I put noise canceling ear buds on everyone. I had to carry both Soarin and Scootaloo into the chopper awkwardly but I got them both in but Guards had to secure both of them into their seats. Once I secured myself I put some ear buds in and just like that i was out. Didnt take long for a dream realm to open up. I sat not in a chopper but a quaint little park just sitting on a swing. Something I wish my flank would allow. Then I just hear a familiar sigh. "...Oh to wish to be a filly once again.... Playing without a care in the world!" They said. I look over only to see my sweet sister in a track suit of her night sky blue hanging upside down on the swing set. I laughed slightly as my sister carefully climbed down. "Ah yes.... The fillies and colts play while we work endlessly..." I replied. "Didst thy hear what happened? Something ponies might have to work tirelessly to fix?" She looked to me curiously as she made a seat of sand that turned completely to stone. She sat in it just as i clenched my swing chains hard. "...There was a.... Massive... quake like the one father did to take down that entrance to Canterlot..." She gasped shocked at my words. "Tis true... Ask anyone in the vicinity of Ponyville. Ask Big Mac, even ask Scootaloo! Poor thing wet herself in the middle of the quake..." My sister got up and tackled me out of the swing hugging me. "Sister why hast thou not called after it hit? Are you okay? Is Scootaloo and your guards alright?" I sighed prying my sister off. "Yes yes I'm fine! I'm on my way to Cloudsdale and the Wonderbolts training facility so Scootaloo can wake up to a surprise and so I can get off the ground in case of another tremor.... For all I know I'm already there getting loaded onto a stretcher just for transport there." "...I'm glad but...." She sighed averting her gaze from mine. "...Why did father do such a thing...? Did thy do something father hates?" I shrugged. "Surely you must have done something to upset him but... what could it have been? He just doesnt do things like this for no reason!" I got up pushing my sister off of me just so I could get up but she knew i wasnt being mean. I just pushed her off because i was in a slight panic. "True but... an Earthquake for something I dont realize? Why do this to his eldest daughter? His little ray of sunshine? Why me? Why not you for those video games?" I looked to her a bit worried. "N-no offense sister its your life do what you wish with it! But... Sister we need to talk to father! Now! Take me to him please!" My sister looked me in the eyes as she brushed herself off. I was in such a panic I didnt even see her get up. She gave a slight smile and sighed. "For you sister I will do just about anything." I smiled and just clapped my hands. She came up and had a blindfold prepped for me for the journey to where ever she does.... My mother would spank her if she could... perhaps I'll drag Luna along for Ryder's request. Surprise for my sister! Anyways she put it right over my eyes and held me close burying her head into my shoulder. Almost as if she were crying. Almost.... Next thing I know I hear the weird portal that Luna uses to transport us. Then come the screams of the damned crying out for mercy but I blocked it out. Then I hear my sister sigh relieved before she took the blindfold off me revealing fathers castle and the smug bastard sitting in his throne. He smiled getting up dressed in his signature black suit. Yeah. Its his obvious trait when he first greets someone.... I had the unfortunate honor of seeing a victim of his.... torture... Scarring for a filly of five hundred years... Anyways he laughed. "Well if it isnt my two lovely daughters!" He said. Luna couldnt help but run up and hug him while I just stood back. "Luna it is so GOOD to see you sweetie! How've you been since the last time I saw you?" My sister gave a little filly-ish giggle. "I've been just well father! We really need to get you and mother to Canterlot for a little family time!" Luna broke the hug and looked back at me. "...Uh... Speaking of family time..." She stepped aside allowing me to step forth. Father smiled a bit less as I drew closer. "Hello Father..." I said nervously smiling. "...H-how are you?" Our father stepped closer to me having his arms open a bit. "I'm alright but... Is everything okay Celestia?" He asked. "Sounds like ya got something on your mind... Need to talk?" As much as I wanted to say no I couldnt. "....Y-yes... I just...." I pushed back quickly. "Did you cause an earthquake around the vicinity of Ponyville?! Did i do something wrong to deserve that?!" He sighed. "...Epicenter is exactly four miles, twenty seven yards and a centimeter away from Ponyville and... Yes you did.... I know your mother is probably gonna kill me for this but... Its time you cut back on all the gifts and the generous givings. I know you're caring for the sister of that guard Luna brought to me to clear his head but I need to see some discipline with her. She's been living the easy life for too long since her brother dropped her off...." I gasped hearing my own fathers words. "But father she needs my care and if she doesnt get her care she's going to scream and cry for her brother and you know as a princess during a war I cant do anything to bring my troops back unless they did their job. Mother would just have a field day with you for even just saying that! Do you not know what that filly has seen? Do you not know what she has gone through?" I could see the shock in my sisters eyes just past him. "I know what she has gone through, I know what her brother has gone through.... but she can put off the luxuries for a while. Meals can stay as is but gifts are to be kept to one per month no more than twenty bits and visits with Celebrities must be kept for occasions you need to meet with them like your birthday or Luna's birthday or even a major holiday. That brat you care for hasnt even thanked you for ANYTHING you have done for her. I've been watching and everytime you've wet yourself I've been in control... Even when that filly hit the ground. I had my invisible hand at her throat but... It was just a gentle squeeze... Nothing like the...." He chuckled slightly as my heart sank. "...warning shot her brother got....." I gasped and fell back only to have my sister come to my side. At that point i was just.... shocked.... I was too afraid to speak. But Luna wasnt. "FATHER! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?!" She snapped. "That bullet could have hit a major artery and it could've cost him his life! Did thy want to cause an already grief stricken family to be down to only one filly? Mother would start a war with you and slap the stuffing out of you! If i told Ryder this he wouldnt hesitate on making Celestia open up a door so he could feel the thrill of beating you! He wouldnt care what else you threw at him he would gut you!" Yeah... My sister never swears in front of father or mother. But she was very enraged. She actually teared up and protected me. I hugged my sister holding her close. The look on my fathers face turned from smug to just... a mixture of anger and sadness. "....I hope you're happy about making your daughters hate you...." I said. I looked to my sister and shushed her. "...Come sister.... we shall go to mother with his atrocities...." I closed my eyes and without hesitation Luna teleported us to mothers heavenly realm. When I opened my eyes Luna started to sob into my shoulder. I looked around and saw my mother sitting on her throne. She looked to us a bit shocked and rushed to our side just checking my sister for bruises, cuts or broken bones. "Luna why art thy crying? Didst thou see something that made thy heart ache whilst dream walking?" Mother asked. She looked to me. "Please tell me that is what happened! Didst thou have a nightmare Celestia?" I shook my head letting mother take care of my sisters sorrows. "No mother.... My dreaming isnt what brought us here... Father pushed us here with some.... shocking news....." I turned my head away just to tear up. "...He.... He wants to punish me.... harshly for just making a filly happy.... He had Ryder, my general get shot.... He caused an earthquake that could've cost some lives.... Why must father torture us for something to keep her happy....?" Mother sighed hugging me as well as my sister. "...Your father controls hell for a reason..... he's very sadistic and he enjoys others pain... even his own offspring's.... He doesnt see the joy in hearing a childs laughter. Nor what his own daughters are fighting for.... Thou hast good intentions but he just cant see it..." She sighed and kissed each of us on our cheeks. I held her tighter with my lip quivering. "....Oh mommy...." I replied. "....Can... Can I please ask something.... it may... it may bring my mood up...." She sat Luna aside just looking me in the eye, wiping a tear away. "Anything you wish my dear.... For your fathers transgressions anything I can do is for you and thy sister...." I sniffled a bit and averted my gaze. "Its.... It's for us but.... for.... Our general requested we give someone he loved some time with their parents... they just... they never got a chance to say goodbye......" I looked back expecting my mother's expression to change but she smiled. "I shall do this but.... I wish for you and Luna to do something for me.... Once your General returns I request he be made a special dinner in his honor for leading your armies.... But when you do I want you to open a door to my realm and your fathers unfortunately... I shall give him and his special somepony and her family one family dinner they will remember for a while.... Same with you and Luna... It'll be just like old times.... I bet you and Luna want to have a special night with us and your friends there with their parents...." I hugged mother as Luna stood up and joined back in. After that me and Luna broke off hugging each other before looking each other in the face. "....Sister... Its time we get back to your dream realm... Have you wake up...." She said. "I need you to contact me if anything else happens that is fathers doing... Alright?" I nodded and kissed my sisters forehead. Mother snickered a bit then sighed. "And your father wants to scare you for being such sweeties.... I'll be watching you both... Stay safe." Luna and I nodded before we were brought back to my dreamscape with the park. She gave me one last kiss on the cheek and sent me into just.... darkness... I know the darkness was just me waking up but... I just knew that was the color of our fathers cold beating heart... not wanting his daughters happy by seeing a filly they're caring for happy. Anyways I groan slightly feeling sweaty and having my head hurt. "....She's waking up!" I hear Scootaloo say. "Do you think she's okay?" I heard Soarin give a sigh. "No clue but she was crying and thrashing a bit...." I heard him say. That's when I woke up finding myself inside a private room with Soarin and Scootaloo sitting at my side with a big ol' Wonderbolts logo sitting right on the wall behind them. Soarin wore his Wonderbolts uniform while Scootaloo wore one that fit her just right. I smiled a bit but when I tried getting up I found i was tied down and cuffed. The still injured stallion let Scootaloo down and had her crawl onto me hugging me. "Woah there princess! Sorry about that but your guards did this last night when you were carted here. Had you cuffed, strapped down... Kid wet herself when she saw you but good thing, Spitfire watched her while Fleetfoot and I ran out to grab some underwear for her." I sighed and nuzzled Scootaloo a bit. "Well thank you for that.... I dont know if she'd want to be wearing diapers all day..." I said. "Now please tell me someone gave you a key... These cuffs cut up my wrists i think..." He sighed and started undoing the straps holding me down. "Nope. Guards wouldnt let us get it fearing we would make a copy and escape from them if we were ever in some sort of trouble. Understood why. Spitfire gets drunk a lot and if she decides to drink some whiskey... Well expect to see a bit of her blurred out on TV..." He blushed a bit as he undid the last strap and took Scootaloo off me allowing me to sit up. "But I can pick the lock on those if you'd like. I learned how back in my academy days just in case I was ever an idiot and left my keys somewhere. Helped a lot when I locked myself out and everyone was already asleep... They get really pissed off when I come back late. Had to sleep outside before that but not always bad." I stretched my wings and sighed. "Well if it gets me out of these cuffs faster I'll allow it... But mention this to nobody." He gave a nod as Scootaloo came back onto the bed and got between my arms allowing me to hug her and let Soarin pick away at the lock on these knife circles.... I think these were just big enough to close and just small enough to be child sized hand cuffs for me. Still hurt like hell. I looked to Scootaloo and smiled. "You look just so cute in your little uniform! Did you sleep well after what happened?" Scootaloo gave a nod holding me tight. "Yes princess! And thank you for bringing us here!" She said. And father said she never thanks me.... I wish I could slap him but I cant. "Oh you're welcome sweetie! I'm sorry I scared you earlier.... I didnt mean for that to happen...." Finally felt the cuffs get unlocked and taken off just for me to wrap them all around her. Embracing her felt warm. I hope father is watching and can see this. "It's alright Princess... You were just having a bad dream!" A very VERY bad dream. "Yeah... It was a crazy one if I had to be tied down. I dont remember much of it but.... I do remember Luna being there and a park..." I looked to Soarin who carefully helped me up. "Is anyone else here right now? Perhaps we could get a little breakfast somewhere. I can pay." Soarin sighed. "Some of us already had something to eat and some just dont eat until they've flown a few laps around the stadium." He said. "I'm still out of commission but I can at least make you a few pancakes for you two." I smiled slightly. As I got up I just thought of my fathers words. Has she gotten enough special treatment? I mean... She has her own room, she's been playing so many games and meeting so many different ponies she idolizes.... It wouldnt kill her to at least tell her that I wouldnt be able to do much of anything special like this anymore.... though it would probably make her think like me when me and Luna confronted father... Scared, annoyed and hating the one who is in charge. Anyways Sootaloo nuzzled me as one of the cuffs was released from my hand. "Something wrong princess?" She asked. She must've seen a pained expression on my face. I looked down at her as Soarin started working on my other cuff. My wrists were a bit dug into but not any bleeding. I gave a nervous smile and nodded. "Yes I'm fine. Just a little hurt with my wrists... Nothing too bad...." I said. "Are you okay my little sunray? Were you scared of what your friends here thought about you having accidents?" She blushed and nodded slightly. Soarin snickered a bit. "Hey dont say I told you anything but I've caught Spitfire cleaning up a little puddle she made when she wet herself." He said. "Drank nothing but soda and there she is whimpering by the toilets. She knows I know because I helped her clean up but... hey she didnt say I couldnt say anything to make a filly happy." I sighed a bit as he got the other cuff off. "And there we go! Cuffs are still usable and locking mechanisms still work. I've practiced this a lot just in case, even when Spitfire has to cuff me to stay out of her way for when she's flying out on the course or working in her office." Well I hope they arent fuzzy cuffs.... I dont need to add 'explain lewd acts and types of 'bedroom fun' to Scootaloo' of things that I've had to do with Scootaloo.... There's already diaper myself and aid her while she was sick and injured in the gym. Scootaloo gave a bit of a laugh as I hugged her and got up. She looked up at me. "Can you let me get your bags princess? They had them near a bunk they had set up just for me right next to Spitfire's!" I gave a nod and set her down. "Well alright but hurry please." I said. "I dont want to stay in my pajamas all day." Scootaloo gave a thumbs up before leaving the room. That's when I sighed. I looked to Soarin. "...Lock the door... I need to speak with you and you alone...." I averted my gaze as he took a seat on the bed next to me. "Is something wrong Princess? Did those cuffs really hurt you?" Soarin asked. I sighed. "Yes but.... I'm not as hurt that.... its... its much worse...." I sniffled a bit. He scooted closer taking my hand in a loving manner. Again i could swear he was Ryder the way he was acting. "What is it? You can tell me cant you...? If not I understand..." I soundproofed the walls of the room real quick because I felt Scootaloo would come back at any second. "...well... I fear I may have to stop with little gifts and the times having you and the other Wonderbolts around.... That earthquake was a result of my father and... he basically told me if I gave any more gifts or time with Celebrities that... horrid things would happen around me and to me.... I mean.... You're a bit religious right?" Soarin nodded as i glanced at him. "Been going to church since I was a little colt... Your mother controls the heavens while your father is the one who controls hell. When good things happen he has to counteract with bad things. But an Earthquake to frighten you off a little filly who needs this special stuff for all she has gone through? Why?" I looked away. "...The earthquake wasnt the only thing Soarin.... He caused General Ryder, Scootaloo's older brother to be shot in the leg.... I really hope he stops this after his two daughters yelled at him and denied him any of our love towards him.... My mother agrees that he went too far but.... I'm not sure if he had seen or heard.... Times to tell...." Soarin sighed. "The truth come from Celestia herself.... I will pray to see to it that your mother gives your father a slap for what he has done to you, his own daughter.... Families are supposed to love each other and not give each other hate in that magnitude..." Oh I hope that wasnt a pun. "But princess.... if it pleases you I'd like to stay at at your side and watch Scootaloo until her brother returns.... We dont have anything to practice for and there isnt any events we need to attend and how could I even practice at the moment anyways?" I looked to Soarin and smiled brightly wiping a tear that was ready to just roll down. "Thank you Soarin.... My father cant do anything about this.... you're doing this on your own. Nothing I asked you to do..." I pulled him in for a hug. "...Hey the kid needs someone she can look up to and... until her big brother gets back I'll be there for her... change her, play with her and... hell I'll even buy her a little something from time to time. I'll even use my own money for it." "...Soarin unless you want my face to rip in half from smiling and your back from being severed from this hug I'd suggest you stop right there.... surprise me with what you do.... Just dont tell me unless its taking Scootaloo somewhere... Understood?" He gave a nod. "Well... Thank you Soarin.... You shall receive a special gift that I shall have my sister get for you.... She shall determine it and get it for you.... Possibly you can tell her what ever you wish.... Now... open that door and get Scootaloo would you? I want to tell her the good news...." He gave a smile and broke the hug getting up from the bed. I desoundproofed the room and heard knocking on the door. Sounded a bit panicked but like a light tapping or so. Soarin quickly unlocked the door and knelt down only to have Scootaloo come in looking a bit worried and dragging my bag behind her. She quickly hugged Soarin who instantly started consoling her. Scootaloo looked to me as he stood back up. "Wh-why did you have the door locked....?" She asked. "...Did you not want me in here....?" I sighed taking her from Soarin with my magic and sitting her on my lap. "Sorry sweetie.... we didnt know how long you would be but I needed to talk with Soarin for a bit.... And we have a little surprise for you..." I looked to Soarin who sat right next to us wiping a tear away from her eye. "...Well until your brother gets back I'm gonna be at your side for a while... I'll help you out if the princess is busy and if you ever need anything like help with homework or just a little game time I'm here for ya. Heck I might even take you to get some ice cream later after lunch." Scootaloo looked at me like she just couldnt believe what she was hearing. "Yes.... He's going to be with us until Ryder comes home so you can be happy if i'm busy... I think I still have a letter to write just to tell Ryder what happened here and that everyone is okay." Scootaloo screamed a bit and just hugged me and Soarin. For a little filly she's got quite the grip. Soarin pried her off and had her just hug him. I want to think that Scootaloo and Soarin both learned a thing or two about friendship today.... I'm still trying to find a way to get back at my father for causing that quake and hurting Ryder. Well other than giving him the cold shoulder.... I'll think of it sooner or later. For now breakfast.